benefits of fire alarm system retrofit in a retail environment

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MAY 2011 | 2011 MAI NON-MEMBER: $5.00 CDN | NON MEMBRE : 5 $


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Page 2: benefits of fire alarm system retrofit in a retail environment


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Page 3: benefits of fire alarm system retrofit in a retail environment

May 2011

1C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

Contents2 From the Editor’s Desk3 En direct du rédacteur en chef4 Benefits of Fire Alarm System Retrofit in a Retail Environment6 Avantages d’une mise à niveau du réseau avertisseur d’incendie

dans un environnement de vente au détail9 Chapter NEWS / Nouvelles des sections régionales

CFAA Ontario Technical Seminar 2011 CFAA Manitoba Technical Seminar 2011

10 Fire Safety Engineering at Carleton University12 Génie en sécurité incendie à l’Université Carleton15 Membership Listing 2011: Alberta16 British Columbia21 Manitoba / New Brunswick / Newfoundland22 Nova Scotia / North West Territories / Ontario32 Prince Edward Island / Quebec 33 Saskatchewan / USA35 CFAA Chapters36 Advertising Rates/Index

Maximize the Use and Effectiveness of Fire Alarm Systems in the Protection of

Life and Property in Canada


Volume 10. Number 2.

Th e Journal is published four times per year in the interest of safety from fi re, through the use of properly designed, installed and maintained Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.

Association President: Gerry LandmesserPublisher: Allen HodgsonAdvertising Coordinator: Ruth KavanaghPublishing & Printing: Business & Office Centro, Inc. (905) 470-1122Unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect the opinions of the Canadian Fire Alarm Association. Th e Association hereby disclaims any liability resulting from information or advice given in articles or advertisements.Reproduction (for non-commercial purposes) of original articles appearing in this publication is encouraged, as long as the source credit is shown. Permission to reproduce articles from other sources must be obtained from the original source. All rights reserved.

Comments, suggestions, letters and articles are always welcomed. Please send them to:Allen Hodgson, Editor-in-ChiefCanadian Fire Alarm Association85 Citizen Court, Units 3 & 4Markham, Ontario, L6G 1A8Tel: 905-944-0030Toll Free: 1-800-529-0552Fax: 905-479-3639

Advertising inquiries should be directed to:Ruth Kavanagh, Offi ce SupervisorTel: 905-944-0030Toll Free: 1-800-529-0552Fax: 905-479-3639Email: [email protected]

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May 2011

2 C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

From theEditor’s Desk

This has been quite a busy and productive three-month period in the life of our Association. Some of the activity has been quite obvious to our members. For example our Manitoba and Ontario Chapters recently presented well-attended day-long

Technical Seminars.

Our CFAA National offi ce relocation has been completed and our staff members love the new ‘digs’.

Much also has happened on the educational front. One example is the complete up-date of the Course 5 materials including a new Manual (now in optional three-ring format) along with supporting materials such as study guides, assignments and exams. Colleges and our own Distance Learning Program are now using the new materials.

But what is not yet obvious is the construction of a completely new CFAA web-site. Building of the site has been on-going for over eight months and is now in the ‘tire-kicking’ phase. We expect to bring it live in June. We are quite excited about the new site because it will be fully interactive. It will be possible for you to go on-line and register for, and print tickets for, next years Seminars across Canada. In addition, our Registered CFAA Technicians will be able to renew their membership status on-line. Plus an easier-to-follow structure for all sorts of industry news and information. Watch for it!!! Same address!!!

We are very pleased to carry an article relating to potential improvements to fi re/life safety, and possible technical up-grades to existing Fire Alarm Systems. Th is particular situation is in a retail environment, however the discussion could as easily revolve around diff erent occupancies. In the course of our daily work, most of us relate directly to existing buildings and the owner who feels that a system up-grade is not yet necessary. Th is article touches on the several considerations involved in such an open discussion.

Please pay special attention to the Chapter News Section. You will read that our Manitoba Chapter held a day-long Technical Seminar in Winnipeg on April 5th. And in May, our Ontario Chapter presented their annual day-long Technical Seminar in Toronto.

We encourage you to become involved in the activities of your local Chapter.

Yours in Fire Safety,

Allen Hodgson, Editor-in-Chief

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Mai 2011

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Ces trois derniers mois ont été très occupés et productifs dans la vie de notre Association. Certaines des activités ont été très apparentes pour nos membres. Par exemple, nos sections régionales du Manitoba et de l’Ontario ont récemment présenté

des séminaires techniques d’une journée qui ont attiré beaucoup de participants.

Le déménagement de notre bureau national ACAI est maintenant terminé, et les membres de notre personnel adorent leur nouvel endroit.

Beaucoup de choses se sont également produites du côté de l’éducation. Par exemple, la mise à jour complète du matériel entourant le Cours 5, notamment un nouveau manuel (maintenant en format optionnel à trois anneaux) ainsi que le matériel de soutien, comme les guides d’étude, les travaux et les examens. Les collèges et notre propre Programme de formation à distance utilisent désormais le nouveau matériel.

Ce qui n’est pas encore évident est la construction du tout nouveau site Internet de l’ACAI. La construction du site se poursuit depuis les huit derniers mois, et elle se trouve maintenant à la phase du « fi gnolage ». Nous prévoyons le mettre en ligne au mois de juin. Nous sommes très emballés par ce nouveau site, car il sera entièrement interactif. Il vous sera possible d’aller en ligne et de vous inscrire aux séminaires de l’année prochaine partout au Canada, puis d’imprimer les billets. Aussi, nos techniciens ACAI reconnus seront en mesure de renouveler leur adhésion en ligne. Tout cela en plus d’une structure simple à suivre pour toutes sortes de nouvelles et d’informations concernant l’industrie. Surveillez-le!!! Même adresse!!!

Nous sommes très heureux de présenter un article visant les améliorations potentielles à la sécurité incendie et à la sécurité des personnes, et les mises à niveau possibles des systèmes d’alarme incendie existants. Cette situation en particulier se présente dans un environnement de vente au détail; toutefois, la discussion pourrait très bien se prêter à d’autres usages. Dans le cours de nos tâches quotidiennes, la plupart d’entre nous travaillent directement dans les bâtiments existants, avec le propriétaire qui ne sent pas qu’une mise à niveau du système est nécessaire en ce moment. Cet article touche plusieurs considérations concernant une telle discussion ouverte.

Veuillez porter une attention particulière à la Nouvelles des sections régionales. Vous noterez que la section régionale du Manitoba a tenu un séminaire technique d’une journée à Winnipeg le 5 avril. De plus, au mois de mai, notre section régionale de l’Ontario a présenté son séminaire technique d’une journée à Toronto.

Nous vous encourageons à vous investir dans les activités de votre section locale.

En toute sécurité incendie,

Allen Hodgson, rédacteur en chef

En direct du rédacteur en chef

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May 2011

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What benefits can retail facilities gain from updating their Fire Alarm Systems?

A Fire Alarm System upgrade can improve areas of detection, signalling, and off -site monitoring. It reduces the risk of high maintenance costs and disruption in operations. Older, legacy systems are much more prone to incidents involving poor detection, false alarms and excessive maintenance. Th is is especially vital for single or multi-story properties that have a large retail space and high foot traffi c. Retailers should engage fi re and security experts to ensure the fi re alarm system has a positive impact and is not an impediment to Risk and Crisis Management plans. What potential impact can older legacy systems have on a retail facility’s “bottom line”?

More than ever, retailers are focusing on security and operating effi ciency. Unfortunately, the fi re alarm may not receive the attention necessary to evaluate its impact on the business’ Profi t & Loss (P&L) statement. Operating a legacy system for many years is advantageous to controlling life-cycle costs; however, investing in newer technology off ers fi nancial benefi ts beyond just keeping a legacy fi re protection system active. A fi re alarm retrofi t improves areas of detection, notifi cation and monitoring; all providing a positive contribution to a retail operation’s P&L.Can you elaborate on the benefits of upgrading a system’s detection?

One aspect of the fi re alarm system that warrants an update is duct smoke detection in the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. Conventional or intelligent duct smoke detectors installed 10+ years ago are more susceptible to dust that commonly accumulates in an HVAC system than those on the market today. Without the advanced warning provided by today’s technology, this leads to an emergency condition on the fi re alarm panel. Local codes may require the facility to be evacuated;

therefore, creating a disruption to the business. Imagine a false alarm on an important selling day!

A solution is to use the latest technology in conventional duct smoke detectors with means of notifying the Loss Prevention personnel when the device is reaching the point of requiring service. Another option is the use of intelligent duct smoke detectors with multiple levels of service indicators which are displayed at the system’s addressable fi re alarm control panel. Th ese warnings allow for a non-emergency visit by a qualifi ed fi re alarm technician before an emergency alarm situation occurs.

In addition to the advanced warning feature, sensing technology has drastically improved over time to reduce false alarms and increase speed of detection. Upgrading legacy duct smoke detectors along with a service agreement with a qualifi ed fi re alarm company are the right steps in maintaining up-time and reducing out-of-budget expenses. What can a newer Fire Alarm System really offer?

As the need increases to communicate specifi c instructions and capture the attention of building occupants, voice evacuation systems are used as part of fi re alarm notifi cation. Voice evacuation systems have become more and more prevalent due to changing fi re alarm codes and the need to overcome society’s desensitization to standard fi re alarm horns. Legacy systems are mainly horn-type notifi cation, which does not allow for specifi c messages to be communicated.

As an integral part of a fi re alarm system, a voice evacuation system provides the functionality of communicating either pre-recorded or live instructions to occupants. It serves the purpose of evacuation for a fi re alarm while providing the capability of specifi c, live voice messages. Th ere are advantages to using the digital voice evacuation system versus a standard public address (PA) system

Benefits of Fire Alarm System Retrofit in a Retail Environment

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By Richard Conner, Product Manager, NOTIFIER

for emergency communications, which include: 1) intelligibility of the announcement; and 2) continuous supervision of the system to ensure it is 100% operational. You mentioned the monitoring of fire alarm systems can be improved with new technology. How?

Th e ability to receive and review detailed emergency information from the fi re alarm systems in all store locations is benefi cial for Loss Prevention professionals. Information from the individual locations helps identify issues early and reduce the loss side of the P&L equation. Traditional monitoring included communications to an off -premises Fire-Signal Receiving Station over phone lines. Historically, this has been done with a digital alarm communicator transmitter that may not easily lend itself to simultaneous reporting to two locations.

A solution is an IP/GSM Communicator that can provide detailed emergency information and communicate over an existing TCP/IP (Internet) and cell phone network to the Fire-Signal Receiving Station and corporate offi ce. Specifi c, timely information regarding the status of the fi re alarm system can be transmitted to IP Receivers and individuals through e-mail and text message alerts in both locations. Moreover, the monthly cost of leasing two phone lines or DVACS (digital voice access control system) traditionally used for fi re alarm communications with a Fire Signal Receiving Station can be eliminated. Increased performance and decreased monitoring costs adds real value when considering a Fire Alarm System retrofi t. What should we expect from a Fire Alarm System retrofit program in a retail environment?

Enhanced automatic detection capabilities for early warning, improved signalling capabilities for greater occupant safety, and improved security of off -site monitoring.

All of the above should provide enhanced occupant safety, reduced fi re-loss projections, and fewer business interruptions caused by nuisance alarms and maintenance problems.

Altogether, a positive boost both to safety and to the bottom line.

The Health & Safety Management Group is an authorizedprovider of the C.F.A.A. “Fire Alarm Technology” program.

We offer this course, coast to coast, in a variery of formats,including group sessions, public offerings, weekdays,

weekends, or other schedules to meet our client needs.

The five module program is designed to be completed in fulldays consisting of 36 hours per module, leading to

certification as a “Fire Alarm Technician”.

Exemptions for Modules 2, 3 and 4 may be granted by theC.F.A.A. if the proper qualifications are provided.

Please contact The Health & Safety Management Group at:

Phone: 416-282-4764 Fax: 416-282-7187

Toll Free: 1-877-905-2040E-mail: [email protected]

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Quels avantages les installations de vente au détail peuvent-elles tirer de la mise à niveau de leurs réseaux avertisseurs d’incendie?

La mise à niveau d’un réseau avertisseur d’incendie peut améliorer les zones de détection, la signalisation et la surveillance hors site. Elle contribue à réduire les coûts de maintenance élevés et limite l’interruption des opérations. Les anciens systèmes sont beaucoup plus sujets aux incidents impliquant une mauvaise détection, aux fausses alarmes et à la maintenance excessive. Cela est spécialement essentiel dans les établissements à un étage et à plusieurs étages qui off rent un vaste espace de vente au détail, où il y a beaucoup de circulation. Les détaillants devraient faire appel aux experts en matière d’incendie et de sécurité afi n de s’assurer que le réseau avertisseur d’incendie est un élément positif, et ne représente pas un obstacle aux plans de gestion des risques et des crises. Quelle est la répercussion possible des anciens systèmes sur le « bénéfice net » d’un commerce de détail?

Maintenant, plus que jamais, les détaillants se concentrent sur la sécurité et l’effi cacité de l’exploitation. Malheureusement, l’attention nécessaire n’est pas toujours portée sur le réseau avertisseur d’incendie afi n d’évaluer son impact sur l’état des résultats de l’entreprise. L’exploitation d’un ancien système pendant de nombreuses années est avantageuse au contrôle des coûts du cycle de vie; toutefois, le fait d’investir dans une technologie plus récente off re des avantages fi nanciers bien supérieurs au fait de garder l’ancien réseau avertisseur d’incendie actif. La mise à niveau d’un réseau avertisseur d’incendie améliore les zones de détection, la signalisation et la surveillance; tout cela contribue de manière positive à l’état des résultats d’un établissement de vente au détail.

Pouvez-vous fournir plus de précision sur les avantages de la mise à niveau de la détection d’un système?

Un aspect du réseau avertisseur d’incendie qui justifi e une mise à niveau est la détection de fumée dans les conduits des installations de chauff age, des systèmes de ventilation et de conditionnement d’air (CVCA). Les détecteurs de fumée classiques ou intelligents dans les conduits âgés de 10 ans et plus sont plus susceptibles à la poussière qui s’accumule habituellement dans les systèmes CVCA que ceux off erts sur le marché aujourd’hui. Sans le signal avancé fourni par la technologie d’aujourd’hui, cela mène à un état d’urgence sur le panneau avertisseur d’incendie. Les codes locaux peuvent exiger l’évacuation de l’établissement, perturbant ainsi les aff aires du commerce. Imaginez une fausse alarme lors d’une journée de vente importante!

Une des solutions possibles consiste à utiliser la technologie la plus récente pour les détecteurs de fumée classiques dans les conduits comprenant un moyen d’aviser le personnel de prévention des pertes lorsque le dispositif nécessite un entretien. Une autre option consiste à utiliser des détecteurs de fumée intelligents dans les conduits avec de multiples niveaux d’indicateurs de service, qui sont affi chés sur le panneau de commande adressable du système. Ces avertissements permettent les visites d’un technicien en alarme incendie qualifi é lors de situations dites « ordinaires », soit avant qu’une situation d’alarme d’urgence se produise.

En plus de la fonction de signal avancé, la technologie de détection s’est considérablement améliorée avec le temps afi n de réduire le nombre de fausses alarmes et d’augmenter la vitesse de détection. La mise à niveau des anciens détecteurs de fumée dans les conduits ainsi qu’une entente de service avec une entreprise en alarme incendie qualifi ée sont les bonnes étapes

Avantages d’une mise à niveau du réseau avertisseur d’incendie dans un environnement de vente au détail

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Par Richard Conner, gestionnaire de produits, NOTIFIER

à suivre pour maintenir le temps de disponibilité et réduire les dépenses non prévues au budget. Que peut réellement offrir un réseau avertisseur d’incendie plus récent?

Les systèmes d’évacuation à signaux vocaux sont utilisés comme moyen de signalisation lors d’une alarme incendie pour répondre au besoin croissant de communiquer des instructions précises et de capter l’attention des occupants du bâtiment. Les systèmes d’évacuation à signaux vocaux sont devenus de plus en plus répandus en raison des codes changeant en alarme incendie et du besoin de surmonter la désensibilisation de la société envers les avertisseurs d’alarme incendie standards. Les anciens systèmes off rent habituellement un signal de type klaxon, qui ne permet pas la transmission de messages précis.

Comme partie intégrante du réseau avertisseur d’incendie, un système d’évacuation à signal vocal permet de communiquer des instructions préenregistrées ou en direct aux occupants. Il assure l’évacuation lors d’une alarme incendie, tout en fournissant la capacité de communiquer des messages vocaux précis, en direct. Il existe des avantages à utiliser un système d’évacuation à signal vocal plutôt qu’un système de diff usion publique standard pour les communications d’urgence, notamment 1) l’intelligibilité des annonces; et 2) la supervision continue du système assurant un fonctionnement à 100 %. Vous avez mentionné qu’il est possible d’améliorer la surveillance des réseaux avertisseurs d’incendie grâce à la nouvelle technologie. Comment?

La capacité de recevoir et de passer en revue de l’information détaillée en situation d’urgence depuis les réseaux avertisseurs d’incendie à tous les emplacements commerciaux est avantageuse pour les professionnels en matière de prévention des pertes. L’information des emplacements individuels aide à cerner les problèmes tôt et à réduire la colonne

des pertes dans l’équation de l’état des résultats. La surveillance classique inclut les communications à une station réceptrice de signal d’incendie hors site sur des lignes téléphoniques. Historiquement, cela se faisait avec un transmetteur de communication d’alarme numérique qui ne se prête pas nécessairement bien au signalement simultané de deux emplacements.

Une des solutions possibles serait un communicateur IP/GSM qui peut fournir de l’information détaillée en situation d’urgence et communiquer sur un réseau TCP/IP (Internet) et cellulaire existant avec la station réceptrice de signal d’incendie et le bureau. De l’information précise et reçue au bon moment sur l’état du réseau avertisseur d’incendie peut être transmise aux récepteurs IP et aux personnes par courriel et messages textes afi n d’alerter les deux emplacements. De plus, le coût mensuel de location de deux lignes téléphoniques ou DVACS (digital voice access control system) traditionnellement utilisées pour les communications en alarme incendie avec une station réceptrice de signal d’incendie peut être éliminé. Une meilleure performance et des coûts de surveillance réduits ajoutent une valeur réelle lorsqu’une mise à niveau du réseau avertisseur d’incendie est considérée. À quoi pouvons-nous nous attendre d’un programme de mise à niveau du réseau avertisseur d’incendie au sein d’un environnement de vente au détail?

Des capacités de détection automatique améliorées pour un avertissement précoce, un meilleur signalement pour une plus grande sécurité des occupants, et une meilleure sécurité de surveillance hors site.

Tous ces points assurent une sécurité accrue des occupants, une réduction des projections de perte en cas d’incendie, moins d’interruptions causées par de fausses alarmes et de problèmes de maintenance.

En somme, une bonne aff aire pour la sécurité et le bénéfi ce net.

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We’re new, but we’ve been around a long time.Canada’s new name in Security and Life Safety is two names you already know.

Chubb draws on 60 years of experience to offer a complete security solution rooted in coast-to-coast coverage and a superior customer experience.

The Edwards name is nearly synonymous with fi re protection, because we’ve been in the Canadian market for more than 80 years.

We look forward to growing with you.

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9C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

Chapter NEWS Chapter NEWS Chapter NEWS Chapter NEWS Chapter NEWS Chapter NEWS Chapter NEWS

Nouvelles des sections régionales Nouvelles des sections régionales Nouvelles des sections régionales

A very successful, day-long Technical Seminar was held in Toronto on May 4th. Th e Seminar attracted well over 275 attendees.

Topics ranged from Smoke Detector Sensitivity to Large Scale Networks to a full discourse on Batteries. Th e reaction from those who attended ranged from “Great speakers, great lunch, great topics” to “My fi rst experience and I was impressed”.

Th anks to Ruth and Shelley, all structural aspects of the complete day went like clockwork.

Canadian Fire Alarm Association: Ontario Technical Seminar 2011An Update

on Standards, Technologies and Solutions | Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Canadian Fire Alarm Association: Manitoba Technical Seminar 2011Knowledge is Power | Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5th was the date of the highly successful, fi rst-ever,day-long, Technical Seminar to be held in Winnipeg. Th e Seminar included a

great mixture of general Building Code topics as well as topics with a more regional fl avour.

All told, the reaction from those who attended (approximately 150) was that it was certainly a day worth attending, and the vast majority said they would attend another year. ‘Well done’ to Derrick Bertrand and all members of the Manitoba Chapter for their eff orts in creating and presenting this seminar.

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Fire Safety Engineering is a relatively new discipline. Th e need for qualifi ed fi re protection engineers in Canada and around the world has increased dramatically during recent years. To satisfy this need, Carleton University, with support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and FPInnovations, established an Industrial Research Chair in Fire Safety Engineering within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2001, and began off ering courses the same year.

FPInnovations and NSERC provide fi nancial support for the Chair, which is held by Professor Hadjisophocleous, and his research program.Description of Academic Program

Following many years of continuous increase in student enrollment in Fire Safety Engineering, in 2009 Fire Safety Engineering was accredited as a new Field of Graduate Study in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering off ering degrees at the Masters and PhD levels. Our graduates easily fi nd employment with engineering consultancy fi rms, governments and other fi re related industries. Th e number of graduate courses off ered by the department in the area of fi re safety engineering has increased from six to the following nine courses:

• Fundamentals of Fire Safety Engineering• Fire Dynamics I and II• Fire Modeling• Design for Fire Resistance• Material Behavior in Fire• Wood Structures and Fire• Introduction to Explosives • Blast Load Eff ects on Structures

Most of the courses are available through Carleton University Online (CUol) (http://www1.carleton.ca/cuol/) and they are accessible to distance students. Seven PhD and 11 Masters students are currently enrolled in the Fire Safety Engineering program. Details on program admission requirements and program requirements can be found at www.ocice.ca, which is the website of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Civil Engineering.Research facilities

Carleton University has, with fi nancial support from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the Ontario Innovation Trust, built a unique $10 million full-scale fi re research facility adjacent to the fi re research facilities of the National Research Council in Almonte, Ontario.

Th is facility is of great value to the research program of the Chair, and provides unique research opportunities to graduate students at Carleton specializing in Fire Safety Engineering. Th e research facility comprises three areas: an area dealing with smoke control and smoke management in a large space such as an atrium, a large burn hall, and a 37 m long tunnel for performing fi re research for the transportation industry.

Th e atrium with dimensions of 20 x 20 x 30 m high has a common wall with the NRC’s 10-storey tower. Th is allows access for visual observations and videotaping during the tests at any level. In addition, it allows tests to be performed that deal with the eff ectiveness of smoke control systems used in high-rise buildings, and atrium smoke management systems in multi-story buildings whose fl oors are interconnected with an atrium space. Th e atrium facility is equipped with a 10 MW propane burner, which can be used as the main heat source for conducting tests.

Fire Safety Engineeringat Carleton University

By George Hadjisophocleous

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A burn hall with dimensions of 20 x 20 x 12 m high is located adjacent to the atrium facility, that houses a number of full-scale test furnaces. One of these furnaces has been used over the last two years to perform tests for two projects; the fi rst project funded by NSERC and FPInnovations studied the performance of heavy timber connections in fi res. Th e second project, funded by the Steel Structures Education Foundation, investigated the behaviour of Hollow Steel Section (HSS) column-beam connections in fi res. Results of these projects were presented at International Conferences and have both received awards for Best Poster.

Th e third part of the facility is a 10 m wide, 6 m high and 37 m long tunnel for conducting tests related to the transportation industry. Tests can be conducted that can represent fi res with both the ventilation system operating, and not operating. Tests in this area will allow us to better estimate the heat release rate produced by fi res in passenger train cars and to determine critical velocities to prevent the fl ow of smoke towards the protected side of the car. Th is facility will house train cars provided by the Toronto

Transit Commission, which will be used to perform full-scale tests in this area.Research projects

In addition to projects mentioned above, Dr Hadjisophocleous’ team has been involved in various other research projects including studies on the performance of smoke detectors in high ceiling spaces, the use of Video Image Detectors for fi re and smoke detection in large spaces, fi re spread between buildings, the use of suppression systems in tunnels, and fi re development in a full-scale train car. For the latter test, a full-scale fi re test was performed using a Korean passenger train car to determine the heat release rate of an uncontrolled fi re inside the car.

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Mai 2011

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L’ingénierie en sécurité incendieest une discipline relativement nouvelle. Le besoin pour des ingénieurs qualifi ésen protection incendie au Canada et partout dans le mondea augmenté considérablementau cours des dernières années.Afi n de répondre à ce besoin,l’Université Carleton, avec l’appui du Conseil de recherchesen sciences naturelleset en génie (CRSNG) etFPInnovations, a établiune chaire de recherche industriellede génie en sécurité incendieau sein du Département de génie civil et environnementen 2001,et a commencé à off rir des cours cette même année.

FPInnovationset leCRSNGfournissent un soutien fi nancierà la chaire, dont le professeurHadjisophocleous est titulaire, et à son programme de recherche.Description du programme de formation

En raison de l’augmentation continue du nombre d’inscriptions pendant de nombreuses années, le programme de génie en sécurité incendie a été accrédité en 2009 à titre de nouveau domained’études de cycle supérieurau Département de génie civil et environnement, off rant des diplômesau niveau de la maîtrise et du doctorat. Nos diplômés se trouvent un emploi facilementauprèsdes fi rmes de services-conseils en ingénierie, des gouvernementset d’autres industries liéesà l’incendie. Le nombre de cours de niveau supérieur off ertpar le départementdans le domaine de l’ingénierie en sécurité incendiea augmenté de sixàneuf cours,comme suit:

• Fundamentals of Fire Safety Engineering (Principes de l’ingénierie en sécurité incendie)

• Fire Dynamics I and II (Dynamiques du feu I et II)• Fire Modeling (Modélisation du feu)• Design for Fire Resistance

(Conception pour la résistance au feu)• Material Behavior in Fire

(Comportement matériel du feu)

• Wood Structures and Fire(Structures en bois et feu)

• Introduction to Explosives (Introduction aux explosifs)

• Blast Load Eff ects on Structures(Eff ets de la force de souffl e sur les structures)

La plupart des cours sont off ertsen ligne àCarleton University Online (CUol) (http://www1.carleton.ca/cuol/) et sont accessiblesaux étudiants optant pour la formation à distance. Sept étudiants au niveau du doctoratet onze au niveau de la maîtrisesont actuellement inscritsau programme de génieen sécurité incendie. De plus amples détailsconcernant les exigences d’admission au programmeet les exigences du programmesont présentés àwww.ocice.ca, qui est le site Internet dela Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Civil Engineering.Installations de recherche

L’Université Carleton a construit, avec le soutien fi nancier de la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovationet le Fonds ontarien pour l’innovation, une installation complète et unique de recherche en incendiede 10 millions de dollars,attenantaux installations de recherche incendiedu Conseil national de recherchesàAlmonte, en Ontario.

Cette installation est d’une grande valeur pour le programme de recherche de la chaire,et elle fournit des occasions de rechercheuniquesaux étudiants de cycle supérieurà Carleton qui se spécialisent dans le domaine du génie en sécurité incendie.L’installation de recherchecomprend troissecteurs,dont une zonepour le contrôle de la fuméeet la gestion de la fuméedans de grands espaces,comme un atrium, une grande salle d’essai de combustionet un tunnel de 37 m de longvisant la recherche incendiepour l’industrie du transport.

Génie en sécurité incendie à l’Université Carleton

Préparé pour l’ACAI par George Hadjisophocleous

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Mai 2011

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L’atrium de 20 x 20 x 30 m de hauteurpartage un hall communavec la tour de 10 étages du Conseil national de recherches. Cela permet l’accèsaux observations visuelleset à l’enregistrementdurant les testsà tous les niveaux. De plus, cela permet aussi d’eff ectuer des tests portantsur l’effi cacitédes systèmes de contrôle de la fuméeutilisés dans les bâtiments de grande hauteur,et les systèmes de gestion de la fumée dans les atriumsdes édifi ces de plusieurs étages,dont les plancherssont interconnectésavec un espace atrium. L’installation de l’atrium est munie d’un brûleur de propane de 10 MW, qui peut être utilisécomme principale source de chaleurlors des tests.

Une salle d’essai de combustionde 20 x 20 x 12 m de hauteurse trouve à côté de l’installation de l’atrium;elle abritede nombreusesfournaises d’essai pleine grandeur. Une de ces fournaisesa été utilisée au cours des deux dernières annéespour eff ectuer des testspour deux projets.Le premier projet, fi nancé parle CRSNGetFPInnovations,portait sur l’étude de la performancedes liens de bois massifl orsqu’exposé au feu. Le deuxième projet, fi nancé par laSteel Structures EducationFoundation, étudiaitle comportementdes liens des poutres-colonnes en section d’acier creuxlorsqu’exposé au feu. Les résultats de ces projetsont été présentés aux Conférences internationaleset se sont tous les deux méritédes prix pour lameilleure affi che.

La troisième partie de l’installation est un tunnel de 10 m de large, 6 m de hautet 37 m de longqui sert à mener des testsliés à l’industrie du transport. Il est possible d’y eff ectuer des testsd’incendieavec ou sans le système de ventilation. Les tests eff ectués à cet endroitnous permettront d’estimer plus précisémentla puissance calorifi queproduite par les feuxdans les wagons de trains de voyageurset de déterminerla

vitesse critique pour prévenirla propagation de la fuméevers le côté protégédu wagon. Cette installation abritera deswagons de train fournis par laToronto Transit Commission, qui seront utilisés pour eff ectuer des essais complets.Projets de recherche

En plus des projets susmentionnés, l’équipe du DrHadjisophocleouss’est investie dansdivers autresprojets de recherche,notamment des étudessur la performancedes détecteurs de fuméedans les espaces ayant des plafonds élevés, l’utilisation de détecteursavec images vidéovisant la détection du feu et de la fuméedans les grands espaces, la propagation du feu entreles bâtiments, l’utilisation des systèmesd’extinctiondans les tunnels,et le développement du feudans les grands wagons de train.Ce dernier projet a fait l’objet d’un test d’incendie completen utilisantun train de voyageurs coréen afi n de déterminerla puissance calorifi qued’un feu non maîtriséà l’intérieur du wagon.

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www.Simplex4100ES.com1-(800) 565-5400

The Simplex® 4100ES (eServices) Fire Alarm System:

Game-changing technology.No matter what your game is.From engineers and contractors to facility managers and building owners, our new Simplex 4100ES platform can make everyone’s job easier and provide more effi ciency, savings and value over the life of your system. The fl exible 4100ES utilizes Internet-enabled advancements to help improve serviceability, reduce costs, and carry your entire life-safety operation into the future.

Forward/backward compatibility means easy, cost-effi cient upgrades and retrofi ts

Integrated emergency communications technology can generate and specifi cally target multiple alerts simultaneously.

TrueInsightSM Remote Service enables SimplexGrinnell technicians to remotely diagnose your system, increasing uptime and better supporting your service needs.

Whatever your job, wherever you are, the Simplex 4100ES system can defi nitely work to your advantage. Get in the game and learn more: visit us at Simplex4100ES.com.

© 2011 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved. Tyco, Simplex, SimplexGrinnell, Be Safe and TrueInsight are trademarks or service marks of Tyco International Services AG or its affi liates or subsidiaries.

License numbers available at www.simplexgrinnell.com or contact your local SimplexGrinnell offi ce.



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May 2011

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2011Membership Listing


F & G Controls Inc.Paul McGregor524 Arlington Dr. SECalgary, AB T2H 1S6Tel: 403-456-6233

PDS Fire ProtectionDave Stanislow915A – 48 Ave. SECalgary, AB T2G 2A7Tel: 403-243-4546

Pro-Tech Fire & SafetyTim AltonBay #42, 1259 Highfi eld Cres SECalgary, AB T2G 5M2Tel: 403-266-3473

Unitech Electrical Contracting Inc.Keith BrookeBay 11, 700, 58th Ave. SECalgary, AB T2H 2E2Tel: 403-255-2277


Acuity Engineering & Consulting ServiceYi Yang10327 – 122 St. NWEdmonton, AB T5N 1M1Tel: 403-253-9051

Allied ProjectsDave Rancier7017 Farrell Rd. SECalgary, AB T2H 0T3Tel: 403-543-4530

Altex SystemsTerry Reichel#105, 2060 Pegasus Rd. NECalgary, AB T2E 8G8Tel: 403-286-8000

Banff Fire & Safety Ltd.#1, 100 Jay St., PO Box 1213Banff , AB T1L 1B2Tel: 403-762-4666

Britton & Associates ConsultingGeorge Britton549 Douglas Woods Place SECalgary, AB T2Z 2E4Tel: 403-620-9064

Concept ElectricShane Musselman1260 Highfi eld Cres SECalgary, AB T2G 5M3Tel: 403-287-8777

Cormier Engineering Inc.Clarence Cormier#121, 14 – 9977 – 178 StreetEdmonton, AB T5T 6J6Tel: 780-756-6055

Davco Power SystemsAndre Varga3511 – 62nd Ave. SECalgary, AB T2C 1P5Tel: 403-253-9051

Electrical Contractors Association of AlbertaKeven Lefebvre11235 – 120 St.Edmonton, AB T5G 2X9Tel: 780-451-2412

Fahrenheit 451 Fire & SecurityRandy Brown1229 Millview Rd. SWCalgary, AB T2Y 3Y7Tel: 403-256-6622

Fire Protection Inc.Wayne Rowsell6748 – 59 St.Edmonton, AB T6B 3N6Tel: 780-459-1454

G4S TechnologyKevin PoundBay #13, 6143 – 4th St. SECalgary, AB T2H 2H9Tel: 403-259-3029

H.H. Angus & AssociatesEvelyn Ofsoske340, 12th Ave. SW #600Calgary, AB T2R 1L5Tel: 403-444-3620

Maskell Plenzik & Partners Engineering Inc.Ken Maskell#206, 610 – 70 Ave. SECalgary, AB T2H 2J6Tel: 403-509-2005

Mulvey & Banani International (Alberta) Inc.#1300 – 800, 5th Ave. SWCalgary, AB T2P 3T6Tel: 403-262-7400

NRS Technical Services Inc.Ed Nicholls#3, 7003 – 30th St. SECalgary, AB T2C 1N6Tel: 403-724-9194

Phase 3 ElectricBruce OrdzePO Box 4324Ponoka, AB T4J 1R7Tel: 403-783-2199

Pyrotec Alarms Inc.Perry FriesenPO Box 25151Red Deer, AB T4R 2M2Tel: 403-358-2221

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May 2011

Uni-Pro Technical ServicesDave Visser401C – 31 Street NorthLethbridge, AB T1H 3Z4Tel: 403-394-3473

Sentech ControlsBruce Nickerson#104 – 8708 – 48th AveEdmonton, AB T6E 5L1Tel: 780-465-0220

Sprouse Fire & Safety Corp.Larry Holling1323 – 9th Ave. SECalgary, AB T2P 2P6Tel: 403-265-3891

Stebnicki & PartnersChris Sneesby#403, 1240 Kensington Rd. NWCalgary, AB T2N 3P7Tel: 403-270-4683

Surguard Alarm ServicesSheldon Hotte9624 – 112 St.Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E7Tel: 780-532-1507

Switched-On Electrical ServicesScott Chalpan17 Rockyspring Hill NWCalgary, AB T3G 5Z9Tel: 403-284-1703

3D Fire & SafetyDarrell Shermak6718 – 82 Ave.Edmonton, AB T6B 0E7Tel: 780-469-8627

Western Electrical ManagementDave Lemaire3770 – 12 St. NECalgary, AB T2E 8H9Tel: 403-291-2333


Alaa AbdelwahabCalgary, AB

John BallSturgeon County, AB

Scott FosterCalgary, AB

Scott FrielEdmonton, AB

Scott HohnEdmonton, AB

Dale LussierCalgary, AB

Bozka Malinak, M. Sc.Edmonton, AB

Rob PowellEdmonton, AB

Raymond SemeniukEdmonton, AB

Matt SomesEdmonton, AB

Antoine TseCalgary, AB

Kevin VigCalgary, AB

Sarah WebberCalgary, AB


ADIBryan Stolth3455 GardnerBurnaby, BC V5G 3K8Tel: 604-637-5823


Convergint Technologies101 – 2677 – 192nd St.Surrey, BC V3S 3X1Tel: 604-538-8979


BC Fire Safe Protection ServicesTroy MiddletonBox 298Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G7Tel: 250-784-5603

Caledonia Fire Protection Ltd.Alan Maddock1908 Richardson Rd.Nanaimo, BC V9X 1C2Tel: 250-754-1995

Canadian Fire & SecurityPaul Robson1203 – 20800 Westminster HwyRichmond, BC V6V 2W3Tel: 604-234-1100

Cantec Fire AlarmsTim Lindsay3403 Seymour PlaceVictoria, BC V8X 1W4Tel: 250-475-6077Fax: 250-475-6068

4 Seasons Fire Prevention ServicesRob Sonier104 -2 740 Bridge St.Victoria, BC V8T 5C5Tel: 250-381-6617

Fraser Valley Fire ProtectionHarold Loland9 – 2345 Windsor StAbbotsford, BC V2T 6M1Tel: 604-850-1943

Pacifi c Coast Fire EquipmentDean Marsh2712 Rock Bay AveVictoria, BC V8T 4R9Tel: 250-386-8321

Pacifi c Western Fire ProtectionSue Cosquer16 – 2550 Acland Rd.Kelowna, BC V1X 7L4Tel: 250-765-3473

Sunshine Coast Fire ProtectionDennis OlsonUnit #5588 Inlet AvePO Box 2271Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0Tel: 604-885-0599


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Page 19: benefits of fire alarm system retrofit in a retail environment

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Page 20: benefits of fire alarm system retrofit in a retail environment

The distinction is in the details.With many potential uses in mind, Potter’s newest line of Mass Noti�cation Appliances have been speci�cally crafted with distinctive details such as patent pending colored mirrors for true light output, rated for indoor and outdoor use, as well as one of the lowest current draw ratings in the industry. These unique features make them the most diverse and ef�cient noti�cation products available.

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2 0 C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

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2 1C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

May 2011

Th e Fire ShopJohn Raleigh1690L Maple St.Campbell River, BC V9W 3G2Tel: 250-850-2030

W.C.F.B. HoldingsShane Faulkner1839 McLaren Rd. E.Prince George, BC V2N 6T9Tel: 250-563-1799


Lonnie DawsonKelowna, BC

Ray ErasmusCoquitlam, BC

Kamleshwar KaranVancouver, BC

Warren LeforteSurrey, BC

Patrick RowleyVancouver, BC


ABC Fire & Safety EquipmentDavid Jeanson800 Marion StreetWinnipeg, MB R2J 0K4Tel: 204-233-6083

B.D.R. Services Ltd.527 Jarvis Ave.Winnipeg, MB R2W 3A8Tel: 204-586-8227

Bison Fire ProtectionRob Read35 Boys Rd., Box 35 Group 582 RR#5Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z2Tel: 204-237-3473

Fire Protection PlusColin Kyle227 Robindale Rd.Winnipeg, MB R3R 1G9Tel: 204-888-1922

Fire-Tech Systems Inc.J.W. Seymour1850 Arlington St.Winnipeg, MB R2X 1W6Tel: 204-452-1772

Hogan Industries Inc.Kevin Hogan12 Magnolia DriveOakbank, MB R0E 1J2Tel: 780-215-2717

Innovative Building SystemsKevin Crozier34 Barberry Rd.St. Boniface, MB R2J 2G9Tel: 204-233-7950

Nordic Fire ProtectionMarty Olsen291 Trent Ave.Winnipeg, MB R2K 1E6Tel: 204-299-8770

Pyrene Fire Security ManitobaDerrick Bertrand6 – 16 Mazenod Rd.Winnipeg, MB R2J 4H2Tel: 204-783-0470

Triad Protection Inc.Peter Th ieseenPO Box 3198Winnipeg, MB R3C 4E7Tel: 204-946-2030


Wesley LoewenWinkler, MB


RJ Bartlett Engineering Ltd.Ralph Bartlett201 – 565 Priestman StFredericton, NB E3B 5X8Tel: 506-459-3070

Sécurité Shippagan (1993) LtéeRoger Noel127 boul J.D. GauthierShippagan, NB E8S 1W9Tel: 506-336-2372

Ultra Alarm ServicesBarak Stevens28 Mooney CresMoncton, NB E1E 4M3Tel: 506-384-7714


Neil JewettFredericton, NB



Alarm Services LimitedDarryl Chidley16 Goldstone St.St. John’s, NL A1B 5A8Tel: 709-754-2703

Martin’s Fire Safety Ltd.Robert Martin20 Allston St.Mt. Pearl, NL A1N 0A4Tel: 709-753-8872


Fred PardyGrand Falls-Windsor, NL


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May 2011


D & L Engineering SalesDavid MaloneyPO Box 2004, Stn MHalifax, NS B3J 3Z1Tel: 902-429-3790

D.R. Brenton LimitedRod Brenton12 – 2 Lakeside Park DriveLakeside, NS B3T 1L7Tel: 902-876-7879


Matthew PettipasHalifax, NS

David WinshipYarmouth, NS


Fire Prevention Services Ltd.Robert DohertyPO Box 2422Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P8Tel: 867-873-3800


Chubb EdwardsRandy Barnes625 – 6th St.E.Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P8Tel: 519-376-2430

Johnson Controls LPMark Th omas7400 Birchmount RoadMarkham, ON L3R 5V4Tel: 905-474-5360

Mircom TechnologiesMark Falbo25 Interchange WayVaughan, ON L4K 5W3Tel: 905-660-4655

Morrison Hershfi eldDave Sylvester235 Yorkland Blvd #600Toronto, ON M2J 1T1Tel: 416-499-3110

Notifi erHoward Diamond10 WhitmoreWoodbridge, ON L4L 7Z4Tel: 905-856-8733

Siemens Building TechnologiesAllen Hess2 Kenview Blvd.Brampton, ON L6T 5E4Tel: 905-799-9937

SimplexGrinnellMichael Hugh2400 Skymark Ave.Mississauga, ON L4W 5K5Tel: 905-212-4400

System SensorStephen Ames6 – 6581 Kitimat Rd.Mississauga, ON L5N 3T5Tel: 800-736-7672

Vipond Systems GroupDennis Weber6380 Vipond Dr.Mississauga, ON L5T 1A1Tel: 905-564-7060


C + C Construction TradesRay Charron342 Wagg Rd., R.R.#1Goodwood, ON L0C 1A0Tel: 905-910-0675

Potter Signal & ManufacturingRalph CocoUnit 6 & 7, 100 Westmore Dr.Etobicoke, ON M9V 5C3Tel: 416-741-1833


A+ Fire & Security Ltd.Shawn Stapley214 Fairway Ave.London, ON N5W 1J3Tel: 519-659-6923

A1 Ontario Alarms & SecurityAli Goshtasbi167 Leyton AvenueToronto, ON M1L 3V5Tel: 416-522-2746

AB Electrical & GeneralContracting Inc.Alex Olevskiy63 Springfi eld WayVaughan, ON L4J 5E5Tel: 416-523-8404

A.C. Fire Alarm Safety Inc.Ali Yari99 Advance Road, Unit 2Toronto, ON M8Z 2S6Tel: 416-232-9653

A.D. Richmond Fire Protection Anthony Doria499 Edgeley Blvd., #10Concord, ONTel: 905-660-4077

A.P.I. Alarm Inc.Aaron Garr30 Rayette Rd.Concord, ON L4K 2G3Tel: 416-661-5566

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May 2011

ATMS Fire Protection Services Inc.Marcel Vincent33 Dekker StreetEverett, ON L0M 1J0Tel: 905-434-2867

AVCMichael Mangov55 – 19 Kenview Blvd.Brampton, ON L6T 5G6Tel: 905-840-9484

Aatel Communications Inc.Denise Wright413 Victoria Ave. N.Hamilton, ON L8L 8G4Tel: 905-523-5451

Access Fire & Safety EquipmentMurray Mallett57 Sandy St.Chatham, ON N7L 3P5Tel: 519-352-3554

Accurate Fire ProtectionBenny Marinelli7 – 241 Applewood CresConcord, ON L4K 4E6Tel: 905-532-0243

Ace Automatic Fire Sprinkler Peter Bell245 Riviera Dr., #2Markham, ON L3R 5J9Tel: 905-475-1606

Acme Fire Protection Inc.Shah Nawaz310 – 100 Dundas St. E.Mississauga, ON L5A 1W5Tel: 647-201-2750

Advance Fire ControlRauf AhmadUnit 102A–1510 Birchmount Rd.Scarborough, ON M1P 2G6Tel/Fax: 416-304-4001

AFPS Fire Protection & SecurityPina Valente14 – 3650 Langstaff Rd. #380Woodbridge, ON L4L 9A8Tel: 905-532-0014

Agnew Fire Protection LimitedDon AgnewP.O. Box 7185Innisfi l, ON L9S 1A9Tel: 705-725-0911

Alarmstat Fire & SecurityGary Stroud93 Green LaneTh ornhill, ON L3T 6K6Tel: 905-886-0882

All Protect Systems Inc.Michael Fritz5 – 79 Rankin St.Waterloo, ON N2V 1W2Tel: 519-747-2533

All Trade Ltd./Duchesne ElectricDarren Duchesne101 Cedar LaneCallander, ON P0H 1H0Tel: 705-492-5044

Allard Fire Protection Inc.Derek Allard2720 Queensview Dr., Ste 1146Ottawa, ON K2B 1A5Tel: 613-829-9111

Alltech Electrical Systems Gary Delaney206 – 1885 Clements RoadPickering, ON L1W 3V4Tel: 905-619-6527

Alphaco Electric & Electronics Ali Rabei3 Bowman CourtAjax, ON M2K 3A8Tel: 416- 381-7215

Anderson’s Electronics Inc.James Anderson2018 Mallard Rd., Unit #1London, ON N6H 5L8Tel: 519-657-2063

Aon Fire Protection EngineeringLui Tai101 – 335 Renfrew Dr.Markham, ON L3R 9S9Tel: 905-479-2350

Aqualine FireSteve Munster8510 Torbram Rd., #68Brampton, ON L6T 5C7Tel: 416-410-8877

Arcamm Fire Protection Ltd.Brad McCormack6790 Davand Dr. #5Mississauga, ON L5T 2G5Tel: 905-564-7997

Atlas Fire Alarms Inc.Jackie Parker150 Rivalda Rd., #3Toronto, ON M9M 2M8Tel: 416-736-0111

Attersley Fire & SecurityJoe Brody2167 Hackett PlaceOshawa, ON L1L 0A2Tel: 647-333-3473

Baghai Security & ElectronicSurveillance Inc.Sean Baghai #104104 – 19 Avondale AveToronto, ON M2N 0A6Tel: 416-449-5992

Bardeau Fire EquipmentTerry Bardeau75 Skegby Rd.Brampton, ON L6V 2T8Tel: 905-454-8346

Best Safety Services Inc.N. Patel75 Winterfold Dr.Brampton, ON L6V 3S9Tel: 416-829-2514

Brown’s Fire ProtectionJames Brown444 Dundas St. W. #16Belleville, ON K8P 1B7Tel: 613-966-7106

Brampton Fire & Security SystemsVictor Nicoletti4 Timberlane Dr.Brampton, ON L6Y 3Y1Tel: 416-236-2371


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2 4 C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

May 2011

Building Reports CanadaCindy Leber2300 Yonge St. Ste. 2100Toronto, ON M4P 1E4Tel: 416-483-2895

Bulldog Fire & SecurityRon Landy277 Manitou Dr. Unit CKitchener, ON N2C 1L4Tel: 519-568-8909

Cain Safety Fire ProtectionAlana CainP.O. Box 385Timmins, ON P4N 7E3Tel: 705-264-7780

Canadian Alarm & Security Security AssociationLynne Hewitson610 Alden Rd., #100Markham, ON L3R 9Z1Tel: 905-513-0622

Cancro Electric Ltd.Peter Pazin2787 St. Clair Ave. E.Toronto, ON M4B 1N1Tel: 416-285-9114

Capital Fire & Security Inc.Dino Abballe14 – 3650 Langstaff Rd., Ste. 378Woodbridge, ON L4L 9A8Tel: 905-660-0007

Carlon Fire EquipmentScott Wandless29 – 300 Esna Park Dr.Markham, ON L3R 1H3Tel: 905-477-3265

Centra Protection Services Ltd.Victor Repovz308 – 4174 Dundas St.W.Toronto, ON M8X 1X3Tel: 416-207-9922

Certifi ed Fire PreventionJeff HubersR.R.#2, 629 Cresswell Rd.Little Britain, ON K0M 2C0Tel: 705-786-3703

Classic Fire ProtectionRick Berwick645 Garyray Dr.North York, ON M9L 1P9Tel: 416-740-3000

Communications Research Centre – Industry Canada3701 Carling AveOttawa, ON K2M 8S2Tel: 613-998-2369

Com-Plex Systems Ltd.Jack Petrie5466 Gorvan Dr.Mississauga, ON L4W 3E8Tel: 905-212-1474

Control Fire Systems Ltd.Darren McCaw63 Advance Rd.Toronto, ON M8Z 2S6Tel: 416-236-2371

Crown Fire EquipmentM.R. Davis37 – 401 Magnetic DriveToronto, ON M3J 3H9Tel: 416-665-6555

Crystal Alarms LimitedCrystal Smith51 Caldwell CresNewcastle, ON L1B 1R2Tel: 905-260-9244

D & L Fire Protection LimitedDaryl Chaisson320 Harry Walker Pkwy N. #15Newmarket, ON L3Y 7B4Tel: 905-898-6204

D. Goodyear Fire Consulting David Goodyear1011 Upper Middle Rd., Box 86017Oakville, ON L6H 5V6Tel: 905-815-9293

DEI & AssociatesHeather Demaiter40 Durward PlaceWaterloo, ON N2L 4E4Tel: 519-725-03555

Delnite Fire Extinguisher SalesKarl CuthbertP.O. Box 1950Timmins, ON P4N 7X1Tel: 705-267-3245

Direct Fire Protection SystemsAzeem Ziodean397 Humberline Dr., Unit 1Toronto, ON M9W 5T5Tel: 416-243-3473

Douglas Fire Safety SystemsDavid Abson6 – 3326 Limebank RoadOttawa, ON K1V 1H2Tel: 613-733-5348

Dunn Rite Fire ProtectionCharles Dunn1111 Davis Dr. Unit 1, #177Newmarket, ON L3Y 9E5Tel: 905-953-6878

Durham Central Fire SystemsVictor Tantalo155 Winges Road, Unit 12Woodbridge, ON L4L 6C7Tel: 905-265-0557

Durham Fire Protection Inc.George Ainsworth14055 Little Lake RoadColborne, ON K0K 1S0Tel: 905-355-5708

Dyson Alarm Tech SystemsAllan DysonP.O. Box 67Lindsay, ON K9V 5K7Tel: 705-324-9702

E.L.S. Division of 646321 Ontario Ltd.William Urash114 Galaxy BlvdToronto, ON M9W 4Y6 Tel: 416-749-7818

Eclipse Enterprises Fire ProtectionRobert Wolski248 McArthur St., Ste. 200Ottawa, ON K1L 6P4Tel: 613-569-3473


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May 2011

Elite Electrical Solutions Ltd.S. Bhogal173 Advance Blvd. #58Brampton, ON L6T 4Z7Tel: 905-789-5511

Elite Fire ProtectionDoug Collins3401 Duff erin St. P.O. Box 27528Toronto, ON M6A 3B8Tel: 416-505-2456

“Enek” Electric Inc.Peter BrunathP.O. Box 132Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0Tel: 905-689-5076

Ener-TechPierre Diotte2316 Urbandale Dr.Ottawa, ON K1G 3G6Tel: 613-223-2172

EPI Fire Protection Inc.Leon Frank7A - 800 Arrow Rd.Toronto, ON M9M 2Z8Tel: 416-746-2225

Evergreen Fire & Safety ServicesTony Gerace10 – 1190 Twinney Dr.Newmarket, ON L3Y 9E3Tel: 905-727-1299

Exclusive Alarms Corp.Brett Nash1-1 Daybar Ave.Etobicoke, ON M9W 3N8Tel: 416-247-0980

FCS Fire Consulting ServicesMichele Farley1097 GoshenInnisfi l, ON L9S 2M5Tel: 800-281-8863

FST – Fire Safety TechChristopher Paul17 – 7000 McLeod Rd. #190Niagara Falls, ON L2G 7K3Tel: 905-933-3022

Falcon Security Co.Christopher StrasserP.O. Box 1447Brockville, ON K6V 5Y6Tel: 613-342-0521

Fanshawe CollegeSteve Clemens1001 Fanshawe College Blvd.London, ON N5Y 5R6Tel: 519-452-4430

Fike Canada Inc.David Mycroft 4400 MainwayBurlington, ON L7L 5Y5Tel: 905-681-3100

Fire Alarm Systems of CanadaVasco Morgado3044 Bloor St., W. Ste.227Toronto, ON M8X 2Y8Tel: 905-850-2800

Fire Detection DevicesDavid Duggan34 – 90 Nolan CourtMarkham, ON L3R 4L9Tel: 905-479-7116

Fire Inspection Services Ltd.Frank Ciardullo12 Gem CourtHamilton, ON L9C 7S4Tel: 905-575-0003

Fire Monitoring of CanadaJim Asselstine235 Martindale Rd.St. Catharines, ON L2W 1A5Tel: 905-688-0600

Fire Protection &Building Services Inc.Eugene Caswell180 Drumond DrMaple, ON L6A 3C4Tel: 416-357-8051

Fire Systems TechnologiesVladimir Krouzkevitch6 – 25 Coronet RoadEtobicoke, ON M8Z 2L8Tel/Fax: 416-410-4816

Firecheck Protection ServicesKevin Doni1007 Lorne St.Sudbury, ON P3C 4S3Tel: 705-673-9882

Firetronics Inc.Mario Campos109 Ormont Dr., Unit 24Toronto, ON M9L 2Z1Tel: 416-614-3473

Firetronics 2000 Inc.David Morris11– 145 Royal Crest CourtMarkham, ON L3R 9Z4Tel: 1-800-244-0088

First Stage Fire ProtectionKeith Dimmock342 Buckingham RoadNewmarket, ON L3Y 6K5Tel: 905-898-5200

Flame-Tamer Fire & Safety Harjinder Sahota8058 Torbram Rd.Brampton, ON L6T 3T2Tel: 905-791-3102

Focus Fire Protection Inc.Glenn Tordoff 676 Monarch Ave, Unit #10Ajax, ON L1S 4S2Tel: 905-426-6000

Forest City Fire ProtectionJohn Weber108 - 160 Adelaide St. S.London, ON N5Z 3L1Tel: 519-680-0540

Four-O-One Fire & SecurityPaul MossP.O. Box 1423Brockville, ON K6V 5Y6Tel: 613-342-6101

GHC Safety and Security SolutionsJamie CouperP.O. Box 283Fergus, ON N1M 2W8Tel: 519-848-2171


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May 2011

GTAA Fire & EmergencyServices Training InstituteDwayne MacIntosh2025 Courtney Park Dr.P.O. Box 6031Toronto, ON L5P 1B2Tel: 416-776-5997

Galaxy Fire Protection Inc.Babar Zaman46 Donora DriveToronto, ON M4B 1B5Tel: 416-230-7848

Georgian Bay Fire & SafetyTim McKay1300-20th St. E., Box 803Owen Sound, ON N4K 5W9Tel: 519-376-6120

Georgian Protection ServicesRobert GreerP.O. Box 581Barrie, ON L4M 4V1Tel: 705-726-1801

Global Link Response CentreEric Ruiz716 Gordon Baker Rd., Ste. 205ANorth York, ON M2H 3B4Tel: 416-609-7308

HSE Integrated SarniaKim Mortimer764 Confederation St. Box 2550Sarnia, ON N7T 2E3Tel: 519-383-6060

Harding Fire Protection SystemsPaul Harding120 Milner Avenue, Unit 9Toronto, ON M1S 3R2Tel: 416-292-0599

Havin Fire AlarmsIsabelle Havin55 South Forster Park Dr.Oakville, ON L6K 1Y6Tel: 647-898-6941

Huronia Alarm & Fire SecurityRick Collins233 Midland Ave.Midland, ON L4R 3K1Tel: 705-792-9311

Ideal Fire Protection Inc.Sam Naukkarinen1295 Shawson Dr., Unit #1Mississauga, ON L4W 1C4Tel: 416-739-9001

Industrial Fire Inspection ServicesIan Chadwick30 Hood CresScarborough, ON M1W 3C1Tel: 416-497-5306

Insta Tech Services Inc.Wayne Patzer113 Holland St. W. #4, Box 1782Bradford, ON L3Z 2B9Tel: 416-565-6762

Integrity Fire & Control Systems Inc.Jonathan Jackson329 – 3rd Con Rd. E.Waterdown, ON L0R 2H1Tel: 1-877-690-0805Fax: 905-590-2459

IRC Systems Ltd.Hubert Holody14 – 3650 Langstaff Rd. #242Woodbridge, ON L4L 9A8Tel: 416-426-3473

J.D. Collins Fire ProtectionJohn Collins18 & 19 - 2900 Langstaff RoadConcord, ON L4K 4R9Tel: 905-660-4535

J.G. Barrette Electric Ltd.Anthony Assaly1460 Main St. E.Hawkesbury, ON K6A 1C7Tel: 613-632-4010

James Packard MechanicalJames Packard195 King RoadRichmond Hill, ON L4E 2W2Tel: 905-773-0337

Kawartha Fire and SecurityDonald Stouff er74 Pottinger St.Lindsay, ON K9V 3Y1Tel: 705-324-5477

Kraft man Fire SecurityGeorge Garabet92 - 80 Nashdene Rd.Toronto, ON M1V 5E4Tel/Fax: 416-609-9967

Larden Muniak ConsultingMurray Mok10 Four Seasons Place, Ste. 700Toronto, ON M9B 6H7Tel: 416-762-3808

Leber-Rubes Inc.Ken Baird2100 – 2300 Yonge St.Toronto, ON M4P 1E4Tel: 416-515-9331

Levitt-Safety LimitedCarlos Mendes2872 Bristol CircleOakville, ON L6H 5T5Tel: 905-829-3299

Lockwood Fire Protection Ltd.Barbara Lockwood90 Venture Dr. #1Toronto, ON M1B 3L6Tel: 416-286-4445

Logo Electric LimitedPhilip Galego31 Connorvale Ave.Toronto, ON M8W 3Z9Tel: 647-344-6593

Lonergan Alarms LimitedPeter Lonergan6 – 70 Villarboit CresConcord, ON L4K 4C7Tel: 905-738-6180

M-L Fire & Burglary Alarms4 Industrial Parkway S.Aurora, ON L4G 3W1Tel: 905-889-8276Fax: 905-841-6999

Mac 1 Industries Ltd.John MacDonald1200 Aerowood Dr., Unit 10Mississauga, ON L4W 2S7Tel: 905-212-9110


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2 8 C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

May 2011

MCC Fire EquipmentChantal Farr1485 Sunset Dr.Cavan, ON L0A 1C0Tel: 705-277-3483

Multiservice Electric Ltd.Robert SmithP.O. Box 5062Claremont, ON L1Y 1A4Tel: 905-649-5157

Murray ElectronicsRick Scrivens2485 Lancaster Rd.Ottawa, ON K1B 5L1Tel: 613-526-2810

National & Marine Fire ServicesTh omas BoschP.O. Box 974, 90 Hamilton St.Elora, ON N0B 1S0Tel: 1-877-647-3784

Northern Alarms (Sudbury) Bill Zadow1541 Norma St.Sudbury, ON P3G 1H7Tel: 705-522-1834

Noti-Secur/Secur Fire ProtectionCatherine Chandler1604 Michael StreetOttawa, ON K1B 3T7Tel: 1-866-565-5535

Nutech Fire ProtectionJason Guja144 South Service RoadStoney Creek, ON L8E 3H6Tel: 905-662-9991

OFS Fire PreventionJeff Ough16 Lennox Dr.Barrie, ON L4N 9V8Tel: 705-728-5289

Onucky Fire & Security Solutions Inc.Harry Onucky523 Dominion DriveHanmer, ON P3P 0A9Tel: 705-671-7070

Onyx –Fire Protection ServicesRob Frappa42 Shaft RoadEtobicoke, ON M9W 4M2Tel: 416-674-5633

PK Electrical Co. Inc.Ketankumar Soni54 Carlisle CresScarborough, ON M1B 4X4Tel: 416-904-7308

Polyway Technology Ltd.George Mok151 Nashdene Rd., #60-61Scarborough, ON M1V 4C4Tel: 416-298-7497

Powerful Group of CompaniesPaul Docherty5155 Spectrum Way, Bldg 8Mississauga, ON L4W 5A1Tel: 416-674-8046

Premier Fire Systems Company 117 Corstate Ave, Unit 2AConcord, ON L4K 4Y2Tel: 905-532-9758

Profi re Safety ServicesMahendra Patel15 Kenview Blvd., Unit 3Brampton, ON L6T 5G5Tel: 416-410-7221

Protection UnlimitedRobert Allsopp925 Beauclaire Dr.Ottawa, ON K1C 2J5Tel: 613-830-5231

Protocom Ltd.Vance May13270 Yonge St. Box 2640Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A6Tel: 905-773-0424

Q Star Industries Ltd.Ray Jussen23 – 401 Magnetic Dr.North York, ON M3J 3H9Tel: 416-661-7068

Quality Fire & Safety Services1010 – 2397 Finch Ave. W.North York, ON M9M 2X1Tel: 647-838-7429

Quantum Fire ProtectionLuigi Rosvelti32 Floral Pkwy.Toronto, ON M6L 2B5Tel: 416-819-8181

Quinte-Kawartha Alarm SystemsChris Izatt260 Adam St.Belleville, ON K8N 5B5Tel: 613-969-5100

R.K. Fire Security SystemsRosan Ali Karmali19-2555 Victoria Park, #318 Toronto, ON M1T 1A3Tel: 416-694-5753

Randal Brown & AssociatesSimon Crosby105 – 6 Lansing SquareToronto, ON M2J 1T5Tel: 416-492-5886

Redi Fire PreventionRobert Riddolls25072 Valleyview Dr.Sutton, ON L0E 1R0Tel: 905-722-7911

Regal Fire Protection ServicesPeter Merriott2416 Haines Rd., Unit #8Mississauga, ON L4Y 1Y6Tel: 905-804-0909

Region of PeelDan CafarelliPO Box 2800, Stn. B10 Peel Centre Dr., Ste. BBrampton, ON L6T 4B9Tel: 905-791-7800

Richardson Fire Systems Inc.Greg Howitt13 Old Mill Rd.Cambridge, ON N3H 4R8Tel: 519-650-8057

Robinson SolutionsFrank Detlor121 Granton Dr., Unit 5Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3N4Tel: 905-889-5852


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May 2011

Rohen Fire ProtectionWes Jasper20 Venture Dr., Unit 8Scarborough, ON M1B 3R7Tel: 416-291-8127

Safelink Fire Protection ServicesDino Beltrame11-13 Kenview Blvd.Brampton, ON L6T 5K9Tel: 905-458-8999

Safety First Ontario Inc.David King41 Courtland Ave., Unit 1Vaughan, ON L4K 3T3Tel: 905-738-4999

Sage Electric LimitedRussell Sage1 - 717 Finley Ave.Ajax, ON L1S 3T1Tel: 905-683-6601

Security & Electronics SolutionsMurat Ozogul339 Collins DriveOrillia, ON L3V 1E5Tel: 877-326-6815

Selectronic Technical ServicesKen Buckley27 DePeuter CresBradford, ON L3Z 3Z3Tel: 416-945-9809

Seneca CollegeAnthony VanOdyk1750 Finch Ave.E.North York, ON M2J 2X5Tel: 416-491-5050

Sentinel D.E.C. SystemsTom Rocca410 Chrislea Rd., Unit #5Woodbridge, ON L4L 8B5Tel: 905-264-9511

Sentry Fire Protection ServicesTom Burrows750 Ontario StreetSarnia, ON N7T 1M6Tel: 519-383-8880

Sheridan Technical SolutionsFred Lutz78 Matthewson PlaceBrooklin, ON L1M 1H3Tel: 416-702-2777

Shield Fire ProtectionDon Maillet7 – 400 Finchdene SquareScarborough, ON M1X 1E2Tel: 416-291-7299

Sigma Fire & Security Inc.Ali Yazdian220 Royal Crest Court, Unit 14.Markham, ON L3R 9Y2Tel: 905-305-8096

Sir Sandford Fleming CollegeJim Fulton599 Brealey Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1Tel: 705-749-5530

Smith and AndersenMichael T. Lonergan4211 Yonge St., Ste. 500Toronto, ON M2P 2A9Tel: 416-487-8151

SNC – Lavalin PAEFrank Vise170 Laurier Ave W #1104Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5Tel: 613-565-7692

Sound Dymax Inc.Justin Kuris12 - 1707 Sismet Rd.Mississauga, ON L4W 2K8Tel: 647-202-0611

Southwestern Fire ProtectionWayne SamwaysR.R. #1Norwich, ON N0J 1P0Tel: 519-468-3623

Spen-Tech Systems LimitedMichael Spendik300 John St.P.O. Box 87678Th ornhill, ON L3T 2C0Tel: 905-886-3361

Star-Life Fire and Safety Inc.Peter Potetsianakis3971 Greenbank Rd.Ottawa, ON K2C 3H2Tel: 613-692-4885

Steadfast Safety ServicesScott Bell13 - 595 Middlefi eld RoadToronto, ON M1V 3S2Tel: 416-332-0030

Sub Com One Ontario Ltd.Michael O’Toole548 Royal York RoadToronto, ON M8Y 2S6Tel: 416-901-9198

Superior Safety Inc.Gary Wenzel782 MacDonell St.Th under Bay, ON P7B 4A6Tel: 800-465-6822

Systems Plus Inc.Michael ManfrediP.O. Box 20157St. Catharines, ON L2M 7W7Tel: 905-646-9974

Taplay Fire Protection Inc.David TaplayR.R.#6Woodstock, ON N4S 7W1Tel: 519-421-3111

Th e Electrical Works Wayne Lewis67 Gort AvenueToronto, ON M8W 3Y9Tel: 416-252-0561

Th e Health & Safety Management GroupBetty McDonald64 Satok TerraceScarborough, ON M1E 3N5Tel: 1-877-905-2040

Th omas-Ruth Electrical Inc.Adam Young3251 – 19th StJordan, ON L0R 1S0Tel: 905-971-7656


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3 0 C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

May 2011

Th under Electric Inc.Majid Ghahremani6 Larkmead PlaceBrampton, ON L6R 2R9Tel: 416-543-0358

Tilco ElectricMichael TilsonUnit A – 585 Th ird St.London, ON N5V 2C1Tel: 519-453-2441

Total Fire & Security Inc.Chris Gradwell715 Industrial Ave.Ottawa, ON K1G OZ1Tel: 613-228-0073

Trace Fire ProtectionKen Riberdy825 Denison St., Unit 11 Markham, ON L3R 5E4Tel: 905-415-0300

Tremblay Fire Solutions Ltd.Cory Tremblay12620 Tollgate Rd.Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0Tel: 613-612-7265

Trent Security SystemsMartin Wormald480 Th e Parkway Box 2481Peterborough, ON K9J 7Y8Tel: 705-748-2001

Trinity Fire Protection Inc.David Toland625 Myrtle Rd. W.Whitby, ON L0B 1A0Tel: 905-655-0909

Troy Life & Fire SafetyJeremy McCoubreyPO Box 1120, Stn. MainOwen Sound, ON N4K 6K6Tel: 519-376-2430

Tyco Th ermal ControlsRick Florio529 Fossil Hill RoadWoodbridge, ON L4H 2S8Tel: 416-420-7598

Underwriters Laboratories of CanadaMartin Oughton7 Underwriters Rd.Toronto, ON M1R 3A9Tel: 416-757-3611

University of Western OntarioFrank Faroni1393 Western Rd. Rm. 2310London, ON N6A 3K7Tel: 519-808-5916

Upper Canada District S.B.Gary Leroux405 Tollgate Rd.E.Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6Tel: 613-933-6990

Vesta Fire & SecurityDouglas Home5 – 230 Don Park Rd.Markham, ON L3R 2P7Tel: 905-475-8300

Vickery ElectricJohn VickeryP.O. Box 302Whitby, ON L1N 5S4Tel: 905-668-1108

Viking Fire Protection Inc.Steve Spearing130 Citation Dr.Concord, ON L4K 2W9Tel: 905-760-8700

West Fire & Safety Inc.Richard Lopes215 Advance Blvd., Unit 1.Brampton, ON L6T 4V9Tel: 905-455-3966

Wood Banani Bouthillette ParizeauChristopher Dean100 - 3740 Richmond Rd.Ottawa, ON K2H 5B9Tel: 613-596-6454

York UniversityDarcy Perry4700 Keele St.,E. Offi ce Bldg.Toronto, ON M3J 1P3Tel: 416-736-2100


Michael ArrudaToronto, ON

Steve BaxterNiagara Falls, ON

Gary BeerBrampton, ON

Roger ClementMississauga, ON

Joe De CiantisConcord, ON

Rhonda DowneyWhitby, ON

Russell GreenwoodSt. Catharines, ON

Leif JanichenGloucester, ON

Pavlo KhayitNorth York, ON

Dave MacMullenBelleville, ON

Praim MaharajBrampton, ON

Dave MannersSt. Th omas, ON

Donna MuirheadNewmarket, ON

Brian McKyeToronto, ON

Frank PanicciaMaple, ON

Ivan SpiegelToronto, ON

Raymond YuMarkham, ON


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May 2011


First Signal Fire Alarm TechnologyWayne Gallant3288 North Carleton Rd.Albany, PEI C0B 1A0Tel: 902-855-3473

T & K Fire EquipmentPeter Holmes16 Walker Dr.Charlottetown, PEI C1A 8S6Tel: 902-368-3016


Bo-Roy Notiplex Alarme IncendieD. Langlois7777, Louis-H-LaFontaine #103Anjou, QC H1K 4E4Tel: 514-353-8765

C.F.H. Securite Inc.D. Derbas1455 boul. Pitfi eldSt-Laurent, QC H4S 1G3Tel: 514-333-3389

Cegep due Vieux MontrealSonia Desbiens2040, ave de l’Hotel-de-VilleMontreal, QC H2X 3B2Tel: 514-982-3437

DeslauriersClaude-André Hamlet#4 – 36 rue de VarennesGatineau, QC J8T OB6Tel: 819-243-6024

Guard-XGuy Verville5877 PapineauMontreal, QC H2G 2W3Tel: 514-277-2127

Groupe SSBJacques-Antoine BoucherC.P. 1008Lac-Beauport, QC G3B 2J8Tel: 418-849-2575

Le Groupe Ultrateck Inc.Mathieu Desjardins740 boul. Industriel #206Blainville, QC J7C 3V4Tel: 450-434-4001

Les Alarmes Techniques S.L. Inc.Harold Simard1010 Sainte-FoyLongueuil, QC J4K 1W2Tel: 450-677-5757

Les Gicleurs Québécois Inc.Jacques Cloutier1510 rue SempleQuebec, QC G1N 4B4Tel: 418-623-4004

Prèvention Incendie Safety First Alain Perusse2805, boul. LoschSt-Hubert, QC J3Y 3V6Tel: 514-866-8683

Protection Incendie Viking – QuebecPierre Beaulieu1885 Leon HarmelQuebec, QC G1N 4K4Tel: 418-687-4222

Protection Incendie Viking – St-LaurentPierre Noel3005 boul. Pitfi eldSt-Laurent, QC H4S 1H4Tel: 514-332-5110

Royaltech SécuritéFrancois Crete1440 Joliot-CurieBoucherville, QC J4B 7L9Tel: 450-641-1818

S.E.N. Inc.Jean-Francois Goulet250 boul. BastienQuebec, QC G2B 1B1Tel: 418-842-2942

SSATL Solution GlobaleAlain Lecavalier4628, boul. KimberSaint-Hubert, QC J3Y 8K5Tel: 450-676-3212

Securite P.I.M. Inc.Franck Zittel3900 Place de Java #102Brossard, QC J4Y 0C4Tel: 450-619-0667

Secutrol Inc.Mario Lapointe1693 FleetwoodChomedy-Laval, QC H7N 4B2Tel: 450-668-1684

Service Alarme Micro TechniqueRoberto Gaudreault1899 boul. Lafl echeBaie-Comeau, QC G5C 1E2Tel: 418-295-3303

Sisco Sécurité Inc.Jean-Luc Duquette4375 rue OuimetSherbrooke, QC J1L1X5Tel: 819-569-0171

Stanex Inc.Lou Pedicelli2437 GuenettSt-Laurent, QC H4R 2E9Tel: 514-333-5280

Technic Alarme Inc.Alain Gadbois2720 Cote RichelieuTrois-Rivieres, QC G8Z 3Y5Tel: 877-691-1937

Technélect ConseilsYannick Paquin538, 112e AvenueSt-Jérome, QC J7Y 4P4Tel: 450-438-6919

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3 3C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

May 2011

Tele-Alarme T.S.Raymond Goulet166 Notre-Dame EstTh etford Mines, QC G7G 2S2Tel: 418-338-3181

Université LavalPierre PaquinPavillon Ernest-Lemieux2325 rue de la Vie-Etudiante, Local #1533Quebec, QC G1V 0B1Tel: 418-656-2131

Ville de QuébecGuy Beaudoin245 rue du Pont, Quebec, QC G1K 6L6


Pascal BoucherSainte-Sophie, QC

Gilles CarrierSte-Julie, QC

Sylvain EbacherLoretteville, QC

Philippe EmeryGatineau, QC

Louis HeinGatineau, QC

Yann Riendeau-JosephMascouche, QC

Frédéric LévesqueMontreal, QC

Gaétan SerréSaint-Constant, QC

Patrick VincentSt-Hyacinthe, QC


Aim Electric Ltd.Len Klassen515 – 43rd St.E.Saskatoon, SK S7K 0V5Tel: 306-934-1922

Al-Kel Electric Ltd.Alberta BrassardBox 30002, 1624 – 33rd St. W.Saskatoon, SK S7L 0X3Tel: 306-931-0090

Alsask Fire Equipment/Vipond Inc.Bruce Tait205 – 1st Ave. E.Regina, SK S4N 4Z3Tel: 306-757-0003

AV ElectricalGreg Vevang326 Dunlop St.Saskatoon, SKTel: 306-227-6020

Bridge City Electric Sask.Len Bykowy3120C Faithful Ave.Saskatoon, SK S7K 8H3Tel: 306-244-1588

Fire Shield Technologies Ltd.John TaitP.O. Box 361Pilot Butte, SK S0G 3Z0Tel: 306-537-8963

Honeywell Limited Brent Dayton1135 – 8th Ave.Regina, SK S4R 1E1Tel: 306-791-8111

Sommerfeld ElectricDwayne Loewen2327 – 1st Ave N.Saskatoon, SK S7K 2A8Tel: 306-933-2896

VSA Fire/Mechanical ProtectionBrent Aupperle1910 St. Charles Ave.Saskatoon, SK S7M 0N8Tel: 306-955-9137


Les PetersSaskatoon, SK

Allen GrevaSaskatoon, SK

Wayne RodgerSaskatoon, SK


Automatic Fire Alarm AssociationTh omas P. HammerbergPO Box 1569Jasper, GA 30143

Draka USAEdward Walton200 North Main St.Marlborough, CT 06447

Systemes Distributors, LLCRichard Heff ernan1345 Campus ParkwayNeptune, NJ 07753-6815

Telgian CorporationSarah Szanto2615 S. Industrial Park AveTempe, AZ 85282


Rodger ReiswigApopka, FL


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May 2011

3 4 C A N A D I A N F I R E A L A R M A S S O C I A T I O N

CFAA 2011Officers and Directors

PRESIDENTGerry Landmesser, Mircom Technologies

1st VICE PRESIDENTDavid Sylvester, Morrison Hershfi eld

2nd VICE PRESIDENTMichael Hugh, SimplexGrinnell

SECRETARYSimon Crosby, Randal Brown & Associates

TREASURERVictor Repovz, Centra Protection Systems

CONSULTANTSAllen HodgsonRichard MorrisShelley Whetren



OFFICERS AT LARGEStephen Ames, System SensorKen Baird, Leber/RubesRandy Barnes, Chubb EdwardsJean-Claude Boutin, SimplexGrinnellAl Cavers, ULCRalph Coco, Potter ManufacturingHoward Diamond, Notifi erSteve Dickie, Siemens Canada LimitedDavid Duggan, Fire Detection DevicesDon Faulkner, Mircom TechnologiesRick Florio, Tyco Th ermal ControlsDavid Goodyear, D. Goodyear ConsultingAllen Hess, Siemens Canada LimitedAndy Hewitson, Hewitson Management Solutions Inc.Paul Jewett, Mircom TechnologiesKeith Lush, Life MemberBrad Pope, Com-Plex SystemsVictor Tantalo, Durham Central Fire SystemsAnthony VanOdyk, Seneca CollegeDennis Weber, Vipond Systems Group

COMMITTEESANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGGerry Landmesser, ChairShelley Whetren

BUDGET / FINANCE COMMITTEEGerry Landmesser, ChairAllen HodgsonRich MorrisVictor Repovz

EDUCATION COMMITTEEDavid Sylvester, ChairAl CaversDave DugganDavid GoodyearAllen HodgsonPaul JewettAnthony Van OdykShelley Whetren

EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEEGerry Landmesser, ChairSteve AmesKen Baird

JOURNAL COMMITTEEAllen Hodgson, ChairSteve AmesJean Claude BoutinSimon CrosbyHoward DiamondDavid DugganDon Faulkner

STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEEGerry Landmesser, Chair Stephen AmesKen BairdHoward DiamondAllen HessAllen HodgsonMichael HughRichard MorrisDavid Sylvester


TECHNICAL SEMINAR COMMITTEEDennis Weber, ChairRichard MorrisShelley Whetren

WEBSITE COMMITTEEDavid Sylvester, ChairDavid AyotteKen BairdJean Claude BoutinSteve DickieDon Faulkner

AHJ COMMITTEEDavid Goodyear, ChairRichard Morris

CHAPTERS COMMITTEERichard Morris, ChairJean Claude BoutinRalph Coco

ULC STANDARDS COMMITTEERichard Morris, ChairGerry Landmesser

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CFAA ChaptersAlberta Chapter

Kirk Th ordobson, Morrison Hershfi eld, PresidentKeven Lefebvre, ECAA, Vice PresidentAlwin Friess, Mulvey-Banani, SecretaryKeith Brooke, Unitech Electrical, Director at LargeClarence Cormier, Cormier Engineering, Director at LargeAllen Holmes, Chubb Edwards, Director at LargeSteve Maudsley, Chubb Edwards, Director at LargeSean McGuire, Siemens Canada Limited, Director at LargeDave Noble, Vipond Systems Group, Director at LargeJames Radford, Umbra Engineering, Director at LargeDave Stanislow, PDS Fire Protection, Director at LargeTom VanKosh, SimplexGrinnell, Director at LargeDaryll de Waal, Siemens Canada Limited, CFAA LiasonChris Sneesby, Stebnicki & Partners, Education Committee ChairDean Norman, Vipond Inc., Codes & Standards Committiee ChairValerie Copeland, SimplexGrinnell, Marketing Committee Chair

British Columbia Chapter

Gord Morrison, Mircom Technologies, PresidentRon Hull, Mircom Technologies, Past PresidentInge Holvik, SimplexGrinnell, Vice PresidentDon Brown, Siemens Canada Limited, SecretaryTim Coff ey, Chubb Edwards, Director at LargeRand McKenzie, Vancouver Convention Centre, Director at LargeRay Newberry, Honeywell, Director at LargeArk Tsisserev, Stantec Consulting, Director at Large

Manitoba Chapter

Derrick Bertrand, Pyrene Fire Security Manitoba, PresidentJeff Seymour, Fire-Tech Systems, SecretaryRene Bohemier, SimplexGrinnell, TreasurerKevin Crozier, Innovative Building Systems, Director of EducationRick Strom, AAA Alarms Systems, Director at Large

Ontario Chapter

Bill Lane, Siemens Canada Limited, PresidentJohn MacDonald, Mac1 Industries, Vice PresidentPasquale (Pat) Carito, Direct Fire Protection Systems, SecretaryPeter Bell, ACE Fire and Security, Director at LargeVictor Repovz, Centra Protection Systems, Director at LargeLuciano Condarcuri, Chubb Edwards, Director at LargeChris Coates, Siemens Canada Limited, Director at Large

Quebec Chapter

Lou Pedicelli, Stanex, PresidentDaniel Guerin, SimplexGrinnell, Vice PresidentDamien Langlois, Bo-Roy Notiplex, SecretaryJean Beauregard, Mircom Technologies, TreasurerPierre Gagnon, Stanex, Director at LargeTony Lapolla, Notifi er, Director at LargePierre Noel, Viking Fire Protection, Director at LargeJ.P. Potvin, Siemens Canada Limited, Director at LargeRaymond St. Onge, Chubb Edwards, Director at Large

Saskatchewan Chapter

Bruce Tait, Alsask Fire Equipment, PresidentGurdev Tumber, AKAL Electronics, Vice PresidentLynne Desnoyers, Pro-Tech Alarm Systems, SecretaryMichael O’Kane, Siemens Canada Limited, TreasurerLaurent Desnoyers, Pro-Tech Alarm Systems, Director at LargeRick Sirois, City of Saskatchewan, Director at LargeColin Vinter, Honeywell, Director at Large

LIFE MEMBERSKen BairdSusan BertschingerAllen HodgsonAndy HewitsonGerry LandmesserKeith LushRichard MorrisDennis Weber

CFAA REPRESENTATIVE AND ORGANIZATION:• Canadian Electrical Code, Section 32 Committee – Dennis Weber• National Building Code, Committee on Use and Egress –Dennis Weber• National Fire Code, Committee on Use and Egress – Dennis Weber• Ontario Building Code, Technical Advisory Committee – Dennis Weber• Fire Alarm Standards Committees, at ULC – Gerry Landmesser


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Advertising Rates for 2010

Inside Front Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 869.00Inside Back Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 869.00Outside Back Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,133.00Centerfold Left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 921.00Centerfold Right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 921.00Inside Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 859.00Inside ½ Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 445.00Inside ¼ Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 238.00

Advertisers Index

Building Reports Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Chubb Edwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Draka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre Fold FrontVigilant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Centre Fold BackHealth & Safety Management Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Mircom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front CoverNotifi er Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Potter Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Centre Fold Left SDi Smokesabre™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre Fold RightSeneca College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Siemens Canada Limited, Building Technologies Division . . . Outside Back CoverSimplexGrinnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14System Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover

Advertising Rates/Index

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There is no downtime. Every second lost, every transaction missed, every �it o� data destroyed can mean h��e �nancial losses. �o to keep your mission critical facility running 24/7, you need to be alerted tothe faintest traces of smoke � the �rst indication of system trouble.

ith ���T�s dual vision sensing technology, a blue E� detectse�tremely low concentrations of smoke. �n infrared laser identi�esnuisances like dust that can cause false alarms and downtime. Advancedalgorithms interpret signals from both sources to meet a single purpose —the earliest and most accurate smoke detection available.

�ual vision is only one of the uni�ue innovations that make the AA�T ire Alarm Aspiration �ensing Technology from �ystem �ensor the newstandard for �ery Early arning ire �etection. To learn more, visitsystemsensor.com/faast.

w w w . s y s t e m s e n s o r . c a

�ual �ision. �ingle �urpose.

Think FAAST™ ire Alarm Aspiration �ensing Technology

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