CHARACTERISTIC CLASSES-OLD AND NEW 1 2 BY FRANKLIN P. PETERSON 1. Definition of sphere bundles. Let M n be an w-dimensional, C°°-manifold. Define T(M) to be all vectors tangent to M of unit length. Define p: T(M)—*M by ^(vector) = initial point of the vector. Then p is a continuous function with p ~ 1 (m ) homeomorphic to 5 n _ 1 if rnCEM. (T(M), p, M) is an example of an (n 1 ) -sphere bundle. Let me now abstract some of the properties of this example and define an (» —l)-sphere bundle. An (n l)-sphere bundle £ is a triple ( E, p, X), where p: E-+X is a continuous function, X has a covering by neighborhoods { V a ] such that h a : p'KVcd-tVaXS"- 1 , where h is a homeomorphism, h a (e) = (p(e), S a (e)). That is, we can give co ordinates to p~ x (V a ) using V a and 5 n_1 . Furthermore, there is a condition on changing coordinates; namely, if e&p"~ 1 (V a r\Vp) t then h a (e) = (p(e), S a (e)) a n d hp(e) = (p(e), Sp(e)) and we obtain a func tion S^S*- 1 - ^ - 1 given by Sp(S a (e)) =5>(e), defined for each p(e)GV a r\Vp. We demand that S%C:0(n), the orthogonal group of homeomorphisms of S* -1 . Finally, S% depends on p(e) and this de pendence must be continuous. T w o (n l)-sphere bundles £ and r j over X are called equivalent if there is a homeomorphism 7^: E$—*E n such that F Ez->E V P\/P X commutes and such that F\ p~ 1 (x)SO(n) for all coordinates on p~ l {x). A very important example of an (n 1 ) -sphere bundle is the fol lowing one. Let BO(n) =the Grassmann space of all w-planes through the origin in J? 00 . L e t EO(n) be the set of pairs, an element of BO(n) and a unit vector in that w-plane. Let p : EO(w)~»BO(w) be the first element of the pair. The importance of this example is shown by the following classification theorem. 1 An address delivered before the New York meeting of the Society by invitation of the Committee to Select Hour Speakers, April 13, 1968; received by the editors April 21, 1969. 2 In order not to obscure the structure of the subject, I have lef t out a number of technicalities; in fact some of the statements may be incorrect as stated.

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C H A R A C T E R I S T I C C L A S S E S - O L D A N D N E W 1 2


1. Definition of sphere bundles. L e t M n be an w-dimensional ,

C°°-manifold. Define T(M) to be a l l vec tors t angent to M of uni t

l eng th . Def ine p: T(M)—*M by ^(vec tor ) = in i t i a l po in t o f the vec tor .

T h e n p i s a con t in uo us func t ion w i th p~1(m ) homeomorph ic t o 5 n _ 1

if rnCEM. (T(M), p, M) i s an example of an (n — 1)-sphere bundle .

Le t me now abs t rac t some of the p roper t ies o f th i s example and

define an (» — l) -sphe re bun dle . An (n — l ) - sp her e bu nd le £ i s a t r ip le(E , p, X), w h e r e p: E-+X i s a con t inuous func t ion , X has a cover ing

by ne ighbo rhoods { Va] s u c h t h a t ha: p'KVcd-tVaXS"-1, w h e r e hi s a homeomorph i sm, ha(e) = (p(e), Sa(e)). That i s , we can g ive co

o rd ina t e s t o p~x(V a) us ing V a and 5 n _ 1 . Fu r the rmore , t he r e i s a

condi t ion on changing coord ina tes ; namely , i f e&p"~ 1(V ar\Vp)t t h e n

ha(e) = (p(e), Sa(e)) a n d hp(e) = (p(e), Sp(e)) an d we ob ta in a func

t io n S ^ S * - 1 - ^ - 1 given by Sp(Sa(e)) =5 >(e ) , def ined for e ach

p(e)GV ar\Vp. W e d e m a n d t h a t S%C:0(n), the o r thogona l g roup of

homeomorph i sms o f S* - 1 . F ina l ly , S% depends on p(e) and th i s de

pendence mus t be con t inuous .

T w o (n — l ) - sphe re bu nd le s £ and rj ove r X are ca l led equ iva len t

i f there is a homeomorphism 7^: E$—*E n s u c h t h a t




c o m m u t e s a n d s u c h t h a t F\ p~ 1(x)SO(n) for a l l co ord ina tes on p~l{x).

A ve ry impor t an t example o f an (n — 1) -sphe re bu nd le is th e fol

lowing one . Le t BO(n) = the Grassmann space of a l l w-p lanes th rough

the or igin in J?00

. L e t EO(n) be the set of pairs , an e lement of BO(n)

and a un i t vec tor in tha t w-p lane . Le t p: EO(w)~»BO(w) be the first

e lement o f the pa i r . The impor tance of th i s example i s shown by thefol lowing class i f icat ion theorem.

1An address delivered before the New York meeting of the Society by invitation

of the Committee to Select Hour Speakers, April 13, 1968; received by the editorsApril 21 , 1969.

2In order not to obscure the structure of the subject, I have left out a number of

technicalities; in fact some of the statem ents may be incorrect as stated.

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C L A S S I C A L C L A S S I FI C A T IO N T H E O R E M . The equivalence classes of

(n — V)-sphere bundles over X are in one-to-one correspondence w ith the

hom otopy classes of m aps of X into BO(w) .

2. Definition of characteristic classes. Roughly speak ing , a char acter is t ic c lass is a cohomology class in H*(X) ass igned to a bundle

£ over X w hich is na tu r a l w i th r e spec t t o bund le m aps . Ra t he r t ha n

give a precise def ini t ion, le t me give a construct ion.

Le t w G f f* (B O (w ) ) . L e t £ be an (n — l ) - sphe re bund le ove r X cor

r e spond ing t o a map ƒ$: X—»BO(w) by the above theorem, u definesa charac te r i s t i c c lass u(g)E:H*(X) b y u(£)=f£(u), w h e r e f* :

H*(BO(n))—>H*(X) i s th e hom om orph ism induced b y ƒ$ ( reca ll t h a tf* depends on ly on the homotopy c lass o f ƒ$).

Thus , t o s t udy cha rac t e r i s t i c c l a s se s , w e mus t s t udy H*(BO(n)).

The answers, with various fields for coefficients, are as follows. 3

H*(BO(n); Z 2) is a polynomial r ing over Z 2 on gene ra to r s W tG

£T«(BO (»); Z 2 ) , i = l , • • • , n. Wi(Q=f?(Wi) is called the ith Stiefel-Whi tney c l a s s o f £ . H *(BO (oo) ; Zp) a n d # * ( B O ( o o ) ; Q) are po ly

nomia l r ings over Zp (p i s an odd pr ime) and Q respec t ive ly on gene r a t o r s P < e # 4 * ' ( B O ( o o ) ; Zp) or # 4* '( B O (o o ); 0 , i = l , • • • , Pfâ)

=ft(P%) i s cal led the ith Pontr jagin c lass of £ .

3. Some examples of applications of characteristic classes. T h e

study of character is t ic c lasses has been very useful in dif ferent ia l

geomet ry , d i f fe ren t ia l topo logy , and a lgebra ic topo logy . I wi l l nowgive a few examples of such appl icat ions .

I . Cobordism. L e t M n be a closed, connected, C°°-manifold of di

mens ion n. T h e n M n = dWn+l

, w h e r e W n+ 1 i s a compac t , connec t ed ,

C°°-manifold w ith bo un da ry , if an d o nly if ƒ* : H n(BO(n); Z 2)—>H


n; Z 2 ) i s ze ro where r i s the tangent bundle descr ibed a t the

beginning of th is lecture [1 7 ] .

I I . Homotopy spheres. Le t 0 n be the group of dif feomorphism

classes o f homotopy spheres . Pont r jag in c lasses have been used tos tudy t he se g roups . Fo r example , ® 15 « Z s m [6].

I I I . Em beddings and imm ersions. G i v e n M n, the problem is to f ind

the sma l l e s t k s u c h t h a t M n can be d i f fe ren t iab ly embedded or immersed in R

n+k. The in i t i a l resu l t s were p roved us ing S t ie fe l -Whi tney

c lasses. T h e techn ique s now are qu i te com pl ica ted an d we a re nownear to so lv ing th i s p rob lem for rea l and complex pro jec t ive spaces .

IV . K-theory. Let KO(X) be the se t o f equ iva lence c lasses o fbund le s ove r X, w i th d imens ion X<n. This fo rms a g roup and ac t s

* An excellent introduction to the classical theory, including proofs of the follow

ing assertions, is to be found in [10],

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as a cohomology theory which has tu rned ou t to be very usefu l . For

example , one can p rove t ha t t he max imum number o f l i nea r ly i nde

pe nd en t t ang en t vec tor fie lds on 5 n _ 1 is 2e+Sd — 1, wh ere n = ( 2 g + 1 ) 2 6 ,

b = c+4d, 0 = ^ 3 [ l ] .

4. More genera l bundles . In recen t years i t has become c lea r tha t

one shou ld s tudy (»— l ) - sphere bundles where the changes o f co

ord ina tes can be a l lowed to be in l a rger g roups than 0(n). E x a m p l e s

of such gro ups , in inc reas ing s ize , a r e : PL(w) =pie cew ise l inear

homeomorph i sms o f 5n _ 1

, Top(w) = hom eom orph ism s of 5n _ 1

, andG(n) = homotopy equ iva l ences o f S"*1.

N E W C L A S S IF I CA T I O N T H E O R E M . Let H= PL, Top, or G. There exists

a space BH(n) such that the equivalence classes of (w— 1) -sphere bundles

with group H over X are in o ne-to-one correspondence with the homo

topy classes of maps of X into BH(n) ( [ l l ] and (14 ] ) .

Us ing th i s theorem, we can g ive the same cons t ruc t ion of charac

ter is t ic c lasses as we did in the c lass ical case . In order to use these

charac te r i s t i c c lasses , we need to know H*(BH(n)) w i th va r iouscoeff ic ients . M os t of the res t of th is pa pe r is de vo ted to de scr ibing

w h a t is k n o w n a b o u t i ? * ( B H ) , w h e r e B H = l im n^oo BH (w ) .

5. 7T*(BH). Before s ta t ing the resul ts on cohomology, le t me f i rs t

g ive the known resu l t s on the homotopy groups of the c lass i fy ing

spaces .

I. 7T*(BO) is periodic of period 8 with 7r8jfc+»(BO) = Z , Z 2 , Z 2 , 0 ,

Z , 0, 0 , 0 , wi th i = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, and 7 respe ct ive ly [2 ] .

I I . 0—>7r»(BO)—»x»(BPL)—»I\_i—»0 is an exact sequence where I\-_i

is a f in ite gro up which is pa r t ia l ly kn ow n. Also, th e s t r uc tu re of th e

exa c t seque nce i s kn ow n ( [5 ] an d [4] ) .

I I I . 7T f(Top /PL) = 0 if * V 3 , and 7 r 3 ( T o p / P L ) = Z 2 [ 7 ] .

IV. 7 r t(BG) =iri-i+k(S k), k l a rge ; hence , known to a ce r ta in ex ten t .

V. 7T t(G/P L) is pe riod ic of pe riod 4 w ith 7r4fc+i(G/PL) = Z , 0, Z 2 , 0 ,

w i th i = 0 , 1 , 2 , an d 3 respec t ive ly [ l S ] .

6 . H*(BH; Q). Using the above resu l t s on x* , i t i s easy to see tha t

i J * (B G ; 0 = 0 if i> 0 a n d t h a t ü * ( B T o p ; < 2 ) - » i J * ( B P L ; Q)-+

i î * ( B O ; Q)—>Q[Pi, ' ' ' ] are a l l i somorphisms .

7 . i î * ( B H ; Z 2 ) . T he re ex is ts a connec ted Hopf a lgebra C(H) ove r

the mod 2 S t een rod a lgeb ra A2 s u c h t h a t H * ( B H ; Z 2) « i I * ( B O ; Z2)

®C(H), as Hopf a lgebras over ^42 [3] . C(0) is t r iv ia l of course . C(G)

i s 2-conn ec ted , and i t s s t r uc tu re has been de te rm ined rec en t ly [9 ] .

C (PL ) and C(Top) a r e s ti ll unk now n .

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910 F. P. PETERSON [September

8. 2ï*(BH; Zp), p odd. Th e situation is a lit tle different from the

case p = 2. Analogous to the case p = 2 we have i7*(BG; Zp)

~(Z9[qi]®E(Pqi))®Cp(G), where j £ f f ^ » ( B G i Z9) is the Wu

class, j8g» is its Bockstein, and CP(G) is a Hopf algebra over Ap [13].

Furthermore, CP(G) is (p(2p — 2)— 2)-connected and its complete

structure has been found very recently [7].

H*(BTop; Zp)—»iî*(BPL; Zp) is an isomorphism by §5, III, so we

need only study iï*(BPL; Zp). It is an unpublished theorem that if

p is an odd prime, BPL is of the same mod p homotopy type as

BO XB Coker / , where B Coker J is a space whose homotopy groups

are the cokernel of the homeomorphism J: 7r*(BO)—»7r*(BG) [16].

However, the map BOXpt.—>BOX£ Coker /—•BPL is not the usual

map so this is quite different from the case p = 2. Also, the map

/ P L : BPL—>BG has the property that /PLG&Z») = 0 if i^p and is not

zero if i^p + 1. The best conjecture at present seems to be that

CP(G)**H*(B Coker / ; Zp). To complete the picture, we need to

know JPL(<Z») explicitly [12].

9. Applications. One expects that a good knowledge of these newcharacteristic classes will lead to many applications as in the classical

case. I ment ion only one, namely tha t §3, I generalizes to the PL case.

Tha t is, let Mn

be a closed, connected PL-manifold. Then Mn



where Wn+1

is a compact, connected PL-manifold with boundary, if

and only if/*: Hn(BPL; Z2)->H


n; Z%) is zero [3]. A similar

theorem is true for oriented C°°-manifolds, bu t for oriented PL-mani

folds, it fails in dimension 27 (though t rue in lower dimensions) [12].


1. J. F. Adams, Vector fields on spheres, Ann. of Math. (2) 75 (1962), 603-632.2. R. Bott, The stable hom otopy of the classical groups, Ann of Math. (2) 70 (1959),

313-337.3. W. Browder, A. Liulevicius and F. P. Peterson, Cobordistn theories, Ann. of

Math. (2) 84 (1966), 91-101.4. G. Brumfiel, On the hom otopy groups of BPL and PL/O, Ann. of Math. (2) 88

(1968), 291-311 .5. M. Hirsch and B. Mazur, Smoothings of piecewise linear man ifolds, Mimeo

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77 (1963), 50 ^ 53 7.7. R. C. Kirby and L. C. Siebenmann, On the triangulation of manifolds and the

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ton University, Princeton, N. J., 1957.

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11. , Microbundles . I , Topology 3 (1964) , suppl . 1 , 53-80.

12. F. P. Peterson, Som e resul ts on PL~cobordism ( to appear) .

13. F. P. Peterson and H. Toda, On the s tructure of H* (BSF; Z p), J . Math . Kyoto

Univ . 7 (1967) , 113-121.

14 . J . D . Stasheff, A classif ication theorem f or f ibre spaces^ Topology 2 (1963) , 239-


15 . D. Sul l ivan ( to appear) .

16. ( to appear) .

17 . R. Thorn, Quelques propriétés globales des variétés différentiables t C o m m e n t .

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M A S S A C H U S E T T S I N S T I T U T E O F T E C H N O L O G Y , C A M B R I D G E , M A S S A C H U S E T T S 02139