Mosaicismo en PGT - A Dr. Carles Giménez Reprogenetics, Barcelona Múrcia Abril 2018 Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

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Page 1: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

Mosaicismo en PGT-A Dr. Carles Giménez Reprogenetics, Barcelona Múrcia Abril 2018

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 2: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


Page 3: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

Team Barcelona Directors:

Carles Giménez, PhD Mireia Sandalinas, MSc

Quality & Lab director: Elena Garcia, MSc

Biologists: Estefania Toro, BSc Èlia Alsina, BSc Montse Palahí, MSc Diana Campos, BSc Maria de Acha, BSc Marta Sánchez, PhD

Laboratory technicians: Enric Balius Laura Álvarez Laia Echevarría, BSc

Administrative: Mònica Llagostera

Madrid Directors:

Carles Giménez, PhD Mireia Sandalinas, MSc

Technical Director: Esther Fernández, PhD

Quality & Lab director: Álvaro Gómez, BsC

Biologists: María del Lidón Carretero, BSc Nerea Ugartemendia

Laboratory technicians: Esperanza Martín Verónica Hellín

Administrative: Emilio Yuste

Reprogenetics fabulous team Pioneers and Global Leaders in Reproductive Genetics

[email protected]

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Presentation Notes
Last but not least, i’d like to present MitoGrade, a method that allow the selection of the …
Page 4: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


Presencia de 2 o más líneas celulares con diferente componente cromosómico

en un embrión

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 5: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

DIVISIÓN CELULAR Mecanismo de reproducción celular mediante el cuál una célula inicial se divide para formar células hijas. Meiosis /Mitosis

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 6: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


• Proceso de reproducción celular post-zigótico

• A partir de una célula se generan dos células hijas con el mismo número de cromosomas e información genética que la célula madre.

Mitosis (neologismo creado por el biólogo alemán Walther Flemming (1843-1905) usando la palabra griega μίτος (mitos = tejido, originalmente hilo, ver: mitocondria) y el sufijo -ωσις (-osis = formación, impulso o conversión))

MAURIZIO DE ANGELIS/Science Photo Library/Getty Images, http://www.cell.com/pictureshow/cell-cycle, Alvaro Esteves Migotto, Universidade de Sâo Paulo, http://www.cell.com/pictureshow/embryogenesis

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Page 7: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


• Proceso de división celular propio de las células reproductoras, en el que se reduce a la mitad el nº de cromosomas.

• Recombinación • Formación gametos • Células distintas

Meiosis (del griego μείωσις meíōsis 'disminución‘)

Extreme Asymmetric Division By Sybille Pfender and Melina Schuh, MRC, UK Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and red, respectively, while DNA is stained cyan. The image was recorded on a scanning confocal (Zeiss LSM 710) with a 63x 1.2 NA water immersion objective. The diameter of the oocyte is 75 micron. Learn more in Pfender et al. (2011).


Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 8: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and



Gametos aneuploides

embriones aneuploides (+21; +13; +18; …)

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Page 9: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and



Coexistencia de ≥ 2 líneas celulares

embriones mosaico

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Page 10: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


• Origen mitótico • Mecanismos

No disyunción: fallo en la separación de cromosomas homólogos

Anaphase-lag: pérdida de un cromosoma mediante la formación de micronúcleos causada por el retraso en el movimiento del cromosoma durante la anafase

Otros mecanismos: Endorreduplicación, deleción, duplicación …

• La extensión (%) del mosaicismo dependerá de en que división embrionaria tenga lugar la aneuploidía

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Page 11: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

PGT-A: métodos de CCS, NGS

Amplificación total del genoma (WGA) de las muestras

Preparación de la librería:

• Fragmentación del DNA

• Ligado de adaptadores y códigos de barra

Amplificación de clusters


Alineamiento y análisis de datos

Imagen de: An introduction to Next-Generation Sequencing Technology. Illumina. 2016 Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 12: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

Embriones euploides

PGT-A: métodos de CCS, NGS

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

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Embrión aneuploide

Trisomía 14

PGT-A: métodos de CCS, NGS

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

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Anormal complejo (= cuando se observan 3 o más anomalías)

Trisomía 22

Monosomía 2 Monosomía 19

Monosomía 21

PGT-A: métodos de CCS, NGS

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 15: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


Coexistencia de líneas celulares DIPLOIDES y otras anormales

ej : 2n/M20 (40%)

Nº aneuploidías 1-2-SIMPLE


%mosaicismo (30-70%)


41-70% EXTENSO

Tipo aneuploidía

Completa (ej: trisomía 3)

Parcial (ej: trisomía 3q)

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 16: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

MOSAICO SIMPLE 1-2 aneuploidías

MOS 2n/ane 2n/M18 65%


Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

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MOSAICO SIMPLE 1-2 aneuploidías

MOS 2n/ane 2n/M18 65%

MOSAICO COMPLEJO ≥3 aneuploidías

MOS 2n/AC 2n/M11,M14,M16 ~50%


Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 18: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


Coexistencia de líneas celulares DIPLOIDES y otras anormales

ej : 2n/M20 (40%)

Nº aneuploidías 1-2-SIMPLE


%mosaicismo (30-70%)


41-70% EXTENSO

Tipo aneuploidía

Completa (ej: trisomía 3)

Parcial (ej: trisomía 3q)

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 19: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


Coexistencia de líneas celulares DIPLOIDES y otras anormales

ej : 2n/M20 (40%)

Nº aneuploidías 1-2-SIMPLE


%mosaicismo (30-70%)


41-70% EXTENSO

Tipo aneuploidía

Completa (ej: trisomía 3)

Parcial (ej: trisomía 3q)

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 20: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

Full monosomy 13 (mos) Mosaic embryos

Partial monosomy 9 (mos)


Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 21: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


• Clasificar embriones como normales o anormales • Tasa de error 2-10% • Falsos negativos , falsos positivos

Nuevo: • Clasificar embriones como normales, mosaico o anormales • Mínima tasa de error • No priorizar mosaicos

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 22: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


No implantan, elevada tasa de abortos, descendencia afecta

Elevado potencial implantatorio, baja tasa de aborto aumento embarazo evolutivo

?¿?¿Qué hacer con los embriones mosaico ?¿?

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 23: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

EMBRIONES MOSAICO • Aprox. 21% blastocistos biopsiados muestran

mosaicismo • No aumenta con edad materna

• Diferencias significativas del % de mosaicismo entre centros (embriones de ovodon) biopsia, medios cultivo, estimulación, condiciones laboratorio, etc

• 10% pacientes con sólo embriones mosaico

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Page 24: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

EMBRIONES MOSAICO Concordancia entre TE Mosaico y MCI:

Aprox. 40% de las MCI analizadas en embriones mosaico son euploides

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Page 25: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Resultados Clínicos ¿qué pasa cuándo transferimos embriones mosaico?

Greco, Minasa, Fiorentino (2015) New Eng. J. Med


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EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Resultados Clínicos • Implantan menos • Abortan más • Pueden dar lugar a niños sanos

Mosaic Euploid

N 221 1490 Ongoing implantation 37% 76% p< 0,001 Miscarriage rate 24% 5% p< 0,001 OPR/retrieval 37% 60% p< 0,001

Fragouli et al. (2016) + Munné et al. (2016) + Genoma unpublished data

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 27: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Resultados Clínicos Diferente pronóstico clínico según tipo y grado de mosaicismo:

Munné et al. (2017) + Fiorentino (Genoma) data



COMPLEJOS cualquier 32 6%

SIMPLES 20-40% 102 50%

41-80% 44 30%

PARCIALES cualquier 43 37%


EUPLOIDES <20% todos centros

FIV 50-70%

• No se observan diferencias entre monomía y trisomía • No se observan diferencias entre cromosomas que en PND es

probable que lleguen a término

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 28: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Recomendaciones i. Decidir cual va a ser nuestra política en relación a

la transferencia o no de embriones mosaico ii. Asesoramiento pre ciclo FIV-PGT-A: poner en

conocimiento de los pacientes la posibilidad de obtener embriones mosaico

iii. Priorizar transferencia embriones euploides iv. Decidir que embrión mosaico transferir en función

de las recomendaciones de las sociedades científicas

v. Únicamente transferir un embrión mosaico tras asesoramiento genético post ciclo FIV-PGT-A, la aprobación de los pacientes y la firma de un consentimiento expreso

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 29: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Recomendaciones vi. Tener en consideración la indicación (AMA, RIF,

RAB, …) vii. En caso de embarazo Dx Prenatal,

preferentemente mediante amniocentesis

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EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Recomendaciones Según resultados clínicos


MODERADO (20-40%)

EXTENSO (41-70%)





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EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Recomendaciones Según resultados sociedades científicas








* Cromosomas de bajo riesgo incluyen: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19, 20, 22. En caso de confirmarse la aneuploidía en la MCI daría lugar a fallo de implantación o aborto. ** Cromosomas de alto riesgo incluyen: 2, 7, 16 (IUGR), X Y 13 18, 21 (embarazo viables de fetos afectos), 14, 15 (UPD).

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 32: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Nuevos datos Spinella et al., Fertil Steril, 2018, 109(1): 77-83

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

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EMBRIONES MOSAICO: Nuevos datos Spinella et al., Fertil Steril, 2018, 109(1): 77-83

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 34: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and


• Evidence-based scoring system considering the outcome of 72.472 CVS and 3806 POC

• Based on: – Likelihood that a placental mosaic aneuploidy is also present in the fetus – Incidence of clinically significant fetal UPD in cases with a mosaic

aneuploidy CV – Incidence of mosaic aneuplidies in POC

• Calculed composite score for mosaicism from zero (=no risk) to 5 (=highest risk or ET best avoided)

Gratti et al., Reprod Biomed Online, 2018, 36: 442-449

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

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Gratti et al., Reprod Biomed Online, 2018, 36: 442-449

Score 0 very low risk

Score 1 slightly increased likelihood of miscarriage or a viable aneuploidy

Score 2 slightly higher risk of miscarriage or a relatively low risk for UPD

Score 3 increased risk of miscarriage, UPD or viable aneuploidy

Score 4-5 high risk of fetal involvement and a slightly increased risk for

miscarriage and viable aneuploidy

Best avoided mosaic trisomies for chromosomes 13, 14, 16, 18, 21 & 45,X

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

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Gratti et al., Reprod Biomed Online, 2018, 36: 442-449

Score 0 mosaic trisomies for chromosomes 1, 3, 10, 12 & 19

Score 1 mosaic trisomies for chromosomes 4, 5 & 47,XYY

Score 2 mosaic trisomies for chromosomes 2, 7, 11, 17 & 22

Score 3 mosaic trisomies for chromosomes 6, 9 & 15

Score 4-5 mosaic trisomies for chromosomes 8, 20, 47,XXX & 47,XXY

Best avoided mosaic trisomies for chromosomes 13, 14, 16, 18, 21 & 45,X

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018

Page 37: Mosaicismo en PGT-A · 2018. 5. 10. · Image: Immunofluorescence micrograph of mouse oocyte during the first meiotic division. Microtubule and cortical actin are labeled blue and

PGT does not make the embryo better

(Don Leigh, PhD, sivf, PGDIS-Miami’09)

Copyright Reprogenetics 2018