University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official

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Page 1: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official




AUGUST 4, 2000





Page 2: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official


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Page 3: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official

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Events of the Day

F!Jday, .. August.4,:2000


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a:30 a.m. · Degree Candidates and Faculty assemble for Academic •

Procession to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart: second floor hallway of the Main Building. ·

8:45 a.m. · Procession Begins: (Please note: If the weather is

inclement, the procession will be canceled. Proceed directly to the Basilica.)

9:00 a.m. Concelebrated Commencement Mass: the Basilica of the Sacred Heart

Prini:ipal Celebrant and Homilist Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. Vice President and Associate Provost ·

Concelebrants . Priests who will be receiving degrees, priest members of the faculty, and priest members of the Congregation of Holy Cross



10:25 a.m. Degree Candidates and Fa~ulty assemble in the North Dome of the Joyce Center ..

10:50 a.m. Academic Process.ion begins.

11:00 a.m. Conferring of Degrees.Ceremony in the Joyce Center Concourse · , · ·

Presidii1g Officer Jeffrey C. Kantor, Ph.D. Vice President and Associate Provost

Co111111e11i:eme11t Address . . Cornelius F. Delaney, Ph.D. Professor Department of Philosophy

(Guests arc requested to be seated in the Concourse of . the Joyce Center by 10:50 a.m.) · ·

Reception immediately following the ceremony for gradua.tes and guests: Joyce Center - South Dome


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Page 6: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official

E FFTVFFE ITT rWF ·mrrwr=rmw'tt er

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·F R I D A y i ·A u G u s T 4 I 2 .o 0 0 .

9 A.M. EST

B A S IL I. C A 0 F_: T H E S A C R E D · H E A R T

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N 0 TR. E DAME 1 . l_N DIA.NA.

· · PrlnCipal Celebrant. and Homilist Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C.

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· Organist . Dr: Gail Walton

.. · · : .Cantor ·Mr. Andre-\v.McShane

The Quintessence Brass


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Opening Rites


.Trumpet Voluntary ............ : ...... :······"'·:···············.-............ : .. ;', .. : ...........•.. : ............ :, ... ~ .......... : ... · ... , ... : ........... :Stanl~y

OPENING HYMN J?yful, Joyful We Adore Thee

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Joy - ful, joy - · ful, we a - dore you, . All your -works \Vith joy sur- round you,

Al - ways giv - ing and for - giv - ing, Mor - tals · join the might - y cho - rus,

Hear:ts . un - fold. like flowers. be - fore you, Stars and an - gels. · sing a - round you,

· Well- spring of the joy of liv ·- ing, God's own love is reign·- ing o'er us;

f@ i ~ -~

f J I ~ Cl f J Melt the clouds of sin and sad~ ne~s;

Field and for - est, ;

vale and mounctain, Lov -ing Fa - thcr, Christ our broth- er, .Ev - er sing- ing, march we on- ward,

· God of glo - ry, Earth and heav'n re

Ev - er bless - irig~ Which the. mom - ing

Open - i.ng to the · Cen - ter of · un

0 - cean depth of Join - ing peo - pie.

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Drive the dark of Flow- ery mead-ow, Let your light . up Vic - tors · in the·




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sun bro· -hap


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of love; your rays;

er bJCst, be.~·· gan;

a - bove. ken praise;· py rest! in .. hand.

J doubt. a - way; flash - ing sea, ·on us shine; midst of· strife;_.


.f@1 F f F f I F r f ~ I J J ~ f I ~. ~ J II Giv -. er of . .im - mor- tal glad-. ness, Fill us with. the light of day!

Chant-ing bird. and flow- ing fouri- tain,' Prais~ ing you .e - .ter - nal - ly! Teach us how to Jove each oth - :er, Lift us . io the joy . di - vine .

Joy - ful mu - 'sic· leads us . sun- ward Iri the tri- umph song of life.




Ode to Joy·

Page 8: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official



* J ·£] Loni, in your


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·Jeremiah 26: 1-9

Psalm 69: 5, 8-10, 14 .

great love,

.=----' • • ,o ...... : __ p al le - Ju - ta, al - le ·

· Matthew i3:54-58

Please be seated.


Plainchant; Mode VI

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'For those wearing academic garb, it is customanJ for men,

but not for women, to have their caps removed.

, dwing the Gospel and Homily.·.

Please be seated.




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Eucharistic Prayer . . . . .

PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS. . F~~ those. wearing academic garb,

it i~ cus_t~~ary for men, _but not f<?r women, t.O have. thCir caps removed during the_ Euclwristic Prayer. ·

The caps inay be replaced atti;e erid of Communion. • 7 • • ,.

SANCTUS Com~u_nity_ Mass Proulx ·

·~~id j " r. J I J. I.

•P J I J )1 Fl J I Ho-· ·1y, ho - ly, ho •· ly. _Lord,. God of pow-er .and

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·might, ·: .heav'n' and ··earth are·

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full · of your· glo - ry. Ho . - san - na in the

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J I J) J ......... ---·· Blest is he . who . eoines in the· name of the


Ir F I • J ·F I r D R" L Ho san mi ·in the high est, her

J J ·J I J J IJ ~ san - na· in the' high est.



Community Mass ·.·'

Proulx ·- ·. .

J I J J () II · . Christ has died; Christ is ris.- en, Christ. will come . a · - gain.

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Page 10: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official

GREATAMEN ~cimmunity Mass ·.·Proulx

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men, a ·men, a men.

· ··cammunionRite


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·. ··Lamb ______ _ of God,' ·.· · . You -,take . a. - way ·the.

.. To.repeat.· . · · Lasttime ·

J J J J I J I f d J I .. =l_I J f I II 0

sins. of the. w.orld; . · have· ·. mer - cy ·. on ·us. grant . us peace ..

COMMUNION.ANTIPHON. ·. ·Gift of Finest Wheat: Bicentennial

• :• 4 f] f11f?l J 12 -, . -. ·. '

-You. sat -. ·is - fy the htin - gry heart With

£7J I J J IU r_Or' . gift · of fin ~ est · .'"'.heat; ··Come.: give ·to · us, 0 · ·

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J I j ) J J1 II sav - . ing Lord, . . . the· . bread of life to · eat. ... ,,


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Page 11: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official

Closing.Rites .. FINAL BLESSING

ALMA MATER Notre Dame, Our Mother · ·O'Donnell/ Casasanta

~i J \,, j j I j j I e •P r p r f No tre Daine, our Mo th er, ten - der, strong and true, .

~i J ) J J J ~

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Proud ly in the. heav ens ·gleams thy gold and blue.

tful .. j


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'thy Glo - ry's man- tie .'.cloaks thee, gold - en IS fame;

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J I J J I )1 J And our hearts for - ev - er praise thee, No - tre


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I J J I •P f r And our hearts for - ev - er ·love. ·.thee,' No - tre

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CONCLUDING HYMN. Now Thank We All Our God Nun danket alle Gott

~1 ··. F f I J J I J

I. .. Now thank we . all our God · With hearts: and hands and voic ·~ es, 2. 0 .may this boun- teous God Through all our . life ·. · be near . us, 3: All praise and thanks . to.· God The Fa · ther now be · · giv - en, .

. ·~bl, r· Who· With The

Who, . And The

With And For


I f f r r I r· r. I j J J J I j J · won-drous ·things has ·done, in whom the world re - joic - es;

ev - er joy - ful ·. hearts. . And bless - ed peace to cheer us: Son, .and him who reigns .With them m high. - est hea - veri,

J f I J JI @ F r ·from our moth-er's. · arms .. ·has · blessed US. on ·our way

when per - plexed, earth a - dore; '


·keep us in· his One e - ter - mil

r f J J count- less gifts of free · us. ·from all ·

· thus it . was, is


. grace, God,

J love, ills; now,

And guide· us Whom heav'n and

J J J still is ours this world and shall . be ·· ev. -

J I J,_: ~II to - day. the next. er - more.

Psalm 69.by Michel Guimont, &mctus, Memoriai'Acclamation, Great Amen (from the Community Mass) by Richard i'roulx, Lamb of Godby David Jsele, , , Gift of F'inest Wheat, music by Robert Krcutz, text by Omer Westendorf printed with pcrmissiOn of GIA Publications, Inc. 7404 S. Mason Ave., ChiCago, IL, · under license no. 1180. All rights reserved. Used with permission. , . .

Notre Dame, Our Mother, words b~ Rev. Charics L: O'Donnell, c.s:c., music by Jo~cph.'J. CasaSanta. Cl9,60, Edwin JI. M'orris a'nd Co., a di-Vision of ·M.P.L. Communications, Inc. International copyright secUrcd. All rights reserved. Used w~th permission:·:



Page 12: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official


E X E R .C I S E S;

F R -, D A Y , A U G U S T .4 , 2 0 0 0

11 A.M.·EST

J 0 Y CE CE.NT ER - C 0 NC 0 U RS E

N.o'r RE DAM E ,, . I N DI AN A










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Ord.er. ··of Exercises


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Proces.sional : .. · · . 'by Harold, L. Pace, Ph.D. ·University Registrar .

America the Beautiful Ensemble· and Audience


0 beautiful for spacious skies; For amberwaves ofi;rain,' .. For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain. ·

·Amenca!A_merica! . . . . God shed his grace on thee; .· . .. And crown thy good with brotherhood

· from sea to shining.sea: .....

Convening of the Convocation . by Jdfrey C. Ka.ntor, Ph.D.. ·

. . Vice President and Associate Provost

· Pre~entation of Cimdidates for Degrees• -The Plzilosoplziae Doctor' degree·

by Jarries H .. Powell, Ph.D . . Associate Dean of the Graduate Schooi'

The Legum Magister and Juris Doctor degrees by Walter F. Pratt, Jr., ·J.D. · · · ·

·Associate Dean of the Law School

.. The Master degree · . . by Jati-ie~ i-r. Powell, Ph;D: ·

. Asso~iate r:ie~n of the Graduate School· .. '·

. The· Master of Science in Administration de~ree · , . by Edward R~ 'Ii'ubac, Ph:D ..

Associate J?ean of the Mendoza· College of Business >

The Bachelor degree in the College of Arts and L~ttcrs · · · · ·

by A~a P~cacher, MA .. Assistant D~an of the Col leg~ of Arts and. Letters·

The· Bachelor degree in the College of Scie.nce _ . by S~. Kathleen ·cariu'~n, O.P., D.Miu' ..

Associate Dean of the College of Sci~nce ·


, ' . .I

· .. ·

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The Bachelo~ degree in the College of Engineering· . : by' Steven M. Batill, Ph.D.

Associate D.ean of the College ofEngineering

The Bachelor deg~ee in the Mendoza College of · Busin.ess·

. by Edward R. Thlbac, Ph.D. . Associa_te Demi of the Mendoza College of Business

· Commencement Address* · by <:ornelius F. Delaney, Ph.D .. Profc.ssor

· '. Department of Philosophy

. Closing of the Convocation by Jeffrey c. Kantor, Ph.D .. Vice President and Associate Pro~os{

. '

.. Notrcilame, 9ur l\lodu!r• ·-(Alma Mater) Ensemble and Audience

.· -O'Donnell-Casasanta

. Notre Dame, Our MotheY; fender, strong ;nd true Proudly in the heav~ns gleams thy gold and bluC. Glory's man'tle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame . :

· . And our hearts forever praise. thee, Notre Dame; And Oiir hearts forever love th~e, Notre Dame._

• Recession.al of th~ Platfonn Party and Gradua.tes


. . ~It is cu.stomary for men, although "not rOr wOmcn w~ari.ng academic 0

garb,· to ha"Ve their caps re'mavCd during the Commen~mcnt Address '~nd the singing of the Al;;,a Mater. . · . .

' . . .

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Doctoral .Degrees


Peter Scott Adamson, Stoneha~, Massachusetts Major Subject: Philosophy Dissertation.: The Arabic Plotinus: A Study of the "Theology of Aristotle" and Re)ated Texts Co-Directors: Rev. David B. Burrell, C;S.C. and Prof. Stephen E. Gersh

Rebel~ah Ruth Jager Arana, Grand Rapids, Michigan Major Subject: Mathematics ,

, Dissertation: A Jordan-Algebraic Approach to . Exterior-Point Methods and Primal-Dual Aigorithms Director: Dr. Leonid Faybu~ovlch ·

Raynauld Lamon Bishop, Chicago, Iilinois Major Subject;' Chemistry Dissertation: ·Studies Directed Tuward the Syntheses of Pyoverdin Siderophore and . Pyoverdin Chromophore Drug Conjugates Director: Dr. MarVin J. Miller ·

Thoroddur BJarnason, Reykjavik; icC!and Major Subject: Sociology Dissertation: Adolescent Substance Use: A Study in Durkheimian Sociology Director: Dr. Michael R. Welch.

l\lonica Lyn Walsh Brady, Notre Dame, Indiana Major Subject: Theology

.Dissertation:· Prophetic Traditions ~t Qumran: A Study of 4Q383-391 Director: Dr. James C. VanderKam

Catherine L. Brockus, Watervliet, Michigan Major Subje'ct: Biological Sciences Dissertation: The Medium Genomic Segment of · Cache Valley Virus: Molecular and Immunological Characteristics of the G 1 Glycoprotein Among ';'irus Isolates Dire.ctor: Dr. Paul R. Grimstad

This listing is the property of the University of Notre DamC'and is subject ·to copyright protection. It may not. be rCproduccd, copied or used for commercial pui-poses Without the expressed written consent of Richard W .

. Conklin, Associate Vice· President for University R.elatiofis at.the University of Notre Dame.

Page 16: University of Notre Dame Commencement Program€¦ · 2000. 8. 4. · commencement exercises friday august 4, 2000 joyce center university of notre dame notre dame, indiana official

znwrnmmra FE 'J?'E'rmrmrnn1:e? 1 rrrmrcwwrnwe=m="!'Vti'fl'P"''EBI!'

Betsy Thresa Brody, Phoenix, Arizona · Major Subject: Government and International · Studies

Dissertation: Opening the Door?: Immigration, Ethnicity, and Globalization iri Japan Director: Dr. Peter R. Moody, Jr.

. l{areri Brown, Milan, rlli~ois Major subject:_ Mathematics . Dissertation:· Extensions of"Thickened" Verma . Modules of the Virasoro Algegra . Director: Dr. Matthew J. Dyer·

Jennifer Elizabeth Burke, Dixon, Illinois Major Subject: Psy<?hology · . Dissertation: Prenatal Risk Factors and the Cognitive,· Socio-Emotional, and Acad~mic Development of Children of Adolescent Mothers Director: Dr. John G. Borkowski

Romi Lynn Burks, Llttle Rock, Arkansas M_ajor Subject: ·Biological Sciences Dissertation: Daphnia in Littor~l Zones: Costs .and Benefits ~f Diel Horizontal Migration (DHM) Director: Dr. David M. Lodge . · ·

Neal Christopherson, Walla Walla, Washington · Major.Subject:· Sociology ·

Dissertation: Moral Authority ~nd ~ligious . · · Privatism in the United States• . . .

Director: Dr. Michael R. Welch

Joseph. Whitfield,C~ech, Jr.; Valparaiso, 'rndiana . Major_ Subject: History · . Dissertation: Righteous Indignation: Religion and Populis·m in North Carolina, 1886-1906 Direct~r: Dr. Walter Nugent

l\lichael Dauphinais', Notre Dame Indiana . ·, . ' '

Major SubjeCt: Theology Dissertation: Christ the Teacher: Th~ Pedagogy of the Incarnation According to Saint Thomas· Aquinas Directori Rev. David B: Buireli, C~S.C.

Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Grand Rapids; Michigan

.. Major Subje~t: Philosophy .. .Dissertation: ·Virtues in Action: Aquinas's Reply to the Action-Guiding Objection Director: Dr. Wiiliam D. Solomon

Stephane Dunn, Elkh~rt, Indiana · . Major Subject: English . Dissertati.on: ·The 'Primitive Speaks': The Politics of Race arid Gender in Literary Modernism and the Modernist Imagination Director: Dr. Cy.raina E. John~on-.Roullier


Carolyn Ann Edwards, Carmichael, California Major Subject: History Dissertation: Noblewomen of Prayer, The . Imperial Convents of Regensburg, 1000-.1250 . Director: Dr. John H. Van Engen

~thryn Aida Louise Foley, St. Louis, Michigan Major Subject: Psychology .

· Dissertation: Career Development of.Rural Adolescents Director: Dr. Naomi M. M~ara

. Jeffrey R~bert Guyon; Rockport, Massachus~tts. Major Subject: Biochemistry Dissertatio.n: Analysis of Chromatin Remodeling

• by the Human SWUSNF Complex:. Substrate. Requirements and Stability of the Rc~odeled Conformation


Director: Dr. Paul W., Huber

Pamela J. Higgin_s, Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania . Major Subject: Biochemistry ·Dissertation: Synthesis of the Unnatural Amino Acid.N'-L-Lysine-Ferrocenyl Acetamide and site Specific Incorporation into Transcription Factor IIIA Director: Dr. Paul w. Huber

Michelle Yvonne Janning, Walla Walla, Washington Major Subject: Sociology Dissertation: Blurring the Public and the Private: Work-Family Boundary PermeabilitY for Professional Married Co-Workers Director: Dr. David M. Klein

Chulsoo Kim, Seoul, Republic of South Korea · Major Subject: Physics ·

/ ·

Dissertation: Fabrication, Structural,' and Optical Properties of Self Assembled II-VI Semiconductor Quantum Dots Director: Dr. Malgorzata Dobrowolska-Furdyna ·

Frances Bernard.Kominkiewicz, South Bend,.; Indiana · _Major Subject: Sociology Dissertation: An Organizational Analysis of Sibling Abuse Policy Implementation Director: Dr. Richard A Williams'

Xenofon D. Koutsoukos, Athens, Greece . Major Subject: ·Electrical Engineering Dissertation: Analysis and Design of Piecewise Linear Hybrid Dynamical Systems· Director: Dr. Panos J; Antsaklis



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Doctoral ·Degrees


l\laria Antonia Moreno, Cara~as, Venezuela Major Subject: Economics " _ _ _ Dissertation: Venezuela: Fiscal Deficit and Inflation-Director: Dr: Jaime Ros

, Larry Curt Niccum,· Edmond, .Oklahoma · Major Subject: Theology . Dissertation: -The Book of Acts in Ethiopic (with Critical Text and Apparatus) andlts Relationto the Greek Tuxtual 'Itadition · Director: Dr. Gregory E. Sterling

Steven Atwood Nye~, H;rleysville, Pennsyivania · Major Subject: Economics · -· · · - .·;

Dissertation: Corpo:rate Pension Fundlng . Strategies: Industry and Regulatory. Effeets Co-Direct~rs: Dr. Thresa Ghilard~cci and-.. Dr. 8-yung-Joo L"ee

, ·- '

Amy Orr, Lincoln, Nebraska · Major Subject: . Sociology. -.

Dissertation:. Racial Differen_~es in.Academic 'Achievement:· The Effects of.Wealth · Director: Dr. Maureeri T. Hallinan

Kathryn Elizabeth Packman, Youngstown, New York · Major Subject: Biological Sciences Dissertation:· Induction of Apoptosis in MC_F-7 -- _ Human Breast Cancer Cells and XenograftS by the Vitamin 0

3 Analog EB 10_89

Director: Dr. JciEIIen JonesWelSh

·Sergio Octavi() Correa ~ereira Filho, Whiting, Indiana ; · Major Subject: Sociology

_Dissertation: Soc;iety~Individu_al and Postmodern -- · Condition: _Understanding the.Explosion .of

P~ritecostalism iri Brazil · · · Director: Dr. Fabio' B. Dasilva

· Paul l\lichael Perl, Washington, District of Columbia · Major Subject: Sociology · ·· Dissertation_: Religious Commitment and the_ American Political Left

· Director: Di.Michael R. Welch

Je~nne Danielle Petit, Washington, Illinois . _ · ·· Major Subject: · History . ..

Dissertation: Building Citizens: Women; Me'n and · the Immigration Res~rict'ion.Debates, i890-1929 Director: Dr. Gail Bederman .. -

Gordon Lee Pettit; Fairfield, Iowa · Major Subject: Philosophy Dissertation:• Conditions or'Moral Re.sponsibilitY · Co~Directo;s: or.' Pet~r van Inwagen and · -Dr. Tud A. Warfield ·

. Jennifer L. Rotondo, BridgC\vater, Ne\v Jersey · Major Subject:· Psychology_ · · Dissertation: Dominance and Gender in Conversational Interaction . ·Director: Dr. Steven M. Boker

- Paul l\lartin Savage, Safr Lake City:. Uta.h · Major Subject: History · . - . .

. Dissertati~n: History, Excmpla, arid Caritas in the · Exordium Magnum '

Director: Dr. johnI-i. Van·Engen·_.

~lichaelP~tri~k Sulliva~,· Vaiparaiso, Indiana . MaJor _Subje-ct: Psychol~gy · · · - · - . ·

Dissertation: My Hero, My'self · . ; . Co~Directors: Dr .. Laura A. Carlson Radvansky

:and Dr. -Anrc Venter -

. -

Yizhong Suri, Notre Da-me, Indiana Major Subject: ·Government and Int_brnatiorial .. Studies . ' - .

· Dis~ertation:. New· China Lobby: China's Encounter. with the U.S. Congress.

. · Director: Dr. ·Peter' R. Moody, Jr.

Spurgeon Wakefield Thompsm1; Helsinki,· Finland_· Major-Subject: :Eriglish -· · · · Dissertation: The Postcolonial Tuurist: Irish

·_ Tuurisni arid Decolo.nizatio~_ Since 1 aso '. Director: ·or. Seamus Deane.

Geza Tuth, Notre_ Dame, Indiana - ·Major Subject:.· Electrical Engineering . Di~serfution: Correlation and Coherence in .. Quantu.m-Dot celiuiar Automata -Directo_r: ·Dr. Craig S: Lent • ·

. - . ' . . l\lichacl':Machias Waddell, Owatonna, Minnesota;

Major Subject: -Medieval St!ldics :. . _ Dissertation: 'riuth Beloved: Thomas Aquinas and the Relational 'Itansceridcntals ·Director: Dr. Riilph M. Mcinerny· ' . - ... '


: ".

·Jinl~ui Xu, Yuanjiang, People's Republic of China ... Major Subject: COmputer sdence ·and ·. ' · _, Engin~ering · Dissertation: ·Arrangements, Algo,i'ithms, arid

-Applications . . Director: Pr. Danny z. Chen-_

1 j

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... F'i&

1 ··

::rr 577TTT

l\latthew .ch~des Zynielvicz, Pitt~burgh, . · . Pennsylvania . Major Subject: Theology · . Diss~rtation: The Interreligious Dialogue Between Thomas Merton and D.T. Suzuki

· Director: Dr. Lm;'rence s. Cunningham


Law· ~Scho61



Tue-Ung Baik, Cum Laude; Pusan, . ·.Republic of South Korea .

James Bed l\leNallcn, Hartford, Connecticut Wadi Fouad l\luhaisen~ Denver, Cplorado Adriana Rendon Navarrete, Cum Laude,

Guadalajara, Mexico Thnia Vanessa Solis Medina, Pan·ama City, Panama


Dana '\v1iitney Atchley, Cuni Laude, An~~ndale, Vi.rginia ·

,· '.

~ . ,


I ! ! 11

r I I~ f

·I t !'

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·Master Degrees

In the Graduate School



Lisa Marie Watanabe, Foster City, California


ON: . .

Gcncllc K. Adelman, Pendleton, Oregon Christine Ellen Archibcck;' Albuquerque;

· New Mexico.. . .. · Scott Patrick Bishop, Dixon; Illinois Erik ~lichcal Burn':u, Anaheim, Califor:nia Jonathan J. Burt, Lincoln, Nebraska·

·Jennifer Ann Cervantes, Whiting, Indiana· Matthew Turrcncc Daily, Los Gatos, California· Marcia Devlin, Cotyrone, Ireland Julie A. DiBona,.Laconia, New Hampshire l\lichcllc Ann Dillcnburgcr, Cincinnati, Ohio Erin Kathleen Dinan, Lake Charles, Louisiana Stephen Dosch, Nap~leonville, Louisia~a · · l\lolly. Serene Dunn, Chamberlain, South Dakota Daniel Jackson, Easley, Shelbyville; Kentucky -l\lax Thomas Engel, Muskegon, Michigan _ Michael Evans, Lakewood, Ohio l\lichacl.N. -Faggcli~, North RCadirig, Mas;achusetts

.·John Adrian Fernandez, _El Paso, Tuxas· .. Paul Matthew Flcisch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin James Patrick Franko, Orland Park, Illinois · , Annc·l\laric Frecdy, Bethel Park, Pennsylvannia · Brian J. Fulmer, Cadillac, Michigan

. Timothy Patrick Green, Conroe, Tuxas . Brian Cordell Griffin, Birmingham; Alabama . Susan Marie Happ~l, Garretson·, South.Dakota

Melissa Ann H~rraka, Ramsey, New Jersey . Bethany Ami Hect,- Plymouth, Indiana

· . Colleen 1\1 •. Hughes, Fayetteville, Ne\v York Liberty Joy Jo.ncs, Clearwater; Florida . Kent.Walter Kcrshcnski, Batavia, New York Joseph Raymond Kraus, St. Louis, Missouri

. Carol Lynn Kuro~vski, Crown Point, Indiana Scan ~lichac1 Lynch, South Euclid, Ohio Elsjc. Maassen, Perth,· Australia Scan Thomas Macmanus, Spotsylvania, Virginia David Edwaid Madden, Whippany, New Jersey Julie Eleanor l\laund, La Jolla, California Daniel Joseph l\lcCuc, Sterling, Illinois Alan l\lichacl l\lc\Valtcrs, Piacentia, California . Jcnnifcrl\laric. l\lullins, Roseburg, Oregon· Brian .D. O'Brien; Kingwood, Tuxas . Aimee J: O'Rourkc, Bedford, New Hampshire . ·Antonio Ordz, Jr.·, El Paso; Tuxas ·


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Lawrence Patrick Parker; Albuquerque, New Mexico , ,

G.eorge mirl Phillips, Endwcll, New York Joseph Pietrangelo, Germantown, Tennessee, 1\lary:Katherinc Pilcher, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Karen Christine Randesi, San Jose, California · Andrea Jeanne Ray, Huntington, West Virginia Scott Charles Reis, Portland, Oregon Adam.i'.latthe\v Rodriguez, Gonzales, Tuxas Jennifer Christine Ryan,,Alcdo, Illinois Leticia Ann Sanchez, Austin, Tuxas John Andrew Schoenig, Long Beach, New York Christopher J. Seiler, Cleveland, Ohio" 1\larion Theresa Sullivan, Tulsa, Oklahoma l\Iarisa .Claire Tusoro, ·Colts Neck, N_ew Jersey

· Julie Elirabeth Tilghman, Glenview, Illinois · Sarah Elizabeth Van_ Ermcn, Escanaba, Michigan 1\largaret 1\lary Vegh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania .Gina Velasco, Crown Point; Indiana La'v~nce Anthony Ward, Johnstown, Pennsylvania

, Annemarie Bridget Welch, Phoenix, Arizona Gareth Diaz Zehrbach,' G!Cndal~, Arizona


. ·Jose Arriaga Aviles, San Antonio._ Tuxas Major Subject: Theology··

'Sandra 1\larie Blackstime~Gardner, Jamul, · California Major Subject: Theology

Elizabeth Ann Buckley, Orlando, Florida Major Subject: Peace Studies

Charles C. Camosy, Kenosha, Wisconsin Major Subject: Theology

Rocio Campos,· Mexico; Mexico · . Major Subject: Peace Studies

Kevin Jerome Connell, Wilmington, Delaware Maj~r Subject: English · . Thesis: Manipulating Sacred Spaces: Approaches to Ritual, Audience-Formation and Identity in the Early Abbey Theatre -Director: Dr. Susan C, Harris .

Thomas Anthony Dente, Hillsdale, New Jersey Major.Subject: Theology ·

·Paige Eli7~1.beth Doub, Lakcwood,'Coiorado Major Subject: Peace St,udies

·.Valerie 1\lary Hickey, Cork, Irel~nd · Major Subject: Peace Studies

Sue A. Hinderlider, Notre Dame, Indiana Major Subject: Theology

1\1. Sue Jackson, Dickinson, North Dakota · Major Subject: Theology

. William Edward Jaworski; Notre' Dam~.· Indi~na · Major Subject: . Philosophy

. .

Rima Jeha, Al-Koura, Lebanon . " Major Subject: Peace Studies

Laurence Okeyo Juma, ,Oyugis, Kenya Major Subject: Peace Studies

Fariza Khalil Klmyat,.fuimallah, Palestine ,Major Subject: Peace Studies . ·

Sister 1\lary Rebecca Koterba, R.~.i'.1., Alma, Michigan , Major Subject: ·Theology

Valia 'Asscn.ova.Kyutchukova-Tutarova, Haskovo, ·_Bulgaria . Major.Subject: French Literature · . Thesis: o"rigines de l:Honnetct~ c~ tant qu'Ideal Social, Esthetiquc ct Litterairc de l:Antiquite au XVIIe Siecle et Son Expression dans !es Oeuvres

· de Pascal, La Rochcfou~auld ct La Bruyere Qirector': Dr, Louis A. MacKcnzic,·Jr. ·

Benjamin HarrY Lacy III, Seminole, Florida Major Subject: Peace Studies

Yan Li, Harbin, People's Republic of China Major Subject: Sociology Thesis~ Asian American Women at Work: The Earnings Disparity Director: Dr. Naomi R. Cassircr .

Li !\la, Bcijlng, People's Republic ~f Chi~a Major Subject: Studio Art .

Leon 1\lalazogu, Prishtina, Serbia Major Subject: Peace Studies , .·

!\lark Fathi 1\lass_oud, San Jose, California · Major Subject: Peace Studies

Arif 1\lohammad, Notre Dame, Indiana M;Uor Subject: Peace Studies· .

Natasha Sabrina Mohammed, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada·

, Major Subject: Peace _Studies

Ismael James 1\luvingi, Harare, Zimbab\vc Major Subject: Peace Studies


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i I I


' - ·-Master Degrees·

Cecily L. s. Nicholson, Londo~,'6ntarici, Canada · Major _subject: _Peace Studies ·

Ojong Nyambi odidi, Abuja, Nigeria Major SubjcC:t:. ·Peace Studies _

Lin-Pan, Fuzhou, People's J3.ep~blic of Chiria . Major Subje_ct: Economics

Marion-Parker, Tullahassee, Florida' -_:_ : Major Subject: Theology _

. ' - . Rod P. Phasouk, Rockford, 11linois

':Major Subject: English_

Jon Joseph Plavcan,·Highland, Indiana : Major Subject: Th~oiogy · - ·

William Edward Plourde, Honolulu, ·Hawaii Major Subject: Theology ·

· Yohan~s Sla~et Punvadi,' Bandung, Indonesia ·Major Subject:_ Peace Studies : - ·

- . - - . . . . Madise Linda Richter, Pretoria, South Africa_

·Major Subject: Peace Studies ..

Rene Sanchez, Berkeley, California .. · Major Subject: The~logy -

· . Haya Shamir, Mishawaka, -Indiana Major Subject: -Psychology . Thesis: Assessing Children's Internal ·.

-Representations of Fa-mily Relation~· Dil-ector: Dr .. E. Mark Cummings ·

Andreas Spahn, Essen, Germany

. "

Major Subject: German Language and Litera.tur~

Chnstian Spah~, Essen, Ge~any · - _ . - Major Subject: German Language and Literature.·

_ Yizhong Sun, Notre Dame, Indiana· · Major Subject: Government and International

studies -

··Denise Ann Thl_otta, Linwood,.New Je-rsey Major Subject: Psychology -

'. Thesis: Experienc_ed Tuache~' Challe~ges - Th~ir -'fype and· Frequency~ in Comparison with Firstc

- Year Tuachers · Directo'r:·Dr. Mi~hael Pressley

- Dennis Lee TuBeest, Wayne, New Jersey 'lv1,ajor s'ubject: -Theology . '

Rita-Ann Thi~n,· Grand Blanc, Michigan­. -. Major Subject: Thf!ology


yuan Wang, Beijing, Peo;ie•s R~phblk of Chi~a Major Subject: Peace Studies · · ·

. :sara '\'eber, Niles, Michigan .. · Majo~ Subject:. Art' History . " . Thesi.~: Issues of Femininity in the Paintings of

· Remedios Varo - · Director: Dr. _Kathleen A. Pyne

-Michael J. Wielgopolski, Tuledo, Ohio. Major Subject: Theology

Joshua Gowell Wilson, Shafter, Californiii-Major_ SubJect: Government and int~rnational . Studies · · ·

Jessica Sunshine Ziembrosl~i, l\).ilford, :Michigan· Major Subject: Sociology·.: Thesis: Maternal Work and.the Behavior of

. School-Age Children: ·Married Versus Single Mother Families ·

· Director: Dr. David M. Klein


Changya~ Di, Beijing, People's Republic of China -· · Major Subject; Mathe~atics .

Hong Hu, -Cho~gQing, People's Repubiic of China -Major Subject: Cheinistr:Y -Thesis: Reaction Path Hamiltonian Analysis of Dyna_mical Solvent Effects for a Claisen 1 .· - -

Rearrangemenfand a Diels-Alder_ Reaction . Director:.Dr.'Sharon Hammes-Schiffer -

· St~phen J. Potashniii, Warr~n, Ohio_ . Major Su_bject: Physics ..

Joseph Willia~ Snyd~r, Manistee, Michlg~n · Major Subj.ect: Physics · · -


--'···-·"" ... •.. -1 - ~ - ..... t .

Aleksander Selcularac,~Belgr~de, Serbfa. Thesis;· Pote~tial~Field Distu;bances in a Loaded . Cascade of Airfoils

.. Director: Dr. Eric J .. Jumper

;· THE D:E.<i°REE


~F--M0ASTER·O·F SC.IEN,CE IN .: . ...

:. CHE.MICAL'ENGINEERING ON: - , . :; . • ~ ••-·•-''· -- • , __ _._. __ . __ o\-~"•-.-.••••' _, •·•·-' '··'"'•'• -··•.-'~."- -·--· ,x•~•'··'.__ -~' •

Gabriela I. Burgos.Solorzano, Mexico City,. Mexico · Thesis: Reliable Computation of Chemical and ·Phase Equilibri; in Multiphase: Reactive. Systems Co-Directors: Dr. Joan F. Brennecke and· · · · Dr. Mark A.' Stadtherr'


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Jing Chen, Beijing, People's Republic of China . Thesis: Permeation ofn-Butane Through a Silicalite Membrane: Molecular Simulations and · Experiinental Measurements ·co-Directors:. Dr. Edward J. ·Maginn and · Dr. Arvind Varina ·


. .

.n'acy Lynn Co~a, EasfChicago,.Indiana . Thesis: Dynamic Wind Effects on Stru'ctures:

Response and Mitigation for Tull Buildings Director: Dr . .Ahsan Kareem ·

. . . Blake 'ttoskisson, 1temonton1 Utah· .


Thesis: Modular Connectors for Steel Seismic Resis~ntMoment.Frames . . . Direc'tor: Dr. Robert B. Fieischman .


Bcidros Collin Hanounik, South Be'nd; Indianri- . Thesis:· Diagonal Registe~: :_Novel Vector Register File Design for High Perform~nce and.Multimedia

.. Computing Di~e~tor: Dr. Xiriooo (Sharon) Hu



Andre Sokolnikov, Moscow, Russia ... '' ...


· · Jennifer Jacl~s.on; Arlington Heights,' Illinois · . Thesis:. The Crystal Structure, Synthe~is, and

. Charaderization of Uranyl Sili~ates · · · ·Director: Dr. Peter C. Bums


Jack T. I:"eLx; Phoenix, Ai-izonq ·· Thesis: Design of a Singularity-Free General ·Purpose Manip~lator · · · , Director: Dr. Michael M. Stanisic .

, . ..,, ·'·

Daniel Maurice Leigh-1\la~tinez, San Fr~ncisco, . ' Califoz:nia

Weiyu Liu,· Fuzhou, People;s Republic ~fChina' · T~esis: Gradient-Enhanced Response S~rface

· Approximations Using Neural Networks Director: Dr. Stephen M.- BatiU


Master Degrees

·. Qun !\la, Hebel, People's Republic of.china Thesis: Supervisory Control of a Mobile Robot Using "Pofnt-and-Click" Mobile Camera-Space Manipulation . . . .

.Co-Directors: Dr. John.W. Good\vine, Jr., _:.and Dr.Steven B: Skaar .

Bnan Patrick Reichenberger, South Bend, I~diana . . Thesis: An Autonomous Wheelchair for Clinical Testing ..

. ··Director: Dr .. Steven B. Skaar. ·

Jinlong Wang, Beijing, People's Repubiic ofChi~a Thesis: Solutions of One-Dime~sional RCactive Navier-Stokes Equations Dfrector.: Dr. Joseph M. Powers

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In the Mendoza College of Business



Eric I<arlRuch, Raleigh, North Carolina



SisterDiane Claire Adams, oP, Su~ma Cum Laude, Fremont, California·. _

William James Buchholz, ·o.~s_.B., ·cum Laude, . Conception, Missouri

l\lary Ann- Christensen, Cum Laude, Walkerton, Indiana

Kimbei:ly l\lary Fleming Christenson, Cum Laude; Morristown, ,New Jersey

Sr. l\la.ureen Therese Cooney, OSB, .Magna Cum L~ude, Be~ch Grove,- Indiana·

Yolanda Denise Emley,_ Granger, Indiana -Eli7A'lbeth Jeanne Evans,· Magria Cum Laude;'

· South Bend, Indiana Sara jeanette Exum, Magna Cum Laude,

. South Bend, Indiana . Fr. John Stephen Hardin, O.F.l\l., Cum Laude,

Berkeley, California _ - _ Lori Ellct~ Johnson, Magna Cum Laude, South Bend,

Indiana Sherman W. I<auffman, Goshen, -Indiana Debbie l\tadoni Lewis, Cum Laude, Tulsa; Oklahoma l\larie-1\lyrtha l\larcelin,- S.S.A., Port au Prince, ..

Haiti , _.,

- Catherine Ann l\lellor, Cum Laude, Belle;vue, Kentucky-

I<ara l\l. O'Leary, Cum Laude, South_ Bend, Indiana Sister Lois l\larie Parente, c.,s.S.F.,.

Magna Cum Laude, Lodi, New Jersey . · _Pamela Irene Pranger, Magna Cum Laude,

Huntington, Indiana Rachel Mendelson Rice, Magna Cum Laude,

Mishawaka, -Indiana Amy Alice· Rosen, Cum Laude, South Bend,' Indiana I<atherin.e G. Ro~swurm, Magn~ Cum L.aude, ·

South Bend, Indfana' Lynda Schultz Sardeson, La Porte, Indbria l\latthew J. Shebel, Magna Cum Laude, La Porte,

· Indiana. · · · .- .· ·

Brian l\l. Sloan, Magna Cum Laude,.Mishawaka; Indiana ·

Elayne Ann Winter, Cum Laude~ Winamac, Indiana Bernadette Baranyk Zoss; Magna Cum Laude, -

South Bend, Indiana-:·. · , ' ·

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Natasha Adamov, Cli_fton, New Jersey Adrian Audlcy Baugh, Mande~ille, Jamaica Erin 'Elizabeth Bayles, Cum Laude, Houston, Texas Wendy L. Beck, Adanta, Georgia Abraham John Berman, Huntington, New York·

. David Oscar. Bigman·, DeLand, Florida . . Lisa Juliana Bohacik, Brentwood, New York Tudd R. Brown; Mesa, Arizona Travis George Callahan, Austin, Texas 1\lanYcri Chan, Cum Laude, Minneapoiis, Minnesota Ryan Pa_ul Corder, Phoenix, Arizona · Cassie Lane Cox, Cum Laude; Shreveport, Louisiana _Cassandra l\lichcllc Delgado, Cum Laude,

Canyon Lake, Tuxas · . . Ann Izorah Donald, Cum Laude, co'coa Beach;

Florida· . Samantha E~gelhamt, Whiting, New Jersey Jeffrey J. Fonvard, Cum Laude, Peabody,

· Massachusetts John Garcia, Yuba City, California · Allini1 _F. Goldshtcyn, CumLaiide, Fort Lee,

. New Jersey 1(TistcnAllcgra Hafer, Cu~ Laude, Kansas City,.·.

Missouri · · · . Sidnpy Ray Harris,: Fort Myers, Florida Lisa 1\laric Horner, Phoenix, Arizona April Lynne Hamilton; West Chester, ·Ohio Shannon Leigh Hutchcs,on, Cum Laude, Suwane~,

Georgia . April Elizabeth Huyck, New York, New York Lmvrencc l\·1. Iwanski, Cum Laude, Richmond Hill, - . . •. . - ..

Georgia . Joshua Andrew Jenkins, Cum Laude, Sunnyvale,'

California · Jennifer l\loniquc Jetton, FoitWorth, Texas Christopher Kennedy, Staten-Island, New York 1\lichacl Adam I\:cslosky, Magna Cum La11de, .

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . · Elizabeth Jean Kuhlman, C11m ia11de, St. Lo~is,

.Missouri Nicole Marie 1\laftin, Cum La11de, Hershey,

Pennsylvania 1\latthmv Louis l\lichacls, Fort Wayne, Iµdiana · Jonathan David Nadler, Cum Laude, Roslyn,

New York · · Shane F. O'Connor, Ci11n Laude, Chazy, New York Tudd Anthony Papa, Ci11n Laude, .Wheaton, Illinois Scott Choycc Peterson, Magna ·c11m Lai1de, Fairfield,

Connecticut' Jodi Kay Phillips, Cum La11de1.Tuledo, Ohio Michael Gregory Reiter, New·City, New York Ronald Allan Rom;santa, 'cum La11de, Chicago,

Illinois· Jason _Eric Sammons, Cum Laude, s.tone Mountain,


Master Degrees

. Angelina Sierra; Houston, Texas · Ryan Holden Smith, Shaker Heights, Ohio ·Laura Faye Sldcr, Cum Laude, Madison,

South Dakota l\lircca Vladimir Ungurcanu, Chisinau; Moldova Lakesha Wilson, Chicago, Illinois · · l\licah James ZiClkc, Milwaukee, Wisconsin .

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~:college of Arts and Letters

, ..

College of. S.cie.nce ·



NaLynne Elaine Down; Cum Laude, · ·Berrien Spnngs, Michigan

, - -~ l

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS ON: ·.' ' i · -~. _ ... •" -- . . .. ~· - ·-· . .

S~annon l\larie Carl, Summa Cum Laude, West Hills;, -California. . · ·

· Leonarcl'D. Conapinski, Cum Laude, Philade0

lphfa,: Pennsylvania . ·

· Robert l\lichael Davis, Cum Laude, Lees Summit, Missouri ..

. James Richard Dillon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania · Eric H. Francis, Edwardsburg, Michigan ·. · · · ·

. Kamal Gadelhak, Granger, Indiana · · Danielle Dru -Giraidi, Winnetka; Illinois

Jennifer Rae Gurley, Louisville, Kentucky· John °Dallas Howard, Louisville, Kentucky

' NielC Jamillah. Ivey, St. Lo~is, Missoun ·James l\lichael jones, Chicago Ridge, Illinois Brian Brady ~IcEvoy, Succasunna, New Jersey .. Daniel Kicran McGowan; Narberth, Pennsylvania. Patrick David Meeki~on,·Canton, Ohio_.

· Eli;,..bcth An~·l\loriarty, south Bend, Indiana ,' John Joseph Nortoh, DownerS Grove, Illinois . .

Daniel·Robert'Peate, Thousand Oaks, Californi~ : . Britta~ ~llyn Reilly, Wfhnetka, Iilinois . . . . l\lichael FranCis Romero, Pocono Lake,

Pennsylvania . . · Bren.ton Joseph.Ross, Cuni Laude;. New Berlin;··

·· Illinois . - ·

· Tremaine Marie Stc~ling,' Orlando, Florida . Cynthia Vega, Cum Laude, Jennings, Loui~i~na . Joseph. Paul Verich, Laona, Wisconsin · , Leon Ed\vard Wallace, Mishawaka, Indiana Andrew William· '\rendelborn, South Bend,· Indiana Mark Douglas Wilson, Granger, India_na

\' ', .. ·'·

-- -· . -...... ~.-···. : . Tl-fE.DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF

- .......... _ ·-.... '" "':.. ·-

Rach~lEltzabe~ Mathis, Su~ma Cum Laude, · : South Bend,.Indiilna

Lisa Kate Radde°~, Westwood, M:assachu~etts. 1

Lorna Leigh sa~chez, · cu·m Laude; Bowling Green,:. · Ohio. .. .


' .. •'

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Coll.ege ;of ·E.ngineerip.g ·


AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ON: .... · · Kimberly Ann Gatli~, Houston, Te~s

Noei G~ Lucero/ Vada,' Ne\v Mexico

~Mendoza·· College qf·J?u.siness.

School of· --Architecture···

; ,·



'. Jeffrey Robert Welsh, Glen Dale, \'.{est Virginia



Ryan AlbertBl~ggi, Youngstown, Ohio · .. Derek Wesfoy EngCikemcyer, Washingto~,.Missouri Adrienne Diane Kurtanich, Sharon, Pennsylvania

· Margaret Carmody l\leek, SpringfiCJd, Missimri . Brian Christopher l\lolinaro, Clifton; New Jersey: Grable John l\luraida, Jr., Austin, Tuxas. · Alfred L~wrence Njie, Washington,

. District of Columbia •Daniel James Publico~er, Ashtabula, Ohio · · 1


l\lichriel Thomas Revers, Naperville, I11Ji10is Rebecca l\larie Schloss, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Chad Nicholas stnicen~ky, Tinton Falls, New Jersey . ' : .. ' ' . . . . .


·ON: .

•. A mad Adel tic~etrious, Daytona. Beach, Florid~

I l l



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, .


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J l ·I l

.I i 1 l

' ' ·l

l I l

i l· ·1

! ',,

Awards and Prizes

National Awards American Scandinavian Foundation Research Award·

Romi Lynn Burks, Little Rock, Arkansas

· Consejo Nacional de Ciencia. yTecnologia

Gabriela I: Burgos-Solorzano, Mexico City; Mexico ·

Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Predoctoral Fellow

Kathryn Elizabeth Packinan, Youngstown, .New York

Department of Defense National Science & Engineering Fellow

TI'acy Lynn Correa, East Chicago, Indiana - - \ ''

Fulbright Grant for Graduate Study and Research Abroad ·

Gabriela I. Burgos-Sol6rz~~o, .Mexico City; Mexko Ro mi Lynn Burks, Little Rock, Arkansas · Carolyn Ann· Edwards, Carmichael, ·California Maria Antonia More~o; Caracas, Venezuela · Marlise Linda Richter, Pretoria, South Africa

Jacob K. Javits' Fellow · ·

Carolyn Ann.Edwards, Carmi~hael, California'

Delo.res Zohrab Liebmann Fellow

Michael Machias Waddell,.O\yatonna, Minnesota

National .Science Foundation Graduate Research.· ·Traineeship

. ' · ~mi Lynn Burks, ·Little Rock'. Arkansas

TI'acy Lynn Correa, East Chicago, Indiana Jennifer Jackson, Arlington Heig~ts, Illinois

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North Caroliniana Society Archie K. Davis Fellowship, 1996 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ·

Joseph Whitfield Creech, Jr.; Valparaiso, Indiana

. Pew Program in Religion and American History Dissertation Fellow, Yale University, .1998-1999

Joseph Whit~eld Creech·, Jr., Valparaiso, Iildiana.

Sidmore Owings & Merrill Foundation Travelling ' Fellowship in. Structural Engi~eering .

Tracy Lynn Correa, East Chicago, Indiana

'Space Grant Consortium Fellow

Brian Patrick. Rcichenberger, South Bend, Indiana ·

I . '

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1: I

I ,. l i· i:

I 1 ...

I. I

~·' >

Awards and Prizes·

· In the Graduate: School

.. '

In the·

College pf· Art sand Letters·


1n the Col?ege of Engineering

·Alumni Association Distinguished G~aduate · Stude.nt Award· ·

Thoroddur Bjarnason, Reykjavik, Iceland

Co.~a Cola Minority Fellow ·

William Edv.;ard Jaworski,. Notre Dame)ndiana

Arthur J. Schmitt Fellow · '.

Rebekah Ruth Jager A~ana, Grand Rapi~s, Michigan: ·

Karen. Brown, Milan Illinoi~ · ' St~phen J .. Potashnik, Warren, Ohio

University Presidential Fellowship ·

·. Th~roddur Bjarnas~n, R~ykjavik, icela.nd . Kevin Jerome Connell, Wilmington, Dela,varc · ·

Carolyn Ann.Edwards, Carmichael; California . Paul Michael Perl, Washington, · ' ·

. District of Columbia .

. The William a·nd Connie Greif Award Awarded to outstanding B_FA students

.. NaLynne E.-D·m~n,'Berrie~ Spl-ings •. Mlchiga~

• Radwan and Allan Riley Prize · .... · . . · · .. · ·' · . ·Awarded to a senior for excellence'in his or her· ·

· resp~ctive field, ·

·Design: . . . NaLynne E. Do,vn,• Be~ricn Springs, Michigan

. T~e Patrick J. Deviny ,Scholarship Award . . . · ·Tu the senior in aerospace· engin.eering displaying the . ·

1~ost diligen~e and persist~nce in their. studies · · . ~ ' ' . . - )

Noel Luccero; ·vado, Nm.;, _Mcxii:o


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·.Acadell1ic ··Attire

Ceremonial garments worn at academic functions. take their meaning from the original centers oflearning of the Wester~ \vorld in the Church of the Middle Ages. C~ps, hoods an~ gowns of the early s~udents and ~onks

·have been held through the centuries to be traditionally .. symbolic of the scholarly devotion so basic. to education . and to the deliberate and orderly. evolution of kno~vledge. . . · . . · . ·

·The fotroduction of classical stu'dies, the gradual rise. of the great univer8ities across. Europe, and the ever- . : ·increasing awareness of the decisive· role of education

.. in the' entire d~velopment of civilizatio'n influenced · leaders am:ong acade'micians in their desire for a singular· . identity. In the attempt to create this 'differentiation; educators fell upon .the medieval ·system of classic .

. ·heraldry, whereby the' coat of arms, assorted ·ornamental ' trappings,. and patterns. of colorful design, had been adopte.d to denote the distinctive character of desigriated · chivalric orders. The fu~ction of"pedagogical. heraldry~

· became, then, simply identification. As ~uch, measures · ·.were taken. to signify thr~ugh distinctive markings on'. ·

the academician's attire the institution that had granted. th'~ degree, the field 6f learnfog in \\rhich the degree had been earned, and the level of the degree-bachefor, master cir doctorate, · · · . ·

()f the three pieces of academic attire, the cap, the .. gown and'the hood, it is the hood that offers.the· most .. abundant and most readily discc~nable 'information

about its ~wner. The inner lining of the hood identl.fies . . the institution ~t which the iildividual earned the degr~e.

Some schools have adopted two-color patterns and . introd~~ed chevrons and bars invarious designs to set

them:selves apart from other ihstitutions. Th~ ~elvet· · 'trim bordering the .hood indicates the. rriajor field. of · 1ea~ning, or: faculty,· in· which the. degree has be'en: earned .. The list at the conclusion of this' s~ction will

. ·.explain this. relationship. A final feature of the hood . : concerns its length and width and distinguisl]es further. between holders of bachelor's, master'.s, and .~actor's degrees. The length of the hoo.d for the bachelor's degree ,.:


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· i; three feet, closed at the bottom; and th~ ~el vet border is two. inches. At Notre Danie, individuals receiving a bachelor's degree do not wear a hood. A master's degree holder has a hood three an.done half feet in length with a three inch wide border, and is slitat the bottom. Those individuals with a doctorate degree wear a .hood four

·. feet in length, open at the bottom; with a. five inch . border. · · · . · ·

The gown: is· usually black in color but some American universities, including Notre,IJame, have adopted distinctive colors for .their robes. ·Notre Dame doctorate d,egree robes are blue, reflecting one. of its official colors,. . . .

The cut of the gown aids in differentiating beh'."een the th~ee le~els of degrees .. The bachelor's gown is relatively simple and falls in straight lines from ari .

. elaborate yoke. It may be recognized most readily_ by .. · th.e long, ·pointed sleeves. .The master's gown is somewhat fuller and bears no .adornment.- The sleeves

. are oplong in shape and open at th~ wrist, with the rear part of the oblong square cut while.the front edge has a cutaway arc .. The doctor's gown is more elaborate with. velvet panels down the front and around the ne~k of .

· the garment. The. sleeves are bellshaped at the end and.have three bars of.the same material as the front··· panels at' the ~pper porti6,n of the aim. It is cut rather ·~ full and may· be ornamental in color. Notre Dame's doctoral gown has royal blue velvet front panels with .·

. the Unive~ity's shield embroidered in gold: The roya{ blue sleeve chevrons are outlined i~ gold.' .... · .

. The mortarboard or Oxford-type cap has.·been adopted tl~~oughout most u'n.iversities in the United ·

. States, although Notre Da'me's doetoral cap is a royal · blue tam. Colored tassels are usually worn by holders of the bachelor's and master's degre~s. ·These denote

.. the field oflcarning; The list on the next page indica.tes the .tassel colors. Gold tassels are reserved for those with doctorate 'degrees and; governing officers of · educatio.nal Institutions:


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Proce·ssional Banners·-


· The gonfalon, a banner that hangs from a crosspiece -or frame, originated in the medieval republics of Italy

_ as· an ensign _of state or office. Gonfalons have been adopted in many universities around the world as

- college or institutional insignias, and many use them to identify and lead colleges and schools within the -

. university in academic procession: -The lower half of the gonfalon consists of a shield

with a clear blue field and a cross of gold. This is part of the armorial seal designed by Pierre de Chaignon la Rose of Harvard in 1931. The heraldic colors (gold and blue) are symbolic of the Mother:~r God, to whom, Father Sorin first dedicated Notre Dame. At the shield's

F8-culty Colors

base are _two ~~vy lines (indieating the a Lacu, _"of the _ AGRICULTURE .. ; ...................... : .... : .................. :, Maize . Lake," in the University's official title), and above them ·ARCHITECTURE ........................................ Blue Violet

to th_e left is a star, another emblem of the Virgin, Star ARTS, LETTERS, HUMANITIES ... ."; ............. : ...... White of the Sea. The cross represents the Congregation of. - COMMERCE, ACCOUNTANCY, BUSINESS ......... Drab Holy Cross, which founded Notre D~me; an instituti9~ · . DENTISTRY .... '.: ................................. : .. ; ........... ; .. Lilac of learning is denoted by the open book. The phrase ECONOMICS ............ : ........................ : .............. Copper

. "Vita, Dulcedo, Spes," taken frcim the ancient prayer to EDUCATION: ........ : ............... : ..................... Light Blue the Virgin, the Salve Regina, celebrates _her as "Hf~. ENGINEERING ................................................ Orange" sweetness, and _hope." FINE ARTS ............. .' ... , ......................... ~ ............ ·Brown ·

FORESTRY ..................... .' .............. : ... : .....•..... : . .-.. Russet

Gonfalons designed by Paul Wieber of Notre Dame Publications and Graphic Services, commissioned by Watra Church Goods, Chicago, and manufactured by Slabbinck of Brugge, Belgium.

-'JOURNALISM .............. : ................................. Crimson" LAW .... .' ... : ........................... .' ............................... Purple LIB,RARY SCIENCE ........... ............................... Lemon MEDICINE ............. ; ...... :.: ................... '. ...... : ........ Green MUSIC ............ .' ... : ..... '. ...... : ........................ ; ............ Pink

. NURSING ............................ :., .......... ." .......... : .. .' . ._ Ap.ricot _ OPTO.METRY ... :'. ................ ;.............. Sea Foam Green ORATORY (SPEECH) ................................. Silver Gray PHARMACY ............ , ................................. Olive Green PHILOSOPHY ............................................. Dark Blue PHYSICAL EDUCATION .. : ............. : ...... '. ... Sage Green PODIATRY-CHIROPODY ................... , .. :: .. Nile Green PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, INCLUDING FOREIGN SERVICE : ....... '. ........... : ........... Peacock Blii"e PUBLIC HEALTH ........ ; ........................... Salmon Pink SCIENCE ............ :: ............... '. .... : ... : ....... '. Golden Yellow. SOCIAL SCIENCE ...................... ; ....................... Cream SOCIAL WORK: .... ; ..................................... :: ...... Citron

_-THEOLOGY ............. : ............... -. ........... :; ............ Scarlet VETERINARY SCIENCE ....................................... Gray

' . - . . . . . . . . .

Old Gold and Royal Blue in Hood Denotes a Notre Dame Degree


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Symbol of Office

THE UNIVERSl_TY MACE • • ' • ' I • '

The acade~ic see pt~~.· or mace, was one of the earliest distinctive signs of medieval university officials .

. The inace was o.riginally a ~vooden staff earned by royal messengers. The early wooden staff on the university beadle, a'subaltern official,' evolved in the 14th·c~ntury into an elaborate silver mace. It was carried by the beadle during processions and graduation ceremonies, an_d was displayed as a symbol to command order during. classes. In. the 15th century it became symbolic of academic dignity. An. essential part of the mace was the staff or cylindrical rod (tibia), originally a' tube of silver filled with wood or some other base materials .. The staff, divided into several sections, was held together .

. by ~ ring-shaped excrescence (nodus). The staff was crowned with_ a bell-shap.ed head (caput); at the base

. was a finfal(niembrum tenninale): · The Notre Dame mac~ was designed· and executed

'by _Rev. Anthony Lauck, C.S.C., professor emeritus of art, art_. history and design .. The bronze caput repeats the University seal found on the Presidential Medal, but brings the star outside the shield where its separate rendering emphasizes the patronage of the Virgin.Mary. Its shaft is in walnut and the.star and the finial, bear the University col~rs gold and blue. .