Page 1: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年







通訊 NEWSLETTER 2018 第六十四期 ISSUE 64

航空學、建造環境學、護理學及數據及數碼科學是學院未來發展的四大核心課程項目,亦是本港、 鄰近地區,以至全球的焦點所在。學院掌握時代發展脈搏,秉承逾半世紀的開創精神,成立香港大學專業進修學院電競課程中心,為有志加入行業人士開拓新的專業發展平台。

Aviation, Building and Construction, Care, Data and Digital Science are four of the most rapidly growing professions nowadays and they also are the core future development of the School. The School has already established new courses to address these areas. To embrace this pioneering spirit still further, the School has also established a new Centre for eSports to create further new opportunities for professional development.

年度音樂會: 融愛在微風細語中Annual School Concert: Love was in the air

局長參訪當代藝術收藏課程Government official visits a class on Collecting Contemporary Art



長期服務獎 2018Long Service Award 2018

「一帶一路」以色列商貿考察暨 創科學習之旅A rewarding “Belt and Road Initiative: Business Mission and Study Tour in Israel”

校友會講座:樓宇滲水處理ALUMNI Seminar: Tips on handling water seepage

數據及 數碼科學開拓全新專業發展平台

DATA AND DIGITAL SCIENCEA brand new professional development platform

10終身學習更輕鬆 Burden-free lifelong learning

Page 2: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年


電競課程培育業界人才eSports programmes to nurture future talents

電 競 是一項矚目的新興行業。根 據 荷 蘭 機構 Newzoo 研究指,去年全球電競總收入達6.96 億美元( 約 55 億港元),按年增 41.3%, 料 2020 年倍增至逾 15 億美元。而電競更為 2022 年杭州亞運比賽項目之一,前景無可限量。

電競顧名思義是電子競技運動,有別於傳統以體能較量的運動,電競的比賽場地是在虛擬空間,透過電子形式進行,可以是個人賽,亦可以團體方式進行。電競亦與一般消閒「 打機」不同,除了電競選手外,周邊亦有相當多不同與電競相關的職位,也是非常專業與一般傳統運動項目不遑多樣。包括電競遊戲開發、評述、大型活動籌劃、舞台監督、大數據收集與分析,以及教練等,各方面的人才需求相當龐大。

學院於本年 5 月 21 日與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄,合辦「 電子競技科學文憑」課程,為社會孕育電競專才,並幫助年青人裝備自己,迎接電競帶來的種種發展機會。

「 電子競技科學文憑」課程以電競產業鏈為設計藍本,共有六個單元,覆蓋產業各個領域,

數據及數碼科學Data and digital science

包括電競商業生態系統、發展背景、串流技術、節目管理、社會責任、安全及法例等,學員可體驗到整個行業的運作模式。此外,數碼港計劃設立的電競專屬場地,可供學員汲取舉辦電競活動與比賽的經驗。「 電子競技科學文憑 」課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、實驗課及實習等形式進行。

繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年5 月 28 日,再獲得業界翹楚,香港電競總會、Cyber Games Arena 及英皇電競的鼎力支持,為課程內容設計提供寶貴意見,以及為學員提供實習機會。



Page 3: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年


eS por ts i s a new p ro fess i on i n t he spotl ight around the world. According to the Newzoo Global eSports Market R e p o r t , e S p o r t s r e v e n u e g r e w t o US$696 mi l l ion in 2017, a growth of 41.3% compared to 2016. It is expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2020. eSports will also be an official medal event for the 2022 Asian Games to be held in Hangzhou.

eSpor ts, unl ike tradit ional spor ts that pr imar i ly involve physica l exer t ion, is a form of menta l exercise which a lso invo lves app l icat ion of var ious k inds of digi ta l technologies and electronic systems. eSports athletes can compete as individuals or in teams within a computer-mediated environment.

eSports is also creating many job opportunities in areas such as public relations, business management, spor ts market ing, sales and par tnersh ip management , v ideo animation, data analysis, eSports event manag ement , journa l i sm and spor ts coaching and so on. All in all, eSports is a fast-growing industry with a great demand for talents and specialists across a wide range of professionals.

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On 21 May, the School was delighted to join hands with Cyberport to roll out the “Diploma in eSports Science” programme. This will help cultivate more professional talent for our society and better equip the young generation to embrace career opportunities in eSports.

The course of six modules resembles the industry value chain, and allows attendees to get a gl impse of the sector’s tota l landscape. The programme of fers an extensive coverage of eSports business ecosystems, history, streaming technology, event planning and management, as well as ethics, safety and law. The multifunctional eSpor ts fac i l i t y at Cyberpor t , that is currently being planned can be used for students to gain experience in organising eSports events and tournaments to enrich their learning experience.

Further to the collaboration with Cyberport, an MOU Signing Ceremony with three industry leaders was held on 28 May. The School is delighted to have received professional support from the E-Sports Association Hong Kong, the Cyber Games

Arena, and the Emperor Esports Star. They will provide advice, assistance and internship opportunities to the School and the students.

Dr David Chung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government, also attended the ceremony, and stated that the Bureau is determined to p romote t he e S po r t s i ndus t r y i n Hong Kong. It is a milestone for a tertiary institution to participate in the eSports industry to nurture eSports talents. He hopes more young people will be involved.

In light of the above, the School will provide a series of eSports related programmes including competitive games development, coach management, eSports event management and eSports stage management, to nurture talents to meet the needs of the market.

Page 4: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

數據及數碼科學Data and digital science

早前,學院宣布推出「 雲端運算架構基礎證書」課程,與具備最全面及被廣泛採用的雲端平台Amazon Web Services (AWS),及香港數碼科技旗艦數碼港攜手合作,為行業培養精英新力量。

透過 AWS Academy 計劃,AWS 將為學院的講師提供認可課程、培訓和講師認證,讓獲得AWS Academy 認證的講師按 AWS 課程向學生授課。AWS 為運算、儲存、數據庫、網絡、分析、機器學習與人工智能、物聯網、安全等提供超過 125 種功能全面的雲端服務。而數碼港 作為推動香港數碼科技發展的重要一員,匯聚了超過 1,000 家數碼科 技公司,將透過其龐大的業界網絡,為課程連繫行業專家,舉辦講座和研討會以豐富課程內容,啓發學生深入了解雲端運算技術的實際應用。根據全球知識 2017 年 IT 技能和薪酬報告指出,AWS 認證之IT 專業人士獲得較高的薪酬,同時具備進一步發展事業所需的專業技能。

三強聯手合辦雲端運算課程Three giants to provide a star programme


學院署理院長祁樂彬博士表示:「 此課程將助學生裝備自己,在現今瞬息萬變的世界發展豐盛的事業,並為未來作好準備;此課程是我們 多元化科技課程之延伸,其一直深得業界專業人士認同,被視為增長知識技能不可或缺的持續進修課程。我們非常高興得到 AWS 和數碼港全力支持,攜手推出此課程,助本地人才把握互聯網經濟的發展機會。」

有關課程為持續進修基金的可獲發還款項課程,已於 2018 年 5 月開始接受報名,並於 2018 年6 月開始授課,包括兩大單元:雲端資源管理及調撥,及商業雲端運算之應用與實踐。課程將透過課堂指導、實訓班、網上知識評估及項目習作。 

課堂指導和實訓班將於香港大學專業進修學院 其中一所教學中心進行,而業界研討會將於 數碼港內香港大學專業進修學院的「 數碼學院」進行。

數據及數碼科學Data and digital science

Page 5: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

In April 2018, the School has launched a “Foundation Certificate in Cloud Computing Architecture” course, in co-operation with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, and Cyberport, the digital technology hub in Hong Kong.

Through i ts AWS Academy Program, AWS will provide authorised courseware, training, and accreditation for HKU SPACE instructors. The authorised instructors will then be able to deliver AWS curricula to students. AWS offers over 125 fully featured

課程詳情 For more details:


services for computing, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), security, and more.

With the strong support from Cyberport which has over 1,000 digital technology companies in its community, the courses will be enriched with talks and seminars lined up by Cyberport. Industry experts and professionals will be invited to share first-hand experience and latest industry updates, helping students gain insights into the practical applications of cloud technology. According to the Global Knowledge 2017 IT Skills and Salary Report, IT professionals with AWS certification can command higher salary, and be equipped with the skills to take on broader career opportunities.

Dr John Cribbin, Acting Director of HKU SPACE said, “This course will position students for excit ing careers in today’s dynamic world, as well as prepare them for future advancement. The course is an extension of our own comprehensive range of technology

courses that are sought after by professional executives as essential skills for continued education. We are truly delighted to have the support of AWS and Cyberport to launch this course, to empower Hong Kong talent to leverage opportunities arising from the internet economy.”

The course is eligible for reimbursement under the Continuing Education Fund (CEF), and has opened for applications in May 2018. Classes will start in June 2018. It will cover two modules: Management and Optimisation of Resources for Cloud Computing; and Deployment and Implementation of Cloud Computing in Business. The modules will be delivered through in-class instruction, hands-on lab sessions, online knowledge assessments, and project work. The in-class instruction and hands-on lab sessions will be conducted in one of the learning centres of HKU SPACE, and industry seminars will be conducted at HKU SPACE’s Cyber Institute located at Cyberport.

Page 6: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

年度音樂會:融愛在微風細語中Annual School Concert: Love was in the air

年度音樂會:融愛在微風細語中Annual School Concert: Love was in the air

活動重溫 Event recap:

愛貫穿了時代,跨越了文明,觸碰了每個人的內心。今年學院年度音樂會邀請到四個音樂單位,演繹香港經典流行情歌、本地和爵士音樂,以及情歌組曲來分享愛。香港大學附屬學院同學亦送上音樂劇《 吉屋出租 》( 節錄版),以愛豐潤生命中每個季節。


今年的音樂會在 4 月 10 日於香港大會堂音樂廳隆重舉行,名為「 Seasons of Love」。藉著演唱一系列全球熱門及本地受歡迎的曲目,加上歌曲主題圍繞愛、熱情、慾望和希望,音樂會以最豐富的情感感染觀眾。


第二部分,香港大學附屬學院的學生經過導演暨校友李婉晶小姐( 天堂製作的創辦人)的指導,表演多次榮獲 東尼獎的節錄版音樂劇《 RENT –School Edition》,透過美妙的歌聲慰藉觀眾的 心靈。

音樂劇切合音樂會的情感主題,講述八位年輕人努力追求心中所愛,並在現實世界裡尋找自己的出路。隨著劇中一首首金曲風靡全球,RENT 音樂劇成為了知名的劇目。其故事不但發人深省,而且鼓勵觀眾以愛作為幸福生活的指標。



Page 7: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

If there is one thing that permeates music from every age and culture, it is love. This year’s Annual School Concert filled our hearts and souls with love songs ranging from local pop classics, to jazz, and even a rock opera!

The concert titled “Seasons of Love” was held at the Concert Hall of the Hong Kong City Hall on 10 April. It was divided into two contrasting, but equally emotional parts. The first half was devoted to modern love songs; in the second half, students from HKU SPACE Community College filled our hearts with music from an abridged version of the multiple Tony Award-winning musical RENT- School Edition.

As befitted the occasion, this was a story about eight young people trying to find their way in the world. With a list of songs that have become huge international hits, RENT is an inspiring story of today that invites us all to measure our lives in the one thing that really matters: LOVE.

We would like to express our deepest thanks to all the musicians, bands, alumni and Community College students for their extraordinary efforts and captivating performances. Our sincere thanks also go to Mr William W. H. Au, SBS, JP and patrons, for their generous sponsorship.


Page 8: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

局長參訪當代藝術收藏課程 Government official visits a class on Collecting Contemporary Art

2018國際持續進修研討會2018 International Symposium on Lifelong Learning

商務及經 濟發展局局長邱騰華先生早前探訪學院,並參與學院與倫敦中央聖馬汀設計學院開辦的「 當代藝術收藏」短期行政課程的第一講。邱局長不但細心聽講,更與師生們進行交流。學院董事局主席陳坤耀教授、院長李經文教授、 常 務 副 院長( 行政 及 資 源 )陳 阮德 徽 博士及 學院常務副院長 ( 學務)祁樂彬博士亦有陪同 參與課堂。

課程專為新手藝術收藏家及投資者而設。為期八天共 60 小時課程,分為六個單元,有三天由倫敦 中央聖馬汀設計學院講師專程來港授課。此外,學院導師,以及香港、歐洲、亞洲和中國內地業界翹楚亦會與學員探討當代藝術品的收藏與投資之道,更會帶領學員到本港藝廊及外地的藝術空間實地學習。

學院院長李經文教授早前應馬來西亞理工大學 持續進修學院之邀,擔任該校在本年 4 月 24 至25 日舉行的 2018 國際持續進修研討會的主講 嘉賓之一,跟與會者分享政府資助對本港專上 教育帶來的機遇與挑戰。


2018國際持續進修 研討會

Government official visits a class on Collecting Contemporary Art

2018 International Symposium on Lifelong Learning

Mr Edward Yau Tang -wah , G B S, J P, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR Government, paid a visit to the School and joined the first module of the Executive Programme in Collecting Contemporary Art delivered by Central Saint Martins.

Professor William K. M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, was invited to be a keynote speaker of 2018 International Symposium o n L i f e l o n g L e a r n i n g o r g a n i s e d b y UTM SPACE from 24 to 25 April 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Professor Lee conducted a presentation on “Quality vs Quant i t y in Post-secondary Educat ion: Dilemmas for Government Funding Policy in Hong Kong”.

Mr Yau was not only a good listener, he also took the time to share his valuable views during the class. Professor Edward K. Y. Chen, Chairman of the Board of HKU SPACE, Professor Wi l l iam K. M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, Dr Dorothy T. F. Chan, Deput y D i r ec to r (Adm in i s t r a t i on and Resources), and Dr John Cribbin, Deputy Director (Academic Services) also attended the class.

This 60 -hour programme is tai lor-made for novice ar t col lectors and business professionals. The entire programme consists of six modules (8 days in all), including an intensive three-day module delivered by a Central Saint Martins’ lecturer from London, five one-day modules led by HKU SPACE and industry experts from Hong Kong, Europe, Asia and Mainland China. The programme will end with one module being spent at local galleries, and one module visiting some of the latest art spaces outside Hong Kong.


Page 9: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

長期服務獎 2018 Long Service Award 2018

連續11年獲頒星鑽服務大獎 The School wins the Sing Tao Excellent Services Brand Award for the 11th consecutive year

In recognition of the faithful service of long-serving staff, the School organised a Long Serv ice Award Ceremony to express the School's appreciation of their loyalty and valuable contributions.

The Ceremony was held at the Wang G ungwu Thea t re , G radua te H ouse at the HKU Main Campus. A tota l of 78 s taf f members, who have served the School for 10 or 15 years as of 31 December 2017, were invited to attend t he C e remony and r e c e i ve a Long Serv ice Award and Cer t i f icate. The serv ice with the School counts from October 1999 since our incorporation as a separate legal entity from HKU.


長期服務獎頒獎典禮 2018 早前於港大王賡武講堂舉行,今年共有 78 名於學院服務了10 年或 15 年的同事獲邀出席典禮並接受長期服務獎及證書。

連續 11 年獲頒星鑽服務大獎 The School wins the Sing Tao Excellent Services Brand Award for the 11th consecutive year

長期服務獎 2018 Long Service Award 2018

HKU SPACE was awarded the "Sing Tao Excellent Services Brand Award in Continuing Education Service Provider" catergory for the 11th consecutive year.

Dr C. L. Chan, Chief Information and Planning Officer, attended the ceremony on behalf of the School to receive the award which was in the “Cont inuing Education Service Provider” category. The judges commended the School’s efforts in delivering a continuing education service to the people of Hong Kong for over half a century. The School will continue to fulfil its public responsibilities in providing diversif ied and quality programmes to satisfy social needs, and facilitate individual development.

學院連續 11 年獲星島日報頒發星鑽服務品牌選舉「 最佳持續進修教育學府」服務大獎,表揚學院逾半世紀推動終身學習理念的努力。頒獎禮由學院策劃及資訊主管陳真良博士出席領獎。學院將繼續積極履行社會責任,提供優質及多元課程,以滿足社會需要及助個人發展。


Page 10: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

終身學習更輕鬆 Burden-free lifelong learning

HKU SPACE Executive Academy 2018畢業典禮 HKU SPACE Executive Academy Graduation Ceremony 2018

HKU SPACE Executive Academy 2018 畢業典禮HKU SPACE Executive Academy Graduation Ceremony 2018

為鼓勵市民持續進修,於剛公布的財政預算案中,當局向持續進修基金注資 85 億元,並提高每人資助上限至 20,000 元,目前學院已有近1,000 項持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程,至今已有逾 10 萬人次透過基金資助修讀課程。

學院正計劃擴大基金課程涵蓋範圍,讓市民更靈活運用基金資源裝備自己,達致終身學習 目標。

HKU SPACE Executive Academy( SEA)於2017 年為 Estée Lauder, Hong Kong & Macau Affiliate 提 供「 購物者營銷 與 零 售管 理 深 造證書」企業培訓課程。畢業典禮於 4 月 28 日 在 香 港 大 學 校 園 本 部 大 樓 舉 行, 由 學 院 常務副院長( 商學及中國發展)暨中國商業學院執行院長劉寧榮教授主禮及頒發證書予 24 名 畢業生。Estée Lauder, Hong Kong & Macau Affiliate 董事總經理區敏霞女士在典禮上致詞及恭賀畢業生。

典 禮 上,SEA 教 務 長( 學 務 )楊 仕 名 先 生、 教務長( 校務)林崑博士、高級課程主任暨首席講師陳斌博士、課程主任暨高級講師吳雷鈞先生、各課程導師,以及 Estée Lauder 多位管理層代表出席分享同學的喜悅。兩名畢業生代表分享學習歷程,他們致謝學院、公司和老師,並特別感謝劉教授和區女士。

To encourage members of the public to pursue lifelong learning, the Government w i l l ra i se the subs idy ce i l i ng o f the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) from HK$10,000 to HK$20,000 per application. As a leading continuing education provider, the School offers more than 900 courses registered under the CEF as “reimbursable courses” and more than 100,000 students have claimed from the Fund for their further study in the School.

The School will continue to enhance the full spectrum of the reimbursable courses to encourage lifelong learning and enable the public to be more flexible in utilising the Fund for their continuing studies.

HKU SPACE Executive Academy (SEA) offered a corporate training programme of the Postgraduate Certificate in Shopper Marketing and Retail Management to Estée Lauder, Hong Kong & Macau Affiliate in 2017. The Graduat ion Ceremony was held on 28 April 2018 at the Main Building of The Univers i t y of Hong Kong. The ceremony was officiated by HKU SPACE Deputy Director (Business and China) and Principal of Institute for China Business Professor Liu Ning-rong. He also presented the certificates to the 24 graduates. At the ceremony, Managing Director of Estée Lauder, Hong Kong & Macau Af f i l iate Ms V ick i Au de l ivered a speech and congratulated the graduates.

Also present at the ceremony were SEA Director of Studies (Academic Affairs) Mr Kev in Yeung, D irector of Stud ies (Institute Affairs) Dr Joey Lam, Senior Programme Director and Principal Lecturer Dr Alexander Chan, Programme Director and Senior Lecturer Mr Bryan Ng, and lec turers as we l l as representat i ves from the management of Estée Lauder, Hong Kong & Macau Affiliate.

Two graduate representat ives shared their learning exper iences. They a lso expressed their hear t fe l t grat i tude to H KU SPACE, Es tée Lauder and the lec turers , in par t i cu la r to Professor Liu Ning-rong and Ms Vicki Au.

「購物者營銷與零售管理深造證書」 企業培訓課程- Estée LauderPostgraduate Certificate in Shopper Marketing and Retail Management - Estée Lauder Class


終身學習更輕鬆Burden-free lifelong learning

可獲發還款項課程CEF Reimbursable Course List

合資格課程一覽:List of the reimbursable courses:

香港大學專業進修學院的持續進修基金院校編號為 100The CEF Institution Code of HKU SPACE is 100

範疇CEF Sector

課程數目No. of courses

商業服務 Business Services

創意工業 Creative Industries

設計 Design

金融服務業 Financial Services

語文 Languages

物流業 Logistics

旅遊業 Tourism

物業管理業《 能力標準說明》 為本教材套 SCS-based - Property Management









Page 11: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

「 一帶一路」以色列商貿考察暨 創科學習之旅A rewarding “Belt and Road Initiative: Business Mission and Study Tour in Israel”

HKU SPACE Executive Academy (SEA) 與數碼港合辦【 一帶一路】以色列商貿考察暨創科學習之旅於早前凱旋歸來。課程是全港首個公開舉辦的商貿考察暨創科學習課程,共有 16 位來自創科、工程、法律、科技、旅遊和教育等行業的代表參加。

感謝數碼港、以色列駐香港及澳門特別行政區領事館及永安旅遊的全力支持,學員有機會到 希伯來大學參與創新創業課程及當地文化之旅, 了解以色列如何成為世界知名的「 創科王國」, 並 與 以 色 列 政 府 官 員 會 面 及 Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce 的會員作 商務交 流,藉此加強香港與以色列之間的商務合作。

企業參訪是本課程的其中一個核心,學員先後參訪十間不同類型的當地科技企業及創科機構,包括軟件製造商 Surecomp,著名以色列創科平台 Proov、Atobe 及汽車視像導航系統Mobileye 等。

The HKU SPACE Executive Academy (SEA) partnered with Cyberport to co-host the first openly-recruited “Belt and Road Initiative: Business Mission and Study Tour in Israel” at the end of January. 16 delegates from startup, industrial, legal, IT, hospitality and education industries attended the tour.

Thanks to tremendous support from Cyberport, the Consulate of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau and Wing On Travel, our students en joyed a r i ch i t i ne ra r y cove r i ng an Innovative Entrepreneurship Programme at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a cultural tour to better understand the secrets of “The Star tup Nation”, and the story of Israel’s economic miracle. Delegates a lso met Is rae l i government o f f ic ia ls and members of Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce.

Delegates v is i ted 10 local technology companies and startup organisations such as sof tware developer Surecomp, and Israeli start-up Proov, a developer of vision-based advanced driver assistance systems Mobileye, and the startup hub Atobe.

更多詳情 More information:

「一帶一路」以色列商貿考察暨創科學習之旅 A rewarding “Belt and Road Initiative: Business Mission and Study Tour in Israel”


Page 12: ISSUE 64 - HKU SPACE SPACE...課程將以授課、專題研討會、工作坊、導修、 實驗課及實習等形式進行。繼與數碼港簽訂合作備忘錄後,學院於本年

第六十四期學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 64HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Team

委員 Members祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin莫綺媚 Susanna Mok

朱麗儀 Emily Chu 設計師 Designer余惠君 Iris Yu

地址 Address香港薄扶林道香港大學徐展堂樓三樓3/F, T.T. Tsui BuildingThe University of Hong KongPokfulam Road, Hong Kong

電郵 [email protected]

電話 Tel2975 5680

傳真 Fax2546 3538

香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee




A ta lk on water seepage del ivered by Mr Lai Tat-ming, Technical Director of Hong Kong Survey Limited, was organised by the Alumni Office on 27 March. It was well received by our alumni and enjoyed a record breaking turnout of 148. Council Members Dr Edmond Cheng and Ms Esther Wong were also among the attendees.

Water seepage has been one of the common problems found in Hong Kong buildings. It can cause nuisance, electricity leakage, fire hazards, rebar corrosion, spalling of concrete, as well as collapsing floors and canopies.

In the talk, Mr Lai explained the standard investigative procedures used by the Joint Office for Investigation of Water Seepage Complaints run by the Hong Kong Buildings Department and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. He also talked about a variety of surveying methods, including the use of advanced technology. In addition, Mr Lai also briefed the attendees about the general procedures for settlement, and shared some significant cases he had handled in the past.

The alumni praised Mr Lai for his expertise as they found the talk provided them with useful information through a well-rounded and detailed analysis of the problems of water seepage.

滲水是香港樓宇其中一項常見的問題,可導致 滋擾、電力洩漏、火警風險、鋼筋鏽蝕、 混 凝 土剝落,以及樓 板和 簷篷 倒 塌。為此 校友 事務處早前邀 請香港公正行有限公司 技術 總 監 賴 達明先生,為 校友們 解 構 樓宇 滲水爭議程序及個案分享,反應空前熱烈, 講 座 吸 引 到 148 名 校 友 出 席, 當 中 包 括 校 友 會 委 員 會 兩 名 委 員 鄭 錦 華 博 士 及 黃美慧女士。

講座中賴先生為校友們簡介,香港屋宇署及 食物環境衞生署滲水投訴調查聯 合辦事處所採用的標準調查程序,各種調查樓宇滲水的方法,以及先進科技在其中發揮的作用。 講座中,賴先生亦分享曾處理的個案。

參與講座的校友讚賞賴先生擁有豐富專業 知識,於簡短的講座中全面及詳盡地對滲水問題作出透徹的分析,為他們提供了實用的 資料。

ALUMNI Seminar: Tips on handling water seepage

校友會講座:樓宇滲水處理ALUMNI Seminar: Tips on handling water seepage


活動回顧 Event review:
