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Examen de synthèse : relations internationales



Tous les étudiants qui se soumettent à l’examen de synthèse majeur ou mineur en relations internationales (RI) doivent posséder une connaissance de l'histoire des RI aux XIXe et XXe siècles, et une vision synthèse des principaux sous-champs des RI. La dernière section de la bibliographie propose une liste de manuels d’introduction et d’ouvrages d’histoire à laquelle pourront se référer les candidats dont l’état des connaissances exige une mise à niveau. Examen de synthèse majeur : lecture des ouvrages ou articles recensés dans la section « théories » (obligatoire) et dans deux des quatre autres sections de la bibliographie. Examen de synthèse mineur : lecture des ouvrages ou articles recensés dans une des cinq sections de la bibliographie : théories des RI; économie politique internationale; études de sécurité; politique étrangère; organisations internationales. THÉORIES DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES ACHARYA, A. (2014), Rethinking Power, Institutions and Ideas in World Politics: Whose IR?, Londres, Routledge. ADLER, E. et V. POULIOT (2011), International Practices, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ARON, R. (1984), Paix et guerre entre les nations, Paris, Calmann-Lévy. BALDWIN, D.A. (dir.) (1993), Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate, New-York, Columbia University Press. BULL, H. (2012), The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, 4e éd, New- York, Columbia University Press. CARLSNAES, W., RISSE, T. et B. A. SIMMONS (dir.) (2013), Handbook of International Relations, 2e éd., Thousand Oaks, Sage. CARR, E.H. (1939), The Twenty Years’ Crisis : An Introduction to the Study of International Relations, New-York, Harper and Row. COX, R. (2002), The Political Economy of a Plural World, Londres, Routledge. DER DERIAN, J. (2009), Critical Practices of International Relations: Selected Essays, Londres, Routledge.

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2 DOYLE, M. W. (1997), Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism and Socialism, New-York, W.W. Norton. DUNNE, T., KURKI, M. et S. SMITH (dir.) (2007), International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity, Oxford, Oxford University Press. FINNEMORE, M. (1996), National Interests in International Society, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. GILPIN, R. (1983), War and Change in World Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. HOBDEN, S. et J.M. HOBSON (2002) (dir.), Historical Sociology of International Relations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. HOLSTI, K.J. (1985), The Dividing Discipline: Hegemony and Diversity in International Theory, Boston, Allen and Unwin. HUNTINGTON, S. (1997), Le choc des civilisations, Paris, Odile Jacob. HURRELL, A. (2007), On Global Order: Power, Values, and the Constitution of International Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press. KENNEDY, P. (1989), Naissance et déclin des grandes puissances : transformations économiques et conflits militaires entre 1500 et 2000, Paris, Payot. KEOHANE, R.O. (1986), Neo-Realism and its Critics, New-York, Columbia University Press. KEOHANE, R.O. (2005), After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, 2e éd., Princeton, Princeton University Press. LAPID, Y. et F. V. KRATOCHWIL, (dir.) (1996), The Return of Culture and Identity in International Relations Theory, Boulder, Lynne Rienner. LEGRO, J. (2005), Rethinking the World: Great Power Strategies and International Order, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. LOBELL, S., RIPSMAN, N. et J. TALIAFERO (2009), Neo-Classical Realism, The State and Foreign Policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. MEARSHEIMER, J.J. (2014), The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, 2e éd., New-York, W.W. Norton. MORGENTHAU, H. (1973), Politics among Nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace, New-York, Knopf.

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3 NYE, J. S, (2004), Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, New-York, Public Affairs. ONUF, N. (1989), World of our Making : Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International Relations, Columbia, University of South Carolina Press. ROSENAU, J. (1990), Turbulence in World Politics, Princeton, Princeton University Press. REUS-SMIT, C. et D. SNIDAL (2008) (dir.), The Oxford Handbook of International Relations, Oxford, Oxford University Press. RUSSETT, B. et J.R. ONEAL (2001), Triangulating Peace : Democracy, Interdependence and International Organizations, New-York, W.W. Norton. STERLING-FOLKER, J. (dir.) (2013), Making Sense of International Relations Theory, 2e éd., Boulder, Lynner Rienner. WALTZ, K. (1979), Theory of International Politics, New-York, McGraw-Hill. WENDT, A. (1999), Social Theory of International Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ÉCONOMIE POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE BARRETT, S. (2007), Why cooperate ?, Oxford, Oxford University Press. BROZ, J.L. et J. FRIEDEN (2001), “The Political Economy of International Monetary Relations”, Annual Review of Political Science, 4, 317-343. BÜTHE, T. et W. MATTLI (2011), The New Global Rulers: The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy, Princeton, Princeton University Press. COHEN, B. (2008), International Political Economy: An Intellectual History, Princeton, Princeton University Press. COLLIER, P. (2007), The Bottom Billion, Oxford, Oxford University Press. EICHENGREEN, B. (1989), “Hegemonic Stability Theories of the International Monetary System”, dans R. Cooper, B. Eichengreen, R. Henning, G. Holtham et R. Putnam (dir.), Can Nations Agree? Issues in International Cooperation. Washington, Brookings Institution, 255-298.

FRIEDEN, J. A. (2006), Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century, New- York, W.W. Norton.

FRIEDEN, J. A., LAKE, D. et J. L. BROZ (dir.) (2009), International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, 5e éd., New-York, Bedford-St. Martin’s Press.

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4 GARRETT, G. (1998), Partisan Politics in the Global Economy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. GARTSKE, E. (2007), “The Capitalist Peace”, The American Journal of Political Science, 51 (1), 166-191. GILPIN, R. (1987), The Political Economy of International Relations, Princeton, Princeton University Press. GILPIN, R. (2003), Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order, Princeton, Princeton University Press. IKENBERRY, G. John (2011), Liberal Leviathan: The Origins, Crisis and Transformation of the American World Order, Princeton, Princeton University Press. KEOHANE, R.O. (2005), After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, 2e éd., Princeton, Princeton University Press. KEOHANE, R.O. et H.V. MILNER, (dir.) (1996), Internationalization and Domestic Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. MORAVSCIK, A. (1997), “Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics”, International Organization, 51 (4), 513-53. PHILLIPS, N. et C. WEAVER (dir.) (2011), International Political Economy: Debating the Past, Present, and Future, New-York, Routledge. REINHART, C. et K. ROGOFF (2009), The Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton, Princeton University Press. RODRIK, D. (2011), The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy, New-York, W. W. Norton. ROGOWSKI, R. (1989), Commerce and Coalitions: How Trade Affects Domestic Political Alignments, Princeton, Princeton University Press. RUGGIE J.G. (1983), “International Regimes, Transactions and Change: Embedded Liberalism in the Postwar Economic Order”, dans S. D. Krasner (dir.), International Regimes, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 195-231. SELIGSON, M. et J. T. PASSÉ-SMITH (dir.) (2013), Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality, 5e éd., Boulder, Lynne Rienner. SIMMONS, B.A. (1997), Who Adjusts? Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policy in the Interwar Years, Princeton, Princeton University Press. STIGLITZ, J. E. (2002), La grande désillusion, Paris, Fayard.

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5 STRANGE, S. (1996), The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. WOODS, N. (2006), The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and their Borrowers, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. ÉTUDES DE SÉCURITÉ ADLER, E. et BARNETT, M. (dir.) (1998), Security Communities, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. BAYLIS J., WIRTZ, J., COHEN, E. et C. GRAY (2003), Strategy in the Contemporary World, Oxford, Oxford University Press. BUZAN, B., WAEVER O. et J. DE WILDE (1998), Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Boulder, Lynne Rienner. BUZAN, B. et L. HANSEN (2009), The Evolution of International Security Studies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. CHRISTIA, F. (2012), Alliance Formation in Civil Wars, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. FEARON, J. (1995), “Rationalist Explanations for War”, International Organization, 49 (3): 370-414. FILSON, D. et S. WERNER (2002), “A Bargaining Model of War and Peace”, American Journal of Political Science, 46 (4), 819-838. FORTNA, V.P. (2008), Does Peacekeeping Work? Shaping Belligerents’ Choices After Civil War, Princeton, Princeton University Press. GOLDSTEIN, J. (2001), War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. HANSEN, L. (2008), Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War, Londres, Routledge. JERVIS, R. (1978), “Cooperation under the Security Dilemma”, World Politics 30 (2), 167-214. KALYVAS, S. (2006), The Logic of Violence in Civil War, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

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6 KATZENSTEIN, P. J. (dir.) (1996), The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics, New-York, Columbia University Press. MANSFIELD, E.D. et J. SNYDER (2007), Electing to Fight: Why Emerging Democracies Go to War, Boston, MIT Press. MUELLER, J. (2004), The Remnants of War, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. PARET, P. (1986), Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age, Princeton, Princeton University Press. PARIS R. (2004), At War’s End: Building Peace after Civil Conflict, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. RISPSMAN N. et T.V. PAUL (2010), Globalization and the National Security State, Oxford, Oxford University Press. ROSATO, S. (2003), “The Flawed Logic of Democratic Peace Theory”, American Political Science Review, 97 (4): 585-602. RUSSETT, B. et J.R. ONEAL (2001), Triangulating Peace : Democracy, Interdependence and International Organizations, New-York, W.W. Norton. SAGAN, S. et K. WALTZ (2012), The Spread of Nuclear Weapons : An Enduring Debate, New-York, W.W. Norton. SCHELLING, T. (1966), Arms and Influence, New Haven, Yale University Press. VAN EVERA, S. (1999), Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. WALT, S. (1987), The Origins of Alliances, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. WALTER, B. (2002) Committing to Peace: The Successful Settlement of Civil Wars, Princeton, Princeton University Press. ZUERCHER, C., ROEHNER, N. et S. RIESE (2009), "External Democracy Promotion in Post-Conflict Zones: A Comparative-Analytical Framework, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 5 (1), 1-27. POLITIQUE ÉTRANGÈRE ALLISON, G. et P. ZELIKOW (1999), Essence of Decision : Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, 2e éd., New-York, Longman. CAMPBELL, D. (1992), Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.

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7 GOLDSTEIN, J. et R.O. KEOHANE (dir.) (1993), Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions and Political Change, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. GOUREVITCH, P. (1978), “The Second Image Reversed: The International Sources of Domestic Politics”, International Organization, 32 (4), 881-912. HALPERIN, M. (1974), Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy, Washington, Brookings. HERMANN, M. et B. DUNDELIUS (2004), Comparative Foreign Policy Analysis: Theories and Methods, Englewood Cliffs, Sage. HILL, C. (2003), The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy, Londres, Palgrave. HOLSTI, K.J. (1976), "Cognitive Process Approaches to Decision-Making", American Behavioral Scientist, 20 (1), 11-32. HOPF, T. (2002), Social Construction of International Politics: Identities and Foreign Policies, Moscow, 1955 and 1999, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. JERVIS, R. (1976), Perception and Misperception in International Politics, Princeton, Princeton University Press. LOBELL, S., RIPSMAN N. et J. TALIAFERRO (2009), Neo-classical Realism, the State and Foreign Policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. KATZENSTEIN, P.J. (1976), “International Relations and Domestic Structures: Foreign Economic Policies of Advanced Industrial States”, International Organization, 30 (1), 1-45. KISSINGER, H. (1994), Diplomacy, New-York, Simon & Schuster. KRASNER, S. (1978), Defending the National Interest: Raw Materials Investments and US Foreign Policy, Princeton, Princeton University Press. MORIN, J.-F. (2013), La politique étrangère, Paris, Armand Colin. NOSSAL, K., ROUSSEL, S. et S. PAQUIN (2007), Politique internationale et défense au Canada et au Québec, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal. PALMER G. et C. MORGAN (2006), A Theory of Foreign Policy, Princeton, Princeton University Press. PUTNAM, R. (1988), “Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games”, International Organization, 42 (3), 427-60. RATHBUN, B. (2012), Trust in International Cooperation: The Creation of International Security Institutions and the Domestic Politics of American Multilateralism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

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8 RISSE-KAPPEN, T. (1995), Cooperation among Democracies: The European Influence on US Foreign Policy, Princeton, Princeton University Press. ROSE, G. (1998), “Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy”, World Politics, 51 (octobre), 144-172. ROSENAU, J. (1967), The Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy, New-York, Free Press.

SNYDER, J. (1991), Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and International Ambition, Ithaca, Cornell University Press.

YELIV, S. (2004), Explaining Foreign Policy: US Decision-Making and the Persian Gulf War, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press. ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONALES ACHARYA, A. et A.I. JOHNSTON (dir.) (2007), Crafting Cooperation: Regional International Institutions in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ADLER, E. et M. BARNETT (dir.) (1998), Security Communities, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. AVANT, D., FINNEMORE M. et S. SELL. (dir.) (2010), Who Governs the Globe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. BARNETT, M. et M. FINNEMORE (2004), Rules for the World: International Organizations in Global Politics, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. BURGERMAN S. (2001), Moral Victories: How Activists Provoke Multilateral Action, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. CHANDLER, D. (2004), Constructing Global Civil Society: Morality and Power in International Relations, Basingstoke, Palgrave. DEVIN, G. et M.-C. SMOUTS (2011), Les organisations internationales, Paris, Armand Colin. EVANGELISTA, M. (1999), Unarmed Forces : The Transnational Movement to End the Cold War, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. FINNEMORE, M. (1996), National Interests in International Society, Ithaca, Cornell University Press.

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9 FINNEMORE, M. et K. SIKKINK (1998), “International Norm Dynamics and Political Change”, International Organization, 52 (4), 887-917. HASENCLEVER, A., MAYER, P. et V. RITTBERGER (dir.) (1997), Theories of International Regimes, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. KARNS, M.P. et K. A. MINGST (2010), International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance, 2e éd., Boulder, Lynne Rienner. KEANE, J. (2003), Global Civil Society?, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. KECK, M. et K. SIKKINK (1998), Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. KEOHANE R.O. (2005), After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, 2e éd., Princeton, Princeton University Press. KEOHANE R.O. et NYE, J. (1972), “Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Introduction”, International Organization, 25 (3), 329-349. KRASNER, S.D. (dir.) (1983), International Regimes, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. NEUMAN, I. et O.J. SENDING (2010), Governing the Global Polity: Practice, Mentality, Rationality, Ann Harbor, University of Michigan Press. RISSE-KAPPEN, T. (dir.) (1995), Bringing Transnational Relations Back In: Non-State Actors, Domestic Structures, and International Institutions, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ROSENAU, J.N. et E.O. CZEMPIEL (dir.) (1992), Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. RUGGIE, J.G. (1998), Constructing the World Polity: Essays on International Institutionalization, Londres, Routledge. WEISS. T.G. et R. WILKINSON (dir.) (2014), International Organization and Global Governance, Londres, Routledge. WEISS. T.G. et S. DAWS (dir.) (2007), The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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10 Mise à jour des connaissances sur les sous-champs et l’histoire des RI

Suggestions de lectures MANUELS DE RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES ART, R. et R. JERVIS (2008), International Politics : Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues, 9e éd., New-York, Longman. BALZACQ, T. et F. RAMEL (2013), Traité de relations internationales, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po. BATTISTELLA, D. (2009), Théories des relations internationales, 3e éd., Paris, Presses universitaires de France. BATTISTELLA, D. (dir.) (2013), Relations internationales: Bilan et perspectives, Paris, Ellipses. BONIFACE, P. (2008), Les relations internationales de 1945 à nos jours, 2e éd. Paris, Dalloz. BAYLIS, J., SMITH, S. et P. OWENS (dir.) (2011), The Globalization of World Politics : An Introduction to International Relations, 5e éd., Oxford, Oxford University Press. ETHIER, D. (2010), Introduction aux relations internationales, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal. JACKSON, R. et G. SORENSEN (2007), Introduction to International Relations, 3e éd. Oxford, Oxford University Press. LUNDESTAD, G. (2010), East, West, North, South: Major Developments in International Politics Since 1945, 5e éd., Sage, Thousand Oaks. MACLEOD A. et al., (2008), Relations internationales: théories et concepts, 3e éd., Montréal, Athéna. MACLEOD, A. et D. O’MEARA (dir.) (2010), Théories des relations internationales. Contestations et résistances, Montréal, Athéna. MOREAU DESFARGES, P. (2007), Relations internationales, Paris, Seuil. ROCHE, J. J.(2008), Théories des relations internationales, 3e éd., Paris, Montchrestien. HISTOIRE DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES GIRAULT, F. et R. FRANK (2004), Turbulente Europe et nouveaux mondes 1914-1941, Paris, Petite Bibliothèque Payot.

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11 KEYLOR, W.R. (1992), The Twentieth Century World: An International History, New-York, Oxford University Press. MILZA, P. (2003), Les relations internationales de 1871 à 1914, Paris, Armand Colin. MILZA, P. (2003), Les relations internationales de 1918 à 1939, Paris, Armand Colin. MILZA, P. (2001), Les relations internationales de 1973 à nos jours, Paris, Armand Colin. PELLISTRANDI, B. (2002), Les relations internationales de 1818 à 1871, Paris, Armand Colin. SCHMIDT, B. (2013), “On the History and Historiography of International Relations”, dans W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse et B. A. Simmons (dir.), Handbook of International Relations, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 3-28. VAISSE, M. (2008), Les relations internationales depuis 1945, Paris, Armand Colin.
