Muhammad's Donkey One day, Muhammad, the prophet of islam, had an interesting conversation with ... a donkey! Assuming that animals communicate, Muhammad asked the donkey: What is your name? My name is Yazid ibn (son of) Shihab said the donkey. Thus, identifying himself as the son of his father much like the arabs of Muhammad's time did. The donkey added: Allah had brought forth from my ancestry 60 donkeys, none of whom were ridden on except by prophets. Then the donkey said: And I expected you to ride me! (A true believer of Muhammad's prophethood!) The donkey also admitted: Before you, I belonged to a jewish man whom I caused to stumble and fall frequently… (Jihad?) And the poor victim added: ..so he used to starve me and beat my back! (Islamophobia!) Muhammad decided to change the donkey's name to Ya'foor. I'll call you Ya'foor, said Muhammad. Then he asked Ya'foor a rather personal question. Ya'foor, do you desire females?

Muhammad's Donkey

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Page 1: Muhammad's Donkey

Muhammad's Donkey

One day, Muhammad, the prophet of islam, had an interesting conversation with ... a donkey!

Assuming that animals communicate, Muhammad asked the donkey: What is your name?

My name is Yazid ibn (son of) Shihab said the donkey.

Thus, identifying himself as the son of his father much like the arabs of Muhammad's time did.

The donkey added:Allah had brought forth from my ancestry 60 donkeys, none of whom were ridden on except by prophets.

Then the donkey said:And I expected you to ride me!

(A true believer of Muhammad's prophethood!)

The donkey also admitted:Before you, I belonged to a jewish man whom I caused to stumble and fall frequently…


And the poor victim added:..so he used to starve me and beat my back!


Muhammad decided to change the donkey's name to Ya'foor.I'll call you Ya'foor, said Muhammad.

Then he asked Ya'foor a rather personal question.Ya'foor, do you desire females?

The donkey blushed and said: Sir! No Sir!

(A respectable donkey?)

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So, Muhammad used to ride Ya'foor to complete his business. Sometimes he would send Ya'foor to knock at the door of a person he wanted to visit and the donkey would signal to that person to go see the prophet.

When Muhammad died, the donkey went to a well and threw himself in it out of sadness. Ya'foor commited suicide!

The sad thing about all this is that Ya'foor went to hell for committing suicide. It seems that the donkey wasn’t told that committing suicide is a sin that leads to hellfire!

Source:The Beginning and the End (1) by Ibn Kathir (2) v.6, p.166-167

167-166 ص.6ج. كثير إلبن النهاية و البداية

أزواج أربعة سهمه من أصابه خيبر وسلم عليه الله صلى نبيه على الله فتح لما ومكتل، ، أسود وحمار وفضة، ذهب اواق وعشر خفاف، أزواج وأربعة بغال

له: ما فقال ،الحمار فكلمه الحمار وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي قال: فكلملم كلهم حمارا ستين جدي نسل من الله أخرج ،شهاب بن قال: يزيد ،اسمك

كنت وقد غيرك، االنبياء من وال غيري، جدي نسل من يبق لم نبي، إال يركبهموكان عمدا، به أعثر وكنت يهودي، لرجل قبلك كنت قد ، تركبني أن أتوقعك

سميتكوسلم: عليه الله صلى النبي فقال ،ظهري ويضرب بطني يجيع صلى النبي فكان ،قال: ال ؟ االناث قال: تشتهي ،قال: لبيك يعفور، يا ،يعفور

فيأتي الرجل باب إلى به بعث عنه نزل فإذا لحاجته، يركبه وسلم عليه الله الله رسول أجب أن إليه أومأ الدار صاحب إليه خرج فإذا برأسه فيقرعه البابكان بئر إلى جاء وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي قبض فلما ،وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول على منه جزعا قبره فصارت فيها فتردى النبهان بن الهيثم البي

وسلم عليه الله صلى .


"When Allah opened Khaybar to his prophet Muhammad – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – he (Muhammad) received as his share of the spoils four sheep, four goats, ten pots of gold and silver and a black, haggard donkey. The prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – addressed the donkey asking, ‘What is your name?’ the donkey answered, ‘Yazid Ibn Shihab. Allah had brought forth from my ancestry 60 donkeys, none of whom were ridden on except by prophets. None of the descendants of my grandfather remain but me, and none of the prophets remain but you and I expected you to ride me. Before you, I belonged to a Jewish man, whom I caused to stumble and fall frequently so he used to starve me and beat my back’. The prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – said to him, ‘I will call you Ya’foor, Oh Ya’foor.’ Then Ya’foor replied, ‘I obey.’ The prophet then asked, ‘Do you desire females?’ The donkey replied, ‘No!’. So the prophet used to ride the donkey to complete his business and if the prophet dismounted from him he would send the donkey to the house of the person he wanted to visit and Ya’foor would knock at the door with his head. When the

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owner of the house would answer the door, the donkey would signal to that person to go see the prophet. When the prophet died, the donkey went to a well belonging to Abu Al-Haytham Ibn Al-Tahyan and threw himself in the well out of sadness for the prophet’s death, making it his grave."

Download link (arabic):http://www.almeshkat.net/books/open.php?cat=13&book=366

(1) The Beginning and the End: One of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history. (Wikipedia)

(2) Ibn Kathir: Is known as a qadi, a master scholar of history. (Wikipedia)


MUSLIMS, keep your heads down.The world has read your books and history,

there’s no place for fairy tales or lies.


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See also: Stoned by Monkeyshttp://crossmuslims.blogspot.com/2011/09/stoned-by-monkeys.html


PPS & VIDEO: http://crossmuslims.blogspot.com/2011/04/muhammad-and-donkey.html

FRANÇAIS: http://crossmuslims.blogspot.com/2011/04/mahomet-et-lane.html

http://crossmuslims.blogspot.com/2011/04/muhammads-donkey-arabic.html :عربى
