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Date of birth: december 31th 1987 in FranceMail :

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Research Interests : Algebraic Geometry and Transformation Groups, Invariant Theory, A�ne Algebraic Geometry,Automorphism Groups, T-varieties, Birational equivalence, Exotic Algebraic Structures.


Nov. 2015- Postdoc Fondecyt, University of Talca, Chile. Advisor Liendo Aalvaro.Sept. 2014- Aug 2015 ATER, University of Burgundy, Dijon.Sept. 2011- March 2015 PhD in Mathematics, University of Burgundy, Dijon , France. Supervisors Lucy Moser-Jauslinand Adrien Dubouloz.Sept. 2010- June 2011 MSc in Mathematics, University of Burgundy, Dijon , France. Supervisor Lucy Moser-Jauslin.June 2011 CAPES of Mathematics (certi�cat d'aptitude au professorat de l'enseignement du second degré).

Talks :

Feb. 2016 : Notions équivariantes de la rationalité uniforme, Séminaire Géométrie Algébrique, Montpellier, France.Oct. 2015 : T-varieties of higher complexity, Conference Singularités et Géométrie Tropicales, Paris, France.May 2015 : Notions équivariantes de la rationalité uniforme, Séminaire sur les Singularités Paris, France.May 2015 : Birational equivalence of divisors and T-varieties, Seminar Algebra & Geometry, Basel, Suisse.May 2015 : Uniformly rational varieties and equivariant de�nitions, Colloquium, Talca, Chili.Oct. 2014 : Segmental divisors and hyperbolic Gm-actions , Workshop in Algebraic Geometry BirPol - PTT at Toulouse,France.July 2014 : Uniformly Rational Exotic A�ne Spaces International Conference on A�ne Algebraic Geometry and JacobianConjecture at Tianjin, China.Jan. 2014 : A combinatorial description of T-varieties third Swiss-French workshop at Enney, Switzeland.Sept. 2013 : Cyclic covers of T-varieties "Birpol5" at Dijon, France.Apr. 2013 : Variétés algébriques a�nes avec action d'un tore at Dijon, France.Nov. 2012 : A description of certain a�ne hyperbolic C∗-varieties of complexity two, Conference in algebraic geometry,Birpol3 at Basel, Switzeland.


Opérations catégoriques du groupe de tresses, Dijon, 2015.Théorie A1-topologique des variétés algébriques, Dijon, 2011-2012.

Talks in the student seminar:

Feb. 2016: Variétés toriques student seminar at Dijon, France.Sept. 2014 : General concepts in algebraic geometry student seminar at Dijon, France.Jan. 2014 : Action de groupe algébrique et variétés toriques student seminar at Dijon, France.Oct. 2013 : Ensemble algébrique, topologie de Zariski et théorème de Bezout student seminar at Dijon, France.Jan. 2013 : Dérivation localement nilpotente student seminar at Dijon, France.

Conferences participation:

Jan. 2016, Toric methods in geometry, arithmetics, and dynamics, PUC Santiago, Chile.June 2015, Grothendieck Conference 2015, Montpellier, France.Apr. 2015, Perverse Sheaves and Applications, Dijon, France.Jan. 2015, Swiss-French workshop Gruyère 4,Enney, Swittzerland.June 2014, Groupes de Transformations BirPol 7- Del Duca, Rennes, France.June 2014, Algebraic groups and representations, Lyon, France.Feb. 2014, Winter Braids IV, Dijon, France.Dec. 2013, Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry BirPol 6, Basel, Switzeland.May 2013, BirPol meets MIRES, Poitier, France.March 2013, Groupes de transformations algébriques - Exemples BirPol 4, Paris, France.



Feb. 2013, Swiss-French workshop Gruyère 2, Enney, Swittzerland.Sept. 2012, 35th Autumn School in Algebraic Geometry Subgroups of Cremona groups, Lukecin, Poland.May 2012, Géométrie algébrique a�ne réelle et complexe, BirPol 2, La Rochelle, France.Feb. 2012, Swiss-French workshop Gruyère, Enney, Swittzerland.Jan. 2012, Workshop Géométrie Birationnelle et A�ne, BirPol 1, Toulouse, FranceNov. 2011, Seminar: A�ne Algebraic Geometry and Group Actions, Oberwolfach, Deutschland.

Articles: Cyclic covers of a�ne T-varieties in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (2015).We consider normal a�ne T-varieties X endowed with an action of �nite abelian group G commuting with the action ofT. For such varieties we establish the existence of G-equivariant geometrico-combinatorial presentations in the sense ofAltmann and Hausen. As an application, we determine explicit presentations of the Koras-Russell threefolds as bi-cycliccovers of A3 equipped with a hyperbolic Gm-action.Automorphism groups of Koras-Russell threefolds of the second kind in Contribution to Algebra and Geometry.We determine the automorphism groups of Koras-Russell threefolds of the second kind. In particular we show that thesegroups are semi-direct products of two subgroups, one given by the multiplicative group and the other isomorphic toa polynomial ring in two variables with the addition law. We also show that these groups are generated by algebraicsubgroups isomorphic to Gm and Ga.Preprint:

Equivariantly Uniformly Rational Varieties (submitted).We introduce equivariant versions of uniform rationality: given an algebraic group G , a G-variety is called G-uniformlyrational (resp. G-linearly uniformly rational) if every point has a G-invariant open neighborhood equivariantly isomorphicto a G-invariant open subset of the a�ne space endowed with a G-action (resp. linear G-action). We establish a criterionfor Gm-uniform rationality of a�ne variety equipped with hyperbolic Gm-action with a unique �xed point, formulatedin term of their Altmann-Hausen presentation. We prove the Gm-uniform rationality of Koras-Russel threefolds of the�rst kind and we also give example of non Gm-uniformly rational but smooth rational Gm-threefold associated to pairs ofplane rational curves birationally non equivalent to a union of lines.Thesis: Actions hyperboliques du groupe multiplicatif sur des variétés a�nes: espaces exotiques et structures locales(avaible on my webpage).Administrative task:

Co-organizer of Conference Algebraic Geometry in Dijon september 2013.Co-organizer of the days doctoral schools Carnot-Pasteur in june 2013.Co-organizer of Dijon Math student seminar.Treasurer of the association PhD in mathematics from Dijon.Jury for the entries at engineering school Esirem.

Popular science presentations: Qu'est ce qu'une géodésique at Lycée Anna Judic of Semur-en-Auxois in 2012.Surfaces minimales Stage Trop fort les maths - IREM - at the University of Burgundy 2013.Surfaces minimales at Lycée Charles De Gaulle at Dijon in 2014.Teaching activities:

2014-2015 Courses classes of stats in the �rst year of Psychology at the University of Burgundy.2014-2015 Courses classes of Maths in the �rst year of Sciences at the University of Burgundy.2014-2015 Tutorial classes of Mathematics at the IUT ( Biological and Mechanical ) at the University of Burgundy.2011-2014 Tutorial classes of linear algebra and complex variables at engineering school ESIREM at the University ofBurgundy.2011-2014 Tutorial classes of stat at engineering school ESIREM at the University of Burgundy.
