Ground state of a quantum disk by the effective-index method


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Ground state of a quantum disk by the efFective-index methodGuy Lamouche and Yves Lepine

Departement de Physique et Groupe de Recherche en Physique et Technologie des Couches Minces,Universite de Montreal, Case Postale 6128, Succursate Centre vill-e, Montreal, Quebec, Canada HBCBJ7

(Received 8 July 1994)

A simple method for obtaining a good approximation of the ground state of a quantum diskis presented in the case where the electron radial con6nement is substantial. Developed in theenvelope-function formalism, the method is derived from the efFective-index technique well knownto dielectric wave-guide theory. Its validity is discussed by comparing its results with those obtainedusing a numerical relaxation technique.


Disk-shaped quantum structures are suitable to modelthe quantum dots fabricated by the patterning of quan-tum wells. i They also represent an approximate way ofdescribing the dots obtained by the coherent islandingeffect and by the epitaxial growth on a tilted substrate.Theoretical study of Wannier excitons in such structureshas been performed by Kayanuma for infinite potentialbarriers. 4 Le Goff and Stebe looked at the same prob-lem for cylindrical quantum dots with finite potentialbarriers. 5 They relied on a variational approach, start-ing with approximate eigenfunctions of the electron andhole confined by the quantum disk. For the disk case,those approximate functions are only valid for quantumdots with a high radial confinement.

In this paper, we present a technique leading to a bet-ter approximation of the ground-state energy and wavefunction of an electron or a hole confined by a quantumdisk. Our approach is developed within the envelope-function formalism and is derived &om the effective in-dex (EI) method well known to the dielectric waveguidetheory. The precision of the method is evaluated by com-paring its results with those obtained by directly solvingthe Schrodinger equation using a numerical relaxationtechnique.

In Sec. II, we present the EI approach applied tothe quantum-disk structure. In Sec. III, we describethe numerical relaxation technique used for comparison.Effective-index and numerical results are then comparedin Sec. IV for InAs/InP and GaAs/Gai Al As quan-tum dots, showing that our approximate method indeedgives a very good description of the ground state.

II. APPROXIMATE GROUND STATEWe develop an approximate description of the ground

state of a quantum disk in the spirit of the EI method. s

We consider a disk of radius a and of thickness b. Theinner potential is —V (V ) 0) and the outer potentialis null. We treat the problem in the one-band envelope-function formalism (Ben Daniel-Duke model), imposingthe function continuity and the current conservation atthe disk boundaries. In the following, we use the termwave function in a loose sense to refer to the envelopefunction. For simplicity, we assume isotropic effectivemasses for the interior (m,*) and for the exterior (m,')

regions. But the approach could easily be generalizedto anisotropic effective mass tensors. Our treatment isperformed in cylindrical coordinates (p, P, z), the originof the system lying at the center of the disk and the zaxis being chosen along the rotation axis. For the groundstate, the Schrodinger equation is independent of the Pcoordinate and reduces to a two-dimensional form:

interior,al s


ap)l 2m,*. az2p —V @(p z)

=E 0(C» );

exterior,a /' a)

2 .*pap ~,'al, )~

hz az(~ z)

'///(p, z) = R(p) Z(z), (2)

by artificially decoupling the radial and z-dependentparts of Eq. (1) as follows.

For a quantum disk with a good radial confinement,the major part of the wave function is found in the regionp ( a. The diameter being greater than the thickness,we expect the variation of B(p) to be smaller than thevariation of Z(z) in that region. We can thus approxi-mate Z(z) by neglecting the contribution of R(p) to thekinetic energy term of Eq. (1). This leads to the problemof a one-dimensional square well of inner potential —V.The well-known result is~

~z~ ( 6/2: Z(z) = A cos 2m,*. (E, + V)/5 z

~z~ ) b/2: Z(z) = B ezp (—/2m', ~E, ~/b ~z~), z(b)

where A and B are related by

= Eg @()o,z), (1)

where Eg is the ground-state energy of the system.For such a Gnite well, the spatial dependence of the

potential makes the preceding equation not separable.We nevertheless look for an approximate solution of theform

0163-1829/95/51(3)/1950(4)/$06. 00 51 1950 1995 The American Physical Society


cos g2 m,' (E, + V)/h2 b/2B=Aexp — 2m' E, h2 b 2

and the ground-state energy E, of this quantum well isobtained by solving7

tan 2 m,' (E, + V) /h2 b/2m,'. lE,



p&a: Z(z)h' 0 ( (9 )

2 .PKliPKP IR(.)

= Eg Z(z)R(p), (6)with m*(z) = m,*. for lzl & b/2 and m'(z) = m,* forlzl ) b/2. If the interior and exterior efFective massesare different, one cannot find an analytic function R(p)which satisfies Eq. (6) for all values of z. We thus definean effective radial Hamiltonian by replacing m (z) by itsaverage value m,* given by

Z .() Z

m, ,=



Our efFective radial Hamiltonian corresponds to theproblem of a circular well of inner potential E, and withinterior and exterior effective masses given, respectively,by m,' and by m,*. This Hamiltonian is solved to obtainthe function R(p) and its ground-state energy Eg is usedas an approximation for the ground-state energy of thequantum disk. We get

p&a: R(p)= CJ() 2m,' (Eg —E,)/h2 p

p ) a: R(p) = DKl

o2m,*lE l/h' p l, (8))

where J„and K are, respectively, a Bessel function anda modified Bessel function. The constants C and D arerelated by

Jp 2m,* (Eg —E,)/h2a

Kp 2 *Eg 5 c

and. E~ is solution of


2 m,'. (Ea —E )/Ka a ICa (/2 m,'~Ea~/ha a)

2m,'. (Ea —E,)/2'a IC, (/2m, '[Ea[/2a a)

m,' lElm.* (Eg —E,)

. (1o)

To define an effective radial equation, we introduceZ(z) in Eq. (1) and we neglect the kinetic energy contri-bution of this z-dependent part for p & a. We obtain

h' 0 ( 8)p&a: Z(z) — —l

p —l

+ E, R(p)(') p'« 'pr= Eg Z(z)R(p)

With this approximate treatment, the ground-state en-ergy of the quantum disk is obtained by solving the twotranscendental equations [Eqs. (5) and (10)]. For the cal-culations of Sec. IV, this task is easily performed withthe Maple Computer Algebraic System. s

The envelope function [Eqs. (2), (3), and (8)] deservessome continents.

(i) The z-dependent part is evaluated only by consid-ering the &action of the wave function contained withinp & a. The precision of this approximation will thus in-crease with the radial confinement of the wave function.

(ii) Z(z) verifies the good boundary conditions acrossthe disk limits for p ( a. It presents a spurious discon-tinuity in its derivative across the planes lzl = b/2 forp) a.

(iii) R(p) does not verify the good current continuitycondition at the disk boundary. It also presents a spu-rious current discontinuity at p = a for ]zl ) b/2. Ourdefinition of m, is an attempt to minimize both misbe-haviors and it enforces the continuity of the total currentcrossing the surface defined by p = a.

In Sec. IV, we will nevertheless see that the EI wavefunction gives a good approximation to the true solutionfor a wide range of parameters.


To obtain a numerical solution for the ground state ofthe quantum disk, we rely on a relaxation approach. Thetime-independent Schrodinger equation [Eq. (1)] can ar-tificially be transformed in a time-dependent problem,

—P(p, z, t) = HP(p, z, t)—

At time t = 0, any function satisfying the good spa-tial boundary conditions can be expressed as a linearcombination of the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian.All the coefFicients of this expansion evolve exponentiallyin time, according to the negative of the energy corre-sponding to the related eigenfunction. Thus, the time-evolution process favors the low energy components andafter a sufIiciently long time, the ground-state componentdominates. iP

Our trial wave function is the approximate wave func-tion of the previous section. The time evolution isperformed with finite difFerences using an alternating-direction implicit scheme. The good boundary condi-tions at the disk limits are forced. The wave functionis normalized at each step and the energy is evaluatedusing Eq. (1), so that the evolution to the true groundstate can be followed. Although the exact wave func-tion should vanish only at infinity, we artificially imposea null value at some finite distance of the disk, for nu-merical purpose. This artificial boundary condition isapplied far enough so that it does not significantly afFectthe results. We estimate the precision of the numericalcalculations presented in Sec. IV to be better than 1%.


'cular well in theof a circular-dimensional well wi

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o 0.06





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= 0.71 eV .b d fF

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cn -0.16—PQ)






Effective Index

Numerical Relaxation0.12






-0.289 105 6 7 82 3 4

radius (nm)

b an1 rou — ner y of an electron confined y anFIG.InAs-InP quantum disk othe radius.


'n l tron con6ned-state wave functionnofaneec r

76 h' kh EI o Il d

uantum disk ob the nu-dius evaluated by (a) the apnm radius eva

merica re1 laxation technique.







c -18—O


Effective Index

Numerical Relaxation









Effective Index

Numerical Relaxation




-26I I I I I I

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 240.000


10 15 20 25radius (nm)

FIG. 3. Ground-state energy of an electron con6ned by anGaAs/Gap. ssAlp. ysAs quantum disk of 2.98 nm thickness asa function of the radius.

calculation of the ground state of a quantum disk struc-ture. By comparing its results with those obtained by anumerical relaxation approach, we have seen that it leadsto a good approximation of the ground-state energy andwave function as long as the radial confinement is large.We estimate that this approximation will remain good forstructures for which half of the wave function is radiallyconfined within the radius of the disk. The generalizationof this approach to a cylindrical structure with a thick-ness greater than the diameter is straightforward sinceone only has to inverse %he procedure.

This method can be used to obtain a simple evalua-tion of the confinement energy of excitons in disk shapedquantum dots. A more complete treatment should in-clude the coulombic interaction as it is done by Le Goffand Stebe. s The EI method could then be used to ex-tend the treatment of Ref. 5 to less confining quantumdisks. For such structures, we have seen that the EI ap-proach gives a better evaluation of confinement energiesand wave functions than the approximation used in Ref.5.

The EI approach can also be used to approximate ex-cited states. Because of the symmetry of the problem,three types of excited are possible: excited state solutionsfor R(p) or for Z(z) and excited states for the angularpart of the wave function. However, the quality of these

z, p (nm)

FIG. 4. Ground-state wave function of an electron con6nedby an GaAs/Gap. ssAlp. ]sAs quantum disk of 2.98 nm thick-ness and 11.9 nm radius. The evaluation is done along thez-axis and along a radius in the x —y plane.

solutions is expected to be lower than that found for theground state because of the smaller confinement associ-ated with excited states. We have limited our study tothe ground state here since the numerical relaxation tech-nique used for reference is not well suited for the char-acterization of excited states. A detailed study of thevalidity of the EI approximation for the excited statescould only be performed by comparing its results with amore powerful numerical technique like the finite elementmethod.

Finally, we note that a similar decoupling approachhas been used to approximate the ground-state energy ofan electron in a quantum wire. iz Because of its symme-try, our problem reduces to two dimensions and can betreated using the same decoupling technique. To zerothorder, this approximation leads to equations similar tothe present EI approach with the exception of a nonzeropositive external potential for the radial equation. Con-sequently, this decoupling approximation should lead toan overestimation of the radial confinement while ourEI approach leads to an underestimation of this confine-ment. It should also give an underestimation of the bind-ing energy while the present EI approach overestimatesit. Combining EI results with those obtained from thisdecoupling method should help putting upper and lowerlimits for the characterization of the ground-state energy.

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