OECD Library & Archives 50 th Anniversary Forum Bibliography www.oecd.org/oecdforum/bibliography OECD Library & Archives Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2, rue André-Pascal • 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France Tel: 33 (0) 1 45 24 75 86 • Fax: 33 (0) 1 45 24 15 51 www.oecd.org/libraryandarchives DES POLITIQUES MEILLEURES POUR UNE VIE MEILLEURE 24-25 May/mai 2011 OECD Conference Centre, Paris OECD 50 th Anniversary Forum BETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVES

50th Anniversary Forum Bibliography - OECD.org · 3/29/2011 · Ministère de l'écologie, de l'énergie, du développement durable et de la mer (rédigé par Marc Labernardière)

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OECD Library & Archives50th Anniversary Forum Bibliography


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24-25 May/mai 2011OECD Conference Centre, Paris

OECD 50th Anniversary Forum



Adams, F. G. (2009), “Measuring Nations’ Economic Performance: The Report of the Commission on Economic Performance and Social Progress”, World Economics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1 – 4. Berger, P. and G. Redding (eds.) (2010), The Hidden Form of Capital: Spiritual Influences in Societal Progress, Anthem Studies in Development and Globalization, Anthem Press, New York, N.Y. Bouis, R., R. Duval and F. Murtin (2011), "The Policy and Institutional Drivers of Economic Growth Across OECD and Non-OECD Economies: New Evidence from Growth Regressions", OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 843, OECD, Paris. doi: 10.1787/5kghwnhxwkhj-en Civicus: World alliance for citizen participation website, www.civicus.org/, accessed 28 March 2011. Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress website, www.stiglitz-sen-fitoussi.fr/, accessed 10 May 2010. Deutsch, J. and J. Silber (eds.) (2011), The measurement of individual well-being and group inequalities: essays in memory of Z. M. Berrebi, Routledge, London. Easterlin, R.A. (2010), Happiness, growth and the life cycle, Oxford University Press, Oxford. European Commission, Beyond GDP International Initiative website, www.beyond-gdp.eu/, accessed 28 March 2011. European Commission (2010), Monitoring economic performance, quality of life and sustainability report, www.sachverstaendigenrat-wirtschaft.de/fileadmin/dateiablage/Expertisen/2010/ex10_en.pdf, accessed 28 March 2011. Foundation of Economic Trends website, www.foet.org/, accessed 28 March 2011. Global Peace Index website, www.visionofhumanity.org/, accessed 22 March 2011. Global Project on "Measuring the Progress of Societies” website, www.wikiprogress.org/, accessed 10 May 2010. Graham, C. (2009), Happiness around the world: the paradox of happy peasants and miserable millionaires, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Graham, C. and L. Eduardo (eds.) (2009), Paradox and perception: measuring quality of life in Latin America, Inter-American Development Bank: Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Greenwood, D. T. and R.P.F. Holt (2010), Local economic development in the 21st century: quality of life and sustainability, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, N.Y. Gurria, A. (2008), “Measuring Progress: Does It Make a Difference for Policy Making and Democracy?”, Statistics, Knowledge and Policy 2007: Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies pp. 19-21, OECD, Paris. Hall, J., et al (2010), "A Framework to Measure the Progress of Societies", OECD Statistics Working Papers, No. 2010/05, OECD, Paris. doi: 10.1787/5km4k7mnrkzw-en

Measuring Progress / Mesurer le progrès

Helliwell, J. and H. Huang (2011), “New Measures of the Costs of Unemployment: Evidence from the Subjective Well-Being of 2.3 Million Americans”, NBER Working Paper, No. 16829, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, www.nber.org/papers/w16829, accessed 28 March 2011. Layard, R., G. Mayraz and S. Nickell (2009), “Does relative income matter? Are the critics right?”, CEP Discussion Paper, No. 918. Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK, http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/28594/, accessed 28 March 2011. Marber, P. (2009), Seeing the elephant: understanding globalization from trunk to tail, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, N.J. Maggino, F. and G. Nuvolati (eds.) (2011), National and personal wellbeing: measuring the progress of societies, ISQOLS IX, Florence, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 102, No. 1, May, pp.1-180. Nair, C. (2011), Consumptionomics: Asia's Role in Reshaping Capitalism and Saving the Planet, Infinite Ideas, Oxford. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2008), Statistics, Knowledge and Policy 2007: Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies, OECD, Paris. doi: 10.1787/9789264043244-en OECD (2011), Economic Policy Reforms 2011: Going for Growth, OECD Paris. doi: 10.1787/growth-2011-en OECD (2011), OECD Economic Outlook website, www.oecd.org/oecdEconomicOutlook, accessed 28 March 2011. OECD (2011), OECD Economic Surveys and Country Surveillance website, www.oecd.org/eco/surveys, accessed 28 March 2011. OECD (2010), National Accounts at a Glance 2010, www.oecd.org/statistics/nationalaccounts/ataglance, accessed 28 March 2011. Rifkin, J. (2009), The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis, J.P. Tarcher/Penguin, New York, N.Y. Roberti, P., et al (2008), “Growth Rates vs Income Growth Curves: A Step towards the Measurement of Societal Progress”, Rivista di Politica Economica, Vol. 98, No.9-10, pp. 233-262, www.rivistapoliticaeconomica.it/2008/set-ott/roberti.php, accessed 28 March 2011. Sacks, D., B. Stevenson and J. Wolfers (2010), “Subjective Well-Being, Income, Economic Development and Growth”, NBER Working Paper, No. 16441, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, www.nber.org/papers/w16441, accessed 28 March 2011. Salvadori, N. and A. Opocher (eds.) (2009), Long-run growth, social institutions and living standards, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. Scrivens, K. and B. Iasiello (2010), "Indicators of "Societal Progress": Lessons from International Experiences", OECD Statistics Working Papers, No. 2010/04, OECD, Paris. doi: 10.1787/5km4k7mq49jg-en Sen, A. (2009), The Idea of Justice, Belknap Press of Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Sirgy, M., R. Phillips and D. Rahtz (eds.) (2011), Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases V, Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases series, vol. 3, Springer, New York, N.Y. Spence, M. (2011), The Next Convergence: the Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World, Farrar Straus & Giroux, New York, N.Y. Sudhir, A., P. Segal and J. Stiglitz (eds.) (2010), Debates on the measurement of global poverty, Oxford University Press, Oxford.


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Green growth / Croissance verte

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Getting Back to Work / Renouer avec le plein emploi

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Narrowing the Gender Gap / Réduire les disparités entre hommes et femmes

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Restoring Public Finances / Assainir les finances publiques


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Restoring Trust / Restaurer la confiance dans le système

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New Paradigms for Development / Nouveaux paradigmes pour le développement


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