CESSE Handout

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  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


     Your Glide Path to the Cadillac Tax

    What’s the point of the tax? The Aordable Care Act (ACA) expanded health coverae to !illions" The hih#costplan tax ($CPT)% best &no'n as the Cadillac Tax% helps to cover the cost of theexpansion b* taxin e!plo*ers that provide +hih#cost+ health coverae to theire!plo*ees"

     The tax is also intended to help the ,"-" curb our overall spendin on health care"./! sure *ou/ve seen the charts and raphs" We spend !ore in the ,"-" on healthcare than an* other countr* and our life expectanc* is the lo'est a!onco!parable nations" 0cono!ists ('ho see! to be the onl* proponents of the taxleft) believe that the Cadillac Tax 'ill pro!pt chanes to the s*ste! that 'illpositivel* aect this trend" .t is anticipated that e!plo*ers 'ill put plans in place'ith hiher deductibles and patients 'ill adopt the consu!er behaviors the* rel* on'hen purchasin other oods and services 'hen the* are footin the bills"

     The Tax 1avored -tatus of 0!plo*ee 2ene3ts 4 0n5o* it'hile it lasts"0!plo*ers bean providin health insurance to e!plo*ees in the 6789s" The

    practice reall* too& o in the 67:9s durin World War .." .n 67;:% an .

  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


    li&el* eli!inate *our 1-A to avoid the Cadillac Tax shiftin that 8%;99 bac& into*our taxable inco!e"

     The association co!!unit* relies heavil* on our bene3t pac&aes" We enerall* pa*fairl*% but 'e don/t reall* co!pete for talent on salar*" We attract people that are!ission driven% 'ant 'or&life balance and appreciate a nice bene3t pac&ae" .f

    those bene3ts lose their tax#favored status% 'hat does that do to our abilit* toattract and retain talent?

    What/s a Glide Path?When . 'as at the World $ealth Care Conress% . heard bi e!plo*ers li&e Hisne*refer to a lide path" The*/ve pro5ected ho' the tax 'ill i!pact the! and have plansin place that 'ill allo' the! to li!bo under the tax thresholds (!ore on that later")1I=I ## . 'anted A-$A to have a lide path too and created one"

    .sn/t there a proposal in Conress to eli!inate this tax?In Hece!ber 6@% President Iba!a sined the o!nibus spendin and tax extenders

    bill that included a 8#*ear dela* in the i!ple!entation of the Cadillac Tax fro! 896@to 8989" .nterestinl*% there 'as not a lot of noise about the tax until the .

  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


    In simple terms and highlighting just what's most relative to most of us in the associationcommunity, the formula looks like this.

    Premium equivalent (including commissions paid to brokers) + HSA & HRA contributions +

    FSA contributions + EAP !alue

     The value of coverae is co!pared to thresholds set in the ACA ## 69%899 forindividual coverae and 8%;99 for self L other" An* Malue over the thresholds istaxed at :9" All e!plo*er and e!plo*ee pre#tax contributions to $-As and 1-Asare included in the calculation" $.PAA excepted 0APs 'ill probabl* be excluded"(0APs that include face#to#face visits are sub5ect to $.PAA")

     The dela* in the Cadillac tax does not chane an indexin for!ula% 'hich beins in8967" -o 'hen the Cadillac tax is 3rst applied in 8989% the dollar thresholds 'illhave been increased to reBect approxi!atel* t'o *ears’ increase in inBation"

    There are some proposed adjustments for covered retirees that are at least , but not yetmedicare eligible! high"risk professions like law enforcement! age and gender #if the age andgender characteristics of an employer's workforce are different from those of the nationalworkforce.$ There is presently no adjustment for geographic location and that seems like aglaring omission to me. %tate mandates impact the cost of coverage with heavily regulatedstates like &assachusetts and &aryland above the national average. This would create adouble whammy for employers in these states.

     Those thresholds sound !ore li&e a Ca!r* than aCadillac"

     Yep% KK percent of e!plo*ers 'ere expected to be sub5ect to the tax in 896@" .f!edical spendin increases faster than the eneral rate of inBation% a hiherpercentae of e!plo*ers 'ill be sub5ect to the Cadillac Tax in 8989 than 'ould have

    been in 896@" The i!pact on the association co!!unit* is expected to be !uchreater"

    .s it li&el* that the for!ula 'ill chane before the taxoes into eect?

     Yes% the .

  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


     You could drive a truc& throuh the ap in thosepro5ections" .s that the best *ou can do?We have to !a&e !an* assu!ptions about the cost of coverae and the choicesA-$A sta 'ill !a&e to esti!ate our tax liabilit*"

    .n the best#case scenario% 'e included a percent trend increase in the cost ofcoverae" We also assu!ed sta continue 'ith their current $-A contributions andan averae of the current 1-A contributions" (The latter is a lous* placeholder% butit’s a start")

    .n the 'orst#case scenario% 'e assu!ed a 68 percent trend increase in the cost ofcoverae% increased the caps on the 1-A b* 8 percent and the $-A b* ; percent andthen assu!ed the sta currentl* participatin all !ax out their contributions"

    When the .

  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


    We started educatin our sta to be savv* health care consu!ers in 896: and

    continuin to build on our eorts" .n !ost oraniRations% healthcare is the secondlarest expenseSsecond onl* to salariesS*et !ost e!plo*ers don’t teach peopleho' to et the !ost out of their invest!ent" @> of people cannot correctl* de3nethe ter!s deductible% copa*% coinsurance and !axi!u! out#of#poc&et" -et aside alittle ti!e and !one* to !a&e sure *our sta understand and &no' ho' to use *ourbene3ts"

    $o' 'ould e!plo*ers actuall* pa* the tax?  The second .

  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


    6" The entit* responsible for perfor!in the da*#to#da* functions that constitutethe ad!inistration of plan bene3ts such as receivin and processin clai!s forbene3ts% respondin to inNuiries% or providin a technolo* platfor! for bene3tsinfor!ation 'ould pa* the tax" This 'ould enerall* be the plan/s third#part*ad!inistrator (TPA) ## in our case ,=


  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


    not 5ust the cost of the Cadillac Tax% but also an additional a!ount to cover theadditional tax the coverae provider 'ill need to pa*"

    et/s 5ust loo& at the biest portion of the for!ula above the +pre!iu! eNuivalent+'hich is the bul& of our bene3t that/s run throuh our TPA ,=

  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


    .’! convinced . need to doso!ethin% 'here should . start?

    1. Estimate your tax liability. (Ask your broker orconsultant to help.)

    2. Ask ASAE to advocate on behalf of associations.

    3. f you have a commission a!reement "ith your broker#chan!e to a consultin! a!reement.

    $. Assess "hat you kno" about your plan desi!n and

    utili%ation and compare it to benchmarks.



  • 8/17/2019 CESSE Handout


    $hat%s $orking to Hold o'n ost

    1ro! =ercer’s Eational -urve* of 0!plo*er#-ponsored $ealth Plans 896;

     You can’t hold do'n costs 5ust b* chec&in o the boxesO ho'ever% these ite!s are

    a reBection of oraniRational culture and 'orth consideration"

    Plan esign & elivery


    !mployee $ell,-eing a

    ☐ Contribution for fa!il* coverae

    in pri!ar* plan is 89 of pre!iu!

    ☒ Ier Iptional (paid) 'ell#bein

    prora!s throuh plan or vendor

    ☐ $ih#perf

    ☐ PPI in#net'or& deductible is


    ☒ Provide opportunit* to participate

    in personalroup health challenes

    ☒ -urical c

    ☒ Ier CH$P   ☐ Ier technolo*#based 'ell#bein

    resources (apps% devices% 'eb#


    ☐ In#site cl

    ☒ $-A sponsor !a&es a contribution

    to e!plo*ees accounts

    ☒ Wor&site bio!etric screenin   ☒ Tele!edic

    ☒ Moluntar* bene3ts interated 'ith


    ☒ 0ncourae ph*sical activit* at

    'or& (*!% 'al&in trails% standin

    des&s% etc)

    ☒ Malue#bas

    ☒ =andator* enerics or other