
Abstracts 103

(ELAP) on the treatment of 18 smoking patients with various forms of active bronchopulmonary tuberculosis. In 1/2 of them specific process in the lungs was dissemi- nated, destructive, aggravated with concomitant pathol- ogy. Considering duration and character of smoking, in majority of patients were diagnosed the stages of expressed manifestations of disease. With the aid of special apparatus after psychotherapy-consecutive stimu- lation of the active points on ear conch with laser radia- tion (ImWt, 632 nm) and of different polar pulses of micro-electric current (20-50 mA, 1-20 Hz) was carried out. Were used prescriptions of P. NOGIER and F. PORTNOV.

2-4 treatments of ELAP provided positive effect in 70.2% of the cases, including stable in 55.6%. Was not detected negative effect of electrolaser puncture on the course of tuberculosis.

244-PA12 The frequence of smokers and nicotine addiction degree of active smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Nagorni-Obradovic, Lj., Mitic-Milikic, M., Bosnjak-Petrovic, V., Stankovic, V., Pajic, N. Institute for Pulmonary Diseases and TB, CCS Belgrade, Yugoslavia

The aim of study was to analyse a percentage of smokers among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and evaluate nicotine addiction of active smokers. In Respiratory Care Unit of Institute for Pulmonary Diseases and TB, during 1993 and 1994, 296 pts with COPD were treated for respiratory failure. We analysed 46 pts with COPD. There were 34 (73.9%) active smokers and 12 (26.1%) non-smokers. The group of active smokers included more males (27,79.4%) than females (7,20.6%), average age 62.1 yrs. The average smoking intensity rate was 46.7 pack/year (30-150). For assessing a nicotine addiction degree in 34 active smokers we used Fagerstrom's questionnaire. It con- sisted of 8 questions with three possible answers. Each answer was pointed 0.1 or 2, the total score of addiction being obtained by adding points (range 0-11). Nicotine addiction medium degree was present in smokers with score ranging 5-7, and the level above this was consid- ered as severe. The mean score of nicotine addiction in active smokers with COPD was 7.9 (range 5-11) which corresponded to severe addiction degree. Nicotine is the only substance of tobacco smoke causing addiction so that it has been rather difficult to break the smoke habit in those pts. We concluded that 2/3 pts with COPD were smokers with an average severe degree of nicotine addiction. In regard to etiological significance of to- bacco smoke for development of COPD, it is necessary for physicians to pay greater attention to education of population concerning noxious effects of smoking.

247-PA12 Les effets chroniques du narguil6 sur l'appareil respiratoire

Mohammad, Y. Facultg de Medecine, Lattaquie, Syrie

Le Narguil6, tabagisme en progression, pratiqu6 en

groupe par les femmes orientales (20% des femmes de Lattaquie). Le tombac brfile dans un four decouvert, le fumeur aspire la fumde apr~s passage dans l'eau. Ici, nous d6montrons les effets n6fastes de ce type du tabagisme sur l 'appareil respiratoire.

Materiels et m~thodes: - Groupe 1 :100 femmes, chez lesquelles nous avons

appr6ci6 la quantit6 cumul6e de tombac fire6 (tc). - Groupe 2:100 fumeurs passifs.

Nous avons 6tudi6 les signes cliniques et les param~tres fonctionels: DEM 25-75%, VEMS, VEMS/CV et la forme de la courbe debit-volume; ceci en fonction du (tc) et du temps.

R6sultats: - Groupe 1: - Bronchite chronique: 35-68%, propor-

tionnellement a la (tc) et au temps. - Dyspnee: 26% - DEM 25-75%: altdr6 95% - VEMS: 35% en fonction du (tc) - courbe debit-volume incurv6e en expi-

ration 60%. - Groupe 2: - toux: 32%

- asthme: 6% diminuant avec le temps.

Conclusion: Le narguil6 alt~re quasi constamment le DEM 25-75%, provoque bronchite chronique obstructive. C'est 6gale- ment du tabagisme passif par la fumde r6pandue autour du four.

259-PA12 Smoking profile of patients admitted to a pulmonary department

Petrovic, V., Nagorni-Obradovic, Lj., Radovanovic, S., llie, A., Milenkovic, B. Institute for Pulmonary Diseases, CCS Belgrade, Yugoslavia

We interviewed 107 consecutive patients (pts) admitted to a Pulmonary Department about their smoking habits. A total of 51 hospitalized (48.6%) were current smokers (CS), 31 pts (28.9%) ex-smokers (ES) and 25pts (23.3%) had never smoked (NS). Contribution of female pts in CS group was 14 (27.5%), in ES group 12 (38.7%) and in NS group 20 (80%) pts. Smoking habits assessed according to the diagnosis were as follows:

Smoking C O P D Asthma Lung Ca Pneumonia Whole habit n = 30 n = 18 n = 33 and TB group

n = 26 n = 107

No (%) No (%) No (%) No (%) No (%) CS 16 (53) 6 (33.3) 24 (72.7) 6 (23) 52 (48.6) ES 11 (36.6) 6 (33.3) 4 (12.1) 10 (38.5) 31 (28.9) NS 4 (13.3) 6 (33.3) 5 (15.1) 10 (38.5) 25 (23.3) mean age 62.2+23 40.5+19 61.1_+10 41.1+11 51.2+15 yrs _+ SD

Smoking attitudes were studied in the group of cur- rent smokers by calculating index of pack/years (p/yrs). The mean p/yrs for the whole smokers group was 41.3 + 3. In COPD group average p/yrs was 67.3 + 37.3, in asthma group tobacco consumption was 22 + 16, among
