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Butch Bellah Sales, Marketing & Business Coach, ButchBellah.com

“Most salespeople could immediately improve their productivity if they’d simply focus on spending their

selling hours on selling. Eliminate all other time-wasters and put all their efforts in those hours toward

tasks that move them closer to a sale. From needlessly checking email every hour to paperwork to just

plain busywork, once they begin to identify these habits they’re much easier to break.”

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Jim Keenan Founder, A Sales Guy Consulting

“Sales people, good sales people, have no shortage of shit to get done, the best know which things to work on

first. The key is to focus on the things that have the biggest impact on making your number, and are the least

complex ie. take the least amount of time to complete. Knowing which these are is key! Then move to those

things that have big impact but are more complex, (take longer to complete). After that, tackle those things that

are easy or not very complex, BUT don’t have much impact, and finally do what you can to avoid all things that

take a lot of time (are complex to execute) BUT offer little impact to making your number. It’s not enough to get

everything done, the key is to get the things that matter done!”

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Lori Richardson Founder & CEO, Score More Sales

“Create a habit of doing specific tasks that lead to revenues regularly, such as having real conversations with

potential buyers rather than just talking about having them. Set time aside to be on the phone that is separate

from planning or research time. Finally start each day with an idea of what you’re doing – and be ready to go

with it. So many sellers waste an hour or two each day ‘getting ready’.”

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Jeb Blount CEO, SalesGravy.com

“The best salespeople map or grid their territory by day. They then plan their appointments and calls each day,

within the grid, thus reducing wasted drive time. The key is leveraging the CRM to run call lists by geography

based attributes. This makes it easy to stick to the daily plan. Salespeople that utilize this methodology are many

times more productive than reps that take a random approach to managing their territory.”

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Ron Karr President & CEO, Karr Associates, Inc.

“According to Ron Karr, author of CEO Bestselling book Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way, there are two questions sales people should live by when it comes to increasing their productivity.

1. What does success look like to you?

2. Do your actions support your success goals?

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Colleen Francis President & Founder, Engage Selling Solutions

“Optimize your number of hours selling — Can you outsource some non-sales work to others so that you can

increase the number of hours you spend per week in front of customers? Consider outsourcing low-return tasks

such as expense reports, preparation of slide decks, editing. The top sellers I work with often pay a part time

business student to help them with these tasks so they can spend more time with clients and prospects.

Improve your closing ratio — Are you asking for referrals every day from clients? Cold leads close at a ratio of

1:25, whereas referred lead close at a ratio of 1:3. Can you make a better productivity improvement than that?”

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Craig Wortmann Founder & CEO, Sales Engine

“Say “thank you” and go all the way with it. Salespeople most often thank people via email. But an email “thank

you” is more like than spam than it is like gratitude. If you want to truly thank someone, then thank them. Take

20 seconds and write a hand-written note that says; “Chase, thanks very much for the time you gave me today.

One thing you said really stuck with me…when you said x it made me think of y. Thanks for that. Best, Craig”

That’s it. No muss, no fuss. But it sure does thrill people to get a proper thank you.”

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Alen Mayer President, International Association of NLP Sales Professionals, AlenMayer.com

“Don’t use hype! Salespeople love hype language because they don’t have to invest time into understanding

the product or the customer. Introverts spot the exaggerated information in these traditional types of pitches

quickly, and when they find out that the salesperson doesn’t know what he or she is talking about, they shut

down the conversation. To win an introvert’s respect, you need to prove your credibility using third-party

endorsements, certifications and awards your product or company won. Introverts don’t usually get swept away

by a sales pitch, but they can be influenced by objective reviews or media coverage.”

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Wendy Weiss President, ColdCallingResults.com

“Follow the money. When planning your day or week or month or year always determine which activities are

closest to bringing in revenue and prioritize those activities. For example, paperwork is far down the list when it

comes to generating revenue. Meetings or conversations with existing customers to potentially sell additional

products or services would be high on the list. Prospecting is a high priority item although it’s further down the

list than meeting with a prospect who is about to say, “yes.” Save non-revenue generating activities for off hours

or better yet, delegate those activities. Too many sales professionals spend far too much time on activities that

do not increase sales. Prioritize and execute on the activities that generate revenue and watch your sales soar.”

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Anthony Iannarino President & Chief Sales Officer, Solutions Staffing

“There is nothing that will make you more productive than spending time on Sunday doing a weekly review and

putting the most important tasks and outcomes on your calendar. Then, like any other commitment you put on

the calendar, keep that commitment. Productivity is about deciding what needs done and doing it. Productivity is

about taking action.”

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Trent Leyshan Managing Director, Boom Sales

“Get crystal clear on where you (the sales professional) add the most value to your company and customers.

You then structure your time in and around that activity. Take a blow torch to your time wasting activities with

conviction. You then create support structures around yourself to allow you to execute. In short, do more of what


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Ian Brodie Expert Sales Consultant

“You should focus your time on finding and nurturing your ideal clients who want and need what you have to

offer, rather than focusing on people who don’t think they want it and trying to convince them that they do.”

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Jeff Sheehan Author of “Hired! Paths to Employment in the Social Media Era”

“Keeping your contacts, prospects, and customers organized, as being organized is the key to success. For

those who are in sales, or who network extensively, it becomes very difficult to be productive if you have a

‘loose’ collection of business cards, contact, and customer information that can be readily be accessed,

segmented, and used for marketing/sales work. Although it may be a bit time consuming to ‘load’ this data into a

spreadsheet or CRM system once you receive a business card or other contact from someone, the time that

you’ll save trying to find this information later will be incredible if it is readily accessible.

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Nancy Bleeke Founder, SalesProInsider.com

“Prepare! Plan first on paper and then mentally just before the contact. Focus on What’s in it for Them (your

buyer) during this preparation and ensure that from the first words in initiating through the final closing

statements your comments are relevant to them and their situation. Use all the tools available to you to research

the person, company, and situation to guide you in this focus. When you make it about Them, every minute of

preparation time is gained back two to three times through that sale and follow-up.”

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Dave Stein Founder, ES Research Group

“Relentlessly qualify your sales opportunities. More time is wasted pursuing business that can’t be won or isn’t

worth winning than any other activity.”

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Tibor Shanto Principal, Renbor Sales Solutions

“Sales people need to stop seeking time management solutions, and instead focus on allocating time to specific

high value activities, and the manage their activity in the allotted time. Time already comes managed, 60

minutes, 24 hours, 12 months, etc, everyone agrees, can’t manage any further. Know what you have to do to be

successful, in what proportions, the map it out, allocate the time, and do it in that time.”

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Jill Konrath Author, Speaker, Strategist, JillKonrath.com

“Never, ever multi-task. Your brain is incapable of doing two things at one time. Instead, it bounces back and

forth between them. The result? It takes you 30-40% longer to get things done than if you were single tasking.

Do one thing at a time — and focus in on it.”

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Elinor Stutz CEO, Smooth Sale

“I learned to keep a running task list at all times of what needs to be done, otherwise. How this works is, at the

end of the work week (when everything is fresh in your mind), list bigger projects that need to be completed the

following week. And, at the end of each working day, list the projects that need to be completed the following

day. Even though interruptions pop up, you are on top of what truly needs to be accomplished. This process will

save wasted hours each week enabling many more accomplishments through the year including fast tracking

your business!”

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