Groupe français des glucides


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33. Henderson, C. E., Huchet, M. & Changeux, J. P. (1983). Develop. Biol (en pr6para- tion).

34. Henderson, C.E. (1983). Progr. Brain Res., 58. 369-373.

35. Ebendal, T., Oison, L., Seiger, A. & Hed- lund, K.-O. (1980). Nature, 286, 25-28.

36. Brown, M. C., Holland, R. L. & Hopkins, W. G. (1981). Annu. Rev. Neurosci., 4, 17-42.

37. Henderson, C. E., Huchet, M. & Changeux, J. P. (,1983). Nature (sous presse).

38. Schnaar, R, L. & Schaffner, A. E. (1981). J. Neurosci., 1, 204-217.

39. Masuko, S., Kuromi, H. & Shimada, Y. (1979). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 76, 3537-3541.

40. Bennett, M, R., Lai, K. & Nurcombe, V. (1980). Brain Res., 190, 537-542.

41, Slack, J. R. & Pockett, S. (1982). Brain Res., ?.47, 138-140.

S ( ~ m i n a i r e s

Organis#s par los formations : ER 64 et 102 ; LA 293 du CNRS et U 116, U 180 et U 221 INSERM, du D#par~ement de Biochimie de I'U.E.R. Biom6dicale des Saints-Pares, Universit# de Paris V.

- - 22 mars 1983 (11 h) - Pr B, Ro- ques (Facult# de Pharmacie, Paris V) : <( Exploration du syst#me enk6phalinergi- que )).

- - 26 avril 1983 (11 h) - Dr Monique Garbarg (Unit# de Neurobiologie - U 109) : (~ Histamine, neurom#diateur clans le syst#me nerveux central )).

Ces saminaires se tiendront Safle T. 209, 2 ° #tage du 45, rue des Saints- Pares, 75005 Paris T61. 260.37.20, poste 4104.

G r o u p e f r a n £ . a i s d e s g l u c i d e s

Soci~t@ C h i m i q u e de Fra~n,ce et Soci6t@ die Chlm~ie B i ~ l e g i q u e

{{ 7 th I,n,ternati'o~nal S y m p o s i u m on G lyco- co~njugates )).

Se ttendra, du 17 au 23 jui l let 1983, Lund (Suede), sous la pr#sidence de B. Lindberg. II comportera des conf6rences sur invitations et des communications par affiches, et des ateliers. reSen,u,s :

Structure des prot#oglycannes - Syn- th#se - R#cepteurs - Biosynth#se des pro- t6oglycannes - Structure et conformation des oligosaccharides libres ou li#s - Inter- actions entre glycosaminoglycannes et autres mol6cules - Glycosyltransf~rases - Lectines - Adhesion - Antig#nes tumo- raux - Turnover des prot#oglycannes - D#gradation normale et pathologiq~te des glyconconjugu6s - Ana~ys, e structurale - Pathologie des prot#oglycannes - Antig~- nes des groupes sanguins.

Date l i m h e d'i,n;sc~rh0tio,n :

1"" mai 1983.

Tous rer~seign*ements :

Secr#tariat 7th Glycoconjugate Symposium

University Hospital

Box 5127 S 22005 Lund, Suede.

Satell;i~te du (( 7,th I~n..temational S y m p o - ~i,um on G~lycoconjugates )).

<( Atelier de laboratoire sur I'#lectro- phorase d'aff init# des glycoconjugu#s )~. Se tiendra ~ : The protein Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, tes 13-15 jui l- let 1983.

O rga,n!i,sa,teurs :

T. C. Bog-Hanson Hau (Odense).

(Copenhague), J.

R en~ei~g n,emen'{s :

Glycoconjugate Workshop The Protein Laboratory Sigurdsgade 34 DK - 2200 Cogenhague N, Danemark.

1983, 65, n* 3.


(( 2rid Eu~ropea~ Symposium on Carbohy- d~a,tes a~nd G l¥cocon,~ugates )).

En l'honneur du 100 e anniversaire de la naissance de G. Zempten, 9-12 aoOt 1983. Universit~ Technique de Budapest, sous la pr~sidence de R. Bognar.

Communications orates ou par affi- ches.

Programme :

Chimie et biochimie des mano- oligo- et polysaccharides. Aspects analytiques sur los glucides et glycoconjugu~s.

Re~sei~g~nements :

Dr. J. Kuszmann Institute for Drug Research P.O. Box 82 H - 1325 Budapest, Hongrie.

The ninth Edmond de Rothschild school

The Chem~i,stry a~nd Biology of R~ibo,som'es

Novembe~ 20-30, 1983

To be held at : The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot and Ein Bokek on the shore of the Dead-Sea, Israel.

Sponsored by : L'lnstitut de Biologie Physico-Chimique (Fondation Edmond de Rothschild), Paris. Prof. Bernard Pull- man, Di,~ector ; The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot.

Program :

Al l aspects of ribosome research wil l be considered. The program wi l l consist of :

- - A series of introductory lectures, each a historical summary and cri- tical evaluation of a specific field of ribosome research. Shorter talks presenting results of recent research.

Informal discussions on specific technical and theoretical topics.

Pr~}imi~na~ry a,nd ,pa~ia:l ,l:i~st o~ leotu:rers :

N. de Groot (Jerusalem) ; J.-P. Ebel (Strasbourg) ; D. Elson (Rehovot) ; G.

Glazer (Jerusalem) ; M. Grunberg-Mana- go (Paris) ; A. P. Korn (Rehovot) ; C. G. Kurland (Uppsala) ; J. A. Lake (Los An- geles) ; P. B. Moore (New Haven) ; K. N~erhaus (Berlin) ; H. Noller (Santa Cruz) ; M. Nomura (Madison) ; A. S. Spi- t in (Poustchino) ; P. Spitnik-Elson (Reho- rot) ; G. Stoeffler (Berlin) ; M. Tal (Haifa) ; M. Wilchek (Rehovot) ; H. G. Wittmann, Berlin) ; I .G. Wool (Chica- go) ; A. Yonath (Rehovot).

O~ga~n~izi~g Commit tee :

D. Elson, The Weizmann Institute of Science, P. Spitnik-Elson, The Weizmann Institute of Science ; N. de Groot, The Hebrew University ; M. Grunberg-Mana- go, L' lnstitut de Biologie Physico-Chimi- que.

The off icial language of the schotl wi l l be English.

The number of participants wil l be li- mited to 100.

Application should be made by an <~ Airmail )~ typewritten letter to (< The Rothschild School on Ribosomes, Bioche- mistry Department, The Weizmann Insti- tute of Science, Rehovot, 76100, Israel )).

The letter should specifiy name, ad- dress, academic affi l iation and status, professional training and experience, and other relevant information 'that may aid in evaluating the applicant, including ci- tation of several recent publications, if any. Predoctoral students should enclose a letter of recommendation.

Ov~rseas travel expenses to and from Israel wi l l be borne by the participant. There wwit l be a $ 600 registration fee, payable after notif ication of acceptance to the school. This sum wil l cover accom- modation and ful l board for the eleven- day period of the school.

The Fondation Edmond de Rothschild of Paris wi l l cover the cost of organising and running the school. It wi l l also make available a l imited number of subsistence grants which wi l l cover part of the regis- tration fee ; requests for such a grant should be included in the letter of appli- cation.

Deadline for receipt of applications : May 1, 1983.

Replies to applicants wil l be mailed by June 1, 1983.

1983, 65, n ° 3.
