391 GEODIVERSITAS • 2005 27 (3) © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.geodiversitas.com A new freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Pleurodira, Podocnemidae) from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Minas Gerais, Brazil Marco Aurélio Gallo de FRANÇA Max Cardoso LANGER Departamento de Biologia, FFCLRP, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Bandeirantes 3900, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo (Brazil) [email protected] [email protected] França M. A. G. de & Langer M. C. 2005. — A new freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Pleurodira, Podocnemidae) from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Geodiversitas 27 (3) : 391-411. ABSTRACT The fossil fauna of freshwater turtles from the Bauru Basin, south central Brazil, includes only podocnemids (Pleurodira, Pelomedusoides). A new genus and species, Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., represents a taxon in the stem-lineage to the crown-Podocnemidae. This phylogenetic position is given by the joint presence of a plesiomorphically expanded coracoid and an apomorphic cranially displaced caudal margin of the pectoral scute. Its holo- type and only specimen was collected from Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) rocks of the Serra da Galga Member (Marília Formation, Bauru Group), in the area of Uberaba, Minas Gerais. Although no autapomorphic features were recognised for Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., the taxon is distinct from all other South American Cretaceous podocnemids based on an unique suite of shell features, namely: a narrow nuchal plate, seven neural plates, a second neural plate that contacts the first costal plates, a pectoro-abdominal sulcus that does not penetrate the mesoplastra, and xiphiplastra with a deep anal notch and subtriangular ischiadic sutures. RÉSUMÉ Une nouvelle tortue d’eau douce (Reptilia, Pleurodira, Podocnemidae) du Crétacé supérieur (Maastrichtien) de Minas Gerais, Brésil. Les faunes fossiles de tortues d’eau douce du Bassin du Bauru (centre-sud du Brésil) n’incluent que des podocnémidés (Pleurodira, Pelomedusoides). Un nouveau taxon, Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., proche des Podocnemidae, est décrit. Cette position phylogénétique est définie par la présence conjointe d’un caractère plésiomorphe (coracoïde étendu) et d’un KEY WORDS Reptilia, Pleurodira, Podocnemidae, Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., Late Cretaceous, Bauru Group, Brazil, osteology, new genus, new species.

A new freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Pleurodira ...sciencepress.mnhn.fr/sites/default/files/articles/pdf/g2005n3a3.pdf · la première plaque costale et la deuxième plaque neurale,

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391GEODIVERSITAS • 2005 • 27 (3) © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.geodiversitas.com

A new freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Pleurodira,Podocnemidae) from the Upper Cretaceous(Maastrichtian) of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Marco Aurélio Gallo de FRANÇAMax Cardoso LANGER

Departamento de Biologia, FFCLRP, Universidade de São Paulo,Av. Bandeirantes 3900, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo (Brazil)

[email protected]@ffclrp.usp.br

França M. A. G. de & Langer M. C. 2005. — A new freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Pleurodira,Podocnemidae) from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Minas Gerais, Brazil.Geodiversitas 27 (3) : 391-411.

ABSTRACTThe fossil fauna of freshwater turtles from the Bauru Basin, south centralBrazil, includes only podocnemids (Pleurodira, Pelomedusoides). A newgenus and species, Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., represents a taxon inthe stem-lineage to the crown-Podocnemidae. This phylogenetic position isgiven by the joint presence of a plesiomorphically expanded coracoid and anapomorphic cranially displaced caudal margin of the pectoral scute. Its holo-type and only specimen was collected from Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)rocks of the Serra da Galga Member (Marília Formation, Bauru Group), inthe area of Uberaba, Minas Gerais. Although no autapomorphic features wererecognised for Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., the taxon is distinctfrom all other South American Cretaceous podocnemids based on an uniquesuite of shell features, namely: a narrow nuchal plate, seven neural plates, asecond neural plate that contacts the first costal plates, a pectoro-abdominalsulcus that does not penetrate the mesoplastra, and xiphiplastra with a deepanal notch and subtriangular ischiadic sutures.

RÉSUMÉUne nouvelle tortue d’eau douce (Reptilia, Pleurodira, Podocnemidae) du Crétacésupérieur (Maastrichtien) de Minas Gerais, Brésil.Les faunes fossiles de tortues d’eau douce du Bassin du Bauru (centre-sud duBrésil) n’incluent que des podocnémidés (Pleurodira, Pelomedusoides). Unnouveau taxon, Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., proche desPodocnemidae, est décrit. Cette position phylogénétique est définie par laprésence conjointe d’un caractère plésiomorphe (coracoïde étendu) et d’un

KEY WORDSReptilia,

Pleurodira, Podocnemidae,

Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., Late Cretaceous,

Bauru Group, Brazil,

osteology, new genus,

new species.


The Bauru Basin, in south central Brazil, was built during the event of isostatic compensationthat followed the Early Cretaceous (137 ± 0.7-126± 2.0 Ma) basaltic magmatism responsible for theaccumulation of the Serra Geral Formation. It wasfilled by a package of alluvial, fluvial, and eoliansedimentary rocks that dates from the Aptian tothe Maastrichtian (Dias-Brito et al. 2001). These deposits have yielded a relatively rich fossilfauna of freshwater turtles (Pacheco 1913;

Staesche 1937; Price 1953; Arid & Vizotto 1966;Suárez 1969; Kischlat et al. 1994; Langer 1996).Yet, all specimens described so far were assignedto the Podocnemidae, which is the only majorgroup of turtles known in the Brazilian continen-tal Cretaceous. Four nominal taxa have been pro-posed, namely: Podocnemis harrisi Pacheco, 1913,P. brasiliensis Staesche, 1937, P. elegans Suárez,1969, and Roxochelys wanderleyi Price, 1953. Inthe most recent review of these forms, Kischlatet al. (1994) considered P. harrisi a nomen dubium,allocating the remaining taxa into two genera:

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caractère apomorphe (bord caudal de l’écaille pectorale déplacé crânialement).L’holotype et seul spécimen connu a été collecté dans les sédiments duCrétacé supérieur (Maastrichtien) du Membre Serra da Galga (FormationMarília, Groupe du Bauru) dans la région d’Uberaba, Minas Gerais. Bienqu’aucun caractère autapomorphe n’a été identifié chez Cambaremys langertonin. gen., n. sp., le taxon se distingue de tous les autres podocnémidés crétacésd’Amérique du Sud par une série unique de caractères de la carapace, notam-ment une plaque nucale étroite, sept plaques neurales et un contact entrela première plaque costale et la deuxième plaque neurale, un sillon pecto-abdominal qui ne pénètre pas le mesoplastron et un xiphiplastron présentantune encoche anale profonde et des sutures ischiatiques subtriangulaires.

RESUMOUma nova tartaruga de água-doce (Reptilia, Pleurodira, Podocnemidae) doCretáceo superior (Maastrichtiano) de Minas Gerais, Brasil.A paleofauna de tartarugas de água doce da Bacia Bauru, centro-sul do Brasil,inclui somente podocnemídeos (Pleurodira, Pelomedusoides). Um novotáxon, Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp., pertence à base da linhagem queconduz ao clado congregando todos Podocnemidae viventes. Tal posição filo-genética se baseia na ocorrência conjunta de coracóide plesiomorficamenteexpandido e margem caudal do escudo peitoral apomorficamente deslocadana direção cranial. O tipo e único espécime conhecido foi coletado em rochasdo Cretáceo Superior (Maastrichtiano) do Membro Serra da Galga (For-mação Marília, Grupo Bauru) na região de Uberaba, Minas Gerais. Mesmoque nenhuma autapomórfia tenha sido reconhecida em Cambaremys langer-toni n. gen., n. sp., o táxon se distingue dos demais podocnemídeos doCretáceo Superior Sul-Americano por um conjunto único de característicasdo casco. Estas incluem uma placa nucal estreita, sete placas neurais, contatoentre segunda placa neural e primeiras placas costais, sulco pectoro-abdominalque não penetra no mesolastão, e xifiplastão com entalhe anal profundo esuturas isquiáticas subtriangulares.

MOTS CLÉSReptilia,

Pleurodira, Podocnemidae,

Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp.,Crétacé supérieur, Groupe du Bauru,

Brésil, ostéologie,

nouveau genre, nouvelle espèce.


Pleurodira, Podocnemidae,

Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp.,Cretáceo Superior,

Groupo Bauru, Brasil,

osteologia, novo gênero, nova espécie.

Roxochelys Price, 1953, including R. wanderleyi,and Bauruemys Kischlat, 1994, including“Podocnemis” elegans, and possibly “P.” brasilien-sis. Bauruemys elegans is based on various articu-lated skeletons, derived mainly from a very richaccumulation in the Adamantina Formation ofsouthwestern São Paulo (Suárez 2002). Indeed,most Testudines recorded in the Bauru Basinhave been collected in the state of São Paulo,from deposits assigned to the AdamantinaFormation (sensu Fernandes & Coimbra 1996).The age of this stratigraphic unit is controversial,

but it apparently belongs to the Late Cretaceous(Dias-Brito et al. 2001; Gobbo-Rodrigues et al.2003).In the region known as Triângulo Mineiro, at thewestern corner of the state of Minas Gerais(Fig. 1), the Bauru Group includes the correlatedUberaba and Adamantina formations, which arecovered by the Marília Formation (Fúlfaro &Barcelos 1991; Fernandes & Coimbra 2000).This is a mainly alluvial sequence of Maastricht-ian age (Dias-Brito et al. 2001), deposited bymedial and distal alluvial fans and braided fluvial

A new Cretaceous freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Podocnemidae) from Brazil

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Type locality

Abandoned railroad

Main roads

Serra Geral Formationand Cenozoic deposits

Uberaba Formation

Marília Formation

Rio Grande



BR 262

BR 050

FIG. 1. — Map showing the location of the Serra do Veadinho fossil-area, East of Uberaba, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Scale bar: 20 km.

systems, with subordinate eolian dunes, in asemi-arid climate. It includes the Ponte AltaMember, which suffered post-depositional car-bonatic cementation by underground water(Goldberg & Garcia 1995), and the Serra daGalga Member that is composed of non-cementedconglomeratic sandstones. From the site knownas Serra do Veadinho, nearby the village ofPeirópolis, the Serra da Galga Member hasyielded the largest fossil vertebrate collection ofthe Bauru Basin, including anurans (Baez & Perí1989), squamates (Estes & Price 1973), crocodiles(Price 1955; Carvalho et al. 2004), and dinosaurs(Price 1951, 1961; Kellner 1996; Campos & Kellner1999; Santucci & Bertini 2001; Powell 2003).In the austral spring of 1995, during the excava-tion of Quarry 2, in Serra do Veadinho, which isthe sole example of systematic fossil prospectingcarried out in Brazilian Mesozoic deposits, thecrew of the Centro de Pesquisas Paleontológicas“Llewellyn Ivor Price” collected the semi-arti-culated post-cranium of a freshwater turtle. Thisspecimen was subject of preliminary studies byLanger (1996) and França & Langer (2003), and isthe focus of this contribution. It represents the firstrelatively complete testudine specimen rescuedfrom the Marília Formation, and is unique amongCretaceous podocnemids for the nearly completepreservation of its appendicular skeleton.The collection of the Centro de PesquisasPaleontológicas “Llewellyn Ivor Price” (CPP), located at the former train station of the village of Peirópolis, includes several testu-dine specimens collected at Quarry 2. Most ofwhich consist of taxonomically indeterminateshell fragments, whereas the semi-articulatedpost-cranium of CPP-0252 is a notable excep-tion. It was compared to Bauruemys elegans basedon URC-R47, R58, R59, and R60, to other fossilpleurodires based on the literature, as well as toskeletons of various recent South American che-lids and podocnemids, i.e. Chelus fimbriata(Schneider, 1783), MZUSP-1027; Hydromedusatectifera (Cope, 1969), MZUSP-2022, 4104,305; Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812),MZUSP-2633, 2638, 2637; Peltocephalus dumer-ilianus (Schweigger, 1812), MZUSP-3216,

3138, 3137, 3139, 2753; Podocnemis erythro-cephala (Spix, 1824), INPA-10274; P. expansa(Schweigger, 1812), MZUSP-2810, 2761, 2844,LIRP unnumbered; P. sextuberculata (Cornalia,1849), INPA-8953; and P. unifilis (Troschel,1848), MZUSP-3209, 2026, 2809, INPA-11559. The nomenclature proposed by Zangerl (1969)for the dermal scutes and bony plates of the turtleshell is employed here, while the anatomicalterms and orientation of the limb bones of theseanimals are those of Walker (1973) and Gaffney(1990). In the Systematics section, the phylo-genetic meanings of the names are as proposed byMeylan (1996). Regarding the family-groupnames derived from Podocnemis Wagler, 1830,we employ the suffixation of Baur (1893; seeJoyce et al. 2004), i.e. Podocnemidae and coordi-nates. Yet, following the International Code ofZoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999: Art. 36),the authorship is referred to Cope (1868), who firstproposed a family-group name based on that genus.

ABBREVIATIONSCPP Centro de Pesquisas Paleontológicas

“Llewellyn Ivor Price”, Uberaba;INPA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas na Ama-

zônia, Manaus;LIRP Laboratorio de Ictiologia de Ribeirão Preto,

Ribeirão Preto;MZUSP Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São

Paulo, São Paulo;URC Museu de Paleontologia e Estratigrafia,

Prof. Dr. Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim,Rio Claro.


TESTUDINES Linnaeus, 1758PLEURODIRA Cope, 1865

PELOMEDUSOIDES Cope, 1868 (Broin 1988)PELOMEDUSOIDEA Cope, 1868 (Lindholm 1929)

PODOCNEMOIDAE Cope, 1868 (Meylan 1996)PODOCNEMIDAE Cope, 1868

Genus Cambaremys n. gen.

TYPE SPECIES. — Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp.by present designation.

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ETYMOLOGY. — In allusion to Cambará, the formername of the village of Peirópolis, Minas Gerais, nearwhich the type locality is located (Fig. 1).

DISTRIBUTION. — Latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)of the Bauru Basin in the region known as “TriânguloMineiro”, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

DIAGNOSIS. — As for the type species, by monotypy.

Cambaremys langertoni n. sp.

HOLOTYPE. — CPP-0252, cervical vertebra, partialcarapace, right mesoplastron, both xiphiplastra, bothcoracoids, right scapula, both humeri, left radius, bothulnae, both pelvic girdles, right femur, both tibiae,both fibulae, along with other disarticulated remainsincluding carpals, tarsals, metapodials, and phalanges,including an ungual (Figs 2-8).

ETYMOLOGY. — In honor to Sr. Langerton Neves daCunha, “field-man” of Llewellyn Ivor Price during the1960s and early 1970s, and collector of many impor-tant fossils in the area of Peirópolis.

TYPE HORIZON. — Serra da Galga Member, MaríliaFormation, Bauru Basin (Fernandes & Coimbra2000). Studies based on microfossils (Dias-Brito et al.2001; Gobbo-Rodrigues et al. 2003) and vertebrates(Santucci & Bertini 2001) agree with a latestCretaceous (most probably Maastrichtian) age for thisstratum.

TYPE LOCALITY. — 19°43’12”S, 47°45’04”W. Quarry2 of Price (see Campos & Kellner 1999), at 900 mhigh, in the Serra do Veadinho area, municipality ofUberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil; about 2.5 km to theN-NW of the village of Peirópolis (Fig. 1).

DIAGNOSIS. — Podocnemid with a pectoral scute thatdoes not touch the mesoplastron and an expandedcoracoid. Distinct from other named South AmericanCretaceous members of the group for its thin shellbones, narrow nuchal plate, seven neural plates, andcontact between first costal and second neural plates.


Axial skeleton (Fig. 2; Table 1)Of the vertebral column, only two cervicoverte-bral fragments were preserved, one including thecentrum and the other most of the neural arch.Both encompass parts of the transverse processes,which are incomplete distally, and located at themiddle of the axial length, as common amongeupleurodires (Lapparent de Broin 2000). Thosefragments were not found in articulation, butgiving their similar size and contact, they will be

treated as a single element. Considered together,these account for a vertebra slightly longer thanhigh. The centrum is procoelous, possessing adistinct ventral keel that extends more ventrally

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FIG. 2. — Cervicovertebral elements of Cambaremys langertonin. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252), possibly from the same vertebra;A, centrum, ventral aspect; B, centrum and neural arch, rightlateral aspect; C, neural arch, dorsal aspect; D-G, reconstruc-tion of cervical vertebra; D, ventral aspect; E, dorsal aspect;F, right lateral aspect; G, cranial aspect. Non-preserved parts ingray. Scale bar: 15 mm.

TABLE 1. — Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252),measurements of the cervicovertebral elements (mm).Abbreviations: dv, dorsoventral; lm, lateromedial.

Centrum length 13.5Centrum cranial articulation width (dv × lm) 5.0 × 7.0Centrum caudal articulation width (dv × lm) 4.5 × 5.0Neurocentral articulation length 6.9Neural arch total length 14.5Neural arch maximum height (caudal) 7.0Prezygapophyseal width 7.8Postzygapophyseal width 6.9Neural channel middle width 3.1

at its cranial part. The neural arch bears a lowneural spine extending along most of its dorsalsurface. The prezygapophyses project cranially asseparate elements, while the postzygapophyses aresupported by a common elevated process (pedi-cel), as also typical of eupleurodires (Lapparentde Broin 2000), that expands caudodorsally. Itsdorsal surface bears a pair of rounded protuber-ances, caudal to which the postzygapophysesextend to form a nearly continuous roundedarticulation surface. Differently from Araripemys(Meylan 1996), the postzygapophyses are notfused together.The position in the neck of the recovered verte-bral elements of CPP-0252 is not clear. Puttogether, they differ from the eighth cervical ver-tebra of extant podocnemids (Peltocephalus andPodocnemis) for the caudally inclined pedicel andleast developed ventral keel, and from the othercaudal cervical vertebrae of those Testudines forthe more discernible neural spine. If the cranialposition of these elements is confirmed, theirprocelic centrum suggests a basal phylogeneticposition for CPP-0252 in relation to the crown-Podocnemidae (Joyce et al. 2004), the cranialcervical vertebra of which have apomorphic hete-rocelic caudal condyles. According to Kischlatet al. (1994; but see Broin 1991; Lapparent deBroin 2000), such a plesiomorphic condition isshared by Roxochelys and Bauruemys, while inother South American fossil podocnemids (Broin1971; Wood 1976) most of the neck is composedof heterocelic vertebrae.

Carapace (Figs 3-5)The nuchal plate, the entire neural series, andmost costal and marginal elements were pre-served, but not the pygal or suprapygal plates.These, as well as the plastron bones, are not par-ticularly thick, differing from forms attributableto the genus Roxochelys (Price 1953; Broin 1991),and no distinctive ornamentation pattern hasbeen observed on their external surface. Theround shape (25 cm long, 20 cm wide) and rela-tively flat (5 cm high) carapace of Cambaremysn. gen. is most similar to those of small?Roxochelys villavilensis (Broin 1991) and some

specimens from the Bauru Group (Arid &Vizotto 1966; Suárez 1969), but distinct fromthe deeper, more dorsally convex, and elongatedcarapace of other South American Cretaceouspodocnemids (Broin 1971; De la Fuente 1993,2003; Kischlat et al. 1994; Lapparent de Broin2000). Yet, the shape of the carapace is highlyvariable among modern members of the group,and might reflect the developmental stage of theindividuals (Broin 1991), the more roundedmorphotype representing the juveniles.Accordingly, the size and shape of the type cara-pace of Cambaremys n. gen. might indicate asubadult condition, but a direct relation betweenthe size and shape of the carapaces is not seenamong various observed specimens of Bauruemyselegans (URC-R47, R58, R59).The nuchal embayment is shallow and restrictedto the cranial margin of the nuchal plate. This iselongated, articulates with the first peripheralplates along its slightly concave lateral margins,and expands caudally to contact the first neuraland costal plates along a rounded caudal mar-gin. This condition approaches that ofBauruemys elegans, although the nuchal plate ofthis taxon has a more extensive contact with thepair of first costals. A much broader nuchalplate is, however, characteristic of other SouthAmerican Cretaceous podocnemids (Price 1953;Broin 1971; Lapparent de Broin 2000; De laFuente 2003). There are seven preserved neural plates, whichrepresent the entire series. As in most non-araripemydid Pelomedusoides (Meylan 1996),this series does not reach the suprapygal plate.The number of neural plates varies between sixand seven within the extant Podocnemidae, whileSouth American fossil forms with six (Suárez1969; De la Fuente 1993, 2003) and seven (Arid& Vizotto 1966; Broin 1971; Wood 1976;Lapparent de Broin 2000; Carvalho et al. 2002)neural plates are also known. The first neuralplate is subrectangular and more elongated ifcompared to the following ones. It meets thenuchal plate cranially, and its slightly convex lat-eral and caudal margins articulate respectivelywith the pair of first costals and with the second

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neural plates. This arrangement is similar to thatof most fossil podocnemids (Price 1953; Arid &Vizotto 1966; Broin 1971; Lapparent de Broin2000; Carvalho et al. 2002), but differs from thatof Bauruemys (Suárez 1969; URC-R47, R58), inwhich the first neural plate is much broader cau-dally, and the second neural plate square-shaped.This peculiar arrangement of plates allows the

contact between the first neural plate and the pairof second costal plates, preventing a contactbetween the second neural plate and the pair offirst costal plates. Yet, the difference between thisand the standard podocnemid morphology mustbe considered carefully, given that variation seemsto occur within major groups (Gaffney et al.2001), extant species (E.-E. Kischlat pers. comm.

A new Cretaceous freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Podocnemidae) from Brazil

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FIG. 3. — Partial carapace of Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252), dorsal aspect. Scale bar: 20 mm.

1995), and even individuals (De la Fuente 2003;see also Lapparent de Broin 2000).Neural plates 2-6 of Cambaremys n. gen. arehexagonal, their cranial and caudal marginscontact the adjacent costal plates, while theirlateral margins are divided in shorter laterocra-nial and longer laterocaudal facets, whichrespectively contact the anterior and the corre-

sponding costal plates. Of these, the sixth neuralplate is shorter craniocaudally, possessing amore rounded caudal margin. As with the sixth,the seventh neural plate was not preserved inarticulation to the rest of the carapace and itsmargins are not complete. It has a subpentago-nal shape, reflecting its condition as the lastplate of the neural series. It has a pinched caudal

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FIG. 4. — Partial carapace of Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252), visceral aspect. Scale bar: 20 mm.

margin that articulates only with the pair ofseventh costal plates.Costal plates 1-7 were preserved partially arti-culated on the left side of the carapace, while theeighth plate was not recovered. The first costalplates are longer craniocaudally than the rest.Their rounded cranial margins contact thenuchal plate and peripheral plates 1-4. Costal

plates 2-7 are subrectangular, their lateral portioncurves cranially in the more cranial plates andcaudally in the more caudal ones. Laterally, theycontact peripheral plates 4-10 as shown inFigure 5, and only the seventh pair contacts oneanother medially. Although only left peripheralplates 1-7 were found in articulation, it was pos-sible to reconstruct the entire series (1-11) with

A new Cretaceous freshwater turtle (Reptilia, Podocnemidae) from Brazil

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FIG. 5. — Reconstruction of the carapace of Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252), dorsal aspect. Abbreviations:axi, axillary process; cos, costal plate; ia, iliac articulation; ing, ingunal process; mar, marginal scute; neu, neural plate; nuc, nuchalplate; per, peripheral plate; ple, pleural scute; ver, vertebral scute. Hatched areas indicate structures on the inner side of thecarapace. Non-preserved parts in gray. Scale bar: 20 mm.

elements from at least one of the sides of the cara-pace (Figs 3-5). These are subrectangular andhave slightly convex distal margins, which formthe carapace border. Cranial and caudal peripheralplates are elongated proximodistally, while thosein the middle of the series tends to be shorter.The plastral bridge is better preserved on the leftside of the carapace (Fig. 4), encompassingperipheral plates 2-8. At the cranial end of thebridge, the axillary process extends medially as asmoothly sigmoid wall that articulates with theinternal surface of the first costal plate. Caudally,the articulation facet for the inguinal processextends nearly straight along the distal third ofthe fifth costal plate. The angle formed betweenthe dorsal and ventral surfaces of the peripheralplates that contribute to the bridge is of about45° at the third plate, expanding to 90° at thelevel of plates 5-6. In the seventh plate, the angleis of about 75° at its cranially and of 30° caudally.In the end of the bridge (eighth plate), the anglediminishes to about 5-10°.Based on the pattern of contact sulci in its cara-pace, Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. pos-sessed no cervical scute, and the first marginalscute met its mate at the cranial border of thecarapace, where they covered the cranial portionof the nuchal plate. Caudally, the vertebral scutescovered the entire neural series and the medialportions of the costal plates, while the first ofthem also covered the caudal half of the nuchalplate and the caudomedial corners of the firstperipheral pair. On each of these plates, there is acomplex sulcus pattern composed of two triradi-ated junctions including marginal scutes 1 and 2,vertebral scute 1, and pleural scute 1. It is alsopossible to reconstruct vertebral scutes 2 and 3,while the parts of scutes 4 and 5 that cover thepygal and suprapygal plates are unknown. Thepreserved sulci between vertebral scutes 1-2, 2-3,and 3-4 respectively divide neural plates 1, 3,and 5. Each bears a marked cranial convexity atthe sagittal axis, which is least marked in the sul-cus between scutes 1 and 2. Among the examinedpodocnemids, this differs from the conditionin forms like Peltocephalus (MZUSP-3137),Portezueloemys (De la Fuente 2003), and

Bauruemys elegans (Suárez 1969), which has acaudally convex sulcus between vertebral scutes1 and 2; Peltocephalus, Roxochelys wanderleyi(Price 1953), ?Roxochelys vilavilensis (Broin1971), and Podocnemis negrii (Carvalho et al.2002), the sulcus between vertebral scutes 2and 3 of which is not markedly convex cranially;and Podocnemis negrii that has a caudally convexsulcus between vertebral scutes 3 and 4.The four pleural scutes covered the distal two-thirds of the costal series, and the sulci betweenthem extend transversely along costal plates 2, 4,and 6. The marginal series covered most of theperipheral plates, each scute occupying adjacenthalves of two neighboring plates. The sulcibetween the marginal and pleural scutes extendsalong the proximalmost portion of the peripheralplates at the cranial (plates 1-3) and caudal(plates 7-11) segments of the series, while it isdisplaced proximally at the middle of the series,and superimposed to the peripheral-costal platescontact. This is also seen in most examinedpodocnemids, but not Bauruemys elegans (Suárez1969), and ?Roxochelys vilavilensis (Broin 1971).

Plastron (Fig. 6)Most of the plastron is missing, probably due topost-mortem disarticulation and transport, but theright mesoplastron and both xiphiplastra werefound inside the carapace, which was preservedupside-down. The former is round, restricted tothe lateral portion of the plastron. This confi-guration is typical of podocnemoids (sensuLapparent de Broin 2000), also seen in otherPelomedusoides (Broin 1980; Gaffney & Meylan1991), but distinct from the more lateromediallyelongated mesoplastron of basal eupleurodires(De la Fuente & Iturralde-Vinent 2001) andbasal chelids (De la Fuente et al. 2001; De laFuente 2003). In this context, the mesoplastrawere most probably apomorphically connected inPelusios and independently lost in recentChelidae and Araripemys (Meylan 1996). Themesoplastron of Uberamemys has no sign of inter-scute sulci. On the contrary, the pectoro-abdomi-nal sulcus of most basal pleurodires (Broin 1980;Gaffney & Meylan 1991; De la Fuente et al.

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2001; De la Fuente & Iturralde-Vinent 2001; Dela Fuente 2003) extends along the cranial portionof that plate. Among podocnemoids, the pectoro-abdominal sulcus usually enters the cranial bor-der of the mesoplastron in bothremydids(Antunes et al. 1988; Gaffney et al. 2001;MacPhee et al. 2003), but not in either fossil(Cattoi & Freiberg 1958; Suárez 1969; Broin1971; Wood 1976; Carvalho et al. 2002; De laFuente 2003), or recent podocnemids, althoughthere are exceptions within both groups (De laFuente 1993; Tong et al. 1998).The right xiphiplastron (Fig. 6A, B) is well pre-served, sub-orthogonal, and broader cranially. Itscranial and lateral edges form oblique angles tothe sagittal line, while the caudolateral corner isrounded. The caudal margin is gently inclined, sothat a shallow anal incisure is formed. AmongSouth American Cretaceous podocnemids, thisapproaches the condition of Bauruemys elegans(Suárez 1969; URC-R47, R58) and ?Roxochelysvilavilensis (Broin 1991), differing from the moreconspicuous incisure of “Podocnemis” brasiliensis(Price 1953). Yet, significant intraspecific varia-tion regarding this character was reported amongpodocnemids (Wood & Gamero 1971). The vis-ceral surface of the xiphiplastron bears the arti-culation facets for the pubis and ischium. Thepubic articulation is ovoid as in ?Roxochelys vilav-ilensis (Broin 1971), and not as elongated as inBauruemys elegans (Suárez 1969) and “Podoc-nemis” brasiliensis (Price 1953). This does notseem to be fused, since suture scars are apparent.According to Kischlat et al. (1994), this condi-tion is seen in Bauruemys elegans, but not inRoxochelys. The ischiadic articulation is subtrian-gular, with craniomedial, craniolateral, and cau-dolateral apexes. This resembles the condition in?Roxochelys vilavilensis (Broin 1971), and differsfrom the more medially expanded sutureof Bauruemys elegans (Suárez 1969) and“Podocnemis” brasiliensis (Price 1953). However,important variation in the shape of the pubic andischiadid sutures to the plastron occurs amongrecent podocnemids. The external surface of thexiphiplastron bears the femoro-anal sulcus,extending obliquely at the level of the pubic artic-

ulation scar, well within the cranial half of thexiphiplastron.

Pectoral girdle and forelimb (Fig. 7; Table 2)The scapula has elongated rod-like dorsal andacromial processes. These form an angle of about80° and no bony wall extends distally connectingthem. This is typical of podocnemids, and differsfrom the condition in modern chelids. The dorsal

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FIG. 6. — A-E, plastral elements of Cambaremys langertonin. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252); A, B, right mesoplastron; A, ventralaspect; B, visceral aspect; C, D, right xifiplastron; C, ventralaspect; D, visceral aspect; E, composite reconstruction of thexiphiplastra in ventral and visceral aspects; F, right xifiplastronof cf. Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0290) invisceral aspect. Scale bars: 20 mm.

process curves slightly medially, and bears noclearly defined longitudinal ridges or grooves.This differs markedly from the strongly curvedand short process of Stupendemys (Gaffney et al.

1998), but approaches the condition of recentpodocnemids. Its proximal portion is craniocau-dally flattened and have an ovoid cross section.The distal tip is incomplete, but seems to be

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FIG. 7. — Pectoral girdle and forelimb elements of Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252); A, B, right scapula; A, cranialaspect; B, caudal aspect; C, D, right coracoid; C, dorsal aspect; D, ventral aspect; E-I, right humerus; E, dorsal aspect; F, ventralaspect; G, caudal aspect; H, cranial aspect; I, proximal aspect; J, K, left radius; J, ventral aspect; K, lateral aspect; L, right radius,ventral aspect; M-P, right ulna; M, dorsal aspect; N, ventral aspect; O, medial aspect; P, lateral aspect. Non-preserved partsindicated by stippled lines. Scale bar: 20 mm.

slightly expanded. The shorter acromial processalso has an oval proximal cross section. At thispoint, its craniodorsal corner is composed of amarked longitudinal ridge, bounded ventrallyby an elongated excavation. Distally, the crosssection of the acromial process gets subtriangular,due to the presence of craniodorsal and ventralgrooves, and a longitudinal ridge at the caudalsurface. Among modern podocnemids, thedevelopment of these elements varies, anddifferent specimens show more transversallyrounded or triangular acromia. The scapular partof the glenoid cavity faces laterally as in mostpodocnemids, and not ventrolaterally as inStupendemys (Gaffney et al. 1998). It is slightlyprojected from the main part of the bone, andhas prominent borders, but no proper glenoidneck is seen. The articulation is subtriangular,with the cranial face the longest, and concave.The coracoid articulation is ovoid, not clearlymarked, and placed caudoventrally to the glenoidcavity.The coracoid is composed of a proximal articu-lation and a distal body. The former is round-ed, but flattened craniodorsally. This is wherethe scapula articulates, while the rest of thatarea forms the glenoid cavity. The main bodyof the bone is cylindrical proximally, butexpands distal ly to form a dorsoventral lyflattened lamina. Its dorsal surface is slightlyconvex as in Peltocephalus, lacking the sharplongitudinal ridge typical of Podocnemis. Theventral surface is concave, more deeply excavatedlaterally, and the distal margin is flattened.Kischlat et al. (1994) characterized two distinctcoracoid morphotypes among fossil and recentpodocnemids. Cambaremys n. gen. shares theplesiomorphic type with Bauruemys elegans and?Roxochelys vilavilensis. This is expanded andslim (= dorsoventrally flat), as also seen in che-lids (De la Fuente 1993), Araripemys (Meylan1996), and pelomedusids (Wood 1976). Theapomorphic condition, on the other hand, is anunexpanded and deep coracoid, as seen in mod-ern podocnemids, Erymnochelys, Stupendemys,and apparently Roxochelys wanderleyi (Kischlatet al. 1994).

Both humeri were preserved, although the distalhalf of the left bone is missing. The head forms anearly equidimensional hemisphere, and the lat-eral and medial processes expand at the same ven-tral plane. These are connected to the dorsallyprojecting head by bony expansions, forming aventrally concave surface. Shallow excavationsmark the proximal limits between both processesand the head. The lateral process projects cranio-proximally as in other podocnemids, and differsfrom the more laterally directed process of che-lids. At its distal margin, lies a dorsocranial ovoidexcavation for the insertion of the M. deltoideus.An equally marked muscle scar is seen inPodocnemis, but not in Peltocephalus or the exam-ined recent chelids. The medial process is caudo-proximally directed and somewhat larger than thelateral. Its proximal tip extends slightly proximalto the head. This condition is shared by

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TABLE 2. — Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252),measurements of the pectoral girdle and forelimb elements(mm). Abbreviations: cc, craniocaudal; dv, dorsoventral;lm, lateromedial. Measurements given under brackets corres-pond to the preserved portions of incomplete bones.

Measurements Right side Left side

ScapulaLength (51.3) –Middle width (lm × cc) 3.9 × 5.3 –Glenoid cavity width (dv × cc) 8.9 × 6.7 –Acromion length 27.4 –Acromion distal width (lm × cc) 6.3 × 5.4 –CoracoidLength 33.6 34.0Glenoid cavity width (dv × lm) 5.7 × 5.5 5.6 × (4.8)Minimal width (dv × lm) 3.2 × 2.9 3.2 × 3.0Distal width (dv × lm) 1.7 × 11.2 1.4 × 10.9HumerusLength 33.7 (26.8)Proximal width (cc) 19.7 18.5Middle width (cc × dv) 6.4 × 6.9 –Distal width (cc × dv) 12.3 × 7.9 –Head width (lm × cc) 8.3 × 7.5 8.2 × 7.3RadiusLength 20.7 (14.9)Proximal width (dv × lm) 3.6 × 3.9 3.8 × 2.6Middle width (dv × lm) 2.1 × 2.3 2.0 × 2.4Distal width (lm) 7.3 –UlnaLength 20.1 –Proximal width (dv × lm) 6.2 × 4.6 –Middle width (dv × lm) 2.4 × 3.5 –Distal width (dv × lm) 3.1 × 5.0 –

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FIG. 8. — Pelvic girdle and hind limb elements of Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252); A-D, left pelvic girdle; A, lateralaspect; B, medial aspect; C, cranial aspect; D, outline of iliac articulation to the carapace, dorsal aspect, arrow points cranially;E, right ischium, medial aspect; F-J, right femur; F, dorsal aspect; G, ventral aspect; H, caudal aspect; I, cranial aspect; J, proximalaspect; K-N, left tibia; K, dorsal aspect; L, ventral aspect; M, lateral aspect; N, medial aspect; O, P, left fibula; O, dorsal aspect;P, ventral aspect. Scale bar: 20 mm.

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Stupendemys (Broin et al. 1993) and recentChelidae, while the humeral head of Podocnemistends to project more proximally than thatprocess. According to Walker (1973) the medialprocess is more developed in highly aquaticTestudines such as marine turtles and triony-chids. Accordingly, this condition in Cambaremysn. gen. might, at the same time, represent a ple-siomorphy and an adaptation to its aquaticlifestyle. Also differently from recent Podocnemis,no clear scar for the M. subscapularis is seen onthe medial process, which lacks marked crests orgrooves.The humeral shaft of Cambaremys n. gen. is dor-sally arched and ovoid in cross section. As inrecent podocnemids, the proximal and distalexpansions of the bone are longitudinally restrict-ed, so that the shaft is proportionally longer thanthat of chelids. At the distal end of the humerus,the radial and ulnar condyles are ventrally direct-ed. These are of about the same size and there isno strong incisure between them. The entepi-condyle and ectepicondyle are inconspicuous,but the latter is slightly larger and bears a deeplyexcavated groove. This extends longitudinallyalong the dorsomedial surface of the bone, and ishomologous to the ectepicondylar foramen(Romer 1956; Gaffney 1990), but does not per-forate the humerus.Both radia are incompletely preserved, the leftbone lacks most of its distal expansion, while theright radius lacks portions of both the proximaland distal ends. The latter can, however, bereconstructed based on the impression with frag-ments it left on the matrix. The proximal arti-culation is nearly flat and roughly semicircular:longer dorsoventrally than lateromedially andflatter laterally to contact the ulna. Right distal tothis contact there is a rugosity that represents theattachment of the proximal branch of the radio-ulnar ligament (Haines 1942). The distal end ofthe radius is dorsoventrally flattened and latero-medially expanded to contact the intermediumand medial centrale. This expansion is moreremarkable in Cambaremys n. gen. than in recentPodocnemis, and its lateral portion projects fur-ther distally in the former, so that its distal mar-

gin is less obliquely inclined, as also seen inAraripemys (Meylan 1996).Only the right ulna of Cambaremys n. gen. waspreserved, and its laterodistal corner is missing.The proximal surface is subrectangular, longerdorsoventrally than lateromedially. This is givenby the ventral projection of the articulationsurface, as seen in Podocnemis but not inPeltocephalus. The dorsal part of this surface isproximally projected, forming the inconspicuousolecranon process. The medial ulnar surface bearsa well developed bicipital tubercle. It lays at themiddle of the proximal half of the bone, clearlyseparated from its proximal articulation. Distal tothis tendon attachment area, the medial marginof the ulna is composed of a pinched crest. At itsdistal third, the bone gets dorsoventrally flat-tened, with an elongated cross section. The ulnaexpands markedly at its distal margin, bearing aoblique and flat medial articulation facet for theintermedium.

Pelvic girdle and hind limb (Fig. 8; Table 3)Both pelvic girdles were preserved disarticulatedfrom the shell and are nearly complete, althoughthe right one is partially covered by matrix. Astypical of eupleurodires (Lapparent de Broin &Murelaga 1999; Lapparent de Broin 2000; De laFuente & Iturralde-Vinent 2001), the pelvis ofCambaremys n. gen. has a mainly vertical orienta-tion, and the thyroid fenestrae are united as a sin-gle large aperture. This condition is shared byother fossil podocnemoids (Wood 1972, 1976;De la Fuente 1993, 2003; Lapparent de Broin &Werner 1998; Carvalho et al. 2002). The pelvicbones are firmly attached, and their medial contactis represented by a serrated suture. Laterally,there is a small gap between the bones that wasprobably filled by cartilage of the acetabular cap-sule. Each ilium is formed of a central waist, withdorsal and ventral expansions. The former articu-lated to costal plates 7-8, only the first of which ispreserved in Cambaremys n. gen. This articula-tion is triradiated in dorsal aspect, with cranial,caudal, and caudolateral projections, the first ofwhich is longer and more pinched. This differsfrom the condition of non-Pelomedusoides (sensu

Lapparent de Broin 2000) pleurodires, the iliacarticulation of which seems to lack well devel-oped projections (Meylan 1996; Lapparent deBroin & Murelaga 1999; De la Fuente &Iturralde-Vinent 2001). The iliac articulation ofpelomedusids has a less developed cranial projec-tion (Lapparent de Broin & Murelaga 1999),which is better defined in other Pelomedusoides(Broin 1991; Broin & Werner 1998; Lapparentde Broin & Murelaga 1999). In Cambaremysn. gen., from the more conspicuous cranial andcaudolateral projections of the dorsal iliac mar-gin, two crests extend ventrally along the mainbody of the bone, demarcating two surfaces: amore excavated laterocranial, and a rounded

medial to caudal surface. The iliac acetabulum isovoid, an there is no visible excavation on its dor-sal edge.The pubis has expanded dorsal and ventral por-tions, and is craniocaudally constricted in themiddle. Its dorsal segment forms the cranioven-tral portion of the acetabulum, connecting theilium dorsally and the ischium caudally. Distally,the bone bifurcates into medial epipubis and thelateral process. The latter is craniocaudally flat-tened, but expands in all directions for the arti-culation to the plastron. The much thinnerepipubis is incomplete distally. It extends cranio-medially, but it is not possible to determine ifthere was an expanded distal end. These twoprocesses diverge at an almost right angle, form-ing a typical embayment between them. Theischium also has expanding dorsal and ventralportions. The shaft is oval in cross section,emphasizing the general craniocaudal compres-sion of the bone. The distal portion of the betterpreserved left bone has a subtriangular cross sec-tion, but is incomplete distally, lacking the typi-cal podocnemid caudal and medial projections.The former can, however, be identified in theright side. The right femur was the only preserved. It isslightly longer than the humerus, as common forfreshwater turtles (Walker 1973). The shaft iscylindrical and discreetly arched dorsally, whilethe head projects dorsally. This forms a proximal-ly opened and strongly concave intertrochantericfossa, and a dorsoproximally directed roundedarticulation. The latter is ovoid, as typical ofaquatic Testudines (Walker 1973): caudoproxi-mally to craniodistally elongated in dorsal aspect.The minor trochanter extends cranioproximally.Its connection to the head is damaged, but itseems to be marked by a constriction. On its dis-tal margin, at the dorsocranial surface of thefemur, there is a marked longitudinally elongatedgroove for the insertion of the M. pubois-chiofemoralis externus. The major trochanterdoes not split so markedly from the main body ofthe bone, and forms a nearly continuous proxi-mal articulation to the femoral head. Its medialsurface bears strong longitudinal striations, possi-

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TABLE 3. — Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp. (CPP-0252),measurements of the pelvic girdle and hind limb elements (mm).Abbreviations: cc, craniocaudal; dv, dorsoventral; lm, latero-medial. Measurements given under brackets correspond to thepreserved portions of incomplete bones.

Measurements Right side Left side

IliumLength – 27.7Proximal width (cc × lm) – 22.5 × 1.8Middle width (cc × lm) – 6.5 × 6.4Distal width (cc × lm) – 13.2 × 10.2PubisLength – 25.2Proximal width (cc × lm) – 6.4 × 10.4Middle width (cc × lm) – 3.2 × 9.6Distal width (cc × lm) – 6.6 × 8.5IschiumLength – 21.4Proximal width (cc × lm) – 6.7 × 8.7Middle width (cc × lm) – 3.5 × 7.6Distal width (cc × lm) – 8.6 × (14.5)Acetabulum width (dv × cc) – 12.3 × 10.1FemurLength – 44.1Distal width (cc × dv) – 12.3 × 7.5Middle width (cc × dv) – 4.8 × 5.3Proximal width (cc) – 17.6Head width (lm × cc) – 9.8 × 9.1TibiaLength 30.3 30.6Proximal width (dv × lm) 7.6 × 9.3 7.6 × 9.3Middle width (dv × lm) 2.8 × 4.3 2.9 × 4.3Distal width (dv × lm) 5.4 × 6.8 5.3 × 6.8FibulaLength (27.9) 30.1Proximal width (dv × lm) 2.7 × 4.6 2.9 × 4.5Middle width (dv × lm) 2.3 × 2.9 2.1 × 2.8Distal width (dv × lm) – 4.5 × 7.3

bly related to the insertion of the iliofemoralmusculature. The distal part of the femur is oblit-erated on its cranioventral portion, but the ven-trodistally directed condyles, and a subtleintercondylar fossa can be distinguished. On thecaudal surface of the femur, proximal to theslightly larger fibular condyle, lays a small striatedarea that corresponds to the origin of the M. flex-or digitorum longus. Dorsally, the distal part ofthe bone bears strong longitudinal striations, pos-sibly related to the patelar tendon.Both tibiae of Cambaremys n. gen. are well pre-served. Each of them is nearly straight, althoughconcave ventrally. Both proximal and caudal por-tions are expanded in relation to the shaft, butthe former is much broader, so that the bone hasa distally tapering outline. The proximal articula-tion is subtriangular, with a sharp medial corner.It bears a shallow mediocaudal excavation thatreceives the femoral condyle, and is convex forthe rest of its surface. Starting at the dorsal cornerof the proximal articulation, the cnemial crestextends distally along the dorsal surface of thebone for about one third of its length, and bearsstrong longitudinal striations on its medial sur-face. Medial to this, the tibia is pinched, withdorsal and ventral shallow longitudinal excava-tion that leads to an elongated protuberance atthe medial margin of the bone. This is somewhatcontinuous to the sharp medial angle of the prox-imal articulation, and represents the insertionof the M. gastrocnemius. Distally, the shaft isdorsoventrally compressed and slightly excavatedat the lateral and medial margins. The distalarticulation surface bear two condyles separatedby a notch. The medial condyle is larger, moreconvex, and more distally projected. The lateralcondyle is flatter, but expands ventrally to itsmedial counterpart. Both fibulae are preserved, but the right is distal-ly incomplete. This is a slender bone, dorsoven-trally flattened for its entire length. Its proximalportion is slightly expanded, with an ovoid andconvex articulation: lateromedially broader thandorsoventrally deep. Slightly distal to that articu-lation, the lateral margin of the fibula bears a lon-gitudinally elongated rugose area. This represents

the typically projected origin area of the M. ilio-fibularis. The fibular shaft is relatively straightand ovoid in cross section. The distal end is lat-eromedially expanded and dorsoventrally broad-ened. It is laterally pinched, forming a sharpborder. The distal articulation is convex and sub-triangular. Two subtle condyles can be identified,and that correspondent to the calcaneum isslightly larger.


The pleurodire affinity of Cambaremys langertonin. gen., n. sp. is given by its pelvic girdle that issuturated to the shell, and narrower than thebifid caudal lobe of the plastron (Lapparent deBroin 2000; De la Fuente & Iturralde-Vinent2001). Cambaremys n. gen. is also more derivedthat the Jurassic representatives of the group forits cervical vertebra with a postzygapophyses-bearing pedicel, narrow nuchal plate, inguinalprocess contacting the fifth costal plate, and verti-cally oriented pelvis with a single large thyroidfenestra, all of which are features that characterizeEupleurodira (Lapparent de Broin & Murelaga1999; De la Fuente & Iturralde-Vinent 2001).Within that clade, Cambaremys n. gen. belongsinto the stem-lineage to Pelomedusoidea (sensuMeylan 1996), which is generally characterized(see Lapparent de Broin 2000; De la Fuente2003) by traits such as the absence of the cervicalscute, a nuchal plate longer than broad, a neuralseries that does not reach the suprapygal plate,and rounded mesoplastra. Yet, none of thesecharacters has an unambiguous distribution, toclearly diagnose a particular eupleurodire group.This is often due to polymorphism/homoplasywithin major clades such as Chelidae andPelomedusidae, which show variation in thecompleteness of the neural series and/or theshape/presence-absence of the mesoplastra. Thatuncertainty can also reflect the extreme modifica-tion of the shell, as seen in Araripemys (Meylan1996), or simply the occurrence of plesiomor-phies within supposedly derived taxa, such as thebroader nuchal plate of Roxochelys (Broin 1971).

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Nonetheless, the presence of all those features inCambaremys n. gen. seems enough to assure itspelomedusoid affinity. Within that clade, De laFuente (2003) defined an elongated plastralbridge as synapomorphic for Podocnemoidae(sensu Meylan 1996). Besides, a pectoro-abdominalsulcus that does not encroach the mesoplastron ismore typical of Podocnemidae, than of Pelo-medusidae or Bothremydidae (Gaffney et al. 2001;De la Fuente 2003), and Cambaremys n. gen.seems to belong to that group of pelomedusoids. The phylogeny of podocnemids is still a contro-versial issue (Noonan 2000), especially when itcomes to fossil forms (Broin 1988; Lapparent deBroin 2000; De la Fuente 2003), and no unam-biguous framework can be employed to assess theposition of Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp.Nonetheless, this new species differs from recentpodocnemids for its thin and expanded coracoidand proximally projected medial process of thehumerus, suggesting a basal position in relationto the crown-Podocnemidae. In addition, itscoracoid shape also indicates a basal position inrelation to Stupendemys. No autapomorphic fea-ture was recognised for Cambaremys n. gen., butit differs from all well known South AmericanCretaceous podocnemids based on a unique suiteof shell features. It is distinct from Roxochelyswanderleyi (Table 4) and ?Roxochelys vilavilensisfor its thinner shell bones and narrower nuchalplate, from Portezueloemys patagonica for the presence of a seventh neural plate, from Bauruemyselegans (Table 4) for that same character and thecontact between the first costal and second neural

plates, and from the undetermined podocnemiddescribed by De la Fuente (1993) for a pectoro-abdominal sulcus that does not touch the meso-plastron.The differentiation of Cambaremys langertonin. gen., n. sp. from “Podocnemis” brasiliensis isnot so straightforward, due to the small overlap-ping of elements preserved in both taxa. Yet, theanal notch of Cambaremys n. gen. is shallower,and the pelvic sutures to its plastron less trans-versely expanded. This is clearer in the ischiadicsuture, which only briefly contacts its mate medi-ally. Wood & Gamero (1971) demonstrated thatamong three specimens of Bairdemys venezuelensis(gen. Gaffney & Wood 2002) the larger oneshave a more incised “U-shaped” anal notch.Likewise, it is expected of older individuals tohave a more extensive suture of pelvic bones tothe shell. Accordingly, both features that puta-tively distinguish Cambaremys n. gen. from“Podocnemis” brasiliensis could be explained if theformer was considered a younger individual. Thisfits the larger size of “Podocnemis” brasiliensis, thexiphiplastron of which is 2.4 times longer thanthat of Cambaremys n. gen., and the round-shaped carapace of the latter, which is more typi-cal of juvenile podocnemids (Broin 1991).Accordingly, based on these features, the possibil-ity that C. langertoni n. gen., n. sp. represents ajuvenile of “P.” brasiliensis cannot be dismisseduntil more complete specimens of both taxa arerecovered. On the other hand, the type locality ofC. langertoni n. gen., n. sp. has yielded a larger(1.4 times longer and almost two times broader)

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TABLE 4. — Comparison of named pleurodire carapaces of the Bauru Group (Late Cretaceous). Traits probably related to the samecomplex of morphologic changes indicated by an asterisk.

Cambaremys langertoni Roxochelys wanderleyi Bauruemys elegansn. gen., n. sp. Price, 1953 Suárez, 1969

Shell bones thin thick thinNuchal plate longer than broad broader than long as broad as longContact nuchal costal plates 1 * short short long Number of neural plates 7 ? 6Neural plate 1 * ovoid ovoid subtriangularContact neural plate 1 costal plates 2 * absent absent presentNeural plate 2 * hexagonal hexagonal squaredMarginal scute 1 longer than broad much broader than long broader than long

isolated xiphiplastron of uncertain affinities, butpossibly referable to that taxon by topotypy(Fig. 6F). This resembles the type specimen ofC. langertoni n. gen., n. sp. in the shape of theanal notch and ischiadic suture, pointing to thetaxonomic uniqueness of that taxon, and to itsdistinction from “P.” brasiliensis.In terms of palaeoecology, Cambaremys langertonin. gen., n. sp. was surely an aquatic turtle, asgiven by its flat shell and parameters such as themore distally projected medial process of thehumerus and elongated femoral head (Walker1973). This fits into the depositional environ-ment proposed for the Sarra da Galga Member inthe area of Uberaba (Fernandes & Coimbra2000), which was dominated by braided fluvialsystems and medial to distal alluvial fans, in asemi-arid climate.

AcknowledgementsThe authors are indebted to the crew of theCentro de Pesquisas Paleontológicas “LlewellynIvor Price”, Peirópolis, for collecting the typespecimen of Cambaremys langertoni n. gen., n. sp.,and to Luiz Carlos Borges Ribeiro, director of thatinstitution, who allowed its study and offeredvaluable support in many aspects. For access tocomparative material under their care and helpduring collection work we thank Drs. RichardCarl Vogt, INPA, Hussam Zaher, MZUSP,Ricardo Macedo Corrêa e Castro, and HertzFigueiredo dos Santos, LIRP. Drs. France deLapparent de Broin and Flávio Alicino Bockmankindly provided us with needed bibliography, andDr. Emmanuel Fara wrote the French abstract.Drs. Roger Bour and Eugene Gaffney providedinsightful suggestions as referees which greatly im-proved the final version of the paper.


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Submitted on 4 November 2004;accepted on 31 May 2005.

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