Programmable Programmable Logic Logic Design Design Grzegorz Budzy Grzegorz Budzy ń ń L L ecture ecture 8: 8: Test Test benches benches & & Attributes Attributes

Programmable Logic Design Grzegorz Budzy ń Lecture 8: Test … · 2012. 12. 18. · Lecture 8: Test benches & Attributes. Plan • Test benches • Attributes. Test benches. Testbench

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  • ProgrammableProgrammable LogicLogic DesignDesign

    Grzegorz BudzyGrzegorz Budzyńń

    LLectureecture 8:8:Test Test benchesbenches & & AttributesAttributes

  • Plan

    • Test benches

    • Attributes

  • Test benches

  • Testbench - basics

    • A testbench is a program that mimics a physical lab bench

    • Testbenches have become the standard method to verify HLL (High-Level Language) designs

    • There are two main methods of preparingtestbenches:– By the use of a graphical interface

    – By writing a simulation code

  • Testbench - basics• Typically, testbenches perform the following tasks:

    – Instantiate the design under test (DUT)

    – Stimulate the DUT by applying test vectors to the model

    – Output results to a terminal or waveform window for visual inspection

    – Optionally compare actual results to expected results

    • Typically, testbenches are written in the industry-standard VHDL or Verilog hardware description languages.

    • Testbenches invoke the functional design, then stimulate it

  • Testbench Verification Flow

  • Testbench Waveform Editor

  • Testbench VHDL code

  • Simulation results

  • Testbench construction

  • Testbench - construction

    • Typically testbenches written in VHDL containsections:– Entity and Architecture Declaration

    – Signal Declaration

    – Instantiation of Top-level Design

    – Provide Stimulus

  • Testbench - construction• Generating clock signal:

    Constant ClockPeriod : TIME := 10 ns;

    -- Clock Generation method 1:


  • Testbench - construction• Providing Stimulus (absolute time):

  • Testbench - construction• Providing Stimulus (relative time):

  • Testbench - construction• Things to remember:

    – initial blocks are executed concurrently along with

    other process and initial blocks in the file

    – within each (process or initial) block, events are

    scheduled sequentially, in the order written

    – stimulus sequences begin in each concurrent block at

    simulation time zero

    – Multiple blocks should be used to break up complex

    stimulus sequences into more readable and

    maintainable code

  • Testbench - construction

    • Displaying results:– Facilitated in Verilog – dedicated keywords

    – In VHDL std_textio package functions should be used

  • Testbench - construction• Self-checking testbench:

    – Self-checking testbenches are implemented by

    placing a series of expected vectors in a testbench


    – Vectors are compared at defined run-time intervals

    to actual simulation results

    – If actual results match expected results, the

    simulation succeeds

    – In VHDL vectors are read from a file (std_textio)

  • Testbench - construction

  • Testbench – example (counter)

  • Testbench – example (testbench 1/2)

  • Testbench – example (testbench 2/2)

  • Testbench – reading from a file• Reading from files is very important for VHDL


    • An example entity header:

    • Data is read from a file sim.dat at every rising clock edge and applied to the output vector Y

    • Once every line of the file is read the EOG (End Of Generation) flag is set

  • Testbench – reading from a file• The main part of the architecture body:

  • ISE Simulator (ISim)

  • ISim - features• ISim is integrated HDL simulator used to

    simulate Xilinx FPGA and CPLD designs

    • ISE Simulator can be used to simulate both RTL and gate-level designs.

    • ISim in Webpack ISE has Performance Derationwhen exceeding 50,000 lines of HDL code (3x-10x slower)

    • The line count includes both testbench and source code lines. The Xilinx libraries are not included in the line count.

  • ISim – launching behavioral simulation

    • Simulation is launched from ISE Process Pane

  • ISim – launching behavioral simulation

    • Right-click on „Simulate Behavioral Model” gives(Simulation Run Time is important!):

  • ISim – launching behavioral simulation

    • Double click on „Simulate Behavioral Model”starts ISim:

  • ISim – graphical environment

    • The Instances and Processes panel displays the

    block (instance and process) hierarchy

    associated with the wave configuration open in

    the Wave window.

    • Instantiated and elaborated entities/modules

    are displayed in a tree structure, with entity

    components being ports, signals and other


  • ISim – graphical environment

    • The Source Files panel displays the list of all the

    files associated with the design.

    • The list of files is provided by the fuse command

    during design parsing and elaboration, which is

    run in the background for GUI users.

    • The HDL source files are available for quick

    access to the source code

  • ISim – graphical environment

    • The Objects panel displays all ports and signals

    associated with the selected instances and

    processes in the Instances and Processes panel.

    • At the top of the panel, the Simulation Objects

    displays which instance/process is selected in

    the Instances and Processes panel whose objects

    and their values are listed in the Objects panel.

  • ISim – graphical environment

    • The Wave window displays signals, buses and

    their waveforms.

    • Each tab in the Wave window represents a wave

    configuration, which consists of a list of signals

    and buses, their properties, and any added wave

    objects, such as dividers, cursors, and markers.

  • ISim – examining the design

    • Several steps to analyze the functional behavior

    of the simulated design:

    – Running and restarting the simulation to review the

    design functionality,

    – Adding signals from the test bench and other design

    units to the wave window

    – Adding groups in order to better identify signals in

    the wave window

  • ISim – examining the design

    • Several steps to analyze the functional behavior

    of the simulated design:

    – Changing signal and wave window properties to

    better interpret and review the signals in the wave


    – Using markers and cursors to highlight key events in

    the simulation and to perform zoom and time

    measurement features.

  • Attributes

  • Attributes

    • Attributes are a feature of VHDL that allow to extract additional information about an object (such as a signal, variable or type) that may not be directly related to the value that the object carries.

    • Attributes also allow to assign additional information (such as data related to synthesis) to objects in your design description.

  • Attributes

    • There are two classes of attributes: – predefined as a part of the 1076 standard,

    – introduced outside of the standard:• by the designer

    • by the design tool supplier (like Xilinx or Altera)

  • Predefined attributes

    • There are five kinds of predefined attributes:– Returning value

    – Returning function

    – Returning signal

    – Returning type

    – Returning range

  • Value kind attributes

    • ‘Left — Returns the left-most element index (the

    bound) of a given type or subtype.

    – Example: type bit_array is array (1 to 5) of bit;

    – variable L: integer := bit_array’left; -- L has a value of 1

    • ‘Right — Returns the right-most element index

    (the bound) of a given type or subtype.

  • Value kind attributes

    • ‘High — returns the upper bound of a given

    scalar type or subtype

    – Example: type bit_array is array(-15 to +15) of bit;

    – variable H: integer := bit_array’high; -- H has a value of 15

    • ‘Low — returns the lower bound of a given scalar

    type or subtype

  • Value kind attributes

    • ‘Length - returns the length (number of elements)

    of an array.

    – Example: type bit_array is array (0 to 31) of bit;

    – variable LEN: integer := bit_array’length -- LEN has a value of 32

  • Value kind attributes

    • ‘Ascending—(VHDL ’93 attribute) returns a

    boolean true value of the type or subtype is

    declared with an ascending range

    – Example: type asc_array is array (0 to 31) of bit;

    – type desc_array is array (36 downto 4) of bit;

    – variable A1: boolean := asc_array’ascending; -- A1 has a value

    of true

    – variable A2: boolean := desc_array’ascending; -- A2 has a

    value of false

  • Value kind attributes

    • ‘Structure—returns a true value if the prefix

    (which must be an architecture name) includes

    references to lower-level components (false


    • ‘Behavior—returns a true value if the prefix

    (which must be an architecture name) does not

    include references to lower-level components.

  • Value kind attributes

    • ‘Simple_name—returns a string value corresponding to

    the prefix, which must be a named entity

    • ‘Instance_name—returns a string value corresponding to

    the complete path (from the design hierarchy root) to the

    named entity specified in the prefix, including the names

    of all instantiated design entities.

    • ‘Path_name—returns a string value corresponding to the

    complete path (from the design hierarchy root) to the

    named entity specified in the prefix.

  • Function kind attributes

    • ‘Pos(value)—returns the position number of a

    type value.

    – Example: type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read, Idle);

    – variable P: integer := state_type’pos(Read); -- P has the value

    of 3

    • ‘Val(value)—returns the value corresponding to a

    position number of a type value.

    – Example: type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read, Idle);

    – variable V: state_type := state_type’val(2); -- V has the value

    of Strobe

  • Function kind attributes

    • ‘Succ(value)—returns the value corresponding to

    position number after a given type value.

    – Example: type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read, Idle);

    – variable V: state_type := state_type’succ(Init); -- V has the

    value of Hold

    • ‘Pred(value)—returns the value corresponding to

    position number preceding a given type value.

    – Example: type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read, Idle);

    – variable V: state_type := state_type’pred(Hold); -- V has the

    value of Init

  • Function kind attributes

    • ‘Leftof(value)—returns the value corresponding to

    position number to the left of a given type value.

    – Example: type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read, Idle);

    – variable V: state_type := state_type’leftof(Idle); -- V has the

    value of Read

    • ‘Rightof(value)—returns the value corresponding

    to position number to the right of a given type


    – Example: type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read, Idle);

    – variable V: state_type := state_type’rightof(Read); -- V has the

    value of Idle

  • Function kind attributes

    • ‘Left(value)—returns the index value

    corresponding to the left bound of a given array


    – Example: type bit_array is array (15 downto 0) of bit;

    – variable I: integer := bit_array’left(bit_array’range); -- I has

    the value of 15

    • ‘Right(value)—returns the index value

    corresponding to the right bound of a given array


  • Function kind attributes

    • ‘High(value)—returns the index value

    corresponding to the upper-most bound of a given

    array range.

    – Example: type bit_array is array (15 downto 0) of bit;

    – variable I: integer := bit_array’high(bit_array’range); -- I has

    the value of 15

    • ‘Low(value)—returns the index value

    corresponding to the lower bound of a given array


  • Function kind attributes• ‘Event—returns a true value of the signal had an event

    (changed its value) in the current simulation cycle.Example: process(Rst,Clk)


    if Rst = ‘1’ then


  • Function kind attributes• ‘Active—returns true if any transaction (scheduled event)

    occurred on this signal in the current simulation cycle

    Example: process

    variable A,E: boolean;



  • Function kind attributes• ‘Last_event—returns the time elapsed since the previous

    event occurring on this signal.Example: process

    variable T: time;



  • Function kind attributes• ‘Last_value—returns the value of the signal prior to the

    last event.Example: process

    variable V: bit;



  • Function kind attributes• ‘Last_active—returns the time elapsed since the last

    transaction (scheduled event) of the signal.Example: process

    variable T: time;



  • Function kind attributes• ‘Value(string)—(VHDL ’93 attribute) returns a value, of a

    type specified by the prefix, corresponding to the

    parameter string.

    Example: write(a_outbuf,string’("Enter duration (example:




    read(a_inbuf,induration); -- induration is a string type


  • Signal kind attributes• ‘Delayed(time)—creates a delayed signal that is identical

    in waveform to the signal the attribute is applied to. (The

    time parameter is optional, and may be omitted.)Example: process(Clk’delayed(hold))

    -- Hold time check for input Data


    if Clk = ‘1’ and Clk’stable(hold) then


    report "Data input failed hold time check!"

    severity warning;

    end if;

    end process;

  • Signal kind attributes• ‘Stable (time)—creates a signal of type boolean that

    becomes true when the signal is stable (has no event) for

    some given period of time.Example: process

    variable A: Boolean;


    wait for 30 ns;


  • Type kind attributes• ‘Base—returns the base type for a given type or subtype.

    Example: type mlv7 is (‘0’,’1',’X’,’Z’,’H’,’L’,’W’);

    subtype mlv4 is mlv7 range ‘0’ to ‘Z’;

    variable V1: mlv4 := mlv4’right;

    -- V1 has the value of ‘Z’

    variable V2: mlv7 := mlv4’base’right;

    -- V2 has the value of ‘W’

    variable I1: integer := mlv4’width;

    -- I1 has the value of 4

    variable I2: integer := mlv4’base’width;

    -- I2 has the value of 7

  • Range kind attributes• ‘Range—returns the range value for a constrained array.

    Example: function parity(D: std_logic_vector) return

    std_logic is

    variable result: std_logic := ‘0’;


    for i in D’range loop

    result := result xor D(i);

    end loop;

    return result;

    end parity;

  • Custom Xilinx attributes

    • Custom attributes have to be declared:

    – In the entity – visibility also in the architecture body

    – In the architecture body

    • Declaration:

    – attribute ram_style: string;

    • Usage:

    – attribute ram_style of RAM: signal is


  • Custom Xilinx attributes

    • Attributes vs Constraints:

    – Names can be used interchangably for custom


    – We can define subcategories:

    • Attributes - property associated with a device architecture

    primitive component that generally affects an instantiated

    component’s functionality or implementation

    • Synthesis constraints - direct the synthesis tool optimization

    technique for a particular design or piece of HDL code

    • Implementation constraints - instructions given to the FPGA

    implementation tools to direct the mapping, placement,

    timing, etc. for the implementation tools

  • Spartan 3E attributes (some☺)

    • DLL attributes:

  • Spartan 3E attributes (some☺)

    • Block RAM attributes:

  • CPLD attributes

  • FPGA constraints• FPGA constraints can ge split into:

    – Grouping Constraints

    – Logical Constraints

    – Physical Constraints

    – Mapping Directives

    – Placement Constraints

    – Routing Directives

    – Synthesis Constraints

    – Timing Constraints

    – Configuration Constraints

  • Attributes – to be continued8

  • Thank you for your attention

  • References[1] „Combinational Circuits”, http://www.cs.Princeton.EDU/~cos126

    [2] http://www.cs.umbc.edu/portal/help/VHDL/

    [3] http://ece.wpi.edu/~rjduck/Xilinx%20VHDL%20Test%20Bench%20Tutorial_2.0.pdf

    [4] http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ese171/vhdl/VHDLTestbench.pdf

    [5] http://vhdlguru.blogspot.com/2010/03/how-to-write-testbench.html

    [6] http://www.digilentinc.com/Data/Documents/Tutorials/Xilinx%20ISE%20Simulator%20(ISim)%20VHDL%20Test%20Bench%20Tutorial.pdf

    [7] http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/ug682.pdf