Propagande - 1972-1975

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  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    P R E M O N I T I O N

    M O N I T I O N

    T E L E P A T H I C

    C O M M U N I C A T I O N

    IN T U I T I V E

    I N S I G H T

    Behind Your

    Conscious MindWHY LIMIT YOURSELF tofive senses? There is a greater world of realization behind yourouter self. Impressions of these extrasensory powers occasion-ally arise. The strange feelingof impending dangeran intui-tive hunchreceiving anothersunspoken thought these indi-cate unused potential i t ies . They are natural phenomena.To understand, develop, and

    direct them can transform yourwhole personality. They pro-vide greater insight and per-sonal achievement.

    F R E E B O O K

    The Rosicrucians, a worldwidecultural organization (not a re-ligion) have the facts aboutyour extrasensory powers. Afree book The Mastery of Lifetells how you may share this practical knowledge. Use cou-pon or write to Scribe B.L.I.


    Sa n J o s e , C a l i fo r n i a 9 5114, U .S .A.

    Scribe B.L.I.T h e R O S I C R U C I A N S (A M O R C )

    I San Jose, Cal ifornia 95114, U .S.A .

    Please send me a complimentary copy of the

    J book T H E M A S T E R Y O F L I F E .

    I Name___________________________________

    Addres s___________________________________________________

    I C i ty _______________________________________________________

    State Zip-------- .----


  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    IMPAKTA X700 ins tant load camera usesnew self-powered Magicube Type X. Nof lash bat ter iesno lens set t ing . Automat icmagicube advance & pos i t i ve double exposure prevent ive . P r in ts or s l ides . Co loror black & white. Free rolJ of color film in clud ed. $ 9.50 +- 500 pstg & hdlg. GordonLeas ing Co . , Dept . PS , 828 Bernard P lace ,Ho-Ho-Kus, N. J . 07423.

    t :lHERE are some things that cannot be generally toldthings you

    oug ht to kn ow . Great truths are dan-gerous to somebut factors for pe r-sonal po we r and accomplishment inthe hands of those who understand them. Behind the tales of the miraclesand mysteries of the ancients, lie cen-turies of their secret probing into na-tures laws their amazing discoveriesofthe hidden processes of man s mind,and the m a ste ry of l i fe 's p rob le m s. Once shrouded in mystery to avoid their destruction by mass fear and ig-norance, these facts remain a usefulheritage for the thousands of men andwomen who privately use them in theirhomes today.


    The Rosicrucians (not a religious organization), an age-old brotherhood of learning,have preserved this secret wisdom in theirarchives for centuries. They now invite you to share the practical helpfulness of theirteachings. W rite today fo r a free copy of thebo ok , "T he M as te ry of Life . W it h in itspa ge s may lie a new lif e of oppo rt un it y fo r

    you. Address: Scribe 8.T.A.

    m e ROSICRUCIANS( A M O I tC )

    San Jose Califor nia 9 5 1 14, U.S.A.

    '-------------S E N D T H I S C O U P O N ---------------1

    j Scrib e B .T .A .

    T h e R O S I C R U C I A N S ( A M O R C ) II San Jose. Califo rnia 9 >114

    I P/ease sencf me the free book, Th eMastery of || Li fe , which explains how I may learntouse myJ| faculties and powers of mind.

    N am e ................................................................................................. I

    Address .............................................................................................. I

    C i t y .........................................................................................P L E A S E I N C L U D E Y O UR ZI P C O D E


    You can make this bold l 3/" wide real Latigo Leat her Belt in less than an hour withthis complete kit. This amazing offer is being made to introduce you to the satisfaction and fun of working with genuine leather.Kit complete with pre-cut, pre punched brown Latigo Le ather, yellow lea ther lace,antiqued bronze buckle and instructions.



    1001 Foch, Dept. BE

    M. tamoyCO. , VcoJ L Fort Worth. Texas 76107

    I'm enclosing $1.00 as full payment for latigo Belt Kit insize marked below. Also send FREE Leathercraft Catalog

    ^Limit one per family).( I Size 22 to 24 Size 26 to 28 Size 30 to 32!~] Size 34 to 36 Size 38 to 40 Size 42 to 44


    1 mi l l Addressi

    1City State Zip

    FAM OUS BERNZ-O-MATIC cut t ing too l cutsa lmost any mater ia l . Metal , p las t i c , t i l es .Cuts c lean , s t ra ight l ines , curves , bends .Complete Deluxe Ki t comes w i th handle ,metal & p las t i c cut t ing b lades , shaperb lade , ins t ruct ion book . #4179BernzO-ma t ic Cut t ing Too l Ki t $7 .95 + 65 ps tg &hdlg. Foster Trent. In c. , Dept. 555-CT, 2345Post Rd . , Larchmont . N . Y . 10538 .

    POW-R-TAP operates portable power tools& appl iances f rom auto a l ternator . Ins ta l l sin minutes, del ivers over 3 ,000 watts tooperate any 115V AC-DC soldering iron,hedge trimm er, dri l l , etc. Even weld sheetm eta l u p to 3 /1 6 " o r cha r g e batteries . 3year guaran tee . $24 .95 ppd . Sat i s fact ionguaranteed. J . W. Holst , Inc. , Dept. PSE-2,1005 E . Ba y St . . Eas t Taw as , M ich . 48730 .

    N EW I N D UST R I AL F I SH GL UE (m ad e f ro mcod f ish skin) wi l l bond wood, rubber,g lass , cork , paper , fe l t & metal . Water so l ub le , exce l lent adhes ion to most surfaces .Nonf lamm able , h igh in i t i a l tack , open t imeto 1 hour. Pkg. of two 4-oz. squeeze bottles#P-41 ,494 i s $2 ppd . Edmund Sc ient i f i cCo . , 555-PS, Edscorp B ldg . , Barr ington ,N. J . 08007.

  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    A S P L I T S E C O N DI N E T E R N I T Y

    N am e .

    Statc. Zip Code_____________I

    Shoppers' Showcase

    The Ancients C a l l e d It

    C O S M I C C O N S C I O U S N E S S

    Must man die to release his inner con-sciousness? Can we experience momentary

    fl ig h ts of the soul that is, become on ewith the universe and receive an influx ofgreat understanding?

    The shackles of the body its earthlylimitations can be thrown off andmansmind can he attuned to the Infinite Wisdomfor a flash of a second. During this briefinterval intuitive knowledge, great inspiration and a new vision of our lifes missionare had. Some call this great experience apsy ch ic ph en om en on . B ut the anc ient s k ne w

    it and taught it as Cosmic Consciousnessthe merging of mans mind with the Universal Intelligence.

    Le t Th i s F ree Book Exp la in

    This is no t a religious doctrine, but theapplication of simple, natural laws whichgive man an insight into the great Cosmicplan . Th ey mak e po ss ib le a so urce of gr ea tjoy, st re ng th an d a re ge ne ra tion of m an spe rson al power s. W ri te to the Ro sicruc ians ,an age-old brotherhood of understanding,for a fr ee copy of (he book, "The Masteryof Life. It will tell you how, in the privacy of your own home, you may indulgein these mysteries of life known to theancients. Address: Scribe C-D.U.

    7Tj c RosicruciansSAN JOS E (AMORC) CA L IF . , 95114 , U .S .A .

    S E N D T H I S C O U P O N

    Please Include Your Zip Code

    | Scr ibe C .D .U .| Th e R O S I C R U C I A N S ( A M O R C )! San Jose, California 95114

    Please send me the free book. The Mastery II o f L i fe , which explains how I may learn to I| use mv facu lties and powers of min d. .


    4 ,000 UNUSUAL BARGAINS l i s ted in newfree catalog. 148 pages of hard-to-findi tems for hobbyi s ts , exper imenters , s tudents , gardeners , etc. New items in theeco log ica l & phys ica l sc iences , opt i cs , sc i ence & hobbies . 99% of orders shippedwi th in 3 days . For your FREE cata log #722 ,wr i te : Edmund Sc ient i f i c Co . . 380 EdscorpBlvd . . Barr ington , N . J . 08007 .

    BLOCK & TACKLE l i f t s up to 2 ,000 lbs . ,yet weighs only 15 oz . Strong enough tol i f t large game, m achine ry, boats , etc.Steel & aluminum construction, 65 ft .nylon cord, 7-to-l rat io. One hand operation. Complete with instructions, $8.95-4- 750 post. L arc h, B ox 770 Tim es Sq .Station, PS-4, New York. N.Y. 10036.

    B u y

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    Send 250 For Big Bargain Catalog1000's Of Bargains; Surplui , fx

  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    Shoppers' Showcase

    Can we knowour past lives?

    Does personality survive death?Do experiences of past lives clingto our c onsc iousne ss as thescent of a flower lingers on?There are mistakes you couldavoid things you could do dif-feren tly if you could be cer-tain. Have you felt strangely unlike yourselfmore like some-one else with different inclina-tions and personality? Do newplaces and faces seem familiar?


    Do not let hypocrisy and preju-dice deny you the truth aboutyourself. Reincarnation is justone of the many subjects dealtwith in the Rosicrucian teach-ings. You can live more fully, masterfully, if you use your Cos-mic powers and faculties. Writethe Rosicrucians (not a religion)for a free copy of the book, TheMastery of Life. s c r i b e : c . t .b .


    San Jose, California 95114, U.S.A.

    ^""scribe C.T.B. 1T h e R O S I C R U C I A N S ( A M O R C )

    San Jose, Ca l i fornia 95114, U .S .A .

    Please send me a complimentary copy of the

    book T H E M A S T E R Y O F L I F E .

    N a m e .


    C i ty_

    Sta(e_ -Zip-

    S O L ID-S T AT E S T E R E O A M PL IF I E R . A 100watt am plif ier featuring a built- in circuitfor der ived 4-dimensiona l s tereo sound.Two addi t iona l rear speak ers nece ssaryfor LA-950 in derived 4-channel stereomode. On/of f swi tches for Main Power ,Loudn ess . S tereo/Mono, Tape Moni tor &High F i l ter . S tock #99-02792W. $99.95 .Lafayette Radio Electronics, Dept. PS, 111Jer icho Turnpike, Syosset , N .Y . 11791.

    EMMA C . B ER RY , a sca le repl ica of the shiprestored & berthed in Mystic Seaport, Connect icut . Model i s 4 'L x SVz'H . constructsmuch l ike a real vessel using r ibs, planking & stepped m asts. Kit con tains die-cutwood parts, tapered spars, r igging, metalf ittings, sai ls , plans & instructions. $34.95-f- $1 shipping. Catalog of ships & cannons250. Prestons, 96-M, Main St. Wharf,Greenport, N.Y. 11944.

    G IG AN T IC S PAC E K IT E . T h i s 5 1/? foot kitestopped the World Series! Made of tearproof acetate, comes wi th winding reel &500 feet of cord. For Adults Onlymay l i fta sm all chi ld into the air ! Only $9 + $1pstg. Childrens kite, 4 feet, $5.50 f 5 0 (pstg. Gordon Leasing Co. , Dept. PS-7, 828Bernard PI . , Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J . 07423.

    G E N U IN E LE AT H E R B U LL WH IP . Loudnoise! Cracks l ike a r i f le. Experts knockpeople off their feet, put out cigarettes,knock ashes off c igars, etc . Coil i t or crackit! Used by cowboys, trainers, ranchers.Woven 4-ply genuine leather , 6 feet long.Only $1.98. World Co. , Dept. PS-7, 1 ParkAve. , New York, N.Y. 10016.

    W R I S T r o c k e t ;A M E R I C A SH A R D E S T

    H I T T IN G S L I N GRange 225 yd.-2 3 2 fps .Matched replacement rubbers

    LEATHER pouch assembly $1.00 A t d e a l e r s o r o r d e r d i r e c t .

    WRIST ROCKET Mfg. { A P.O. BOX 4 7 1 -AC o lu mbu s , N e br a sk a 6 8 6 0 1

    Post. Pd. in U.S.A. No C.O.D.s

    Orders outside U.S.A. add S I. 50

    for postage and handling.

    STOP drippingfaucets forever

    90% of faucet leaks are due to bad seats .The brass pits and corrodes. Obtaining thecor rect seats wi th washers and insta l l ingthem is very diff icult . There are over 100 different s izes and thread combinat ions ava i l able. Instal l V U L C A N U N I V E R S A L F O R E V E R P R E A S S E M B L E D S T A I N L E S S S T E E L S E A TS W I T H D E L R I N W A S H E R S . Also ends the f rustrat ion of hot water shutdown caused by expanding rubber washer .

    K IT INCLUDES: 8 Seats wi th washers (Do thewhole house and garden) . Recess ing tool ,Anaerobic Adhes ive, EASY P ic tor ia l Instructions. $4.95 -f 50g shipping & handling.

    V U L C A N M F G . C O .Box 33. Dept. PS7, Grand Valley, Colo. 81635

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    Now have air wherever you go! Even remoteareas. Emergency air for tires, air jacks, SpaceSaver spare. Inflate mattresses, boats, rafts,pools. Plugs into 12-volt system in auto, trailer,truck, boat. Space-age size . . . only 6!/i incheslong. Amazing pressure up to 60 lbs.! Only$29.95 (plus $1.00 shipping) with air hose andinflator attachments. Send check or money order on 10-day, money-back, guarantee.

    W. R. BROWN CORPORATION27 75 N. Normandy Awe., Chicago, III. 60635

  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    WII\1D W ATCH $1 Q95A N E M O M E T ER - W I N D V A N E 1 3Neon lights in indoor indicator show wind speedand direction Decora tive gold panel indicatorcomes factory wired and sealed in black finishedwood frame Designed tor desk use or wall mountOutdoor instruments of durable aluminum withelectrical parts enclosed in rigid vinyl housings.

    Ea sy to assemble and install Attach directly toroof or pole C om es with wire and ma terials forinstallation up to 60 feet Use s regular 120V ACUniauo low am p circuit assures absolute safetyA fascinating addition to any home Five y eargua rantee 15 day t r ia l Your sat i s fact ion ormoney b ack Only S 19 95 postpaid

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    Unlike conventional twist drills.Unibit's point design stopsskidding and need for centerpunching Unique single flutedesign helps stop chatter andvibration Eliminates "hoggmg-m" Cutting edge automaticallyde-burrs hole Made fromrugged,high-speed steel, it's easy tokeep sharp

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    Prices &Specifications subject to change without notice."Mail order prices; F.O .I. factory. TE-274



    New E lectr ic O i l Changer Wi th Vacuum Act ion Works F rom O i l Leve l Guage.

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  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


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    AIRBORNE SALES CO. Dept. PSC8501 Steller Dr., Box 2727, Culver City, Ca. 90230

    Satisfying world-wide customers since 1U45

    HEEL SAVERS . Save o n s h o e re p a i r co s t s .Make new heel s an d shoes last longer.Leaves no scuff marks, wi l l not skid.Made of DuPont Surlyn. Appl ies in seconds . Guaranteed to g ive sat i s factorywear for one year . Three pai r fo r $1 + 25g pstg & hdlg. Specify mens , womensor ch i ldren s shoes . Sat i s fy Co . . Dept . 67 ,160 Amhers t St . , Eas t Orange . N . J . 07019 .

    THERE are some things that cannot be generally toldth ings youought to kn ow. Great truths are dan-

    gerous to somebut factors for per-sonal po wer and accompli shment inthe hands of those who understandthem. Behind the tales of the miracles and mysteries of the ancients, lie cen-turies of their secret probing into na-tures laws their amazing discoveriesofthe hidden processes of man s mind,

    an d th e m a s te ry of l i f e s p rob lem s. Once shrouded in mystery to avoid their destruction by mass fear and ig-norance, these facts remain a usefulheritage for the thousands of men andwomen who privately use them in theirhomes today.


    The Rosicrucians (not a religious organization), an age-old brotherhood of learning,have preserved this secret wisdom in theirarchives for centuries. They now invite you to share the practical helpfulness of theirteachings. W rite tod ay for a free copy of thebo ok , "T he M as te ry of Li fe . W ith in itspage s ma y li e a ne w li fe of opp ort uni ty fo r

    you. Address: Scribe D.J.A.


    San Jose Ca lifor nia 95114, U.S.A.

    ------------- S E N D T H I S C O U P O N ------------1

    Scribe D.J .A .! T h e R O S I C R U C I A N S ( A M O R C ) II San Jose, California 95111

    I Please send me the free book, TheMastery of I| Life, wh ich explains how I may learn touse my J| faculties and powers of mind .

    N am e ................................................................................................. I

    j Avldv ess ............................................................................................ I

    I City ....................................................................................................... I[ L E AS E I ^ m I d E Y O U R Z I P C O D E

    CAR & BOAT COMPASS ad jus ts i t se l f autom a t i c a l l y . S h o c k p r o t e ct e d f lo a t s inhydraul ic f luid. Markings l ight up for nightdr i v ing . Mounts ins tant ly . Compass No .2021. Only $3.94 Foster-Trent, Inc. , Dept.555-BC, 2345 Post Rd . , Larchmont , N .Y .10538.

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    Busse Soles, Dept. PS82, 331 Churth St., Hartford, Conn. 06101POWER HACKSAW KIT

    ONLY $24.95Powerful electronic detectorfinds buried gold, silver,coins, etc. 5 new models.Wri te to r t ree ca ta log .

    Also SI othei money saving pioiects

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    SOc for 28 pg Cata log.

    STRUCK CO RP., Dept. PS 112H, Cedarburg, Wis. 53012


    I > N i l s D w e l l T a c h o m e t e r t o a d j u s t c a r bu r e t o r . s e t po i n t s , l o c a t e d e f e c t i v e p l u i r s .O pe r a t e s o ff I g n i t i o n s y s t e m . O n e y e a r f a c tors- guaran tee ag a ins t d efects and l>urnout .

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    |BIG Savings on ALL types. Newest, finest Vi usual dealer pricesl Sold by AIR MAIL.No salesmen. FREE HOME TRIAL. Write torFR EE Cata log . WE AIR MAIL . MONEY

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    Christmas SaleHere's a sale on the perfect gifts lor your tavorite

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  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    THERE are some things that cannot be generally toldthings you ought to kn ow . Great truths are dan-

    gerous to some but factors for pe r-sonal po wer and accomplishment inthe hands of those who understandthem. Behind the tales of the miracles and mysteries of the ancients, lie cen-turies of their secret probing into na-tures laws their amazing discoveriesofthe hidden processes of man's mind, and th e m a s te ry o f l i f e s p rob le m s. Once shrouded in mystery to avoid their destruction by mass fear and ig-norance, these facts remain a useful heritage for the thousands of men andwomen who privately use them in their homes today.


    The Rosicrucians (not a rel igious organization), an age-old brotherhood of learning,have preserved this secret wisdom in theirarchives for centuries. They now invite yon to share the practical helpfulness of theirteachings. W rite today for a free copy of the

    bo ok , "T h e M as te ry o f L ife. " W it h in itspa ge s ma y lie a ne w lif e o f opport un it y foryou. Address: Scribe D.N.Y.


    San Jose California 951 14, U.S.A.

    I------------S E N D T H I S C O U P O N --------------1

    J Scribc D.N.Y.T h e R O S IC R U C I A N S ( A M O R C ) !

    1 San Jose, Californ ia 9511-1

    I Please send me the free book, The Mattery ofI| Li fe , wh ich e xplain s how I may learn to use my j

    j faculties and powers of mind.

    Name..................................................................................... IAddress................................................................................. !i City ....................................................................................... I

    P L E A S E I N C L U D E y o u r z i p c o d e

    L _____________________________________________________2


    th i s Sp ec ia l In t rod ucto ry of fer you u ret a l llh is : TOP G UITA RIST ED S ALE'S famous *36-pa ^e S e c r e t S y s te m w o r t h $ 4 . 0 0 w h i c h s h o w s

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    _ _ _ _ _ _ J u s t s e nd y o u r n a m e a nd a d d re s s . O n d e l i v e ryt >a y po n tm a n S 2 . B 8 p l u s C . O . P . po s t a g e . O r s en d * 2 . 9 Sp l u s 2 5 * s n l pp i n i : a n d h a n d li n g c h a r g e s w i t h o r d e r t o s a v eC 0 . 1 ) c o s t s . ( S o r r y , n o C . O . D . o u t s i d e C o n t in e n t a lU S A . r e m i t w i t h o r d e r . ) M o n e y ba c k G u a r a n te e .ED S a l e . S t u d i o 3 5 4 - P , A v o t i by t h e S e a . N . J . 0 7 7 1 7


    ALWAYS REA DY! NEVER IN THE WAY!Store anywhere, carry anywhere. Snap open, snapclosed. No screws to tighten. Hold tons (They'resolid steel!) steady as a rock. Top drilled forattachments. They'll last a lifetime. You'lluse 'em every weekI at home, in shop, onthe job. Satisfaction or money back.

    ONLY S34.95 Per pair, PostpaidMoney-back guarantee. Sand check or M.O.

    P ORT A HORSE I N C . / P.O. Box 2028-A, Riverview, Mich. 48192



    O V E R 5 , 0 0 0 FISHING ITEMS

    Hard to find Fishing Spec ia l t ies and Ki ts

    Send postal card &please add Z IP

    NETCRAFT CO.Box 5510 Dept PS1

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    PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER"Steam in 60 Seconds"

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    T h e A n c i e n t s C a l l e d It

    C O S M I C C O N S C I O U S N E S S

    Must man die to release his inner con-sciousness? Can we experience momentary

    fl ig hts of the soul that is, become onewith the universe and receive an influx ofgreat understanding?

    The shackles of the body its earthlyl imitat ions can be thrown off and mansmind can be attuned to the Infinite W isdomfor a flash of a second. During this briefinterval intuitive knowledge, great inspiration and a new' vision of our lifes missionare had. Some call this great experience a

    psy chic ph en om en on . But the a nc ient s kne wit and taught it as Cosmic Consciousness the merging of mans mind with the Universal Intelligence.

    Let T h i s F r e e B o o k E x p l a i n

    This is not a religious doctrine, but theapplicat ion of simple, natural laws whichgive man an insight into the great Cosmicpl an . The y m ak e po ss ib le a source of gre atjoy , st re ngt h an d a re ge ne ra tio n of m an sper so na l po wer s. W ri te to the R os icr uc ian s,an age-old brotherhood of understanding,for a fr ee copy of the book, "The Masteryof Life. It will tell you how, in the privacy of your own home, you may indulgein these mysteries of life known to theancients. Address: Scribe E.B.T.

    osicruciansSAN JOS E (AMORC) CALIF., 95114, U.S.A.

    S E N D T H I S C O U P O N

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  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    H E H A S I N N E R V I S I O N

    T h e A n c i e n t s c a l l e d i t C O S M I C C O N S C I O U S N E S SThere are no physical limita-

    tions to inner vision . . . thepsychic faculties of man knowno barriers of space or time. Aworld of marvelous phenomenaawaits your command. Withinthe natural but unused functions of your mind are dor-mant powers which can bringabout a transformation of yourlife.Know the mysterious worldwithin you and learn the secretsof a full and peaceful life!The Rosicrucians (not a reli-gion) are an ageold brother-

    hood of learning. For centuriesthey have shown men andwomen how to utilize the full-ness of their being. This is an age of daring adventure . . . butthe greatest of all is the ex-ploration of self. Determineyour purpose, function andpowers as a human being.Write for your FREE copyof The Mastery of Life Today! No obligation. No sales-men. A nonprofit organization.Address: Scribe e .g .o .

    T h e R O S I C R U C I A N S (AMORC)San Jose, California 95114, U.S.A.

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    1 Scribe E.G.O. IThe ROSI CRUCI ANS ( AM ORC) j

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    Must man die to release his inner con-sciousness? Can we experience momentary

    j lig ht s of the soul that is, becom e onewith the universe and receive an influx ofgreat understanding?

    The shackles of the body its earthlylimitations can be thrown off an d man'smin d can be attuned to the Infinite Wisd omfor a flash of a second. During this briefinterval intuitive knowledge, great inspiration and a new vision of our lifes missionare had. Some call this great experience a

    psy ch ic ph en om en on . Ru t the a nc ient s k ne w

    it and taught it as Cosmic Consciousness the merging of man's mind with the Uni*versa! Intelligence.

    Let Th is F ree Book Exp la in

    This is no t a religious doctrine, but theapplication of simple, natural laws whichgive man an insight into the great Cosmicplan . Th ey mak e po ss ib le a so urce of gr ea tjoy , st re ng th an d a re ge ne ra tion of m an spe rson al po wer s. W ri te to the Ros ic ru ci an s,an age-old brotherhood of understanding,for a fr ee copy of the book, "The Masteryof Life. It will tell you how, in the privacy of your own home, you may indulgein these mysteries of life known to theancients. Address: Scribe E.Z.D.

    Woe IZypsicruciansSAN JOS E (AMORC) CALIF., 95114, U.S.A.

    S E N D T H I S C O U P O N

    Please Include Your Zip Code

    1Scribe E.Z.D.T h e R O S I C R U C I A N S ( A M O R C )San Jose, California 95114

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    days until the problem Is corrected then take It off. Itsthat simple! Tiny electroniccircuit converts vibrations ofdog's bark to harmless but effective shock. He associates hlaexcessive barking with thestartling effect it produces.Absolutely safe. Most effectivemethod ever developed. 10 dayM O N E Y B A C K G U A R A N TEE. Must end the problem orreturn for refund. Works onany size dog. Order by mall orcall us for immediate C.O.D.

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    T h e A n c i e n t s c a l l e d i t C O S M I C C O N S C I O U S N E S SThere are no physical limita-tions to inner vision . . . thepsychic faculties of man knowno barriers of space or time. A world of marvelous phenomenaawaits your command. Withinthe natural but unused functions of your mind are dor-mant powers which can bringabout a transformation of yourlife.Know the mysterious worldwithin you and learn the secretsof a full and peaceful life!

    The Rosicrucians (not a reli-gion) are an ageold brother-hood of learning. For centuriesthey have shown men andwomen how to utilize the full-ness of their being. This is anage of daring adventure . . . but the greatest of all is the ex-ploration of self. Determineyour purpose, function andpowers as a human being.Write for your FREE copy of The Mastery of Life Today! No obligation. No sales-men. A nonprofit organization.

    Address: Scribe f.o .l .

    T h e R O S I C R U C I A N SSan Jose, California 95114, U.S.A.

    --------------- S E N D T H I S C O U P O N ----------------

    Scribe F.O.L.The ROSICRU CIANS (AMORC)San Jose, California 95114, U .S.A.

    Please send me the free book, The Mas-tery of Life, which explains how I maylearn to use my faculties and powers ofmind.

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  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975



    Powers to overcome sickness!Means to escape poverty!

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    Scribe F~3 CThe ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC)San Jose, California 95114, U.S.A.

    Please send me the f ree book THE MASTERYOF LI FE , which explains how 1 may learn touse my faculties and powers of mind.




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    Must man die to release his inner con-sciousness? Can we experience momentary

    fl ig h ts of the so ul that is, beco me on ewith the universe and receive an influx ofgreat understanding?

    Th e shackles of the body its earthlylimitation s can he thrown off and mansmind can he attuned to the Infinite Wisdomfor a flash of a second. During this briefinterval intuitive knowledge, great inspiration and a new vision of our life's missionare had. Some call this great experience apsychic ph en om en on . Hut the an cie nt s knewit and taught it as Cosmic Consciousnessthe merging of mans mind with the Universal Intelligence.

    Let Th is F ree Book E xp la in

    This is no t a religious doctrine, but theapplication of simple, natural laws whichgive man an insight into the great Cosmicpla n. Th ey ma ke possible a sour ce of gre atjoy , st re ng th an d a re ge ne ra tio n of m an spe rso na l po we rs. W ri te to the Ros icr uc ian s,an age-old brotherhood of understanding,for a fr ee copy of the book, "The Masteryof Life. It will tell you how, in the privacy of your own home, you may indulgein these mysteries of life known to theancients. Address: Scribe F.Y.M.

    cJJJe 4.RosicruciansSAN JOSE (AMORC) CALIF . , 95114, U .S .A .

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    | Scribe F .Y .M . *T h e R O S I C R U C I A N S ( A M O R C )

    j Sati Jo se , C al ifo rn ia 95114

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  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    THERE are some things that cannot be generally toldthing s you

    ought to know. Great truths arc dan-gerous to some but factors for per-sonal po we r and accomplishment inthe hands of those who understandthem. Behind the tales of the miraclesand mysteries of the ancients, lie cen-turies of their secret probing into na-tures lawstheir amazing discoveriesofthe hidden processes of ma ns mind,and th e m as te ry of l i f e s p roble m s. Once shrouded in mystery to avoid

    their destruction by mass fear and ig-norance, these facts remain a usefulheritage for the thousands of men andwomen who privately use them in theirhomes today.


    The Rosicrucians (not a religious organization), an age-old brotherhood of learning,have preserved this secret wisdom in theirarchives for centuries. They now invite you to share the practical helpfulness of theirteachings. W rite today for a free copy of thebo ok , "T he M as te ry of Li fe . W ith in itspage s may li e a ne w life of op po rtuni ty foryou. Address: Scribe G.B.O.


    San Jose Californ ia 95114, U.S.A.

    j-------------- S E N D T H I S C O U P O N ------------ 1

    | Scribe G.B.O.T he R O S IC R U C IAN S ( AMO R C ) |

    I San Jose, Califor nia 95114

    I Please send me the free book, Th eMastery ofI| Li fe, which explains how I may learn to use my || faculties and powers of mind.

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    negotiate for a cash sale or royalty licensing!Send for our FR EE "Inventor's Information Kit" .

    It has a special "Invention Record" form, an important brochure: " Inventions-Their Development. Protection Si Marketing". and a Directory "500 Corporations Seeking New Products". (It also tells you whywe're known as "the idea people" )

    RAYMOND LEE ORGANIZATION230 Park Avenue, New York, N V 10017(212)686 8500 |

    Ves, I'd like to find out how to take action on my idea. Please send me your FR E E "Inventor's Kit"A -M

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    City Stale ,2>p


    H E H A S I N N E R V I S I

    T h e A n c i e n t s c a l l e d C O S M I C C O N S C I O U S N EThere are no physical limtions to inner vision . . . psychic faculties of man kn

    no barriers of space or timeworld of marvelous phenomawaits your command. Witthe natural but unusedfunctions of your mind are dmant powers which can brabout a transformation of ylife.Know the mysterious wowithin you and learn the secrof a full and peaceful life!The Rosicrucians (not a rgion) are an ageold brothhood of learning. For centurthey have shown men a

    women how to utilize the funess of their being. This is age of daring adventure . . . the greatest of all is the ploration of self. Determyour purpose, function apowers as a human being.Write for your FREE coof The Mastery of Life Today! No obligation. No salmen. A nonprofit organizatiAddress: Scribe g .h .u .

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    Scribe G.H.U.The ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC)San Jose, C alifornia 95114, U.S.A .

    Please send me the free book, The Mtery of Life, which explains how I mlearn to use my faculties and powersmind.

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    T h e A n c i e n t s C a l l e d ( t

    C O S M I C C O N S C I O U S N E S S

    Must man die to release his inner con-sciousness? Can we experience momentary

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    The shackles of the body its earthlylimitations can be thrown off and mansmin d can be attuned to the Infinite Wisdo mfor a flash of a second. During this briefinterval intuitive knowledge, great inspiration and a new vision of our lifes missionare had. Some call this great experience a

    psychic ph en om en on . But th e a nc ient s k ne w

    it and taught it as Cosmic Consciousnessthe merging of mans mind with the Universal Intelligence.

    Let Th is F ree Book Ex p la in

    This is no t a religious doctrine, but theapplication of simple, natural Jaws whichgive man an insight into the great Cosmicplan . Th ey mak e po ss ib le a so urce of g re atjoy , st re ng th an d a re ge ne ra ti on of m an spe rs on al po we rs . W ri te to the Ros ic ru ci an s,an age-old brotherhood of understanding,for a fr ee copy of the book, "The Masteryof Life. It will tell you how, in the privacy of your own home, you may indulgein these mysteries of life known to theancients. Address: Scribe G.L.Z.

    RosicruciansSAN JOS E (AMORC) CALIF., 95114, U.S.A.

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    New wings make sai lboats fly

    [Continued from page 83]

    ing force of a sail by almost onefifth by disturbing airflow.

    The sail can rotate 360. It ismounted on two bearings, one onthe cross member connecting thehulls, the other (on his prototype

    model) on a makeshift supporting structure about two feet above it. This requires a strong cantilever in-ternal structure to hold it rigid,similar to the extremely light, long, thin wings of highperformance glid-ers.

    The point of rotation is about aquarter back from the leading edge.Thus some aerodynamic pressureis ahead of the pivot point, whilemost of it is behind. This gives the

    sai l so me we athe rc oc king ability.In a jibe when the boat is turned toanother heading with the wind be-hind, downwind forces are stableunlike a conventional sail when the wind sh if ts suddenly from one sideof the boat to the other. This sim-plifies sailing.

    Another advantage of the 360rotation is that the sail can be pointed directly into the wind and stalled, no matter what the angle ofthe boat to the wind. This stops the boat in the water. In a violent stormor when you suddenly run on shoal water it compensates somewhat forthe sails fixed shape, for it cannotbe shortened or dropped completely.

    It appears to offer unp rece-

    dented safety due to unlimited maneuverability, low heel force(which can be automatically lim-ited), and little likelihood of aknockdown. Even if knockdownshould occur the boat cannot turnturtle because the box spar and for-ward part of the sail are watertight and buoyant.

    It is quicker and simpler toget ready to sail than a convention-al sail, which has stays, shrouds,winches, and all the rest. You can even sail it off the trailer at watersedge.

    All of Dyn Aero s advantages apply to any hull type and sizeexcept perhaps displacement hulls.

    Pivoting centerboard

    Although his prototype does nothave it, Martins patent applicationcalls for a pivoting centerboard freeto rotate five degrees in either di-rection when changing tack, pre-venting leeway slippage. Hung aftof the hydrodynamic center at apoint where lift forces are acting, all lateral force is taken by the centerboard at an optimum anglethat can reduce hull skidding to

    zero. Such a centerboard, he claims, will allow for a hull design withminimum longitudinal drag andless compromise in shape. Somemultihulls have deep rounded keelsor asymmetrical hulls to fight

    leeway.What comes after the prototype? Martin hopes to build his next rigfor a set of highspeed catamaranhulls. When we talked to him he was waiting for drag data fromToronado, maker of very thin 20ft. catamaran hulls with 10ft. beamoverall. Fast hulls and a biggerwing sail should put this conceptinto the running for new sailing speeds and a record for control.

    Wing sail with control flaps

    On the East Coast a much bigger boat, the 25ft. Cclass catamaranPatient Lady II, is already sailingat speeds of 30 mph and more. Her wing sail has five controllable flapsand wind slots. If set horizontally,the sail would look much like oneof the new highlift multiflappedand slotted wings for STOL air-planes. This is a bigger, more fin-ished and sophisticated racing ma-chine, and is being prepared toenter the Little Americas Cupraces against the Australian teams.

    Her sail, unlike the DynAeros,is not fully rotatable. The upperflaps can be set at lower angles of

    attack in high wind, camber the sailto maintain drive on lower portions.Each flap has a rigid leading edge like an airplane wing. And each isdesigned to allow smooth airflowbetween the flap and the sail sec-tion ahead. The idea is to preventseparation and stagnation of air-flow at all headings and thus pro-duce more lift and drive.

    Side stays on straight roller tracksmove forward or back as the sail is turned to change course rapidly.

    Earlier, the Patient Lady II hada different wing sail without flaps

    [PS, Feb. 721. Either side of thedoublecovered sail could be madeconcave or convex by a compli-cated series of pulleys and sheets inorder to set optimum airfoil shapes.That sail proved too heavy, andcollapsed when a structural mem-ber failed. The new sail is lighter;the entire 25ft. boat and sail weighonly 840 pounds.

    Less weight means less wettedsurfacecrucial in fast sailing . Theobvious question is whether thenew controllable sails can provide enough extra push to make up foraddition al weight in structure. HU

  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    Expand yourAwareness

    a n d


    The Inner DimensionAdd to your dimension of life.

    Stop living in a limited world IReality is m ore than the physical,material world with its frustrations and turbulence. You can experience th e inner dimension of mind. It willprovide you with that illuminating insight that brings personal power for achievement and Peace Pro-found. You have access to an un-limited source of knowledge.

    The Vast Psychic WorldThe inner dimension is the psy-

    chic intelligence of the subconsci-ous. It is a world of in fi n it e pow erand potentiality. Why let intuitiveimpressions, inspiration, and stimu-lating ideas be but occasional un-controlled occurrences. Brush aside the old traditions and supersti-tions regarding the psychic self. It is not a supernatural force but a natural reservoir of inner direction.It can be called forth on you r co m

    m and. T h e Ros ic ru cian s, a world-wid e , cen tu r ie s o ld organ izat ion (not a religion) have revealed to thousands of men and women this inner dimension for the fullness of

    living.Acccpl this FREE book

    Write today for the free copy ofthe book MASTERY OF LIFE. I t contains no magic formulae, no mysterious phenomena, but it tellshow you may learn to use these basic laws of nature. If you wish to learn , kn ow , an d expand yourawareness of life, please write SCRIBE G.T.N.

  • 7/28/2019 Propagande - 1972-1975


    H E H A S I N N E R V I S I O N

    T h e A n c i e n t s c a l l e d i t C O S M I C C O N S C I O U S N E S SThere are no physical limita-tions to inner vision . . . the psychic fac