RAPPORTS - SALLE DES FÊTES One Machine Scheduling with Delayed Precedence Constraints Carnegie Mellon University 1992 72 Balas Egon, Lenstra Jan Karel, Vazacopoulos Alkis Computational Complexity of Norm- University of Utrecht 1989 73 Bodlaender H.L., Gritzma J. A Catalog of Steiner Tree Formulations Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1991 74 Goemans Michel X., Myung Young-soo Polyhedral Characterization of Discr University of Chicago 1988 75 Martin R. Kipp, Rardin Ro The Steiner Tree Polytope and Related Polyhedra Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1991 76 Goemans Michel X. Lattice Points Universität Augsburg 1990 77 Gritzmann P., Wills J.M. Minkowski Addition of Polytopes: Computational Complexity and Applications to Gröbner Bases Universität Augsburg 1990 78 Gritzmann P., Sturmfels B. Computational Complexity of Inner a in Finite-Dimensional Normed Spac Universität Augsburg 1990 79 Gritzmann P., Klee V. Some efficient heuristic methods for the flow shop sequencing problem EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1989 80 Taillard E. Benchmarks for basic scheduling pr EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 81 Taillard E. Robust taboo search for the quadratic assignment problem EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1990 82 Taillard E. Simple “Neural” Optimization Netwo Decision Circuit, and a Linear Progr AT&T Bell Laboratories 1986 83 Tank David W., Hopfield J How to Optimize Discrete-Event Systems from a Single Sample Path by the Score Function Method Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 1991 84 Rubinstein R. A New Linear Programming Formula s-Directed Spanning tree Problem 1986 85 Maculan Nelson

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One Machine Scheduling with Delayed Precedence ConstraintsCarnegie Mellon University 1992

72 Balas Egon, Lenstra Jan Karel, Vazacopoulos Alkis

Computational Complexity of Norm-University of Utrecht 1989

73 Bodlaender H.L., GritzmaJ.

A Catalog of Steiner Tree FormulationsMassachusetts Institute of Technology 1991

74 Goemans Michel X., Myung Young-soo

Polyhedral Characterization of DiscrUniversity of Chicago 1988

75 Martin R. Kipp, Rardin Ro

The Steiner Tree Polytope and Related PolyhedraMassachusetts Institute of Technology 1991

76 Goemans Michel X.

Lattice PointsUniversität Augsburg 1990

77 Gritzmann P., Wills J.M.

Minkowski Addition of Polytopes: Computational Complexity andApplications to Gröbner Bases

Universität Augsburg 1990

78 Gritzmann P., Sturmfels B.

Computational Complexity of Inner ain Finite-Dimensional Normed Spac

Universität Augsburg 1990

79 Gritzmann P., Klee V.

Some efficient heuristic methods for the flow shop sequencingproblem

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1989

80 Taillard E.

Benchmarks for basic scheduling prEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

81 Taillard E.

Robust taboo search for the quadratic assignment problemEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1990

82 Taillard E.

Simple “Neural” Optimization NetwoDecision Circuit, and a Linear Progr

AT&T Bell Laboratories 1986

83 Tank David W., Hopfield J

How to Optimize Discrete-Event Systems from a Single SamplePath by the Score Function Method

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 1991

84 Rubinstein R.

A New Linear Programming Formulas-Directed Spanning tree Problem


85 Maculan Nelson

Page 2: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Multiperiod Capacitated Location ModelsThe Technical University of Denmark

86 Jacobsen Soren Kruse

Covering ProblemsUniversity of Limburg

87 Kolen Antoon, Tamir Arie

Locations with Spatial Interactions: Competitive Locations andGames

University of California

88 Hakimi S. Louis

Energie et finance internationale: Qmondiale ?

Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerc

89 Mikdashi Zuhayr

Rapport d’activitéEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1992


Parallelisierung des “Simulated AnnBeispiel der I/O-suboptimalen Verte

f Di k U it

Eidgenössische Technische Hochsc

91 Weikum G.

Trading Securities Using Trailing Stops

Operations Research, Industrial AffiliatesSymposium


92 Glynn Peter W., Iglehart Donald L.

Programme de calcul du bilan thermen énergie de chauffage selon la reLESOSAI X M d d’ l i V i



Programme de calcul du bilan thermique mensuel et du besoinen énergie de chauffage selon la recommandation SIA 380/1LESOSAI X P é t ti d V i 1 2



A Linear Time Algorithm for MulticomGraphs

Technische Universität 1992

95 Wagner Dorothea, Weihe

Parallel Processing ControlMechanical Research Laboratory 1991

96 Andeen Gerry B.

The Complexity of KnotsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

97 Welsh D.J.A.

On the Limited Power of Linear Probes and Other OptimizationOracles

Institut für Mathematik - Universität Augsburg 1990

98 Gritzmann P., Klee V., Westwater J.

Inner and Outer j-Radii of Convex BNormed Spaces

Institut für Mathematik - Universität A

99 Gritzmann P., Klee V.

Page 3: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Good and Bad Radii of Convex PolygonsInstitut für Mathematik - Universität Augsburg 1990

100 Gritzmann P., Habsieger L., Klee V.

The Complexity of One-Machine Ba

101 Albers Susanne, Brucker

Optimization of Static Simulation Models by the Score FunctionMethod

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 1990

102 Rubinstein Reuven Y., Shapiro A.

Asymptotically Optimal Linear Algora Random Graph

University of Texas 1990

103 Goldschmidt Olivier, Hoch

Master Polytopes for Cycles of Binary MatroidsInstitut für Mathematik - Universität Augsburg 1986

104 Grötschel M., Truemper K.

On the Euclidian Two Paths Problem

Inst. für Mathematik - Univ. Graz - TUniv. Graz

105 Kellerer Hans, Woeginger

Characterizations of Proper Acanthus Subtree GraphsLSD, IMAG 1990

106 Gavril Fanica

Intersection Graphs of ConcatenablCEMA(28) 1990

107 Gavril F., Urrutia J.

Intersection Graphs of Subtrees in Undirected GraphsDept. of Computer Science - University of Ottawa 1990

108 Urrutia J., Gavril F.

Application of Newton’s Identities toProblem and to the Poisson Binomia

Department of Statistics-Stanford U

109 Stein Charles

Using Central Prices in the Decomposition of Linear Programs

GERAD a. Faculty of Management, Mc GillUniversity


110 Goffin J.-L., Haurie A., Vial J.-Ph., Zhu D.L.

On the Computation of Weighted AnEllipsoids with the Projective Algorit

GERAD a. Faculty of Management, University

111 Goffin J.L., Vial J.-Ph.

Short Steps with Kamarkar’s Projective Algorithm for LinearProgramming

GERAD a. Faculty of Management, McGillUniversity


112 Goffin J.L., Vial J.-Ph.

Todd’s Low-Complexity Algorithm isPath-Following Method

Cornell University 1990

113 Todd M.J., Vial J.-Ph.

Page 4: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Decomposition and Nondifferentiable Optimization with theProjective Algorithm

GERAD, Faculty of Management, McGillUniversity


114 Goffin J.L., Haurie A., Vial J.-Ph.

A Complexity Reduction for the LonAlgorithm for Linear Programming

Delft University of Technology 19

115 Hertog D. den, Roos C., V

Rare Events Simulator

116 Rubinstein Reuven

Can a Maximum Flow be ComputedUniversität des Saarlandes

117 Cheriyan Joseph, Hageru

Computational Experience with a Primal-Dual Interior-PointMethod for Smooth Convex Programming

Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales 1992

118 Vial Jean-Philippe

A Parallelisable Block Cholesky FacLKinear Programming Problems

Faculté des sciences économiques

119 Loute Etienne, Vial Jean-P

A Cutting Plane Method from Analytic Centers for StochasticProgramming

Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales 1993

120 Bahn O., Du Merle O., Goffin J.-L., Vial J.-P.

A Lift-and-Project Cutting Plane AlgPrograms

Carnegie Mellon University 1991

121 Balas Egon, Ceria Sebast

A Global Convergence Proof for a Class of Genetic AlgorithmsUniversity of Technology, Vienna 1990

122 Hartl Richard F.

The Hirsch Conjecture for Dual Tran

Laboratoire d’économétrie de l’EcolePolytechnique de Paris

123 Balinski M.L.

Logic Cuts for Processing Networks with Fixed ChargesCarnegie Mellon University 1992

124 Hooker J.N., Yan H., Grossmann I.E., Raman R.

On Optimal Choice of Reference PaRatio Method


125 Rubinstein Reuven Y., Sh

Sensitivity Analysis and Stochastic Optimization of DiscreteEvent Systems


126 Rubinstein R.Y., Shapiro A.

Quick Simulation of Queueing NetwUniversity of California 1987

127 Walrand Jean

Page 5: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Polyhedra of the Equivalent Subgraph Problem and Some EdgeConnectivity Problems

Northwestern University 1991

128 Chopra Sunil

Odd Cut-Sets, Odd Cycles, and 0-1/DEIS, University of Bologna 199

129 Caprara Alberto, Fischetti

The Performance of Likelihood Ratio Estimators Using the ScoreFunction

Chalmers University of Technology 1990

130 Asmussen Soren, Rubinstein Reuven Y.

The Efficiency and Heavy Traffic ProMethod in Sensitivity Analysis of Qu

Aalborg University 1992

131 Asmussen Soren, Rubins

Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Event Systems by the “Push out”Method

Technion 1991

132 Rubinstein Reuven Y.

Combinatorial Face Enumeration in Matroids

University of Tsukuba 1990

133 Fukuda Komei, Saito Shig

Large Deviations and Phase Separation in the Two-DimensionalIsing Model

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1992

134 Pfister C.E.

Lectures on Integer ProgrammingEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

135 Trotter L.E., Jr.

Tait’s Flyping Conjecture for Well-Connected LinksCWI a. Dept. of Mathematics Univ. Amsterdam 1980

136 Schrijver A.

The Interior-Point Method for LinearConvex Computer Corp.

137 Astfalk Greg, Lustig Irvin,

Feasible Graph Coloring and a Generalization of Perfect GraphsInst. pourt l’Automation et la R.O., Univ. Fribourg 1992

138 Gröflin H.

Finding k disjoint paths in a DirectedCWI a. Dept. of Mathematics Univ. o

139 Schrijver Alexander

Packing Odd PathsMathematical Center a. University of Amsterdam 1991

140 Schrijver A., Seymour P.D.

Parallel Algorithms for Large Scale DBeijing Institute of Technology 1

141 Wu Cang-Pu

Page 6: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Vertex Enumeration for Convex Polyhedra and HyperplaneArrangements

University of Tsukuba 1991

143 Fukuda Komei, Mizukoshi Ichiro

Polyhedral Combinatorics: An AnnoMathematisches Inst., Univ. Augsbu

144 Grötschel Martin

Acyclic Subdigraphs and Linear Orderings: Polytopes, Facets,and a Cutting Plane Algorithm

Mathematisches Inst., Univ. Augsburg 1984

145 Grötschel M., Jünger M., Reinelt G.

Discrete Event Systems: Sensitivity Optimization by the Score Function

Technion 1991

146 Rubinstein R.Y., Shapiro A

Sensitivity Analysis and Performance Extrapolation for ComputerSimulation Models

Technion 1987

147 Rubinstein Reuven Y.

A Cross-Spectral Method for SensitiSimulation Models

The Royal Society of Canada 19

148 Feuerverger A., McLeish

Single-Processor Scheduling with Stochastic Tasks andNon-Regular Reward Functions

Faculty of Management, Univ. of Calgary 1992

149 Robb David J., Silver Edward A.

Min-Max Relations for Directed GrapUniversity of Amsterdam 1982

150 Schrijver A.

A Simple Way to Tell a Simple Polytope from Its GraphInstitute of Mathematics, Hebrew University 1987

151 Kalai Gil

Logistics and Some New Problems Manufacturing and Marketing

The Wharton School of the Univ. of

152 Fisher Marshall L.

Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra IV: Acyclic SpanningSubgraphs

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

153 Barahona Francisco, Fonlupt Jean, Mahjoub Ali Ridha

On Two-Connected Subgraph PolytIBM T.J. Watson Research Center

154 Barahona Francisco, Mah

Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra III: Graphs with no W4minor

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 1992

155 Barahona Francisco, Mahjoub Ali Ridha

Compositions of Graphs and PolyheIBM T.J. Watson Research Center

156 Barahona Francisco, Mah

Page 7: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra I: Balanced InducedSubgraphs and Acyclic Subgraphs

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 1992

157 Barahona Francisco, Mahjoub Ali Ridha

A Min-Max Relation for K3-Covers inK5 e

King Saud University 1991

158 Mahjoub A.R.

On a Composition of Independence Systems by CircuitIdentification

Laboratoire d’Informatique de Brest 1991

159 Euler E., Mahjoub A.R.

Compositions in the Bipartite Subgra

Lab. ARTEMIS, Institute IMAG, UnivFourier

160 Fonlupt J., Mahjoub A.R.,

Facets of the Balanced (Acyclic) Induced Subgraph PolytopeUniversity of Waterloo 1988

162 Barahona Francisco, Mahjoub Ali Ridha

Projection Pursuit Discriminant AnalEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

163 Posse C.

Designer Invariants for Large Phylogenies

Centre de Recherches Mathématiques,Universirté de Montréal


164 Sankoff David

Mechanisms of Genome Evolution:

Centre de recherches mathématiquede Montréal

165 Sankoff David

A Priori OptimizationMIT

166 Bertsimas Dimitris J., Jaillet Patrick, Odoni Amedeo R.

Automatic Bandwidth Selection in PDiscrimination between Two Groups

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

167 Posse C.

�On Alternative p-Center Problems

168 Hudec Oto

Plan de masse de circuit: Un état deplacement utilisées

Lab. d’Informatique Graphique et d’Artificielle

169 Pimont S.

Stochastic Extremal Problems and the Strong Markov Property ofRandom Fields

Central Institute of Mathematical Economics,Academy of Sciences


170 Evstigneev I.V.

Markov Fields over Countable Partiaand Splitting

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

171 Evstigneev I.V., Greenwo

Page 8: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Universal Conditions for Algebraic Traveling Salesman Problemsto be Efficiently Solvable

Technische Univ. Graz, Univ. Graz 1990

172 Burkard R.E., van der Veen J.A.A.

Integer Programming by Shortest PaHelsinki University of Technology

173 Tamminen Markku

Ein Beispiel zum Problem der InnovationsförderungUniversität Zürich 1986

174 Capitelli René, Müller Heinz H.

Maximum Entropy and Equations ofStructures

Argonne National Laboratory

175 Rivier N.

Integer Linear Programs and Local Search for Max-Cut

Department of Applied Mathematics, CharlesUniversity


176 Poljak Svatopluk

Preventive Maintenance with LimiteUniversity of Calgary 1993

177 Silver E.A., Fiechter C.-N.

Aeroplan - An Expert System for Planning Supply and Storage ofJet Fuel

Fides Informatique

178 Royston D.A.

Lagrangean Decomposition for Integwith Linear Constraints

COPPE ay. Instituto de MatematicaUniv. of Rio de Janeiro

179 Michelon Philippe, Macula

Parallel Taboo Search Techniques for the Job Shop SchedulingProblem

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1992

180 Taillard E.

Parallel Iterative Search Methods foEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

181 Taillard E.

Linear Programming RelaxationsMassachusetts Institute of Technology 1992

182 Goemans Michel

Stochastic Equilibria on GraphsAcademy of Sciences, Moscow

183 Evstigneev I., Taksar M.

AI Application to Logistics Decision Support Systems

184 Tsukiyama M., Abe K., Fukuda T.

Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung eiVerflechtungsbilanz für die IndustrieT il i ök t i h M d ll

Staatliche Zentralverwaltung für StaAbteilung vorkswirtschaftliche Gesa

185 Höschel Hans-Peter

Page 9: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Entscheidungshorizonte im dynamischen Losgrössenmodell beimehreren Produkten

186 Schenk Heike Yasmin

Mehrstufige SicherheitsbestandsplaProgrammierung

Universität Bielefeld

187 Inderfurth Karl

A DSS View for Solving Inventory Problems byBranch-and-Bound Method

188 Chungli Yih-Chearng Shiue

An Adaptive Method to Improve the Forecasting Algorithms

189 Pappis C., Pantazopoulos

Reorganisation der Logistikstruktur eines Versandhauses auf derBasis der mathematischen Optimierung

190 Brandt Hans-Jürgen, Krambeck Helmut,Hummeltenberg Wilhelm

The Reliability of Reasoning with Un

Institute for Automation a. OperationUniversity of Fribourg

191 Kohlas Jürg

Interior Point Approach to the Theory of Linear ProgrammingUniversité de Genève 1992

192 Güler O., Roos C., Terlaky T., Vial J.-Ph.

The Struction Algorithm for the MaxRevisited

University of Richmond 1990

193 Hoke K.W., Troyon M.F.

A Pivoting Algorithm for Convex Hulls and Vertex Enumeration ofArrangements and Polyhedra

McGill University 1991

194 Avis David, Fukuda Komei

Ein Verfahren zur BestellmengenplaLagerkapazität

195 Günther H.-O.

Propagating Belief Functions Through Constraint SystemsUniversity of Fribourg 1990

196 Kohlas Jürg, Monney Paul-André

A Subexponential Randomized SimpAbstract)

Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew UnJerusalem

197 Kalai Gil

Eine Modifizierung des Hauptsatzes der Komplementarität

Inst. f. Rechentechnik u. Automatisierung derUngarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften


198 Bernau Heinz

Optimality and Computation of ( σ,SInfinite Horizon Inventory Problem

Yale University 1967

199 Johnson Ellis L.

Page 10: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Transcient Filling of a Buffer in a Simple Production LineEPFL - Dépt. de Microtechnique

200 Hongler M.-O.

Polyhedral Consequences of the AmIMAG, Laboratoire ARTEMIS (C.N.R

201 Burlet M., Fonlupt J.

ATM Traffic Characterization with Applications to ConnectionAcceptance Control

EPFL - Dépt. d’Electricité 1991

202 Luoni M.

Nondifferentiable and Large Scale OUniversité de Genève 1992


Dimensions stratégiques de la Logistique

Institut International de Management pour laLogistique



The Case for Research on Optimiza1991

205 Fisher Marshall

On the Stable Sert Polytope of a Series-Parallel GraphUniversity of Waterloo 1987

161 Mahjoub A.R.

Wissenschaftliches Publizieren und Fachinformation im Umbruch: ein Sid M th tik

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

1 Grötschel M., Lügger J., S

Jahresbericht 1992

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin



Coxeter-associahedraKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

3 Reiner Victor, Ziegler Gün

Facets for the Multiple Kanpsack Problem

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


4 Ferreira Carlos E., Martin Alexander, WeismantelRobert

Discrete Mathematics in ManufacturKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

5 Grötschel Martin

Packen von Steinerbäumen: Polyedrische Studien undAnwendung

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


6 Martin Alexander

Some Integer Programs Arising in thComputers

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

7 Ferreira C.E., Krispenz L.

Page 11: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Jahresbericht 1991

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin



Routing in Grid Graphs by Cutting P

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

9 Grötschel Martin, Martin A

Mechanical theorem Proving in Projective Geometry

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


10 Richter-Gebert Jürgen

Elektronische Fachinformation im BHochschulen und Statusbericht zum“F hi f ti ”

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

11 Grötschel M., Lügger J., S

Shellability of Chessboard Complexes

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


12 Ziegler Günter M.

Polyhedral and Computational InvesCommunication Networks with High

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

13 Grötschel M., Monma C.L

Packing Steiner Trees: Polyhedral Investigations

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


14 Grötschel M., Martin A., Weismantel R.

Packing Steiner Trees: A Cutting PlaComputational Results

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

15 Grötschel M., Martin A., W

A Polyhedral Approach to Network Connectivity Problems(Extended Abstract)

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


16 Grötschel M., Monma C.L., Stoer M.

Plazieren von Zellen: Theorie und L0/1-Optimierungsproblems

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

17 Weismantel Robert

An Algorithm for Optimizing a Linear Function over the IntegerEfficient Set

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


18 Chu Nguyen Ngoc

Complexity of Finding Embeddings The Royal Institute of Technology

19 Arnborg Stefan, Corneil DAndrzej

Reducing Matching to Polynomial Size Linear Programming

20 Barahona Francisco

Polynomial-Time Inference of all VaRelated Formulae

RUTCOR-Rutgers Center for OperaResearch, Rutgers University

21 Boros E., Crama Y., Ham

Page 12: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Generalization of the Pure Literal Rule for SatisfiabilityProblems

RUTCOR-Rutgers Center for OperationsResearch


22 Boros Endre, Hammer Peter L.

Recognition of Q-Horn Formulae in

RUTCOR-Rutgers Center for OperaResearch

23 Boros Endre, Hammer Pe

A Complexity Index for Satisfiability Problems

RUTCOR-Rutgers Center for OperationsResearch


24 Boros E., Crama Y., Hammer P.L., Saks M.

Decomposition of Balanced MatriceUniversita degli Studi di Padova

25 Conforti M., Cornuejols G

Decomposition of Balanced Matrices. Part II:Wheel-and-Parachute-Free Graphs

Universita degli Studi di Padova 1991

26 Conforti M., Cornuejols G., Rao M.R.

Decomposition of Balanced MatriceUniversita degli Studi di Padova

27 Conforti M., Cornuejols G

Decomposition of Balanced Matrices. Part IV: ConnectedSquares

Universita degli Studi di Padova 1991

28 Conforti M., Cornuejols G., Rao M.R.

Decomposition of Balanced MatriceUniversita degli Studi di Padova

29 Conforti M., Cornuejols G

Decomposition of Balanced Matrices. Part VI: Even WheelsUniversita degli Studi di Padova 1991

30 Conforti M., Cornuejols G., Rao M.R.

Decomposition of Balanced MatriceRecognition Algorithm

Universita degli Studi di Padova

31 Conforti M., Cornuejols G

Neural NetsMathematics Dept., The Univ. of Chicago 1988

32 Cowan Jack D., Sharp David H.

A Smooth Penalty Function AlgorithProblems

University of Toronto - Fac. of Mana

33 Dembo Ron S., Pinar Mus

An Approach to Solve Workshop Real Time Scheduling Problems

Pab. d’Automatique et d’Analyse des Systèmesdu C.N.R.S.


34 Erschler Jacques, Roubellat François

Emerging Principles Governing the

Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics,University of Iowa

35 Getting Peter A.

Page 13: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Avoiding Obstructions in Graph OrientationsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1991

36 Gavril F., Laredo V. Toledano, de Werra D.

Chordless Paths, Odd Holes and KeM-Obstructions

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

38 Gavril F., Laredo V. Toled

Chrodless Paths, Odd Holes and Kernels in Graphs withoutM-Obstructions

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1991

39 Gavril F., Laredo V. Toledano, de Werra D.

A Complete and Irredundant Linear Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Po

Lab. d’Informatique de Brest, UniveBretagne Occidentale

40 Euler R., Le Verge H.

1/2 - Approximation Algorithms for the k-Partition ProblemUniversity of Texat at Austin

41 Feo Thomas, Goldschmidt Olivier, Khellaf Mallek

Mathematische Aspekte Linearer OeMathematisches Institut, Universität

42 Grötschel M.

Quelques propriétés des graphes sans m-obstructionsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1991

43 Laredo Valerio Toledano

Schnittebenenverfahren in der Kom

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für WisseRechnen, Universität Heidelberg

44 Jünger M., Reinelt G.

Provably Good Solutions for the Traveling Salesman Problem

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für WissenschaftlichesRechnen, Universität Heidelberg


45 Jünger M., Reinelt G., Thienel S.

Location of Facilities on a Network w

Centre de Recherche sur les TranspUniversité de Montréal

46 Eiselt Horst A., Gendreau

OR-Library; Distributing Test Problems by Electronic MailThe Management School, Imperial College 1990

47 Beasley J.E.

Some New Classes of Facets for theUniversité Catholique de Louvain

48 De Souza C.C., Laurent M

Parallel Decomposition of Multicommodity Network Flows usingSmooth Penalty Functions

Dept. of Systems Engineering, Univ. ofPennsylvania


49 Pinar Mustafa C., Zenios Stavros A.

Computing Euclidean Maximum SpaBell Communications Research

50 Monma Clyde, Paterson MFrances

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Algorithmic Geometry of Numbers

Dept. of Computer Science, Carnegie-MellonUniv.


51 Kannan Ravi

Some Embedding and Topological PMinimum Spanning Trees

Bell Communications Research

52 Monma Clyde, Suri Subha

A Convergent Criss-Cross MethodEötvös Lorand University 1984

53 Terlaky T.

Partitioning Points and Graphs to MSum of Diameters

Bell Communications Research

54 Monma Clyde, Suri Subha

Covering the Vertex Set of a Graph with Subgraphs of SmallerDegree

Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Texas at Austin 1976

55 Lawrence Jim

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms

56 Kennedy Mary B., Marder

Column-Generation in Linear Programming with BoundingVariable Constraints and its Application in Integer Programming

COPPE a. Instituto de Matematica, Federal Univ.of Rio de Janeiro


57 Maculan Nelson, Michelon Philippe, Plateau Gérard

A Spanning Tree Heuristic for RegioUniversita’ degli Studi di Roma 1

58 Maravalle M, Simeone B.

Voronoi Foams

59 Moukarzel C.

Classical and Contemporary MethodPart I: Network Flows

Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed InfoCNR

60 Nicoloso S., Simeone B.

Lagrangean Decomposition in Integer Linear Programming: ANew Scheme

Universidad de Concepcion 1990

61 Reinoso Hernaldo, Maculan Nelson

Un modèle multicritère de réapprovide stockage

Université de Paris-Dauphiné

62 Roy Bernard, Letellier Fré

Finding Steiner Forests in Planar GraphsTohoku University 1988

63 Suzuki Hitoshi, Akama Takehiro, Nishizeki Takao

An Algebraic Geometry Algorithm foSetups and Correlated Demands

Carnegie-Mellon Univ. 1992

64 Tayur Sridhar R., Thomas

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Identification of Connectivity in Neural NetworksSystems Research Center, Univ. of Maryland 1990

65 Yang Xiaowei, Shamma Shihab A.

On the Fine-Grain Decomposition oTransportation Problems

Univ. of Pennsylvania 1991

66 Zenios Stavros A.

Bounding the Number of k-Faces in Arrangements ofHyperplanes

The University of Tsukuba 1990

67 Fukuda Komei, Saito Shigemasa, Tamura Akihisa,Tokuyama Takeshi

Reverse Search for EnumerationThe University of Tsukuba 1992

68 Avis David, Fukuda Kome

The Cut Cone III: On the Role of Triangle FacetsCNRS, Université Paris VII 1990

69 Deza Michel, Laurent Monique, Poljak Svatopluk

Formulation of Linear Problems andMachine

Dept. of Operations Research, Stan

70 Eaves B. Curtis, RothblumCenter for Operations Res

The Symmetries of the Cut Polytope and of Some RelativesCNRS, Université Paris VII 1985

71 Deza M., Grishukhin V.P., Laurent M.

Asymmetric Risk Measures and TraOptimization Under Uncertainty

IBM Thomas J. Watson Research C

206 King Alan J.

Value-Focused Thinking1990

207 Keeney Ralph L.

Zeit als Strategischer WettbewerbsfNeuprodukteinführungen - Eine ComSi l ti l

208 Binninger Franz-Michael

Solution of Large-Scale Symmetric Travelling SalesmanProblems

Institut für Mathematik, Universität Augsburg 1988

210 Grötschel M., Holland O.

Untersuchung über Genetisch MotivEuklidische Rundreiseproblem

Technische Univ., Graz, Univ. Graz

211 Fruhwirth Bernd

Paths, Chains, and AntipathsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1988

212 D. de Werra, Pasche C.

Tabu Search Techniques: a tutorial networks (revised version)

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

213 D. de Werra, A. Hertz

Page 16: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Tabu Search Techniques: a tutorial and an application to neuralnetworks (revised edition)

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1989

214 D. de Werra, A. Hertz

Node-Packing Problems with IntegeDept. of Mathematics, Illinois State

215 Tipnis S.K., Trotter L.E., J

An Annotated Bibliography on Parallel OptimizationUniversity of Pennsylvania 1987

217 Zenios Stavros A.

Stability-Capacity Diagram of a NeuCouplings

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

218 Amaldi E., Nicolis S.

Adaptive Prediction for ARMA Processes with Markov SwitchingParameters

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1986

219 Qi Xiao-Jiang

Adaptive Prediction for Stochastic PParameters

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

220 Qi Xiao-Jiang

Approche quantitative du confortEPFL - Groupe de recherche en énergie solaire

221 Faist A.

On the Existence of Bases of Class of a Matrix Function

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

222 Evard Jean-Claude

On Similarities of Class Cp and Applications to Matrix DifferentialEquations

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1989

223 Evard Jean-Claude, Gracia Juan-Miguel

Hide-and-Seek: a Simulated AnnealOptimization

The Univ. of Michigan, College of E

224 Bélisle Claude J.P., Rome

Hit-and-Run Algorithms for Generating Multivariate DistributionsThe Univ. of Michigan, College of Engineering 1990

225 Bélisle Claude J.P., Romeijn H. Edwin, Smith Robert L.

Zur Festlegung von SicherheitsbestLagerhaltungssystemen mit Divergie

Univ. Bielefeld, Fakultät fürWirtschaftswissenschaften


226 Inderfurth Karl

Combined Optimization of Safety Stocks and Processing LeadTimes in Multi-Stage Production Systems

Univ. Bielefeld, Fakultät fürWirtschaftswissenschaften


227 Inderfurth Karl

Safety Stock Optimization in Multi-S

Univ. Bielefeld, Fakultät fürWirtschaftswissenschaften


228 Inderfurth Karl

Page 17: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Molecular Dynamical Simulation of the Canonical Ensemble

Centre de Physique Théorique de l’EcolePolytechnique de Palaiseau


229 Bonomi Ernesto

The Asymptotic Behaviour of QuadrProblems: A Statistical Mechanics A

Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau

230 Bonomi Ernesto, Lutton Je

The N-City Travelling Salesman Problem: Statistical Mechanicsand the Metropolis Algorithm

Ecole Polytechnique, Centre de PhysiqueThéorique, Palaiseau


231 Bonomi Ernesto, Lutton Jean-Luc

Problems in Statistical Mechanics

232 Bonomi Ernesto

Order Out of Chaos in Computers

233 Bonomi Ernesto

Generation of Structured Adaptive GDynamics

EPFL - Groupe d’applications scientordinateur vectoriel

234 Bonomi Ernesto

The Polytope of Degree SequencesUniversity of Illinois at Chicago 1989

235 Peled Uri N., Srinivasan Murali K.

An Optimal Parallel Implementation Algorithm

Thinking Machines Corporation

236 McKenna Mike, Zenios St

A Massively Parallel Algorithm for Nonlinear Stochastic NetworkProblems

University of Pennsylvania 1990

237 Nielsen Soren S., Zenios Stavros A.

Equistable GraphsDept. of Mathematics, Northeastern

238 Mahadev N.V.R., Peled U

Boolean Sublattices Connected with Minimization Problems onMatroids

Fac. of Engineering, University of Tokyo 1981

239 Nakamura Masataka

A Characterization of Greedy Sets: College of Arts & Sciences, Univers

240 Nakamura Masataka

Generalized Edge PackingsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1988

241 de Werra D.

Graph-Theoretical Models for PreemChapter 1

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

242 de Werra D.

Page 18: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Structural Theorems for Submodular Functions, Polymatroids andPolymatroid Intersections

College of Arts & Sciences, University of Tokyo 1988

243 Nakamura Masataka

A Characterization of Those PolytopAlgorithm Works: Universal Polymat

College of Arts & Sciences, Univers

244 Nakamura Masataka

Threshold Graphs and Related TopicsDept. of Mathematics, Northeastern University

246 Mahadev N.V.R.

A Thermodynamical Approach to theProblem: an Efficient Simulation Alg

Institute of Physics and Biophysics, University

247 Cerny V.

Rapport annuel 1989-1990

Dépt. d’Informatique et de RechercheOpérationnelle, Faculté des Arts et des Sciences,



List of Technical ReportsPurdue University

250 Morin Thomas L., Beaver

Two General Paths1992

251 Steele

Characterization of ATM Traffic in th

EPFL - Dépt. d’Electricité - LaboratoTélécommunications

252 Luoni Mario

Utilisation de transputer dans le domaine de la rechercheopérationnelle

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques - IXe Courspostgrade en informatique technique


253 Mohr T., Taillard E.

Describing Uncertainty in DynamicaRestrictions

University of Fribourg, Institute for Aand OR

254 Kohlas J.

Mathematical Models for a Novel Class of Routing-LocationProblem

Imperial College 1992

255 Nascimento E.M., Beasley J.E.

Curriculum VitaeCornell University

256 Mitchell Joseph S.B.

The Discrete Geodesic ProblemDept. of Operations Research, Stanford Univ. 1987

257 Mitchell Joseph S.B., Mount David M., PapadimitriouChristos H.

L1 Shortest Paths among Polygonal Cornell University 1990

258 Mitchell Joseph S.B.

Page 19: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On Maximum Flows in Polyhedral DomainsCornell University 1989

259 Mitchell Joseph S.B.

The Weighted Region Problem FindWeighted Planar Subdivision

Cornell University 1990

260 Mitchell Joseph S.B., Pap

Minimum-Link Paths Among Obstacles in the PlaneCornell University 1990

261 Mitchell Joseph S.B., Rote Günter, Woeginger Gerhard

Matching Points into Noise RegionsAlgorithms

Cornell University 1990

262 Arkin Esther M., Kedem KSprinzak Josef

Arrangements of Segments that Share Endpoints: Single FaceResults

Cornell University 1991

263 Arkin Esther M., Halperin Dan, Kedem Klara, MitchellJoseph S.B.

An Optimal Algorithm for ComputingCornell University 1991

264 Heffernan Paul J., Mitche

Curriculum VitaeTechnion 1991

265 Rubinstein Reuven Yacov

The Maximum Numbers of Faces ofWestern Washington State College

266 McMullen P.

Rapport annuel 1990-1991

Dépt. d’Informatique et de RechercheOpérationnelle, Faculté des Arts et des Sciences,



X. Symposium über Operations ResUniversität München 1985


X. Symposium über Operations Research - ProgramUniversität München 1985


Influence des zéros d’une fonction dcomportement dynamique d’un systé l l i l

EPFL - Dépt. de Mécanique 199

270 El-Khoury Mario

Du modèle du coeur naturel au réglage du coeur artificielEPFL - Dépt. d’Electricité 1990

271 Pillon Massimo

Routing Problems by Connectionist EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

272 El Ghaziri H.

Page 20: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

An Efficient Neural Network Algorithm for the Multiple TravelingSalesman Problem

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

273 El Ghaziri H.

Solving Routing Problems by a Self-EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

274 El Ghaziri H.

Chap.1: Sur la modélisation comparti. et l’identi.paramétrique.Chapitre 2 : Aspects digraphiques des systèmes dynamiques etd tè à ti t

275 Mohammedi A.

Séminaire CIMEPFL - Université de Genève 19


The Order-Theoretic Approach to Scheduling: the DeterministicCase.P t I Ch t 2

Technische Universität Berlin 1989

278 Möhring R.H., Radermacher F.J.

Algorithmic Problems on Partially Oto Scheduling Geometric Arrangeme

Technische Universität Berlin

279 Möhring R.H.

Computationally Tractable Classes of Ordered SetsTechnische Universität Berlin 1987

280 Möhring R.H.

Linear Time Algorithms for NP-HardEmbedded in k-Trees

The Royan Institute of Technology S

281 Arnborg Stefan, Proskuro

Die Bewertung von Softwareprodukten alsentscheidungstheoretisches Problem

Inst. für Operations Research der Univ. Zürich 1985

282 Kall Peter

Flot à coût convexe linéaire par morEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

283 Pasche Claude

Etude des trajectoires de systèmes différentiels liés à certainesparasitoses

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1985

284 Khanmy Christian

Artificial Intelligence: Impact on PureHasler AG, Research Laboratories

285 Humpert B.

Theorem Proving with First-Order Predicate Logic : IHasler AG, Research Laboratories 1985

286 Humpert B.

Artificial Intelligence Applications onLos Alamos National Laboratory

287 Douglass Robert J.

Page 21: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Applications Development on the CDC Cyber 205

Control Data Corporation at the Inst. forComputational Studies at CSU

288 Barkai D., Moriarty K.J.M.

A Knowledge Based Investment MaNew York, 20 Broad Street

289 Williams Thomas Lee

Testing the Theory of Evolution: A N ovel Application ofCombinatorial Optimization

The University of Florida

290 Foulds L.R.

Investment policies and reinsurance

Inst. für Empirische WirtschaftsforscZürich

291 Müller Heinz H.

Koordination von Anlagepolitik und Rückversicherung beiPensionskassen

292 Müller Heinz H., Capitelli René, Hauser Mark

Future Paths for Integer ProgrammiIntelligence

University of Colorado, Center for AArtificial Intelligence

293 Glover Fred

On Finite Locally Projective Planar SpacesMathematisches Institut - Universität zu Köln 1985

294 Kern Walter

Euclidean Intersection PropertiesMathematisches Institut - Universitä

295 Bachem Achim, Wanka A

Parametric Approach to a Class of Nonconvex GlobalOptimization Problems

Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi 1987

296 Thach Phan Thien, Tuy Hoang

Global Minimization of a Difference Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi 1

297 Tuy Hoang

Concave Minimization under Linear Constraints with SpecialStructure

Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi 1985

298 Tuy Hoang

A Conical Algorithm for Globally Minover a Closed Convex Set

Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi 1

299 Tuy H., Thieu T.V., Thai N

An Efficient Algorithm for Solving a Special Class of LP’SMathematisches Institut - Universität zu Köln 1985

300 Kern Walter

A Probabilistic Analysis of Some GrAlgorithms

Inst. für Mathematik der TechnischeMünchen

301 Tinhofer G.

Page 22: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

The Bounded Subset Sum Problem is Almost EverywhereRandomly Decidable in 0(n)

Inst. für Mathematik der Technischen UniversitätMünchen

302 Tinhofer G., Schreck H.

Naive Greedy Matching - A Probabi

Inst. für Mathematik der TechnischeMünchen

303 Tinhofer G.

Simulation of Grain Growth in 2-Dimensions: Influence of theEnergy Expression for the Grain Boundary Network

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

305 Telley H., Liebling Th.M., Mocellin A.

Valid Linear Inequalities for Fixed C

Center for Operations Research & EUniversité Catholique de Louvain

306 Padberg M.W., Van Roy T

Best Algorithms for Approximating the Maximum of a SubmodularSet Function

Center for Operations Research & Econometrics -Université Catholique de Louvain


307 Nemhauser G.L., Wolsey L.A.

A Case of Non-Convergent Pivoting

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsUniversität Bonn

308 Araoz J., Edmonds J.

On P4 - Free GraphsE.A.U.G. Université de Genève 1984

309 Ebenegger Christian

Equilibria of Polymatrix GamesBoston College 1972

310 Howson Joseph T. Jr.

Path Problems and Extremal Problems for Convex PolytopesUniversity of California 1979

311 Barnette David

Weighted König-Egervary Graphs aOptimization

University of Waterloo

312 Bourjolly J.M., Hammer P

On Quasidifferentiable Functionals1980

313 Dem’Janov V.F., Rubinov A.M.

Analyse morphologique du réseau dacier

Ecole des Mines de Paris 1980

314 Bensaid Pierre

Fritz ZwickyUniversität Bern 1984

315 Aebi Franz

Minimizing a Convex Function over Set

Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi

316 Tuy Hoang, Van Thuong N

Page 23: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Survey of Partial Proofs for Read’s Conjecture and SomeRecent Results

Technische Universität München 1985

317 Gernert Dieter

Recent Results on Chromatic PolynTechnische Universität München

318 Gernert Dieter

Quelques résultats sur les codes BCHEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1986

319 Weber Mats

Optimale Portefeuilles für institutionUniversität Zürich 1983

320 Müller Heinz H., Capitelli

Toward Feasible Solutions of NP-Complete ProblemsETHZ - Institut für Informatik 1975

321 Lieberherr Karl

On the Facial Structure of Polytopes3-Dimensional Assignment Problem

Mathematisches Institut der TechnisUniversität Graz

322 Burkard Rainer E., Euler R

P = NPUniversity of Guelph 1986

323 Swart E.R.

On the Greedy Solution in Integer LBudapest 1986

324 Vizvari Béla

On the Rate of Convergence of Some Stochastic ProcessesMathematisches Institut - Universität zu Köln 1986

325 Kern Walter

A Probabilistic Analysis of the SwitcEuclidean TSP

Mathematisches Institut - Universitä

326 Kern Walter

On the Depth of Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsMathematisches Institut - Universität zu Köln 1986

327 Kern Walter

On a Problem about Covering LinesMathematisches Institut - Universitä

328 Kern Walter, Wanka Alfre

Sequential Convexification in Reverse Convex and DisjunctiveProgramming

Carnegie-Mellon University 1986

329 Balas Egon, Tama Joseph M., Tind Jorgen

More on the Evolution of CooperatioGeorgia Institute of Technology

330 Bartholdi John J., Butler C

Page 24: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

L’unité de temps et son inverse en assurance sur la vieH.E.C., Université de Lausanne 1986

331 Hort Michel

L’emprunt à taux d’intérêt nominal nH.E.C., Université de Lausanne

332 Chuard Philippe

A Multiobjective Discrete Optimization Model for Land AllocationDept. of Management, Univ. of Tennessee 1982

333 Gilbert Kenneth C., Holmes David D., RosenthalRichard E.

Automatic Stereophotogrammetry: IComparison of Classical CorrelationP i B d T h i

EPFL 1986

334 Benard M., Boutaleb A.K.

Nonlinear Network Optimization on a Massively ParallelConnection Machine

University of Pennsylvania 1987

335 Zenios Stavros A., Lasken Robert A.

On the Average Number of MaximaApplications

Carnegie-Mellon University 1978

336 Bentley J.L., Kung H.T., S

An Efficient Unified Post-Processing Approach Based on aProbabilistic Concept

EPFL 1985

337 Jirousek J., Bouberguig A., Frey F.

A Cutting Plane Algorithm for a ClusInst. für Mathematik - Universität Au

338 Grötschel M., Wakabayas

Facets of the Clique Partitioning PolytopeInst. für Mathematik - Universität Augsburg 1987

339 Grötschel M., Wakabayashi Y.

Via Minimisation with Pin PreassignInst. für Mathematik - Universität Au

340 Grötschel M., Jünger M.,

The Asymmetric Assignment Problem and Some New Facets ofthe Traveling Salesman Polytope

Carnegie Mellon University 1987

341 Balas Egon

A Polynomial Newton Method for LinCORE, Univ. de Louvain 1986

342 de Ghellinck Guy, Vial Jea

Minkowski’s Convex Body Theorem and Integer ProgrammingCarnegie Mellon University

343 Kannan Ravi

Comparison of a Special-Purpose AGeneral-Purpose Algorithms for SolP bl

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tr

344 Ecker J.G., Kupferschmid

Page 25: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Recent Trends in Combinatorial OptimizationMathematisches Inst. - Universität zu Köln 1984

345 Bachem A., Euler R.

Solution of Nonlinear Programming Function and Gradient Values

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tr

346 Kupferschmid Michael, Ec

On a Composition of Independence Systems byCircuit-Identification (revised edition)

Lab. ARTEMIS, Université de Grenoble 1986

347 Euler R., Mahjoub A.R.

Triangulations (Tilings) and Certain Stanfort University 1984

348 Dantzig G.B., Hoffman A.J

Binding Constraints and Helly NumbersIBM T.J. Watson Research Center 1978

349 Hoffman A.J.

Modeling Uncertainty with Belief FunInst. pour l’Automation et la R.O., U

351 Kohlas Jürg

Saddlepoints in Group and Semigroup Minimization

Technische Universität Graz - Inst. fürMathematik


352 Cuninghame-Green R.A., Burkard R.E.

Testing the Necklace Condition for SFactors in the Plane

Technische Universität Graz - Inst. fMathematik

353 Edelsbrunner Herbert, Ro

Simulated Annealing Applied to a Single Machine SchedulingProblem with Sequence Dependent Set up Times and Due Dates

Technische Universität Graz - Inst. fürMathematik


354 Perusch Manfred

Prime Covers and Periodic Patterns

Technische Universität Graz - Inst. fMathematik

355 Kellerer H., Wirsching G.

Approximation of Convex Functions and Applications inMathematical Programming

Technische Universität Graz - Inst. fürMathematik


356 Burkard Rainer E., Hamacher Horst W., Rothe Günter

1. On the Dimension of Polytopes oTransportation Problems2 Pl Th I d T t ti

1. Technische Universität Graz - InsMathematik - 2. Byelorussian Polyte

357 1. Burkard R. E. & Korsnik

Computing the Geodesic Center of a Simple Polygon

Technische Universität Graz - Inst. fürMathematik


358 Pollack R., Sharir M., Rote G.

Modeling Polymatroidal Functions bDuke University 1987

359 Bein Wolfgang, Brucker P

Page 26: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Fast Fourier Methods in Computational Complex AnalysisETH-Zürich 1978

360 Henrich Peter

A New Finite Element Model with SpSolutions and Local Effects Calcula

EPFL - Dépt de Génie Civil 1986

361 Jirousek J.

Multi-Constrained Matroidal Knapsack Problems

Centro Studi per le Telecomunicazioni Spaziali ofCNR, Politecnico di Milano

362 Camerini P.M., Maffioli F., Vercellis C.

Two Families of Bad LP-Problems

Inst. of Computer Science - UniversCopenhagen

363 Clausen Jens

Moral Hazard: A Simulation Study in the Insurance Context

Inst. for Empirical Research in Economics -University of Zurich


364 Müller Heinz H., Brammertz Ruth

Solving Mixed Integer Programs by Université Catholique de Louvain

365 Van Roy T.J., Wolsey L.A

Heuristics Based on Spacefilling Curves for CombinatorialProblems in the Plane

Georgia Institute of Technology 1985

366 Bartholdi John J., Platzman Loren K.

Optimization and Optimality Test forUniversität zu Köln 1986

367 Hohmann Christoph, Kern

Matroids Without AdjointMathematisches Inst. - Universität zu Köln 1986

368 Bachem Achim, Wanka Alfred

On k-Tuple-Colorings of GraphsMathematisches Inst. - Universität z

369 Rieder Jörg

Representing Inverses in Pure Network Flow Optimization

Operations Research Dept., Naval PostgraduateSchool


370 Rosenthal Richard E.

A Multi-Model Adaptive Predictor forMarkov Switching Parameters

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

371 Xiao-Jiang Qi

Node Coverings with Odd ChainsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

372 de Werra D.

Distribution Sensitivity Analysis for SComplete Recourse

University of Nanjing 1984

373 Wang Jinde

Page 27: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Some Basic Exchange Properties in Combinatorial Optimizationand their Application to Constructing the k-Best Solutions

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research -Universität Bonn


374 Derigs Ulrich

Optimal Schedules for Periodically RInst. für Mathematik, Universität Gra

375 Burkard Rainer E.

Minimizing the Density of Terminal Assignments in Layout DesignInst. für Mathematik, Universität Graz 1985

376 Rothe Günter, Rendl Franz

Assignment Problems: Recent SoluInst. für Mathematik, Universität Gra

377 Burkard Rainer E.

Time-Slot Assignment for TDMA-SystemsInst. für Mathematik, Universität Graz 1985

378 Burkard R.E.

A Vectorizable Variant of a Block InMethod

Dept. of Mathematics, Catholic UnivToernooiveld, Nijmegen

379 Axelsson O.

Strong Tree-Cographs are Birkhoff GraphsInst. für Mathematik, Technische Univ. München 1986

381 Tinhofer Gottfried

L’analyse du résultat d’une caisse dH.E.C., Université de Lausanne

383 Chuard Philippe

Modeling Uncertainty for Plausible Reasoning with BeliefFunctions

Inst. pour l’automation et la R.O., Univ. Fribourg 1986

384 Kohlas J.

Respiratory System Impedance in PVentricular Failure: Pathophysiology

CHUV - EPFL 1985

385 Depeursinge Florence B.,D., Boutalek Abdel K.

Probabilistic Asymptotic Properties of some CombinatorialOptimization Problems

Inst. für Mathematik, Technische Univ. Graz 1983

386 Burkard Rainer E., Fincke Ulrich

Sequencing Punch Operations in a Space-Filling Curve Approach

GERAD, HEC, McGill University Mo

387 Chauny F., Haurie A., Lou

A Two-Phase Heuristic for Strip Packing: Algorithm andProbabilistic Analysis

GERAD, HEC, McGill University Montréal 1985

388 Chauny F., Loulou R., Sadones S., Soumis F.

Grenzen des Möglichen für den Com1965

389 Kohlas J.

Page 28: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Some Experiments with Simulated Annealing for Coloring GraphsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1986

390 Chams M., Hertz A., de Werra D.

La coopération technologique en Eula présence et l’action de la Suisse

Office Fédéral des Affaires EconomExtérieures

391 Sommaruga Cornelio

Optimisation convexe dans les réseauxEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1986

392 Pasche C.

A Course in Linear Algebra for EngiEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

393 Nüesch Peter

A Note on the Maximization of Pseudo-Boolean FunctionsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1985

394 Simeone B., de Werra D., Cochand M.

An Abstract Linear Duality ModelCornell University 1984

395 Carvalho P.C.P., Trotter L

On Randomized Stopping Points and Perfect GraphsCornell University 1986

396 Dalang Robert C., Trotter L.E., Jr., de Werra D.

On the Cycle Polytope of a Binary MMathematisches Inst., Universität A

397 Barahona F., Grötschel M

Estimation par intervalle du taux de rendement d’une obligationH.E.C., Université de Lausanne 1985

398 Maeder Philippe

Lattices, Basis Reduction and the S1984

399 Kannan R.

Optimal Driving for Fuel EconomyCarnegie-Mellon University 1986

400 Hooker J.N.

Integration durch SynonymerkennunHochschule St.Gallen 1986

401 Oesterle H., Brenner W.

SEBIS - Prototyp einer integrierten EntwicklungsumgebungHochschule St.Gallen 1986

402 Oesterle Hubert

Adjoints of Oriented MatroidsMathematisches Inst., Universität zu

403 Bachem A., Kern W.

Page 29: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Sharing ProblemsMathematisches Inst., Universität zu Köln 1984

404 Zimmermann U.

Extension Equivalence of Oriented MMathematisches Inst., Universität zu

405 Bachem Achim, Kern Wal

Lattices and the Basis Reduction AlgorithmMathematisches Inst., Universität zu Köln 1984

406 Bachem A., Kannan R.

Nonlinear One-Parametric BottlenecMathematisches Inst., Universität zu

407 Schubert I.S., Zimmerman

On Sticky MatroidsMathematisches Inst., Universität zu Köln 1985

408 Bachem Achim, Kern Walter

Separation Theorems for Oriented MMathematisches Inst., Universität zu

409 Bachem Achim, Wanka A

Coordinatization of Oriented MatroidsMathematisches Inst., Universität zu Köln 1985

410 Bokowski Jürgen, Sturmfels Bernd

Agrégation à la majorité: HommageCentre Scientifique IBM, Paris 1

411 Michaud Pierre

Mathematische Optimierung bei mehrfacher ZielsetzungETH Zürich 1975

412 Rössler M.

Finding Efficient Points for Linear MRensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tr

413 Ecker J.G., Kouada I.A.

Characterization and Recognition of Partial k-TreesThe Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

414 Arnborg Stefan, Proskurowski Andrzej

The Struction of a Graph: ApplicatioUniversity of Waterloo 1984

415 Hammer P.L., Mahadev N

Reductions to 1-Matching Polyhedra

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität,Bonn

416 Araoz Julian, Cunningham William H., Edmonds Jack,Green-Krotki Jan

Jahresbericht 1986

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ


Page 30: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Note on Superbrittle GraphsLabo ARTEMIS, IMAG, Univ. de Grenoble 1985

418 Preissmann M., de Werra D., Mahadev N.V.R.

Duality Theory for Finite and InfiniteBielefeld

419 Dress Andreas W.M.

Composition of Graphs and the Bipartite Subgraph PolytopeLab. ARTEMIS, IMAG, Université de Grenoble 1984

420 Fonlupt Jean, Mahjoub Ali Ridha, Uhry Jean-Pierre

Polyedrische Kombinatorik und SchMathematisches Institut, Universität

421 Grötschel Martin

Scheduling by Non-Computative AlgebraDept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birmingham 1984

422 Cuninghame-Green R.A., Borawitz W.F.

Using Fields for Semiring ComputatDept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birm

423 Cuninghame-Green R.A.

The Characteristic Maxpolynomial of a MatrixDept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birmingham 1983

424 Cuninghame-Green R.A.

Convergence Problems in Minimax Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birm

425 Cuninghame-Green R.A.,

Integer Programming by Long DivisionDept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birmingham 1980

426 Cuninghame-Green R.A.

An Algebra for Piecewise-Linear MinDept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birm

427 Cuninghame-Green R.A.,

Minimax Approximation of Continuous FunctionsDept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birmingham 1982

428 Cuninghame-Green R.A.

Minimax AlgebraDept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Birm

429 Cuninghame-Green R.A.

Practical Computational Methods in Geometrical/GeographicalOptimization Problems

Fac. of Engineering, University of Tokyo 1985

430 Iri Masao

Resource Allocation and Job SchedUniversity of Cambridge, Computer

431 Hazel Philip

Page 31: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Markovian Stochastic Simulation of Passive and Hybrid SolarDevices

EPFL - Groupe de Recherche en Energie Solaire

432 Scartezzini J.-L., Faist A.

Einführung in die GraphentheorieMathematisches Institut, Universität

433 Grötschel M.

Einführung in die Graphentheorie - Teil IIMathematisches Institut, Universität Augsburg 1983/198

434 Grötschel M.

Polyhedral Aspects of the TravelingMathematisches Institut, Universität

435 Grötschel Martin, Padberg

Polyhedral Aspects of the Traveling Salesman Problem I I :Computation

Mathematisches Institut, Universität Augsburg 1983

436 Grötschel Martin, Padberg Manfred

Facets of the Bipartite Subgraph PoMathematisches Institut, Universität

437 Barahona Francisco, GrötRidha

Vth Bonn Workshop on Combinatorial OptimizationUniversität Bonn 1984

439 Korte B., Lovasz L.

Verzeichnis der Arbeitspapiere List

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Unive


1108Operations Research Programs Directory

Academic Computing Center, The University ofWisconsin



A Geometric Proof of Bieberbach’s Groups

EPFL - Dépt de Mathématiques

443 Buser Peter

Progressive Taxation and the Equal Sacrifice PrincipleSchool of Public Affairs, University of Maryland 1986

444 Young H.P.

On Some Probabilistic Properties of

Systems Research Institute of the PAcademy of Sciences

445 Szkatula Krzysztof

Chaînes de MarkovEPFL - Inst. de photogrammétrie 1986

446 Boutaleb A.-K.

Digital Image CorrelationEPFL - Inst. de photogrammétrie

447 Boutaleb A.-K.

Page 32: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

ColloqueProjet d’architecture et informatique

EPFL - Dépt. d’architecture 1985


On Certain Discrete Duality ModelsCollege of Engineering, Cornell Univ

449 Carvalho Paulo Cezar Pin

Homotopy Properties of Greedoids

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


451 Björner Anders, KJorte Bernhard, Lovasz Laszlo

A Greedy Algorithm for Solving a ClProblems and its Connection with P

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

452 Morton G., von Randow R

Solving Matching Problems with Linear Programming

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


453 Grötschel M., Holland O.

Solving Large Scale Matching ProblPrimal Matching Approach

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

454 Derigs Ulrich

An Almost Linear-Time Algorithm for Graph Realization

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


455 Bixby Robert E., Wagner Donald K.

Sorting and Recognition Problems f

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

456 Faigle U., Turan Gy.

On Box totally Dual Integral Polyhedra

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


457 Cook William

The Complexity of Defining a Relatio

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

458 Babai L., Turan Gy.

On Some Combinatorial Properties of Algebraic Matroids

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


459 Lovasz L.

Some Algorithmic Problems on Latti

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

460 Lovasz L.

Kombinatorische Optimierung und algorithmische Prinzipien

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


461 Korte Bernhard

A Strongly Polynomial Minimum Cos

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

462 Tardos Eva

Page 33: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


463 Frank Andras

Dualität und Polarität in diskreten St

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

464 Bachem Achim

On the Distribution of Distances in Finite Sets in the Plane

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


465 Vesztergombi K.

A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm to Programs

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

466 Tardos Eva

Matrices with the Edmonds-Johnson Property

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


467 Gerards A.M.H., Schrijver A.

Bounds on the Number of Small Dis

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Unive

468 Vesztergombi K.

Sensitivity Results in Integer Linear Programming

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilehlm-Universität


469 Cook W., Gerards A.M.H., Schrijver A., Tardos E.

Greedoids - A Structural Framework

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

470 Korte B., Lovasz L.

Shelling Structures, Convexity and a Happy End

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität


471 Korte B., Lovasz L.

Greedoids and Linear Objective Fun

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

472 Korte B., Lovasz L.

A Characterization of Tree Like Metric Spaces or How toConstruct an Evolutionary tree ?

Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Bielefeld 1984

473 Dress

Ueber die Rekonstruktion der Eigenmittels phylogenetischer Bäume

Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität

474 Dress

Jahresbericht 1984

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. Operations Research,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität



Homomorphisms and Ramsey Prop

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

476 Korte Bernhard, Lovasz L

Page 34: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Split Graphs of Dilworth Number 2IMAG, Université 1, Grenoble 1984

477 Benzaken C., Hammer P.L., de Werra D.

Balanced Optimization ProblemsUniversity of Bologna 1984

478 Martello S., Pulleyblank W

Testing Membership in Matroid PolyhedraCarleton University, Ottawa 1983

479 Cunningham William H.

Interval Orders Without Odd CrownsInst. für Operations Research, Univ.

480 Faigle Ulrich, Schrader Ra

Discrete Linear DualityCollege of Engineering, Cornell University 1985

481 Carvalho P.C.P., Trotter L.E., Jr.

On the Graph Structure of Convex PDept. of Mathemaytics, Princeton U

483 Balinski M.L.

Duality for Balanced Submodular FlowsFachbereich Mathematik, Univ. Kaiserslautern

484 Zimmermann Uwe

An Application of the Simultaneous Combinatorial Optimization

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsUniversität Bonn

486 Frank Andras, Tardos Eva

Packing and Covering a Tree by SubtreesCORE - Université Catholique de Louvain

487 Barany I., Edmonds J., Wolsey L.A.

Cost-Minimal Trees in Directed AcycUniversität des Saarlandes, Saarbrü

488 Nastansky L., Selkow S.M

Hermite Normal Form Computation Using Modulo DeterminantArithmetic

CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain 1985

489 Domich P.D., Kannan R., Trotter L.E., Jr.

Stability in CAN-Free GraphsUn iversity of Waterloo 1983

490 Hammer P.L., Mahadev N

A Note on Strong Perfectness of GraphsEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1984

491 Preissmann M., de Werra D.

The Graphical Traveling Salesman PInteger Polyhedra

IMAG, Grenoble 1983

492 Cornuejols G., Fonlupt J.,

Page 35: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Operations that Preserve Total Dual IntegralityUniversity of Waterloo 1982

493 Cook William

Balanced Matrices and Min-Max ThUniversity of Waterloo 1982

494 Cook William

Matroid Partition and Intersection Algorithms

Dept. of Mathematics a. Statistics, CarletonUniversity


496 Cunningham William H.

Multi-Terminal Network FlowsIBM Research Center 1961

497 Gomory R.E., Hu T.C.

An Algorithm for the Unbounded Matroid Intersection PolyhedronResearch Institute for Telecommunication 1984

499 Frank A., Tardos E.

Covering Directed and Odd CutsResearch Institute for Telecommuni

500 Frank A., Tardos E.

Matroids from Crossing FamiliesResearch Institute for Telecommunication 1981

501 Frank A., Tardos E.

Finding Feasible Vectors of EdmondResearch Institute for Telecommuni

502 Frank A.

Submodular FlowsResearch Institute for Telecommunication 1983

503 Frank Andras

Generalized PolymatroidsResearch Institute for Telecommuni

504 Frank Andras

Kernel Systems of Directed GraphsResearch Institute for Telecommunication 1977

505 Frank Andras

An O(n2) Simplex Algorithm for a ClaTree Structure

Mathematisches Inst., Technische U

506 Schreck H., Tinhofer G.

A Simple and Efficient Algorithm to Compute Tail Probabilitiesfrom Transforms

Georgia Institute of Technology 1985

507 Platzman Loren K., Ammons Jane C., Bartholdi JohnJ., III

Spacefilling Curves and the Planar Georgia Institute of Technology

508 Platzman Loren K., Bartho

Page 36: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Solving Hard Constrained Shortest Path Problems byLagrangean Relaxation and Branch-and-Bound Algorithms

Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

509 Ribeiro Celso, Minoux Michel

A Minimal Technology Routing SystGeorgia Institute of Technology

510 Bartholdi John J., III, PlatzWarden William H., III

L’algorithme du simplexe pour les réseauxEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1985

511 Pasche C.

Integer Minimization of a SeparableVariable Upper Bound Constraints

Université du Québec à Montréal

512 Picard Jean-Claude, Quey

Planung von Ausliefertouren bei mehrfachem Fahrzeugeinsatzund Auswahl der Lieferaufträge

Inst. für Unternehmensforschung, Univ. Hamburg 1985

513 Fleischmann Bernhard

A Good (Dual) Simplex Method for t

C.N.R.S. Lab. d’Econométrie de l’EcPolytechnique

515 Balinski M.L.

Steiner Trees, Connected Domination and Strongly ChordalGraphs

Dept. of Applied Mathematics, The University ofAdelaide


516 White Kevin, Farber Martin, Pulleyblank William

Path-Closed SetsUniversity of Fribourg 1984

517 Gröflin Heinz

A Projected Lagrangian Algorithm and its Implementation forSparse Nonlinear Constraints

University of New South Wales 1981

518 Murtagh B.A., Saunders M.A.

Large-Scale Linearly Constrained OUniversity of New South Wales 1

519 Murtagh B.A., Saunders M

MINOS 5.0 User’s GuideUniversity of New South Wales 1983

520 Murtagh B.A., Saunders M.A.

Manuel du livre électronique sur l’op

Inst. for Automation a. Operations RUniversity of Fribourg

522 Savoy Jacques

Le livre électronique EBOOK3

Inst. for Automation a. Operations Research,University of Fribourg


523 Savoy Jacques

Simulated Annealing for “Spin-glassRuprecht Karls Universität

524 Morgenstern I., Würtz D.

Page 37: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Facets of the Three-Index Assignment PolytopeCarnegie-Mellon University 1986

525 Balas Egon, Saltzman Matthew J.

Knowledge Acquisition for Expert SyAnalysis

University of Wisconsin 1987

526 Thesen Arne, Ostberg Olo

Graph Isomorphism and Theorems of Birkhoff TypeInst. für Mathematik, Technische Universität

527 Tinhofer G.

The Newsletter of the International S1985

528 Miles Roger E.

Linear Programming by Minimizing DistancesUniversität - Gesamthochschule - Siegen 1987

529 Betke U.

Polynomial-Time Algorithms for RegThreshold Synthesis

Mathematics, Statistics, and CompuDept., University of Illinois

530 Peled Uri N., Simeone Bru

A Greedy Algorithm for Maximum Split Clustering on TreesDepartment of Mathematics, Univ. of Aquila 1984

531 Maravalle M., Simeone B.

Unimodular FunctionsC.N.R.S., Université de Parix IX

532 Hansen Pierre, Simeone B

An Asymptotically Exact Polynomial Algorithm for EquipartitionProblems

Dept. of Statistics, University of Rome 1985

533 Simeone Bruno

The Ellipsoid Method and Its ConseOptimization

Universität Bonn, Inst. für OekonomOperations Research

534 Grötschel M., Lovasz L., S

Elements of a Combinatorial Theory of Coherent Systems

University of Fribourg, Inst. for Automation a.OperationResearch


535 Kohlas J.

A Model for the Three-Dimensional Animation of the Human Heart

MIRA, Lab. HEC/IRO, Université de

536 Thalmann D., Ratib O., MRighetti A.

Bounds and an Approximate Solution Method for Multi-StageStochastic Production Problems

University of Warwick 1984

538 Ashford Robert

Character Generation Under Grid CSwiss Federal Institute of Technolog

539 Hersch Roger D.

Page 38: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Real Scan-Conversion of Shape ContoursSwiss Federal Institute of Technology 1987

540 Hersch Roger D.

The Assignable Subgraph Polytope Carnegie-Mellon University 1987

541 Balas Egon

Matroid Steiner Problems, the Tutte Polynomial and NetworkReliability

University of Waterloo 1987

542 Colbourn Charles J., Pulleyblank William R.

Connected and Alternating Vectors:ETH-Zürich 1980

543 Gröflin Heinz, Liebling Tho

Montagetechnologie und Genauigkeit der vertikalenAussenwandfuge

Ingenieurhochschule Wismar 1985

544 Engler Hans

Genauigkeitsforderungen innerhalb der Plattenbauweise

Ingenieurhochschule Wismar 19

545 Engler Hans

Verschiedene Formeln zur Berechnung der instationärenIntervallverfügbarkeit bei reparierbaren Betrachtungseinheitent h i h S t

Ingenieurhochschule Wismar 1984

546 Preuss W., Kossow A., Kirchner H.

Formulas for the Availability of UnitsPolicy

Ingenieurhochschule Wismar 19

547 Preuss Wolfgang

For Solution of Differential Equations with Retarded ArgumentsTechnical University of Budapest, Dept. of Math. 1980

548 Bleyer A., Preuss W.

A Remark to the Characterization ofC*-Algebras

Technical University of Budapest, D

549 Bleyer Andras, Preuss Wo

A Remark on the Complex shift Operator eαs

Technical University of Budapest, Dept. of Math. 1978

550 Bleyer Andras, Preuss Wolfgang

More on Graphs with Polynomially SClique Problem

Carnegie-Mellon University 1986

551 Balas Egon, Yu Chang Su

A Tight Upper Blund for the Expectation of a Convex Function ofa Multivariate Random Variable

University of British Columbia 1984

552 Gassmann H., Ziemba W.T.

An Iterative Algorithm for LP with FinUniversität-Gesamthochschule - Sie

553 Betke U.

Page 39: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Projection Algorithms for Linear ProgrammingUniversität-Gesamthochschule - Siegen 1986

554 Betke U., Gritzmann P.

Three-Stage Rearrangeable ConneThermodynamic Limit: Number of N

C.R.P.E./C.N.R.S., Orléans

555 Bonomi Ernesto, Lutton Je

Blocking Probability for a Multistage Clos Connecting NetworkC.R.P.E./C.N.E.T./C.N.R.S., Orléans

556 Lutton Jean-Luc, Bonomi Ernesto, Feix Marc Roy

Wall Effects in One-Dimensional JelC.R.P.E./C.N.R.S., Orléans 197

557 Bonomi Ernesto, Jamin ER.

Extensions of the Generalized Complementarity ProblemUniversité Catholique de Louvain 1972

558 Saigal Romesh

Generic Properties of the Compleme

School of Business Administration, California

559 Saigal Romesh, Simon Ca

Special Features and Some Advances Finite Element Models ofthe Structural Analysis Program Safe

EPFL - IREM 1984

560 Jirousek J.

Korrespondenzen und WahrscheinliStochastischen Linearen Optimieren

Institut für Statistik u. WirtschaftsmaRWTH Aachen

561 Pelizäus Rainer

Jahresbericht 1985

Institut für Oekonometrie u. OperationsResearch-Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Univ.



Elaboration de systèmes informatisétournées de distribution

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

563 Bovet Jean

Optimisation en classification automatique: sur une familled’indices de proximité en classification ascendante hiérarchique

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1987

564 Tricot M., Donegani M.

Comment faciliter l’accès aux basesbibliothèques universitaires ?

EPFL - Section d’Informatique 1

565 Tissot Roland

On the Core of the Assignment GameEcole Polytechnique - Lab. d’Econométrie 1987

566 Balinski M.L., Gale David

An Axiomatic Approach to ProportioEcole Polytechnique - Lab. d’Econo

567 Balinski M.L., Demange G

Page 40: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Monte-Carlo Algorithms for the Planar Multiterminal NetworkReliability Problem

University of California 1985

568 Karp Richard M., Luby Michael

Etude d’un problème de décision sodes localisations de parking de diss

569 Ebenegger Christian

Statistical Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments

Department of Economics a. BusinessAdministration - Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg


570 Kleijnen J.P.C.

Production Planning of Style GoodsForecast Revisions

Graduate School of Business at theTexas

571 Bitran Gabriel R., Haas E

Polynomial Expected Behavior of a Pivoting Algorithm for LinearComplementarity and Linear Programming Problems

College of Engineering, Cornell University 1984

572 Todd Michael J.

Resource-Constrained Project ScheExercise in DSS Development

Centre for Mathematics and Compu

573 Anthonisse J.M., van Hee

A Characterization of a Cone of Pseudo-Boolean Functions viaSupermodularity-Type Inequalities

Rutgers Center for Operations Research, RutgersUniversity


574 Crama Y., Hammer P.L., Holzman R.

Local Deformation and Orientation TMatroids

Tokyo Institute of Technology

575 Fukuda Komei, Tamura A

A Clustering Approach of Scheduling Problems Application to theJob-Shop

Fac. de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion,Université Louis Pasteur


576 Thépot Jacques

The Box Method for Linear ProgramDept. of Operations Research-Stanf

577 Zikan Karel, Cottle Richar

Die n-te Generation - Ein Informatikprojekt für die SchweizerPrimarschule

Informatik ETH Zürich 1984

578 Nievergelt Jürg

Calcul d’un écoulement de Navier-Sde la bibliothèque MODULEF

EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

579 Caussignac Ph., Depeurs

Determination of all Neighbors of a Degenerate Extreme Point inPolytopes

Fernuniversität - Hagen 1978

580 Gal Thomas

The Recognition of Series Parallel D

Princeton University, Dept. of ElectrEngineering and Computer Science

581 Valdes Jacobo, Tarjan Ro

Page 41: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Modelling Integrated Production-Distribution SystemsI : Analytical Models

The Wharton School - Univ. of Pennsylvania 1987

582 Pyke David F., Cohen Morris A.

Modelling Integrated Production-DisII: Optimization Algorithms and Expe

The Wharton School - Univ. of Penn

583 Pyke David F., Cohen Mo

Telephone Network: Statistical Mechanics and Non-RandomConnecting Procedures

C.R.P.E., C.N.E.T., C.N.R.S., Orléans 1980

584 Bonomi E., Lutton J.L., Feix M.R.

Isospectral Riemann SurfacesEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

586 Buser Peter

An Introduction to TimetablingEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1985

587 de Werra Dominique

Behandlung von konvexen, quadratProgrammierungsproblemen mit der

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

588 Recht Peter

Vectorization and Multitasking of Nonlinear NetworkProgramming Algorithms

The Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania 1987

589 Zenios Stavros A., Mulvey John M.

Qualitative Kinematics in MechanismDept. of Computer Science, Univ. of

590 Faltings Boi

Research InterestsDept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Illinois

591 Faltings Boi

The Hirsch Conjecture for Dual Tran

C.N.R.S., Lab. d’Econométrie de l’EPolytechnique

592 Balinski M.L.

An Algorithm for Enumerating All Vertices of a ConvexPolyhedron

ETH-Zürich 1974

593 Altherr W.

A Systolic Array Algorithm for the AlInst. für Mathematik - Universität Gr

594 Rote Günter

An Extension of Karmarkar’s Algorithm for Solving a System ofLinear Homogeneous Equations on the Simplex

CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain 1986

595 de Ghellinck G., Vial J.-Ph.

Optimierung von Sandstrahl-MaschiETH-Zürich 1978

596 Tütsch Jürg

Page 42: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Variant of Khachian’s Algorithm for Linear ProgrammingEG & G Idaho, Inc. 1979

597 Jones Philip C., Marwil Earl S.

A Dimensional Reduction Variant ofLinear Programming Problems

EG & G Idaho, Inc. 1980

598 Jones Philip C., Marwil Ea

Modèle de Potts tridimensionnelEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1987

599 Righetti Franco

The Optimality of (S,s) Policies in thStanford University

600 Scarf Herbert

Analyse des réseaux électriquesEPFL - CERE 1978

601 Germond A., Chamorel P.-A., Rossier C., Bissat O.

A Fast Decoupled Static State-EstimSystems

Hydro-Québec 1975

602 Richard J.C., Horisberger

Estimation de l’état d’un réseau de transport THT par uneméthode de découplage actif/réactif


603 Rossier Claude A.

The Capacitated Chinese Postman Algorithm

Facultad de Matematicas, UniversidValencia

604 Mota E., Benavent E., Ca

The Capacitated Chinese Postman Problem - Part II: LowerBounds

Facultad de Matematicas, Universidad deValencia


605 Mota E., Benavent E., Campos V., Corberan A.

A Co-operative System for Large Sc1982

606 Dewilde P.M., Jess J.A.G

Localizacao de Postos de Atendimento Em Redes - Aplicacao aoEstudo de Localiza Cao de Escolas

Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio deJaneiro

607 Novaes Mario Solé, Pizzolato Nélio Domingues

Jahresbericht 1988

Inst. für Oekonometrie u. OperationsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ


Projection with a Minimal System of InequalitiesCarnegie Mellon University 1992

609 Balas Egon

A Dynamic Subgradient-Based BranSet Covering

Carnegie Mellon University 1992

610 Balas Egon, Carrera Mari

Page 43: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Cylindrical Open Shop Scheduling: Some Solvable CasesDept. of Mathematics, Northeastern University 1990

611 Mahadev N.V.R., Solot Ph., de Werra D.

Théorie de la bifurcationEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

612 Dacorogna B., Rappaz J.,

Egalisation par réseaux de neurones

EPFL - Dépt. d’Electricité, Lab. de Traitement desSignaux


613 Tazi-Riffi Amine

Un système de confection automatisla faculté des sciences de l’universit

Université de Genève - Fac. des ScEconomiques et Sociales

614 Cao Vi, du Merle Olivier, V

Présentation générale - Objectifs scientifiques - Projetd’organisation et de financement

CNRS, Nancy 1990

615 Dubois J.M.

AnnexesCNRS, Nancy 1990

616 Dubois J.M.

Rapport d’activité et scientifique 1985EPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques 1985


1) Perfectness and Polarity.2) Modellierung und Simulation des

h i i h B d b h

ETH-Zürich 1992

618 Gaillard A., Gröflin H., Gra

Rapport Annuel 1991-1992

Dépt. d’Informatique et de R.O., Fac. des Arts etdes Sciences, Université de Montréal



Interfaces utilisateurs graphiques poretard technologique ?

EPFL - Section d’Informatique 1

620 Kupper Daniel

Combinatorial Optimization applied to Tracking in High EnergyPhysics

CERN - PPE Division 1993

621 Pusztaszeri Jean-François

1. Introduction: le matériel et quelquEPFL - Dépt. de Mathématiques

622 Liebling Th.M., Röthlisber

A Structural Theory for Submodular Functions, Polymatroids andPolymatroid Intersections

University of Tokyo 1981

624 Nakamura Masataka, Iri Masao

A Note on the Decomposition of PolMinors of Generalized Polymatroids

University of Tokyo

625 Nakamura Masataka

Page 44: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

An Analysis of the Kinetics of Stochastic Grain GrowthUniversity of Manitoba 1988

626 Kurzydlowski K.J., Tangri K.

Integer Polyhedra Arising from Certawith Connectivity Constraints

Inst. für Mathematik - Universität Au

627 Grötschel Martin, Monma

A Cutting Plane Algorithm for the Windy Postman ProblemInst. für Mathematik - Universität Augsburg 1988

628 Grötschel Martin, Win Zaw

How to Optimize Complex StochastSample Path (Simulation Experimen

Faculty of Industrial Engineering a. Technion

629 Rubinstein Reuven Y., Kre

Sensitivity Analysis of Computer Simulation Models via theEfficient Score

Faculty of Industrial Engineering andManagement Technion


630 Rubinstein Reuven Y.

Sensitivity Analysis and Optimizatioby the Score Function Method

Faculty of Industrial Engineering andManagement Technion

631 Rubinstein Reuven Y.

Cycles through Prescribed Elements in a Graph

632 Lomonosov M.

Disjoint Homotopic Trees in a PlanaTilburg University

633 Schrijver A.

The Discrete Lot-Sizing and Scheduling ProblemUniversität Hamburg 1988

634 Fleischmann Bernhard

Symmetric Matroids and ConnectiviRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

635 Middendorf M.

On the Threshold Independence SystemsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1987

636 Milanov P.B.

Verzeichnis der Arbeitspapiere List of Working Papers(1972 1988)

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ


Note on Weintraub’s Minimum Cost Flow AlgorithmRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1988

638 Barahona Francisco, Tardos Éva

JahresberichtRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ


Page 45: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

One-Story Buildings as Tensegrity Frameworks, IIRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1988

640 Recski Andras

Some Algorithmic Problems of LineaRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

641 Recski Andras

Tree-Matchings in Random GraphsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1987

642 Luczak Tomasz, Rucinski Andrzej

Contracting Greedoids and a Rado-Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

643 Iwamura Kakuzo

Planar Subgraphs of Topological LayoutsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1988

644 Kratochvil Jan, Nesetril Jaroslav

Primal Dual Algorithm for the LexicoSubmodular Polyhedron and its Rel

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

645 Iwamura Kakuzo

Universality of Directed Graphs of a Given HeightRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1988

646 Hell Pavol, Nesetril Jaroslav

Optimization by Simulated AnnealinIBM Thomas J. Watson Research C

647 Kirkpatrick S., Gelatt C.D.

On the Automatic Verification and Validation of Discrete-EventSimulation Models

Institut für Informatik - Universität Zürich

648 Findler N.V.

The Inequicut ConeCNRS, LIENS, Ecole Normale Supé

649 Deza Michel, Fukuda Kom

Antipodal Graphs and Oriented MatroidsThe University of Tsukuba 1991

650 Fukuda Komei, Handa Keiichi

Oriented Matroids and CombinatoriaC.N.R.S., Paris 1992

651 Cordovil Raul, Fukuda Ko

Ground States of a Ternary FCC Lattice Model with Nearest andNext-Nearest Neighbor Interactions

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

652 Ceder G., Garbulsky G.D., Avis D., Fukuda K.

Lagrangean Heuristics for Location Imperial College 1988

653 Beasley J.E.

Page 46: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Numerical Optimization Benchmarks on Advanced ArchitectureComputers

University of Pennsylvania 1988

654 Zenios Stavros A.

Convergence Theory of a Class of AOptimization

Beijing Institute of Technology

655 Wu Cang-Pu

On the Computation of Weighted Analytic Centers and DualEllipsoids with the Projective Algorithm (revised edition)

GERAD, McGill University 1989

657 Goffin J.L., Vial J.P.

Long Steps with the Logarithmic PeLinear Programming

Delft University of Technology 19

658 Roos C., Vial J.P.

Single-Phase versus Multi-Phase Projective Methods for LinearProgramming

University of Geneva COMIN 1989

659 Fraley C., Vial J.P.

Matrix Balancing on a Massively PaUniversity of Pennsylvania 1988

660 Zenios Stavros A.

ASTRID: A Programming Environment for Scientific Applicationson Parallel Vectorcomputers

EPFL 1990

661 Bonomi E., Flück M., Gruber R., Herbin R.

Weyl-Minkowski Duality for Integral Cornell University 1988

662 Ryan J., Trotter L.E., Jr.

A Polynomial Method of Approximate Centers for LinearProgramming

Technische Universiteit Delft 1988

663 Roos C., Vial J.P.

On Adjoints and Dual MatroidsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ

664 Alfter Marion, Kern Walter

Matroid Matching in Pseudomodular LatticesMathematisches Institut - Univ. zu Köln 1987

665 Hochstättler W., Kern W.

On Finite Locally Projective Planar SMathematisches Institut - Univ. zu K

668 Kern Walter

Parallel Block-Partitioning of Truncated Newton for NonlinearNetwork Optimization

University of Pennsylvania 1989

672 Zenios Stavros A., Pinar Mustafa C.

A Comparative Study of Parallel DuImplementations for Nonlinear Netw

University of Pennsylvania 1989

673 Zenios Stavros A., Qi Ruij

Page 47: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Parallelized Algorithm for Image Reconstruction from NoisyProjections

Dept. of Radiology - Univ. of Pennsylvania 1989

674 Herman Gabor T., Odhner Dewey, Toennies Klaus D.,Zenios Stavros A.

Graph Problems Related to Gate MaTechnische Universität Berlin 19

675 Möhring Rolf H.

LPL: A Structured Language for Linear Programming ModelingUniversity of Fribourg 1987

676 Hürlimann T., Kohlas J.

A Lagrangean Heuristic for Set CovImperial College, London 1989

677 Beasley J.E.

Computing the Convex Hull in the Euclidean Plane in LinearExpected Time

Institut für Mathematik - Universität Augsburg 1989

678 Borgwardt Karl Heinz, Gaffke Norbert, Jünger Michael,Reinelt Gerhard

The Average Quality of Greedy-AlgoSubset-Sum-Maximization Problem

Institut für Mathematik - Universität A

679 Borgwardt Karl Heinz, Tre

A Note on the Communication Complexity of Totally UnimodularMatrices

University of Twente 1989

680 Faigle U., Kern W.

Note on the Convergence of SimulaUniversity of Twente 1989

681 Faigle U., Kern W.

On the Performance of On-Line Algorithms for Partition ProblemsUniversity of Twente 1989

682 Faigle U., Kern W., Turan G.

On the Depth of Combinatorial Optimedition)

University of Twente 1989

683 Kern W.

Minimum Loss SchedulingUniversity of Twente 1989

684 Nawijn W.M., Kern W., Baas S.

Some Convergence Results for ProUniversity of Twente 1989

685 Faigle U., kern W.

Efficiently Solvable Special Cases of Bottleneck TravellingSalesman Problems

Institut für Mathematik - Universität Graz 1988

686 Burkard R.E., Sandholzer W.

On Randomized Stopping Points anedition)

EPFL - Département de Mathématiq

688 Dalang Robert C., Trotter

Page 48: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Verfahren der kombinatorischen Optimierung und ihreGültigkeitsbereiche

Mathematisches Institut - Universität zu Köln 1989

689 Kern W.

A Localized Method for Intersecting Segments

Dept. of Computer Science, The JohUniv.

690 Johnstone John K., Good

Texture Characterization Using Random SamplingMonash University, Clayton 1989

691 Maeder Anthony J.

Simulated Simulated AnnealingGeorgia Institute of Technology

692 Tovey Craig A.

Threshold Accepting. A General Purpose Optimization AlgorithmAppearing Superior to Simulated Annealing

IBM Scientific Center 1988

693 Dueck Gunter, Scheuer Tobias

A Graphical-Construct-Based AlgoriLagrangean Dual of the Hamiltonian

University of Massachusetts at Amh

695 Ali Agha Iqbal, Shmerling

Mathematische Methoden in der MechanikIngenieurhochschule Wismar 1985

696 Pfau H.

Mathematische Methoden in TechnoIngenieurhochschule Wismar 19

697 Friedrich L.

Mathematische Methoden in Elektrotechnik, Elektronik undPhysik

Ingenieurhochschule Wismar 1985

698 Preuss W.

Generating the Most Probable StateSystem

Clemson University 1986

699 Valvo E.J., Shier D.R., Ja

Tage der Wissenschaft und Technik 1985Ingenieurhochschule Wismar 1985

700 Kähler J., Krüger W., Schattauer H., Stüwe F.

A Review of Operations Research a1986


Les mathématiques appliquéesEPF-Lausanne 1978


Leçons inauguralesEPF-Lausanne 1981


Page 49: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Rapport annuelGalenica Holding 1992


Optimiser la logistiqueDiagma 1987

706 Bourgoin Dominique

Transfert de savoir-faire et d’expérience au service de laproductivité

Cerac S.A., Ecublens

707 Manzini Fabio

Discrete Mathematics Network - DIMUniversität Bielefeld

708 Deuber Walter

Au service de la performance logistique.Stratégie logistique. Planification opérationnelle. Optimisation des

i t t

R.M.H. Consultants


Tirez avantage d’expériences et de I.C.M.E., Conseils d’entreprises

710 Simma B.

International Conference on Operations Research - August28-31, 1990

Vienna University of Technology 1990


Fisica, Matematica, Informatica y Su

Escuela Politecnica Nacional - FacuCiencias

712 Echeverria Feijoo C.A., MArellano P., Avalos Casca

SVOR/ASRO - Tutorial on :Optimization in Planning and Operation of Electric PowerS t



Un modèle d’implantation de stationUniversité Catholique de Louvain


A Preliminary Survey of Institutions, Research Projects,Researchers

Institut Universitaire d’Etudes du Développement 1992

715 Corminboeuf Christian

On the Length of Simplex Paths theLP-Problems

Royal Institute of Technology, Stock

716 Baathe Olle

The Match Set of a Random Permutation has the FKG PropertyAT&T Bell Labs 1986

717 Fishburn Peter C., Doyle Peter G., Shepp L.A.

On the diffusion induced by alternatInstitut de Microtechnique 1992

718 Hongler M.-O.

Page 50: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Stochastic Dispersive Transport: An Excursion from StatisticalPhysics to Automated Production Line Design

Institut de Microtechnique - EPFL 1993

719 Hongler M.-O.

Random Exploration Approach for thInsertion

Institut de Microtechnique - EPFL

720 Hongler M.-O., Badano F.

Probabilistic solutions of high order partial differential equations

BiBoS and Fakultät für Physik - UniversitätBielefeld


721 Blanchard Ph., Hongler M.-O.

Continuous time random walks withdistributions

Institut de Microtechnique - EPFL

722 Hongler M.-O.

Finite time evolution for the population level of a bufferBiBoS - Universität Bielefeld 1993

723 Hongler M.-O.

A New Facet Class and a PolyhedraAssignment Problem

School of Mathematics, The UniversSouth Wales

724 Qi Liqun, Balas Egon, Gw

The Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem: II. PolyhedralResults

Carnegie Mellon University 1993

725 Balas Egon

Minimal Edge-Coverings of Pairs of

Research Institute for Discrete MathUniversity of Bonn

726 Frank Andras, Jordan Tib

Balanced 0, 1 Matrices Parti I: Decomposition

Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita degliStudi di Padova


727 Conforti M., Cornuéjols G., Kapoor A., Vuskovic K.

Balanced 0, 1 Matrices Parti II: Rec

Dipartimento di Matematica - UniverStudi di Padova

728 Conforti M., Cornuéjols G

A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Equicut Problem

Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita degliStudi di Padova


729 Brunetta L., Conforti M., Rinaldi G.

Algorithmes connexionnistes pour l’EPFL 1993

730 El Ghaziri Hassan

Jahresbericht 1992

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin



Optimum Path Packing on Wheels:

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin

732 Grötschel Martin, Martin A

Page 51: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Packing Steiner Trees: Separation Algorithms

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin


733 Grötschel Martin, Martin Alexander, Weismantel Robert

Handbuch zur Visualisierung am ZIB

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformatioBerlin


The Steiner Tree Packing Problem in VLSI-Design

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für InformationstechnikBerlin



Modeling Tools for Decision SupporUniversity of Fribourg, IIUF 1993

736 Hürlimann Tony, Kohlas JGérard

Convergence and Finite-Time Behavior of Simulated AnnealingUniversity of California 1985

737 Mitra D., Romeo F., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli A.

Ergodicity in Parametric Non-StationApplications to Simulated Annealing

Graduate School of Business - ColuUniversity

738 Anily S., Federgruen A.

Cooling Schedules for Optimal AnnealingUniversity of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana 1985

739 Hajek Bruce

Optimization by simulated annealingcase studies


740 Wille L.T.

Optimization by simulated annealing: An experimental evaluationUniversity of California 1984

741 Aragon Cecilia R., Johnson David S., McGeoch Lyle A.,Schevon Catherine

On the computational complexity of

Departamento de Matematicas - UnChile

742 Barahona Francisco

Sur la complexité du problème du verre de Spins

Departamento de Matematics - Universidad deChile


743 Barahona Francisco

On the complexity of max cut

Departamento de Matematics - UnivChile

744 Barahona Francisco

On Optimal Matchings

Math. Inst. of the Hungarian Academy ofSciences, Budapest


745 Ajtai M., Komlos J., Tusnady G.

Shake-and-bake algorithms for the ilinear inequalities

Erasmus University Rotterdam 1

746 Romeijn H. Edwin

Page 52: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Stability, Duality and Decomposition in General MathematicalProgramming

Erasmus University Rotterdam 1989

747 Flippo Olaf E.

Cutting Planes and the Complexity oCornell University 1988

748 Hartmann Mark E.

Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Planar, Chordal, and IntervalGraphs

Massachusetts Institute of Technology -Laboratory for Computer Science


749 Klein Philip N.

Graph-Theoretic Techniques for ParSequential Computation

Massachusetts Institute of TechnoloLaboratory for Computer Science

750 Plotkin Serge A.

Two Investigations in Combinatorial Optimization: ApproximateSolution of Large Traveling Salesman Problems Arising fromX R Diff ti E i t R l ti l T iti S b h

Cornell University 1989

751 Shallcross David Frank

On the Global Behavior of Certain GUnconstrained Optimization

Department of Mechanical EngineerUniversity of Illinois

752 Locascio Angela

On the Geometry and Computational Complexity of RadonPartitions in the Integer Lattice

Cornell University 1991

753 Onn Shmuel

On the Barzilai and Borwein ChoiceGradient Method

Dept. of Mathematical Science, Rice

754 Raydan Marcos

Two Topics in Discrete Optimization: Polyhedral Structure ofCapacitated Trees and Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling

Yale University 1989

756 Hall Leslie

Stability Critical Graphs and the StaCornell University 1990

757 Sewell Edward C.

Kostenoptimale Netzwerktopologie die Entwicklung einesBerechnungsverfahrens

Institut für Automatik der ETH Zürich 1990

758 Riedel Thomas

A thermodynamically motivated simcombinatorial optimization problems

Technische Universität Graz - InstituMathematik

759 Burkard R.E., Rendl F.

Applications de la physique statistique aux problèmes complexes

E.S.P.C.I. (Ecole Supérieure de Physique et deChimie Industrielles)

760 Toulouse Gérard

A Remark on Annealing SchedulesEPFL - DMA 1986

761 Rossier Y., Troyon M., Lie

Page 53: Rapports Salle Des f Tes


Escuela Politecnica Nacional - Facultad deCiencias



FISMAT - Vol.2

Escuela Politecnica Nacional -FacuCiencias


Image processing by simulated annealingIBM Italy, Scientific Center 1985

764 Carnevali P., Coletti L., Patarnello S.

The Parsimonious Property of Cut CApplications

Massachusetts Institute of Technolo

765 Bertsimas Dimitris, Chung

Linear programming relaxations, approximation algorithms andrandomization; a unified view of covering problems

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1994

766 Bertsimas Dimitris, Vohra Rakesh

Extended Formulations and PolyhedUniversity of Waterloo 1988

767 Weiguo Liu

Simulation numérique et mécanique statistique: Extension etétude de quelques problèmes d’ingénierie

Université de Paris-Sud 1985

768 Bonomi Ernesto

Gröbner Bases and Triangulations oCornell University 1993

769 de Loera Jesus A., Sturm

Primitive Partition IdentitiesHarvard University, Dept. of Mathematics

770 Diaconis P., Graham R.L., Sturmfels B.

Neue Perspektiven eines verteilten Mathematik

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

772 Dalitz W., Grötschel M., L

A Theorem on the Average Number of Subfaces in Arrangementsand Oriented Matroids

The University of Tsukuba, Tokyo 1993

773 Fukuda Komei, Tamura Akihisa, Tukuyama Takeshi

An Intersection Property Defining SeC.M.A.F. - Universidade de Lisboa

774 da Silva Ilda P.F.

On fillings of 2N-gons with rhombiCMAF/INIC - Universidade de Lisboa 1991

775 da Silva Ilda P.F.

Algorithmic Questions about Knots aOxford

776 Welsh D.J.A.

Page 54: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Relations de couverture dans les ensembles ordonnés:introduction sommaire et quelques commentaires

Université de Montréal 1994

777 Foldes Stéphane

On Inseparability Graphs of MatroidOrientations

C.M.A.F. - Un iversidade de Lisboa

778 da Silva Ilda P.F.

Zonotopal Tilings and the Bohne-Dress TheoremKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1993

779 Richter-Gebert Jürgen, Ziegler Günter M.

Rapport d’activité 19931993


Troisième cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle1994

781 Labbé Martine, Toth Paolo

Cornell University 1991

782 Trotter L.E., Jr.

TELS: Least-Squares Solution of the Structure-InvariantEquations

Upjohn Laboratories, The Upjohn Company 1991

783 Han Fusen, DeTitta George, Hauptman Herbert

Graphes forts et totalement forts

Laboratoire ARTEMIS, Institut IMAGJoseph Fourier

784 Chaourar Brahim

A Geometric Buchberger Algorithm for Integer ProgrammingCornell University 1993

785 Rekha R. Thomas

On genetic algorithms for the packinRWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl C für Mat

786 Jakobs Stefan

OPTIMISATION DISCRETEEléments de théorie de la complexité

EPFL - Département de Mathématiques 1993

787 Taillard Eric

Interactive Construction and AnimatCharacters

EPFL - Département d’Informatique

788 Turner Russel

Study of Wave-Particle Interaction from the Linear Regime toDynamical Chaos in a Magnetized Plasma

EPFL - Département de Physique 1993

789 Fasoli Ambrogio

Polymérisation du méthacrylate de mEPFL - Département de Chimie

790 Fleury Pierre-Alain

Page 55: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Proposition d’une méthode d’analyse de consistance enidentification des structures

EPFL - Département de Mécanique 1993

791 Schmidt Martin

An Interactive Multimodal Facial AniEPFL - Département d’Informatique

792 Kalra Prem K

Modélisation et optimisation linéaireUniversité de Fribourg - Institut d’Informatique 1993

793 Collaud Gérald

A Cutting Plane Based Algorithm forProblem

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

794 Ferreira Carlos E., Martin Robert

Combinatorial OptimizationKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1993

795 Grötschel Martin, Lovasz Laszlo

Algebraic Algorithms for Sampling frKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

796 Sturmfels Bernd, Diaconis

A Polyhedral Approach to Multicommodity Survivable NetworkDesign

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1993

797 Stoer Mechthild, Dahl Geir

An Implementation of Extrapolation Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

798 Hohmann Andreas

Ulysses 2000: In Search of Optimal Solutions to HardCombinatorial Problems

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1993

799 Grötschel Martin, Padberg Manfred

Adaptive Linienmethoden für nichtlinin einer Raumdimension

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

800 Nowak U.

On the Impact of Communication Latencies on Distributed SparseLU Factorization

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1993

801 Wunderling Roland, Hege Hans-Christian, GrammelMartin

The Berlin Extension of the StanfordPlanning Programm

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

802 Seebass Martin, Sullivan Deuflhard Peter

On the 0/1 Knapsack PolytopeKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

803 Weismantel Robert

Scientific Computing in der TheoretiAbstracts

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

804 Deuflhard P., Hege H.C.,

Page 56: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Spaces of Functions Satisfying Simple Differential EquationsKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

805 Koepf Wolfram, Schmersau Dieter

Object Oriented Design of MultileveMethods

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

806 Hohmann Andreas

Partitions with Restricted Block Sizes, Möbius Functions and thek-of-each Problem

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

807 Linusson Svante

Mixed 0-1 Programming by Lift-and-Framework

Carnegie Mellon University 1994

808 Balas Egon, Ceria Sebast

Weighted and Unweighted Maximum Clique Algorithms withUpper Bounds from fractional Coloring

Carnegie Mellon University 1994

809 Balas Egon, Xue Jue

Asymptotische Varianzanalysen in dPolyedertheorie

Universität Kaiserslautern 1992

810 Küfer Karlheinz

Lecture Notes: Combinatorics of Mathematical Programming andPolyhedral Geometry

EPFL - Département de Mathématiques 1993

811 Fukuda Komei

Combinatoire avancée:cours de problèmes et exercices

Université de Bonn 1993

812 Sebö Andras

An expanding-core algorithm for the exact 0-1 Knapsack ProblemDept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Copenhagen 1993

813 Pisinger David

Solving hard knapsack problemsDept. of Computer Science, Univ. of

814 Pisinger David

A Dual-based Algorithm for Multi-level Network DesignSloan School of Management - M.I.T. 1991

815 Balakrishnan Anantaram, Magnanti Thomas L.,Mirchandani Prakash

The Multi-level Network Design ProbSloan School of Management - M.I.T

816 Balakrishnan Anantaram, Mirchandani Prakash

Analysis of Linear Programming Relaxations for a Class ofConnectivity Problems

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1990

817 Goemans Michel X.

Polyhedral Methods for the MaximuCarnegie Mellon University 1994

818 Balas Egon, Ceria SebastPataki Gabor

Page 57: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Symmetric Newton Polytopes for Solving Sparse PolynomialSystems

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

821 Verschelde Jan, Gatermann Karin

Monotone Multigrid Methods for EllipKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

822 Kornhuber Ralf

Feeforward Boolean Neural Networks with Discrete Weights:Computational Power and Training

EPFL - Département de Mathématiques 1993

823 Mayoraz Eddy

Redundency and Helly for Linear PrUniversité Joseph Fourier 1994

824 Edmonds Jack

Approximation rationnelle limitéeEPFL - Département de Mathématiques

825 André Michel

Algorithms for the Generalized AssigD.E.I.S., Universita di Bologna 1

826 Toth Paolo

La nouvelle maturité ou un pas en avant, trois pas en arrièreEPFL - Département de Mathématiques 1992

827 Matzinger Heinrich

NP EASYUniversité Joseph Fourier 1994

828 Edmonds Jack

RNA: Algorithmes & ComplexitéEPFL - Département de Mathématiques

829 Amaldi Edoardo, Mayoraz Eddy

Fitting yield and cost response surfaAmerican Cyanamid Co.

830 Lind Elmer E., Goldin Jay

Symmetric Hierarchical Polynomials for the h-p-Version of FiniteElements

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1993

831 Zumbusch Gerhard W.

On the Convergence of Cascadic IteKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

832 Bornemann Folkmar A.

Algorithmic Work with Orthogonal Polynomials and SpecialFunctions

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

833 Koepf Wolfram

Travaux de diplômes et thèses de dEPFL 1994


Page 58: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Globally and Universally Stable Price Adjustment ProcessTilburg University 1993

835 Herings P. Jean-Jacques

Efficient Algorithms for The MinimumProblem on General Graphs

Bilkent University

836 Atamtürk Alper

Approximation Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow and ShopScheduling Problems

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1992

837 Stein Clifford

An Algorithmic Analysis of MultiquadProgramming Problems

The Johns Hopkins University 19

838 Ramana Motakuri Venkat

Matchings in Colored NetworksThe University of Michigan 1993

839 Yi Tongnyoul

DRAPEXEPFL - Département de Mathématiq

840 Prodon Alain

Multistage Stochastic Programming: Error Analysis for theConvex Case

University of St. Gallen 1993

841 Frauendorfer Karl

Barycentric Scenario Trees in ConvProgramming

University of St. Gallen 1993

842 Frauendorfer Karl

Linear Stability of Generalized Equations - Part I: Basic TheoryGeorge Washington University 1991

843 Liu Jiming

Linear Stability of Generalized EquaNonlinear Programming

George Washington University 1

844 Liu Jiming

Strong Stability In Variational InequalitiesGeorge Washington University 1992

845 Liu Jiming

Sensitivity Analysis in Nonlinear ProInequalities via Continuous Selectio

George Washington University 1

846 Liu Jiming

Growth Condition in Variational InequalitiesGeorge Washington University 1992

847 Liu Jiming

A Unified Framework of Descent AlgPrograms and Variational Inequalitie

Linköping University 1993

848 Patriksson Michael

Page 59: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Parameter Derivatives of the Jacobi Polynomials and theGaussian Hypergeometric Function

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

850 Fröhlich Jochen

On the Complexity of Storage AssigKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

851 Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Hamid A

Volume RenderingKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

852 Hege H.C., Höllerer T., Stalling D.

Numerical Continuation of Periodic Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

853 Wulff C., Hohmann A., De

A Self-Adaptive Multilevel Finite Element Method for theStationary Schrödinger Equation in Three Space Dimensions

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

854 Ackermann J., Erdmann B., Roitzsch R.

High-Resolution Selfadaptive CompReaction-Diffusion Problems with In

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

855 Lang Jens

On Families of Iterated DerivativesKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

856 Koepf Wolfram

Semi-Invariants, Equivariants and AKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

857 Gatermann Karin

New Mathematical Programming Approaches to the Problem ofImage Reconstruction from Projections : Part I

Stanford University 1993

858 Brady Stephen Dean

New Mathematical Programming ApImage Reconstruction from Projectio

Stanford University 1993

859 Brady Stephen Dean

New Mathematical Programming Approaches to the Problem ofImage Reconstruction from Projections. Part III : Appendix B

Stanford University 1993

860 Brady Stephen Dean

Matematicas DiscretasEscuela Politecnica Nacional 19

861 Medina Julio

Introduccion a la LogicaEscuela Politecnica Nacional 1990

862 Garcia-Cobian Ramon

Semigrupos de Operadores LinealeEscuela Politecnica Nacional 19

863 Valverde Oscar

Page 60: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Introduccion a las probabilidadesEscuela Politecnica Nacional 1990

864 Lara Jorge P.

Evolucion de la geometria de EuclidEscuela Politecnica Nacional 19

865 Baldovino, Lamirata

Analisis no EstandarEscuela Politecnica Nacional 1990

866 Munoz José M.

Calculo ActuarialEscuela Politecnica Nacional 19

867 Cordova Ximena

Randomized Simplex Algorithms on Klee-Minty CubesKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

869 Gärtner Bernd, Ziegler Günter M.

A Quasiresonant Smoothing AlgorithOscillatory Differential Equations fro

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

870 Schütte Christof

Simulationsverfahren für die PolymerchemieKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

871 Deuflhard Peter, Wulkow Michael

Visualizing Functions of the h-p-VerKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

872 Zumbusch Gerhard W.

The Complexity Barrier in REDUCE a Case StudyKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

873 Melenk Herbert

Towards Ab Initio Prediction of ProteMulticanonical Approach

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

874 Hansmann Ulrich H.E.

Jahresbericht 1993Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1993


Polynomial Methods for Separable CUnimodular Linear Spaces with AppC i l ti i N t k

Laboratoire ARTEMIS 1994

876 Karzanov Alexander V., M

Variation of Cost Functions in Integer ProgrammingCornell University 1994

877 Sturmfels Bernd, Thomas Rekha R.

Finding Cuts in the TSP (A PreliminAT & T Bell Laboratories 1994

878 Applegate David, Bixby RWilliam

Page 61: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Ideal polytopes and face structures of some combinatorialoptimization problems

Institute of Technology of Tokyo 1994

879 Ikebe Yoshiko T., Tamura Akihisa

Culture Analysis and External InteraGrowth

EPFL - Dépt. de mathématiques - E

880 Indermitte Claude, Lieblin

An Essay in the Theory of Uncontrollable flows and CongestionChuo University, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku 1994

881 Iri Masao

Algebraische Darstellung transzendKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

882 Koepf Wolfram

Packing Steiner Trees: Further FacetsKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

883 Grötschel Martin, Martin Alexander, Weismantel Robert

Prognoserechnungen zur AIDS-AusBundesrepublik Deutschland

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informatio

884 Deuflhard P., Nowak U., W

Hilbert Bases and the Facets of Special Knapsack PolytopesKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1994

885 Weismantel Robert

Solving Nonlinear Multicommodity FCenter Cutting Plane Method

GERAD, Faculty of Management, M

888 Goffin J.-L., Gondzio J., S

Interior Point Approach to Linear, Quadratic and ConvexProgramming - Algorithms and Complexity -

889 den Hertog Dick

On the Design of Approximation AlgProblems

Massachusetts Institute of Technolo

890 Williamson David Paul

Experiments at CERN in 1993CERN 1993


Recherche, développement et démol’énergie en Suisse. Liste des projet

Office fédéral de l’énergie 1994


On the Variance of the Number of Pivot Steps Required by theSimplex Algorithm I

Universit!at Kaiserslautern 1993

893 Karl-Heinz Küfer

Global Manufacturing and Global SuCentury

ORSA/TIMS Detroit 1994


Page 62: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Liste des publications 1994Office fédéral de l’énergie 1994


Zielvorstellungen für die entwicklunghochschulen: horizont 2000

Conseil suisse de la science 199


Ziele der Forschungspolitik des Bundes: Vorschläge zurAnpassung der Ziele für die Planungsperiode 1996-1999

Conseil suisse de la science 1993


Fondation PSE - Fondation du Parcl’EPFL à Ecublens

EPFL 1993

898 Dr. Michel Matthey, Dr. M

GMOOR-Gesellschaft f!r Mathematik, Okonomie und OperationsResearch

DGOR 1994

899 A. Bockmayr, F.J. Radermacher

Telegestion Aussi chez vousService de l’énergie 1994


A Comprehensive listing of new and current books and journalsin Mathematics 93/94

Gordon and Breach Science PublishersHarwood academic publishers



A Guide to the Science Park (PSE) EPFL 1993


Rapport annuel - Département d’informatique et de rechercheopérationnelle

U. de Montréal Faculté des Arts et des sciences 1993


Annual report

IAESTE-Intl Ass. for the exchange otechnical experience


IBM PC News / Les dernières nouveautés IBMIBM suisse 1994


Universités romandes, La formation1993-94


Product, Hardware, software, solutions, servicesSiemens Nixdorf Information Systems 1994


IBM PanoramaIBM 1994


Page 63: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

OR SpektrumSpringer-verlag/DGOR 1994


Multi-depot and multi-product delivetime and service constraints

IBM 1992

910 B. Klots, S. Gal, A. Harpa

The Züurich IntelligencerInternational Congress of Mathematicians

Springer 1994


L’offre en formation, Guide des étudUNIL 1993-94


Investigacion Operativa

Asociacion Lation-Ibero-Americana deInvestigacion Operativa - ALIO



JOC - Journal on ComputingORSA 1994


Geometry and the Travelling Salesman ProblemU. of Warerloo, Canada 1992

915 Sandor P. Fekete

Optimization Methods & SoftwareGordon and Breach Science Publish


Investigacion Operative

Asociacion Latino-Ibero-Americana deInvestigacion Operativa - ALIO



ICM 94 - Intl Congress of MathematProgram/Abstracts/Second Announ

ICM 1994


Delta-matroids, Jump Systems and Bisubmodular PolyhedraU. of Maine / U. of Waterloo 1995

919 André Bouchet, William H. Cunningham

Notes on Constructive LP TheoryETH Zürich and U. of Tsukuba, Tok

920 Fukuda Komei

Mathematical Programming and Oriented MatroidsEPFL and U. of Tsukuba, Tokyo 1994

921 Fukuda Komei

On the Orientation of GraphsJournal of Combinatorial Theory

922 Andras Frank

Page 64: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

How to Make a Digraph Strongly ConnectedCombinatorica 1 (2) 1981

923 Andras Frank

Measurement and Simulation of theof Filamentous Microorganisms

Biotechnology and Bioengineering

924 H. Yang, U. Reichl, R. Kin

Activation-Inhibition Model for Branching of a FilamentousOrganism

Mathematical Biosciences 74 1985

925 Christian Briere, Roger Buis

Computer Simulation of Biological PDept of Botany, Hebrew University

926 Dan Cohen

The Parameter Iteration Method in Dynamic ProgrammingManagement Science, Vol. 35 No. 6 1989

927 Shmuel Gal

A Mixed-Strategy Minimax TheoremSociety for Ind. and Applied Mathem

928 Steve Alpern, Shmuel Ga

Search in a MazeCambridge University Press 1990

929 S. Gal, E.J. Anderson

Optimal mapping in direct mapped cMathematical Programming Society

930 S. Gal, Y. Hollander, A. Ita

Optimal Sampling for Identifying a Cluster, An Application inSorting

Cambridge University Press 1993

931 S. Gal, Dafna Sheinwald

Computer Simulation of Cellular PatMaterials Science Forum Vols 94-96

932 T. Nagai, S. Ohta, K. Kaw

Why Does Skin Stay Smooth? The Dynamics of Tissues inStatistical Equilibrium

Lab. de Physique Théorique, U. L. Pasteur

933 N. Rivier, B. Dubertret

Conformal Crystals and Their Defec

934 Nicolas Rivier, Piotr Piera

Optimal Partitioning which Maximizes the Sum of the WeightedAverages

IBM Israel Science and Technology 1994

935 Shmuel Gal, Boris Klots

Valuated Matroid Intersection, I: OpResearch Institute for Math. Science

936 Kazuo Murota

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Enumeration of Threshold Pseudo-Boolean Functions for 5 and 6Cubes

University of Puerto Rico

937 M.R. Emamy-K., C. Caiseda, P. Pei

Worst Case Analysis of a Greedy AlThresold Pseudo-Boolean Functions


938 M.R. Emamy-K, P. Pei, C

Computing True Shadow Prices in Linear ProgrammingU. of Illinois and Fed. Express 1992

939 James K. Ho, Darren Smith

Aspects économiques concernant “L“Outsourcing”

Ecole des Hautes Etudes Economiq

940 Prof. Dr. Paul Stähly

A Lower Bound on the Area of Permutation LayoutsAlgorithmica 1991

941 Alok Aggarwal, Maria Klawe, David Lichtenstein,Nathan Linial and Avi Wigderson

On the Variance of the Number of PSimplex Algorithm II

U. of Kaiserslautern, Dept. of Math

942 Karl-Heinz Küfer

excerpt from “Magnetic Ceramics” concerning an exaggeratedgrain growth


943 C. Guilland

Bridging Theory and Practice in VRPJournal of the Operational Research

944 Alberto G. Canen, Leonar

Operations Research models within the framework of the logisticchain

EPFL 1995

945 Prof. Paul Stähly

Some recent work in discrete math pU. of Waterloo 1994

946 Jack Edmonds

Software Engineering and its ApplicationsCNIT 1993


Program of Operations Research InDGOR/SVOR 1990


Invitation Programme, Fifth European Congress on OR and 25thMeeting of the Institute of Management Sciences

TIMS 1982


Lower Bounds on Testing MembersAlgebraic Decision Trees

Penn State U. , U., of Bonn, U. of Be

950 Dima Grigoriev, Marek Ka

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EP Theorems and Linear Complementarity ProblemsEPFZ, U. of Tokyo, U. of Electoro-Comm 1995

951 K. Fukuda, M. Namiki, A. Tamura


952 Escuela Politécnica Nacio

“Paradoxe” Zerlegung Euklidischer RäumeUniversität Bielefeld, Fac. de Math 1993

953 Walter A. Deuber

Ein Subgradientenverfahren zur KlaHochschule der Bundeswehr 19

954 M. Schader, U. Tüshaus

Identities for Families of Orthogonal Polyhomials and SpecialFunctions

ZIB 1995

955 Wolfram Koepf

On the Reference Wave Vector of PZIB 1994

956 Frank Schmidt, Reinhard

Moving Weight Galerkin Methods for Turbulent Reactive FlowsZIB 1994

957 Jochen Fröhlich, Peter Deuflhard

An Adaptive Hierarchical ApproximaUsing Axisymmetric Locally Suppor

ZIB 1995

958 Rüdiger Brand, Willi Freed

Algorithms for the Indefinite and Definite SummationZIB 1994

959 Wolfram Koepf

Two-Dimensional Fully Adaptive SoEquations

ZIB 1994

960 Jens Lang

Multicanonical Approach in Statistical Mechanics of PeptidesZIB 1994

961 Ulrich H.E. Hansmann, Yuko Okamoto

Probing the Continuum Limit in Nonon Large Lattices

ZIB 1994

962 Meinulf Göckeler, Paul RaSchierholz, Volkard Linke

REDUCE Package for the Indefinite and DefiniteSummation

ZIB 1994

963 Wolfram Koepf

Gröbner Bases of Lattices, Corner PProgramming

ZIB 1994

964 Bernd Sturmfels, Robert W

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Smoothed Dynamics of Highly Oscillatory Hamiltonian SystemsZIB 1994

965 Sebastian Reich

Symmetry Breaking Bifurcations of CZIB 1994

966 Philip J. Aston, Michael D

Multilevel Newton h-p CollocationZIB 1994

967 Andreas Hohmann

Improving the Theoretical Upper Boof Shadow-Vertices in the Rotation-

Universität Augsburg 1994

968 Karl Heinz Borgwardt

Average Complexity of a gift-wrapping Algorithm for Determiningthe Convex Hull of Randomly Given Points

Universität Augsburg 1993

969 Karl Heinz Borgwardt

Automatic Classification of Normal FZIB 1995

970 Karin Gatermann, Reiner

Programs for Applying Symmetries of PDEsZIB 1995

971 Thomas Wolf

A Pseudospectral Chebychev methowith Domain Stretching and Absorbi

ZIB 1995

972 Rosemary Renault, Joche

Proposals for Enhancement of the ADA Programming Language:A Software Engineering Perspective

EPFL 1994

973 Mats Weber

Journal of Computational BiologyMary Ann Liebert, Inc. (publishers)

974 David T. Kingsbury, MichaDavison, Thomas Marr

The Optimal Fast Gelfand, Fourier and Hartley Transforms1995

975 Ulrich Oberst

Survivability in Telecommunication NCNET and U. de Genève 1995

976 A. Lisser, R. Sarkissian, J

Random Sampling for Minimum Spanning Trees and OtherOptimization Problems

Stanford University 1994

977 David R. Karger

STUDENTPresses Académiques Neuchâtel

978 Yadolah Dodge, Valentin

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Deterministic Soliton Automata with a Most One CycleU. of Western Ontario 1993

980 J. Dassow, H. Jürgensen

Allgemeine Mathematik als BildungsTechnische Hochschule Darmstadt

981 Rudolf Wille

Discrete Mathematics and Rechnender Raum (ComputingSpace)-Part IC ll l St t d S P t II

ZIB 1994

982 Konrad Zuse

Simulation und Optimierung einer PEchtzeitbedingungen

ZIB 1995

983 Atef Abdel-Aziz Abdel-HaGrötschel, Herbert Schore

Spirals in Scalar Reaction-Diffusion EquationsZIB 1995

984 M. Dillnitz, M. Golubitsky, A. Hohmann, I. Stewart

Geschäftsbericht 1994 - Schweizer ATAG Ernst & Young AG 1994


National Economic Planning - Research PapersU. of Birmingham 1971


On Duality in nonlinear and integer p1982

987 Jorgen Tind, Laurence A.

Augmenting paths and a class of independence systems1980

988 R. Euler

Isomorphism of Graphs with BoundeACM 1982

989 Laszlo Babai, D. Yu Grigo

La défense rapprochée des unités navales1982

990 Kurt Arbenz

Mit Radar: Freie Sicht auf die Venu1982

991 Kurt Arbenz

Seaguard-Système CIWS puissant pour Navires1982

992 Kurt Arbenz

Selected Applications of Minimum C1981

993 Jean-Claude Picard, Mau

Page 69: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Some Remarks on a Classification of Orable-Type-AlgorithmsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms U. 1979

995 B. Korte, C. Monma

Fractional Packing and CoveringMath. Centre Tracts 106 1979

996 A. Schrijver

Qualität + Zuverlässigkeit = Erfolg

Centre Suisse d’Essais des ComposantsElectroniques


997 CSEE


U. Bern, Institut für Mathematische Sversicherungslehre

998 Henri Carnal, Hans Riedw

Bounding the independence number of a graphInst. für Okonometrie und OR 1981

999 L. Lovasz

Polynomial Algorithms for Perfect GInst. für Okonometrie und OR 19

1000 M. Grötschel, L. Lovasz, A

Testing Membership in Matroid PolyhedraInst. für Okonometrie und OR 1981

1001 William H. Cunningham

Verzeichnis der arbeitspapiere (List Inst. für Okonometrie und OR 19


Die Beleuchtung von KugelnD. Reidel Publishing Co. 1981

1003 J. Linhart

Uber die Kantenlängensumme von DMonatshefte für Mathematik 197

1004 Johann Linhart

Packungen kongruenter Stäbchen1982

1005 F. Osterreicher, J. Linhart

Scheibenpackungen mit nach untenStudia Scientiarum Math. Hungarica

1006 J. Linhart

Kantenkrümmung und umkubelradius konvexer polyederStudia Scientiarum Math. Hungarica 1976

1007 J. Linhart

A Dual-Based Procedure for UncapaOperations Research 1978

1008 Donald Erlenkotter

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Integral Decomposition in PolyhedraWolfson College, Oxford 1976

1009 Colin McDiarmid

Graphs and Sports SchedulingEPFL 1982

1010 D. de Werra

Chromatic, Optimisation, Limitations, Objectives, Uses,References = COLOUR

EPFL 1982

1011 J. Krarup, D. de Werra

Boolean Techniques for Matroidal DIndependence Systems and Applica

Faculty of Math, U. of Mexico 19

1012 C. Benzaken, P.L. Hamm

A primal-dual algorithm for solving a maximal flow problem in aclass of networks with gains

Eindhoven U. of Technology 1979

1013 J. Koene

On a Classification of IndependenceU. of Köln 1980

1014 Reinhardt Euler

Le Problème de la répartition proportionnelleEPFL-Thèse 1977

1015 Jean-Pierre Leyvraz

Subgradient OptimizationIBM 1978

1016 Claudio Sandi

A Polynomially Bounded Algorithm for Positive DefiniteSymmetric LCPs

U. of Michigan 1979

1017 S.J. Chung, K.G. Murty

Modifications and Implementation ofor Linear Programming

Cornell U. 1980

1018 Donald Goldfarb, Michael

IFF Secondary Surveillance RadarsEPFL 1982

1019 Kurt Arbenz

Packing Subgraphs in a Graph - CoU. Catholique de Louvain 1982

1020 G. Cornuéjols, D. Hartvigs

Minimizing Irregularities in Sports Schedules using Graph TheoryEPFL 1981

1021 D. de Werra

Techniques Booleennes de Décompsystème d’indépendance application

U. Scientifique et Médicale de Gren

1022 C. Benzaken, P.L. Hamm

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Anforderungen an Software zur Unterstützung desZ-Engineerings


1023 Contraves

A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for SoProblem on a Totally-Balanced Matr

Stichting Mathematisch Centrum

1024 A.W.J. Kolen

A Robustness Approach to International SourcingU. of Texas and Duke Univ. 1993

1025 G.J. Gutierrez, P. Kouvelis

Robust Discrete Optimization and ItU. of Texas and Duke Univ. 199

1026 P. Kouvelis, G. Yu

Robust Economic Order Quantity ModelsU of Texas 1993

1027 G. Yu

A Robustness Aproach to UncapaciProblems

U. of Texas, Duke Univ., U. of Minne

1028 G.J. Gutierrez, A.A. Kuraw

Robust Scheduling to Hedge Against Processing TimeUncertainty in Single-Stage Production

Duke Univ. 1992

1029 R.L. Daniels, P. Kouvelis

Robust Scheduling of a Two-MachinProcessing Times

Duke Univ., GA Tech, Univ. of Florid

1030 P. Kouvelis, G. Vairaktara

Robust 1-Median Location on a Tree in the Presence of Demandand Transportation Cost Uncertainty

Duke Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Texas

1031 P. Kouvelis, G. Yu, G.A. Vairaktarakis

Erfahrungen mit der Einführung vonUnternehmungen

Univ. de Bern 1995

1032 G. Knolmayer, R. von Arb

Using a Monte-Carlo Method for Optimizing SmoothedFunctionals

Israel Institute of Tech. 1975

1033 Y. Rubinstein

Activity ReportSMG - Service de Math. de la Gesti

1034 ULB

ESST - Innovation in European Business Corporations and PublicOrganisations - a New Policy Approach


1035 EPFL

A Subdivision Algorithm for the ComManifolds and Global Attractors

ZIB 1995

1039 M. Dellnitz, A. Hohmann

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Visualization and Mathematics Collected AbstractsZIB 1995

1040 H.C. Hege, K. Polthier (eds.)

On the De Branges TheoremZIB 1995

1041 Wolfram Koepf, Dieter Sc

Simulation Methodology, Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization inDiscrete Event Systems (DES)

EPFL (3è cycle romand de RO - Grimentz) 1992

1042 Th.M. Liebling

Algorithms for Quantum ComputatioFactoring

AT&T Bell Labs, NJ, USA 1994

1043 Peter W. Shor

REDUCE Packages on Power Series, Z-Transformation,Residues and Trigonometric Simplification

ZIB, Berlin 1995

1044 Koepf Wolfram

Testing for Sn-Symmetry with a RecZIB, Berlin 1995

1045 Gatermann Karin

The Identification Problem for Transcendental FunctionsZIB, Berlin 1995

1046 Koepf Wolfram

Adaptive Algorithms in Dynamical PZIB, Berlin 1995

1047 Deuflhard Peter, Lang Jen

Smoothed Molecular Dynamics for Thermally EmbeddedSystems

ZIB, Berlin 1995

1048 Schütte Christof

An Object-Oriented Adaptive Finite ZIB, Berlin 1995

1049 Beck Rudolf, Erdmann Bo

A Free Energy Approach to the Torsion Dynamics ofMacromolecules

ZIB, Berlin 1995

1050 Reich Sebastian

Aufbau des Berliner BreitbandnetzeZIB, Berlin 1995

1051 Busch Hubert, Schulz San

ICIAM 95 Hamburg 1995


Ratio problem on the hypercubeCarnegie Mellon University 1995

1053 Margot François

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Algorithms for Quantum Computation: Discrete Logarithms andFactoring

AT&T 1994

1054 Shor Peter W.

Modellierung für die RegelungstechAss. Suisse pour l’Automatique

1055 Glattfelder A.H., Schaufel

Newsletter GMOOR 1995

1056 Jahn J., Rosenmüller J.

Proposal. Research Center for GeomETH Zürich 1995

1057 Lüthi H-J., Fukuda K.

Table of Enumeration Algorithms (revised edition)1995

1058 Yoshida Y., Fukuda K.

Travail Pratique de Diplôme 95/96EPFL-dép. informatique 1995


Projet de 7è semestre 95/96EPFL-dép. informatique 1995


Annual report of the group “AlgorithmTech. Univ. of Berlin, dept. of Math.

1061 Möhring R.H.

IFOR Mitteilungen, Nr. 37ETH-Zürich, Inst. für OR 1995


Progress Report 1991-1994Inst. für Informatik Universität zu Kö


JahresberichtETH-Zürich 1994


Parallel ComputingElsevier N.H. 1993


Department of Computer ScienceETH-Zürich 1995


Rapport d’activité 1994EPFL 1994


Page 74: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

New Insertion and Postoptimization Procedures for the TravelingSalesman Problem

Operations Research 1992

1068 Gendreau M., Hertz A., Laporte G.

Travaux de diplômes et thèses de dEPFL 1994


Georges de Rham 1903-1990Univ. de Lausanne 1995

1070 Bach D., Burlet O., de la Harpe P.

Evidence that Spitzenkörper BehaviFungal Hypha: A Test of the Hyphoi

Experimental Mycology 1995

1071 Bartnicki-Garcia S., BartnLopez-Franco R.

Generalized Job Shop Scheduling: Complexity and Local SearchEindhoven Univ. of Technology 1995


Algorithmic Support for Automated PEindhoven Univ. of Technology

1073 Wennink Marc

Column Generation Techniques for Pickup and DeliveryProblems

Eindhoven Univ. of Technology 1995

1074 Sol, Marc

LP-based solution methods for singlproblems

Eindhoven Univ. of Technology

1075 van den Akker, M.

JIP95, Journées industrielles du parallélisme Cray, Sipar, EPFL 1995


Annual ReportETH-Zürich 1994


Hardware and software trends in High-performance ComputingSPEEDUP 1995


Design-Uberlegungen fur ein Verteildie Mathematik in Deutschland

ZIB 1995

1079 Lügger, Joachim

Fast and Resolution Independent Line Integral ConvolutionZIB 1995

1080 Stalling Detlev, Hege, Hans-Christ.

Symmetric Hierarchical PolynomialsZIB 1995

1081 Zumbusch G.W.

Page 75: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Polyhedral Methods for the Maximum Clique ProblemCMU, Pittsburgh 1995

1082 Balas E., Ceria, S., Cornuéjols G., Pataki G.

On the Dimension of Projected PolyCMU, Pittsburgh 1995

1083 Balas E., Oosten, Maarten

New Classes of Efficiently Solvable Generalized TSPCMU, Pittsburgh 1995

1084 Balas E.

Optimierung und Kontrolle: The Quwith an Anti-Monge Matrix and a ToC

Karl-Franzens-Univ. Graz & Tech. U

1085 Burkard, R.E., Cela, E., R

La Gestion des Données (2 vol)Université de Neuchatel 1986

1086 P. Schönsleben

I Curso de Planificacion Integrada dUniv. Politecnica de Madred 197


Thèse 4963 - Commande optimale d’une centrale nucléaireGCFR à l’aide de la programmation quadratique

EPF-Zürich 1972

1088 P.-B. Raboud

Thèse 6117 -Quadratische ProgramRestriktionen: auf linearen und simpl f h §

EPF-Zürich 1978

1089 E. Phan-Huy-Hao

Thèse 887 - Méhodologie pour le lissage et le filtrage desdonnées altimetriques derivées de la correlation d’images

EPFL 1990

1090 Irineu da Silva

Thèse 5094 - Politik-Iterationsverfahoptimaler Unterhaltspolitiken

EPF-Zürich 1973

1091 Kasra Hazeghi

Thèse 352 - Un système avec processus pseudo-parallèles pourla programmation heuristique

EPFL 1980

1092 A. Schiper

Thèse 845 - Problèmes unidimensiodes variations et applications en éco

EPFL 1990

1093 B. Botteron

Abstract Booklet - Viewpoints on OptimizationEPFL - (Grimentz) 1990

1094 Ch. Ebenegger, D. de Werra

Thèse 777 - Une nouvelle approcheintégrant la reconnaissance des stru

EPFL 1989

1095 Rolf Ingold

Page 76: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Thèse 729 - Une modélisation de documents pour le formatageEPFL 1988

1096 Ch. Vanoirbeek

Thèse 669- Optimisation convexe dapplications au trafic routier et à l’en

EPFL 1987

1097 Claude Pasche

Thèse 897 - Sur quelques problèmes combinatoires relatifs àl’ordonnancement

EPFL 1990

1098 M. Cochand

Optimisation mathématique: méthodGrimentz, 3è cycle romand de RO

1099 V. Chvatal, R.E. Burkard

Thèse - Contribution de la Morphométrie à l’étude despolycristaux: application à la croissance granulaire dans une

l i f itté

Ecole Natl. des Mines de Paris 1979

1100 Michel Blanc

Morphological description of sintere(Project COST 503)

EPFL 1986


Thèse 780 - Modélisation et simulation bidimensionnelle de lacroissance des polycristaux

EPFL 1989

1102 H. Telley

Annual ReportZIB 1994


Of Stable Marriages and Graphs, and Strategy and PolytopesEP - Laboratoire d’économétrie, Paris 1995

1104 M. Balinski, G. Ratier

Jahresbericht der ArbeitsgruppeMath. Institut der Univ. zu Köln 1

1105 A. Bachem

Zeitschrift für Operations ResearchZOR 1985


Algorithmen auf matroiden und polyETH-Zuerich 1980

1107 P. Schönsleben

Polyrama - vertige techno-biologiqueEPFL 1995


A Computational view of interior-poiprogramming

HEC, Genève 1994

1109 J. Gondzio, T. Terlaky

Page 77: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Why does skin stay smooth? The dynamics of tissues instatistical equilibrium

Philo. Mag 1995

1110 N. Rivier, B. Dubertret

Discontinuous optimization problemprogramming

ZIB 1995

1111 R. Schultz

Strong Convexity in stochastic programs with complete recourseII: partially random right-hand side

ZIB 1995

1112 R. Schultz

Reconstruction of polycrystalline strcombinatorial optimization

Computing 1986

1113 H. Telley, Th. M. Liebling,

Fifty-nine tetrakaidecahedra as grain modelsJournal of Microscopy 1977

1114 M. Hucher, J. Grolier

On the Theory of normal grain growActa Metall.- 1974

1115 N.P. Louat

Soap, cells and statistics--random patterns in two dimensionsContemp. Phys. 1984

1116 D. Weaire, N. Rivier

Metal Interfaces - a seminar held in Am. Society for Metals 1951


A two-dimensional computer simulation of capillarity-driven graingrowth: preliminary results

Scripta Metallurgica 1988

1118 H.J. Frost, C.V. Thompson, C.L. Howe, J. Whang

Determination of the volume densityfrom measurements in planar sectio

Acta Metall. 1985

1119 M.A. Fortes

Overview No. 65 - Theories of normal grain growth in pure singlephase systems

Acta metall. 1988

1120 H.V. Atkinson

Potts Model1986

1121 M.P. Anderson

Simulation of grain-growth in the presence of second phaseparticles

Scripta metallurgica 1985

1122 S. Yabushita, N. Hatta, S. Kikuchi, J. Kokado

The arrangement of cells in “randomMetallography 1982

1123 B.N. Boots

Page 78: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Quantification and Reconstruction of spatial objects and surfacesby computer-aided stereometry

Stereol Iugosl 1981

1124 B. Bauer, H.E. Exner

A Topological model for plane sectioActa Metall. 1980

1125 E. Carnal, A. Mocellin

Recrystallization and grain growth in titanium: 1. characterizationof the structure

Metallurgical transactions 1972

1126 K. Okazaki, H. Conrad

Computer simulation of a two-dimenof results

Philo. Mag. 1984

1127 D. Weaire, J.P. Kermode

A statistical thermodynamic theory for coordination-numberdistribution and effective thermal conductivity of random packedb d

Int. J. Heat Mass transfer 1978

1128 A.L. Nayak, C.L. Tien

An entropy model for shear deformaLett. appl. engng sci. 1980

1129 Ken-ichi Kanatani

Anisoitropy fast characterization


Specification and measurement of mTransaction of the metall. society of

1131 J.E. Hilliard

A fourth note on recent research in geometrical probabilityAdv.appl. prob. 1977

1132 A. Baddeley

Geometrical considerations on hardProgress of theoretical physics 1

1133 T. Ogawa, M. Tanemura

Parallel search algorithms for combinatorial optimizationproblems

Ecole Anzère 1995

1134 C. Roucairol

Recharche et promotion de la santéCinéprofil 1995


Troisième cycle romand de recherche opérationnelleAnzère - booklet 1995


On the theory of normal and abnormActa metall. 1965

1137 M. Hillert

Page 79: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Catalog COPPE - coordenacao dos programas depos-graduaçao de engenharia

Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro 1993-4


Catalogo dos cursos de pos-graduaUniv. Federal do Rio de Janeiro


An introduction to the morphological characterization of sinteredstructures

EPFL 1971

1140 A. Mocellin

Using the Linear-optimizer - LOPT Rice University, Texas 1986

1141 R. E. Bixby

Consecutive and alternating vectzors: polyhedra and algorithmsETH-Zuerich 1978

1142 H. Gröflin, Th.M. Liebling

Anwendung der erneuerungstheorielager-haltungs-politiken


1143 S. Karlin

Graphentheorie fuer tourenproblemeETH-Zuerich

1144 Th. Liebling

Allgemeiner ueberblick

1145 Th. Liebling, M. Roessler

Modeles probabilistes et methodes de previsionETH - IFOR 1971

1146 G. Escher, Th.M. Liebling

Ein Blick ins lager der lagerhaltungsEPFL 1982

1147 Th.M. Liebling

Tagung OR und chemieSVOR/SIA, Basel 1981

1148 Th.M. Liebling, R. Lierau, M.L. Rose

Wann ist die iterationenzahl des simpoisson-verteilt

ETH-Zuerich 1975

1149 Th.M. Liebling

Zeitdiskrete stochastische prozesseETHZ 1974

1150 Th.M. Liebling

Anwendung der graphentheorie auf tourenprobleme des städtischen stra

ETH-Zuerich 1970

1151 Th.M. Liebling

Page 80: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Graphentheorie in planungs-und tourenproblemen ETH-Zuerich 1970

1152 Th.M. Liebling

Polyrama - leçons inauguralesEPFL 1981


An optimal algorithm for constructing the weighted voronoidiagram in the plane

Pattern Recognition 1984

1154 F. Aurenhammer, H. Edelsbrunner

Modèle bidimensionnel de Potts

1155 Th. Liebling

Percolation and conduction on the 3D Voronoi and regularnetworks: a second case study in topological disorder

J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 1983

1156 G.R. Jerauld, L.E. Scriven, H.T. Davis

Triangulations (Tilings) and certain bMath. Programming 1985

1157 G.B. Dantzig, A.J. Hoffma

On Steiner’s problem with rectilinear distanceJ. Siam appl Math. 1966

1158 M. Hanan

Random minimal treesJ.Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 1965

1159 E.N. Gilbert

Generalization of Voronoi Diagrams in the planeSiam J. Comput. 1981

1160 D.T. Lee, R.L. Drysdale

Power diagrams: properties, algorithSiam J. Comput 1987

1161 F. Aurenhammer

On the convex hull of the simple integer recourse objectivefunction

Annals of OR 1995

1162 W.K.K. Haneveld, Leen Stougie, M.H. van der Vlerk

Programa de Engenharia biomédicaCOPPE/UFRJ


An efficient cutting plane method for zero-one nonlinearprogramming

Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro

1164 D. Mauricio, N. Maculan, S. Scheimberg

A branch-and-bound scheme for unprogram

Univ. de Montréal 1995

1165 P. Michelson, N. Brossard

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TRAVELCarleton, U. of Waterloo, CMU

1166 S.C. Boyd, W.R. Pulleyblank, G. Cornuéjols

Order and disorder in two-dimensionPhil. Mag. 1983

1167 C.J. Lambert, D. Weaire

The Program CRACK for Solving PDEs in General Relativity(Lecture)

ZIB 1995

1168 Thomas Wolf

Adaptive h-p approximation proceduanisotropic refinement for Numerica

ZIB 1995

1169 G. W. Zumbusch

Dynamics of Erbium-doped Waveguide Lasers: Modelling,Reliable Simulation, and Comparison with Experiments

ZIB 1995

1170 Ch. Schütte, M. Dinand, G. Zumbusch, R. Brinkmann

Struktur, wissenschaftliches KonzepRegion

ZIB 1995

1171 P. Deuflhard, J. Gottschew

A Linear Programming Relaxation of the Node Packing Problemor 2-bicritical Graphs

U. of Calgary 1978

1172 W. R. Pulleyblank

A Note on Claw-free GraphsU. of Calgary 1978

1173 W.R. Pulleyblank

A Note on Graphs Spanned by Eulerian GraphsU. of Calgary 1978

1174 W.R. Pulleyblank

A Matching Problem with Side CondU. of Calgary 1978

1175 G. Cornuéjols, W. Pulleyb

Komplexität logischer und kombinatorischerentscheidungsprobleme

Seminar Specker/strassen 1973

1176 W. Baur

Single-machine job sequencing withand linear delay penalties

SIAM 1972

1177 W.A. Horn

Deterministic Production Planning with Concave Costs andCapacity Constraints

Management Science 1971

1178 M. Florian, M. Klein

Optimale Bäume, Arboreszenzen, KETH 1978

1179 Th.M. Liebling

Page 82: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Descriptif - evaluatif : Newton, un univers programmableCUI, Univ. de Genève 1987

1180 A. Bork

The Distribution of disorientation anof neighbouring grains are equally p

Scripta Metallurgica 1979

1181 H. Grimmer

letter to editor : On a statement by C.S. Smith concerning anupper limit to the sharing of corners in aggregates

Acta Met. 1953

1182 J.L. Meijering

The lognormal distribution in the ranJournal of Non-crystalling solids

1183 J.F. Shackelford, B.D. Bro

Computer simulation of a two-dimentionsl soap froth - I. Methodand motivation

Phil. Mag. 1983

1184 D. Weaire , J.P. Kermode

Computer simulation of a two-dimenof results

Phil.Mag 1984

1185 D. Weaire, J.P. Kermode

The evolution of the structure of a two-dimensional soap frothPhil.Mag 1983

1186 D. Weaire, J.P. Kermode

letter to the editor: On the correlatioof cells in epithellal mosaics

J.Phys. A: Math Gen. 1982

1187 N. Rivier, A. Lissowski

Monte Carlo simulation of the evolution of a two-dimensionalsoap froth

Phil. Mag. B. 1986

1188 J. Wejchert, D. Weaire, J.P. Kermode

A Second note on recent research inAdv. Appl. Prob. 1969

1189 P.A.P. Moran

The Laplacian on a random one dimensional latticeJ.Phys. A. 1983

1190 E.J. Gardner, C. Itzykson, B. Derrida

Disclination lines in glassesPhil. Mag. A. 1979

1191 N. Rivier

The estimation of local shape parameters by sections andprojections

Ins. für Mathematische Stochastik, Freiburg

1192 W. Weil

Computing the topological entropy oCommun. Math. Phys. 1983

1193 P. Collet, J.P. Crutchfield,

Page 83: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Random plane networksJ. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 1961

1194 E.N. Gilbert

Sampling Error in the estimation of gTransactions of the Metall. society o

1195 J.E. Hilliard

Contribution à l’étude de la structure des grains d’un metalIRSID / Ecole des Mines de Paris 1963

1196 A. Haas

Network flows and nonlinear 0-1 pro

1197 P. Hansen

6. Stepwise construction of polyhedra in geometric modellingComputer Lab., U. of Cambridge

1198 I.C. Braid, R.C. Hillyard, I.A. Stroud

Histogrammes sur différents paramepolycristallin


1199 P. Labhard, H. Telley

Les langages à objetsInterEditions

1200 G. Masini, A. Napoli, D. Colnet, D. Léonard

Edmund’s Blossom Algorithms (tranETH

1201 Th.M. Liebling

Realisierung von Zufallsgrössen mit vorgegebenerverteilungsfunktion


1202 Th.M. Liebling

An analytical expression and an algconvex polyhedron in Rn

J. of Opt. Theory and Appl. 1983

1203 J.B. Lasserre

A comparison of two-and Three-dimensional size distributions ina cellular material

Metallography 1970

1204 P.L. White, L.H. van Vlack

Automated cavity measurement usinMetallography 1983

1205 J.F. Mancuso, H.T. Tai, C

On the theory of normal and abnormal grain growthActa.Metall. 1965

1206 M. Hillert

A Stochastic theory of grain growthActa. Metall.

1207 I-Wei Chen

Page 84: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A new method for solving stability of nonlinear systems forarbitrary initial conditions by means of an analog computer

5th Intl analogue computation meetings

1208 V. Fiala

Equivalence of the void percolation spheres and a network problem

J. Phys. A:Math. Gen. 1983

1209 A.R.Kerstein

Distribution of coordination numbers in random packing ofhomogeneous spheres

Powder Technology 1974

1210 H. Iwata, T. Homma

Statistical Grain Structure studies: Pregular polyhedrons

Transactions Aime 1953

1211 F.C. Hull, W.J. Houk

Overview 17, Cavities in dense random packingsActa Metall. 1982

1212 H.J. Frost

Measurement of internal boundariesstructures by random sectioning

Transactions Aime 1953

1213 C.S. Smith, L. Guttman

The Dirichlet tessellation as an aid in data analysisScand J. Statist 7 1980

1214 R. Sibson

Geometric Selection in Two-dimensMath. Geology 1984

1215 N.H. Gray

Simultaneous Computation of the lowest eigenvalues andeigenvectors of the Helmholtz equation

ZIB 1995

1216 F. Schmidt

Solving Stochastic programs with coframework using groebner bases

ZIB 1995

1217 R. Schultz, L. Stougie, M.

Alcuin’s transportation problems and integer programmingZIB 1995

1218 R. Borndoerfer, M. Groetschel, A. Loebel

On the Sojourn Times for Many-Queprocessor-sharing systems with per

ZIB 1995

1219 A. Brandt, M. Brandt

Approximations for the distribution function of the sum of iidrandom variables with compact support in IR+

ZIB 1995

1220 M. Brandt

A Fully adaptive MOL-treatment of pextrapolation techniques

ZIB 1995

1221 U. Nowak

Page 85: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Quantum-classical molecular dynamics as an approximation tofull quantum dynamics

ZIB 1995

1222 F.A. Bornemann, P. Nettesheim, C. Schuette

An adaptive wavelet-vaguelette algononlinear PDEs

ZIB 1995

1223 J. Froehlich, K. Schneider

Dynamic dimension reduction in ODE modelsZIB 1995

1224 P. Deuflhard, Joerg Heroth

Um Método feixe nivel proximal paradiferenciavel

Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazi

1225 D. Mauricio, N. Maculan, J

An efficient cutting plane method for O-1 nonlinear programmingCampos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil 1994

1226 D. Mauricio, N. Maculan, S. Scheimberg

A trust region method for Zero-one nCampos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazi

1227 D. Mauricio, N. Maculan

Tours in ArgentinaKALLPA 1995

1228 M. Canesa

Chapter 28 - Combinatorial OptimizaHandbook of Combinatorics/Elsevie

1229 M. Groetschel, L. Lovasz

Chapter 37 - Combinatorics in Statistical PhysicsHandbook of Combinatorics/Elsevier 1995

1230 C.D. Godsil, M. Groetschel, D.J.A. Welsh

Champs markoviens et predictionEPFL 1987

1231 Russo F.

Randomization in the two-parameter optimal stopping problemEPFL 1987

1232 Dalang R.C.

Commutation d’une matrice avec saEPFL 1986

1233 Evard J.-Cl.

Modèle des systèmes graphiques interactifs et application à laconception d’une station de mise en pages de textes composités

EPFL 1980

1234 Röthlisberger H.

Die Unwucht-optimale verteilung voquadratisches zuordnungsproblem

EPF-Z 1987

1235 Schlegel D.

Page 86: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Inaugural-dissertation/ contributions to routing problemsUniv. Augsburg 1987

1236 Win Zaw

Lagerbewirtschaftung mit mehrerenEPF-Z 1973

1237 Schiltknecht H.

Ein heuristisches verfahren zur distriktermittlung in bewertetengraphen und seine anwendung auf die berechnung von

h l i b i h

TU-Berlin 1976

1238 Eden B.N.

Combined continuous/discrete systecomputers: techniques and tools

EPF-Z 1979

1239 Cellier F.E.,

Journal of complexityAcademic Press 1985

1240 Traub J.F.

Intl conference on Operations ReseDGOR/SVOR 1990

1241 Feichtinger G., KatzenberStepan A.

Guide 111 de l’informatique en suisse romandeEditions III 1987

1242 Tille P.Y.

Anais do simposio brasileiro de pesSOBRAPO 1984

1243 Newton P., Feldmann P.R

Sixth European congress on OR - List of participants andAbstracts

EURO VI 1983


Fifth European congress on OR - LiAbstracts

EURO V 1982


Deutsche Mathematiker-vereinigung jahrestagungUniv. Ulm 1995


abstracts12. Symposium on OR at Univ. Pas

1247 Kleinschmidt P. , SchweitzWildemann H.

Lecture Notes in Control and Information SciencesSpringer-Verlag 1979

1248 Balakrishnan A.V., Thoma M.

ProgramTIMS XXVII - Australia 1986


Page 87: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Habilitation - Knapsack Problems, Test Sets and PolyhedraZIB 1995

1250 Weismantel R.

Thèse - Evolution et caracterisation bidimensionnelles experimentales,

t i lé

INPL 1996

1251 Pignol Valerie

Annuaire académique - Rapport d’activitéUNIL 1993


3è Cycle Romand de RO - Recent aprogramming

Univ. de Genève 1987

1253 Vial J.-P.

Abstracts - First Intl conference on industrial and appliedmathematics

ICIAM 87 1987


Homogenization of Highly OscillatorZIB 1995

1255 Bornemann F.A., Schütte

A Mathematical Approach to Smoothed Molecular Dynamics:Correcting Potentials for Freezing Bond Angles

ZIB 1995

1256 Bornemann F.A., Schütte Ch.

Enhanced long-term simulation of Hcontaining a strong non-convex pote

ZIB 1995

1257 Reich Sebastian

Efficient computation of Orthogonal Polynomials in ComputerAlgebra

ZIB 1995

1258 Koepf Wolfram

Wagenumlaufoptimierung - MethodiAnwendung

ZIB 1995

1259 Löbel Andreas, Strubbe U

The Euclidean Steiner Tree Problemk Implementation of aHeuristic

Univ. of Fribourg, Institute of Informatics 1994

1260 Hürlimann Tony

Parallelizing the Dual Simplex MethZIB 1995

1261 Bixby R.E., Martin, Alexan

Smoothed Langevin Dynamics of Highly Oscillatory SystemsZIB 1996

1262 Reich, Sebastian

Effiziente Eigenmodenberechnung fintegriert-optischer Chips

ZIB 1996

1263 Deuflhard P., Friese T., S

Page 88: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

An Explicit and Symplectic Integrator for Quantum-ClassicalMolecular Dynamics

ZIB 1995

1264 Nettesheim, Peter

Informationssysteme für die ArmeefETHZ 1977

1265 Furrer G.

Problemkreis VerkehrsunfaelleETHZ 1971

1266 Liebling Th.M.

Blüten-algorithmusETHZ 1974

1267 Liebling Th.M.

Lineare regelsysteme mit der student edition von Matlab - statutsAsso. suisse pour l’Automatique/ ETHZ 1996

1268 Schaufelberger W., Glattfelder A.H.

A Polyhedral Approach to PlanarAugmentation and Related Problem

Max Planck Institut Informatik 19

1269 Mutzel Petra

Projets de diplôme Norasia Services SA 1995

1270 Ribordy L.

Thèse N° 1426EPFL - DC 1995

1271 Turcatti G.

Thèse N° 1341EPFL - DI 1995

1272 Amidror I.

Pôle ChineEPFL - DGC 1996

1273 Sarlos G.

Rapport d’ActivitéEPFL - DMA 1995


Codeau : A data base Package for tof Hydrometeorological Data


1275 de Souza P., Consuegra D

Bulletin - DiagnoseETH- Zentrum 1996

1276 Morari M.

An Arbitrary Starting Variable Dimenan Integer Point of a Simplex

U. of Auckland - Engineering Scienc

1277 Dang Ch., Van Maaren H

Page 89: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Computing an Integer Point of a Simplex with an ArbitraryStarting Simplicial Algorithm

U. of Auckland - Engineering Science 1996

1278 Dang Ch., Van Maaren H.

A Column-Generation Based BranchSorting by reversals


1279 Caprara A., Lancia G., Ng

IFOR MITTEILLUNGEN N° 39ETH Zürich - Institut Oper.Research 1996

1280 Lüthi H.-J.

HeuristicsU. of Colorado, Boulder 1996

1281 Glover F.W.

Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for 2-Layer Straightline CrossingMinimization

MPI 1995

1282 Jünger M., Mutzel P.

Encyclopedia of Operations ResearKluwer Academic Publishers 199

1283 Gass L., Harris C.M.

Automatisiertes Zeichnen von DiagrammenMPI 1995

1284 Mutzel P.

On the Universal Parition Theorem fU. Aachen 1995

1285 Günzel H.

Quantum measurements and the Abelian Stabilizer ProblemLandau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow 1995

1286 Kitaev A. Y.

The Polyhedral Approach to the MaProblem : New Chances for Related

U. Köln 1994

1287 Jünger M., Mutzel P.

Maximum Planar Subgraphs and Nice Embeddings : PracticalLayout Tools

U. Köln 1994

1288 Jünger M., Mutzel P.

Optimierung und KontrolleU. Graz 1995

1289 Burkard E., Deineko V., V

Management de Systemes Logistiques - : Modélisation etsimulation

EPFL - IML 1996

1290 Liebling Th., Delaloye V., Heche J.F., Righetti F.

Management de Systemes Logistiqulogistiques

EPFL - IML 1996


Page 90: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Neue Produkte für di digitale Bibliothek : die Rolle derWissenschaften

ZIB 1996

1292 Grötschel M., Lügger J.

Handbuch der Berliner Software DisZIB 1996

1293 Müller P.

Weinstein’s Functions and the Askey-Gasper IdentityZIB 1996

1294 Koepf W., Schmersau D.

The Minimum Spanning Tree ProbleUni Tokyo 1994

1295 Matsui T.

A Flexible Algorithm for Generating all the Spanning Trees inundirected Graphs

Uni Tokyo 1996

1296 Matsui T.

Enumeration Algoritm for the Edge CGraphs

Tokyo Metropolitan UniUni Tokyo


1297 Matsui Y., Matsui T.

Adjacency on Combinatorial PolyhedraUni Tokyo 1993

1298 Matsui T., Tamura S.

CEJORE, vol 3, Number 3Cuechoslovak Journal for Operation


Thèse N° 1442 (1995)EPFL 1995

1300 Etique P.-A.

The Travelling Salesmann and the PUni Graz 1996

1301 Burkard R., Deineko V., W

Polynomially Solvable Cases of the Traveling SalesmannProblem and a New Exponential Neighbourhood

Uni Graz 1994

1302 Burkard R., Geineko V.

The Travelling Salesman Problem oUni Graz 1995

1303 Burkard R., Deineko V., W

Well-Solvable Special Cases of the TSP : A SurveyUni Graz 1995

1304 Burkard R., Deineko V., Van Dal R., Van der Veen J.

Eine graphische Oberfläche für numZIB 1996

1305 Nowak U., Pöhle U., Roitz

Page 91: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Twodimensional Cascadic Finite Element Computations ofCombustion Problems

ZIB 1996

1306 Fröhlich J., Lang J.

Sixty Years of Computation - The MZIB 1996

1307 Rojas R.

Travaux de diplômes et thèses de doctoratEPFL 1995


Solving Large-Scale Real-World Minby a Network Simplex Method

ZIB 1996

1309 Löbel A.

Souond Localization in the Horizontal Plane : A BinauralApproach

ATR 1995

1310 Amouyal J., Rainton D.

Optimal Control of a Muti-Class, FleWarton Shool, OPIM Dept., 199

1311 Gans Noah, van Ryzin G.

Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching : optimal performance and practicalpolicies

Wharton School, OPIM dept. 1996

1312 Gans N., van Ryzin G.

Optimal Scheduling of a Parallel ProWharton School, OPIM dept. 19

1313 Gans N., van Ryzin

Hypermetrics in Geometry of NumbersAmerican Mathematical Society 1995

1314 Deza M., Grishukhin VP, Lauren M.

Cut Lattices and Equiangular LinesAcademic Press Ltd 1996

1315 Deza M., Grishukhin VP

Measure Aspects of Cut Polyhedra : embeddability andProbability

ENS-DMI, Paris 1993

1316 Deza M., Laurent Monique

A Zoo of embeddable Polytopal GraENS-DMI, Paris 1996

1317 Deza M., Grishukhin VP

Applications of cut polyhedra - I

Journal of Computational and appliedmathematics


1318 Deza M., Laurent M.

Cut Polyhedra and MetricsENS Paris 1996

1319 Deza M., Laurent M.

Page 92: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

The Role of Technology in Environmentally sustainableDevelopment

CAETS 1995


Spherically symmetric perfect fluids symmetry approach

ZIB 1996

1321 Stephani Hans, Wolf Thom

Selfadaptive Finite Element Computations with Smooth TimeController and Anisotropic Refinement

ZIB 1996

1322 Lang Jens, Roitzsch Rainer

Discrete Transparent Boundary ConEquations

ZIB 1996

1323 Schmidt Frank, Yevick Da

An Efficient Storage Scheme for Reduced Chemical KineticsBased on Orthoganla Polynominals

ZIB 1996

1324 Niemann Holger, Schmidt Dietmar, Maas Urlrich

Optimierung des Fahrzeugumlaufs iZIB 1996

1325 Grötschel Martin, Löbel A

Backward Error Analysis for Numerical IntegratorsZIB 1996

1326 Reich Sebastian

Conception, Implementation and EvApplication on a Personal Digital AsI Q t ti S t

NCR Stiftung 1995

1327 Meyer André

Carte Smaky 68060NCR Stiftung 1995

1328 Arnaud Pierre

Ein Erkennungssystem für handgesNCR Stiftung 1995

1329 Niggeler Dieter

Die strategischen Potentiale neuer telematishcer Infrastrukturen,unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Medienindustrie

NCR Stiftung 1995

1330 Göldi Andreas

Wissenschaftliche Information und ZIB 1996

1331 Grötschel Martin, Lügger

Seeking the Equation of State of Non-Compact Lattice QEDZIB 1996

1332 Göckeler M., Horsley R., Linke V., Rakow P.

A Mathematical Investigation of the ZIB 1996

1333 Bornemann F-, Schütte C

Page 93: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Adaptive Accuracy Control for Microcanonical Car-ParrinelloSimulations

ZIB 1996

1334 Bornemann F., Schütte Ch.

Polynomial Time Approximation Schother Geometric Problems

Princeton University 1996

1335 Arora Sanjeev

l’Approximation minimumAnnales de la Société Scientifique de Buxelles

1336 De la Vallée, Poussin

The Structure an Dynamics of PatteCells

BSP, Uni Lausanne

1337 Rivier N.

Topological models of 2D cellular structures : KK z �5CNRS, URA Nancy

1338 Le Caër G.

Primitives for the Manipulation of ThSubdivisions

Algorithmica 1989

1339 Dobkin D., Laszlo J.

The Convex Hull of a Linear Congruence Relation in Zero-OneVariables

ZOR 1995

1340 Alveras D., Rijal Minendra

Order-Preserving AssignmentsNaval Research Ligistics 1994

1341 Padberg M., Alevras D.

Robust Gift Wrapping for the Tree-Dimensional Convex HullUniv. Tokyo 1993

1342 Sugihara Kokichi

A Robust and Consistent Algorithm Polyhedra

Univ. Tokyo 1994

1343 Sigihara Kokichi

Numerical Issues and Practical Implementations inComputational Geometry

Univ. Tokyo

1344 Sigihara Kokichi

approximation of Generalized VoronVornoi Diagrams

Univ. Tokyo 1993

1345 Sigihara Kokichi

A Robust Topology-Oriented Incremental Algorithm for VoronoiDiagrams

Univ. Tokyo 1994

1346 Sigihara Kokichi, IRI Masao

Power Diagrams _ Properties, algorTechn. Univ. Graz 1987

1347 Aurenhammert F.

Page 94: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Bulletin 1994- RISK LABAssociation Suisse de RO 1994


SVOR/ASRO : New OR TechnologiFacility Location

Association Suisse de RO 1995


Management de systemes logistiquesIML 1996


The set of non-linearity of a convex National Science Fondation Fellow

1351 Davis Chandler

General Mangement Carrer Development Programs - TopicalSkill Development Programs

IMD 1996


Optimal seitching beween two randoEPFL

1353 Cairoli R. , Dalang C.

Twisted GFSR GeneratorsUniv. Koyoto 1992

1354 Matsumoto Makoto, Kurita Yoshiharu

A new single model and derived algplanning problem using graph theor

Lamsade, Univ. Paris-Dauphine

1355 Gabrel V., Moulet A., Mur

On styles of relating to bargaining partnersUniv. Graz 1995

1356 Ostmann Axel, Leopold-Wildburger U.

Local search in combinatorial optimiEPFL 1992

1357 Hertz A., Taillard E., de W

A colourful look on evolutionary techniquesEPFL 1995

1358 Hertz Alain

Assemblée générale asro 96le Tutorial ASRO 95

ASRO - bulletin 1996


La Recherche Operationnelle : pourquoi, où ?ASRO - bulletin 1994


Oriented Matroids and CombinaoraiCNRS 1993

1361 Cordovil R., Fukuda K

Page 95: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Balanced Matrices : A SurveyUniv. Padova 1993

1362 Conforti M., Cornuéjols G., Kapoor A., Rao R.

Discrete Apllied MathematicsUniv. Montreal 1996

1363 Avis David, Fukuda Kome

Event Display : Cann we see what we want to see ?CERN ECP/PT 1995

1364 Drevermann H., Kuhn D., Nilsson B.S.

Block P-MatricesUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1365 Elsner L., Szulc T

Addendum to the Paper “Dirichlet Forms and Markov Processes:A generalized Framework Including both Elliptic and ParabolicC ”

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1366 Stannat W.

Absolutely Continuous Flows GenerFields in Finite and Infinite Dimensio

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1367 BogachevV., Mayer-Wolf

Convergence of Operator Semigroups Generated by EllipticOperators

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1368 Röckner M., Zhang Tu-Sheng

Inersection Statements for SystemsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1369 Deuber W.A., Erdös P., GA.V.

A zoo of Embeddable Polytopal GraphsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1370 Deza M., Grishukhin V.P.

Limit Sets of Free Groups, HausdorFinite Type

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1371 Friedland S.

On Nonnormal Matrices that can be Reduced to Band Form undeFinite Sequences of Elementary Unitary Similarities

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1372 Elsner L., Ikramov Kh.D.

Monoidale - KategoprienUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1373 Wellen H.

Coordinates of fMaximal Roots of Weakly Nonnegative UnitForms

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1374 Dräxler P., Golovachtchuk N., Ovsienko S., de la PenaJ.A.

On the Support of Irreducible WeighUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1375 Cylke A. , Futorny V., Ovs

Page 96: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Combinatorics of Delaunay Polytopes of the Isodual Lattice Q10Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1376 Grishukhin V.

The Diametric Theorem in HammingUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1377 Ahlswede R., Khachtrian

Stochastic Quantization of the Two-Dimensional PolymerMeasure

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1378 Albeverio S., Hu Y.Z., Röckner M., Zhou Xian Yin

Stochastic Quantization of the Tree-Measure

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1379 Albeverio S., Röckner M.,

Combinatorial Classification of Finitely Generated Virtually FreeGroups

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1380 Müller Th.

Uniform Domains of Higher Order IIUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1381 Alestato P., Väisälä J

When is the Student t-Statistic Asymptotically Standart Normal ?Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1382 Giné E., Götze F., Mason D. M.

Lower Bounds for the spectral Gap Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1383 Meise Ch.

Bounds dfor the Accuracy of Poissonian Approximations ofStable Laws

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1384 Bentkus V., Götze F., Paulauskas V.

Uniqueness of Gibbs States for QuaUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1385 Alberverio S., Kondratiev T.V.

Geometric Aspects of Finite and Infintie-DimensionalFleming-Viot Processes

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1386 Overbeck L., Röckner M.

Numerical Approximation of HomocUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1387 Beyn W. -J., Kleinkauf J.-

Quadratic Forms in the Representation Theory ofFinite-Dimensional Algebras (Surveys and Work in Progress)

Univ. Bielefeld 1996


CREP Manual Version 1.0 Using MaUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1389 Dräxler P., Nörenberg R.

Page 97: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Questions about Tame AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1390 Dräxler P.

Contributions to the Diagnosis of CoUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1391 Gevorkian D.N., Khachtria

Independent Finite Sums of Km-fee GraphsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1392 Deuber W., Gunderson D., Hindman N., Strauss D.

On Decay Rates of Tridiagonal and Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1393 Nabben R.

The Existence of Exactly m-coloured Complete SubgraphsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1394 Stacey A., Weidl P.

Approximation of Quadratic Forms oVectors by Accompanying Laws

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1395 Bentkus V., Götze F., Zair

On the Normal Structure of the General Linear Group over a RingUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1396 Stepanov A.

Elliptic Regularity and Essential SelfOperators on IRn

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1397 Bogachev V., Krylov N.V.

On the Storage Capacity of Hopfield Models with WeaklyCorrelated Patterns

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1398 Löwe M.

On the Convergence of Parallel SimUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1399 Meise Ch.

All Ramsey Numbers r(K3,G) for Connected Graphs of Order 7and 8

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1400 Brinkmann G.

Semilinear Stochastic Equations forUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1401 Mück S.

A Construction of Endofinite ModulesUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1402 Ringel C. M.

Shadows in Linear LatticesUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1403 Weidl P.

Page 98: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

The Influence of Memory on Crating OrderUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1404 Tamm U.

I. Dualizing Rings and a CharacterizTypeII A i ti D i ti f D

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1405 Krause H.

2-Partition-Transitive TournamentsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1406 Guiduli B., Gyarfas A., Thomassé S., Weidl P.

Exactly Definable CategoriesUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1407 Krause H.

Large Deviations of Products of Empirical Measures andU-Empirical Measures in Strong Topologies

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1408 Eichelsbacher P., Schmock U.

Dirichlet Forms on Infinite-DimensioSpaces : A Survey of Recent Resulth F t

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1409 Röckner M.

Présentation nouveau bulletin, Mise au concours prix ASROASRO - Bulletin 2 1996


Classical and Cascadic Multigrid - AZIB 1996

1411 Bornemann F.A., Krause

Local Inexact Newton Multilevel FEM for Nonlinear EllipticProblems

ZIB 1996

1412 Deuflhard P., Weiser M.

Adaptive FEM for Reaction-DiffusionZIB 1996

1413 Lang J.

On Hilbert Bases of Polyhedral ConesZIB 1996

1414 Henk M., Weismantel R.

Informatique et biologie : du modèleEPFL - cours postgrade en informat


Oberon in der Automatisierungstechnik Nr.3ETHZ - SGA bulletin Nr.15 1996


Deterministische Signale im Zeit- unAus der Sicht eines Nichtmathemati


1417 Feurstein R.

Page 99: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Super-Exponential Complexity of Presburger ArithmeticMassachusetts Institute of Technology 1974

1418 Fischer M.J., Rabin M.O.

analysis of B acktrack Alborithms foFaces of a Convex Polyhedron

University of Tsukuba, Tokyo 19

1419 Fukuda K., Liebling Th.M

The existence of a short sequence of admissible pivots to anoptimal basis in LP and LCP

IFORS’96 1996

1420 Fuluda K., Luethi H.J., Namiki M.

Barycentric scenario trees in convexprogramming

Univ. of St.Gallen 1994

1421 Frauendorfer K.

Stochastic Programming Tutorial for Financial Decision MakingUniv. of St. Gallen 1994

1422 Frauendorfer K.

Structural Gröbner Basis DetectionUniv. Trier 1996

1423 Sturmfels B., Wiegelmann

A Boolean Penlaty for Zero-One Nonlinear ProgrammingUniv. Estadual do Norte Fluminense, RIO 1996

1424 Mauricio D., Maculan N.

Matrices whose Inverses are GenerUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1425 Nabben R.

On Parabolic Subgroups of Classical Groups with a FiniteNumber of Orbits on the Unipotent Radical

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1426 Hille L., Röhrle G.

Diffusions on Path and Loop SpacesDimensional Approximation and Höl

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1427 Eberle A.

A Tiopological Study of the Fractional Fibonacci GroupsUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1428 Ann Chi Kim, Vesnin Andrei

A Note on the Modality of Parabolic Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1429 Röhrle G.

Kolyvagin’s Method for Shimura Varieties : New Type of EulerSystems. 1.

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1430 Logachev D. Yu

A Relationship Betwen Global OptimProgramming

Univ. Estadual do Norte Fluminense

1431 Mauricio D., Maculan N.

Page 100: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On links Between Graphs with Bounded Decomposability,Existence of Efficient Algorithms, and Existence of PolyhedralCh t i ti

Univ. Catholique de Louvain 1994

1432 Schaffers M.

Ultrafiltres et théorie de RamseyUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1433 Siegel A.

Stable Homotopy of Algebraic TheoriesUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1434 Schwede S.

Hyperbolic Lattices in Dimensions 3Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1435 Tagung

Tilting Decompostions of Semisimple Complex Lie AlgebrasUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1436 Liangang Peng, Jie Xiao

Exceptional Sequences in Hall AlgeUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1437 Xueqing Chen, Jie Xiao

On the Storage Capacity of fHopfield Models with SpatiallyCorrelated Patterns

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1438 Löwe M.

Cutting and Pasting of Riemann SurDifferentials

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1439 Yoshitake Hashimoto, Kiy

Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access ChannelsPart. I Ericson’s Symmetrizability is Adequate, Grubner’sC j t i T

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1440 Ahlswede R., Cai Ning

A short Proof of Dirac’s Theorem onChromatically Critical Graphs

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1441 Deuber W.A., Kostochka A

Approximation of Arbitrary Dirichlet Processes by MarkovChains

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1442 Zhi-Ming Ma, Michael Röckner, Tu-sheng Zhang

Stable MOdule Categories and theirUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1443 Krause H.

Minimal Resolutions of AlgebrasUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1444 Butler M.C.R., King A.D.

Workshop on Large Deviations and Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1445 Eichelsbacher P., Löwe M

Page 101: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Code Pairs with Specified Parity of the Hamming DistancesUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1446 Ahlswede R., Zhang Z.

Structure Theorems for Homotopy jPPushouts

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1447 Klein J.R.

On Inverse Sopectral Theory for Self-Adjoint Extensions : MixedTypes of Spectra

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1448 Albeverio S. Brasche J., Neidhardt H.

Smooth, Homogeneous and IsotropStochastic Partial Differential Equati

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1449 Kotelenez P.

Finitistic Dimension and Ziegler SpektrumUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1450 Krause H.

Simple Connectedness of the 3-locaUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1451 Ivanov A.A., Meierfranken

On Two Results about FibrationsUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1452 Klein J.R.

On the Storage Capacity of the fHpfPatterns

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1453 Löwe M.

A visualization of the Isometry Group Action on theFomenko-Matveev-Weeks Manifold

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1454 Mednykh A., Vesnin A.

The AVC with Noiseless Feedback a: A capacity Formula with a Trichoto

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1455 Ahlswede R., Cai Ning

Defining Relations and the Algebraic Structure of the Groups SL2over Integral Hamilton Quaternions

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1456 Adian S.I., Lysionok I.G., Mennicke J.G.

Representations of Bisected PosetsUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1457 Drozd Y.A.

Deformations of Algebras and the Jones IndexUniv. Bielfeld 1996

1458 Changchang Xi

Characteristic Tiulting Modules and Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1459 Changchang XI

Page 102: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On the Generalized Fitting Group of Locally Finite, FinitaryGroups

Univ. Bielfeld 1996

1460 Meierfrankenfeld U.

Mathematical Foundations of HiddeAT & T Bell Labortories Murry Hill

1461 Rabiner L.R.

Abstacts of reports from the Optimization group at the TU GrazUniv. Graz 1995

1462 Burkard E.

Pragmatic Inforamtion as a Unifying1996

1463 Gernert D.

Deformed Products and Maximal Shadows of PolytopesTU Berlin 1996

1464 Amenta N., Ziegler G.

Annuaire des Professeurs de MathéSuisses

SMG/SMS 1997


Liste des publications 1996, Rcherche, développement etdémonstration en matière d’énergie

Office fédéral de l’énergie 1996


Advanced Approximation TechniqueScheduling : Off-Line and On-Line A

Technische Universität Berlin 19

1467 Schulz A.

Telebus Berlin - Mobilität für Behinderte. Kostenreduktion undServiceverbesserung mit Hilfe von Mathematik

ZIB 1996

1468 Borndörfer R., Grötschel M., Klostermeier F., KüttnerCh.

Adaptive Rothe’s Method for the WaZIB 1996

1469 Schemann M., Borneman

On Robust Multigrid Methods for Non-Smooth VariationalProblems

ZIB 1996

1470 Kornhuber R.

An adaptive Box Refinement in SubAopproximation of Dynamical Behav

ZIB 1996

1471 Dellnitz M., Junge O.

On the Approximation of Complicated Dynamical BehaviorZIB 1996

1472 Dellnitz M., Junge O.

Global Inexact Newton Multilevel FEProblems

ZIB 1996

1473 Deuflhard P., Weiser M.

Page 103: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Computation of Decaying Turbulence in an Adaptive WaveletBasis

ZIB 1996

1474 Fröhlich J., Schneider K.

Kürzen muss nichet Kahlschlag heisTelebus-Gehindertenfahrdienst Berl

ZIB 1996

1475 Borndörfer R., Grötschel MF., Konsek W., Küttner Ch

Algorithms for Classical Orthogonal PolynomialsZIB 1996

1476 Koepf W., Schmersau D.

Towards Dynamic Dimension ReduProblems

ZIB 1996

1477 Deuflhard P., Heroth J., M

Homogenization Approach to Smooted Molecualar DynamicsZIB 1996

1478 Schütte Ch., Bornemann F.

A note on Preprocessing via FourierTwo-Stage Stochastic Programming

ZIB 1996

1479 Schultz R.

On the Gilivenko-Cantelli Problem in Stochastic Programmin :Linear Recourse and Extensions

ZIB 1996

1480 Pflug G., Ruszczyniski A., Schultz R.

Workshop “Representation Theory” Univ. Bielefeld 1996


Estimates for the Rapid Decay of Concentration Functions ofn-Fold Convolutions

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1482 Götze F., Zaitsev A.

Asymptotic Properties of Additive FuUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1483 Takeda M., Zhang T.

On Perfect 3- and 4-Schift N-DesignsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1484 Tamm U.

Properly Discontinuous Groups of AOrthogonal Linear Part

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1485 Abels H., Margulis G., So

Discrete Isoperimetric and Poincaré-Type InequalitiesUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1486 Bobkov S., Götze F.

A Family of Extra-Special 2-GroupsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1487 Sapozhenko A., Szczepan

Page 104: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On a Problem of H. BAss for Chevalley Groups of Type E7Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1488 Plotkin E.

R-Equivalence and Special Unitary Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1489 Chernousov V., Merkurjev

I. Exceptional Objects in Hereditary CategoriesII. Exeptional MOdules are Tree MOdules

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1490 Ringel C.

More Tight Monominals in QuantizeUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1491 Marsch R.

Tame Minimal Non-Polynomial Growth Simply ConnectedAlgebras

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1492 Nörenberg R., Skowronski A.

Uniqueness of Gibbs States on LoopUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1493 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y

Dobrushin’s Uniqueness for Quantum Lattice Systems withNonlocal Interaction

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1494 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y., Röckner M., Tsikalenko T.

A Note on Invariant Measures of InfUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1495 Tolmachev N.

Differential Geometry of Poisson SpacesUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1496 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y., Röckner M.

Canonical Dirichlet Operator and DiPoisson Spaces

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1497 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y

Connecteing Pracontractivity and Convergence of ProductsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1498 Beyn W., Elsner L.

On the Equivariant Homotopy of FrG-Spaces and G-Spectra

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1499 Lima-Filho P.

On Involutions of the First KindUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1500 Kesten I.

Restauration of Binary Images in BeUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1501 Zalesky B., Götze F.

Page 105: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Exact Value of Module of Trigonometric Sums over a Finite Fieldfor the Polynomials of Specail Type

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1502 Bassalygo L., Zinoviev V.

Exact Categories and Vector SpaceUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1503 Dräxler P., Reiten I., Sma

Admissible Vector Fields and Related Diffusions on InfiniteDimensional Manifolds

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1504 Elwarthy K., Ma Zhi-Ming

Vector Fields on Mapping Spaces aand Diffusions

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1505 Elwarthy K., Ma Zhi-Ming

Ergodicity for the Stochastic Dynamics of Quasi-InvriantMeasures with Applications to Gibbs States

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1506 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y., Röckner M.

A new Upper Bound for the IsoperimNetworks

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1507 Bültermann J.

Orthogonal Bases which Lead to Symmetric NonnegativeMatrices

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1508 Elsner L., Nabben R. Neumann M.

On Smooth Behaviour of ProbabilityPolynomial Mappings

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1509 Götze F., Prohorov Y., Uly

Harmonic and Holomorphic Prym Differntials on a CompactRiemann Surface

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1510 Cheshev V.

Simplicail Degrees of FunctorsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1511 Pirashvili T.

Asymptotic Distribution of Quadratic Forms IUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1512 Götze F., Tikhomirov A.

Asymptotic Distribution of QuadraticUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1513 Götze F., Tikhomirov A.

Infinite Projection PropertiesUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1514 Delhommé Ch.

Projection Properties and Binary ReUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1515 Delhommé Ch.

Page 106: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Atomic Compactness and Reflexive GraphsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1516 Delhommé Ch.

A divide-and-Conquer Method for thEigenvalue Problem

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1517 Elsner L., Fasse A., Lang

A Package on Orthogonal POlynomials and Special FunctionsZIB 1996

1518 Koepf W.

Dual Decompostion in Stockastic InZIB 1996

1519 Caroe C., Schultz R.

A Note on the Stability of the Many-Queue Head-of-the-LineProcessor-Sharing System with Permanent Customers

ZIB 1996

1520 Brandt A., Brandt M.

A Network Dimentsioning ToolZIB 1996

1521 Alevras D., Grötschel M.,

Survivable Mobile Phone Network Architectures : Models andSolution Methods

ZIB 1996

1522 Paul U., Jonas P., Alveras D., Grötschel M., WessälyR.

On Critically Perfect GraphsZIB 1996

1523 Wagler A.

Informationsdienste für die Mathematik im Internet (Math-Net)DFN-Vorhaben DT 11

ZIB 1996

1524 Dalitz W., Grötschel M., Heyer G., Lügger J., sperberW.

A Generalization of Sequential LiftinCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsbur

1525 Oosten M.

A Max-Flow Based Procedure for Finding Heavy Cliques inVertex-Weighted Graphs

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 1995

1526 Balas E., Niehaus W.

Optimized Crossover-Based GenetifMaximum Cardinality and Maximum

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsbur

1527 Balas E., Niehaus W.

Exchanging Heterogeneous Goods Via Sealed Bid Auctions andTransportation Systems

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 1996

1528 Tompson G., Thore S.

New Classes of Efficiently solvable Salesman Problems

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsbur

1529 Balas E.

Page 107: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On the Dimension of Projected PolyhedraCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 1996

1530 Balas E., Oosten M.,

Linear Time Dynamic Programming Classes of Restricted TSP’s

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsbur

1531 Balas E., Simonetti N.

Catalogue ENET - ShopOffice Fédéral de l’énergie 1997


Representations of Orthogonal PolyZIB 1997

1533 Koefp W., Schmersau D.

G2 Perfect-Fluid Cosmologies with a proper conformal Killingvector

ZIB 1997

1534 Mars M., Wolf Th.

MATLAB-Programme zur Lösung voeinem adaptiven, nichtlinearen Meh

ZIB 1997

1535 Friese T.

On the Singular Limit of the Quantum-Classical MolecularDynamics Model

ZIB 1997

1536 Bornemeann F.A., Schütte Ch.

Highly Scalable Parallel Linearly-ImpZIB 1996

1537 Ehrig R., Nowak U., Deufl

An adaptive method of lines for the simulation of complex laminarcombustion processes

ZIB 1996

1538 Maas U., Nowak U.

A Sharp Upper Bound for the ExpecShadow-Vertices in the Rotation-Sy

Universität Augsburg 1997

1539 Borgwardt K.H.

Sous les facettes des PolyèdresLaboratoire d’informatique de Marseille 1996

1540 Maurras J.F.

Projet de 8e semestre (1996/97)EPFL - DI 1997


Formation Universitaire et DéveloppementFondation Simon I. Patino 1997


Inerrior point methods, variational inalgorithms

3ème cycle romand en R.O. 199

1543 Anstreicher K., Marcotte P

Page 108: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Décomposition, langages de modélisation, optimisationUniv. Lausanne 1997

1544 Fragnière E.

Chaotic Behavior of the Affine ScalinProgramming

Technologie Institute of Costa Rica

1545 Castillo I., Barnes E.

Model Based Predictive ControlSGA/ASSPA/SSAC 1997

1546 van den Boom T.

Computer modelling of the motion oUniv. de Cambridge 1993

1547 Hogue C.

Domination Numbers of the Cross Product of Paths IUniv. Grenoble

1548 Cherifi R., Gravier S., Payan Ch., Zighem I.

Domination Numbers of the Cross PUniv. Grenoble

1549 Cherifi R., Gravier S., Lag

Domination Numbers of the Cross Product of Paths IIIUniv. Grenoble

1550 Cherifi R., Gravier S., Payan Ch., Zighem I.

On the Glivenko-Cantelli Problem inMixed-Integer Linear REcourse

ZIB 1997

1551 Pflug G., Ruszczynski A.,

Computation of Essential Molecular Dynamics by SubdivisionTechniques I : Basic Concept

ZIB 1996

1552 Deuflhard P., Dellnitz M., Junge O., Schütte Ch.

Solving moving boundary problems method :Rotary heat exchangers wi


ZIB 1996

1553 Frauhammer J., Klein H.,

Jahresbericht 96ZIB 1996


Fast Display of Illuminated Field LInZIB 1996

1555 Sstalling D., Zöckler M., H

Numerical Algorithms and Visualization in Medical TratmentPlanning

ZIB 1996

1556 Beck R., Deuflhard P., Hege H.Ch., Seebass M.,Stalling D.

Chebyshev Approximation for Wavethan expected

ZIB 1996

1557 Nettesheim P., Huisinga W

Page 109: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Gröbner bases, invariant theory and equivariant dynamicsZIB 1996

1558 Gatermann K., Guyard F.

Netzverteilte Visualisierung und SimZIB 1996

1559 Baumann W., Hege H.-Ch

Fast Line Integral Convolution for Arbitrary Surfaces in 3 DZIB 1996

1560 Battke H., Stalling D., Hege H.Ch.

Visualization of Vector Fields in QuaZIB 1996

1561 Stalling D., Steinke Th.

An Adaptive Expert System Model based on a ReflectiveHologrammatic Structure

1562 Polyméris Andreas

Tätigkeits Bericht 97SAP 1997

1563 ATAG Ernst & Young AG

Selected Topics of Information Theory and MathematicalStatistics

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1564 Burnashev M.V.

Metrische Vektorräume und QuadraUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1565 Kesten I.

Grundy Sets of Partial OrdersUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1566 Deuber W., Thomassé S.

A New Asymptotic Expansion and Ain Lyapunov’s Theorem

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1567 Christyakov G.P.

Discrete Groups and Hyperbolic Orbifolds of Infinite VolumeUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1568 Klimenko E.

Excellent Algebraic Groups IUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1569 Kesten I., Rehmann U.

A Rank 2 Characterization of TwinningsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1570 Mühlherr B.

Representation Type and Stable EqFinite Dimensional Algebras

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1571 Krause H.

Page 110: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

The Charcter Variety of Free Algebras and Free GroupsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1572 Helling H.

Disconnected Vertex Sets and EquiUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1573 Haemers W.

On Approximation of StepfunctionsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1574 Deuber W., Rasskazov A., Sapozhenko A.

Orthogonal Gelfand-Zetlin AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1575 Mazorchuk V.

On the Structure of Cellular AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1576 König S., Changchang Xi

A Projeciton Property for BuildingsUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1577 Abels H.

Uniform Rates of Convergence in the CLT for Quadratic Forms inMultidimensional Spaces

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1578 Bentkus V., Götze F.

Kit AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1579 Brüstle Th.

Exponential Approximations in Completely Regular TopologicalSpaces and Extensions of Sanov’s Theorem

Univ. Bielefeld 1996

1580 Eichelsbacher P., Schmock U.

Reelle quadratische DivisionsalgebrUniv. Bielefeld 1996

1581 Dieterich E.

Zero-Error Capacity for models with memory and the enlighteneddictator channel

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1583 Ahlswede R., Cai N., Zhang Z.

Flows on Homogeneous Spaces anon Manifolds

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1584 Kleinbock.D.Y and Margu

Intersection Pairing in Hyperbolic Manifolds, Vector Bundles andCharacteristic Classes

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1585 Igor Belegradek

Quaternion Generation of the 2-Torsof a Local Quintic

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1586 Genady Margolin, Ulf RehVyacheslav Yanchevskii

Page 111: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

An Edgeworth Expansion for Finite Population U-Statistics Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1587 Bloznelis M., and Götze F.

On One Hypothesis Underlying ArithUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1588 Rom R. Varshamov

Problems in Sequential and Paralle Game Tree SearchUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1589 Bernhard Balkenhol

Sum-Free Sets and Related SetsUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1590 Yuri Bilu

Inverse Tridiagonal Z-Matrices Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1591 McDonald J.J., Nabben R., Neumann M., Schneider Hand Tsatsomeros

Poincaré Duality SpacesUniv. Bielefeld 1977

1592 John R. Klein

Projectives are Free for Nilpotent VarietiesUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1593 Teimuraz Pirashvili

Worst Case Estimation of PermutatiIdentification via Compressed Data

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1594 Rudolf Ahlswede and Zhe

Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access ChannelsPart IIC l t d S d ’ Sid I f ti C l t d M

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1595 Rudolf Ahlswede and Ning Cai

Submodule Structure of Generalizedfrom Generic Gelfand-Zetlin Module

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1596 Vladimir Mazorchuk and S

On Interval Linear Complexity of Binary SequencesUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1597 Vladimir B. Balakirsky

On 3-Regular Subgraphs of 4-ReguEdges

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1598 Victor Zinoviev

Construction of Uniquely Decodable Codes for thr Two-UserBinary Adder Channel

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1599 Rudolf Ahlswede and Vladimir B. Balakirsky

Decay Rates of the Inverse of NonsBand Matrices

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1600 Reinhard Nabben

Page 112: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On Incidence Algebras Associated with Regular CellDecomposition of Sn

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1601 Helen Kovilyanskaya and Volodymyr Mazorchuk

Classification of Simple Harish-ChanVirasoro Algebras

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1602 Volodymyr Mazorchuk

Comparison of a-FunctionsUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1603 Bremke K. and Fan C.K.

A Note on the Dn-PatternUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1604 Peter Dräxler and Christo

Stable Equivalence and Representation TypeUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1605 Henning Krause

Higher Dimensional Isoperimetric Inof the Hilbert Modular Group

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1606 Gennady A. Noskov

The Repetitive Algebra of a Gentle AlgebraUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1607 Claus Michael Ringel

On the Hajos Number of GraphsUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1608 Gutin G., Kostochka A.V.

An Asymptotic Estimate of Sizes of Left-Compressed SetsUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1609 Rudolf Ahlswede and Zhen Zhang

On Bicritical SnarksUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1610 Eckhard Steffen

A Category of Pseudo-Tangles with Classifying Space Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1611 Olaf Blömer

Vertex Set Partitions Preserving CoUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1612 Ageev A.A. and Kostochk

Derived Equivalence and Stable Equivalence of Repetitions ofAlgebras of Finite Global Dimension

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1613 Hideto Asashiba

Large Deviations for Partial Sums UCases

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1614 Peter Eichelsbacher

Page 113: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Degenerations for Modules over Represention-Finite BiserialAlgebras

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1615 Grzegorz Zwara

Moderate and Large Deviations for Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1616 Peter Eichelsbacher

Thue Equations with Composite FieldsUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1617 Yuri Bilu and Guillaume Hanrot

Isoperimetric Theorems in the BinarLengths

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1618 Rudolf Ahlswede and Ning

The Preprojektive Algebra of a QuiverUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1619 Claus Michael Ringel

Reduction of Symmetric ConfiguratiUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1620 Carstens H.G., Dinski T. a

Cofibration and Fibration Structures in Enriched CategoriesUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1621 Schwänzl and Vogt R.M.

A Pushing-Pulling Method: New ProUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1622 Rudolf Ahlswede and Lev

Non-bicritical SnarksUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1623 Eckhard Steffen

Analysis and Geometry on ConfigurUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1624 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y

Bounds on Norms of the Adjoint MatrixUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1625 Ludwig Elsner and Daniel Hershkowitz

On the Cotangent Sheaf of Quot-ScUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1626 Manfred Lehn

Some Properties of Fix-Free CodesUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1627 Ahlswede R., Balkenhol B. and Khachatrian L.

The Derived Equivalence ClassificaSelfinjective Standard Algebras

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1628 Hideto Asashiba

Page 114: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

The Rationality Problem for Semisimple Group VarietiesUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1629 Vladimir I. Chernousov and Vladimir P. Platonov

On the Modality of Parabolic SubgroGroups

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1630 Gerhard Röhrle

The Ziegler Spectrum of a Tame Hereditary AlgebraUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1631 Claus Michael Ringel

A Counterexample in Rate-DistortioSources

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1632 Rudolf Ahlswede and Ning

Growth of Polynilpotent Varieties of Lie Algebras and FastIncreasing Entire Functions

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1633 V.M. Petrogradsky

Partition Regular Systems of LinearUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1634 Meike Schröder

Normal Matrices : An UpdateUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1635 Elsner L. and Ikramov Kh. D.

Report on Models of Write-Efficient Errors and Defects

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1636 Ahlswede R. and Pinsker

Representation Varieties of the Fundamental Groups of CompactNon-Orientable Surfaces

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1637 Benyash-Krivetz V.V. and Chernousov V.I.

Hadamard Functions Preserving NoUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1638 Ludwig Elsner and Daniel

Some Existentially Closed GraphsUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1639 Thomas Dinski

Factorizations of Primitive PermutatUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1640 Barbara Baumeister

Strong Symmetry Defined by Twisting Modules, Applied toQuasi-Hereditary Algebras with Triangular Decomposition andV i hi R di l C b

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1641 Steffen König and Changchang Xi

The Intersection Theorem for DirectUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1642 Ahlswede R., Aydinian H.

Page 115: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On Torus Fibrations over the CircleUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1643 Alestalo P. and Helling H.

Topological Invariance of Chow VarUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1644 Judith Plümer

Spectral Theory of Some Matrix Differential Operators of MixedOrder

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1645 Konstantinov A. Yu.

Cyclically Presented Groups and TaCoverings

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1646 Ann Chi Kim and Andrei V

Optimal Superimposed Codes and Designs for Renyi’s SearchModel

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1647 Arkady G. D’yachkov and Vyacheslav V. Rykov

On Decomposing One Relator ProdFree Products with Amalgamation

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1648 Benyash-Krivetz V.V.

Immediate Extentions of RingsUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1649 Pham Ngoc Anh

Cyclotomic q-Schur AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1650 Richard Dipper, Gordon J

Murphys Operators and the Centre of the Iwahori-HeckeAlgebras of Type A

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1651 Andrew Mathas

The Homological Quadratic Form ofUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1652 Dräxler P. and de la Peña

Coding for a Model of Random-Access Memories of a Computerand Write-Unidirectional Memories

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1653 Vladimir B. Balakirsky

On Uniqueness of Invariant MeasurDimensional Diffusions

Univ. Bielefeld 1997

1654 Albeverio S., Bogachev V

Solving the LP Relaxations of Large-Scale Multiple-Depot VehicleScheduling Problems Exactly

ZIB 1996

1655 Andreas Löbel

Matrix Decomposition by Branch-anZIB 1997

1656 Ralf Borndörfer - Carlos E

Page 116: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Decomposing Matrices into BlocksZIB 1997

1657 Ralf Borndörfer - Carlos E.Ferreira - Alexander Martin

Optimierung des Berliner BehinderteZIB 1997

1658 Ralf Borndörfer - Martin GFridolin Klostermeier - Ch

Are Sparse Grids Suitable for the Tabulation of ReducedChemical Systems?

ZIB 1997

1659 Jörg Heroth

Multilevel Solution of the Time-HarmBased on Edge Elements

ZIB 1996

1660 Rudolf Beck - Ralf Hiptma

Lagrangean Relaxations and Subgradient Methods forMultiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problems

ZIB 1996

1661 Andreas Kokott - Andreas Löbel

A polyhedral study of the asymmetriproblem with time windows

ZIB 1997

1662 Norbert Ascheuer - Matteo

On the M(n) / M(m) / s Queue Impatient CallsZIB 1997

1663 Andreas Brandt - Manfred _Brandt

Optimal Motion Design Using InversZIB 1997

1664 Marc C. Steinbach

Efficient Calculation of Intrinsic Low-Dimensional Manifolds forthe Simplification of Chemical Kinetics

ZIB 1997

1665 Ulrich Maas

Three-Dimensional _Fully Adaptive Flame Propagation Problems

ZIB 1997

1666 Jens Lang - Bodo Erdman

2nd International Symposium “Algorithms for MacromolecularModelling” Program and Collection of Abstracts

ZIB 1997

1667 Deuflhard P. and Reich S. (eds)

Recent Computational DevelopmenMultiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling P

ZIB 1997

1668 Andreas Löbel

Experiments with a Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition forMultiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problems

ZIB 1997

1669 Andreas Löbel

Telebus Berlin: Vehicle Scheduling ZIB 1997

1670 Ralf Borndörfer - Martin GFridolin Klostermeier - Ch

Page 117: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Minimally non-preperfect graphs of small maximum degreeZIB 1997

1671 Zsolt Tuza - Annegret Wagler

Hyperthermia Treatment Planning inModelling, Simulation and Visualiza

ZIB 1997

1672 Deuflhard P. - Seebass MHege H.-C.

Information Services for Mathematics in the Internet (Math-Net)ZIB 1997

1673 Wolfgang Dalitz - Martin Grötschel - Joachim Lügger

Capacity and Survivability Models foNetworks

ZIB 1997

1674 Dimitris Alevras - Martin G

Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone NetworksZIB 1997

1675 Ralf Borndörfer - Andreas EisenblätterMartin Grötschel - Alexander Martin

Cost-Efficient Network Synthesis froZIB 1997

1676 Dimitris Alevras - Martin G

Discrete and Computational Geommetry: Ten Years Later

E. Welzl 1996


Mycelium Divers travaux MorphoginUniversität Bielefeld 1991

1678 Andreas Deutsch

From cell wall networks to algorithmsProtoplasma 1991

1679 P. W. Barlow

Growth of Hyphal Branching SystemBotany school, University of Cambri

1680 Gillian M. Butler

Primal-Dual Methods for Vertex and Facet EnumerationEPFL

1681 D. Bremner, K. Fukuda, A. Marzetta

Etude par microscopie électronique optiques de lasers à semi-conducte

EPFL 1996

1682 Jean-Marc Bonard

Dynamics and self- organization of locally coupled neutralnetworks

EPFL 1996

1683 Patrick Thiran

Utility Theory and Infinite Horizon, SMarkov Decision Processes

University of Manchester

1684 D. J. White

Page 118: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Fuzzy Sets Fuzzy LogicAssociation Suisse pour L’Automatique 1997

1685 R. Feurstein

Plazierung im VLSI-Design und einZerlegungsproblem

Uniersität Bonn 1996

1686 Jens Vygen

Coloration et Produits de GraphesUniversité de Grenoble 1996

1687 Sylvain Gravier

Liste des membres de l’ASRO, MiseASRO Bulletin 3 1996


Invitation à l’Assemblée Générale 1997, Announcement of theSVOR / ASRO Tutorial ‘97

ASRO Bulletin 1 1997


Generative music theory and its relaJournal of music theory 25.1 198

1690 Ray Jackendoff and Fred

Linear Programming, the Simplex Algorithm and SimplePolytopes

Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1997

1691 Gil Kalai

Semidefinite Programming in CombUniversity Cambridge 1997

1692 Michel X. Goemans

Criss-Cross Methods: A Fresh View on Pivot AlgorithmsEPFL 1997

1693 K. Fukuda, T. Terlaky

Applications of combinatorial optimizUniversität Bonn 1988

1694 Bernhard Korte

The relative strength of oracles for independence systemsUniveersität Bonn 1980

1695 D. Hausmann, B. Korte

Activity ReportUniversité libre de Bruxelles 199

1696 Ph. Vincke

Mehrstufige Distributionssysteme mit periodischer Kooontrolle:Optimieerung eines Lagerhaltungmodells mitS i d t ikti d l t ilt N hf

Universität St. Gallen 1996

1697 S. Ch. Ott, U. Tüshaus, Ch. Wahl

Mehrstufige Distributionssysteme mEin Modell bei Poisson-verteilter NaW t it t il

Universität St. Gallen 1996

1698 Ch. Wahl

Page 119: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Minimization of Holding Costs in a Distribution Network underService Restrictions

Universität St. Gallen 1996

1699 U. Tüshaus, Ch. Wahl

Biennial Report 1995/96 Algoithmic Universität Berlin 1996

1700 Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Möhring

Utility Theory and Infinite Horizon, Stationary, Non-DiscountedMarkov Decision Processes

University of Manchester

1701 D. J. White



Mitteilungen Nr. 42IFOR 1997


Graduate School in Computer ScienEPFL 1997


FISCO 96Eindohoven University of Technology 1996

1705 Dept. Math. and Computing Science

Etude par microscopie électronique optiques de lasers à semi-conducte

EPLF - Thèse 1499 1996

1706 Bonard J.-M.

Konzeption und entwiclung einer Technologie zur Automatisiertenoberflachenmontage optischer elemente (Optical SMD)

EPFL - Thèse 1591 1996

1707 Andreasch W.

Robustesse dans l’estimation et l’ajuféostatistique

EPFL - Thèse 1595 1996

1708 Genton M. G.

Dynamics and Self-Organization of Locally Coupled NeuralNetworks

EPFL - Thèse 1536 1996

1709 Thiran P.

Stratégie de Formation, Synthèse dEPFL - Dept. Génie Civil 1997


Compostion de Grahes et de Polytope des absorbants.Un algorithme de coupes pour le problème du flot à coûts fixes

Univ. de Tennes - thèse 1996

1711 Bouchakour M.

Nevanlinna ColloquiumEPFL - DMA 1997


Page 120: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Continuous EducationEPFL - IML 1998


Ilog Solver white paper - OptimizeILOG 1997


FISMAT - Vol III, No2Revista de divulgacion cientifica en Fisica y matematica - Organod dif i d l f lt d d i i

Escuela Politécnica Nacional Quito 1993


Pallet Loading and Packaging DesigCAPE 1996


Generalized transformation of gauss and Gram-Schmidt andsimplex method development

Institute for Informatics and AutomationProblems, Yerevan, Armenia

1719 Tuniev A.D.

Thèse - DraftCentral Methods for Multicommodity

EPFL 1997

1720 Sarkissan R.

Adaptive Time-Space Discretization for Combustion ProblemsZIB 1997

1721 Lang J., Erdmann B., Roitzsch R.

Approximation Properties and LimitsMolecular Dynamics Model

ZIB 1997

1722 Schütte Ch., Bornemann

Adaptive Solutions of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations withApplication to Hyperthermia Treatments

ZIB 1997

1723 Erdmann B., Lang J., Seebass M.

Massively Parallel Linearly-Implicit EPowrful Tool in Process Simulation

ZIB 1997

1724 Ehrig R., Nowak U., Deufl

Domain Decomposition with Subdomain CCG for Material JumpElliptic Problems

ZIB 1997

1725 Lipnilov K., Deuflhard P.

Workshop “Scientific Computing in dProgramm und abstreacts der Vorträ

ZIB 1997

1726 Deufelhard P., Louis A., S

Visualization and Mathematics 97 - Collected AbstractsZIB 1997

1727 Hege H.C., Polthier K.

Workshop on Probability Theory andUniv. Bielefeld 1997

1728 Eichelsbacher P., Löwe M

Page 121: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Large and Moderate Deviations of Products of EmpiricalMeasures and U-Empirical Measures in Strong Topologies

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1729 Eichelsbacher P., Schmock U.

Biextensions by Indecomposable MLength 2

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1730 Dräxler P., Skowronki A.

Self-Injective Algebras of Wild Tilted TypeUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1731 Erdmann K., Kerner O., Skowronski

On Subgroups of Prime Power IndeUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1732 Baumeister

Cellular Algebras : Inflations and Morita EquivalencesUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1733 König S., Xi Ch.

Optimal Bounds in Non-Gaussian LiUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1734 Bentkus V., Götze F.

Exponential Integrability and Transportation Cost Related toLogarithmic Sobolev Inequalities

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1735 Bobkov S., Götze F.

Algorithmic Orbit Classification for PAlgebraic Groups

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1736 Jürgens U., Röhrle G.

A Remark on the Congruence Subgroup ProblemUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1737 Mennicke J.

Diffeomorphism Groups and CurrenSpace Analysis in Quantum Theory

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1738 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y

Existence and Uniqueness of Invariant Measures : An approachvia Sectorial Forms

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1739 Bogachev V., Röckner M., Zhang T.

Multidimensional Hungarian construGaussian Smooth Distributions

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1740 Götze F., Zaitsev A.

Tree Algebras with Non-Negative Tits FormUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1741 Dräxler P., de la Pena J.

Character Classes in the Two GeneUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1742 Benyasch-Krivetz V.

Page 122: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Reflections and Almost Concealed Canonical AlgebrasUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1743 Hübner Th.

Schlussbericht des Berliner Retgion(BRTB)

ZIB 1997

1744 Busch H., Schulz S.

Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed ConservativeMechanical Systems

ZIB 1997

1745 Bornemann F.A.

Berliner LandeshöchstleistungsrechT3D/T3E : Betrieb, Nutzung, ProjekA b

ZIB 1997

1746 Baumann W., Busch H., GStüben H.

Critical Edges in Perfect Graphs and Some PolyhedralConsequences

ZIB 1997

1747 Wagler A.

A Nonlinear Multigrid EigenproblemHelmholtz Equation

ZIB 1997

1748 Deuflhard P., Friese T., S

On the Computation of Eigenmodes of Integrated fOpticalComponents

ZIB 1997

1749 Friese T.

Numerical Integrators for Quantum-ZIB 1997

1750 Nettesheim P., Schütte C

GMERR - an Error Minimizing Variant of GMRESZIB 1997

1751 Ehrig R., Deuflhard P.

Construcion of Discrete TransparenSchrödingen-Type Equations

ZIB 1997

1752 Schmidt F.

Optimization of Temperature Distributions for RegionalHyperthermia Based on a Nonlinear Heat Transfer Model

ZIB 1997

1753 Erdmann B., Lang J., Seebass M.

Numerical Simulation of Single SpeSilicon under Extrinsic Conditions

ZIB 1997

1754 Lang J., Merz W.

Computation of Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for the2D Helmholtz Equation

ZIB 1997

1755 Schmidt F.

Symplectic Multiple-Time-Stepping Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynam

ZIB 1997

1756 Nettesheim P., Reich S.

Page 123: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Homogenization in Time II: Mechanical Systems Subject toFriction and Gyroscopic Forces

ZIB 1997

1757 Bornemann F.A

Adaptive Multilevel Methods for EdgMaxwell’s Equations

ZIB 1997

1758 Beck R., Deuflhard P., HipWohlmuth B.

Globally Convergent Multigrid Methods for Porous Medium TypeProblems

ZIB 1998

1759 Kornhuber R.

Killing Pairs in Flat SpaceZIB 1997

1760 Wolf T.

The Fourth-Order Difference Equation Satisfied by theAssociated Orthogonal Polynomials of the -Laguerre-Hahn Class

ZIB 1997

1761 Foupouagnigni M., Ronveaux A., Hounkonnou M.N.

Fourth Order Difference Equation foDiscrete Orthogonal Polynomials

ZIB 1997

1762 Foupouagnigni M., Koepf

A Study of Genetic Algorithms solving a Combinatorial PuzzleZIB 1998

1763 Wolf T.

A Diametric Theorem for EdgesUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1764 Ahlswede R., Khachatrian

Lower Bounds on the Code Rate for a Model of DataTransmission with Side Information

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1765 Balakirsky V.B.

On Some Poincaré-Series on HyperUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1766 Matthes R.

Chern Classes of Tautological Sheaves on Hilbert Schemes ofPoints on Surfaces

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1767 Lehn M.

Realizations of Frobenius FunctionsUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1768 Agoston I., Lukacs E., Rin

Geometrical Bijections in Discrete LatticesUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1769 Carstens H.G., Deuber W., Thumser W., KoppenradeE.

Low-Dimensional Linear RepresentaUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1770 Potapchik A., Rapinchuk A

Page 124: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Tempered Subgroups and Representations with Minimal Decayof Matrix Coefficients

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1771 Oh Hee

On the Power Method in Max AlgebUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1772 Elsner L., van den Driess

Analysis and Geometry on Configuration Spaces: The GibbsianCase

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1773 Albeverio S., Kondratiev Y.G.

(Nonsymmetric) Dirichlet Operators Uniqueness and Associated Markov

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1774 Stannat W.

A Note about G-Equivariant Homotopies and Isotopies, where Gis a Lie Group

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1775 Kankaanrinta M.

Sincere Cycle-Finite Schurian VectoUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1776 Bekkert V.

Homomorphisms between Representations of ClansUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1777 Geiss C.

Primitive and Quasi Primitive ElemeA2

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1778 Xi Nanhua

Irreductible Modules of Quantized Enveloping Algebras at Rootsof 1, II

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1779 Xi Nanhua

Invariants of 2 x 2 Matrices Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1780 Vinberg E.

On the Zariski Closure of the Linear Part of a ProperlyDiscontinuous Group of Affine Transformations

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1781 Abels H., Margulis G.A., Soifer G.A.

Hairdressing in Groups: A Survey ofLanguages

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1782 Rees S.

Metrics with Finite Sets of Primitive ExtensionsUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1783 Karzanov A.V.

Classification Problems in the RepreFinite-Dimensional Algebras

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1784 Dräxler P., Nörenberg R.

Page 125: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

CREP ManualPart II

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1785 Dräxler P., Nörenberg R.

The Theory of Generalized DirichletAnalysis and Stochastics

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1786 Stannat W.

Strong Uniqueness for a Class of Infinite Dimensional DirichletOperators and Applications to Stochastic Quantization

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1787 Liskevich V., Röckner M.

A Classification of Parabolic Subgroa Finite Number of Orbits on the Un

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1788 Hille L., Röhrle G.

Defining k in G(k)Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1789 Kramer L., Röhrle G., Tent K.

Moderate Deviations for Functional Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1790 Eichelsbacher P.

Sensitivity of the Solutions of Some Matrix EquationsUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1791 Bhatia R., Elsner L.

Root Vectors Arising from AuslandeUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1792 Chen Xueqing, Xiao Jie

Partial Norms and the Convergence of General Products ofMatrices

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1793 Neumann M., Schneider H.

Enumerating Representations in FinUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1794 Müller T.

On a Conjecture of KiersteadUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1795 Kuzjurin N.N.

Splittings of Cyclic Groups and PerfUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1796 Tamm U.

A Support Property for Infinite Dimensional Interacting DiffusionProcesses

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1797 Röckner M., Schmuland B.

On Isometries of the Hyperbolic FiboUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1798 Rasskazov A., Vesnin A.

Page 126: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Actions of Parabolic Subgroups of GL(V) on Certain UnipotentSubgroups and Quasi-Hereditary Algebras

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1799 Brüstle T., Hille L.

A Note on Normal Abelian SubgroupUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1800 Röhrle G.

A Purity Theorem for the Witt GroupUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1801 Ojanguren M., Panin I.

General Theory of Information TransUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1802 Ahlswede R.

Lattice Point Problems and Distribution of Values of QuadraticForms

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1803 Bentkus V., Götze F.

Circular Biextensions ot Tame ConcUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1804 Dräxler P.

On Cocommutative Hopf Algebras of Finite Representation TypeUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1805 Farnsteiner R., Voigt D.

On Minimal Approximations of ModuUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1806 Krause H., Saorin M.

Volume Preserving Flows with Cyclic Winding Numbers Groupsand without Periodic Orbits on 3-Manifolds

Univ . Bielefeld 1997

1807 Athanassopoulos K.

Rotation Numbers and IsometriesUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1808 Athanassopoulos K.

Dissident AlgebrasUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1809 Dieterich E.

Hammocks for String AlgebrasUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1810 Schröer J.H.

A Characterization of the Finite Soluble GroupsUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1811 Baumeister B.

A Note on the Quillen-Lichtenbaum of Square Rings

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1812 Banaszak G., Gajda W., K

Page 127: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Characteristic Free Approach to Brauer AlgebrasUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1813 König S., Xi C.

The Spectrum of a Module CategoryUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1814 Krause H.

On Tame Repetitive Categories of Non-Polynomial GrowthUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1815 Roggon B.

An Alternative Proof of Scheiderer’sPrinciple for Principal Homogeneous

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1816 Chernousov V.

Stochastic Calculus of Generalized Dirichlet FormsUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1817 Trutnau G.

On the Number of Cells of a CellulaUniv . Bielefeld 1997

1818 König S., Xi C.

Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated TravelingSalesman Problem with Pickups and Deliveries

EPFL, DMA 1997

1819 Anily S., Bramel J.

Forecasting chaotic time series withPHYSICAL REVIEW E 1997

1820 Szpiro G.G.

Algorithmic Techniques in Physics

Schloss Dagsthul - Internationales Begegnungsund Forschungszentrum für Informatik


1821 Jünger M., Reinelt G., Rieger H., Rinaldi G.

Parametric Versions of Hilbert’s FouIsrael Journal of Mathematics 1

1822 Ambartzumian R.V., Ogan

Discrete Aspects of Stochastic Geometry

Handbook of Discrete and ComputationalGeometry


1823 Schneider R.

The Emergence of Risk AversionJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997

1824 Szpiro G.G

H Facilities in Robust Control with Riccati and LMI ToolsAssociation Suisse pour l’Automatique 1998

1825 Weinmann A.

Die Funktions-Gruppen-Methodik invon energie- und verfahrenstechnis

Association Suisse pour l’Automatiq

1826 Mercx J., Glattfelder A.H.

Page 128: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Markov Decision Processes Combinatorial Models inManufacturing, Polytime Separation Implies PolytimeO ti i ti

ASRO 1998

1827 Puterman M., Finke G., Maurras J.F.

On Global Optimality Conditions for Irkutsk State University 1997

1828 Strekalovsky A.

Bulletin Août 97ASRO 1997


DIMATIA-DIMACS conference TheMathematics Stirin, May 19-25,

KAM-DIMATIA Series 1997


SGA - BULLETIN Nr.19 / September, Oktober, November 1997Association Suisse pour l’Automatique 1997


Les Cahiers du GERAD

Ecole des Hautes Etudes CommercMontréal


Les Cahiers du GERAD

Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales /Montréal



Les Cahiers du GERAD

Ecole des Hautes Etudes CommercMontréal


Impact of Nonlinear Heat Transfer on Temperature Control inRegional Hyperthermia

ZIB 1997

1835 Lang J., Erdmann B., Seebass M.

Parallel Extrapolation Methods and Engineering

ZIB 1997

1836 Nowak U., Ehrig R., Oeve

A New Test Frame for Ordinary Differential Equation SolversZIB 1997

1837 Nowak U., Gebauer S.

Hybrid Monte Carlo with Adaptive TMixed-Canonical Ensemble: EfficienRNA

ZIB 1997

1838 Fischer A., Cordes F., Sch

A Time-Reversible Variable-Stepsize Integrator for ConstrainedDynamics

ZIB 1997

1839 Barth E., Leimkuhler B., Reich S.

Optimization of Transportation SysteZIB 1998

1840 Borndörfer R., Grötschel M

Page 129: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Monotone Iterations for Elliptic Variational InequalitiesZIB 1998

1841 Kornhuber R.

A Branch & Cut Algorithm for the AProblem with Precedence Constrain

ZIB 1997

1842 Ascheuer N., Jünger M., R

Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness of Singular Diffusion OperatorsUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1843 Eberle Andreas

The Hilbert-Poincare Series for SomCyclic Groups

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1844 Gordeev Nikolai

Rademacher’s Theorem on Configuration Spaces andApplications

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1845 Röckner Michael and Schied Alexander

Two Side Bounds on the Inverses oTridiagonal Matrices

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1846 Nabben Reinhard

On Sphere-Packing Bound, Capacity and Related Results forPoisson Channel

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1847 Burnashev Marat and Kutoyants Yury A.

High Dimensional Knots CorrespondFibonacci Groups

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1848 Szczepanski Andrzej and

On Support Varieties of Auslander-Reiten ComponentsUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1849 Farnsteiner Rolf

Compound Poisson Approximation fVariables via Stein’s Method

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1850 Eichelsbacher Peter and R

On the Zeta Function of Quaternionic Shimura Varieties Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1851 Reimann Harry

Graphs of Some CAT(0) ComplexesUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1852 Chepoi Victor

The Display of a Formal p-Divisible GroupUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1853 Zink Thomas

A Two-Stage Stochastic Program foUncertainty in a Hydro-Thermal Pow

ZIB 1998

1854 Caroe Claus C., Schultz R

Page 130: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Combinatorial Online Optimization in PracticeZIB 1998

1855 Ascheuer N., Grötschel M., Kamin N., Rambau J.

The Electronic Visualization LibraryZIB 1997

1856 Müller P., Decker I.

Computer algebra algorithms and routines for the computation ofconservation laws and fixing of gauge in differential expressions

ZIB 1998

1857 Wolf T., Brand A., Mohammadzadeh M.

GOS Thesaurus-HandbuchZIB 1997

1858 Wolters Christof

AbschlussberichtZIB 1997

1859 Clemens Hans-H., Saro Carlos

Systemanalyse und DatenkatalogZIB 1997

1860 Clemens Hans-H.

GOS Benutzer-HandbuchZIB 1997

1861 Saro C., Schröder B., Volkmann Katrin

Fast LIC with Higher Order Filter KeZIB 1997

1862 Hege H.-C., Stalling D.

Konkret 1998Ernst Basler + Partner 1998


Programme 1998/1999 - PostformaEPFL 1998


Les cahiers du GERAD - Stabilized Column Generation

Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales /Montréal


1865 O. du Merle, D. Villeneuve, J. Desrosiers, P. Hansen

Steiner’s Problem of Graphs : Applic

International Symposium on MathemProgramming - Hongrie

1866 Liebling Thomas L.

Abstracts of reports from the optimization group at the TU GrazTechnische Universität Graz 1997


Approximation Algorithms for the CSalesman Problem with Pick-ups an

Telaviv University 1997

1868 Anily S., Bramel J.

Page 131: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Results on k-Sets and j-Facets via Continuous MotionsETHZ

1869 Andrzejak A., Aronov B., Har-Peled S., Seidel R., WelzlE.

The Mystical Power of Twoness:In Memoriam Eugene L. Lawler

Eindhoven University of Technology

1870 Lenstra J.K.

Stochastical Approximation of Convex BodiesMathematische Annalen 1985

1871 Buchta C., Müller J., Tichy R. F.

Enet-News 37.1Office fédéral de l’énergie 1998


European Journal of Operational ResearchUniversity of Copenhagen 1996

1873 Vajda Steven

ISMP 97Optima 1997


Environmental and Safety Applications of Mixed Integer LinearProgramming

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1997

1875 Brogle Richard

Independent Separation of BipartiteCover Problem

Yunnan Polytechnic University 1

1876 Che W., Su L., Wang H.,

Optimal cell flipping to minimize channel density in VLSI designand pseudo-Boolean optimization

The State University of New Jersey 1997

1877 Boros E., Hammer P. L., Minoux M., Rader D. J.

IFOR-Mitteilungen Nr. 43 MarsETHZ 1998


Catalogue ENET-ShopOffice fédéral de l’énergie 1998


Optimal Vehicle Scheduling in PubliShaker Verlag 1997

1880 Löbel A.

The Generalized Baues Problem for Cyclic PolytopesZIB 1998

1881 Rambau J., Santos F.

A Generalized Marching Cubes AlgoClassifications

ZIB 1997

1882 Hege H.-C., Seebass M.,

Page 132: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Alcuin’s Transportation Problems and Integer ProgrammingZIB 1995

1883 Borndörfer R., Grötschel M., Löbel A.

Derived Dynkin Extensions

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1884 Dräxler P., Krause A.

Auslander-Reiten Components for Lie Algebras of ReductiveGroups

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1885 Farnsteiner R.

Multidimensional Version fo a ResulInvariance Principle for Vectors with

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1886 Zaitsev A. Yu.

Sample Path Large Deviations in Finer TopologiesUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1887 Eichelsbacher P., O’Connell

Computable Convergence Bounds fUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1888 Liesen J.

Constructions of Perfect Binary CodesUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1889 Solov’eva F.I.

On Components of Perfect Binary CUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1890 Solov’eva F.I.

Modules of Solvable Infinitesimal Groups and the Structure ofRepresentation-Finite Cocommutative Hopf Algebras

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1891 Farnsteiner R., Voigt D.

The Storage Capacity of GeneralizeSemantically Correlated Patterns

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1892 Löwe M.

The Fluctuations of the Overlap in the Hopfield Model withFinitely Many Patterns at the Critical Temperature

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1893 Gentz B., Löwe M.

On the Distribution of AR-ComponeUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1894 Farnsteiner R.

Solution of Ulam’s Searching Game with Three Lies or anOptimal Adaptive Strategy for BinaryTh E C ti C d

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1895 Deppe C.

Iterated Monoidal Categories IIUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1896 Balteanu C., Fiedorowicz

Page 133: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On Hyperbolicity of Manifolds Which Fiber Over The Circle WithA Once-Punctured Surface Of Genus 2

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1897 Menzel C.

A Combinatorial Algorithm for the Mand Some Generalizations

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1898 Karzanov A.V.

Network Information Flow: Single SourceUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1899 Ahlswede R., Cai N., Li S.-Y. R., Yeung R.W.

Adjoining Roots of Unity to E Ring SRemark.

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1900 Schwänzl R., Vogt R.M., W

Stochastic Analysis on Configuration Spaces: Basic Ideas andRecent Results

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1901 Röckner M.

Decomposing Thick Subcategories Category

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1902 Krause H.

Cyclotomic Schur Algebras and Blocks of Cyclic DefectUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1903 König S.

Normal Forms for Representations oAlgebras

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1904 Dräxler P.

Covering Monomial Algebras Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1905 Nörenberg R.

Smashing Subcategories and the TeAlgebraic Approach

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1906 Krause H.

Decomposition and 1-Embedding of Weakly Median GraphsUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1907 Bandelt H.-J., Chepoi V.

Dold-Kan Type Theorem for T-GrouUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1908 Pirashvili Teimuraz

E -Structure for Q (R)Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1909 Richter B.

Reciprocity Laws for Simple AlgebraNumber Curves

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1910 Guletskii V.I., Yanchevski

Page 134: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Finitely Generated Profinitely Dense Free Groups in Higher RankSemi-Simple Groups

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1911 Soifer G.A., Venkataramana T.N.

Connectedness of Opposite-Flag GePolygons

Univ . Bielefeld 1998

1912 Abramenko P., Maldeghe

Game Chromatic Number of GraphsUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1913 Dinski T., Zhu X.

Superimposed Codes and ALOHA SUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1914 D’yachkov A.G., Rykov V.

Workshop On Probability Theory and its ApplicationsUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1915 Eichelsbacher P., Löwe M.

An Example of an Arithmetic 3-ManUniv . Bielefeld 1998

1916 Helling H., Menzel C.

The Benefits of Modularization: from KASKADE to KARDOSZIB 1998

1917 Roitzsch R., Erdmann B., Lang J.

A Technique for Determining BlockinPolyhedral Descriptions


1918 Huang H.-C., Trotter L.E.

Rapport Annuel 1996/1997Office fédéral de l’éducation et de la Science 1996

1919 COST

Integral Boundary Points of Convex

1920 Hoffman A.J., Kruskal J.B

On Latttice PolyhedraIBM Research Center

1921 Hoffman A.J.

Stabilized Column GenerationGERAD 1998

1922 Du Merle O., Villeneuve D

Introduction to Fuzzy ControlInstitut für Mess- und Regeltechnik, ETH Zentrum 1998

1923 Geering H.P.

Rapport Annuel 1997EPFL 1997


Page 135: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Design of Broadband Virtual Private Networks: Model andHeuristics for the B-WiN

ZIB 1998

1925 Bley A., Grötschel M., Wessäly

30e Rapport Annuel Exercice 1997 1997

1926 ELCA Informatique

Stowage Planning for Container Ships to Reduce the Number ofShifts

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 1997

1927 Avriel M., Penn M., Shpirer N., Witteboon S.

On Integrality, Stability and ComposCovers

Technion - Israel Institute of Techno

1928 Nutov Z., Penn M.

Discrete Applied MathematicsTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology 1993

1929 Nutov Z., Penn M.

Characterizations of Natural SubmoSolvable Class of The TSP

Proceedings of the American MatheSociety

1930 Herer Y.T., Penn M.

On Non-{ 0, 1/2, 1) Extreme Points of the Generalized TransitiveTournament Polytope

Elsevier Science Inc. 1996

1931 Zeev N., Penn M.

Doubly Stochastic Matrices and DicEulerian Digraphs

Elsevier Science Inc. 1996

1932 Borobia A., Nutov., Penn

Improved Approximation Algorithms for Weighted 2- and 3-Vertex Connectivity Augmentation Problems

Journal of Algorithms 1997

1933 Penn M., Shasha-Krupnik H.

Tight integral duality gap in the ChinMathematical Programming 199

1934 Korach E., Penn M.

Discrete Applied Mathematics - Polynomial algorithms for(integral) maximum two-flows in vertex / edge-capacitated planar


Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 1995

1935 Granot F., Penn M.

On Mobile Robots Flow in Locally UTechnion - Israel Institute of Techno

1936 Nutov Z., Penn M. Sinreic

Faster Approximation Algorithms for Weighted TriconnectivityAugmentation Problems

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 1997

1937 Nutov Z. Penn M.

Container Ship Stowage Problem: Cthe Coloring of Circle Graphs

Technion - Israel Institute of Techno

1938 Avriel M., Penn M., Shpire

Page 136: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A fast algorithm for maximum integral two-commodity flow inplanar graphs

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 1993

1939 Korach E., Penn M.

An Extended Planar Algorithm for MTechnion - Israel Institute of Techno

1940 Manor R., Penn M.

Disconnecting Sets in Single and Two-Terminal-Pair NetworksNetworks 1996

1941 Granot F., Penn M., Queyranne M.

On the integral 4-packing of T-cutsTechnion - Israel Institute of Techno

1942 Granot F., Penn M.

Operations research letters - On the integral plane two-comodityflow problem

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 1992

1943 Granot F., Penn M.

Dossier général - CVTechnion - Israel Institute of Techno

1944 Penn M.

Subsides accordés - Rapport annuelFonds national suisse 1997


Invitation - Programme

16th European Conference on OperResearch Brussels, Belgium


Informs - International IsraelUniversity of Tel Aviv 1998


Rapport de gestion 1997Galenica Holding 1997


Effective Heuristics for Multi-product Shipment ModelsCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 1998

1949 Dawande Milind, Gavirneni Srinagesh, Tayur Sridhar

Superconvergence Estimates for theHeteroclinics for Maps

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1950 Kleinkauf Jan-Martin

Spanning Subgraphs of Random GraphsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1951 Riordan Oliver

Combing Euclidean BuildingsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1952 Noskov Gennady A.

Page 137: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Simplicial Functors and Stable Homotopy TheoryUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1953 Lydakis Manos

The Numerical Computation and GeHeteroclinic Tangencies

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1954 Kleinkauf Jan-Martin

Second Order and Bootstrap Approximation to Student’s t StatisticUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1955 Bloznelis M., Putter H.

Scattering Problem for Local PerturbGas

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1956 Kondratiev Yu.G., KonstaM.,Shchepan’uk G.V.

The Defect of Weak Approximation for Homogeneous SpacesUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1957 Borovoi Mikhail

Construction of Diffusions on ConfigUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1958 Ma Zhi-Ming, Röckner Mic

A Berry-Esseen Bound for U-Statistics in the Non-i.i.d. CaseUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1959 Alberink I.B.

Hodge Decomposition for Higher OrUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1960 Pirashvili Teimuraz

On A Variational Formulation of QSVD and RSVDUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1961 Chu Delin, De Moor Bart

Alternating Quotients of Fuchsian GUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1962 Everitt Brent

Hecke Algebras and Schur Algebras of the Symmetric GroupUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1963 Mathas Andrew

Adaptive Incompressible Flow CompTime Discretization and Stabilized F

ZIB 1998

1964 Lang Jens

Explicit Variable Step-Size and Time-Reversible IntegrationZIB 1998

1965 Holder T., Leimkuhler B., Reich S.

Dynamical Systems, Numerical InteSmall Estimates

ZIB 1998

1966 Reich Sebastian

Page 138: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Conjunctive Cuts for Integer ProgramsZIB 1998

1967 Martin Alexander, Weismantel Robert

Fourth Order q-Difference Equation q-Classical Orthogonal Polynomials

ZIB 1998

1968 Foupouagnigni M., Ronve

On the Complexity of Vertex-Disjoint Length-Restricted PathProblems

ZIB 1998

1969 Bley A.

On a Two-Queue Priority System wiApplication to a Call Center

ZIB 1998

1970 Brandt A., Brandt M.

Branch-and-Cut for Vertex-Disjoint Packing of Two Steiner Trees

Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Rio deJaneiro


1971 Uchoa Eduardo, Poggi de Aragão Marcus

Future Directions in Computational MScientific Software

Society for Industrial and Applied MPhiladelphia

1972 Rheinboldt Werner C.

Un dialogue différentENET News 1998

1973 Bellucci S.

When Is a Cellular Algebra Quasi-HUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1974 König Steffen and Chang

Homotopy Theory of Modules and Gorenstein RingsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1975 Beligiannis Apostolos

Stochastic Calculus of Generalized Applications to Stochastic DifferentiaDi i

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1976 Trutnau Gerald

Matching Fourier Orbital Integrals on a Unitary Group viaPerverse Sheaves

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1977 Flicker Yuval Z.

The Ellis Semigroup of the Full GrouCompact Metric Space

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1978 Manoussos A.K.

On Generalized Fibonacci Groups with Odd Number ofGenerators

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1979 Szczepanski Andrzej and Andrei Vesnin

Coxeter Decompositions of HyperbUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1980 Felikson A.A.

Page 139: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Moderate Deviations for Degenerate U-Processes Universität Bielefeld 1998

1981 Eichelsbacher Peter

Probabilistic Representations and HSemigroups

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1982 Röckner M. and T.S. Zhan

On Perfect Codes and Related ConceptsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1983 Ahlswede R. and H.K. Aydinian and L.H. Khachatrian

The Limit of the Spectral Radius of NUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1984 Elsner Ludwig and S. Frie

The Conformal Bratwurst Map and Polynomial Iterative MethodsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1985 Koch Tino and Jörg Liesen

On the Counting Function of PrimitivUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1986 Ahlsewede Rudolf and LeAndras Sarközy

The Milgram Non-OperadUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1987 Brinkmeier Michael

Identification without RandomizationUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1988 Ahlswede Rudolf and Ning

Coding Theorem and Strong Converse for Quantum ChannelsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1989 Winter Andreas

Chromatic-Index Critical MultigraphsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1990 Grünewald Stefan

A Generalization of Hasminskii’s Theorem on Existence ofInvariant Measures for Locally Integrable Drifts

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1991 Bogachev V. and M. Röckner

On the Auslander-Reiten Quiver of aUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1992 Farnsteiner Rolf

A Direct Approach to Searching with LiesUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1993 Balakirsky Vladimir B.

Universal Data Compression BasedWheeler-Transformation: Theory an

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1994 Balkenhol Bernhard and S

Page 140: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On the Quotient Sequence of Sequences of IntegersUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1995 Ahlsewede Rudolf and Levon H. Khachatrian andAndras Sarközy

The -Filtered Modules Without Self-Algebra of K(T)/(T)

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1996 Brüstle Thomas and Lutz Ringel and Gerhard Röhrl

Characteristic Tilting Modules Over a Class of Quasi-HereditaryAlgebras

Universität Bielefeld 1998

1997 Deng Bangming

On Good Module Categories WithouUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1998 Deng Bangming and Bin Z

Representations of Burnside RingsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

1999 Reichenbach Ulrike

On the Validity of the Log-Sobolev IFleming-Viot Operators

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2000 Stannat Wilhelm

On the Structure of the Canonical Fundamental Set for the2-Bridge Link Orbifolds

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2001 Mednykh Alexander and Aleksey Rasskazov

On a Cone-Manifold with the EuclideWhitehead Link

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2002 Shmatkov Ruslan

Symposium “Numbers, Information and Complexity” in honour ofR. Ahlswede

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2003 Balkenhol Bernhard and Ulrich Tamm

Languages of Quantum InformationUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2004 Winter Andreas

Euroconference - Infinite Length Modules Universität Bielefeld 1998


International Conference RepresentUniversität Bielefeld 1998


Divisibility Properties of Functions Counting Subgroups of FiniteIndex in Virtually Free Groups

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2007 Meyer Anja Gabriele

Fehlerhafte Messsysteme, unsicherETHZ 1998

2008 Ruhm Karl H.

Page 141: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Discrete Mathematics - Fullerenes and coordination polyhedraversus half-cube embeddings

EPFL 1998

2009 Deza Antoine and Michel Deza and ViatcheslavGrishukhin

No Suicide from the Swiss SideAIRO 1998

2010 Hertz Alain

Strategic Investments and Computable Stochastic EquilibriumProblems

CORE - Belgique 1998

2011 Smeers Yves

Alternative Transmission Regimes aMarkets: Computable Models

CORE - Belgique 1998

2012 Daxhelet Olivier and Yves

Second Order Transitions in Quantum-Classical MolecularDynamics

ZIB 1998

2019 Nettesheim P.

From Simulation Data to Conformatand Dynamics based Methods

ZIB 1998

2020 Huisinga W. and C. Best aSchütte and F. Cordes

Numerical Calculation of the Heat Transfer in an AdsorptionEnergy Storage with KARDOS

ZIB 1999

2021 Seewald F. and A. Pollei and M. Kraume and W.Mittelbach and J. Lang

Mehrschichtige OberflächenmodellePlanung in der Chirurgie

ZIB 1998

2022 Stalling D. and M. Seebas

Euler is Standing in LineZIB 1999

2023 Hauptmeier D. and S. O. Krumke and J. Rambau andH.-C. Wirth

A comparison of four approaches toconservation laws

ZIB 1999

2024 Wolf Thomas

The Online Transportation Problem: Competitive Scheduling ofElevators

ZIB 1998

2025 Ascheuer Norbert and S. O. Krumke and J. Rambau

A symmetry test for quasilinear coupZIB 1999

2026 Sokolov V. and T. Wolf

Weighted Labels for 3D Image SegmentationZIB 1998

2027 Stalling D. and M. Zöckler and O. Sander and H.-C.Hege

A Direct Approach to ConformationaMonte Carlo

ZIB 1998

2028 Schütte C. and A. FischerDeuflhard

Page 142: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Extension of finite volume compressible flow solvers tomulti-dimensional, variable density zero Mach number flow

ZIB 1998

2029 Schneider T. and N. Botta and K.J. Geratz and R. Klein

Zielorientierte DienstplanoptimierunZIB 1998

2030 Borndörfer R. and A. LöbeVölker

Adaptive Multilevel FEM as Decisive Tools in the Clinical CancerTherapy Hyperthermia

ZIB 1998

2031 Deuflhard P. and M. Seebass

Faber and Newton Polynomial IntegDensity Matrix Propagation

ZIB 1998

2032 Huisinga W. and L. PesceSaalfrank

Math-Net: Ein Informationssystem des MathematikZIB 1998

2033 Grötschel M. and W. Dalitz and V. Winczewski

Simulation of the Transient Heating Hot-Strip Sensor with a Self-Adaptiv

ZIB 1998

2034 M.J. Lourenço and S. CosCastro and C. Albuquerqu

Order Picking in an Automatic Warehouse: Solving OnlineAsymmetric TSPs

ZIB 1998

2035 Ascheuer N. and M. Grötschel and Atef Abdel-AzizAbdel-Hamid

Order Picking in an Automatic WareSolving Online Asymmetric TSPs

ZIB 1998

2036 Ascheuer N. and M. GrötsAbdel-Hamid

Scientific Information Systems and MetadataZIB 1998

2037 Grötschel M. and J. Lügger

The Cayley Trick, lifting subdivisionstheorem on zonotopal tilings

ZIB 1999

2038 Huber B. and J. Rambau

The Generalized Baues Problem for Cyclic Polytopes IIZIB 1999

2039 C. A. Athanasiadis and J. Rambau and F. Santos

A New Nonlinear Elliptic Multilevel FHyperthermia

ZIB 1998

2040 P. Deuflhard and M. Weis

Non-Adiabatic Effects in Quantum-Classical Molecular DynamicsZIB 1998

2041 C. Schütte and P. Nettesheim

Fast Data Assimilation in Fire Tests ZIB 1998

2042 Kühn W. and M. Korzen a

Page 143: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Picture-based Document Retrieval Service for the ElectronicVisualization Library

ZIB 1998

2043 Decker Ingmar

A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for EsZIB 1998

2044 Schütte C. and A. FischerDeuflhard

Generic Idempotent Modules for a Finite GroupUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2045 Benson D.J. and H. Krause

A Note on the Arrangement of SubgGroups of Submodule Lattices of Fr

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2046 Panin A. A.

Specht Modules and Branching Rules for Ariki-Koike AlgebrasUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2047 Jie Du and Hebing Rui

Decomposition of Transvections: A Universität Bielefeld 1999

2048 Stepanov A. and N. Vavilo

Exponential Mixing for Classical Continuous SystemsUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2049 Kondratiev Y.G. and R.A. Minlos and M. Röckner andG.V. Shchepan

Lattice Points in Multidimensional BUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2050 Bentkus V. and F. Götze

Schottky Uniformizations of Bordered Compact RiemannSurfaces with a Special Group of Automorphisms

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2051 Hidalgo Ruben A.

A4, A5, S4 and S5 of Schottky TypUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2052 Hidalgo Ruben A.

A4, A5, S4 and S5 of Schottky Type Universität Bielefeld 1999

2053 Hidalgo Ruben A.

A Note on Existence and Path PropProcesses Corresponding to Time DO t

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2054 Kienitz Jörg

Moderate Deviations for Bayes PosteriorsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2055 Eichelsbacher P. and Ganesh A.

Stable Equivalence and Generic MoUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2056 Krause H. and G. Zwara

Page 144: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On Maximal Subgroups of Finite Classical Groups Universität Bielefeld 1998

2057 Magaard K. and G. Röhrle and D. Testerman

Grassmannian Fixed Point Ratios Universität Bielefeld 1998

2058 Frohardt D. and K. Magaa

Fibre Sum Functors and the Bimodule ExtUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2059 Dräxler Peter

On the Convergence in the VariationMeasures under Differentiable Mapp

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2060 Alexandrova D.E. and V.I

Motivic Equivalence of Quadratic Forms Universität Bielefeld 1998

2061 Izhboldin O.T.

Classification of 2-Reflective HyperbUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2062 Vinberg.E

Structure of Hyperbolic Unitary Groups I. Elementary SubgroupsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2063 Bak Anthony and Vavilov Nikolai

Subgroups of SLn Over a SemilocalUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2064 Vavilov Nikolai

A Third Look at Weight Diagrams Universität Bielefeld 1998

2065 Vavilov Nikolai

Elements of K1 via the Triple G-CoUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2067 Nenashev A.

On Some Estimation Problems with Information Constraints Universität Bielefeld 1998

2068 Burnashev M.V. and T.S. Han and S. Amari

On Some Testing of Hypothesis ProConstraints

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2069 Burnashev M.V. and T.S.

Independent Sets and 2-Factors in Edge-Chromatic-CriticalGraphs

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2070 Grünewald S. and Eckhard Steffen

Stability of Traveling Waves: DichotConditions on Finite Intervals

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2071 Beyn W.-J. and J. Lorenz

Page 145: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Ray Hölder-Continuity for Fractional Sobolov Spaces in InfiniteDimensions and Applications

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2072 Ren Jiagang and M. Röckner

Lp-Analysis of Finite and Infinite DimUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2073 Röckner M.

Tightness of Sobolev Capacities in Infinite Dimensions Universität Bielefeld 1998

2074 Nedikov N.N. and Pugachev

On Opposition in Spherical BuildingUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2075 Abramenko P. and H.V. M

Note on Topological Hochschild Homology Universität Bielefeld 1998

2076 Schwänzl R. and R.M. Vogt and F. Waldhausen

A Note on the Best Tridiagonal ApprTotally Nonnegative Matrix

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2077 Pott Matthias

Endofiniteness in Stable Homotopy Theory Universität Bielefeld 1998

2078 Krause Henning and U. Reichenbach

Degeneration for Parabolic Group AGroups

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2079 Brüstle T. and L. Hille and

Betti Numbers for p-Stable Ideals Universität Bielefeld 1998

2080 Ene Viviana and Pfister Gerhard and Dorin Popescu

Triangulated Categories and Kac-MUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2081 Peng Liangang and Jie Xi

Hereditary Triangulated Categories Universität Bielefeld 1998

2082 Ringel Claus Michael

On Gelfand-Zetlin Modules Over OrUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2083 Mazorchuk Volodymyr

On Condensed Forms for Partially Commuting Matrices Universität Bielefeld 1998

2084 Alpin Yu.A and L. Elsner and Kh.D. Ikramov

Three Symmetries GroupsUniversität Bielefeld 1998

2085 Felikson A.A. and P.V. Tu

Page 146: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Comparison of Systems of Stochastic Partial DifferentialEquations

Universität Bielefeld 1998

2086 Assing Sigurd

Guide pédagogique EPFL 1998

2087 Bänziger Nathalie

Aspects of Set Packing, Partitioning, and Covering Mathematik - Shaker Verlag 1998

2088 Borndörfer Ralf

Applications for research funding fork-set problem”

ETHZ 1998

2089 Andrzejak Artur

Le Centre de recherches en physique des plasmas de l’EPFLEPFL 1999


Biennial Report 1997/98 CombinatoAlgorithms

Technische Universität Berlin 19

2091 Möhring Rolf H.

Combinatorial optimization

Troisième Cycle Romand de RechercheOpérationnelle - Zinal, Mars 1999


2092 Chvatal Vaclav

Théorie des Graphes, langages de m

Cours/séminaire de recherche opéraZinal 2-6 mars 1999

2093 Fourer Robert and Vaclav

Design of Survivable Networks with Bounded Rings SMG 1998

2094 Fortz Bernard

Information Bulletin

International Federation for InformatProcessing


Discrete convex analysisMathematical Programming 1998

2096 Murota Kazuo

Informationstechnologien in SchweUniversity of Fribourg 1998

2097 Häuschen Harald and Pet

Linear inequalities for flags in graded partially ordered sets1998

2098 Billera Louis J. and Gabor Hetyei

The Volume Algorithm: Producing PSubgradient Method

IBM Research Division 1998

2099 Barahona Francisco and R

Page 147: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

The height of minimal Hilbert basesBirkhäuser Verlag 1997

2100 Henk Martin and Robert Weismantel

Good Parameters and Implementatirecursive random number generator

Université de Montréal 1998

2101 L’ecuyer Pierre

Almost Perfect Matrices and Graphs 1998

2102 Padberg Manfred

L’utilisation d’ADN pour résoudre deconduit à repenser la notion de “calc

Pour la Science 1998

2103 Adleman Leonard

Investigacion OperativaE.P.I.O 1998


Project-and-LiftWorkshop Aussois 1998

2105 Applegate David and BobBill Cook

Plan pluriannuel des universités et hautes écoles suisses pour lapériode 2000-2003

Commission de planification universitaire 1998


Mitteilungen Nr. 45 - März 1999ETHZ 1999


Catalogue ENET-ShopOffice fédéral de l’énergie 1999


ENET NEWS - 1er trimestre 1999Office fédéral de l’énergie 1999


Deformed Products and Maximal Shadows of Polytopes Contemporary Mathematics 1999

2110 Amenta Nina and Günter M. Ziegler

Randomized Simplex Algorithms onCombinatorica 1998

2111 Gärtner Bernd and Martin

Client-Server-Anwendung zur Steuerung von AusgabegerätenZIB 1998

2112 Kedziorski Rafal and Detlef Kehl and Olaf Paetsch

A simple C++ library for manipulatinstructured data

ZIB 1998

2113 Best Christoph

Page 148: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

The Online Dial-a-Ride Problem under Reasonable LoadZIB 1999

2114 Hauptmeier Dietrich and Sven O. Krumke and JörgRambau

Simulation Studies for the Online-DiZIB 1999

2115 Grötschel Martin and DietKrumke and Jörg Rambau

Vers une Theorie de champ Hamiltonienne, canonique etmicroscopique des liquides classiques


2116 Choquard Ph.

Randomized Pivot Algorit hms in LinEidgenössische Technische Hochsc

2117 Finschi Lukas

SGA - Bulletin Nr 25 / März, April, Mai 1999Tools für Steuerungen

Association Suisse pour l’Automatique 1999


PID-TechnikEine Einführung

Association Suisse pour l’Automatiq

2119 Glattfelder Adolf Hermann

47ème Rapport annuelFonds national Suisse 1999


31e rapport annuel - Exercice 1998ELCA Informatique SA 1999


Activity Report - January 1998-December 1998SMG 1998


Workshop on Applied Linear AlgebrUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2123 Bunse-Gerstner Angelika,Nabben, Matthias Pott an

Workshop Stable Homotopy Theory and Algebraic K-Theory Universität Bielefeld 1999

2124 Schwede Stefan, Rainer Vogt

Workshop on Dirichlet Spaces and AUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2125 Röckner Michael, Karl-Th

Perfect Matchings in e-Regular Graphs and the Blow -Up LemmaUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2126 Rödl Vojtech and Andrzej Rucinski

Sincere Stable TubesUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2127 I. Reiten and A. Skowrons

Page 149: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Schemes of Tori and the Structure of Tame Restricted LieAlgebras

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2128 Farnsteiner Rolf and Detlef Voigt

On 2-adic Cyclotomic Elements in KCohomology of the Ring of Integers

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2129 Arlettaz Dominique, GrzegGadja

Open Mappings of Probability Measures and the SkorohodRepresentation Theorem

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2130 Vladimir I. Bogachev and Alexander V. Kolesnikov

On the Automorphism Group of the Universität Bielefeld 1999

2131 Helling Heinz

On the Representation Dimension of Finite Dimensional AlgebrasUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2132 Changchang Xi

König Steffen and Changchang Xi Universität Bielefeld 1999

2133 A Self-Injective Cellular A

Uniqueness for Gibbs States of Quantum Lattices in Small MassRegime

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2134 Albeverio Sergio, Yuri Kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky andMichael Röckner

Quasi-Hereditary Algebras and Qua Universität Bielefeld 1999

2135 Deng Bangming

Finite Subcategories and Heredity Chains Universität Bielefeld 1999

2136 Deng Bangming

Cartan-Decomposition Subgroups oUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2137 Oh Hee and Dave Witte

Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Homogeneous Spaces of SO(2,n)

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2138 Oh Hee and Dave Witte

Geometry of Tame Tubular FamiliesUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2139 Bobinski Grzegorz and A

Categories of Induced Modules and Projectively StratifiedAlgebras

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2140 Futorny V. and S. König and V. Mazorchuk

Some Observations on Inverses of BPerturbations of Triangular Matrices

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2141 Elsner L.

Page 150: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Circular Flow Numbers of Regular MultigraphsUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2142 Steffen Eckhard

Gauss Decomposition with PrescribProof

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2144 Vladimir Chernousov and Gordeev

An Algorithm for Finding All Preprojective Components of theAuslander-Reiten Quiver

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2145 Peter Dräxler and Klara Kögerler

Stable Homotopy of Abelian T-GrouUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2146 Teimuraz Pirashvili

Selfinjective Algebras of Euclidean Type with Almost RegularNonperiodic Auslander-Reiten Components

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2147 Grzegorz Bobinski and Andrzej Skowronski

Coxeter Decompositions of SphericaUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2148 A.A. Felikson

Generalized Verma Modules Universität Bielefeld 1999

2149 Volodymyr Mazorchuk

Workshop on Operads Osnabrück JUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2150 Rainer Vogt

CREP Manual Part IIIUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2151 Peter Dräxler and Rainer Nörenberg

Some Remarks on the Group of R-ESemisimple Groups over Arithmetic

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2152 Vladimir Chernousov and

Irreducible Tensor Products of Representations of FiniteQuasi-Simple Groups of Lie Type

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2153 Kay Magaard and Pham Huu Tiep

Ringel Duality and Kazhdan-LusztigUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2154 Steffen König

BGP-Reflection Functors and Lusztig's Symmetries: A Ringel-HallAlgebra Approach to Quantum Groups

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2155 Jie Xiao and Shilin Yang

Mostow-Margulis Rigidity with LocalUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2156 Alex Furman

Page 151: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Triangular Bimodules, Quasi-Hereditary Algebras, and Actions ofParabolic Subgroups in GLn

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2157 Thomas Brüstle and Lutz Hille

Rigidity of Commensurators and IrreUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2158 Yehuda Shalom

A Species of Planar Triangular Tilings with Inflation Factor Universität Bielefeld 1999

2159 Ludwig Danzer and Gerrit van Ophuysen

Brown Representability and Flat CoUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2160 Henning Krause

Lp Uniqueness of Non-Symmetric Diffusion Operators withSingular Drift CoefficientsI Th Fi it Di i l C

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2161 Andreas Eberle

The Whitehead Link Complement anComplement are Torus Bundles

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2162 Christof Menzel

Control of Photoassociation yield :A quantum-dynamical study of the mercury system to exploreth l f l d ti f d t f t d

ZIB 1999

2163 Peter Backhaus and Burkhard Schmidt and MarcosDantus

Power-User und Supercomputer ZIB 1999

2164 Peter Deuflhard and RupeReinefeld and Hinnerk Stü

De-duplication in KOBVZIB 1999

2165 Stefan Lohrum and Wolfram Schneider and JosefWillenborg

Visualizing Conformations in MolecuZIB 1999

2166 Christoph Best and Hans-

Planning Implants of Radionuclides for the Treatment of ProstateCancer: An Application of Mixed Integer Programming

Optima 1999

2167 Eva K. Lee and Richard J. Gallagher and Marco Zaider

An Evolutionary Model of the Size D

International Institute for ManagemeDevelopment

2168 Fariba Hashemi

Optimizing Asset Utilization in Aluminum Hot Rolling Mills

2169 Gian F. Frontini and Jean Bonhomme

SGA - BulletinNr. 26/Juni, Juli, August 1999

Association Suisse pour l'Automatiq


Page 152: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

An Efficient Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm For MultiprocessorReal-Time Systems

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems


2171 G. Manimaran and C. Siva Ram Murthy

New Algorithms for Resource ReclaConstrained Tasks in Multiprocesso

Journal of Parallel and Distributed C

2172 G. Manimaran and C. SivaVijay and Krithi Ramamrit

A Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm forMultiprocessor Real-Time Systems and Its Analysis

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 1997

2173 G. Manimaran and C. Siva Ram Murthy

Annual Report 1998ETHZ 1998


Coopération européenne dans le domaine de la recherchescientifique et technique - Rapport annuel

Office fédéral de l'éducation et de la science 1999


Speedup September 1998 - Vector Process Engineering

ETHZ 1998


Conformational Dynamics: Modelling, Theory, Algorithm, andApplication to Biomolecules

ZIB 1999

2177 Schütte Christof

Computer Algebra Methods for EquZIB 1999

2178 Gatermann Karin

Markowitz Revisited: Single-Period and Multi-PeriodMean-Variance Models

ZIB 1999

2179 Steinbach Marc C.

On Conformational Dynamics inducZIB 1999

2180 Schütte Christof and Wilh

Partial Wigner Transforms and the Quantum-Classical LiouvilleEquation

ZIB 1999

2181 Schütte Christof

Adaptive Multilevel Solution on NonSystems. Theory, Algorithm, and Ap

ZIB 1999

2182 Lang Jens

Ein verteiltes Bibliotheks-Informationssystem auf Basis desZ.39.50 Protokolls

ZIB 1999

2183 Schneider Wolfram

Graph-Based Algebraic Multigrid foElements on Simplicial Meshes

ZIB 1999

2184 Beck Rudolf

Page 153: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Construction and Analysis of Polynomial Iterative Methods forNon-Hermitian Systems of Linear Equations

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2185 Liesen Jörg

On Identification Universität Bielefeld 1999

2186 Kleinewächter Christian

Estimates of Variable Stepsize Runge-Kutta Methods forSectorial Evolution Equations with Nonsmooth Data

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2187 Beyn Wolf-Jürgen and Barnabas M. Garay

The G-Homotopy Type of Proper LoUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2188 Elfving Erik

Irreducible Characters for Algebraic Groups in CharacteristicThree

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2189 Ye Jiachen and Zhongguo Zhou

Strong Cluster Properties and Geomlog-Partition Function of the Ginibre

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2190 Poghosyan Suren and Ha

A Characterization of Minimizable Metrics in the MultifacilityLocation Problem

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2191 Bandelt Hans-Jürgen and Vic tor Chepoi and AlexanderV. Karzanov

Canonical Matrices for Linear MatrixUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2192 Sergeichuk V. Vladimir

Adaptive Choice of Bootstrap Sample Sizes Universität Bielefeld 1999

2193 Götze Friedrich and Alfredas Rackauskas

Transfer Operator Approach to ConBiomolecular Systems

ZIB 1999

2194 Schütte Christof and WilhDeuflhard

Metacomputing Zwischen Berlin und Rostock ZIB 1999

2195 Linke Matthias and Carsten Krebs and MarionSchünemann

Differential Equations in TechnologyComputational Concepts, Adaptive A

ZIB 1999

2196 Deuflhard Peter

A family of sparse polynomial systems arising in chemicalreaction systems

ZIB 1999

2197 Gatermann Karin und Birkett Huber

Math-Net AbschlussberichtZIB 1999

2198 Grötschel Martin and Wol

Page 154: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Ab Initio Study of Flavonoids ZIB 1999

2199 Meyer Michael

Solving the Asymmetric Travelling SWindows by Branch-and-Cut

ZIB 1999

2200 Ascheuer Norbert and MaGrötschel

The Trace Field of a Series of Hyperbolic Manifolds Universität Bielefeld 1999

2201 Helling H.

The Dualizing Spectrum of a TopoloUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2202 Klein John R.

Towards an Algorithmic Construction of the Hyperbolic Structureon Surface Bundles

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2203 Helling Heinz and Christof Menzel

Normal Subgroups of the MultiplicatAlgebra, and Valuations

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2204 Rapinchuck

K-Theory and Generalized Free Products of S-Algebras:Localization Methods

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2205 Schwänzl Roland and Ross Staffelt and FriedhelmWaldhausen

On the Hamming Bound for NonbinaCodes

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2206 Ahlswede R. and L.A. Bas

Bulletin Septembre 99 / Mise au concours des Prix ASROAssociation Suisse de recherche opérationnelle 1999


La surface de ClebschUniversité de Lausanne - Faculté d


Jahresbericht 1997/1998ZAIK 1998

2209 Schrader R.

SOR 99 Book of AbstractsUniversität Magdeburg 1999


Morphologie Mathématique et Fragmentation / Figure et AnnexeUniversité Catholique de Louvain 1973

2211 Cauwe Philippe

Morphologie Mathématique et FragmUniversité Catholique de Louvain

2212 Cauwe Philippe

Page 155: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Beitrag zur rechnergestützten Modelierung des normalenKornwachstums in metallischen Werkstoffen

Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften 1999


Thérmodynamique et structure de laUniversité Louis Pasteur 1999

2214 Pittet Nicolas

Development of a hybrid production planning & control systemSwiss Federal Institute of Technology 1999

2215 Hachen Ch.

Exact Upper Bounds for the NumbeVoronoi Diagrams


2216 Seidel Raimund

Quantum Data ProcessingUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2217 Ahlswede Rudolf and Peter Löber

The Representation Type of the FulUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2218 Ringel Claus Michael

Parity Patterns in Hecke Groups and Fermat PrimesUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2219 Müller Thomas W.

Functional Inequalities for UniformlyApplications

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2220 Gong Fu-Zhou and Feng-

Derived-Tame Tree AlgebrasUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2221 Brüstle Thomas

Standardly Stratified Algebras and CUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2222 Xi Changchang

Parabolic Decomposition for Projectively Stratified AlgebrasUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2223 Klucznik M. and V. Mazorchuk

Faber Polynomials Corresponding toFunctions

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2224 Liesen Jörg

Bounds for the Concentration of Asymptotically Normal Statistics Universität Bielefeld 1999

2225 Alberink I.B. and V. Bentkus

Elliptic Equations for Infinite Dimensand Lyapunov Functions

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2226 Bogachev Vladimir and M

Page 156: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Ultracontractivity and Supercontractivity of Markov SemigroupsUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2227 Röckner Michael and Feng-Yu Wang

Elliptic Equations for Invariant MeasManifolds : Existence and Regularity

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2228 Bogachev Vladimir and RWang

Dirichlet Operators with Variable Coefficients in Lp-Spaces ofFunctions of Infinitely Many Variables

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2229 Liskevich Vitali and Michael Röckner and Zeev

Some Properties of Traces for StochParabolic Weighted Soboloev Spac

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2230 Krylov N.V.

Khintchine-Type Theorems on Manifolds : Convergence Case forStandard and Multiplicative Versions

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2231 Bernik V. and K. Kleinbock and G.A. Margulis

On Primitive Sets of Squarefree InteUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2232 Ahlswede R. and L. Khac

On Gaussian and Bernoulli Covariance RepresentationsUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2233 Bobkov S.G. and F. Götze and C. Houdré

One Term Edgeworth Expansion forof Degree Two

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2234 Bloznelis M. and F. Götze

On Simple Mixed Modules over the Virasoro AlgebraUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2235 Mazorchuk Volodymyr

Finiteness for Parabolic Group ActioUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2236 BrüstleT. and L. Hille and

On the Quasi-Heredity of Birman-Wenzl Algebras Universität Bielefeld 1999

2237 Xi Changchang

A Category of Pseudo-Tangles withApplications

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2238 Blömer Olaf

Scheduling with Earliness and Tardiness PenaltiesLehigh University 1999

2239 Avci Selcuk

Bulletin Mai 99 - Invitation à l'assemSVOR ASRO 1999

2241 Kall Peter

Page 157: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

L'Odyssée abrégéePour la Science 1999

2242 Grötschel Martin, Manfred Padberg

Une tour de BabelENET News 1999

2243 Wintsch Maya

Simulation Methodology, Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization inDiscrete event systems (Des)

EPFL 1992

2244 Liebling Thomas. M.

Nonlinear Time Series Analysis withETHZ 1993

2245 De Groot Claas

Transitive Packing: A New Framework in CombinatorialOptimization

2246 Müller Rudolf, Andreas S. Schulz

Scheduling Unrelated Machines by 1999

2247 Schulz Andreas, Martin S

Scheduling to Minimize Average Completion Time: Off-Line andOn-Line Approximation Algorithms

Mathematics of Operations Research 1997

2248 Hall Leslie A., Andreas S. Schulz, David B. Shmoys,Joel Wein

The Complexity of Generic Primal AInteger Programs


2249 Schulz Andreas S., Rober

Bounds on the Chvatal Rank of Polytopes in the 0/1-Cube

2250 Eisenbrand Friedrich, Andreas S. Schulz

IFOR Nr. 46 - Oktober 1999ETHZ 1999


Der Unterschied zwischen MRP und Planung1998

2252 Fleischmann Bernhard

Scrambled Net Variance for IntegralStanford University

2253 Owen Art. B

Clustering Data of Different Information LevelsZIB 1999

2254 Galliat Tobias

Solution of the Time-Dependent SchSymmetric Potentials

ZIB 1999

2255 Schmidt Burkhard, Petra Z

Page 158: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Fast and Intuitive Generation of Geometric of Geometric ShapeTransitions

ZIB 1999

2256 Zöckler Malte, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege

Self-Organizing Maps Combined wiAutomated Cluster Identification

ZIB 1999

2257 Galliat Tobias, Wilhelm H

Algebraic Multigrid by Component Splitting for Edge Elementson Simplicial Triangulations

ZIB 1999

2258 Beck Rudolf

Container Adaptors ZIB 1999

2259 Gary Powell, Martin Weise

Representations of Infinitesimal Groups of Characteristic 2Universität Bielefeld 1999

2260 Farnsteiner Rolf, Detlef Voigt

Vladimir I. Bogachev, Michael RöckUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2261 Uniqueness of Invariant MDissipativity of Diffusion O

Maximal Number of Constant Weight Vertices of the Unit n-CubeContained in a k-Dimensional Subspace

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2262 Ahlswede R., H Aydinian, L. Khachatrian

Homotopy Algebras are Homotopy AUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2263 Markl Martin

Auslander-Reiten Theory via Brown RepresentabilityUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2264 Krause Henning

Bulletin Décembre 99 N°107ASRO 1999


Un homme... ...une carrièreEPFL 1999

2266 Centre de Recherche en Physique des Plasmas

Optimization Models For The O/D MBilevel approaches

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

2267 Barcelo Jaume

Operations and Information Management Department TheWharton School University of Pennsylvania

Publications and Working papers 1999


Neural Network Architecture and LeVersion with ExamplesNeural NetwoAl ith E t d d V i ith E

Association Suisse pour l'Automatiq

2269 Weinmann Alexander

Page 159: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Elliptic Equations for Measures on Infinite Dimensional Spacesand Applications

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2270 Bogachev Vladimir I. and Michael Röckner

On Regularity of Transition Probabilof Singular Diffusions under Minima

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2271 Bogachev Vladimir I. and Krylov

Improved Upper Bounds for the Real Part of NonmaximalEigenvalues of Nonnegative Matrices

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2272 Nabben Reinhard

Reduction of Shimura Varieties at PUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2273 Reimann Harry

The Coinvariant Algebra and Representation Types of Blocks ofCategory O

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2274 Brüstle Th. and S. König and V. Mazorchuk

On Cheeger-Type Inequalities for WUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2275 Friedland Shmuel and Re

On Green's Matrices for TreesUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2276 Nabben Reinhard

A Class of Inverses M-MatricesUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2277 Nabben Reinhard

Lévy-Lepage Series Representation of Stable Vectors.Convergence in Variation

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2278 Bentkus V., A. Juozulynas and V. Paulauskas

One Attempt of a Compression AlgoUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2279 Balkenhol Bernhard and Y

1-Twinnings of Buildings Universität Bielefeld 1999

2280 Abramenko Peter and Hendrik Van Maldeghem

Lattice Chain Models for Affine BuildUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2281 Abramenko Peter and Ga

Enright's Completions and Injectively Copresented ModulesUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2282 König S. and V. Mazorchuk

On Stable Equivalences of Morita TRepresentation-Finite Selfinjective A

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2283 Asashiba Hideto

Page 160: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Support Problem for K-Theory of Number FieldsUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2284 Banaszak G. and W. Gajda, P. Krason

Tensor Product Multiplicities, CanonPositive Varieties

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2285 Berenstein Arkady and An

A Stratification for Varieties of Modules Universität Bielefeld 1999

2286 Richmond Nicola J.

Estimates of Semigroups and EigenInequalities

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2287 Wang Feng-Yu

On Ringel-Hall Algebras of Tame Hereditary AlgebrasUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2288 Hua Jiuzhao and Jie Xiao

Generalized Verma Modules InduceAssociated Verma Modules

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2289 Khomenko Oleksandr and

Pure Injectives and the Spectrum of the Cohomology Ring of aFinite Group

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2290 Benson David and Henning Krause

Almost Split Sequences of Verma MUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2291 Farnsteiner R. and G. Röh

SGA - Bulletin Nr. 28 januar, Februar, März 2000Association Suisse pour l'Automatique 2000


Visions of Numerical Relativity 1999ZIB 1999

2293 Benger Werner, Hans-ChHeusler

A Subspace Cascadic Multigrid Method for Mortar ElementsZIB 1999

2294 Braess Dietrich, Peter Deuflhard and KonstantinLipnikov

Visualizing Quantum Mechanical PhZIB 1999

2295 Schmidt-Ehrenberg and H

Efficient Distributed File I/0 for Visualization in Grid EnvironmentsZIB 2000

2296 Benger Werner, Hans-Christian Hege and AndréMerzky and Thomas Radke and Edward Seidel

Etat d'avancement des programmesDécembre 1998

Fonds national Suisse 1998


Page 161: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Maximizing the Product of Two Linear Functions in 0 - 1 VariablesRutcor Research Report 1997

2298 Peter L. Hammer, Pierre Hansen, Panos M. Pardalos,David J. Rader

A Mathematical Theory of Commun

1998 IEEE International SymposiumInformation Theory, MIT

2299 Claude E. Shannon

The set of non-linearity of a convex piecewise-Linear Function1959

2300 Chandler Davis

Real-Time Dispatch of Trams in Sto

Schwerpunkptrogramm der DeutschForschungsgemeinschaft

2301 Thomas Winter, Uwe T. Z

Qualitative Information Processing in DSSS "Aspid-3W "forcomplex objects estimation under uncertainty

Proceedings of the International Conerence onInformatics and Control St- Petersburg


2302 Nikolai V. Hovanov, Vladimir V. Kornikov, Igor A.Seregin

Messsignale- Qualitative BeschreibuSGA/ASSPA/SSAC Lern Modul Nr.

2303 Karl H. Ruhm

Mess- und RegeltechnikSGA Bulletin Nr. 27 - sept, oct, nov. 1999


Dynamics of 3D Real Foam CoarsePhysical Review Letters, vol 80, Nr.

2305 C. Monnereau, M Vignes-

Dynamical percolation through the Voronoï tessellationsJ. Phys. A: Math. Gen 32 (1999) 4611-4621 1999

2306 N. Pittet

Coarsening of a three-dimensional rSurface Evolver

Philosophical Magazine B, 1999, vo1213-1222

2307 C. Monnereau, M. Vignes

Activity Report, 1999

SMG, cervice de Mathematiques de la Gestion,Université libre de Buxelles



Cellular Electromagnetic Transmiss1996

2309 Alvaro Vergara Piccaluga

Optimierung von Matrix-Abständen durch unitäreAhnlichkeitstransformationen

Univ. Bielefeld 1999

2310 Ralf Siekmeyer

On Groups of Isometries of HadamaUniv. Bielefeld 1999

2311 Nai Bing

Page 162: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Orthogonal Decompostion of Finite Population Statistics and ietsApplications to Distributional Asymptotics

Univ. Bielefeld 1999

2312 M. Bloznelis, F. Götze

On connected Sums of Four-DiensioUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2313 Stefan Bauer

HNN Extension of Cyclically Presented GroupsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2314 Andrzej Szczepanski, Andrei Vesnin

Pseudo-Finite Generalized TriangleUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2315 E.B. Vinberg, Y Kaplinsky

Polynominal Estimates and Discrete Saddle-node HomoclinicOrbits

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2316 Thorsten Hüls, Yongkui Zou

On the Location of the Zeros of FabUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2317 Jörg Liesen

Coxeter Decompositions of Hyperbolic Pyramids and TriangularPrisms

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2318 A. Felikson

Representations of Semisimple Lie ACharacteristic and Quantum Groups

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2319 Iain Gordon

Large Deviations for Products of Empirical Measures ofDependent Sequences

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2320 Peter Eichelsbacher, Uwe Schmock

Spectral Gaps on Loop Spaces : A cUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2321 Andreas Eberle

Fordsche Fundamentalbereiche hyperbolischereinfach-punktierter Torus-Bündel

Univ. Bielefeld 1999

2322 Tino Koch

Transparent Boundary Conditions foApproximation of the One-Way Helm

ZIB Berlin 1999

2323 Tilmann Friese, Frank Sch

Algorithmen-und Softwareoptimierung für die Satellitenbahn- undSchwerefeldmodellierung

ZIB Berlin 2000

2324 Rainal Ehrig, Ulrich Nowak

An Equivalence of Two Categories oUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2325 König S. and V. Mazorchu

Page 163: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Categories of Induced Modules for Lie Algebras with TriangularDecomposition

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2326 Futorny V., S. König and V. Mazorchuk

Algebras of Exponent 2 over an EllipUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2327 Guletskii V.

The Groups H3 (F(X)/F) and CH2 (X) for Generic SplittingVarieties of Quadratic Forms

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2328 Izhboldin T. Oleg

Krull-Remak-Schmidt Fails for ArtiniUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2329 Ringel Claus Michael

A Solution of Deligne's ConjectureUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2330 McClure James E. and Jeffrey H. Smith

The Multisegment Duality and the PUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2331 Ringel Claus Michael

Coherence of Operations in A-TheoryUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2332 Gunnarsson Thomas and Roland Schwänzl

On Infinitesimal Groups of Tame ReUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2333 Farnsteiner Rolf and Detle

Double Centralizer Properties, Dominant Dimension and TiltingModules

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2334 König Steffen, Slungard Inger Heidi and Changchang Xi

The t-Intersection Problem in the TrUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2335 Ahlswede Rudolf, ChristiaLevon H. Khachatrian

Some Remarks on Quaternion GroupsUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2336 Adian S., F. Grunewald, I. Lysionok and J. Mennicke

Stability and Paracontractivity of DisUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2337 Vladimirov Alexander, LudBeyn

Homology Decompositions for Classifying Spaces of FiniteGroups Associated to Modular Representations

Universität Bielefeld 1999

2338 Notbohm D.

Are Braid Groups Linear Groups?Universität Bielefeld 1999

2339 Abramenko Peter, Thoma

Page 164: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Berry-Esseen Bounds for von Mises and U-Statistics Universität Bielefeld 2000

2340 Alberink I.B. and V. Bentkus

The Variety of Pairs of Nilpotent MaUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2341 Schröer Jan

On Arithmetic Kleinian Groups Generated by Three Half-TurnsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2342 Belolipetsky Michael

The Stable Homotopy Category hasPrime 2

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2343 Schwede Stefan

Equivalent Evaluation on Free Loop SpacesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2344 Ottosen Iver

QF Algebras and Gröbner Bases of Universität Bielefeld 2000

2345 Tachikawa Hiroyuki

Modifying the Power Method in Max AlgebraUniversität Bielefeld 1999

2346 Elsner Ludwig and P. van den Driessche

Decomposing Some Finitely GeneraProducts with Amalgamation

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2347 Benyash-Krivetz V.V

R-Equivalence in Spinor GroupsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2348 Chernousov Vladimir and Alexander Merkurjev

Algebraic Theory of Multiplicative ScUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2349 Benzi Michele, Reinhard N

Existence and Stability of Strong Shock Profiles for a 2x2 Systemof Viscous Conservation Laws

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2350 Huang Mingyou

Representation-Directed DiamondsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2351 Dräxler Peter

Large Deviations Problem and Shapes of Young Diagrams Universität Bielefeld 2000

2352 Blinovsky V. M.

Semi-Noisy Deterministic Multiple ATheorems for List Codes and Codes

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2353 Ahlswede Rudolf and Ning

Page 165: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Infinite Quivers and Cohomology GroupsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2354 Zhang Pu

Minimal Generators of Ringel-Hall AUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2355 Zhang Pu, Ying-Bo Zhang

Properly Discontinuous Groups of Affine TransformationsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2356 Abels Herbert

Block Representation Type of ReduUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2357 Gordon Iain and Alexande

On Abstract Homomorphisms of Chevalley Groups withNonreductive Image I

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2358 Lifschitz L. and A. Rapinchuk

Exact Factors of Exact CategoriesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2359 Dräxler P. and O. Solberg

Geometric Methods in the Representation Theory ofCocommutative Hopf Algebras

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2360 Farnsteiner Rolf

Transparent Boundary Conditions foApproximations of the One-Way He

ZIB 1999

2361 Schmidt Frank, David Yev

Two-Dimensional Adaptive Simulation of Dopant Diffusion inSilicon

ZIB 2000

2362 Lang Jens and Wilhelm Merz

A Comparison of Transparent BounFresnel Equation

ZIB 2000

2363 Yevick David, Tilmann Fri

Discrete Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for the HelmholtzEquation

ZIB 2000

2364 Schmidt Frank

Von der Bioinformatik zur Theoretisfür Forschung, Aus-und Weiterbildu


2365 Deuflhard Peter, CorneliuJens Reich

Jahresbericht 1999ZIB 1999

2366 ZIB

SGA - Bulletin Nr. 29 April, Mai, JunAssociation Suisse pour l'Automatiq


Page 166: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Progressive Meshes in the Operational Rate-Distortion Sense

2368 Balmelli Laurent

Re-Optimization of Signaling TransfZIB 2000

2369 Koster Arie M.C.A.

A Projection Method for Two-Phase Incompressible Flow withSurface Tension and Sharp Interface Resolution

ZIB 2000

2370 Oevermann Michael, Rupert Klein, Marsha Berger,Jonathan Goodman

Density functional study of guanine guanine quartet metal/ion complexe

ZIB 2000

2371 Meyer Michael, Thomas SJürgen Sühnel

Budget Constrained Minimum Cost Connected MediansZIB 2000

2372 Konjevod Goran, Sven O. Krumke and MadhavMarathe

Mitteilungen Nr. 47 - März 2000ETHZ 2000


A fast Algorithm for Portofolio Replication using aClose-to-Minimum Number of Instruments


2374 E. Amaldi, J.-F. Pusztaszeri

Portofolio optimization: a model andtrade-off between replication error a


2375 E. Amaldi, J.-F. Pusztasze

Optima No 63Mathematical Programming Society Newsletter 2000


Cohomology of Quaternionic ShimuLevels

Univ. Beilefeld 2000

2377 H. Reimann

2-Torsion of the Barauer Group of an Elliptic Curve: Generatorsand Relations

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2378 V. Chernousov, V. Guletskii

Fields of U-Invariant 9Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2379 O. T. Izhboldin

From Stable Equivalences to Derived Equivalences for TwistedMultifold Trivail Extensions of fPiecewise Hereditar Algebras

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2380 H. Asashiba

Uniform Approximations in the CLT Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2381 F. Götze, V. V. Ulyanov

Page 167: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Multiplicative Inequality for Concentration Functions of n-FoldConvolutions

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2382 F. Götze, A. Yu. Zaitsev

Central Extensions and Nilpotence oUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2383 M. Jibladze, T. Pirashvili

Foncteurs Polynômiaux et Foncteurs de Mackey non LinéairesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2384 H.-J. Baues, W. Dreckmann, V. Franjou, T. Pirashvili

Surgery on Small Volume HyperboliUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2385 A. Mednykh, A. Vesnin, B

Diffusions on “Simple” Configuration SpacesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2386 Zhi-Ming Ma, M. Röckner

Lp-Uniqueness for Infinite DimensioOperators: The Case of Variable Dif

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2387 V. Liskevich, M. Röckner,

Strong Cofibrations and Fibrations in Enriched CategoriesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2388 R. Schwänzl, R. Vogt

Mahler Measures Close to an IntegeUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2389 A. Dubickas

Algebraic K-Theory of Non-Linear Projective SpacesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2390 Th. Hüttemann

On the Trace of Algebraic Integers oUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2391 A. Dubickas

Spectrum Estimates on Hilbert Bundles with Applications toVector Bundles over Riemannian Manifolds

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2392 Fu-Zhou Gong, Feng-Yu Wang

An Edgeworth Expansion for SymmUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2393 M. Bloznelis, F. Götze

Cleaving Functors and Controlled Wild AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2394 P. Dräxler

Tame Two-point Algebras withaut LUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2395 Th. Brüstle, Y Han

Page 168: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Three Problems for fPolynomials of Small MeasureUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2396 A. Bubickas

Discreteness criteria for RP-groupsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2397 E. Klimenko, N. Kpteva

Twisted DiagramsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2398 T. Hüttemann, O. Röndigs

On Double Ringel-Hall AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2399 Bangming Deng, Jie Xiao

On C3-Closeness of Invariant Foliations under NumericsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2400 G. Farkas

Endomorphisms of Bn, PBn, and CnUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2401 V. Mazorchuk

Classification of Restricted fLie Algebras with Tame PrincipalBlock

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2402 R. Farnsteiner, A. Skowronski

Representation Dimension and QuaUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2403 Changchang Xi

Spectoral Estimates : From Finite to General State SpacesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2404 J. Kienitz

Sherical Orbits and Abelian IdealsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2405 D. Panyushev, G. Röhrle

Conugacy in the Discretized Fold BifurcationUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2406 G. Farkas

A Characterization of Herditary CateUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2407 D. Happel

Elliptic Equations for Invariant Measures on Finite and InfiniteDimensional Manifolds

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2408 V. I. Bogachev, M. Röckner, F. Wang

Cartan-decomposition Subgroups oUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2409 A. Iozzi, D. Witte

Page 169: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

On Automorphisms of Arithmetic Subgroups of Unipotent Groupsin Positive Characteristic

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2410 L. Lifschitz, D. Witte

Coherent Functors and Covariantly Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2411 H. Krause

Involutions on Generalized Weyl Algebras Preserving thePrincipal Grading

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2412 V. Mazorchuck, L. Turowska

Some Associative Algebras RelatedGeneralized Weyl Algebras

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2413 V. Mazorchuck, M. Ponom

Long-Time Behaviour and Regularity Properties of TransitionSemigroups of fleming-Viot Processes

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2414 W. Stannat

Computer-aided design of novel sidZIB 2000

2415 M. Meyer, R. Schnurre, RTrowitzsch-Kienast

Adaptive hierarchical cluster analysis by Self-Organizing BoxMaps

ZIB 2000

2416 T. Galliat, P. Deuflhard

Asymptotic Reults and a Makovian A(n)/M(n)/s+GI System

ZIB 2000

2417 A. Brandt, M. Brandt

Adaptive Linearly Implicit Mehtods for Heat and Mass TransferProblems

ZIB 2000

2418 J. Lang, B. Erdmann

Portale, Search Engines and Math-NZIB 2000

2419 W. Sperber, W. Dalitz

The Essential Spectral Radius and Asymptotic Properties ofTransfer Operators

ZIB 2000

2420 W. Huisinga

A path-following method for linear cobased on the affine invariant Kantor

ZIB 2000

2421 F. Potra

The Cut Cone, L1 Embeddability, Complexity, andMulticommodity Flows

McGill Univers./ Univ. de Pris 1999

2422 D. Avis, M. Deza

New Results on The old k-Opt AlgorSalesman Problem

SIAM Comput, Vol 28, No6 pp 1998

2423 B. Chandra, H. Karloff, C.

Page 170: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Mitteilungen IFOR Nor 48 - ETH 2000


Wonderful copenhagenISMP 2003 2000


LQG/LTR Theory for the UserSGA/ASSPA Nr 19 2000

2426 L. Guzella, H.P. Geering

SGA - Bulletin Nr. 30 2000


Les sciences aus euil du 21éme sciècle - évolution et visions180 Congrès annuel de l’ASSN 2000


Nouvells de la recherche énergétiquENET News 2000


Prof. Ch. Blanc - Prix ASROASRO - Bulletin 109 2000


Optimierung und KontrolleUniv. Graz 2000

2431 R. Burkard, T. Fortuna, A.

Indey trackingImperial College, London 2000

2432 N. Meade, T. Chang

The Integral Basis Mehtod for Inger 2000

2433 U. Haus, M. Köppe, R. We

Progressive Meshes in an Operational Rate-Distortion Sense withApplication to Terrain Data

EPFL - DSC 2000

2434 L. Balmelli, J. Kovacevic, M. Vetterli

On Disjunctive Cuts for CombinatoriLancaster University 1999

2435 A. N. Letchfor

0-1 polytopes with many facetsUngarian Academy of Sciences 2000

2436 I. Barany, A. Por

Pseudo Differential Operators with NVariable

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2437 W. Hoh

Page 171: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Revisiting the Siegel Upper HalfUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2438 S Friedland, P.J. Freitas

On Perturbations of Pseudo DifferenDefinite Symbol

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2439 W. Hoh

On the Prop Correspondaing to BialgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2440 T. Pirashivili

Lattices with Nonintegral CharacterUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2441 H. Helling

Stongly Homotopy-Commutative Monoids RevisitedUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2442 M. Brinkmeier

Odd Primary String CohomologyUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2443 I. Ottosen

The Tensorporduct of Little CubesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2444 M. Brikmeier

Construction of Hereditary Abelian Cusing Ray Quivers and Ordered Set

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2445 C. M. Ringel

A Duality Between Complexes of Right and Left ModulesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2446 H. Krause

Strong Tits Alternative for SubgroupUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2447 G. A. Noskov, E.B. Vinber

The Hilbert Meetric and Gromov HyperbolictyUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2448 A. Karllson, G. A. Noskov

On a Degree Property of Cross-InerUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2449 G. M. Kyureghyan

Exponential Intergrability for the Images of TheOrnstein-Uhlenbeck Operators Acting on Cylinder Funtions onL S

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2450 F. Gong

Poincaré Inequality for Wighted FirsLoop Spaces

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2451 F. Gong, M. Röckner, L. W

Page 172: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Mixed Representation of Quivers and Relative Problems IUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2452 A. N. Zubkov

Two-variable Identities in Groups anUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2453 F. Grunewald, B. Kunyavs

2nd Bielefeld Workshop on Quantum Information and ComplexityUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2454 R. Ahlswede, A. Winter

On the Absence of Spectral Gaps oUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2455 A. Eberle

Hankel Matrices in Coding Theory and CombinatoricsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2456 U. Tamm

Generators of Mehler-Type SemigroOperators

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2457 P. Lescot, M. Röckner

Controlled Wild Algebras and r-Wild AlgebrasUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2458 H. Nagase

Weak Poincaré Inequlities and L2-CSemigroups

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2459 M. Röckner, Feng-Yu Wa

A Note on Symbolic Dynamics near Connecting Orbits of MapsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2460 W. Beyn

The Heat Semigroup on configuratioUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2461 Y. Kondratiev, E. Lytvynov

Lifting Cofibration and Fibration StucturesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2462 R. Vogt

On Diffusion Semigroups PreservingUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2463 A.V. Kolesnikov

On Linear Row-Finite Systems of Stochastic DifferentialEquations

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2464 T.S. Rybnikova

Infinitesimal Unipotent Group ShcemUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2465 R. Farnsteiner, G. Röhrle,

Page 173: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

A Brown Representaability Theorem via Coherent FunctorsUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2466 H. Krause

Generic Spliting Towers and GeneriQuadratic Forms

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2467 M. Knebusch, U. Rehman

Simplicial n-fold Mooidal Categories Model All n-fold Loop spacesUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2468 Z. Fiedorowicz, R.M. Vogt

Brauer Equivalence in a fHomogeneStabilizer

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2469 M. Borovoi, B. Kunyavskii

Time-Dependent Diffusion Operators on L1Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2470 W. Stannat

On the Notion of Derived TamenessUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2471 Ch. Geiss, H. Krause

On Convergence and Implemenation of fMinimal Residual KrylovSubspace Methods for fUnsymmetric Linear Systems

Univ. Bielefeld 2000

2472 J. Liesen, M. Rozlownik, Z. Strkos

SK1 - Like Functors for Division AlgUniv. Bielefeld 2000

2473 R. Hazrat

Capacitated Network Deign with Multicast CommoditiesZIB 2000

2474 D. Bienstock, A. Bley

Adaptive Multigrid Mehtods for the VProblem for Optical Waveguide Des

ZIB 2000

2475 F. schmidt, T. Friese, L. Z

Affine Invariant Convergence Analysis for fInexact AugmentedLagrangian-SQP Methods

ZIB 2000

2476 s. Volkwin, M. Weiser

Implementation von WAP-Diensten ZIB 2000

2477 S. Heidl, R. Staudemeyer

Anatomy of a Resource Managment System for HPC ClustersZIB 2000

2478 A. Keller, A. Rienefeld

An Approximation Algorithm for the Dial-a-Ride Problem

ZIB 2000

2479 S. Krumke, J. Rambau, S

Page 174: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Fast Surface Reconstruction Using a Probe SphereZIB 2000

2480 O. Sander, D. Runge

Frequency Planning and RamificatioZIB 2000

2481 A. Eisenblätter, M. Grötsc

Electomagnetic phased arrays for regional hyperthermia-optimalfrequency and antenna arrangement

ZIB 2000

2482 M. Seebass, R. Beck, J. Gellermann, J. Nadobny, P.Wust

Counting stable solutions of sparse chemistry

ZIB 2000

2483 K. Gatermann

Ermittlung von Programmlaufzeiten anhand vonSpeicherzugriffen, Microbenchmarks und simulation vonS i h hi hi

ZIB 2000

2484 F. Schintke

News from the Online Traveling RepZIB 2000

2485 S. Krumke

The Online-TPS Against Fair AdversariesZIB 2000

2486 M. Blom, S. Krumke, W. de Paepe, L. Stougie

Hierarchical Sparsity in Multistage CZIB 2000

2487 M. Steinbach

Combinatorial Online OptimizationZIB 1998

2488 N. Ascheuer, M. Grötschel, S. Krumke, J. Rambau

Optimal Blockauswahl bei der KraftwZIB 1996

2489 D. Dentcheve, A. Möller, PSchultz, G. Schwarzbach,

Recursive Direct Optimization and Successive Refinement inMultistage Stochastic Programs

ZIB 1998

2490 M. Steinbach

JahresberichZIB 1995


Annuel reportEPFL - CRPP 1999


Zukunft durch Frosschung- ForschuAlcatel SEL 2000

2493 M. Erhardt

Page 175: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

PSH: A basic Program of Polytope Shelling Algorithm for findingall vertices and edges of 3-D convex Polytopes

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 1984

2494 K. Fukuda

An efficient pivot algothm for findingconvex polytopes : 3D Case

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toky

2495 K. Fukuda

Plasmas: des étoiles... au quotidien. Fusion: ... énergie du 21èmesciècle

EPFL - CRPP 2000

2496 A. Benz, H. Bruhns, P. Vandenplas, J. Weisse, Ph.Magud, G. Marbach, Ch. Hollenstien, P. Paris, M Tran

Capacity Planning Under Uncertain Telecommunication Networks

HEC - Genève 1999

2497 A. Lisser, A. Ouorou, J.-P

A parametric analysis of a constrained nonlinearinventory-production model

Univ. Laval, Québec 1994

2498 A. Gautier, F. Granot

Probailistic properties of the dual strmultidimensional knapsack problem

l ith

Mathematical Programming 65 (199

2499 I. Averbakh

Minmax regret median location on a network under uncertaintyWestern Washington univ. Bellingham 1999

2500 I. Averbakh, O. Berman

Using Quadratic programming to soshceduling problems on parallel ma

Algorithmica (1997) 17, 100-110

2501 F. Granot, J. Skorin-Kapo

Qualitative Sensitivity analysis in monotropic programmingMathematics of OR, vol 23, No3 1996

2502 A. Gautier, F. Granot, H. Zheng

The vehicle routing problem with picspecial graphs

Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver

2503 T. Tzareff, D. Granot, F. G

DImensioning Survivable Capacitated NETworksCuvillier Verlag Göttingen 2000

2504 R. Wessäly

Présentation des travaux des 5 laurFondation Latsis No 12 1999


La radioactivité, source inépuisable de progrès de dangers et desuperstitions

Fondation Latsis No 11 1999

2506 G. Charpak

Laurea Honoris CausaImov- degli studi di Roma “La Sapie

2507 H Bühlmann, P. Hammer

Page 176: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

An approximate Dynamic programming approach tomulti-dimensional knapsack problems

MIT, Cambridge 2000

2508 D. Bertsimas, R. Demir

Jahresbericht 2000ZIB 2000


Stable Multi-SetsZIB 2000

2510 A. Koster, A. Zymolka

Tree-Sparse Convex ProgramsZIB 2001

2511 M. Steinbach

On line Bin-ColoringZIB 2001

2512 S. Krumke, W. de Paepe, J. Rambau, L. Stougie

How to Build a High-Performance CZIB 2001

2513 A. Reinefeld, V. Lindenstr

On the Moments of the Overflow and Freed Carried Traffic for theGI/M/C/O System

ZIB 2001

2514 A. Brandt, M. Brandt

Solving time-harmonic scattering procondition : Theory

ZIB 2001

2515 Th. Hohage, F. Schmidt, L

Automatic Identification of Metastable Conformations viaSelf-Organized Networks

ZIB 2000

2516 T. Galliat, P. Deuflhard, R. Roitzsch, F. Cordes

Cone Dependence - A Basic ComnUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2517 R. Ahlswede, L. Khachatr

Zeno's Pardox of teh Fling Arrow and the Inerpretation of theCalculus in Classical and Quantum Physics

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2518 R. Pope

Stong Converse for Identification viaUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2519 R. Ahlswede, A. Winter

Almost Independant Families of Events in Random DigraphsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2520 H. Mashurian

On the Density of Primitive SetsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2521 L. Khachatrian, A. Sarköz

Page 177: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

An Algorithm for Computing the Matching Capacity of a TreeUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2522 S. Arzumanyan

Characterizations of Generalized PoRank2 Twin Buildings

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2523 P. Abramenko, H. Van Ma

Quantum Finite State TransducersUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2524 R. Freivalds, A. Winter

On the Fidelity of Two Pure StatesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2525 A. Winger

Majoratization in Lattice Path Enumeration and Crating OrderUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2526 U. Tamm

On Multicommutators for Simple AlgUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2527 N. Gordeev, U. Rehmann

Identification in Prediction TheoryUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2528 L. Bäumer

Shift Synchronization CodesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2529 R, Ahlswede, B. Balkenho

Codes with unequal Error Protectiion with FeedbackUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2530 R. Ahlswded, N. Cai, C. Deppe

Extremal Problems Under DimensioUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2531 R. Ahlswede, H. Aydinian

Lattice Point Problems and Values of Quadratic FormsUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2532 F. Götze

MOP - Algorithmic Modlity Analysis Universität Bielefeld 2000

2533 U. Jürgens, G. Röhrle

Polynomial LYM-InequalitiesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2534 C. Bey

Exact Structures on the Categories Universität Bielefeld 2000

2535 O. Kerner

Page 178: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Parallel Error Corecting CodesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2536 R. Ahlswede, B. Blkenhol, N. Cai

Identifiction for SourcesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2537 R. Ahlswede, B. Balhenho

A Counteresample to Kleitman's Conejcture Concerning anEdge-Isoperimeric Problem

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2538 R. Alhswede, N. Cai

The Parbolic Subgroups of ExceptioFinite Number of Orbits on the Unip

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2539 U. Jürgens, G. Röhrle

Rate of Convergence to the Semi-Circular LawUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2540 F. Götze, A. Tikhomirov

Modality for Parabolic Group ActionUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2541 G. Röhrle

Coherent Functors in Stable Homotopy TheoryUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2542 H. Krause

Normal Matrices ad the CompletionUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2543 S. Friedland

The MOP ManualUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2544 U. Jürgens, G. Röhrle

CREP Manual Part IVUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2545 P. Dräxler, R. Nörenberg

Stochastic Calculus of Generalized Dirichlet Forms adApplications

Universität Bielefeld 2000

2546 G. Trutnau

On Concepts of Performance ParamUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2547 R. Ahlswede

More About Shifting TechniquesUniversität Bielefeld 2000

2548 R. Ahlswede, H. Aydinian, L. Khachatrian

Final CTI Swiss - Tx Project ReportCTI 2001


Page 179: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Die Anfänge des Operations Research an der HochschuleSt.Gallen

Stähly Buch - 65. Geburtstag 2001

2550 W. Krelle

Simulation and Analysis of a New MCommunication Networks

Universidad Autonomia de Nuevo L


IFOR Miitteilungen Nr 49 - März 2001 ETHZ 2001


Models and Algorithms for TerrestriaUniv. di l'Aquila

2553 F. Rossi, A. Sassano, S. S

Biennial Report 199/2000 - Combinatorial Optimization andGraph Algorithms

TU Berlin 99/2000

2554 R. Möhring

Activity Report - SMGUniv. Libre de Bruxelles 2000


Sokymat Identification 2001


Critical Edes in Perfect GraphsCuvillier Verlag Göttingen 2000

2557 A. Wagler

Invariants de formes quadratiques sur des corps gauchesUniv. Lausanne - Faculté des Sciences

2558 S. Naizot

Progessive mesh decompostion in tsense using global error

IBM Research

2559 L. Balmelli

IFR - international Federation of Robotics


L'acier en perspectivesUsinor Recherche et développemen


Power Tools for Visualization ad Decision-MakingORMS-Today 2001

2562 J. Swain

Pruning by Isomorphism in Branch-aUniv. of Kentucky

2563 F. Margot

Page 180: Rapports Salle Des f Tes

Stellventile in der VerfahrenstechnikSGA/ASSPA/SSAC 2001

2564 Ph. Heger, P. Bürgin, R. Berger, W. Weichert

Forschungslandkarte Schweiz 1997Conseil Suisse de la Science 19


Nr. 32 SGA - Bulletin 2001


Bulletin avril 2001ASRO 2001


Computation in Valuation Algebras

Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning andUncertainty Management Systems, Vol 5, 5-39


2568 J. Kohlas, P. Shenoy

Probabilistic Argumentation System

Handbook of Defeasible ReasoningUncertainty Management Systems,

2569 R. Haenni, J. Kohlas, N. L

Rapport annuel 1999FNS 1999


Rapport annuel 2000FNS 2000