  • July 2014. CALL FOR CIVIL SOCIETY CASE STUDIES FOR THE ANNUAL GLOBAL VACCINE ACTION PLAN (GVAP) 2011-2020 SECRETARIAT REPORT. Background and Instructions for Submission One of the Strategic Objectives (SO) of the GAVI Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Steering Committee is to document on-the-ground reality in GAVI countries by collecting evidence of CSO immunization activities and mapping the contributions of CSOs to increasing immunization access and uptake. The GAVI CSO Steering Committee is, therefore, seeking country case studies to be included in the annual Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) 2011-2020 Secretariat Report. The GVAP Secretariat Report is prepared each year to detail country progress in achieving the five GVAP Goals and the six GVAP Strategic Objectives (SO). The GVAP Goals and SOs are: - Goal 1: Achieve a world free of poliomyelitis - Goal 2: Meet global and regional elimination targets - Goal 3: Meet vaccination coverage targets in every region, country and community - Goal 4: Develop and introduce new and improved vaccines and technologies - Goal 5: Exceed Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 target for reducing child mortality - SO1: All countries commit to immunization as a priority - SO2: Individuals and communities understand the value of vaccines and demand immunization both as a right and a responsibility - SO3: The benefits of immunization are equitably extended to all people - SO4: Strong immunization systems are an integral part of a well-functioning health system - SO5: Immunization programmes have sustainable access to predictable funding, quality supply and innovative technologies - SO6: Country, regional and global research and development (R&D) innovations maximize the benefits of immunization For this years GVAP Secretariat Report, the GAVI CSO Steering Committee, would like to highlight CSO case studies that contribute, in particular, to GVAP SO2 and SO3. - SO2: Individuals and communities understand the value of vaccines and demand immunization both as a right and a responsibility (i.e. demand creation / increasing demand for vaccines) - SO3: The benefits of immunization are equitably extended to all people (i.e. access to vaccines for all segments of society including the poorest and hard to reach) If your organization or country platform is contributing to GVAP SO2 or SO3, please consider completing the questionnaire below. Following submission of your case study, members of the GAVI CSO Steering Committee will review all submissions. A consultant working on behalf of the GAVI CSO Steering Committee will

  • work with you to finalize the case study. Once finalized, the case studies will be compiled and submitted to the GVAP Secretariat.

  • July 2014 CSO CASE STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE (submissions should be maximum four pages)

    1. Prepared by: a. Name: Bertrand Kampoer b. Organization and Position: PROVARESSC (Plateforme pour la Promotion de la

    Vaccination et le Renforcement du Systme de Sant au Cameroun)- Coordonnateur

    c. Telephone: +237 99725108 d. Email: [email protected]

    2. Date of submission: 11 July 2014

    3. Country: Cameroon

    4. Title of Case Study: Les Conversations Communautaires pour augmenter la

    demande de vaccination. Cas de lAire de Sant de ROUMDE-ADJIA dans la rgion du Nord Cameroun.

    5. Please indicate if the activity/ies highlighted in the Case Study contribute(s) to either

    GVAP Strategic Objective (SO) 2 or 3. The activities of the Case Study contribute to SO2 Did the activities help Individuals and communities understand the value of vaccines and demand immunization as both their right and responsibility (GVAP SO2)? Yes Did the activities help ensure that The benefits of immunization are equitably extended to all people (GVAP SO3)?

    6. Please indicate the time period, source of funding and key partners for the activities. a. What was the time period of implementation during January December 2013?:

    Octobre Decembre 2013 b. Who were the key partners?: Union des Organismes dAppui au Dveloppement

    Durable (UNOADD) , Garoua c. What were the source(s) of funding?: PROVARESSC

    7. Please describe the geographic coverage of the activities, the type of activities

    implemented and communities served. La rgion du nord Cameroun fait partie des zones de couverture vaccinale les plus faibles.L'habitude de frequentation des structures de sant est faible et la population parmi les plus dscolarises. Les enfants manqus ont t estims plus de 6500 .

  • a. What was the geographic coverage (indicate name of village, district, region, state)?:

    Aire de sant de Roumd-Adjia

    District de sant de Garoua

    Rgion du Nord Cameroun

    b. Please summarize the key activities implemented.

    Etablissement/dveloppement de relations avec la communaut Les membres de UNOADD, ont dvelopps avec la communauts des relations de confiance et de comprhension qui ont permi la tenue de causeries rgulires .

    Identification des proccupations communautaires Lquipe de UNOADD a conduit des entretiens individuel avec la communaut pour discuter de leurs inquitudes sur la sant des enfants.

    Droulement des conversations communautaires UNOADD a conduit des causeries dans les communauts dans un langage accessible, souvent dans le dialecte local, guids par un questionnement cibl. Cette exploration avec la communaut a permi une meilleure comprhension des proccupations sous-jacentes pouvant faire obstacle la vaccination.

    Suivi - Evaluation

    c. Communities served (if possible, please indicate the total population served): Populations musulmanes dans la partie septentrionale du Cameroun.

    d. What were the main outcomes (include any quantitative results)?

    Visites Domicile 1er Passage 2e Passage Total

    Mnages effectivement visits 128 193 109 188 490

    Pres 128 193 96 188 477

    Mres 112 136 109 165 410

    Surs/frres 172 161 84 80 325

    Autres 97 91 45 56 192

    Causeries ducatives 128 193 109 188 490

    Gestion des refus

    Nombre de refus rencontrs 0 0 0 0 0

    Nombre de refus grs 0 0 0 0 0


  • Nombre d'enfants de 0 11 mois 86 78 73 71 222

    Nombre d'enfants de 1 5 ans 197 251 182 230 663

    e. Any challenges in implementation?

    Les supports ducatifs adapts la population locale

    8. What was special, different and/or innovative about the activities?: Nous avons introduit les conversations communautaires de proximit comme mthodologie pour augmenter la demande communautaire des services de sant et vaccination. a. Did the activities include any new partnerships, technology or approaches?:NO b. Did the activities lead to any reform of government laws, policies, protocols, and/or

    curricula? c. Any other interesting points to highlight?

    9. Were the activities evaluated?

    a. If yes, when was the evaluation conducted? :Not yet b. Please summarize the main findings.

    Les principaux obstacles identifis sont:

    l'habitude de frquentation des structures de sant lies probablement la confiance et la constance des soins proposs

    l'absence de perception rlle des benefices de la vaccination

    l'utilisation de supports de communication peu adapts

    10. Does your organization plan to continue or scale up the activities? If yes, please summarize your plans.

    PROVARESSC a pour objectif d'appliquer le modle de conversations communautaires dans les diffrentes provinces du pays, au travers de ses organisations points focaux. Ce projet se situe dans le cadre du RSS ; en effet le le Ministre de la Sant publique implique la plate forme PROVARESSC pour le renforcement de la composante gnration de la demande du RSS, au travers de ses 181 OBC (Organisations Base Communautaire)
