Phenotypic and fine genetic characterization of the D locus controlling fruit acidity in peach


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BioMed CentralBMC Plant Biology


Open AcceResearch articlePhenotypic and fine genetic characterization of the D locus controlling fruit acidity in peachKarima Boudehri1, Abdelhafid Bendahmane2, Gaëlle Cardinet1, Christelle Troadec2, Annick Moing3,4 and Elisabeth Dirlewanger*1

Address: 1INRA, UR0419, Unité de Recherches sur les Espèces Fruitières, Centre de Bordeaux, BP 81, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, France, 2INRA-CNRS, UMR1165 Unité de Recherche en Génomique Végétale (URGV), 2 rue Gaston Crémieux, F-91057 Evry, France, 3INRA – UMR619 Fruit Biology, INRA, Université de Bordeaux 1, Université de Bordeaux 2, BP 81, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, France and 4Metabolome-Fluxome Pole, IFR103 BVI, BP 81, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, France

Email: Karima Boudehri -; Abdelhafid Bendahmane -; Gaëlle Cardinet -; Christelle Troadec -; Annick Moing -; Elisabeth Dirlewanger* -

* Corresponding author

AbstractBackground: Acidity is an essential component of the organoleptic quality of fleshy fruits.However, in these fruits, the physiological and molecular mechanisms that control fruit acidityremain unclear. In peach the D locus controls fruit acidity; low-acidity is determined by thedominant allele. Using a peach progeny of 208 F2 trees, the D locus was mapped to the proximalend of linkage group 5 and co-localized with major QTLs involved in the control of fruit pH,titratable acidity and organic acid concentration and small QTLs for sugar concentration. Toinvestigate the molecular basis of fruit acidity in peach we initiated the map-based cloning of the Dlocus.

Results: In order to generate a high-resolution linkage map in the vicinity of the D locus, 1,024AFLP primer combinations were screened using DNA of bulked acid and low-acid segregants. Wealso screened a segregating population of 1,718 individuals for chromosomal recombination eventslinked to the D locus and identified 308 individuals with recombination events close to D. Usingthese recombinant individuals we delimited the D locus to a genetic interval of 0.4 cM. We alsoconstructed a peach BAC library of 52,000 clones with a mean insert size of 90 kb. The screeningof the BAC library with markers tightly linked to D locus indicated that 1 cM corresponds to 250kb at the vicinity of the D locus.

Conclusion: In the present work we presented the first high-resolution genetic map of D locus inpeach. We also constructed a peach BAC library of approximately 15× genome equivalent. Thisfine genetic and physical characterization of the D locus is the first step towards the isolation of thegene(s) underlying fruit acidity in peach.

Published: 15 May 2009

BMC Plant Biology 2009, 9:59 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-9-59

Received: 17 November 2008Accepted: 15 May 2009

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© 2009 Boudehri et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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BackgroundPeach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] belongs to the Spiraeoi-deae subfamily of the Rosaceae [1]. The Prunus genus ischaracterized by species producing drupes as fruit, andcontains a significant number of economically importantfruit tree species such as almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.)),apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), sweet cherry (Prunus aviumL.), sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) and plum (Prunusdomestica L.).

Compared to other tree species, peach has a relative smalldiploid genome (290 Mb) [2], and a short juvenile phase(two to three years). Therefore, peach is considered as amodel species for Rosaceae family and a physical map ofits genome has been initiated [3].

Among fruit producing rosaceous crops, peach is the sec-ond most important fruit crop in Europe after apple andthe third worldwide (FAOSTAT:, the consumption of peaches and nectarines isstagnant due to the low quality of fruits that are harvestedat an immature stage for storage and shipment reasons[4]. One of the major objectives for peach breeders is tofind the right compromise between quality and immatu-rity at harvest [5]. The variation in fruit quality at harvestinvolves a large number of interrelated factors [6] amongwhich organic acid and soluble sugar contents and com-position are major determinants [7]. In ripe peach fruit,malic and citric acids are the predominant organic acids,while quinic acid accumulates in lower amounts [8,9].Moreover, the major soluble sugars are sucrose, fructose,glucose and sorbitol [9,10]. Sucrose is the predominantsoluble sugar at maturity while sorbitol accumulates atvery low levels.

In peach, the D locus (D is for 'Doux' meaning 'sweet' inFrench) was described as dominant and controlling the'low-acid' character of fruit [11,12]. Based on previoussegregation analyses of an F2 population (JxF) obtainedfrom a cross between 'Ferjalou Jalousia®' low-acid varietyand 'Fantasia' normally-acid variety, the D locus wasmapped on linkage group 5 [13]. It is co-localized withmajor QTLs for pH, titratable acidity (TA), organic acidsconcentration and with small QTLs for sugars concentra-tion [14]. Low-acid peach fruit is characterized by reducedcontents of malic and citric acids [9], which, however,cannot be explained just by the reduced expression oractivity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) [15],a key enzyme involved in malate synthesis. 'Ferjalou Jal-ousia®' fruit has half the concentration of malic acid andone-fifth that of citric acid of 'Fantasia' variety [9]. Usingthe candidate gene approach, 18 genes involved inorganic acid synthesis, degradation or vacuolar storagewere studied [16,17]. Expression analyses in fruit of six

selected candidate genes did not show a clear differencebetween the normally-acid and low-acid varieties [17].The genes showing a modification of their expression inthe low-acid fruit compared to the normally-acid fruitwere the tonoplastic proton pumps PRUpe;AtpvA1,PRUpe;Vp2, and to a lesser extent PRUpe;Vp1. PRUpe;Vp1and PRUpe;Vp2 at citric acid peak and maturity, andPRUpe;AtpvA1 during cell division showed higher expres-sion in the fruit of the low-acid variety ('Ferjalou Jalou-sia®'). However, none of these candidate genes werelocated on linkage group 5, excluding their direct role inthe control of acid content by the D locus [17]. Morerecently, in the European ISAFRUIT Integrated Project, several candi-date genes involved in fruit quality were selected andtested on the JxF F2 mapping population. However, noneof them was located in the region of the D locus (Dirle-wanger E., manuscript in preparation)

Low-acid varieties have already been described in apple[18], tomato [19], grape [20] and several Citrus species[21]. In apple, a non-acid mutant from the 'Usterapfel'variety showed a content in malic acid ten times less thanthe normally-acid one [22].

The high level of malic acid was reported to be controlledby the dominant Ma allele [23] suggesting that Ma and Dact at different physiological control points. A cDNA-AFLPanalysis, coupled with a bulk segregant analysis (BSA) wasrecently used to screen genes differently expressedbetween low- and high-acid apple fruits [24]. The authorsreported the isolation of a cDNA whose expression couldonly be detected in low-acid fruit at an early stage of fruitdevelopment. Nevertheless, this cDNA showed nohomology with any sequences in public databases. More-over, the Ma and D loci are not located on homologouschromosomes: Ma is located on linkage group 16 in Malus[25], homologous to linkage group 1 in Prunus [26] and Dis located on linkage group 5 in Prunus which is homolo-gous to linkage groups 6 and 14 in Malus [27]. For Citrus,the low level of citric acid is controlled by a recessive genenamed acitric [28]. Fruit acidity in Citrus seems to belinked to the capacity to accumulate citric acid into thevacuole. Low-acid varieties accumulate low amount of cit-ric acid probably because it is exported out from the vacu-ole [29,30]. Two candidate genes such as acid invertaseand cytoplasmic isocitrate dehydrogenase were identifiedto be differentially expressed between acid and low-acidCitrus [30]. Fruit acidity can also be controlled by severalchromosome regions as in tomato where several QTLs fortitratable acidity and pH were identified [31,32] and sev-eral candidate genes were proposed [33]. However, todate the mechanism(s) of the genetic control of fruit acid-ity remains to be elucidated.

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In order to identify genes of interest, candidate geneapproach can be used when assumptions can be maderegarding the biological function of the gene [34]. Thisapproach was successfully undertaken for several fruittraits including anthocyanin content for which the bio-synthesis pathway and regulating genes were well known[35] and cell wall degradation where implicated geneswere identified in other species [36]. However, to isolateagronomically important and botanically relevant geneswith unknown function and where no clear hypothesiscan be made, chromosome landing seems the main strat-egy by which map-based or positional cloning could beapplied [37]. The complexity of organic acids metabolicpathways as well as the difficult understanding of the reg-ulation of their transporters and channels and related pro-ton pumps [38,39] has hampered, so far, theidentification of the gene(s) associated to the D locususing a candidate gene approach. Thus, in order to under-stand the molecular and physiological bases of this trait, apositional cloning strategy was initiated and a fine map ofthe D locus has been constructed. To identify the gene(s)underlying acidity control at the D locus, the first step wasto construct a fine map of the D locus. The aims of thepresent work were: (1) the characterization of the fruitacidity trait, (2) the increase of the number of markerstightly linked to the D locus, (3) the conversion of thenearest markers into Sequence Characterized AmplifiedRegion (SCAR) and Cleaved Amplified PolymorphicSequence (CAPS) markers, (4) the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of this locus and definition of theposition of the D locus with new recombinant individualsphenotyped, and (5) the evaluation of the genetic dis-tance/physical distance ratio around the D locus using aBAC library.

ResultsFruit acidity characterizationAmong the 208 individuals used for the genetic linkagemap, only 151 trees producing fruit were phenotyped forpH and titratable acidity and were classified into threesubgroups corresponding to the three genotypes:homozygous for 'Ferjalou Jalousia®' allele (JJ) and for'Fantasia' allele (FF), and heterozygous (JF) at the targetedlocus (Fig. 1). A significant difference (Student's t-test, P <0.01) was observed for pH and TA for the comparisons ofJJ and JF genotypes, FF and JF genotypes, and JJ and FFgenotypes (pH mean values for JJ = 4.57, JF = 4.36, FF =3.63; TA mean values JJ = 36.5, JF = 48.2, FF = 109.7 meq/l) suggesting that the D allele is partially dominant.Homozygous JJ genotypes showed values higher than4.12 for pH and lower than 51.9 meq/l for TA. On theopposite, pH and TA values for homozygous FF genotypeswere respectively lower than 3.93 and higher than 65.6meq/l. The pH of heterozygous JF genotypes ranged from

3.80 to 4.87 and TA ranged from 28.1 to 90.0 meq/l. Thus,normally-acid phenotypes that correspond exclusively togenotypes FF showed pH value lower than 3.8 and TAvalue higher than 100 meq/l while low-acid phenotypescorresponding to genotypes JJ or JF showed pH valueshigher than 4.0 and TA value lower than 60 meq/l. Theseresults indicate that individuals with intermediate acidity(pH values between 3.8 and 4.0 and TA values between 60and 100 meq/l) can be either homozygous dd or hetero-zygous Dd at the D locus and therefore, they cannot bereliably classified into normally-acid or low-acid pheno-type.

Identification and mapping of AFLP markers linked to the D locusAmong the 1,024 primer combinations tested, 960 pro-vided readable amplification products. Thirty to 90 bandswere observed on AFLP gels per primer combination witha size range from 60 to 1,000 bp, but only 6.5% of thebands were polymorphic between the 'Ferjalou Jalousia®'and 'Fantasia' parents. Markers whose bands were presentin BD1 and BD2 bulks and absent from Bd1 and Bd2 bulkswere potentially linked to the D locus (Fig. 2). A total of34 markers were identified as putatively linked to the Dlocus (Table 1). Nineteen primer combinations eachrevealed only one D-linked marker, six primer combina-tions produced two D-linked markers (pGC-AGG, pCA-GCG, pTC-CAC, pCA-ACC, pCA-TCC and pAA-ACA) andone primer combination revealed three D-linked markers(pGC-TCT). As expected, all 34 AFLP markers weremapped on linkage group 5. AFLP markers close to the Dlocus (within 22 cM) were clearly polymorphic betweenbulks. AFLP markers mapped further away (beyond 27cM) were polymorphic markers between bulks but with avery faint band for "d" bulks. Fourteen AFLP markers werelocated within the first 10 cM containing the D locus.

Conversion of AFLP markers into SCAR and CAPS markersNine AFLP markers linked to the D locus were convertedinto simple codominant PCR-based markers. Four ofthem were codominant markers and five were dominantmarkers (Table 1). The codominant AFLP markers (pGC-AGG 430J-450F, pAC-AAC402J-412F and pGG-TAC215J-221F)were successfully converted into SCAR markers (D-Scar0,D-Scar1 and D-Scar2) and were confirmed as codominantmarkers (Table 2, Fig. 3). The codominant AFLP markerspTC-GTA218F-219J revealed a deletion of one nucleotide in'Fantasia' compared to 'Ferjalou Jalousia®'. After sequenc-ing the two alleles, three single nucleotide polymor-phisms (SNPs) were detected; one of them was revealedafter digestion with the restriction enzyme AccI anddirectly observed on agarose gel. This codominantCleaved Amplified Polymorphism Sequence (CAPS)marker was named D-Scar3 (Fig. 3).

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Frequency distribution of pH and titratable acidity of fruit juiceFigure 1Frequency distribution of pH and titratable acidity of fruit juice. Mean values observed in 2007 are represented. Dis-tribution of F2 individuals, having sfruit at maturity, used for the genetic linkage map. White, black and grey bars indicate homozygous genotypes for 'Fantasia' allele, 'Ferjalou Jalousia®' allele and heterozygous, respectively.












3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 3,9 4 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8pH



er o

f in














20-30 40-50 60-70 80-90 100-110 120-130 140-150 160-170

Titratable Acidity (meq/l)



er o

f in




3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

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For the dominant AFLP markers, primers were designedfrom the sequences of individuals carrying the D allele.They were then tested on 'Ferjalou Jalousia®', 'Fantasia'and on the F1-JF:21 hybrid used to construct the F2 map-ping progeny. The comparison of the sequences obtainedfor the pTG-TGG470J marker revealed a deletion of sixnucleotides in 'Fantasia' as compared to 'Ferjalou Jalou-sia®' sequence. This AFLP marker was then transformedinto a codominant SCAR marker (D-Scar6) (Fig. 3). ForpTC-CTG470J, the sequencing of the two alleles revealedone SNP. The alleles can be discriminated by digesting thePCR products with MseI. This CAPS marker was called D-Scar7 (Fig. 3). For the three dominant AFLP markers pGT-TTG188J, pCA-GCG149F and pCA-GCG132J, no polymor-phism was detected.

The six polymorphic SCAR markers were subsequentlyused to genotype the 208 individuals of the genetic link-

age map; it confirmed that their localization was the sameas AFLP markers (data not shown).

Furthermore, considering the total size of the obtainedsequences (2,711 bp), this analysis revealed seven SNPs.Based on these results the frequency of the SNPs at thevicinity of the D locus was estimated to 2.6 SNPs per kb.

High resolution mapping of the D locusThe fine mapping of the D locus was performed in twosteps using the six SCAR markers described in the presentstudy and three SSR markers MA026a, BPPCT041 andCPPCT040 already mapped to the proximal end of thelinkage group 5 [13,26]. The first step was to genotype the1,718 individuals from the seven segregating populationswith three SCAR markers (D-Scar0, D-Scar2 and D-Scar6)and two SSR markers (MA026a and BPPCT041) spanninga region of 10.2 cM around the D locus (Fig. 4). A total of

Table 1: AFLP markers mapped on linkage group 5 (LG5) based on 208 JxF F2 individuals

AFLP markersize in bp* Position on LG5 (cM from the top) Selection for conversion into SCAR SCAR marker

pAC-AAC402J-412F 0 Yes D-Scar1pGG-TAC215J-221F 0 Yes D-Scar2pGC-AGG430J-450F 0.7 Yes D-Scar0pTC-CTG470J 0.7 Yes D-Scar7pGT-TTG188J 0.7 Yes MonomorphicpCA-GCG149F 0.9 Yes MonomorphicpTC-GTA218F-219J 1.8 Yes D-Scar3pCA-GCG132J 3.3 Yes MonomorphicpTC-CAC206J 4.1 NopTG-TGG470J 4.9 Yes D-Scar6pCA-GTA390J 5.6 NopCA-ACC168J 9.1 NopGC-TCT232F 9.2 NopGG-TGA380J 10 NopCC-AGT223J 11.7 NopTA-TCC470J-475F 11.7 NopCC-GAA202J 12 NopCT-CAT203J 12.2 NopAG-GTA202J 12.4 NopTA-GTG600J 15.2 NopGC-TCT380J 16.2 NopGC-TCT370F 17.4 NopGT-TCT550J 21.8 NopAT-TTC360J 22 NopTA-CTC317J 22.2 NopCA-TCC400J 27 NopTC-CAC350F 30.2 NopAA-ACA253F-255J 39.8 NopCA-GAC158J 40.7 NopCA-ACC254J 46.6 NopGC-AGG500J 47.8 NopCT-ATC220J 63.6 NopAA-ACA400J 68 NopCA-TCC370J 78.1 No

* Allele sizes for both parents are indicated for codominant markers, while only allele size for one parent is indicated for dominant markers. J 'Ferjalou Jalousia®', F 'Fantasia'.

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308 individuals were found to have at least one recombi-nation event between the farthest markers, MA026a andBPPCT041. The second step was to genotype the resulting308 recombinant individuals with the three other SCARmarkers (D-Scar1, D-Scar3 and D-Scar7) and CPPCT040which were located within the spanned region. Accordingto the recombination events between these nine markers,

it was possible to determine the precise marker order onlinkage group 5 (Fig. 4).

For the 149 recombinant individuals which producedfruits in 2007 and 2008, TA mean values varied from 15to 167 meq/l and pH mean values ranged from 3.36 to5.59 (Fig. 5). Among these recombinants, 110 individuals

AFLP markers detecting polymorphisms between low-acid bulks and normally-acid bulks revealed on polyacrylamide gelFigure 2AFLP markers detecting polymorphisms between low-acid bulks and normally-acid bulks revealed on polyacr-ylamide gel. AFLP markers showing a band in low-acid bulks (BD1 and BD2) but not in normally-acid (Bd1 and Bd2) bulks are surrounded with a continuous line. AFLP markers showing a faint band in Bd1 and Bd2 bulks, not selected for genetic mapping, are surrounded with a dotted line.


BD1 BD2 Bd1 Bd2

Pst+2 Mse+3

Primer combinations


Table 2: SCAR and CAPS markers developed from AFLP fragments linked to the D locus

AFLP markersize in bp1 SCAR marker Primer sequence (5'-3') Size1 (bp) P2 Annealing temp. (°C) Enzyme







1 (J) 'Ferjalou Jalousia®', (F) 'Fantasia', 2 Polymorphism observed.

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were classified as producing low-acid fruit, 12 were iden-tified as producing normally-acid fruit and 27 were con-sidered as intermediate and were therefore, not classified.Among the individuals producing low-acid fruit, only 40individuals recombining from heterozygous (Dd) tohomozygous (dd) were informative. Then, only 52recombinant individuals with extreme values for pH(from 3.36 to 3.68 for individuals with normally-acidfruit and from 4.20 to 5.55 for individuals with low-acidfruit) and TA (from 104 to 167 meq/l for individuals withnormally-acid fruit and from 17 to 56 meq/l for individu-als with low-acid fruit) were used to identify the positionof the D locus. Among the 52 recombinant individuals soselected, 36 recombinant individuals between CPPCT040and BPPCT041 indicated that the D locus was locatedupper than CPPCT040, while fourteen other individualsrecombining between MA026a and D-Scar7 proved thatthe D locus was not localized between MA026a and D-Scar1 (Table 3). Two phenotyped individuals recombin-ing between D-Scar0 and CPPCT040 reduced the intervalcontaining the D locus: S5848-228 showed that the Dlocus was located upper than CPPCT040 while S6422-237demonstrated that it was located below D-Scar0 (Table 3).Therefore, it can be concluded that the D locus is localizedin a 0.4 cM interval between D-Scar0 and CPPCT040 (Fig.4).

Evaluation of the physical/genetic distance ratio around the D locus using a new BAC libraryThe peach BAC library produced from F1-JF:21 DNA con-tained about 52,000 clones. Based on the analyses of asubset of clones, the average insert size was estimated at90 kb, ranging from 50 to 130 kb. According to these pre-

liminary results the covering of this BAC library was esti-mated at 15–16 × the peach haploid genome. D-Scar0 andD-Scar7 were used to screen the BAC library and four pos-itive clones were found with D-Scar0 and 12 with D-Scar7.Three of the four positive clones with D-Scar0 were foundto be also positive when screened with D-Scar7. The ratiobetween the genetic and physical distances was estimatedusing markers defined from BACend sequences of a posi-tive clone common to both D-Scar0 and D-Scar7 (Table4). A distance of 0.6 cM was estimated between the twoCAPS markers F109-15-06 and R109-15-06 (Table 4)derived from the BACend sequences of one BAC contain-ing an insert of 150 kb. This results in 1 cM correspondingto 250 kb in the region of the D locus.

DiscussionWe describe in this paper major steps towards the cloningof the gene(s) controlling fruit acidity in peach, by pheno-typic, genetic and physical characterization of the D locus.

The low polymorphism observed between 'Ferjalou Jalou-sia®' and 'Fantasia' using AFLP markers was previouslyreported using RFLP and SSR markers [13] and was likelythe consequence of the very low genetic distance betweenthese two parental varieties [13]. Polymorphic markerswould have been considerably increased by deep sequenc-ing methods of the AFLPs [40]. Using the classical AFLPmethod in combination with bulk segregant analysis, 14AFLP markers located within the 10 cM region harbouringthe D locus were identified and no marker was mapped toanother linkage group. These results confirmed that acid-ity trait in peach is not complex and should be controlledby a major gene.

F2 individuals screened with SCAR markers on agarose gelFigure 3F2 individuals screened with SCAR markers on agarose gel. (a) D-Scar0 on 3% agarose gel (b) D-Scar1 on 2% agarose (c) D-Scar3 digested with AccI, on 2% agarose gel (d) D-Scar6 on 3% agarose gel (e) D-Scar7 digested with MseI, on 3% agarose gel. Specific band for each allele is indicated (d for normally-acid and D for low-acid).








d D



b e


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Sequence analysis of the AFLP markers selected for con-version into SCAR revealed, at the vicinity of the D locus,an SNPs frequency 3.6 fold lower than the one reported inthe 'Texas' × 'Earlygold' (TxE) reference Prunus mapderived from an almond × peach interspecific cross (IllaE., personal communication).

To more accurately position the D locus, it was necessaryto identify individuals of the extended population thathad recombination events tightly linked to the D locus.The strategy followed in the present work involving twosuccessive steps (firstly the genotyping of 1,718 individu-als with the D locus-flanking markers and secondly theanalysis of the recombinant individuals with additionaltightly linked markers) reduced considerably the numberof individuals that needed to be genotyped and phenotyp-ically characterized. Fruit acidity is usually evaluated bypH or TA measurements. In this work, the use of both pH

and TA was essential for the characterization of fruit acid-ity. In addition, the definition of thresholds based on theanalyses of individuals without recombination event inthe MA026a-BPPCT041 interval allowed a precise charac-terization of the phenotype. Thus, the phenotyping of therecombinant individuals with the pH and TA thresholdstrategy prevented misclassification of intermediate indi-viduals that can be either homozygous (dd) or hetero-zygous (Dd) for the D locus.

The development of tightly linked markers and the phe-notyping of recombinant individuals allowed the preciselocalization of the D locus. As fruit acidity is a major selec-tion criterion, the D-linked markers could be used formarker assisted selection which would allow early selec-tion of trees with the desirable character.

To estimate the relationship between the genetic and thephysical distance at the vicinity of the D locus weanchored a BAC clone to the genetic map. Based on thisanalysis the ratio was estimated to 250 kb/cM. At thepeach evergrowing (evg) locus the ratio was estimated to 10to 35 kb/cM [41]. These ratios are smaller than the esti-mated average ratio on the TxE Prunus reference map [42]which is 553 kb/cM according to the genome size [2]. Thisis not surprising, as the physical/genetic distance ratio isknown to vary along chromosomes [43-45]. The identifi-cation of the physical/genetic distance ratio in the vicinityof the D locus was important for estimating the numberof walks needed for cloning the D locus. The D locus waslocalized in a 0.4 cM interval corresponding to a physicaldistance of 100 kb. Thus, one or two walks with BACclones with an insert size of 90 kb should be sufficient toidentify a BAC clone harbouring the D locus.

Sequenced BAC clones in peach [41,46], plum, apricot[46] and pear [47] revealed a gene density of 14 to 36genes per 100 kb genomic sequence. Thus, in the 100 kbD locus region 14 to 36 candidate genes are expected. Toidentify the D gene(s) among these candidate genes, theaim will be to map accurately the recombination eventsrelative to the predicted genes. To facilitate this analysis,the PPJFH BAC library was constructed from the F1-JF:21hybrid between 'Ferjalou Jalousia®' and 'Fantasia' to iden-tify one BAC clone for each allele. The two orthologousBAC clones will be sequenced and annotated and geneti-cally dissected. In further analyses, the natural variabilityof the candidate genes will be explored within a peachgermplasm collection to associate the haplotype to thephenotypic variation. Functional studies such as reversegenetics experiments should then provide further evi-dence for or against their involvement in fruit acidity.

Fine genetic map of the D locus on the distal end of linkage group 5Figure 4Fine genetic map of the D locus on the distal end of linkage group 5. SSR and SCAR markers are on the right and genetic distances are indicated on the left from the top (cM) and based on the analyses of 1,718 F2 individuals. The grey part corresponds to the position of the D locus.

MA026a 0.0 D-Scar2 0.4 D-Scar1 1.0 D-Scar7 2.0 D-Scar0 2.1 CPPCT040 2.5 D-Scar3 3.3

D-Scar6 5.2

BPPCT041 10.2

CPDCT022 86.1

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The complete sequencing of the BAC clones will providecandidate genes for the D locus. These candidate genesmay be structural genes implicated in metabolism ortransport in agreement with our existing knowledge offruit physiology or genes with novel structural or regula-tory functions. Sequencing data will also provide informa-tion about Prunus genome organization in this particularregion, which may be compared to homologous region inother Rosaceae species and even other fruit species. Micro-systems analysis across Rosaceae species will provideinsight into gene order, orientation and structural rear-rangements of this particular region and through compar-ative genomics, may contribute to improve ourknowledge on evolutionary and diversification processesamong this family as demonstrated for Oryza [48].

ConclusionIn conclusion, the present work describes, for the firsttime, the fine mapping of a locus involved in a fruit qual-ity trait on perennial plants via the chromosome landingapproach. The development of tightly linked markers andthe phenotyping of recombinant individuals allowed theprecise localization of the D locus in a 0.4 cM interval cor-responding to 100 kb. Using the constructed PPJFH BAClibrary with a mean insert size of 90 kb, one or two walksshould be sufficient to identify a BAC clone harbouringthe D locus. To our knowledge, only few fine genetic mapswere realized using a large number of trees and only forresistance genes [49,50]. One of the major limitations forthis strategy is the generation of a large population requir-ing an extended orchard maintained over several years.Our mapping population of 2,086 plants that segregatesfor many agronomic traits as well as the PPJFH BAC

library will permit the genetic dissection of, not only theD locus, but also other traits such as Af (aborting fruit), S(flat/round fruit), G (peach/nectarine) and Ps (pollen ste-rility). This mapping population could be also exploitedin any future genome sequencing project in peach whereanchoring sequences or BAC contigs to the genetic map isa crucial step.

MethodsPlant materialThe genetic linkage map was based on the segregationanalyses of a peach F2 progeny. This progeny includes 208individuals obtained from the selfing of a single F1 hybrid(F1-JF:21) issued from a cross between 'Ferjalou Jalousia®'a low-acid fruit variety and 'Fantasia' a normally-acid fruitvariety. This population segregates for six Mendelian traits(low-acid/normally-acid fruit D, peach/nectarine G, flat/round fruit S, clingstone/freestone F, pollen sterility Ps,aborting fruit Af) [13] and for several characters involvedin fruit quality as soluble sugar and organic acid concen-trations [17]. Among the 208 individuals, 151 producedfruit at maturity while 57 produced flat fruit that fell aftertwo months of growth and were not used in this study(Table 5).

For the fine mapping of the D locus, a total of 1,878 F2additional individuals were obtained from the selfing ofseven different F1 genotypes (Table 5). Three F1 individu-als were issued from the cross between 'Ferjalou Jalousia®'and 'Fantasia' (F1-JF:21, F1-JF:28, F1-JF:104), two from thereverse cross (F1-FJ:47, F1-FJ:49), one from a cross between'Fantasia' and 'Fercopale Platina®' (F1-FP:10) and onefrom the reverse cross (F1-PF:77). 'Ferjalou Jalousia®' is

Table 3: Genotypes and phenotypes of F2 recombinant individuals for nine markers framing the D locus

Individual P1 Genotype2 (G) No of F2 *

MA026a D-Scar2 D-Scar1 D-Scar7 D-Scar0 CPPCT040 D-Scar3 D-Scar6 BPPCT041

S8220-1186 [D] H H H H H H H H F 15S8220-1321 [d] F F F F F F F F H 3S5848-350 [D] H H H H H H H F F 11S8220-1090 [d] F F F F F F F H H 3S5848-332 [D] H H H H H H F F F 2S6422-022 [d] F F F F F F H H H 2S5848-228 [D] H H H H H F F F F 1S6422-237 [D] F F F F F H H H H 1S8220-2037 [d] H H H F F F F F F 1S8220-1188 [D] F F F H H H H H H 7S6361-020 [d] H H F F F F F F F 2S5848-147 [D] F F H H H H H H H 1S6422-452 [d] H F F F F F F F F 1S8220-1045 [D] F H H H H H H H H 2

1 P: Phenotype, [d]: normally acid fruit, [D]: low acid fruit, 2 F: homozygous for the 'Fantasia' allele (dd), H: heterozygous highlighted in bold (Dd), * Number of F2 individuals having the same phenotype and genotype

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homozygous for the dominant allele (DD), 'Fantasia' ishomozygous for the recessive one (dd) and the seven F1hybrids are heterozygous (Dd) for the D locus. 'FerjalouJalousia®' dominant allele is derived from 'Kiang-Si' thatoriginated from China. 'Fercopale Platina®' and 'FerjalouJalousia®' shared the same common grandparents ('Kiang-Si' and 'Independence') (Fig. 6), and both had the samedominant allele for the D locus and produced flatpeaches. According to a marker assisted selection for theAf gene that segregated in the 1,878 F2 individuals, 1,510individuals were identified to produce fruit at maturityand were therefore genotyped. Among them, 1,084 indi-viduals were planted in 2005 and 426 in 2006. The finemap was based on the genotyping of a total of 1,718 F2individuals including the mapping population of 208individuals and the 1,510 F2 additional individuals thatshould produce fruit at maturity (Table 5).

Fruit acidity phenotypingThe 151 F2 individuals of the mapping population pro-ducing fruit and recombinant individuals among the F2progenies were phenotyped in 2007 and 2008. Two har-vests separated by four days were performed for each indi-

vidual. For each harvest, six fruits/individual werecollected at maturity stage. TA and pH analyses weremeasured on fruit juice by using an equal volume of juicefrom each fruit as described previously [14].

To avoid any misclassification of recombinant individu-als, we decided to rely on the analyses of homozygous andheterozygous individuals and to define thresholds inorder to distinguish individuals with low-acid fruit fromthose with normally-acid fruit. Individuals, withoutrecombination event, were selected on their genotype inthe MA026a-BPPCT041 interval. Student's t-test was usedto compare pH and TA mean values between homozygousand heterozygous individuals.

DNA extractionGenomic DNA was extracted from young expanded termi-nal leaves. Fifteen milligrams of fresh weight were col-lected for each tree in 96 collection microtubes of 1.2 mlcontaining a tungsten carbide bead (3 mm diameter).They were ground in liquid nitrogen by using a Mixer MillMM 300 (Retsch, Haan, Germany) for 1 min and 30 s andgenomic DNA was extracted according to the method pre-viously described [51].

BSA-AFLPFor Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)assay combined with BSA, two low-acid (D/D or D/d)DNA bulks (BD1, BD2) and two normally-acid (d/d) DNAbulks (Bd1, Bd2) were used to identify putative markerslinked to the D locus [52]. Individuals were selectedamong the 208 F2 used for the genetic linkage map accord-ing to juice pH and TA values measured in 2002 and 2003.Equal amounts of DNA from eleven individuals from theJxF F2 mapping population were pooled to construct eachbulk.

The AFLP technique was performed following the proto-col developed by [53] with some modifications. GenomicDNA (250 ng) was digested with two restriction enzymesPstI and MseI in a volume of 17.5 μl. The first PCR ampli-fication was performed with primers having no selectivenucleotide and then the second PCR amplification wascarried out with primers having two selective nucleotidesfor PstI and three for MseI. PCR products were mixed withan equal volume of loading buffer (95% formamide,

Biplot of pH and titratable acidity of fruit juiceFigure 5Biplot of pH and titratable acidity of fruit juice. Mean values observed in 2007 are represented. pH and TA biplot for F2 individuals recombining between MA026a and BPPCT041, phenotyped among the 1,718 F2 individuals. Indi-viduals not included in squares are considered as intermedi-ate.








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Titratable acidity (meq/l)









F2 with low-acid fruit

F2 with normally-acid fruit

Table 4: Markers developed from BACend sequences of a positive BAC clone with both D-Scar0 and D-Scar7

BACend marker Primer sequence (5'-3') Size* (bp) Polymorphism Annealing temp. (°C) Enzyme



* (J) 'Ferjalou Jalousia®', (F) 'Fantasia'

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0.05% xylene cyanol, 0.05% bromophenol blue, 10 mMEDTA, pH 8.0). The mixture was heated for 5 min at 95°C,and then quickly cooled on ice. Each sample mixture wasloaded on a 4.5% denaturing polyacrylamide gel and vis-ualized by the silver staining system as described by [54].Sixteen PstI+2 primers and 64 MseI+3 primers were testedconsisting in a total of 1,024 primer combinations. Mark-ers derived from PstI+2/MseI+3 primer combinations werenamed as pXX-YYY (X for the selective PstI nucleotidesand Y for the selective MseI nucleotides). Subsequently,polymorphic AFLP primer combinations between bulkswere used to screen the 208 F2 individuals of the mappingpopulation.

Conversion of AFLP markers into SCAR and CAPS markersAFLP markers linked to the D locus were selected for con-version into PCR markers for further easy use in large-scale screening of the 1,718 individuals and BAC library.After silver staining, marker fragments of the parents andof two F2 individuals were picked with a tip on the driedpolyacrylamide gel [55] and dissolved in 15 μl deionizedwater. PCR amplifications were performed using 1 μl dilu-tion with the same conditions as the selective PCR forAFLP reaction but with primers without selective nucle-otides. The products were separated on 2.0% agarose gel,purified using a MinElute® PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen)and then cloned into the pGEM-T easy vector (Promega,Madison, WI, USA). Clones were sequenced by Cogenics(Meylan, France) and specific primers were designedusing Primer3 software (version V.0.4.0) based on thesesequences. Designed primers were then tested for PCRamplification on low-acid individuals, normally-acidindividuals and also on 'Ferjalou Jalousia®', 'Fantasia' andthe F1 hybrid (F1-JF:21). Reaction mixtures (10 μl) con-tained 0.2 μM of each primer, 200 μM of dNTP, 10 ngtemplate DNA, 0.26 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Sigma-Aldrich), 1× PCR buffer provided with the enzyme. PCRreactions were carried out for 2 min at 94°C, followed by38 cycles of 45 s at 94°C, 45 s at annealing temperature,45 s at 72°C, with final elongation for 5 min at 72°C.Finally, the amplified fragments were tested for their pol-ymorphism on a 2 to 3% agarose gel or 4.5% polyacryla-mide denaturing gel.

Segregation analysis and map constructionEach polymorphic marker was tested by a chi-square forgoodness of fit to the segregation ratios 1:2:1 expected forcodominant markers and 3:1 expected for dominantmarkers in a F2 population. The linkage map was con-structed using the MAPMAKER/EXP V3.0 software [56].Markers were first divided into linkage groups using a crit-

Table 5: Origin of F2 individuals used for map construction and fine mapping of the D locus

Cross F1 name F2 name Number of F2 individuals

F2 used for the construction of the genetic linkage map'Ferjalou Jalousia®' × 'Fantasia' F1-JF:21 S8220 208

Producing fruits 151

F2 additional individuals produced for the fine mapping of the D locus'Ferjalou Jalousia®' × 'Fantasia' F1-JF:21 S8220 418

F1-JF:28 S6184 113F1-JF:104 S7133 182

'Fantasia' × 'Ferjalou Jalousia®' F1-FJ:47 S6422 451F1-FJ:49 S6421 106

'Fantasia' × 'Fercopale Platina®' F1-FP:10 S5848 405'Fercopale Platina®' × 'Fantasia' F1-PF:77 S6361 203

Total of the additional F2 individuals 1,878Additional F2 that will have fruits according to MAS for the Af gene 1,510

Total of the F2 individuals used for fine mapping 1,718

Origin of 'Ferjalou Jalousia®', 'Fantasia' and 'Fercopale Pla-tina®' peach varietiesFigure 6Origin of 'Ferjalou Jalousia®', 'Fantasia' and 'Ferco-pale Platina®' peach varieties. The phenotype for the D locus is indicated for each variety. Varieties with [D] pheno-type produce low-acid fruit and varieties with [d] phenotype produce normally-acid fruit.

F1 : 4 F1 : 12

Fercopale Platina® [D]

Self polination

Fantasia [d]

Bud mutation Bud mutation

Kiang-Si x Independence [D]

Red King x

Ferjalou Jalousia® [D]

Self polination

Gold King x (Red King x

Le Grand

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ical LOD score threshold of 5. The Kosambi function wasused to convert recombination units into genetic dis-tances.

Fine mappingThe 1,510 additional individuals that would have fruit atmaturity were used to complete the mapping populationto a total of 1,718 individuals segregating for the D locus.These individuals were screened for five markers, two SSRmarkers and three new SCAR markers, spanning a largeregion around the D locus: MA026a and BPPCT041, pre-viously mapped on JxF linkage map [13] and three AFLPmarkers transformed into SCAR markers. Recombinantindividuals detected in this region were genotyped withthree other AFLP markers transformed into SCAR markersand CPPCT040 a SSR marker mapped on the top of thelinkage group 5 of 'Texas' × 'Earlygold' linkage map [26].The phenotype of the recombinant individuals comparedto the recombination point enabled the localization ofthe D locus. Among the 308 recombinant individualsdetected, 149 individuals producing fruit in 2007 and2008 were phenotyped for fruit pH and TA.

Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library constructionThe Prunus persica PPJFH BAC DNA library was realized atURGV (INRA, Evry) and constructed as described previ-ously [57]. Nuclei were isolated from 32 g of young leavesfrozen in liquid nitrogen from F1 hybrid DNA hetero-zygous for all the mendelian characters segregating in theJxF cross. Restriction fragments were subjected to a doublesize selection in a CHEF-DRIII apparatus (Bio-Rad) bypulse field gel-electrophoresis (PFGE). The DNA from theagarose slices was electroeluted and cloned into the pIndi-goBAC-5 (Hind III Cloning-Ready) Vector (EPICENTRE®

Technologies) for ligation reactions. Competent E. coliDH10B cells (Invitrogen) were transformed by electropo-ration and transformants were selected on LB-Xgal-IPTGplates containing 12.5 μg/ml chloramphenicol. Whitecolonies were picked using a Genetix Q-Bot and stored in384-well microtiter plates (Genetix) at -80°C. The PPJFHBAC library was composed of 150 plates corresponding to57,600 total BAC clones. BAC clones from each plate weremixed into pools of 384 clones (designated 'plate pools').The BAC clones from each plate pool were resuspendedinto sterilized water and DNA extracted before PCR reac-tions. In the first step, positive plates were identified byscreening the plate pools then in the second step the 16clones of each of the 24 columns of the positive 384-wellplates were pooled together and screened to identify thepositive column. The third step consisted in identifyingthe positive BAC clone by screening the 16 clones of eachpositive column pool. PCR amplifications were carriedout as described before for PCR experiments. ExtractedDNA from BAC clones was digested with NotI and the

digestion products were subjected to pulsed-field gel elec-trophoresis (PFGE) as described previously [57]: 25 μlDNA from each clone was digested by NotI in a 30 μl reac-tion mix and loaded on PFGE. Insert size was estimatedusing the PFGE lambda ladder (BioLabs, Frankfurt, Ger-many).

To associate a genetic distance to the physical distanceobtained with the PFGE, primers were designed usingPrimer3 software (version V.0.4.0) based on two BACendsequences of a chosen positive BAC clone for two markers(D-Scar0 and D-Scar7). The primers of two markers weretested for PCR amplification on 'Ferjalou Jalousia®' and'Fantasia' to identify polymorphism between the parents.Reaction mixtures and PCR conditions were done asdescribed for SCAR markers and the amplified fragmentswere then sequenced. Obtained markers were used to gen-otype only individuals recombining between D-Scar1 andCPPCT040 framing D-Scar0 and D-Scar7.

Authors' contributionsKB carried out the molecular genetic studies, the sequencealignment and drafted the manuscript. KB and AB con-ceived and designed the experiments for the BAC library.GC participated to AFLP mapping. CT carried out the BAClibrary pooling and extraction. KB, GC, AM and ED per-formed the phenotypic analysis. ED and GC participatedin the genetic studies. AB and ED conceived the study andparticipated in its design. AB, AM and ED helped to draftthe manuscript. All authors read and approved the finalmanuscript.

AcknowledgementsThis work was partly funded by INRA, the Ministery of Foreign Affairs of Algeria and the "Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine" (Convention # 20054380505). The authors thank Dr R. Monet for generating the F1 par-ents of the populations, the technical team of UREF (C. Renaud, G. Capdev-ille, Y. Tauzin, L. Fouilhaux and J. Joly) for producing the hybrids, fruit harvesting and biochemical characterization, the Experimental Unit of INRA located at "Domaine des Jarres" for growing the trees, Xavier Giresse for technical support and comments on an earlier version, Patricia Faivre-Rampant for her comments and Drs Michel Caboche and Frédéric Laigret for being at the initiative of the project, their support and helpful comments on this paper. The authors thank also the unknown reviewers for helping us to improve this manuscript.

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