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Page 1: Arctostaphylos auriculata

* Mt. Diablo Manzanita – Arctostaphylos auriculata (ark-toh-STAF-ih-los aw-rik-yoo-LAY-tuh )

Family: Ericaceae (Heath Family)

Native to: Endemic to the western slopes of Mount Diablo, in Contra Costa County ( e San Francisco

Bay Area); occurs primarily in chamise or manzanita chaparral. It can also be found as an

understory shrub in coast live oak woodland, in sandstone-derived soils, elevation: 400'-2000'.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 3-10+ ft. mature width: 3-10+ ft. Evergreen woody shrub, erect/mounded, with gnarled branches. Slow growing. Leaves silvery to gray-green, soft/hairy & clasping the stem. Foliage neat & dense – different, very attractive.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in winter/early spring. Flowers are small, light pink and urn-shaped typical

for manzantas. Profuse blooms contrast beautifully with foliage. Fruit hairy, small, ripe in summer.

Uses in the garden: Most often used as a specimen plant for its lovely foliage. Can be used as a

large background shrub to highlight darker foliage plants. Fine under tall trees with dappled sun.

Cultivar ‘Diablo Blush’ is 5-6' tall & wide, with all the characteristics of the species. ‘Knobcone Point’ is a natural variant that is 6’ tall & wide that retains its close-set juvenile leaves, creating a

fish scale-like effect – unique!.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs like privet, Raphiolepis, etc.

Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides nectar (hummingbirds & insect pollinators) cover and berries for food.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun (best along coast) to part-shade (hot inland gardens).

Soil Any well-drained soil; slightly acidic best (6.0-7.5)

Water Best with occasional summer water (Zone 1-2 to 2); wash off leaves monthly in

summer to simulate fog.

Fertilizer None

Other Likes organic mulch – pine needles great!

Management: Prune to shape when young (if desired). Remove dead branches in dry season,

sterilizing pruners between cuts. Quite low maintenance once established.

Propagation: from seed: difficult; heat & cold treatment by cuttings: semi-soft wood in fall

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 13 (cultivars) 11/30/11 © Project SOUND