Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ladine, Amy@CJP; Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; '[email protected]'; Stebbins, Alice@ARB; Cummings, Barbara@DBO; '[email protected]'; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO; [email protected]; '[email protected]'; Cash, Bryan@CNRA; Horel, Caleb@EDD; '[email protected]'; Sheppard, Cheryl@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Fung, Cindy@DOF; Lindsey, Cindy@CalVet; Labastida, Claudia@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Hill, Crista; Azevedo, David@ARB; Goldsmith, David@CHP; '[email protected]'; Kwan, David Y@DOR; '[email protected]'; Ford, Dawn; '[email protected]'; Cook, Denise@SLC; ONeill, Denise@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sale, Douglas@CWDB; '[email protected]'; Sinnett, Daniel@DIR; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); '[email protected]'; Jarvis, Eric@EPA; '[email protected]'; DOR Fi$cal; Ruffino, Frank@CalVet; Shill, Frank@HCD; Topete, Fred@DBO; Shain, Gary@CalVet; Edwards, Greg@DIR; Huang, Gerne@DSS; '[email protected]'; Miranda, Hazel@DOF; Hart, Heather@CalVet; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Budmark, Jack@HCD; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; Young, Janice@CalVet; Sturges, Jay@Labor; John Borasi; '[email protected]'; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Bryce, John@SOS; Cathey, John (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Deas, Joseph@CalVet; Cross, Julia; Solomon, Julie@DBO; '[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Baena, Kevin@CalVet; Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD; '[email protected]'; Satter, Larry@DOF; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Jacobson, Laura@EDD; '[email protected]'; Sapnaro, Leanne@HCD; Smith, Leanne (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Keeler, Lisa; Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Cach, Lynn@SCDD; '[email protected]'; Paman, Maria@OSI; Arana, Martha@DSS; '[email protected]'; Chung, Merita; Mullins, Michael@EDD; Leach, Michelle; Moody, Michelle@FTB; '[email protected]'; Shields, Michelle@DSS; Manson, Monte@CALFIRE; Shiroma, Matthew@DIR; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD; Tu, Oanh@ARB; Kwong, Pansy@DOF; Ingram, Patty@CalVet; Sliney, Patty@CHP; '[email protected]'; Chow, Ray@DSS; Sena, Ray@CalVet; Lee, Rebecca (CDPH-ADM); Metz, Rebecca@CHP; Wurster, Renee@SLC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Nelson, Robert@OTS; Dolan, Robin@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Cristia, Roma@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Schutte, Russell@DOR; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sing, Sarah@DBO; ‘In: FISCAL mo; Azevedo, Dav|d@ARE; aaena, s<ewn@cawer, Bamhart, se:sy@nao; sen, Heather@Waterbeards; Bwsmd1e,Arme\T@DOR; 'Steven.Bande@)ud.ra.gcv'; John Bonasw; 'ash|[email protected]‘9ev'; Brown, Jaana (CDPH—ADM—FMB)‘, Bryce, John@SOS; Budmark, Jack@HcD-, sums, Tanya (DHCSITSD); cardarem, Laura@I>Bo-, rash, aryan@cNRA-, Center, Jona!han@EDD; "[email protected]'; 'schandra(a)ad:.a.gov'; Chow, Ray@Dss; Clssna, Duane R. (CDPN-ADM-FMB); couene, Kaueena (CDPN-ADM-PSEPH); 'dshfi9ca\@dsh.(a.gov‘; DOR H$m\; Cnsua, Rnma@BOPC; Cross,Ju1ia; Dahbour, vassav@F1suL-, Dann, Kayh (CDPH-PSEPH); '1ds@cpuc,ca,gov‘; Edwards, Gre9@DIR', ‘Amanda,Esquiwas@t;aIsrA.ca,gov‘; 'woI,[email protected] gvv‘; Garcia, \fian:y@Labor; sarfinkle, A1>en@BoPc; Goldsmxth, Dav>d(a>CHP‘, Gonsaives, TIm@DDS; 'dav|d.hea\ey@:dtfa.ca gav'; bh:bert@clr:.ca,9av; Hexford, Janna (ADM)@DHCS; Herrera, Soma@CHH m, Crma; 'chns Ha!u@boe.:a.gov‘; Hem, Ca|eb@EDD; Jacobson, Laura@EDD', Jams, Eric@epA-, 'menez, Mouse (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); ‘Doug.Kaufiroam@qud raogov'; ‘d|\ek.kz||er@]ud.ca.guv", Kendncls, Tanya@Wal:r‘boards, Key, w<k:e@CNRA; ‘\[email protected]'; ‘grace koch@ca\oes.ca,gav'; Knsiewia, Jan@r»7 eena.kumar@dor.:a.gov", Ladme, Amy@C|P; ‘d|arrabee@drt.:a.gov“, Lassener, Lisa (B(EC-DIR)@DHCS', Leach, Mxchefle‘, L1tt{e,lam\e@Waterbnards; Lum, Nan (CDPH»ADM)-, Lulzenberger,Thomas@QLF1RE; ‘\ma&strett\@ode.m.guv", ‘Rnbyn.Ma|m@ca\hr.ca.gov‘; 'ErIn.Mata\[email protected]", Men, RebeLxa@CHP; Michel‘, NamanieI@c1-ms; Mohamed, Nesrudm@HCD: Moody, Miche\le@FFB‘, [email protected],gov'; 'MicheHe.Mara\es®cpuc.=a.gov‘; Munins, Mid1ae|@EDD; ‘edna.murphy@boe.:a.go-4', ‘Liuv.mers@cavereo.=a.gov‘; Ne\san, Rnbert@0TS; DLanscy TauIa@DSS-, ouem, DenIse@DSS; Paman, Nhna@0SI; '][email protected]", Sa\e, Daug|as@(]NDE' Sapnarc, Leanne@i-(CE); Schatte, Russel\@DOR; [email protected],gav Shiles, Demse@Fisca!; sum, Frank@HCD; Smnett, DanieI@mR-, Sliney, Pattv@CHP', sa1omon,June@Dao; uHeoSa\[email protected],§cv'; Svahimg, Susan@SLC; 'sara.sunwen@caIo£s.ca.gav 'RnrJ<.Sm\[email protected]‘; $1ra~/hand,Trysh®0TS‘,Smrges,Jay®Labar; [email protected]'; Topeka, Red@DBO; Tran, Vu@DDS; Tu, 0anh@ARB; 'RusseV|.Vaneekhov:[email protected]'; ‘{\[email protected]", 'AmbenViduva@dsrLmogov", Vcqel, scon@EnD-, wazson, T\na@DOR: Wurster, Renee@SLC; cach, Lvnn@5CDD; Cock, Denise@5LC', 'knsm.aagsher(msos.ca gov‘; Stebhms, Ahoe@ARB; cmmg-Ng, Vemmca@DOF; rensnda, ]emfl‘er@DOF; Fung, (]ndy(fi!DOF‘, '[email protected]'; Kwong, Pansy@DDF: Mwanoa, Haze|@DOF; Setter, Lam/@DOF', ‘RuDLSmgh@dcf,ca»9ov‘ Subjecl: For Your Amen BuSNE25b: subm Pmposed Department vames far Asst Management (AM) Asset Ua§, due September 22, 20:7 Dear 2018 Re1ease Deparlment Llalsons, This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi's Document Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; '[email protected]

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Page 1: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Test edits

To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM-

PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Ladine, Amy@CJP; Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; '[email protected]'; Stebbins, Alice@ARB;

Cummings, Barbara@DBO; '[email protected]'; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO;

[email protected]; '[email protected]'; Cash, Bryan@CNRA; Horel, Caleb@EDD;

'[email protected]'; Sheppard, Cheryl@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Fung, Cindy@DOF;

Lindsey, Cindy@CalVet; Labastida, Claudia@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Hill, Crista; Azevedo,

David@ARB; Goldsmith, David@CHP; '[email protected]'; Kwan, David Y@DOR;

'[email protected]'; Ford, Dawn; '[email protected]'; Cook, Denise@SLC; ONeill,

Denise@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sale,

Douglas@CWDB; '[email protected]'; Sinnett, Daniel@DIR; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

'[email protected]'; Jarvis, Eric@EPA; '[email protected]'; DOR Fi$cal; Ruffino,

Frank@CalVet; Shill, Frank@HCD; Topete, Fred@DBO; Shain, Gary@CalVet; Edwards, Greg@DIR;

Huang, Gerne@DSS; '[email protected]'; Miranda, Hazel@DOF; Hart, Heather@CalVet; Brown,

Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Budmark, Jack@HCD; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; Young, Janice@CalVet; Sturges,

Jay@Labor; John Borasi; '[email protected]'; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS;

Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Bryce, John@SOS; Cathey, John (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Deas, Joseph@CalVet; Cross,

Julia; Solomon, Julie@DBO; '[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Dann,

Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Baena, Kevin@CalVet; Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD; '[email protected]';

Satter, Larry@DOF; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Jacobson, Laura@EDD; '[email protected]';

Sapnaro, Leanne@HCD; Smith, Leanne (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Keeler, Lisa;

Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Cach, Lynn@SCDD;

'[email protected]'; Paman, Maria@OSI; Arana, Martha@DSS; '[email protected]';

Chung, Merita; Mullins, Michael@EDD; Leach, Michelle; Moody, Michelle@FTB;

'[email protected]'; Shields, Michelle@DSS; Manson, Monte@CALFIRE; Shiroma,

Matthew@DIR; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD; Tu, Oanh@ARB; Kwong,

Pansy@DOF; Ingram, Patty@CalVet; Sliney, Patty@CHP; '[email protected]'; Chow,

Ray@DSS; Sena, Ray@CalVet; Lee, Rebecca (CDPH-ADM); Metz, Rebecca@CHP; Wurster, Renee@SLC;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Nelson, Robert@OTS; Dolan, Robin@CalVet;

'[email protected]'; Cristia, Roma@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Schutte, Russell@DOR;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sing, Sarah@DBO;

‘In: FISCAL mo; Azevedo, Dav|d@ARE; aaena, s<ewn@cawer, Bamhart, se:sy@nao; sen, Heather@Waterbeards; Bwsmd1e,Arme\T@DOR; 'Steven.Bande@)ud.ra.gcv'; John Bonasw;

'ash|[email protected]‘9ev'; Brown, Jaana (CDPH—ADM—FMB)‘, Bryce, John@SOS; Budmark, Jack@HcD-, sums, Tanya (DHCSITSD); cardarem, Laura@I>Bo-, rash, aryan@cNRA-, Center, Jona!han@EDD;

"[email protected]'; 'schandra(a)ad:.a.gov'; Chow, Ray@Dss; Clssna, Duane R. (CDPN-ADM-FMB); couene, Kaueena (CDPN-ADM-PSEPH); 'dshfi9ca\@dsh.(a.gov‘; DOR H$m\; Cnsua, Rnma@BOPC;

Cross,Ju1ia; Dahbour, vassav@F1suL-, Dann, Kayh (CDPH-PSEPH); '1ds@cpuc,ca,gov‘; Edwards, Gre9@DIR', ‘Amanda,Esquiwas@t;aIsrA.ca,gov‘; 'woI,[email protected] gvv‘; Garcia, \fian:y@Labor; sarfinkle,

A1>en@BoPc; Goldsmxth, Dav>d(a>CHP‘, Gonsaives, TIm@DDS; 'dav|d.hea\ey@:dtfa.ca gav'; bh:bert@clr:.ca,9av; Hexford, Janna (ADM)@DHCS; Herrera, Soma@CHH m, Crma; 'chns Ha!u@boe.:a.gov‘;

Hem, Ca|eb@EDD; Jacobson, Laura@EDD', Jams, Eric@epA-, 'menez, Mouse (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); ‘Doug.Kaufiroam@qud raogov'; ‘d|\ek.kz||er@]ud.ca.guv", Kendncls, Tanya@Wal:r‘boards, Key,w<k:e@CNRA; ‘\[email protected]'; ‘grace koch@ca\oes.ca,gav'; Knsiewia, Jan@r»7 eena.kumar@dor.:a.gov", Ladme, Amy@C|P; ‘d|arrabee@drt.:a.gov“, Lassener, Lisa (B(EC-DIR)@DHCS', Leach,Mxchefle‘, L1tt{e,lam\e@Waterbnards; Lum, Nan (CDPH»ADM)-, Lulzenberger,Thomas@QLF1RE; ‘\ma&strett\@ode.m.guv", ‘Rnbyn.Ma|m@ca\hr.ca.gov‘; 'ErIn.Mata\[email protected]", Men, RebeLxa@CHP; Michel‘,

NamanieI@c1-ms; Mohamed, Nesrudm@HCD: Moody, Miche\le@FFB‘, ‘[email protected],gov'; 'MicheHe.Mara\es®cpuc.=a.gov‘; Munins, Mid1ae|@EDD; ‘edna.murphy@boe.:a.go-4', ‘Liuv.mers@cavereo.=a.gov‘;

Ne\san, Rnbert@0TS; DLanscy TauIa@DSS-, ouem, DenIse@DSS; Paman, Nhna@0SI; '][email protected]", Sa\e, Daug|as@(]NDE' Sapnarc, Leanne@i-(CE); Schatte, Russel\@DOR;

[email protected],gav Shiles, Demse@Fisca!; sum, Frank@HCD; Smnett, DanieI@mR-, Sliney, Pattv@CHP', sa1omon,June@Dao; uHeoSa\[email protected],§cv'; Svahimg, Susan@SLC;

'sara.sunwen@caIo£s.ca.gav 'RnrJ<.Sm\[email protected]‘; $1ra~/hand,Trysh®0TS‘,Smrges,Jay®Labar; ‘[email protected]'; Topeka, Red@DBO; Tran, Vu@DDS; Tu, 0anh@ARB;

'RusseV|.Vaneekhov:[email protected]'; ‘{\[email protected]", 'AmbenViduva@dsrLmogov", Vcqel, scon@EnD-, wazson, T\na@DOR: Wurster, Renee@SLC; cach, Lvnn@5CDD; Cock, Denise@5LC',

'knsm.aagsher(msos.ca gov‘; Stebhms, Ahoe@ARB; cmmg-Ng, Vemmca@DOF; rensnda, ]emfl‘er@DOF; Fung, (]ndy(fi!DOF‘, '[email protected]'; Kwong, Pansy@DDF: Mwanoa, Haze|@DOF; Setter,

Lam/@DOF', ‘RuDLSmgh@dcf,ca»9ov‘

Subjecl: For Your Amen - BuSNE25b: subm Pmposed Department vames far Asst Management (AM) Asset Ua§, due September 22, 20:7

Dear 2018 Re1ease Deparlment Llalsons,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 2: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Vogel, Scott@EDD; '[email protected]'; Blakeman, Sharon@DSS;

Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL; Herrera, Sonia@CHHS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Spalding,

Susan@SLC; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-ITSD); OLariscy, Taura@DSS; '[email protected]';

Lutzenberger, Thomas@CALFIRE; Bow, Timothy (CDPH-ADM-PSB); Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; Watson,

Tina@DOR; Strayhand, Trysh@OTS; '[email protected]'; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF;

'[email protected]'; Garcia, Vianey@Labor; Key, Vickie@CNRA; Tran, Vu@DDS; Dahbour,

Yassar@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Airozo, Aaron@CalVet; Singh, Aarti@FTB;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Yang, Adam@ARB; Chen, Adrian (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

'[email protected]'; Formanyuk, Alex@DSS; '[email protected]'; Jimenez, Alfonso

(CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Filchenko, Alina@CHP; '[email protected]'; Harvey, Amanda@DSS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Pechal, Andra@CalVet; Agoncillo, Andrew@ARB;

Hoang, Andy (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Kazaryan, Angela (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Rust, Angelique@CHP; Hightower,

Anita@CHP; Hightower, Anita@DDS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lacy, Antoinette@DBO; Beltran,

Antoniette@FTB; Baxter, Antonio (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Rahman, Ahmar@DIR; Gonzalez, Arnulfo@EDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lal, Ashnita (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Pennington,

Athena@DSS; Saeed, Atif@CHP; '[email protected]'; Kaur, Babanjit@CNRA; Billing, Baljit

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Lor, Bao@DDS; '[email protected]'; Cummings, Barbara@DBO; Huang,

Becky@dss; Ferrarotti, Benjamin@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Anvar, Bieta (CDPH-ADM-FMB); '[email protected]'; Wu, Bill@ARB;

'[email protected]'; Chen, Bo (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Hovorka, Bob@CHP; Leidheisl, Bonnie@FTB;

Lok, Bonnie@FTB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Smith, Brandon@DIR; '[email protected]'; Kistler, Carleen@DSS; Chavez, Carlos@CalVet;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Zavala,

Carolina@ARB; Vu, Carolyn@OTS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Jones, Catrina@CHP; Dominguez,

Cherlene@DBO; Baylon, Cecille@DDS; Rohrs, Chad@DBO; '[email protected]'; Swart,

Cheley@DSS; Moua, Cher@DSS; Xiong, Chia@DBO; Kuan, Chie Huan (CAASD-PSSPB-BHROSS)@DHCS;

Lim, Chris@ARB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Nguyen, Christina@DSS;

Fang, Christine Marie@DSS; Lowrie, Christopher@EDD; Tam, Christopher@EDD; Do, Cindy@CHP;

Lindsey, Cindy@CalVet; Ma, Cindy@DSS; Zhang, Cindy@DBO; English, Cinthia (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Garcia,

Claudia@DDS; Le, Cindy@DIR; Monteiro, Clifford@ARB; '[email protected]'; Muniz, Clara@CHP;

Calub, Cynthia (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hooten,

Daniel@ARB; Arona, Daniele (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Nguyen, Danna (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

'[email protected]'; Vallejo, Darla (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Fuller, Darrell (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Azevedo, David@ARB; Goldsmith, David@CHP; '[email protected]'; Nhan, Dawn@EDD;

Bayoneta, David@CHP; Condoll, Dione@ARB; '[email protected]'; Pearce, Deborah@DSS;

'[email protected]'; Chang, Denise (CDPH-FMP); Cook, Denise@SLC;

'[email protected]'; Miranda, Dennis@CALFIRE; '[email protected]'; Okamoto,

Didi@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Fusneica, Doina (CDPH-ADMIN-FMB-AS);

Clark, Don@CALFIRE; Kohaya, Donald@DOR; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 3: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sale, Douglas@CWDB; Patrick,

David@CHP; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Williams, Dornetta@CHP; '[email protected]';

Ngo, Eden@EDD; Ngo, Eden@EDD; Ngo, Eden@EDD; Liang, Elaine (FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sun, Ellen (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Cheung, Eric; Lau, Eric@CalVet; Lau, Eric@DSS; '[email protected]';

Guerra, Erica@ARB; Aguirre, Erika (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Matienzo,

Erlinda@EDD; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Wu, Eva@ARB; Aziz,

Faisal@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Tern, Faye@ARB; Orot, Fe

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Long, Gabriele@EDD; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Brown, Greg@CHP; '[email protected]'; La Frenier,

Gene@ARB; Awad, Georgette@DSS; Huang, Gerne@DSS; Ligaya, Gilda@DBO; 'Gina.buccieri-

[email protected]'; Kwong, Gina@ARB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Garcia, German@DIR; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Mann, Gurpreet@DBO; Singh, Gurpreet@ARB; Rodriguez, Gustavo@EDD; Kotagiri, Harini@CNRA;

'[email protected]'; Lee-Lam, Hedy@EDD; Ha, Henry (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]';

Mendoza, Herman@ARB; Le, Hun@EDD; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Livingston, Ines@ARB; Gotishan, Inessa (CDPH-FMB); '[email protected]'; Ellis,

Irma@DBO; Jaradat, Ismaeel@ARB; '[email protected]'; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; Crump, Jana@CHP; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Gillies, James R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Ignacio, James@ARB; Mowrer,

James (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Lapanja, Jan@ARB; Smith, Janet M@DOR; '[email protected]';

Pavicevic, Jasna@FTB; Singh, Jaynesh@ARB; Bustillos, Julian@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Cheung, Jeannie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Chiu, Jeannie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Chan, Jennifer (CDPH-ADM-FMP); Jesness, Jennifer@CALFIRE; '[email protected]';

Stewart, Jennifer@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Attwood, Jenny@ARB; Metcalf, Jerri@CNRA;

Yang, Jerry@ARB; Kerndt, Jessica@ARB; Ridley, Jessica@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; Law, Jana@CHP; '[email protected]'; Luo, Jenny@DIR;

'[email protected]'; Wang, Joanna@EDD; '[email protected]'; Cathey, John (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Center,

Jonathan@EDD; Valdez, Jose@FTB; Kuphaldt, Joseph@FTB; '[email protected]'; Kamal,

Josette@CHP; Weaver, Josette (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Tan, Joyce@DSS; Barber, Judith@EDD; Barber,

Judith@EDD; Kao Lee, Julia@ARB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Tra,

June@DOR; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Singh, Kalvindar@DSS; Dixson, Karen@DSS;

'[email protected]'; Moen, Karin@HCD; Twomey, Kathleen@EDD; Williams, Kathleen@CALFIRE;

Douma, Kathryn@CHP; '[email protected]'; Lanz-Haupt, Kathy (CA-MMIS)@DHCS; Nayden,

Katie (CDPH-FMB); '[email protected]'; Morales, Katrina@FTB; Gray, Katy D. (CDPH-ADM-

FMP); Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Smith, Ken (CDPH-ADM-FMB); '[email protected]'; Lee,

Khanh@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Yu, King@DSS; Kaur, Karambir@DIR; '[email protected]';

Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD; '[email protected]'; Nguyen, Kristy@CalVet; Semana,

Lalaine@ARB; Nguyen, Lan@DSS; Yan, Lan (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Bazyura, Lana@ARB; Hall, Lark@FTB;

Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; '[email protected]'; McCarthy, Laura@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Brunkhorst, Lauri@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Oleshko, Liliya@ARB;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 4: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Castillo, Lillian@EDD; Tran, Lily@ARB; Bailey, Linda@DBO; Rodriguez, Linda@CALFIRE; Yu, LinLin@DSS;

'[email protected]'; Cramer, Lisa@FTB; Moran, Lisa@DBO; West, Lisa@CALFIRE; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Lau, Liserin@DIR; Sison, Lorna@EDD; Chowdhury, Lubna (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Pulido, Luis@CHP; Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Yowell, Lydia@EDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Mehirdel, Mahira@EDD; Ali, Mainaz@ARB; Blackwell, Makeda (CDPH-

ADM-FMB); Shankar, Malini@FTB; '[email protected]'; Nunez, Marcey@EDD; Deskins,

Margaret@HCD; Daniels, Margie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Salazar, Maria@FTB;

Thrift, Maria@ARB; '[email protected]'; Santiago, Marilyn@DSS; Enos, Marissa@DSS;

Bomparola, Mary@ARB; Stephenson, Mary@EDD; Woodbeck, Mary@CalVet;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Her, Mavie@DSS; Orbita, Mayet (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Bao, Mamie@DIR;

'[email protected]'; Tshiunza, Mbiye@DBO; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Hall, Melissa@CHP; Ng, Mei (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Lee, Melinda@DSS;

'[email protected]'; Verdolivo, Melissa (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Ali Sastra, Mery (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Mullins, Michael@EDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Johnson, Michele@SLC; Leger, Michele (ADM-

PSB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Jones, Michelle (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Moody, Michelle@FTB;

'[email protected]'; Shields, Michelle@DSS; Duggan, Mike@CALFIRE; Le, Mike@ARB; Xu,

Mindy@DSS; Cang, Ming@DBO; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Mitre,

Monica@CalVet; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lakhani, Mosmi@EDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Abusway,

Nabila@ARB; Vue, Nao@ARB; Shahalirasaf, Narjes@DSS; '[email protected]'; Pham,

Natalie@DSS; '[email protected]'; Gupta, Neetu@ARB; '[email protected]';

Ha, Nelson@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Job, Nick@ARB; Woodrum, Nick

(CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Caccam, Nicole (FMB)@DHCS; Gaetos, Nina@DBO; Macaltao, Nanette@DIR; Tu,

Oanh@ARB; '[email protected]'; Moreno, Olivia (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Gamoning, Patricia@CHP;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lladoc, Patrick@ARB; Ingram, Patty@CalVet;

'[email protected]'; Cheung, Pui Lin@CHP; Perkins, Petra@CHP; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Partanen, Pia@HCD; Maharaj, Prashika@ARB;

'[email protected]'; Prakash, Prem@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Flanagan, Racquel@DSS; '[email protected]'; Pasamonte,

Raquel@DSS; Chow, Ray@DSS; Narayan, Ray@ARB; Dierssen, Rebecca@DBO;

'[email protected]'; Metz, Rebecca@CHP; Waterman, Regina (CDPH-FMP);

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; VanDuzen, Renee@DDS; Warner,

Renee@FTB; Wurster, Renee@SLC; Edwards, Reneta (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Schmid, Rhodie@CHP;

'[email protected]'; Nelson, Robert@OTS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Calica-Noveno, Rosalinda@DSS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Weng, Rosemary@DSS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Halim, Sakirah (ADMIN-FMB)@DHCS; Singh, Saleshni

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Phon, Samorn (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Gibson, Sandra@CHP; '[email protected]'; Sing, Sarah@DBO; Shaheed,

Sashi@ARB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

DeCastro, Susan@DIR; Soroya, Shaheena@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Robinson, Shani (CDPH-ADM-FMP); '[email protected]';

Blakeman, Sharon@DSS; Gong, Sharon@DOR; Daquil-Rubi, Sheila@DSS; '[email protected]';

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 5: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL; Noss, Sheri (DHCS-ADM-FMB); Pang, Shirley (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Kho,

Shirny@EDD; '[email protected]'; Ur-Rehman, Shoaib@CHP; Ruppert, Shyreen@SLC; Kumar,

Sandhaya@CHP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Grewal, Sony@CNRA;

'[email protected]'; Fukuoka, Staci (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Martinez, Stephanie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Burke, Steve@DOR; Ferge,

Steve@DSS; Chan, Steven@DSS; '[email protected]'; Liang, Summer (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Hill,

Susan@EDD; Spalding, Susan@SLC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Dhanagari, Swetha@CNRA; '[email protected]'; Baker, Tamara@CHP; Dye, Tamara@FTB; Kasicky,

Tammy@CHP; Fralin, Tanya@CHP; Malik, Tayyeb@ARB; Gomez, Tessa@CHP; Le, Teresa@FTB;

Openiano, Teresita (FMB)@DHCS; Larson, Terry@CalVet; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Bates, Thomas@CWDB;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Le, Thu (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Pham,

Thu@ARB; '[email protected]'; Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; Phay, Tom (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; Qureshi, Tayyaba@DIR; '[email protected]'; Fowler, Travis

(ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Nguyen, Trina@OTS; Narahari,Trinadh@CNRA; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Henry, Vaday@ARB; '[email protected]';

Le, Van@CALFIRE; Chand, Vick@dss; Mendoza, Vicki (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Chan, Vincent@CALFIRE;

'[email protected]'; Becker, Virginia@DSS; Pham, Vivian@DSS; Niblett, Vuanita@DDS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Tong, Wendy@HCD;

'[email protected]'; Kou, Xin (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Wong, XingQin (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ejigu, Yared@EDD; Ejigu, Yared@EDD; Ejigu,

Yared@EDD; Gordon, Yavonne@CalVet; Moroz-Giyenko, Yevgeniya@DSS; Hu, Yiping@DSS; Sharma,

Yogeeta@ARB; Yu, Yong@EDD; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Mehta,

Zankhana@DBO; '[email protected]'

Subject: For Your Information – Asset Management Workshop

Dear 2018 Release Department Liaisons and Accounting Super Users,

To: FISCAL CMO; '[email protected]'; Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD; Arana, Martha@DSS;

Azevedo, David@ARB; Baena, Kevin@CalVet; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO; Bell, Heather@Waterboards;

Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; Blakeman, Sharon@DSS; '[email protected]'; John Borasi; Bow,

Timothy (CDPH-ADM-PSB); '[email protected]'; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Bryce,

John@SOS; Budmark, Jack@HCD; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-ITSD); Cach, Lynn@SCDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Cash,

Bryan@CNRA; Cathey, John (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Ceccarelli, David@Waterboards; Center,

Jonathan@EDD; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Chow, Ray@DSS; Christopher,

Adriana@CNRA; '[email protected]'; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); DOR Fi$cal; '[email protected]'; Cook, Denise@SLC;

Cristia, Roma@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Cummings, Barbara@DBO;

'[email protected]'; Dahbour, Yassar@FISCAL; Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Deas,

Joseph@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Dolan, Robin@CalVet; '[email protected]';

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 6: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Edwards, Greg@DIR; '[email protected]'; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Fung, Cindy@DOF; Garcia, Vianey@Labor;

Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; Goldsmith, David@CHP; Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; '[email protected]'; Hart,

Heather@CalVet; '[email protected]'; [email protected]; Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS;

Herrera, Sonia@CHHS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Horel, Caleb@EDD;

'[email protected]'; Howard, Lucy@Waterboards; Huang, Gerne@DSS;

'[email protected]'; Ingram, Patty@CalVet; Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Jarvis, Eric@EPA;

Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kendricks, Tanya@Waterboards; Key,

Vickie@CNRA; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB;

'[email protected]'; Kwan, David Y@DOR; Kwong, Pansy@DOF; Labastida, Claudia@CalVet;

Ladine, Amy@CJP; '[email protected]'; Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; Leach, Michelle; Lee, Rebecca (CDPH-ADM); Lindsey, Cindy@CalVet;

Little, Jamie@Waterboards; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Lutzenberger, Thomas@CALFIRE;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Manson, Monte@CALFIRE;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Metz,

Rebecca@CHP; Miranda, Hazel@DOF; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD; Montoya,

Susan@Waterboards; Moody, Michelle@FTB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Mullins, Michael@EDD; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Nelson, Robert@OTS;

Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; OLariscy, Taura@DSS; ONeill, Denise@DSS; Paman, Maria@OSI;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ruffino,

Frank@CalVet; Sale, Douglas@CWDB; Sapnaro, Leanne@HCD; Satter, Larry@DOF; Schutte,

Russell@DOR; Sena, Ray@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Shain, Gary@CalVet; Sheppard,

Cheryl@CalVet; Shields, Michelle@DSS; Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; Shill, Frank@HCD; Shiroma,

Matthew@DIR; Similai, Shannon@Waterboards; Sing, Sarah@DBO; '[email protected]'; Sinnett,

Daniel@DIR; Sliney, Patty@CHP; Smith, Leanne (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Solomon, Julie@DBO;

'[email protected]'; Spalding, Susan@SLC; Stebbins, Alice@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Strayhand, Trysh@OTS; Sturges, Jay@Labor; '[email protected]'; Tobias-

Daniel, Shela@FISCAL; Topete, Fred@DBO; Tran, Vu@DDS; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; Tu, Oanh@ARB;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Vogel,

Scott@EDD; Watson, Tina@DOR; Wurster, Renee@SLC; Young, Janice@CalVet; Abusway, Nabila@ARB;

Agoncillo, Andrew@ARB; Amaya, Marcela@ARB; Ali, Mainaz@ARB; Alvarez, Elena@ARB; Attwood,

Jenny@ARB; Azevedo, David@ARB; '[email protected]'; Barron, Alexa@ARB; Bazyura,

Lana@ARB; Bomparola, Mary@ARB; Brunkhorst, Lauri@ARB; Bustillos, Julian@ARB; Camacho,

Javier@ARB; Cardoza, Diana@ARB; Condoll, Dione@ARB; Das, Violet@ARB; '[email protected]';

Esparza, Cindy@ARB; Ferrarotti, Benjamin@ARB; '[email protected]'; Gan, Jennifer@ARB; Gossen,

Kim@ARB; Guerra, Erica@ARB; Gupta, Neetu@ARB; Hajeer, Abeer@ARB; Henry, Vaday@ARB; Hester,

Kaitlyn@ARB; Hewedi, Noretta@ARB; Hooten, Daniel@ARB; Huizar, Rosemarie@ARB; Ige, David@ARB;

Ignacio, James@ARB; Jaradat, Ismaeel@ARB; Job, Nick@ARB; Kao Lee, Julia@ARB; Kerndt,

Jessica@ARB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kwong, Gina@ARB; La Frenier,

Gene@ARB; Landis, Bryan@ARB; Lapanja, Jan@ARB; Le, Mike@ARB; Lim, Chris@ARB; Livingston,

Ines@ARB; Lladoc, Patrick@ARB; '[email protected]'; Macias, Lisa@ARB; Maharaj, Prashika@ARB;

Malik, Tayyeb@ARB; Mcalister, Covina@ARB; McCarthy, Laura@ARB; Mendoza, Herman@ARB; Mirzaei,

Shima@ARB; Monteiro, Clifford@ARB; Moore, Rebecca@ARB; Moss, Kelley@ARB; Narayan, Ray@ARB;

Nemeth, Martin@ARB; Ocampo, Haydee@ARB; '[email protected]'; Oleshko, Liliya@ARB;

'[email protected]'; Peredo, Shawn@ARB; Pham, Thu@ARB; Prakash, Prem@ARB; Quady,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 7: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Erik@ARB; Ridley, Jessica@ARB; Roberson, Wayne@ARB; Salinas, Jennifer@ARB; Sanchez,

Debbie@ARB; Semana, Lalaine@ARB; Shaheed, Sashi@ARB; Sharma, Yogeeta@ARB; Singh,

Jaynesh@ARB; Singh, Gurpreet@ARB; Soroya, Shaheena@ARB; Staton, Heather@ARB;

'[email protected]'; Sullivan, Katy@ARB; '[email protected]'; Sutton,

Andrea@ARB; Taylor, Jane@ARB; Tern, Faye@ARB; Thrift, Maria@ARB; Torres, Monica@ARB; Tran,

Lily@ARB; Tu, Oanh@ARB; Vue, Nao@ARB; '[email protected]'; Willard, Amanda@ARB; Wu,

Bill@ARB; Wu, Eva@ARB; Yang, Adam@ARB; Yang, Jerry@ARB; Zavala, Carolina@ARB;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Metz,

Rebecca@CHP; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; Rust, Angelique@CHP; Akagawa-Hiraoka, Lois@CHP; Baker,

Tamara@CHP; Bayoneta, David@CHP; Brown, Greg@CHP; Cheung, Pui Lin@CHP; Crump, Jana@CHP;

Do, Cindy@CHP; Douma, Kathryn@CHP; '[email protected]'; Filchenko, Alina@CHP; Fojas,

Michelle@CHP; Fralin, Tanya@CHP; Gamoning, Patricia@CHP; Gervin, Kristina@CHP; Gibson,

Sandra@CHP; Goldsmith, David@CHP; Gomez, Tessa@CHP; Hall, Melissa@CHP; Hightower, Anita@CHP;

Gervin, Kristina@CHP; Hovorka, Bob@CHP; Jones, Catrina@CHP; Kamal, Josette@CHP; Kasicky,

Tammy@CHP; Kumar, Sandhaya@CHP; Law, Jana@CHP; Metz, Rebecca@CHP; Muniz, Clara@CHP; Ngo,

Jacquelyn@CHP; Patrick, David@CHP; Perkins, Petra@CHP; Pulido, Luis@CHP; Rust, Angelique@CHP;

Saeed, Atif@CHP; Schmid, Rhodie@CHP; Taylor, Christopher@CHP; Ur-Rehman, Shoaib@CHP; Williams,

Dornetta@CHP; '[email protected]'; Barber, Judith@EDD; Bates, Thomas@CWDB; Center,

Jonathan@EDD; Ejigu, Yared@EDD; Ngo, Eden@EDD; Sale, Douglas@CWDB; Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Cook,

Denise@SLC; Spalding, Susan@SLC; Bailey, Linda@DBO; Buada, Jasmin@DBO; Cang, Ming@DBO;

Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Ching, An-Vi@DBO; Cummings, Barbara@DBO; Dierssen, Rebecca@DBO;

Dominguez, Cherlene@DBO; Ellis, Irma@DBO; Gaetos, Nina@DBO; Lacy, Antoinette@DBO; Ligaya,

Gilda@DBO; Mann, Gurpreet@DBO; Tshiunza, Mbiye@DBO; Mehta, Zankhana@DBO; Moran, Lisa@DBO;

Mullen, Susana@DBO; Peters, Hyunmee@DBO; Rohrs, Chad@DBO; Sing, Sarah@DBO; Solomon,

Julie@DBO; Visante, Natalia@DBO; Xiong, Chia@DBO; Zhang, Cindy@DBO; Zimmerman, Eric@DBO;

Baylon, Cecille@DDS; Garcia, Claudia@DDS; Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; Hightower, Anita@DDS; Lor,

Bao@DDS; Niblett, Vuanita@DDS; Robison, Pam@DDS; Singh, Matthew@DDS; VanDuzen, Renee@DDS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Barton, Keith@CALFIRE; Chan, Vincent@CALFIRE; Clark, Don@CALFIRE; Duggan,

Mike@CALFIRE; '[email protected]'; Frederickson, Toni@CALFIRE; Gamer, Melissa@CALFIRE;

Garcia, Nick@CALFIRE; Giustini, Nick@CALFIRE; Godfrey, Ron@CALFIRE; Jesness, Jennifer@CALFIRE;

Le, Van@CALFIRE; Lutzenberger, Thomas@CALFIRE; Manson, Monte@CALFIRE; Marksbury,

Dan@CALFIRE; Mendonsa, Kelly@CALFIRE; Miranda, Dennis@CALFIRE; Nhan, Tommy@CALFIRE;

'[email protected]'; Ralph, Ron@CALFIRE; Rodriguez, Linda@CALFIRE; Shepley,

Brad@CALFIRE; West, Lisa@CALFIRE; Williams, Kathleen@CALFIRE; Aguirre, Erika (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Arona, Daniele (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Bates, Patrick (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Billing, Baljit (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Caccam, Nicole (FMB)@DHCS; Calub, Cynthia (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Cathey, John (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Cheung, Jeannie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Chiu, Jeannie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Chois, Matt (FMB)@DHCS;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 8: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Chowdhury, Lubna (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Dahl, Michael (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Daniels, Margie (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Dong, Kathleen (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Dorning, Kelley (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Edwards, Reneta

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Fowler, Travis (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Fukuoka, Staci (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Fuller, Darrell

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Ha, Henry (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Halim, Sakirah (ADMIN-FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; Hoang, Andy (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Hunter, Devin (ADM-

PSB)@DHCS; Jones, Michelle (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Kazaryan, Angela (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Kou, Xin (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Kuan, Chie Huan (CAASD-PSSPB-BHROSS)@DHCS; Lanz-Haupt, Kathy (CA-MMIS)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; Le, Thu (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Lee, Peggy (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Leger, Michele

(ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Liang, Elaine (FMB)@DHCS; Martinez, Stephanie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Mendoza, Vicki

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Mirzoyan, Harut (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Moreno, Olivia (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Morrill,

Kevin (OMCP)@DHCS; Mowrer, James (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Ng, Mei (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Noss, Sheri

(DHCS-ADM-FMB); Openiano, Teresita (FMB)@DHCS; Orbita, Mayet (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Orot, Fe (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Phay, Tom (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Phon, Samorn (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Singh, Saleshni (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Soares, Christina (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Sun, Ellen (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Tancreto, Vince

(OMCP)@DHCS; Verdolivo, Melissa (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Weaver, Josette (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Widjaja,

Soma (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Wong, XingQin (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Yan, Lan (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Baca,

Michael@HCD; Barnes, Wendy@HCD; Castillo, Daniel@HCD; Deskins, Margaret@HCD; Johnson,

James@HCD; Laxton, Anita@HCD; Lee, Darrick@HCD; Moen, Karin@HCD; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD;

Parr, Cathy@HCD; Partanen, Pia@HCD; Pecota, Andrew@HCD; Rhinehart, Synthia@HCD; Rios,

Cettina@HCD; Suggs, Lindy@HCD; Tong, Wendy@HCD; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Bao, Mamie@DIR; Chang, Minnie@DIR;

DeCastro, Susan@DIR; Garcia, German@DIR; Garcia, Jill@DIR; Kaur, Karambir@DIR; Lau, Liserin@DIR;

Le, Cindy@DIR; Luo, Jenny@DIR; Macaltao, Nanette@DIR; McVeigh, Stephen@DIR; Monte,

Courtney@DIR; Qureshi, Tayyaba@DIR; Rahman, Ahmar@DIR; Rose, Wendy@DIR; Smith,

Brandon@DIR; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ali Sastra, Mery (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Alire, Christine (CDPH-ADM-PSB); Anvar, Bieta (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Baxter, Antonio (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Blackwell, Makeda (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Chan, Jennifer (CDPH-

ADM-FMP); Chang, Denise (CDPH-FMP); Chen, Adrian (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Chen, Bo (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Clark, Delores (CDPH-ADM-PSB); Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-

PSBPH); Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); English, Cinthia (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Fusneica, Doina (CDPH-ADMIN-

FMB-AS); Gillies, James R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Gotishan, Inessa (CDPH-FMB); Gray, Katy D. (CDPH-ADM-

FMP); Gregory, Marshay (CDPH-ADM-PSB); '[email protected]'; Hill, Jennifer (CDPH-LNC-HQ);

Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Keaney, Michael (CDPH-FMB); Lal, Ashnita (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

Liang, Summer (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Mapes, Jeffrey (CDPH-ADM-PSB); McMahon, Monica (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Mullins, Nona (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Nayden, Katie (CDPH-FMB); Nguyen, Danna (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Pang, Shirley (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Robinson, Shani (CDPH-ADM-FMP); Rose, Regina (CDPH-

CCDPHP); Salas, Angela (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Smith, Ken (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Vallejo, Darla (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Waterman, Regina (CDPH-FMP); Woodrum, Nick (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Biscocho, Armel T@DOR;

Brehm, Tracy@DOR; Burke, Steve@DOR; Chima, Sareena@DOR; Coleman, Shannon@DOR;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Gong, Sharon@DOR; Kohaya,

Donald@DOR; '[email protected]'; Morris, Shaironda R@DOR; Robinson, Cynthia M@DOR;

Sanchez, Julie E@DOR; Smith, Janet M@DOR; Tra, June@DOR; Xongchao, Emily@DOR; Awad,

Georgette@DSS; Aziz, Faisal@DSS; Becker, Virginia@DSS; Blakeman, Sharon@DSS; Calica-Noveno,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 9: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Rosalinda@DSS; Chan, Steven@DSS; Chand, Vick@dss; Chow, Ray@DSS; Clevenger, Peter@DSS;

Daquil-Rubi, Sheila@DSS; Dixson, Karen@DSS; Enos, Marissa@DSS; Fang, Christine Marie@DSS; Ferge,

Steve@DSS; Flanagan, Racquel@DSS; Formanyuk, Alex@DSS; Ha, Nelson@DSS; Harvey, Amanda@DSS;

Her, Mavie@DSS; Hu, Yiping@DSS; Huang, Becky@dss; Huang, Gerne@DSS; Kistler, Carleen@DSS; Lau,

Eric@DSS; Lee, Khanh@DSS; Lee, Melinda@DSS; Ma, Cindy@DSS; Moroz-Giyenko, Yevgeniya@DSS;

Moua, Cher@DSS; Nguyen, Christina@DSS; Nguyen, Lan@DSS; OBrien, Jim@DSS; Okamoto, Didi@DSS;

Pasamonte, Raquel@DSS; Pearce, Deborah@DSS; Pennington, Athena@DSS; Pham, Natalie@DSS;

Pham, Vivian@DSS; Santiago, Marilyn@DSS; Shahalirasaf, Narjes@DSS; Singh, Kalvindar@DSS;

Stephenson, Pamela@DSS; Swart, Cheley@DSS; Tan, Joyce@DSS; Vail, Chris@DSS; Weng,

Rosemary@DSS; White, Michael@DSS; Xu, Mindy@DSS; Yu, King@DSS; Yu, LinLin@DSS; Shields,

Michelle@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Airozo, Aaron@CalVet; Carlos, Ramon@Calvet;

Chavez, Carlos@CalVet; Gordon, Yavonne@CalVet; Hart, Heather@CalVet; Ingram, Patty@CalVet; Jones,

Paula@CalVet; Labastida, Claudia@CalVet; Larson, Terry@CalVet; Lau, Eric@CalVet; Lindsey,

Cindy@CalVet; Mitre, Monica@CalVet; Nguyen, Kristy@CalVet; Pechal, Andra@CalVet; Sena,

Ray@CalVet; Stewart, Jennifer@CalVet; Woodbeck, Mary@CalVet; '[email protected]';

Castillo, Lillian@EDD; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Czinski, Chelsea@EDD; Ejigu, Yared@EDD; Fujii,

Jennifer@EDD; Gomez, Jessica@EDD; Gonzalez, Arnulfo@EDD; Green, Michelle@EDD; Hill, Susan@EDD;

Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Kho, Shirny@EDD; Le, Hun@EDD; Lee-Lam, Hedy@EDD; Liu, Rose@EDD; Long,

Gabriele@EDD; Lowrie, Christopher@EDD; Martin, Rebecca@EDD; Matienzo, Erlinda@EDD; Meeks,

Melanie@EDD; Mehirdel, Mahira@EDD; Montano, Xochitl@EDD; Mortensen, Brenda@EDD; Lakhani,

Mosmi@EDD; Mullins, Michael@EDD; Nesman, Robert@EDD; Ngo, Eden@EDD; Nhan, Dawn@EDD;

Nunez, Marcey@EDD; O'Connor, Kathleen@EDD; Rodriguez, Gustavo@EDD; Schroeder, Clara@EDD;

'[email protected]'; Sison, Lorna@EDD; Stephenson, Mary@EDD;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 10: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Tam, Christopher@EDD; Twomey, Kathleen@EDD; Vela, David@EDD;

Viviano, Kirk@EDD; Wang, Joanna@EDD; Watts, Cristal@EDD; Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Yu, Yong@EDD;

Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Abdallah,

Elaine@FTB; Beall, Anna@FTB; Beltran, Antoniette@FTB; Bota, Iosif@FTB; Clark, Mary@FTB; Coleman,

Maisha@FTB; Cramer, Lisa@FTB; Dye, Tamara@FTB; '[email protected]'; Hall, Lark@FTB; Helm-

Tillman, Eric@FTB; '[email protected]'; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Kuphaldt, Joseph@FTB;

'[email protected]'; Le, Teresa@FTB; Leidheisl, Bonnie@FTB; Lok, Bonnie@FTB; Martinez,

TaNita@FTB; Mindermann, Rosita@FTB; Moody, Michelle@FTB; Morales, Katrina@FTB; Olson,

Yvonne@FTB; Pardo, Regina@FTB; Pavicevic, Jasna@FTB; Pearson, Jodie@FTB; Saavedra,

Georgette@FTB; Salazar, Maria@FTB; Shankar, Malini@FTB; Singh, Aarti@FTB; Snow, Michael@FTB;

Thornburg, Jennifer@FTB; '[email protected]'; Valdez, Jose@FTB; Vyas, Bhavik@FTB;

Warner, Renee@FTB; '[email protected]'; Xiong, Jong@FTB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Nicks, Tennille @CHHS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Barber,

Judith@EDD; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Ejigu, Yared@EDD; Garcia, Vianey@Labor; Ngo, Eden@EDD;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 11: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Cook, Denise@SLC; Spalding, Susan@SLC; Cash, Bryan@CNRA; Dhanagari,

Swetha@CNRA; Grewal, Sony@CNRA; Kaur, Babanjit@CNRA; Key, Vickie@CNRA; Kotagiri, Harini@CNRA;

Metcalf, Jerri@CNRA; Narahari,Trinadh@CNRA; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'kathy.chilimidos-

[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD; Cach,

Lynn@SCDD; Abeleda, Annabell@SLC; Cook, Denise@SLC; Johnson, Michele@SLC; Kwong,

Jefferson@SLC; Mulligan, Conner@SLC; Petzold, Joe@SLC; Ruppert, Shyreen@SLC; Spalding,

Susan@SLC; Wurster, Renee@SLC; Mendonsa, Joe@OTS; Nelson, Robert@OTS; Nguyen, Trina@OTS;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 12: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Strayhand, Trysh@OTS; Vu, Carolyn@OTS

Subject: For Your Information - Procurement and Contracts Role Mapping Working Session

Dear 2018 Release Department Liaisons and Procurement Super Users,

To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM-

PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Viduya, Amber@DSH; Ladine,

Amy@CJP; Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; Breth, Ashley@DSH; Stebbins, Alice@ARB; Cummings,

Barbara@DBO; Patchen, Becky (CoveredCA); Barnhart, Betsy@DBO; [email protected]; Hushing Kline,

Bob(ASH)@DSH; '[email protected]'; Cash, Bryan@CNRA; Horel, Caleb@EDD;

'[email protected]'; Sheppard, Cheryl@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Fung, Cindy@DOF;

Lindsey, Cindy@CalVet; Labastida, Claudia@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Hill, Crista; Azevedo,

David@ARB; Ceccarelli, David@Waterboards; Goldsmith, David@CHP; '[email protected]';

Kwan, David Y@DOR; DiBartolo, Dawn@DSH; Ford, Dawn; '[email protected]'; Cook,

Denise@SLC; ONeill, Denise@DSS; Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sale, Douglas@CWDB; DSH FiSCal; Sinnett,

Daniel@DIR; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); '[email protected]'; Jarvis, Eric@EPA;

'[email protected]'; DOR Fi$cal; Ruffino, Frank@CalVet; Shill, Frank@HCD; Topete, Fred@DBO;

Shain, Gary@CalVet; Edwards, Greg@DIR; Huang, Gerne@DSS; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Miranda,

Hazel@DOF; Bell, Heather@Waterboards; Hart, Heather@CalVet; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

Budmark, Jack@HCD; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; Little, Jamie@Waterboards; Young, Janice@CalVet; Sturges,

Jay@Labor; John Borasi; '[email protected]'; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS;

Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Bryce, John@SOS; Cathey, John (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Deas, Joseph@CalVet; Cross,

Julia; Solomon, Julie@DBO; '[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH);

'[email protected]'; Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Baena, Kevin@CalVet; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA;

Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD; '[email protected]'; Satter, Larry@DOF; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO;

Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Prizmich, Lauren (CoveredCA); Sapnaro, Leanne@HCD; Smith, Leanne (ADM-

PSB)@DHCS; Myers, Lilly (CoveredCA); Keeler, Lisa; Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Howard,

Lucy@Waterboards; Cach, Lynn@SCDD; Acob, Marcelo@DSH; Paman, Maria@OSI; Arana, Martha@DSS;

Chung, Merita; Leach, Michelle; Moody, Michelle@FTB; '[email protected]'; Shields,

Michelle@DSS; Manson, Monte@CALFIRE; Shiroma, Matthew@DIR; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS;

Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD; Tu, Oanh@ARB; Kwong, Pansy@DOF; Ingram, Patty@CalVet; Sliney,

Patty@CHP; '[email protected]'; Chow, Ray@DSS; Sena, Ray@CalVet; Lee, Rebecca (CDPH-

ADM); Metz, Rebecca@CHP; Wurster, Renee@SLC; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Horsley, Robert@DSH; Nelson,

Robert@OTS; Dolan, Robin@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Cristia, Roma@BOPC;

'[email protected]'; Schutte, Russell@DOR; '[email protected]'; Stillwell,

Sara@CalOES; Sing, Sarah@DBO; Vogel, Scott@EDD; '[email protected]'; Similai,

Shannon@Waterboards; Blakeman, Sharon@DSS; Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL; Herrera, Sonia@CHHS;

Camacho, Stacey@DSH; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Montoya, Susan@Waterboards; Spalding, Susan@SLC; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-

ITSD); Kendricks, Tanya@Waterboards; OLariscy, Taura@DSS; '[email protected]';

Lutzenberger, Thomas@CALFIRE; Bow, Timothy (CDPH-ADM-PSB); Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; Watson,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 13: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Tina@DOR; Strayhand, Trysh@OTS; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; '[email protected]'; Garcia,

Vianey@Labor; '[email protected]'; Key, Vickie@CNRA; Tran, Vu@DDS; Dahbour,

Yassar@FISCAL; '[email protected]'

Subject: For Your Action - COMM803: Share Role Mapping Workshop Materials

Dear 2018 Release Department Liaison, Business Liaisons, and Project Managers,

Cc: Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); '[email protected]'; Garfinkle,

Allen@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Ladine, Amy@CJP; '[email protected]';

Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; Stebbins, Alice@ARB; Moser, Benjamin@CHP; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO;

[email protected]; Honey, Bernie@DIR; '[email protected]'; Horel, Caleb@EDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Goldsmith, David@CHP; DSH FiSCal; Sinnett,

Daniel@DIR; '[email protected]'; Jarvis, Eric@EPA; '[email protected]'; Shill, Frank@HCD;

Topete, Fred@DBO; Edwards, Greg@DIR; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Budmark, Jack@HCD; Pavicevic,

Jasna@FTB; Sturges, Jay@Labor; John Borasi; '[email protected]'; Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS;

Wallenius, Jessica@CalVet; Bryce, John@SOS; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Cross, Julia;

'[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Newman, Kathleen (CoveredCA); Baena,

Kevin@CalVet; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; '[email protected]'; Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Sapnaro,

Leanne@HCD; Myers, Lilly (CoveredCA); Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; '[email protected]';

Cach, Lynn@SCDD; Acob, Marcelo@DSH; Paman, Maria@OSI; '[email protected]'; Chung,

Merita; Leach, Michelle; O'Bryan, Megan@DIR; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD;

Sliney, Patty@CHP; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Reyes, Rita@DBO; '[email protected]'; Cristia,

Roma@BOPC; Schutte, Russell@DOR; '[email protected]'; Vogel, Scott@EDD; Menzel,

Shelly (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Herrera, Sonia@CHHS; '[email protected]'; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-

ITSD); OLariscy, Taura@DSS; Watson, Tina@DOR; Johnson, Todd (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Garcia,

Vianey@Labor; Tran, Vu@DDS; Dahbour, Yassar@FISCAL ** Deleted 8/2/2017

Subject: For Your Information – Recommended Course Topics for Super Users Attending Configuration

Working Sessions

Dear 2018 Release Department Super User,

To: FISCAL CMO; Abusway, Nabila@ARB; Agoncillo, Andrew@ARB; AGUILA, KIMBERLY(PSH)@DSH;

Aguirre, Erika (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Airozo, Aaron@CalVet; Ali, Mainaz@ARB; Ali Sastra, Mery (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Ali Sastra, Mery@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD; Anvar, Bieta

(CDPH-ADM-FMB); Arona, Daniele (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Asghari, Maurine@CalOES; Attwood, Jenny@ARB;

Au, Mui@CalOES; Austin, Sonya (CoveredCA); Autar, Devi (CoveredCA); Awad, Georgette@DSS;

Azevedo, David@ARB; Aziz, Faisal@DSS; Bagwill, Tonya@CalOES; Bailey, Linda@DBO; Baker,

Tamara@CHP; Banales, Sonia@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Bao, Mamie@DIR; Barber,

Judith@EDD; Barber, Judith@EDD; '[email protected]'; Bates, Thomas@CWDB;

'[email protected]'; Baxter, Antonio (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Baylon, Cecille@DDS; Bayoneta, David@CHP;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 14: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Bayquen, Raegan (CoveredCA); Bazyura, Lana@ARB; Beck, Gloria (CoveredCA); Becker, Virginia@DSS;

Bell, Heather@Waterboards; Belman, Gabriela(PSH)@DSH; Beltran, Antoniette@FTB; Billing, Baljit (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Bingham, Rachel@Waterboards; Blackwell, Makeda (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Blakeman,

Sharon@DSS; '[email protected]'; Bomparola, Mary@ARB; '[email protected]';

Breth, Ashley@DSH; Brown, Greg@CHP; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Brunkhorst, Lauri@ARB;

Buccieri-Harrington, Gina@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Burke, Steve@DOR; Bustillos, Julian@ARB;

Cabrera, Daizy@CalOES; Caccam, Nicole (FMB)@DHCS; Calica, Rosalinda@DSS; Calub, Cynthia (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Cang, Ming@DBO; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Castillo, Lillian@EDD; Cathey, John (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Center,

Jonathan@EDD; '[email protected]'; Chan, Vincent@CALFIRE; Chan, Jennifer (CDPH-ADM-

FMP); Chan, Steven@DSS; '[email protected]'; Chang, Denise (CDPH-FMP); Chavez,

Carlos@CalVet; Chavez, Chela@Waterboards; Chen, Adrian (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Chen, Bo (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Chen, Angela@CalOES; Chen, Michelle@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Cheung, Pui

Lin@CHP; Cheung, Jeannie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Cheung, Eric; Chi, Lisa@CalOES; Chiu, Jeannie (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Chow, Ray@DSS; Chowdhury, Lubna (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Cissna,

Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Clark, Don@CALFIRE; Cohn, Shlomo (CoveredCA); Collette, Kaileena

(CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Combs, Marcellus (CoveredCA); Condoll, Dione@ARB; 'See SLC -'; 'See SLC-';

'[email protected]'; Cortez, Mer(NSH)@DSH; Cramer, Lisa@FTB; Crisostomo, Rodrigo@DSH;

Crump, Jana@CHP; '[email protected]'; Cummings, Barbara@DBO; Dang, Thu (CoveredCA);

'[email protected]'; Dang, Thuy@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Daniels, Margie (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Danielson, James (CoveredCA); Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Daquil-Rubi, Sheila@DSS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Deskins, Margaret@HCD; Dhanagari,

Swetha@CNRA; Diep, Ashley@DSH; Dierssen, Rebecca@DBO; Dixson, Karen@DSS; Do, Cindy@CHP;

Domingo, Gemma@CalOES; Dominguez, Cherlene@DBO; Douma, Kathryn@CHP; Duggan,

Mike@CALFIRE; '[email protected]'; Dumdumaya,Amelia(NSH)@DSH; Dye, Tamara@FTB; Ebo,

Brooke(MSH)@DSH; Edwards, Reneta (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Ejigu,

Yared@EDD; Ejigu, Yared@EDD; Ejigu, Yared@EDD; Ellis, Irma@DBO; English, Cinthia (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Enos, Marissa@DSS; Era, Marites@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Espinosa,

Marissa@FTB; Eugenio, Alicia@DSH; Evpak, Jennifer@Waterboards; Fang, Christine Marie@DSS;

'[email protected]'; Fellows, Savannah(PSH)@DSH; Ferge, Steve@DSS; Ferrarotti,

Benjamin@ARB; '[email protected]'; Filchenko, Alina@CHP; Flanagan, Racquel@DSS; Fong,

Sam@CalOES; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ford, Carrie@CalOES; Formanyuk,

Alex@DSS; Fowler, Travis (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Fralin, Tanya@CHP; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Fukuoka, Staci (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Fuller, Darrell (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Fusneica, Doina (CDPH-ADMIN-FMB-AS); Futassa, Tirunesh@Waterboards; Gaetos, Nina@DBO; Galbina,

Yelena@Waterboards; Gallagher, Garrett (CoveredCA); Gamoning, Patricia@CHP; Garcia, Claudia@DDS;

Garcia, Alicia@DSH; Gergits, James (CoveredCA); '[email protected]'; Gibson, Sandra@CHP; Gill,

Satbir (CoveredCA); Gillies, James R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Goldsmith, David@CHP; Gomez, Tessa@CHP;

Gong, Sharon@DOR; Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; Gonzalez, Arnulfo@EDD; Goodwin, Yvette@DSH; Gordon,

Yavonne@CalVet; Gotishan, Inessa (CDPH-FMB); Gray, Katy D. (CDPH-ADM-FMP); Grewal, Sony@CNRA;

Grijalva, Ellen(ASH)@DSH; Guerra, Erica@ARB; Gupta, Neetu@ARB; Ha, Henry (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Ha,

Nelson@DSS; Ha, Ryan@DSH; Halim, Sakirah (ADMIN-FMB)@DHCS; Hall, Melissa@CHP;

'[email protected]'; Hall, Christi(CSH)@DSH; Hall, Lark@FTB; '[email protected]';

Harikian, Melanie(PSH)@DSH; Harmon, Carol (CoveredCA); Harvey, Amanda@DSS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Henry, Vaday@ARB; Her, Mavie@DSS; Her,

Zia@Waterboards; Hightower, Anita@CHP; Hightower, Anita@DDS; Hill, Susan@EDD; Hoang, Andy

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 15: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hooten, Daniel@ARB;

Hovorka, Bob@CHP; Howard, Lucy@Waterboards; Hu, Yiping@DSS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Huang, Gerne@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Ignacio, James@ARB; Ingram, Patty@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Jaradat, Ismaeel@ARB;

Jesness, Jennifer@CALFIRE; '[email protected]'; Job, Nick@ARB; Johnson, Cathy@DSH;

'[email protected]'; Johnson, Michele@SLC; Johnston, Mae@CalOES; Jones, Catrina@CHP; Jones,

Michelle (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Jones, David@Waterboards; Jones, Gayle@Waterboards; Kalashian,

Mark@Waterboards; Kamal, Josette@CHP; Kao Lee, Julia@ARB; Kasicky, Tammy@CHP;

'[email protected]'; Kaur, Babanjit@CNRA; Kazaryan, Angela (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kendricks, Tanya@Waterboards;

'[email protected]'; Kerndt, Jessica@ARB; Khan, Mosheem(VPP)@DSH; Khan,

Farida@Waterboards; Kho, Shirny@EDD; '[email protected]'; King, Kimberly(PSH)@DSH; Kirksey,

Juliet @CalOES; Kistler, Carleen@DSS; Kohaya, Donald@DOR; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Kotagiri,

Harini@CNRA; Kou, Xin (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Kubisty, Kathy(PSH)@DSH;

Kuan, Chie Huan (CAASD-PSSPB-BHROSS)@DHCS; Kumar, Sandhaya@CHP; '[email protected]';

Kuphaldt, Joseph@FTB; Kwong, Gina@ARB; Lacy, Antoinette@DBO; '[email protected]'; La

Frenier, Gene@ARB; Lai, Ann (CoveredCA); '[email protected]'; Lal, Ashnita (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

'[email protected]'; Landry, Carly@CalOES; Langamon, Rose Ann@DSH; Lanz-Haupt, Kathy (CA-

MMIS)@DHCS; Lapanja, Jan@ARB; Larson, Terry@CalVet; Lata, Renu@Waterboards; Latour,

Debra@Waterboards; Lau, Liserin@DIR; Lau, Eric@DSS; Lau, Eric@CalVet; Law, Jana@CHP; Lay,

Cathy@Waterboards; Lazarova, Olga (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Le, Mike@ARB; Le, Van@CALFIRE; Le, Thu

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Le, Cindy@DIR; Le, Nhu @DSH; Le, Teresa@FTB; '[email protected]'; Le,

Anh@Waterboards; Lee, Khanh@DSS; Lee, Melinda@DSS; Lee, Wayne@DSH; '[email protected]';

Lee-Lam, Hedy@EDD; Leger, Michele (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Leidheisl, Bonnie@FTB; '[email protected]';

Liang, Elaine (FMB)@DHCS; Liang, Summer (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Liao, Rebecca @DSH; Ligaya,

Gilda@DBO; Lim, Chris@ARB; Lindsay, Faith (CoveredCA); Lindsey, Cindy@CalVet; Liou, Fei@CalOES;

Little, Jamie@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Livingston, Ines@ARB; Lladoc, Patrick@ARB;

Lockwood, Cathie@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Lok, Bonnie@FTB; Long, Gabriele@EDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; LOPEZ, ERIC(PSH)@DSH; '[email protected]'; Lor,

Bao@DDS; Lowrie, Christopher@EDD; '[email protected]'; Luo, Jenny@DIR;

'[email protected]'; Luong, Phung@CalOES; Ma, Cindy@DSS; Macaltao, Nanette@DIR;

'[email protected]'; Maharaj, Prashika@ARB; Malchenko, Zinaida@DSH; Malik, Tayyeb@ARB;

'[email protected]'; Mann, Gurpreet@DBO; Marasigan, Elma (CoveredCA); Marlowe, D(NSH)@DSH;

Martinez, Stephanie (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Martinez, Gary(CSH)@DSH; '[email protected]';

Matienzo, Erlinda@EDD; Tshiunza, Mbiye@DBO; McCarthy, Laura@ARB; '[email protected]';

McHenry, Laura (CoveredCA); '[email protected]'; McKillop, Shane@CalOES; Mehirdel,

Mahira@EDD; Mehta, Zankhana@DBO; Mendoza, Herman@ARB; Mendoza, Vicki (ADM-FMB)@DHCS;

Metcalf, Jerri@CNRA; Metz, Rebecca@CHP; Metz, Rebecca@CHP; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Miranda, Dennis@CALFIRE; Misch,

Elena(CSH)@DSH; Mitchell, Candice(MSH)@DSH; Mitre, Monica@CalVet; Moen, Karin@HCD;

'[email protected]'; Monteiro, Clifford@ARB; Moody, Michelle@FTB;

'[email protected]'; Morales, Katrina@FTB; '[email protected]'; Moran, Lisa@DBO;

Moreno, Olivia (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Moroz-Giyenko, Yevgeniya@DSS; Moua,

Cher@DSS; Mowrer, James (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Mullins, Michael@EDD; Muniz, Clara@CHP; Nanayakkara,

Iranga@DSH; Narahari,Trinadh@CNRA; Narayan, Ray@ARB; Nayden, Katie (CDPH-FMB); Nelson,

Robert@OTS; '[email protected]'; Ng, Mei (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; Ngo,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 16: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Eden@EDD; Ngo, Eden@EDD; Ngo, Eden@EDD; Ngo, Melinh@CalOES; Nguyen, Danna (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Nguyen, Christina@DSS; Nguyen, Lan@DSS; Nguyen, Kristy@CalVet; Nguyen, Rose@CalOES;

Nguyen, Trina@OTS; Nguyen, Kevin@Waterboards; Nhan, Dawn@EDD; Niblett, Vuanita@DDS; Noss,

Sheri (DHCS-ADM-FMB); Nunez, Marcey@EDD; Okamoto, Didi@DSS; Okamoto, Yasuko@Waterboards;

Oleshko, Liliya@ARB; Onyango, Lynette@CalOES; Openiano, Teresita (FMB)@DHCS; Orbita, Mayet (ADM-

FMB)@DHCS; Orot, Fe (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Paikoff, Kate@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Pang,

Shirley (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Partanen, Pia@HCD; Pasamonte, Raquel@DSS; Patrick, David@CHP;

Pavicevic, Jasna@FTB; Pearce, Deborah@DSS; Pechal, Andra@CalVet; Pennington, Athena@DSS;

Perkins, Petra@CHP; Peterson, Amber(NSH)@DSH; Peterson, Tanya@Waterboards; Pham, Thu@ARB;

Pham, Natalie@DSS; Pham, Vivian@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Phan, Trang (CoveredCA); An Phan; Phay, Tom (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Phenephom, Sam (CoveredCA);

Phon, Samorn (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Pittman-Logue, Judith@Waterboards; Plaza, Kris@CalOES; Prakash,

Prem@ARB; Prakash, Bharat (CoveredCA); Pulido, Luis@CHP; Rahimy, Hamidah@Waterboards; Rahman,

Ahmar@DIR; '[email protected]'; Ramirez, Julie E. (CoveredCA);

'[email protected]'; Ravani, Shahin (CoveredCA); Ridley, Jessica@ARB; RIVA,

LAUREEN(ASH)@DSH; Rivera, Gabriela(PSH)@DSH; Robinson, Shani (CDPH-ADM-FMP); Rodriguez,

Linda@CALFIRE; Rodriguez, Gustavo@EDD; Rohrs, Chad@DBO; '[email protected]'; Russo,

Jennifer@Waterboards; Rust, Angelique@CHP; Rust, Angelique@CHP; Sabbaghian, Negin@CalOES;

Saeed, Atif@CHP; Salazar, Maria@FTB; Sale, Douglas@CWDB; Samant, Sandhya@Waterboards;

'[email protected]'; Santiago, Marilyn@DSS; Saputra, Monika@CalOES; Say, Chana@CalOES;

Schmid, Rhodie@CHP; Semana, Lalaine@ARB; '[email protected]'; Shahalirasaf, Narjes@DSS;

Shaheed, Sashi@ARB; '[email protected]'; Shahid, Sumaira(MSH)@DSH; Shankar,

Malini@FTB; Shariff, Muzzamilullah (CoveredCA); Sharma, Yogeeta@ARB; Sheemar, Gurmel

(CoveredCA); Shepard, Robin@CalOES; Shields, Michelle@DSS; Shively, Katie@CalOES; Shorter, Joseph

(CoveredCA); Singh, Jaynesh@ARB; '[email protected]'; Sing, Sarah@DBO; Singh,

Gurpreet@ARB; Singh, Saleshni (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Singh, Kalvindar@DSS; Singh, Aarti@FTB; Singh,

Jashneel@CalOES; Sison, Lorna@EDD; Sjostrand, Mariya@waterboards; Siador, Primo (CoveredCA);

'[email protected]'; Smith, Brandon@DIR; Smith, Ken (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Smith, Janet M@DOR;

Smith, Angela@CalOES; Smith, Maurice@CalOES; Solorzano, Ivonne@CalOES; Soroya, Shaheena@ARB;

'See SLC -'; 'See SLC-'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Stephenson,

Mary@EDD; '[email protected]'; Stewart, Jennifer@CalVet; Stillwell, Sara@CalOES; Sun,

Ellen (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Sutter, Lee@DSH; Swart, Cheley@DSS;

'[email protected]'; Tam, Christopher@EDD; Tamoro, Thomas(NSH)@DSH; Tan, Joyce@DSS; Tantoy,

Renee@CalOES; Taylor, Sheila (CoveredCA); Tern, Faye@ARB; '[email protected]'; Thomas,

Cheryl@Waterboards; Thrift, Maria@ARB; Timmons,Laurie(NSH)@DSH; Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL;

Tolentino, Rene(MSH)@DSH; Tong, Wendy@HCD; Wei.Tong@CalOES; Tra, June@DOR; Tram,

Huy@CalOES; Tran, Lily@ARB; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Trejo, Eliza (CoveredCA);

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Tu, Oanh@ARB; '[email protected]';

Tyler, Jeannette@CalOES; Ur-Rehman, Shoaib@CHP; Valdez, Jose@FTB; Vallejo, Darla (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Van, Tara@Waterboards; VanDuzen, Renee@DDS; Vang, Va@Waterboards; Vargas, Myles@DSH;

Verdolivo, Melissa (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Viduya, Amber@DSH; Voong, Jennifer (CoveredCA); Vu,

Carolyn@OTS; Vue, Nao@ARB; Walker, Denise@Waterboards; Wang, Joanna@EDD;

'[email protected]'; Warner, Renee@FTB; Waterman, Regina (CDPH-FMP); Watson,

Bernice@CalOES; Weaver, Josette (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Weng, Rosemary@DSS; West, Lisa@CALFIRE;

Williams, Dornetta@CHP; Williams, Kathleen@CALFIRE; '[email protected]'; Wisley,

Megan(CSH)@DSH; Wong, XingQin (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Wong, Herbert@DSH; Woodbeck, Mary@CalVet;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 17: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Woodrum, Nick (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Wu, Bill@ARB; Wu, Eva@ARB; Wu, Aiping (CoveredCA);

'[email protected]'; Xiong, Chia@DBO; '[email protected]'; Xu, Mindy@DSS; Yan, Lan

(ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Yang, Adam@ARB; Yang, Jerry@ARB; Yang, Fan (CoveredCA); Yang,

Kevin@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Yowell, Lydia@EDD; Yu,

King@DSS; Yu, LinLin@DSS; Yu, Yong@EDD; Zavala, Carolina@ARB; Zhang, Cindy@DBO; Zhao,

Lipu(Emily)(MSH)@DSH; '[email protected]'; Acob, Marcelo@DSH; Allensworth, Kristie@SCDD;

Arana, Martha@DSS; Azevedo, David@ARB; Baena, Kevin@CalVet; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO; Bell,

Heather@Waterboards; Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; Blakeman, Sharon@DSS; '[email protected]';

John Borasi; Bow, Timothy (CDPH-ADM-PSB); Breth, Ashley@DSH; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

Bryce, John@SOS; Budmark, Jack@HCD; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-ITSD); Cach, Lynn@SCDD; Camacho,

Stacey@DSH; '[email protected]'; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Cash, Bryan@CNRA; Cathey,

John (ADM-FMB)@DHCS; Ceccarelli, David@Waterboards; Center, Jonathan@EDD;

'[email protected]'; Chow, Ray@DSS; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Chung, Merita; Chung-Ng,

Veronica@DOF; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); '[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena

(CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); '[email protected]'; DSH FiSCal; 'See SLC -'; 'See SLC-'; '[email protected]';

Cristia, Roma@BOPC; Cross, Julia; Cummings, Barbara@DBO; '[email protected]'; Dahbour,

Yassar@FISCAL; Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Deas, Joseph@CalVet; DiBartolo, Dawn@DSH; Dolan,

Robin@CalVet; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Edwards, Greg@DIR;

'[email protected]'; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; '[email protected]'; Ford, Dawn; Fung,

Cindy@DOF; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; Garcia, Vianey@Labor; Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; Goldsmith,

David@CHP; Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; '[email protected]'; Hart, Heather@CalVet;

'[email protected]'; [email protected]; Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS; Herrera, Sonia@CHHS;

Hill, Crista; '[email protected]'; Horel, Caleb@EDD; Horsley, Robert@DSH; Howard,

Lucy@Waterboards; Huang, Gerne@DSS; Hushing Kline, Bob(ASH)@DSH; Ingram, Patty@CalVet;

Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Jarvis, Eric@EPA; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Keeler, Lisa; Kendricks,

Tanya@Waterboards; Key, Vickie@CNRA; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Kwan, David

Y@DOR; Kwong, Pansy@DOF; Labastida, Claudia@CalVet; Ladine, Amy@CJP; '[email protected]';

Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Leach, Michelle; Lee, Rebecca

(CDPH-ADM); Lindsey, Cindy@CalVet; Little, Jamie@Waterboards; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Lutzenberger,

Thomas@CALFIRE; '[email protected]'; Manson, Monte@CALFIRE; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Metz, Rebecca@CHP; Miranda, Hazel@DOF;

Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD; Montoya, Susan@Waterboards; Moody,

Michelle@FTB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Myers,

Lilly (CoveredCA); Nelson, Robert@OTS; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP; OLariscy,

Taura@DSS; ONeill, Denise@DSS; Paman, Maria@OSI; 'See CHHSA'; Patchen, Becky (CoveredCA);

'[email protected]'; Prizmich, Lauren (CoveredCA); Ruffino, Frank@CalVet; Sale, Douglas@CWDB;

Sapnaro, Leanne@HCD; Satter, Larry@DOF; Schutte, Russell@DOR; Sena, Ray@CalVet;

'[email protected]'; Shain, Gary@CalVet; Sheppard, Cheryl@CalVet; Shields, Michelle@DSS;

Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; Shill, Frank@HCD; Shiroma, Matthew@DIR; Similai, Shannon@Waterboards; Sing,

Sarah@DBO; '[email protected]'; Sinnett, Daniel@DIR; Sliney, Patty@CHP; Smith, Leanne (ADM-

PSB)@DHCS; Solomon, Julie@DBO; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Stebbins,

Alice@ARB; Stillwell, Sara@CalOES; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Strayhand, Trysh@OTS; Sturges, Jay@Labor;

Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL; Topete, Fred@DBO; Tran, Vu@DDS; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; Tu,

Oanh@ARB; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Viduya, Amber@DSH; Vogel, Scott@EDD; Watson, Tina@DOR; '[email protected]'; Young,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 18: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov


Subject: For Your Information - AP Role Mapping Working Sessions

Dear 2018 Release Department Liaisons and Accounting Super Users,

To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; Paman, Maria@OSI; Jeung,

Alice@CDFA; Holmes, Alicia@Energy; '[email protected]'; McDermott, Amanda L@Wildlife;

Taylor, Amanda@DOC; Westendorf, Christina@DCA; Chen, Cindy C@DCA; '[email protected]'; CSD

FISCAL@CSD; Cornejo, Dave@POST; Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; Gray, Dewi@Wildlife; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Rodea, Erika@CCC; Martinez, Ernesto@BSCC;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; '[email protected]';

Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA; Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; '[email protected]'; Morgan,

Joshua@Wildlife; Morita-Joe, Judy@DOC; Cross, Julia; Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Morrow, Kari@CDFA;

'[email protected]'; Mohseni, Khalil@BSCC; Lehn, Ken@DOC;

'[email protected]'; Fletcher, Lana@Energy; Sober, Laura@DCA; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD;

Moore, Libby (Elizabeth)@Wildlife; Maxwell, Linda@DCSS; Pedlar, Lisa@POST; Hullum, Lois@CSD;

'[email protected]'; Taylor, Lynne@DOC; Aguayo, MarryAnn@PERB; Chew, Margaret@Coastal;

Warren, Marianne@Energy; '[email protected]'; Chung, Merita; Boll, Michael@Wildlife; Haupt,

Michael@CCC; Jesperson, Michelle@Coastal; Leach, Michelle; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Chen, Nan@DCSS; '[email protected]';

Wu, Pamela@Coastal; Pearson, Rita@DMHC; Cook, Rob@Energy; Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS; Serrano,

Regine@SCC; Hammer, Sean@CSD; Williamson, Sean@SCC; Swafford, Teresa@CDFA;

'[email protected]'; Carter, Thomas@BSCC; Voss, Wendy@CHRB; Alameda,

Cynthia@Wildlife; Featherstone, Laura@Wildlife; Watanabe, Michael@DGS; Hanks, Rose@Fiscal

Subject: For Your Action – TRNG710: Register for FI$Cal (PeopleSoft) User Support Labs (USLs), July 25

– September 28, 2017

Dear 2017 Release Department Liaisons and Training Liaisons,

To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; '[email protected]';

Balbin, Billy@ABC; Williams, Chenee@BCDC; '[email protected]'; Moffat, Gretchen@ABC;

Wimberly, Jeanna@DOF; Carosone, Jeff@Fiscal; Morris, Jennifer@DFEH; Harris, Juanita@DFEH; Kolenga,

Katrina@CSSSA; Rodrigues, Kristine@ALRB; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Gyurics,

Mike@OEHHA; Saldivar, Nickolas@ALRB; Deems, Randall@ABC; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Hansen, Susan@Fiscal; Villa, Susan@OEHHA; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; Paman,

Maria@OSI; '[email protected]'; Embrey, Addison@CCDA; Smith, Alanna@CDA; Evans,

Amanda@CDA; '[email protected]'; Jemmott, Angela@CCDA; Khieu, Anh@CSL;

Pozdyn, Anna@BCSH; Lindstrom, Belinda@OAL; Poh, Ben@HSR; Roberts, Brandon@HSR;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Burgess, Chris@DTSC; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Silva-Martin, Chila@cirm;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 19: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Mckee, Deborah@DOT; Boughton, Derek@HSR; Patel, Dipen@HSR; Fiscal DIT;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; DeGeorge, Elsie@HSR; Carney, Fehlan@HSR; OSI

FI$CalProject; FISCAL@CDA; Arstein-Kerslake, Gary@CalRecycle; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Van Nes,

Gina@MHSOAC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Wei, Irene@Victims; Matalka,

Jamey@HSR; '[email protected]'; Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA; '[email protected]';

Henneke, Jenifer@gov; Kammerer, Jim@OSI; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; O'Connor, Jessica@SSJDC;

Richards, Julia@San Diego River Conservancy; '[email protected]'; Jett, Karamel@DCA; Finley,

Kellie@DGS; Prior, Kevin@Tahoe; Fong, Kimberly@HSR; Petelle, Kim@STO; McMahon, Kristi@EMSA;

Desormier, Kristina@OSI; Hedblad, Lance@DTSC; Sober, Laura@DCA; Quintero, Lauren@MHSOAC;

'[email protected]'; Hon, Loressa@FPPC; Ortega, Lisa@HSR; Primeaux, Lisa@SNC; Page,

Livia@DeltaCouncil; Pazdral, [email protected]; Young, Lynda@SNC; Freitag, Lynnette@Victims; Barger,

Mae@Victims; Schueller, Matt@OSI; '[email protected]'; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; Miyao,

Michael@GovOps; '[email protected]'; Sanchez, Michelle@DeltaCouncil; Salazar,

Miguel@OSI; French, Mike@OSI; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kirshner-

Rodriguez, Nancy@CCSWG; Delgado, Nicole@CIO; Miranda, Norma@FISCAL; '[email protected]';

Butler, Paula@CDA; Trapp, Rebecca@DTSC; Trussell, Rick@EMSA; '[email protected]'; Finn,

Sharleen@CSL; Pompei, Shauna@OSI; Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Ramudo, Shirley@CIO; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Duvane, Stacey@OSI; Del Rio, Steven@DCA; Durkee, Susie@CIO; Cihler, Suzanne@CDA; Henderson,

Tiffany@Fiscal; Burkhalter, Tina@HSR; Daley, Tina@BCSH; '[email protected]'; Zhan,

TsingMabel@DTSC; Roberts, Valinda@Victims; Gutierrez, Virginia@GOV; Harrigan, William@FISCAL;

Howell, William@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Dahbour, Yassar@FISCAL; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Reyes, Christine@DGS; Fung, Cindy@DOF; Romero, Claudia@California

Science Center; Harris, Christopher@CRB; Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; Miranda, Hazel@DOF; DixonLoy,

Jeannette@Fiscal; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; Mora, Jennifer@DOF; Finley, Kellie@DGS; Jones,

Lori@Colorado RB; Satter, Larry@DOF; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Daniels, Lora@CDPR; Saephanh, Lu@CDPR; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; Chang, Nicholas@DGS; Kwong,

Pansy@DOF; Marquez, Patricia@California Science Center; '[email protected]'; Hanks,

Rose@Fiscal; Saligumba, Roberta@California African American Museum; '[email protected]'; Chang,

Fee@DGS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; Jeung,

Alice@CDFA; Holmes, Alicia@Energy; '[email protected]'; McDermott, Amanda L@Wildlife;

Taylor, Amanda@DOC; Fitzgerald, Brian@Parks; Curwood, Catherine@DOC; Westendorf, Christina@DCA;

Chen, Cindy C@DCA; Fung, Cindy@DOF; '[email protected]'; CSD FISCAL@CSD; Cornejo, Dave@POST;

McNeill, David@BHC; Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; Gray, Dewi@Wildlife; '[email protected]'; Rodea,

Erika@CCC; Martinez, Ernesto@BSCC; '[email protected]'; Del Valle, Francis@Parks;

'[email protected]'; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Miranda, Hazel@DOF; '[email protected]';

Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; Mora, Jennifer@DOF;

'[email protected]'; Karpiak, Jim@Coachella Conservancy; Morgan, Joshua@Wildlife; Morita-Joe,

Judy@DOC; Cross, Julia; Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Morrow, Kari@CDFA; Lombard, Karyn@Parks;

'[email protected]'; Mohseni, Khalil@BSCC; Lehn, Ken@DOC;

'[email protected]'; Lea, Kris; Fletcher, Lana@Energy; Satter, Larry@DOF; Sober,

Laura@DCA; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD; Moore, Libby (Elizabeth)@Wildlife; Maxwell, Linda@DCSS; Pedlar,

Lisa@POST; Hullum, Lois@CSD; '[email protected]'; Taylor, Lynne@DOC; Aguayo,

MarryAnn@PERB; Chew, Margaret@Coastal; Warren, Marianne@Energy; '[email protected]';

[email protected]; Chung, Merita; Boll, Michael@Wildlife; Haupt, Michael@CCC; Jesperson,

Michelle@Coastal; Leach, Michelle; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 20: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Chen, Nan@DCSS; '[email protected]'; Wu, Pamela@Coastal;

Kwong, Pansy@DOF; Pearson, Rita@DMHC; Cook, Rob@Energy; Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS; Serrano,

Regine@SCC; '[email protected]'; Hammer, Sean@CSD; Williamson, Sean@SCC; Alameda,

Cynthia@Wildlife; Featherstone, Laura@Wildlife; Watanabe, Michael@DGS; Hanks, Rose@Fiscal;

Fitzgerald, Brian@Parks; Del Valle, Francis@Parks; Lombard, Karyn@Parks; '[email protected]';

Swafford, Teresa@CDFA; '[email protected]'; Carter, Thomas@BSCC; Chung-Ng,

Veronica@DOF; Voss, Wendy@CHRB

Subject: For Your Information - 2017 Training Material Updates

Dear Training Liaisons,

To: Saldivar, Nickolas@ALRB; Shiroma, Genevieve@ALRB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Kolenga, Katrina@CSSSA; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Deems,

Randall@ABC; Moffat, Gretchen@ABC; Harris, Juanita@DFEH; Morris, Jennifer@DFEH; Swanigan,

DeLesa@DFEH; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; '[email protected]'; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL;

Carosone, Jeff@Fiscal; Hansen, Susan@Fiscal; Gyurics, Mike@OEHHA; Villa, Susan@OEHHA;

'[email protected]'; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; '[email protected]';

Daley, Tina@BCSH; Pozdyn, Anna@BCSH; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Embrey, Addison@CCDA; Jemmott, Angela@CCDA; Silva-Martin, Chila@cirm;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Paman, Maria@OSI; Finn, Sharleen@CSL; Lucas,

Greg@CSL; Mckee, Deborah@DOT; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kirshner-Rodriguez,

Nancy@CCSWG; Page, Livia@DeltaCouncil; Sanchez, Michelle@DeltaCouncil; Butler, Paula@CDA;

FISCAL@CDA; Evans, Amanda@CDA; Fenton, Jeannine@CDA; Smith, Alanna@CDA; Corcoran,

Tonya@DCA; Jett, Karamel@DCA; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA; Sober, Laura@DCA;

McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; Arstein-Kerslake, Gary@CalRecycle; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Delgado,

Nicole@CIO; Lamb, Mark@CIO; Silva, Lisa@CIO; Burgess, Chris@DTSC; Collada, Andrew@DTSC;

Hedblad, Lance@DTSC; Okamoto, George@DTSC; Zhan, TsingMabel@DTSC; '[email protected]';

Trussell, Rick@EMSA; Hon, Loressa@FPPC; '[email protected]'; Fiscal DIT; Henderson, Tiffany@Fiscal;

Harrigan, William@FISCAL; Dahbour, Yassar@FISCAL; Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; '[email protected]';

Miyao, Michael@GovOps; Henneke, Jenifer@gov; Boughton, Derek@HSR; Carney, Fehlan@HSR;

DeGeorge, Elsie@HSR; Fong, Russell@HSR; Fong, Kimberly@HSR; Matalka, Jamey@HSR; Ortega,

Lisa@HSR; Patel, Dipen@HSR; Poh, Ben@HSR; Roberts, Brandon@HSR; D'Elia, Carole@LHC;

'[email protected]'; Pate, Norma@MHSOAC; Quintero, Lauren@MHSOAC; Cornez, Debra@OAL;

OSI FI$CalProject; Salazar, Miguel@OSI; Schueller, Matt@OSI; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; O'Connor, Jessica@SSJDC; Richards, Julia@San Diego River

Conservancy; Skei, Rorie@SMMC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lussier, Amy@SNC;

'[email protected]'; Young, Lynda@SNC; Castro, Shelly@SCO; Chehak, David@SCO;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Yowell, Tom@SCO;

'[email protected]'; Pazdral, [email protected]; '[email protected]'; Petelle, Kim@STO;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 21: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Prior, Kevin@Tahoe; Barger, Mae@Victims; Freitag, Lynnette@Victims;

Roberts, Valinda@Victims; Wei, Irene@Victims; Davis, George@California African American Museum;

Saligumba, Roberta@California African American Museum; Marquez, Patricia@California Science Center;

'[email protected]'; Harris, Christopher@CRB; Jones, Lori@Colorado RB; Trujillo, Tanya@crb; Finley,

Kellie@DGS; Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; Saephanh, Lu@CDPR; Severns, Anise@CDPR; Hanks, Rose@Fiscal;

McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Carriker, Helen@Parks;

Del Valle, Francis@Parks; '[email protected]'; Fitzgerald, Brian@Parks; McNeill,

David@BHC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Garner,

Evonne@BSCC; Mohseni, Khalil@BSCC; Chew, Margaret@Coastal; Hansch, Susan@Coastal; Jesperson,

Michelle@Coastal; Wanger, Al@Coastal; Wu, Pamela@Coastal; Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; Cook,

Rob@Energy; Warren, Marianne@Energy; '[email protected]'; Voss, Wendy@CHRB;

'[email protected]'; Karpiak, Jim@Coachella Conservancy; Briggs, Irene@DCSS; Chen, Nan@DCSS;

Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS; Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Griffin, Alisha@DCSS; Maxwell, Linda@DCSS; CSD

FISCAL@CSD; Hullum, Lois@CSD; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD; Wimbley, Jason@CSD; Haas, Clayton@DOC;

Lehn, Ken@DOC; Morita-Joe, Judy@DOC; Taylor, Lynne@DOC; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Shintaku-Enkoji,

Janice@DCA; Sober, Laura@DCA; Boll, Michael@Wildlife; Gallegos, Lisa@Wildlife; Gray, Dewi@Wildlife;

Moore, Libby (Elizabeth)@Wildlife; Reagan, Dan@Wildlife; Jeung, Alice@CDFA; Morrow, Kari@CDFA;

Hanks, Rose@Fiscal; Cross, Julia; Leach, Michelle; Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; McTaggart,

Cassandra@DMHC; Pearson, Rita@DMHC; Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

Gardens, Forrest@Parks; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Stillwell, Sara@CalOES; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Ward,

Nancy@CalOES; OSHPD FisCal; Flowers, Monica@OSHPD; Villanueva, Natalie@OSHPD; Cornejo,

Dave@POST; Engler, Darla@POST; Young, Chuck@POST; Aguayo, MarryAnn@PERB;

[email protected]; Silverman, Lisa@DGS; Watanabe, Michael@DGS; Serrano, Regine@SCC;

Williamson, Sean@SCC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Alameda, Cynthia@Wildlife; Morgan, Joshua@Wildlife; FISCAL CMO

Subject: FI$Cal 2017 Department Release Update #2

Dear Department Sponsors and Department Liaisons,

To: FISCAL CMO; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Serrano, Regine@SCC; Rios, Lily@SCC; Ali, Riakat@SCC;

Corpuz, Erlinda@SCC; Crossley, Chris@SCC; Williamson, Sean@SCC; Small, Mary@SCC; Abbas,

Ahmad@DCSS; Acosta, Rashelle@DCSS; Allen, Anne@DCSS; Anderson, Sean@DCSS; Bayliss,

Paul@DCSS; Bento, Christina@DCSS; Bettencourt, Michael@DCSS; Bier, Rona@DCSS; Black, Leo@DCSS;

Briggs, Irene@DCSS; Bright, Wendy@DCSS; Brundige, Vicky@DCSS; Cannon, Gary@DCSS; Carr-Lovato,

Tim@DCSS; Chen, Nan@DCSS; Clements, Diana@DCSS; Coffman, Jason@DCSS; Dabrowski,

Robin@DCSS; Dang, Loan@DCSS; Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS; Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Garcia,

Linda@DCSS; Gosal, Umlesh@DCSS; Hart, Larry@DCSS; Hawley-Jones, Joanna@DCSS; Hormel,

Amanda@DCSS; '[email protected]'; Kim, Nam@DCSS; Kruger, Donna@DCSS; Ladd,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 22: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Shauna@DCSS; LaFlam, Rachael@DCSS; Lauffenburger, Stacy@DCSS; Leitch, Andrew@DCSS; Liu,

Michelle@DCSS; Luong, Linda@DCSS; Macy, Mathew@DCSS; Martin, Jackie@DCSS; Mattaliano,

Lauren@DCSS; Maxwell, Linda@DCSS; Mayo, Amanda@DCSS; Messer, Mary@DCSS; Mullins, Mia@DCSS;

'[email protected]'; Oliveros, Herminia@DCSS; Peng, Kimberly@DCSS; Phillips, Mary@DCSS;

Pierce, Tamara@DCSS; Proeung, Rosie@DCSS; Ramirez, Irma@DCSS; '[email protected]';

Riley, Dennis@DCSS; Roediger, Linda@DCSS; '[email protected]'; Scott, Rhonda@DCSS;

Shaw, Katonya@DCSS; Smith, Cynthia@DCSS; Stone, Shannon@DCSS; Todd, Traci@DCSS; Vyas,

Krutika@DCSS; '[email protected]'; Wimbley, Sheryl@DCSS; Wu, Amanda@DCSS;

Yoachum, Robert@DCSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Watkins, Diane@SAC;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Gutierrez, Dana@CSD; Ignacio, Janet@CSD; Hullum, Lois@CSD; Lunetta,

Luz@CSD; Larson, Raechyl@CSD; Wong, Sau@CSD; Garza, Michele@CSD; Prasad, Shirley@CSD; Akins-

Kungu, Wanjiku@CSD; Hammer, Sean@CSD; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD; Kjer, Jeffrey@CSD; Vessels,

Mark@CSD; Roberts, Vernon@CSD; Agpoon, Dan@CSD; Vice, Scott@CSD; Bertacchi, Mia@CSD; Neff,

Monica@CSD; Ginn, Ashley@CSD; Adrianowicz, Richard@DOC; Balabanova, Yelena@DOC; Burns,

Terri@DOC; Cartwright, Susan@DOC; Casho, Jennifer@DOC; Cazares, Felicita@DOC;

'[email protected]'; Chin, Eun@DOC; Chuor, Cindy@DOC; Clavere, Christian@DOC;

Cuny, Jennifer@DOC; Curwood, Catherine@DOC; Epps, Tamiko@DOC; FitzGerald, Karen@DOC; Fung,

Brandon@DOC; Furry, Keri@DOC; Glau, Melissa@DOC; Gomez, Alicia@DOC; Haas, Clayton@DOC;

Hampton, Giavanna@DOC; Henneke, Jorge@DOC; Hightower, Christopher@DOC; Hironaka,

Richard@DOC; Hutchinson, Paula@DOC; Kendall, Catherine@DOC; Klee-Scheerer, Krystal@DOC; Lacey,

Brian@DOC; Lehn, Ken@DOC; Ly, Amy@DOC; Mills, Nadine@DOC; Morita-Joe, Judy@DOC; Pierson,

David@DOC; Pimentel, Paula@DOC; Pressley, Ryan@DOC; Ram, David@DOC; Ramirez, Tina@DOC;

Rasmussen, Karla@DOC; Rittiron, Imelda@DOC; Roe, Jason@DOC; Rowley, Shirley@DOC; Salva,

Nataliya@DOC; Smith, Sandra@DOC; Smith, Tisha@DOC; Taylor, Amanda@DOC; Taylor, Lynne@DOC;

Wan, Eric@DOC; Wieland, Angie@DOC; Wright, Jheri@DOC; Yip, Diane@DOC; Jeung, Alice@CDFA;

Patterson, Mandy@CDFA; Chen, Michele@CDFA; Le, Cynthia@CDFA; Beam, Trisha@CDFA; Byrd,

Lisa@CDFA; Roberts, Valerie@CDFA; Lin, Opal@CDFA; Winfree, Sherri@CDFA; Moore, Becky@CDFA;

Gonzales, Brian@CDFA; Mori, Taryn@CDFA; Johnson, Nathan@CDFA; Duprey, Kristi@CDFA; Weber,

Donna@CDFA; McNeill, Mari@CDFA; Crow, Jennifer@CDFA; Murphy, Deborra@CDFA; Lusby,

Jody@CDFA; Morrow, Kari@CDFA; Xu, Wenyi@CDFA; McArdle, Scott@CDFA; Myers, Crystal@CDFA;

Medrano, Glenn@CDFA; Weaver, Charlene@CDFA; Phan, Hung@CDFA; Coleman, Vanessa@CDFA; Adam,

Robin@OSHPD; Armitage, Daniel@OSHPD; Asprec, Norlyn@OSHPD; Ayer, Ravi@OSHPD; Barraza,

David@OSHPD; Beaushaw, Penny@OSHPD; Benedetto, Wendy@OSHPD; Bertrand, Kevin@OSHPD;

Bloyd, Lexie@OSHPD; Borgfeldt, Irene@OSHPD; Bussey, LaNia@OSHPD; Cale, Ana@OSHPD; Campbell,

Phillip@OSHPD; '[email protected]'; Chairez, Elvira@OSHPD; Chan, Mabel@OSHPD;

Chauhan, Vinod@OSHPD; Chinh, Mui@OSHPD; Christensen, Ty@OSHPD; Christman, Scott@OSHPD;

Coleman, Paul@OSHPD; Cook, Lisa@OSHPD; Crouch, Michelle@OSHPD; Dawkins, Robert@OSHPD;

Duchaine, Trisha@OSHPD; Dui, Tiffany@OSHPD; Edison, Lynne@OSHPD; Farrelly, Jeannine@OSHPD;

Ferrell, David@OSHPD; Flowers, Monica@OSHPD; Fong, Rachel@OSHPD; Fowler, Jeff@OSHPD; Garcia,

Matthew@OSHPD; Gillespie, Richard@OSHPD; Gilton, Sarah@OSHPD; Gonzalez, Christopher@OSHPD;

Graham, Sherri@OSHPD; Harrison, Debbie@OSHPD; Hoegh, Holly@OSHPD; Hogan, Karen@OSHPD;

Holliday-Hanson, Merry@OSHPD; Huang, David@OSHPD; Irwin, Suzy@OSHPD; Isenhower,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 23: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Karen@OSHPD; James, Terry Ann@OSHPD; Kaspar, Marilyn@OSHPD; Krawczyk, Chris@OSHPD; Kutsyn,

Lana@OSHPD; Laffoon, Daniel@OSHPD; Lallian, Rashvir@OSHPD; Ledbetter, Starla@OSHPD; Lepley,

Elle@OSHPD; Letoto, Jared@OSHPD; Lombardo, Lynda@OSHPD; Love, Dorian@OSHPD; Madriz,

John@OSHPD; Marion, Jeremy@OSHPD; Mark, Rebecca@OSHPD; Marmolejo, Victoria@OSHPD; Martin,

Liz@OSHPD; Martinez, Lucila@OSHPD; Merkel, James@OSHPD; Miranda, Jimmy@OSHPD; Mitchell,

Denise@OSHPD; Morris, Ryan@OSHPD; Moyer, Laura@OSHPD; Neverov, Yelena@OSHPD; Oakley,

Gordon@OSHPD; Omand, Melissa@OSHPD; Onstad-Adkins, Linda@OSHPD; Ortega, Gracie@OSHPD;

Ortiz, Abel@OSHPD; Owens, Ashley@OSHPD; Peace, Alexandra@OSHPD; Peterson, Amy@OSHPD; Foley,

Jeri@OSHPD; Powell, Anne@OSHPD; Quales, James@OSHPD; Raya, Tino@OSHPD; Renke,

Nancy@OSHPD; Reyes, Marie@OSHPD; Rhodes, Kimberly@OSHPD; Rivera, Melanie@OSHPD; Rizell,

Caryn@OSHPD; Robertson, Gloria@OSHPD; Robinson, Senita@OSHPD; Romero, Kevin@OSHPD; Salter,

Wesley@OSHPD; Schoenfelder, Cristal@OSHPD; Signorotti, Daniel@OSHPD; Singh, Jagdip@OSHPD;

Snider, Maquall@OSHPD; Stewart, Richard@OSHPD; Strong, Robyn@OSHPD; Tam, Daisy@OSHPD;

Tjelmeland, Jeff@OSHPD; Tokas, Irene@OSHPD; Tokas, Chris@OSHPD; Truong, Douglas@OSHPD;

Unger, Dirk@OSHPD; Uy, Denard@OSHPD; Valle, Michael@OSHPD; Van Den Bogert, Kyra@OSHPD;

Villanueva, Natalie@OSHPD; Walker, Stacie@OSHPD; Wied, Elizabeth@OSHPD; Williams,

Cheryl@OSHPD; Yu, Ken@OSHPD; Yuke, Veronica@OSHPD; Zamora, Kathi@OSHPD; Zepeda,

Tina@OSHPD; Cook, Rob@Energy; Warren, Marianne@Energy; Fletcher, Lana@Energy; Rectenwald,

Rachael@Energy; Raymos, Sandra@Energy; Poe, Michael@Energy; Qiu, Binh@Energy; Pino,

Teresa@Energy; Hung, Mary@Energy; Nambo, Alicia@Energy; Lee, Jane@Energy; Grant-Kiley,

Rachel@Energy; Hancock, Sherryl@Energy; Bonta, Steve@Energy; Junio, Justin@Energy; Hansch,

Susan@Coastal; Wanger, Al@Coastal; Wu, Pamela@Coastal; Chew, Margaret@Coastal; Jesperson,

Michelle@Coastal; Chan, Jessica@Coastal; Collier, Scott@Coastal; Corcoran, Tonya@DCA; Shintaku-

Enkoji, Janice@DCA; Sober, Laura@DCA; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Del Rio, Steven@DCA; White, Gail@DCA;

Williams, Gina@DCA; Tupa'i, Potoa'e@DCA; Muncill, Deborah@DCA; Hauschild, Pam@DCA;

'[email protected]'; Woo, Mary@DCA; Soohoo, Dean@DCA; Rust, Cynthia@DCA; Watkins,

Pam@DCA; Schick, Taylor@DCA; DelosReyes, Robert@DCA; O'Connor, Marina@DCA; Gottardo,

Nicole@DCA; Westendorf, Christina@DCA; Chen, Cindy C@DCA; Luckey, Curtis@DCA; Hernandez,

Lisa@DCA; Moua, Sornmayura@DCA; Liao, Fumei@DCA; Myers, Sherry@DCA; Krueger, Nova@DCA;

Adams, Yvonne@DCA; Mutschler, Troy@DCA; Jones, Tenille@DCA; Pedlar, Lisa@POST; Keller,

Teresa@POST; Damian, Ben@POST; Lembach, Janice@POST; Finch, Elizabeth@POST; Martin,

Rosemary@POST; '[email protected]'; Adams, Stephen@Wildlife; Agustin,

Diosdado(Dio)@Wildlife; Bays, Lisa@Wildlife; Boll, Michael@Wildlife; Boswell, Martine@Wildlife; Brown,

Timothy@Wildlife; Caples, Elizabeth@Wildlife; Chen, WenChen@Wildlife; Day, Ben@Wildlife; Easter,

Montie@Wildlife; Espinoza, Lupe@Wildlife; Farrell, Dennis@Wildlife; Franco, Karen@Wildlife; Gallegos,

Lisa@Wildlife; Girardot, Jessica@Wildlife; Gonzales, Roderick@Wildlife; Gray, Dewi@Wildlife; Kahn,

Timothy@Wildlife; Kryuchkov, Rimma@Wildlife; Kuan, Amber@Wildlife; Laoyan, Renee@Wildlife; Lin,

Jing@Wildlife; Liu, Jean (Fang)@Wildlife; Luo, Juan@Wildlife; Lupo, Tom@Wildlife; Manasero,

Amy@Wildlife; McDermott, Amanda L@Wildlife; Nelson, Nicole@Wildlife; Ng, Edwin@Wildlife; Nwandu,

Abigaela@Wildlife; Ordorica, Emily@Wildlife; Peacock, Melinda@Wildlife; Reagan, Dan@Wildlife; Reyes,

Richard@Wildlife; Reynolds, Lydia@Wildlife; Rodriguez, Lucia@Wildlife; Saechao, Fey@Wildlife; Salazar,

Brian@Wildlife; Scott, Kimberly@Wildlife; Thomas, Tammy@Wildlife; Tiffany, Gabe@Wildlife; Tomasello,

Tami@Wildlife; Tran, Linh@Wildlife; Yi, Sang@Wildlife; Ahrens, Debra@CCC; Arias, Beatrice@CCC;

Asmus, Susan@CCC; Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; Cook, Teresa@CCC; Duran, Connie@CCC; Gutierrez,

Victor@CCC; Haupt, Michael@CCC; Hopkins, Eric@CCC; Hull, Mieka@CCC; Irvin, Kelli@CCC; Kibbee,

Melissa@CCC; Kimbrough, Jeannette@CCC; Lim, Sui Y@CCC; Little, Christy@CCC; Maule, Heidi@CCC;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 24: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Miles, Paul@CCC; Moore, Tina@CCC; Michele Nowakowski; Ortiz, Jenna@CCC; Pellascio, Sue@CCC;

Reed-Aguayo, Jennifer@CCC; Reyes, Julie@CCC; Rodea, Erika@CCC; Syverson, Brenda@CCC; Whitten,

Nicole@CCC; Wiseman, Mary@CCC; Leese, Lisa@CCC; Schick, Marlene@CCC; Hahn, Yoon@CCC;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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Carreon, JohnP@MI; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

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'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 25: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Schmalz, Helen@CDCR; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Aguayo, MarryAnn@PERB; '[email protected]'; McTaggart,

Cassandra@DMHC; Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; Pearson, Rita@DMHC; Do, Anh@DMHC; Rendall,

Christopher@DMHC; McEntee, Eric@DMHC; Tuttle, Kristy@DMHC; Gonzales, Teresa@DMHC; Shintani,

Ruby@DMHC; Yoshihara, Naomi@DMHC; Leal, Gina@DMHC; Lopez, Aglaee@DMHC; Kaur,

Rubindar@DMHC; Cen, Michael@DMHC; Owen, Annie@DMHC; Cross, Julia; Tonkin, Christian; Montagne,

Susan; Keeler, Lisa; Chung, Merita; Carroll, Frank; Cheung, Eric; Bravo, Adriana; Bravo, Carolina; Jingar,

Asha; Thai, Tai; Nguyen, Jessica; Ha, Amy; Truesdale, Inez; Nguyen, Phuong; Rose, Jennifer; Kwong,

Wendy; Huynh, Phuong; Ford, Dawn; Almazan, Chris; Noronha, David; Hill, Crista; Kirk, Mariah; DeLeon,

Roberto; Barnes, Joanna; On, Edith; Givens, Linda; Simpson, Natalie; Ward, Nancy@CalOES; Koch,

Grace@CalOES; Stillwell, Sara@CalOES; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Rhodewalt, Kris@CalOES; Simmons,

Carla@CalOES; Domingo, Gemma@CalOES; Plaza, Kris@CalOES; Lockwood, Cathie@CalOES; Liou,

Fei@CalOES; Dang, Thuy@CalOES; Au, Mui@CalOES; Watson, Bernice@CalOES; Stillwell, Sara@CalOES;

Rucker, Mary@CalOES; Smith, Angela@CalOES; Coulter, Paula@CalOES; Gutierrez, Tina@CalOES;

Sanders, Shelly@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Williams, Ron@CalOES;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Fong, Sam@CalOES; Hernandez, Corena@CalOES; An Phan; Onyango,

Lynette@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Carriker, Helen@Parks; Fitzgerald,

Brian@Parks; Del Valle, Francis@Parks; '[email protected]'; Christian, Bonnie@Parks;

Fung, Norma@Parks; Gutierrez, Lila@Parks; Mundy, Cathy@Parks; Carranza, Kathryn@Parks; Combs,

Kimber@Parks; Stone, Frieda@Parks; Hosmann, Danelle@Parks; Miller, Michael@Parks;

'[email protected]'; Flores, Crystal@Parks; Lombard, Karyn@Parks; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Voss, Wendy@CHRB; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; Paman,

Maria@OSI; Jeung, Alice@CDFA; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Fitzgerald, Brian@Parks; Young, Chuck@POST; Fung, Cindy@DOF; '[email protected]'; CSD

FISCAL@CSD; Engler, Darla@POST; Cornejo, Dave@POST; Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; Gray,

Dewi@Wildlife; OSHPD FisCal; Del Valle, Francis@Parks; '[email protected]'; Lobo,

Gerry@DCA; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Miranda, Hazel@DOF; '[email protected]'; Shintaku-Enkoji,

Janice@DCA; Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; Mora, Jennifer@DOF; Morita-Joe,

Judy@DOC; Cross, Julia; Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Morrow, Kari@CDFA;

'[email protected]'; Lehn, Ken@DOC; '[email protected]'; Satter, Larry@DOF;

Sober, Laura@DCA; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD; Moore, Libby (Elizabeth)@Wildlife; Maxwell, Linda@DCSS;

Hullum, Lois@CSD; '[email protected]'; Taylor, Lynne@DOC; Aguayo, MarryAnn@PERB; Chew,

Margaret@Coastal; Warren, Marianne@Energy; Boll, Michael@Wildlife; Jesperson, Michelle@Coastal;

Leach, Michelle; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Chen, Nan@DCSS; Villanueva,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 26: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Natalie@OSHPD; Wu, Pamela@Coastal; Kwong, Pansy@DOF; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Pearson, Rita@DMHC;

Cook, Rob@Energy; Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS; Serrano, Regine@SCC; '[email protected]'; Stillwell,

Sara@CalOES; Williamson, Sean@SCC; '[email protected]'; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; Voss,


Subject: REMINDER: For Your Action - Complete Task READ724b: Respond to FI$Cal User Readiness

Survey End of Release, Closes May 5, 2017

Dear Department End User,

To: FISCAL CMO; '[email protected]'; Embrey, Addison@CCDA; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Munch,

Aimee@Fiscal; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Messamore, Alan_VN@FISCAL; Smith, Alanna@CDA; Jeung,

Alice@CDFA; Ross, Alicia@Fiscal; Griffin, Alisha@DCSS; Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Evans,

Amanda@CDA; '[email protected]'; Viduya, Amber@DSH; Chung, Amy@DGS; Ladine,

Amy@CJP; Lussier, Amy@SNC; Norris, Amy@Fiscal; '[email protected]'; Surve, Anand@Fiscal; Rivera,

Andre@Fiscal; Collada, Andrew@DTSC; '[email protected]'; Jemmott, Angela@CCDA; Chang,

Ann@Fiscal; Pozdyn, Anna@BCSH; Ampania, Anthony@FISCAL; Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; Severns,

Anise@CDPR; Breth, Ashley@DSH; Stebbins, Alice@ARB; Wanger, Al@Coastal; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Gargiulo, Azadeh@CDCR; Gomez, Barney (EITS)@DHCS; Lindstrom,

Belinda@OAL; Poh, Ben@HSR; Montie, Benjamin@Fiscal; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO; [email protected];

'[email protected]'; Marquez, Barbara@OPA; Hushing Kline, Bob(ASH)@DSH; Nunes, Brandon

(CDPH-EXEC-DIR); Price, Brandon(CSH)@DSH; Roberts, Brandon@HSR; '[email protected]';

Fleming, Brenda@BOE; Fitzgerald, Brian@Parks; '[email protected]'; Horel, Caleb@EDD; Kistler,

Carleen@DSS; '[email protected]'; D'Elia, Carole@LHC; McTaggart, Cassandra@DMHC; Mundy,

Cathy@Parks; Baker, Christine@DIR; '[email protected]'; Beach, Chris@FTB; Burgess, Chris@DTSC;

Tjiu, Christin@Fiscal; '[email protected]'; Reyes, Christine@DGS;

'[email protected]'; Paulsen, Clark@DOT; Haas, Clayton@DOC; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Moore-Hudnall, Casandra@SCO; Connor, Colin@SLC; Trujillo, Tanya@crb;

'[email protected]'; CSD FISCAL@CSD; Harris, Christopher@CRB; Silva-Martin, Chila@cirm;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Reagan, Dan@Wildlife; Smiley, Dan@EMSA;

Porter, Dana@DGS; Bean, Daniel@Fiscal; Kim, Daniel@DGS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; O'Toole, Dave@HCD; Azevedo, David@ARB; Cornejo, Dave@POST; Goldsmith,

David@CHP; McNeill, David@BHC; Orcutt, David@Fiscal; Williams, David (HCS)@CDCR; Bortolazzo,

Dawne@CCC; Chehak, David@SCO; Mckee, Deborah@DOT; Cornez, Debra@OAL; Jacob, Debra@FISCAL;

'[email protected]'; Swanigan, DeLesa@DFEH; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; Folks, Dennalee@DSH; Boughton, Derek@HSR;

Schmolke, Devonne@Fiscal; Gray, Dewi@Wildlife; Patel, Dipen@HSR; Fiscal DIT; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Mejia, Dora (CoveredCA); '[email protected]'; Sale, Douglas@CWDB;

DSH FiSCal; Sinnett, Daniel@DIR; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-FMB); Cornell, Elizabeth@SCO;

'[email protected]'; Park, Eddie(MSH)@DSH; Chang, Edie@ARB; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; DeGeorge, Elsie@HSR; Jarvis, Eric@EPA; Sperbeck, Erika (DHCS-EXEC-DIR);

'[email protected]'; Balanay, Erna@DGS; Louie, Eugene@DGS; Garner, Evonne@BSCC;

'[email protected]'; Carney, Fehlan@HSR; OSI FI$CalProject; FISCAL@CDA; '[email protected]';

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 27: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Gardens, Forrest@Parks; Del Valle, Francis@Parks; Mejia, Frank@FISCAL;

Shill, Frank@HCD; Topete, Fred@DBO; Rogin, Gabriel@SCDD; '[email protected]'; Arstein-Kerslake,

Gary@CalRecycle; Bush, Gary@CALPIA; Lee, Gary@DGS; Davis, George@California African American

Museum; Edwards, Greg@DIR; Okamoto, George@DTSC; Clift, Gerald@CDCR;

'[email protected]'; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Lolas, George@SCO; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Lucas,

Greg@CSL; Williams, Greg@EDD; Moffat, Gretchen@ABC; Shiroma, Genevieve@ALRB; Bell,

Heather@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Carriker, Helen@Parks; Nguyen, Hoa@DGS;

'[email protected]'; Briggs, Irene@DCSS; Wei, Irene@Victims; Brown, Jaana (CDPH-ADM-FMB);

'[email protected]'; Matalka, Jamey@HSR; Little, Jamie@Waterboards; Bergman, Jane(VPP)@DSH;

'[email protected]'; Barentson, Janet@CALFIRE; Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA;

'[email protected]'; Wimbley, Jason@CSD; '[email protected]'; Sturges, Jay@Labor;

'[email protected]'; Barbosa, J. Antonio@ALRB; John Borasi; '[email protected]'; Johnson,

Jean@DDS; Fenton, Jeannine@CDA; Carosone, Jeff@Fiscal; Henneke, Jenifer@gov; Herford, Jenna

(ADM)@DHCS; Burnett, Jennifer E@DOT; Chavez, Jennifer@DBO; Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; Maguire,

Jennifer@Fiscal; Morris, Jennifer@DFEH; Osborn, Jennifer@GovOps; O'Connell, Jill@EDD;

'[email protected]'; Caselli, Jim@Fiscal; Kammerer, Jim@OSI; Lombard, Jim (CoveredCA);

Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Karpiak, Jim@Coachella Conservancy;

'[email protected]'; Zhou, Joann@DGS; O'Connor, Jessica@SSJDC;

'[email protected]'; Souders, Joel@Fiscal; Avila, John@Fiscal; Gustason, John@Fiscal; Hiber,

John@HCD; Laird, John@CNRA; Russell, John@Waterboards; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB; Center,

Jonathan@EDD; Morgan, Joshua@Wildlife; Richards, Julia@San Diego River Conservancy; Harris,

Juanita@DFEH; Morita-Joe, Judy@DOC; Cross, Julia; Findley, Julia@BOE; Bianucci, Julie@FISCAL;

Solomon, Julie@DBO; '[email protected]'; Lee, Juney S@DOR; Smith, Justin@DGS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Jett, Karamel@DCA;

Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Louie-Tom, Karen@DWR; Morrow, Kari@CDFA;

'[email protected]'; Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Mohseni, Khalil@BSCC; Kolenga,

Katrina@CSSSA; McCormick, Keely@FISCAL; Finley, Kellie@DGS; Lehn, Ken@DOC; Baena,

Kevin@CalVet; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; Prior, Kevin@Tahoe; '[email protected]'; Fong,

Kimberly@HSR; Connell, Kira@Fiscal; '[email protected]'; Petelle, Kim@STO;

'[email protected]'; Rodrigues, Kristine@ALRB; Jones, Lori@Colorado RB; Hedblad,

Lance@DTSC; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Sober, Laura@DCA; Quintero,

Lauren@MHSOAC; '[email protected]'; Sapnaro, Leanne@HCD; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD; Barmby,

Leslie@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Hon, Loressa@FPPC; Moore, Libby (Elizabeth)@Wildlife;

Myers, Lilly (CoveredCA); Daveler, Linda@CDCR; Maxwell, Linda@DCSS; Wilson, Lindy K@DOT; Gallegos,

Lisa@Wildlife; Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Ortega, Lisa@HSR; Primeaux, Lisa@SNC; Silva,

Lisa@CIO; Page, Livia@DeltaCouncil; Pazdral, [email protected]; Peralta, Lizabeth@DSH;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hullum, Lois@CSD; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Stout, Linne@CSD; Saephanh, Lu@CDPR; Alonzo-Diaz, Lupe@DSH; Hui,

Lydia@DGS; '[email protected]'; Young, Lynda@SNC; Cach, Lynn@SCDD; Taylor,

Lynne@DOC; Freitag, Lynnette@Victims; Barger, Mae@Victims; Aguayo, MarryAnn@PERB; Acob,

Marcelo@DSH; Esquivel, Marco@FTB; Moon, Marcy(PSH)@DSH; Chew, Margaret@Coastal; Paman,

Maria@OSI; Cantwell, Mari (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Warren, Marianne@Energy; Beckley, Mark@DCSS; Lamb,

Mark@CIO; '[email protected]'; Lewis, Marlon@Fiscal; '[email protected]';

Thomson, Mary@Fiscal; Ye, Mary@DGS; Nobbe, Mary@PERS; Schueller, Matt@OSI; Schuller,

Matt@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Cuellar, Monica@SCO; Ghomeshi, Mehdi@Fiscal;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 28: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; [email protected]; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Banuelos, Michael@FTB; Boll, Michael@Wildlife; Miyao,

Michael@GovOps; Dobbins, Michelle@FISCAL; Jesperson, Michelle@Coastal; Leach, Michelle; Moody,

Michelle@FTB; '[email protected]'; Sanchez, Michelle@DeltaCouncil; Salazar, Miguel@OSI;

French, Mike@OSI; Gyurics, Mike@OEHHA; Burnett, Miles@DGS; Ingenito, Miriam@Fiscal;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Chen, Nan@DCSS; Kirshner-Rodriguez, Nancy@CCSWG; Ward, Nancy@CalOES;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS; Arora,

Navin@Fiscal; Chauhan, Neeraj@Fiscal; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD; Chang, Nicholas@DGS; Delgado,

Nicole@CIO; '[email protected]'; Pate, Norma@MHSOAC; Saldivar, Nickolas@ALRB;

'[email protected]'; Tu, Oanh@ARB; '[email protected]'; Ceccarelli, Pam@DWR;

'[email protected]'; Wu, Pamela@Coastal; Leary, Pat@DSS; Kemp, Patrick@CNRA; Butler,

Paula@CDA; Burkholder, P@CALSTRS; Cervinka, Pete@DSS; Marquez, Patricia@California Science

Center; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sliney, Patty@CHP; McClelland, Rachel@Fiscal;

Deems, Randall@ABC; '[email protected]'; Chow, Ray@DSS; Metz, Rebecca@CHP;

'[email protected]'; Alexander, Renée@DGS; '[email protected]'; Basarich,

Rhonda@DGS; '[email protected]'; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Trussell, Rick@EMSA; Pearson,

Rita@DMHC; '[email protected]'; Cook, Rob@Energy; Hager, Rob@Fiscal; Nelson, Robert@OTS;

Murphy, Robin@Fiscal; '[email protected]'; Anderson, Roger@Fiscal; Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS;

Cristia, Roma@BOPC; Cortez, Ronald@Fiscal; '[email protected]'; Hanks, Rose@Fiscal;

Saligumba, Roberta@California African American Museum; Serrano, Regine@SCC; Fong, Russell@HSR;

Schutte, Russell@DOR; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Stillwell,

Sara@CalOES; Castro, Shelly@SCO; '[email protected]'; Vogel, Scott@EDD; Williamson,

Sean@SCC; Dahbour, Yassar@FISCAL; Alameda, Cynthia@Wildlife; Featherstone, Laura@Wildlife;

Silverman, Lisa@DGS; Watanabe, Michael@DGS; Chang, Fee@DGS; '[email protected]'; Harrigan,

William@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

Fitzpatrick, Sandra@CCOA; Chaudhry, Shanda@Fiscal; Hansch, Susan@Coastal; Finn, Sharleen@CSL;

Zamora, Sharon(SPP)@DSH; '[email protected]'; Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL;

'[email protected]'; Gastinell, Sherri@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Ramudo,

Shirley@CIO; Skei, Rorie@SMMC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

[email protected]; Herrera, Sonia@CHHS; Rouillard, Shelley@DMHC; Duvane,

Stacey@OSI; Guidry, Stacy@Fiscal; Meza, Stacy@FISCAL; Chambers, Stephanie@DGS; Adams,

Stephen@Wildlife; Britcher, Stephen@FISCAL; Johnson, Steve@Fiscal; '[email protected]'; Chan,

Steven@Fiscal; Mupparaju, Subbarao@Fiscal; Hansen, Susan@Fiscal; Sudmann, Susan@FISCAL; Villa,

Susan@OEHHA; Walker, Suzanne@Fiscal; Allred, Tad@EDD; Adamek, Tamma@Fiscal;

'[email protected]'; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-ITSD); Kendricks, Tanya@Waterboards; OLariscy,

Taura@DSS; Kim, Teresa@DOT; Terrie.Tatosian; Tatosian, Terrie@FISCAL;

'[email protected]'; Correale, Theresa@DOR; Carter, Thomas@BSCC; Lutzenberger,

Thomas@CALFIRE; Henderson, Tiffany@Fiscal; Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; Kreisher, Tim@Fiscal; Reese,

Timothy@Fiscal; Daley, Tina@BCSH; Watson, Tina@DOR; '[email protected]'; Jerue, Todd@DOF;

'[email protected]'; Corcoran, Tonya@DCA; Mudge, Trey@Fiscal; Strayhand, Trysh@OTS;

Zhan, TsingMabel@DTSC; Yowell, Tom@SCO; '[email protected]'; Roberts, Valinda@Victims;

'[email protected]'; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; Garcia, Vianey@Labor; Key, Vickie@CNRA; Tran,

Vu@DDS; Voss, Wendy@CHRB; Padilla, Will@FISCAL; Howell, William@FISCAL; '[email protected]';

Reyes, Yesenia@FISCAL

Subject: June 2017 FI$Cal Focus Newsletter Now Available

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 29: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Good afternoon,

To: FISCAL CMO; Carruthers, Aaron@DSS; '[email protected]'; Zettel, Adam@OEHHA;

'[email protected]'; Dow, Amber@CDCR; Cooper, Amy@OSI; Lussier, Amy@SNC; Lasso,

Ana@OEPM; Pechal, Andra@CalVet; '[email protected]'; Jemmott, Angela@CCDA; Salas,

Angela (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Shell, Angela M@DOT; Severns, Anise@CDPR; Pozdyn, Anna@BCSH; Alig,

Antonette@FISCAL; Sakazaki, Arlene@CDCR; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Lindstrom, Belinda@OAL; Steinert, Ben@CalHR; Jackson, Beth@Wildlife;

Page, Beverly@CSD; [email protected]; Christian, Bill@FTB; '[email protected]'; Cash,

Bryan@CNRA; Parr, Cathy@HCD; Crossley, Chris@SCC; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Soares, Christina (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Alire, Christine (CDPH-ADM-PSB);

'[email protected]'; Haas, Clayton@DOC; Connor, Colin@SLC; Harris, Christopher@CRB;

Sneed, Chris@STO; Solich, Chris@STO; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hosmann,

Danelle@Parks; Cornejo, Dave@POST; O'Toole, Dave@HCD; McNeill, David@BHC; Saika, David@DMV;

DiBartolo, Dawn@DSH; Ford, Dawn; Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; '[email protected]'; Pearce,

Deborah@DSS; Cornez, Debra@OAL; Kustic, Debra@SSJDC; Swanigan, DeLesa@DFEH;

'[email protected]'; Boughton, Derek@HSR; Donahue, Desa@DTSC; Fong, Devin@CDCR; Kearney,

Dave@DWR; Takahashi, Dorothy@DeltaCouncil; '[email protected]'; Scholte, Ed@DTSC;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Caples, Elizabeth@Wildlife; Vierra, Elizabeth@CSL;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Marxen, Eileen@STO;

'[email protected]'; Vink, Erik@DPC; Almanza, Esteban@ABC Appeals;

'[email protected]'; Aziz, Faisal@DSS; Bernal, Bflorence@LTG; Topete, Fred@DBO; Cronan,

Gabriel@DOT; Arstein-Kerslake, Gary@CalRecycle; '[email protected]'; Davis, George@California

African American Museum; Wallace, Glenn@CDA; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Briggs, Irene@DCSS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Wimberly, Jeanna@DOF;

'[email protected]'; Fenton, Jeannine@CDA; Henneke, Jenifer@gov; Henneke, Jenifer@gov;

Crow, Jennifer@CDFA; Herrera, Jennifer@CIO; Maguire, Jennifer@Fiscal; Osborn, Jennifer@GovOps;

Ruth, Jenny@POST; O'Connor, Jessica@SSJDC; Kammerer, Jim@OSI; Karpiak, Jim@Coachella

Conservancy; '[email protected]'; Muscan, Jacob@CGCC; Ngo, Jacquelyn@CHP;

'[email protected]'; Donnelly, John@Wildlife; Painting, John@BSCC; Russell, John@Waterboards;

Richards, Julia@San Diego River Conservancy; Harris, Juanita@DFEH; Solomon, Julie@DBO; Morrow,

Kari@CDFA; Shaw, Katonya@DCSS; Kolenga, Katrina@CSSSA; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Dorning, Kelley (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; '[email protected]';

Ketsdever, Ken@CDA; Nicholas, Kendra@Victims; Garcia, Kerry@CALFIRE; Johantgen, Katrina@STO;

Matsuo, Kevin@cde; Prior, Kevin@Tahoe; Simpson, Kristal@Parks; Tuttle, Kristy@DMHC;

'[email protected]'; Sober, Laura@DCA; '[email protected]'; Hon, Loressa@FPPC;

'[email protected]'; Keeler, Lisa; Page, Livia@DeltaCouncil; Pazdral, [email protected];

'[email protected]'; Lozoya, Louise@DOT; '[email protected]'; Aguayo, MarryAnn@PERB;

'[email protected]'; Duek, Marisa@Labor; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Paulo, Marlon@CIO; Stevenson, Martin@DWR; '[email protected]';

Campbell, Mark@STO; '[email protected]'; Keller, Mel@Tahoe; Meeks, Melanie@EDD;

[email protected]; Ware, Elizabeth@DWR; '[email protected]'; Banuelos, Michael@FTB;

Haupt, Michael@CCC; Miyao, Michael@GovOps; Burnett, Miles@DGS; '[email protected]';

Medigovich, Mitchell@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Martinez, Michael@CSL;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 30: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; Shiroma, Matthew@DIR; Stanley, Mark@San Gabriel RMC; Villanueva,

Marcella@CCOA; Delta Council bsfteam; Hicks, Nicole@DSH; '[email protected]'; Biggins, Pam@ARB;

Robison, Pam@DDS; Wu, Pamela@Coastal; Pashnee, John@OSPD; Gamoning, Patricia@CHP; Bates,

Patrick (ADM-PSB)@DHCS; Samuel, Patti@DDS; Nelson, Pattye@ABC; '[email protected]'; Minas,

Phil@Parks; Bajwa, PJ@DFEH; Marquez, Patricia@California Science Center; '[email protected]';

Deems, Randall@ABC; '[email protected]'; Hidalgo, Ricci@CSSSA; Vanderzanden, Richard@HSR;

Trussell, Rick@EMSA; Cook, Rob@Energy; Nelson, Robert@OTS; Dolan, Robin@Waterboards; Sears,

Rogene@DSH; Cristia, Roma@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Saligumba, Roberta@California

African American Museum; Serrano, Regine@SCC; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Pressley, Ryan@DOC; Wyatt, Samantha@CDPR;

Murray, Sandra@CalVet; Burgess, Susan@SCO; '[email protected]'; Davidson, Scott@CDCR; Vice,

Scott@CSD; Hammer, Sean@CSD; Fitzpatrick, Sandra@CCOA; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Huber, Sheri@EDD; Dumas, Simone@DOR; '[email protected]'; Reyes,

Stefanie@BSCC; Bonta, Steve@Energy; Fong, Steve@OEHHA; Grogan, Steve@ARB; Del Rio,

Steven@DCA; Hansch, Susan@Coastal; '[email protected]'; Montagne, Susan; Villa,

Susan@OEHHA; '[email protected]'; Epps, Tamiko@DOC; Gonzales, Teresa@DMHC; Smith,

Terry@DeltaCouncil; Carter, Thomas@BSCC; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Burkhart, Timothy@CSL; Daley, Tina@BCSH; Watson, Tina@DOR;

'[email protected]'; Frederickson, Toni@CALFIRE; Williams, Tyrone@Wildlife; Termini,

Valerie@FGC; '[email protected]'; Goins, Vicki@CDCR; Key, Vickie@CNRA; Voss, Wendy@CHRB; Ortega,

Yolanda@SCC; Olson, Yvonne@FTB; '[email protected]'; Williams, Chenee@BCDC;

'[email protected]'; Almanza, Esteban@ABC Appeals; Moffat, Gretchen@ABC; Carosone,

Jeff@Fiscal; Morris, Jennifer@DFEH; Harris, Juanita@DFEH; Kolenga, Katrina@CSSSA; Rodrigues,

Kristine@ALRB; Chavez-Cardona, Liliana@ABC Appeals; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL;

'[email protected]'; Gyurics, Mike@OEHHA; Deems, Randall@ABC; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Hansen, Susan@Fiscal; Villa, Susan@OEHHA; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; Smith,

Alanna@CDA; Evans, Amanda@CDA; Poh, Ben@HSR; Roberts, Brandon@HSR; '[email protected]';

Burgess, Chris@DTSC; Boughton, Derek@HSR; Patel, Dipen@HSR; Fiscal DIT; DeGeorge, Elsie@HSR;

Carney, Fehlan@HSR; FISCAL@CDA; Arstein-Kerslake, Gary@CalRecycle; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Wei,

Irene@Victims; Matalka, Jamey@HSR; '[email protected]'; Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA;

Tran, Jimmy@FISCAL; Jett, Karamel@DCA; Finley, Kellie@DGS; Fong, Kimberly@HSR; Petelle, Kim@STO;

Hedblad, Lance@DTSC; Sober, Laura@DCA; '[email protected]'; Ortega, Lisa@HSR; Freitag,

Lynnette@Victims; Barger, Mae@Victims; Paman, Maria@OSI; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; Delgado,

Nicole@CIO; Butler, Paula@CDA; Finn, Sharleen@CSL; Tobias-Daniel, Shela@FISCAL;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Henderson, Tiffany@Fiscal; Zhan,

TsingMabel@DTSC; Roberts, Valinda@Victims; Harrigan, William@FISCAL; Dahbour, Yassar@FISCAL;

Balanay, Erna@DGS; Basarich, Rhonda@DGS; Chambers, Stephanie@DGS; Chung, Amy@DGS; Hui,

Lydia@DGS; Louie, Eugene@DGS; Nguyen, Hoa@DGS; Porter, Dana@DGS; Smith, Justin@DGS; Ye,

Mary@DGS; Reyes, Christine@DGS; Harris, Christopher@CRB; Shiles, Denise@Fiscal; Finley, Kellie@DGS;

Jones, Lori@Colorado RB; Saephanh, Lu@CDPR; McKinney, Melissa@FISCAL; Chang, Nicholas@DGS;

Marquez, Patricia@California Science Center; '[email protected]'; Hanks, Rose@Fiscal; Saligumba,

Roberta@California African American Museum; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA;

Chang, Fee@DGS; '[email protected]'; Jeung, Alice@CDFA; '[email protected]'; Fitzgerald,

Brian@Parks; '[email protected]'; CSD FISCAL@CSD; Cornejo, Dave@POST; McNeill, David@BHC;

Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; Gray, Dewi@Wildlife; '[email protected]'; Del Valle, Francis@Parks;

'[email protected]'; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; '[email protected]'; Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA;

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 31: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; Karpiak, Jim@Coachella Conservancy; Morgan, Joshua@Wildlife; Morita-Joe,

Judy@DOC; Cross, Julia; Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Morrow, Kari@CDFA;

'[email protected]'; Mohseni, Khalil@BSCC; Lehn, Ken@DOC;

'[email protected]'; Sober, Laura@DCA; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD; Moore, Libby

(Elizabeth)@Wildlife; Maxwell, Linda@DCSS; Hullum, Lois@CSD; '[email protected]'; Taylor,

Lynne@DOC; Aguayo, MarryAnn@PERB; Chew, Margaret@Coastal; Warren, Marianne@Energy;

[email protected]; Boll, Michael@Wildlife; Jesperson, Michelle@Coastal; Leach, Michelle;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Chen, Nan@DCSS; '[email protected]';

Wu, Pamela@Coastal; Pearson, Rita@DMHC; Cook, Rob@Energy; Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS; Serrano,

Regine@SCC; Williamson, Sean@SCC; Alameda, Cynthia@Wildlife; Watanabe, Michael@DGS; Hanks,

Rose@Fiscal; Fitzgerald, Brian@Parks; Del Valle, Francis@Parks; Carter, Thomas@BSCC; Voss,

Wendy@CHRB; Basarich, Rhonda@DGS; Hui, Lydia@DGS; Porter, Dana@DGS; Zhou, Joann@DGS; Lum,

Alan (CDPH-ADM); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Viduya, Amber@DSH;

Ladine, Amy@CJP; '[email protected]'; Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; Breth, Ashley@DSH; Stebbins,

Alice@ARB; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO; '[email protected]'; Horel, Caleb@EDD; Kistler,

Carleen@DSS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; O'Toole, Dave@HCD; Azevedo,

David@ARB; Goldsmith, David@CHP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Shiles,

Denise@Fiscal; Sale, Douglas@CWDB; DSH FiSCal; Sinnett, Daniel@DIR; Cissna, Duane R. (CDPH-ADM-

FMB); Jarvis, Eric@EPA; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Shill, Frank@HCD; Topete,

Fred@DBO; Edwards, Greg@DIR; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Bell, Heather@Waterboards; Brown, Jaana

(CDPH-ADM-FMB); Little, Jamie@Waterboards; Sturges, Jay@Labor; John Borasi; '[email protected]';

Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS; '[email protected]'; Laird, John@CNRA; Kosiewicz, Jon@FTB;

Center, Jonathan@EDD; Solomon, Julie@DBO; '[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-

PSBPH); Dann, Kayla (CDPH-PSBPH); Baena, Kevin@CalVet; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA;

'[email protected]'; Cardarelli, Laura@DBO; Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Sapnaro, Leanne@HCD;

Myers, Lilly (CoveredCA); Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Cach, Lynn@SCDD; Acob, Marcelo@DSH;

Paman, Maria@OSI; Moody, Michelle@FTB; '[email protected]'; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS;

Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD; Tu, Oanh@ARB; Kemp, Patrick@CNRA; Sliney, Patty@CHP; Chow, Ray@DSS;

Metz, Rebecca@CHP; '[email protected]'; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Nelson, Robert@OTS;

'[email protected]'; Cristia, Roma@BOPC; Schutte, Russell@DOR;

'[email protected]'; Stillwell, Sara@CalOES; Vogel, Scott@EDD; Dahbour,

Yassar@FISCAL; '[email protected]'; Metz, Rebecca@CHP; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Herrera, Sonia@CHHS; '[email protected]'; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-

ITSD); Kendricks, Tanya@Waterboards; OLariscy, Taura@DSS; '[email protected]';

Lutzenberger, Thomas@CALFIRE; Gonsalves, Tim@DDS; Watson, Tina@DOR; Strayhand, Trysh@OTS;

Garcia, Vianey@Labor; Key, Vickie@CNRA; Tran, Vu@DDS; [email protected]; Gargiulo,

Azadeh@CDCR; Paulsen, Clark@DOT; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Bush,

Gary@CALPIA; Clift, Gerald@CDCR; Burnett, Jennifer E@DOT; Louie-Tom, Karen@DWR;

'[email protected]'; Wilson, Lindy K@DOT; Silva, Lisa@CIO; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Delgado,

Nicole@CIO; Ceccarelli, Pam@DWR; '[email protected]'; Burkholder, P@CALSTRS;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ramudo, Shirley@CIO; Kim, Teresa@DOT;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Nobbe, Mary@PERS; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 32: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Burkholder, P@CALSTRS; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; [email protected];

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'

Subject: For Your Information - Planned FI$Cal and Cal eProcure Outage – Impact to CSCR


Dear Department Liaison, Department Procurement and Contracting Officer (PCO) and

Department Purchasing Authority Contact (PAC):


Cc: Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); '[email protected]'; Garfinkle,

Allen@BOPC; '[email protected]'; Ladine, Amy@CJP; '[email protected]';

Biscocho, Armel T@DOR; Stebbins, Alice@ARB; Moser, Benjamin@CHP; Barnhart, Betsy@DBO;

[email protected]; Honey, Bernie@DIR; '[email protected]'; Horel, Caleb@EDD;

'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Goldsmith, David@CHP; DSH FiSCal; Sinnett,

Daniel@DIR; '[email protected]'; Jarvis, Eric@EPA; '[email protected]'; Shill, Frank@HCD;

Topete, Fred@DBO; Edwards, Greg@DIR; Koch, Grace@CalOES; Budmark, Jack@HCD; Pavicevic,

Jasna@FTB; Sturges, Jay@Labor; John Borasi; '[email protected]'; Herford, Jenna (ADM)@DHCS;

Wallenius, Jessica@CalVet; Bryce, John@SOS; Center, Jonathan@EDD; Cross, Julia;

'[email protected]'; Collette, Kaileena (CDPH-ADM-PSBPH); Newman, Kathleen (CoveredCA); Baena,

Kevin@CalVet; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; '[email protected]'; Jacobson, Laura@EDD; Sapnaro,

Leanne@HCD; Myers, Lilly (CoveredCA); Lassetter, Lisa (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; '[email protected]';

Cach, Lynn@SCDD; Acob, Marcelo@DSH; Paman, Maria@OSI; '[email protected]'; Chung,

Merita; Leach, Michelle; O'Bryan, Megan@DIR; Mitchell, Nathaniel@CHHS; Mohamed, Nesrudin@HCD;

Sliney, Patty@CHP; Stolz, Rick@CalOES; Reyes, Rita@DBO; '[email protected]'; Cristia,

Roma@BOPC; Schutte, Russell@DOR; '[email protected]'; Vogel, Scott@EDD; Menzel,

Shelly (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Herrera, Sonia@CHHS; '[email protected]'; Burns, Tanya (DHCS-

ITSD); OLariscy, Taura@DSS; Watson, Tina@DOR; Johnson, Todd (EXEC-DIR)@DHCS; Garcia,

Vianey@Labor; Tran, Vu@DDS; Dahbour, Yassar@FISCAL ** Deleted 8/2/2017

Subject: For Your Information – Recommended Course Topics for Super Users Attending Configuration

Working Sessions

Dear 2018 Release Department Super User,

To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Gamper, Kevin@CNRA; Paman, Maria@OSI; Magleo,

Aaron@DCA; Nwandu, Abigaela@Wildlife; Forster, Arlene@Parks; Lopez, Aglaee@DMHC; Abbas,

Ahmad@DCSS; '[email protected]'; Pineda, Alexander@SCC; Jeung, Alice@CDFA; Gomez,

Alicia@DOC; Holmes, Alicia@Energy; '[email protected]'; Griffin, Alisha@DCSS;

'[email protected]'; McDermott, Amanda L@Wildlife; Mayo, Amanda@DCSS; Wu,

Amanda@DCSS; Bains, Amar@Parks; Gorsche, Amber@DCA; Kuan, Amber@Wildlife; Schaffner,

Amber@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; An Phan; Ruiz, Anabel@Waterboards; Felsenstein,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 33: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Andrew@Parks; Ramsey, Angel@Waterboards; Chen, Angela@CalOES; Smith, Angela@CalOES; Do,

Anh@DMHC; Safonova, Anna@Wildlife; Allen, Anne@DCSS; '[email protected]'; Caraway,

Annette@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Gupta-Jain, Ansuya@Energy; Goins,

Anthony@CalOES; LaChapelle, Anthony@Waterboards; Teresi, Anthony@Parks; Esmael, Antonio@BSCC;

Singh, Ashmika@SCC; Wanger, Al@Coastal; Tsenddorj, Bayar-Undral@DCA; '[email protected]';

Arias, Beatrice@CCC; Moore, Becky@CDFA; Watson, Bernice@CalOES; Jackson, Beth@Wildlife; Glaholt,

Bill@CHRB; Qiu, Binh@Energy; Christian, Bonnie@Parks; Syverson, Brenda@CCC; Fitzgerald,

Brian@Parks; Gonzales, Brian@CDFA; Lacey, Brian@DOC; Salazar, Brian@Wildlife; Landry,

Carly@CalOES; Ford, Carrie@CalOES; McTaggart, Cassandra@DMHC; Lockwood, Cathie@CalOES; Mundy,

Cathy@Parks; Say, Chana@CalOES; Rice, Charlene@DCA; '[email protected]'; Young,

Chuck@POST; Rollings, Chase@Parks; '[email protected]'; Thomas, Cheryl@Waterboards; Almazan,

Chris; '[email protected]'; Reno, Chris@Parks; Tonkin, Christian; Bento, Christina@DCSS;

Saetern, Christina@Wildlife; '[email protected]'; Westendorf, Christina@DCA; Gordon,

Christine@Waterboards; Uhrik, Christine@Waterboards; '[email protected]';

Rendall, Christopher@DMHC; Little, Christy@CCC; Chen, Cindy C@DCA; '[email protected]'; Fung,

Cindy@DOF; Luo, Cindy@CCC; Haas, Clayton@DOC; '[email protected]'; Lenz, Cheryl@SAC; Mabalot,

Cleofe@DCA; Duran, Connie@CCC; Hernandez, Corena@CalOES; Dickman, Corey@Waterboards;

'[email protected]'; Hill, Crista; Ochoa, Cristina@Waterboards; Crossley, Chris@SCC; Leininger,

Crystal@Wildlife; CSD FISCAL@CSD; Luckey, Curtis@DCA; Le, Cynthia@CDFA; Rust, Cynthia@DCA;

Smith, Cynthia@DCSS; Cabrera, Daizy@CalOES; Reagan, Dan@Wildlife; Hosmann, Danelle@Parks;

Lautaret, Daniel@CalOES; Schott, Daniel@Wildlife; Knaus, Danielle@Waterboards; Engler, Darla@POST;

Barraza, David@Parks; Ceccarelli, David@Waterboards; Cornejo, Dave@POST; Jones,

David@Waterboards; McNeill, David@BHC; Noronha, David; Ford, Dawn; Johnson, Dawn@DCA;

Bortolazzo, Dawne@CCC; Soohoo, Dean@DCA; Hobbs, Debbie@Wildlife; Shaw, Debi@CalOES; Ahrens,

Debra@CCC; Latour, Debra@Waterboards; Mahoney, DeeAnn@DCA; Williams, Demetri@Parks; Walker,

Denise@Waterboards; Gray, Dewi@Wildlife; '[email protected]'; Agustin, Diosdado(Dio)@Wildlife;

'[email protected]'; Weber, Donna@CDFA; Wilson, Doug@Waterboards; Watkins, Diane@SAC; Ng,

Edwin@Wildlife; Shen, Elaine@Wildlife; Caples, Elizabeth@Wildlife; Garcia, Elizabeth@Parks; Ordorica,

Emily@Wildlife; Cheung, Eric; McEntee, Eric@DMHC; Pratt, Erik@DCA; Rodea, Erika@CCC; Sperbeck,

Erika; Corpuz, Erlinda@SCC; Martinez, Ernesto@BSCC; Bermudez, Esmeralda@Parks; Galindo,

Esther@Parks; '[email protected]'; Garner, Evonne@BSCC; Yam, Edith@SCC;

Khan, Farida@Waterboards; Liou, Fei@CalOES; Mccowan, Felicia@CalOES; Saechao, Fey@Wildlife;

OSHPD FisCal; Gardens, Forrest@Parks; Del Valle, Francis@Parks; Stone, Frieda@Parks; Liao,

Fumei@DCA; Gabourel, Gabriela@Wildlife; White, Gail@DCA; Rogers, Gale@CCC; Domingo,

Gemma@CalOES; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lobo, Gerry@DCA; Buan,

Geyzel M A@CCC; Buccieri-Harrington, Gina@CalOES; Leal, Gina@DMHC; Williams, Gina@DCA; Hertz,

Ginger@Coastal; King, Ginni@CalOES; Medrano, Glenn@CDFA; Ha, Golden @CalOES; Koch,

Grace@CalOES; Lau, Grace@Parks; Dhanda, Harvinder@Waterboards; Miranda, Hazel@DOF; Bell,

Heather@Waterboards; Harrison, Heidi; Carriker, Helen@Parks; Shand, Holly@Wildlife; Tram,

Huy@CalOES; Chapman, Imelda@Parks; Briggs, Irene@DCSS; Contreras, Irene@DCA; Lamar,

Isomia@Waterboards; Solorzano, Ivonne@CalOES; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Little, Jamie@Waterboards; Mahmood, Jamil@SCC; Clemons,

Janice@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Shintaku-Enkoji, Janice@DCA; Wallin, Janis@DCA;

'[email protected]'; Newsome, Jarrod@Parks; Singh, Jashneel@CalOES; Wimbley, Jason@CSD;

'[email protected]'; Liu, Jean (Fang)@Wildlife; Kimbrough, Jeannette@CCC; Tyler, Jeannette@CalOES;

Felisilda, Jeniffer@DOF; Ortiz, Jenna@CCC; Casho, Jennifer@DOC; Clark, Jennifer@DMHC; Crow,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 34: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Jennifer@CDFA; '[email protected]'; Mora, Jennifer@DOF; Reed-Aguayo, Jennifer@CCC;

Rice, Jennifer@DCA; Russo, Jennifer@Waterboards; Ruth, Jenny@POST; Lee, Jerome@Energy; Chan,

Jessica@Coastal; Girardot, Jessica@Wildlife; Evans, Juanita@Coastal; Li, Jie Ying@Coastal; Lin,

Jing@Wildlife; Karpiak, Jim@Coachella Conservancy; Carreon, JohnP@MI; '[email protected]';

Russell, John@Waterboards; Jimenez, Jose@CCC; Morgan, Joshua@Wildlife; Ziese,

Joshua@Waterboards; Kay, Joylene@DCA; Luo, Juan@Wildlife; Morita-Joe, Judy@DOC; Cross, Julia;

Reyes, Julie@CCC; Kirksey, Juliet @CalOES; '[email protected]'; Amey, Kala@DCA; Khatra,

Kam@DCA; Franco, Karen@Wildlife; Freemyers, Karen@DCSS; Morrow, Kari@CDFA;

'[email protected]'; Berreth, Kathy@DCA; Chilimidos-Packard, Kathy@CalOES; Shively,

Katie@CalOES; Mohseni, Khalil@BSCC; Carranza, Kathryn@Parks; Cook-Galicinao, Kelley@Parks;

'[email protected]'; Irvin, Kelli@CCC; '[email protected]'; Valine,

Kelly@Waterboards; Lehn, Ken@DOC; Lee, Kendall@DCA; '[email protected]'; Yang,

Kevin@CalOES; Godfrey, Kerrie@Coachella Conservancy; Combs, Kimber@Parks;

'[email protected]'; Fong, Kimberly@CCC; '[email protected]'; Plaza, Kris@CalOES;

Rhodewalt, Kris@CalOES; Baer, Kristin@Waterboards; Tuttle, Kristy@DMHC; Vyas, Krutika@DCSS;

Bryant, Kurt@Parks; Fletcher, Lana@Energy; Reese, Lance@Waterboards; Satter, Larry@DOF; Sober,

Laura@DCA; '[email protected]'; Guastella, Leilani@DCA; Maestretti, Leisa@CSD; Tran, Len@CDFA;

Moore, Libby (Elizabeth)@Wildlife; Gutierrez, Lila@Parks; Rios, Lily@SCC; Jones, Linda@CCC; Maxwell,

Linda@DCSS; Sabella, Linda@POST; Stott, Linda@Parks; Tucker, Linda@Energy; Tran, Linh@Wildlife;

'[email protected]'; Bays, Lisa@Wildlife; Bowman, Lisa@CalOES; Byrd, Lisa@CDFA; Chi,

Lisa@CalOES; Gallegos, Lisa@Wildlife; Keeler, Lisa; Labrado, Lisa@Waterboards; Leese, Lisa@CCC;

Pedlar, Lisa@POST; Ryan, Liz@Energy; '[email protected]'; Hullum, Lois@CSD; '[email protected]';

Moore, Lori@DCA; Vaughan, Lori@Waterboards; Cha, Lou@Parks; '[email protected]';

Howard, Lucy@Waterboards; Espinoza, Lupe@Wildlife; Mercado, Luz@CCC; Reynolds, Lydia@Wildlife;

Onyango, Lynette@CalOES; Edison, Lynne@OSHPD; Taylor, Lynne@DOC; Johnston, Mae@CalOES; Kaur,

Mandeep@DCA; Patterson, Mandy@CDFA; Chew, Margaret@Coastal; ChiuWang, Margaret@CalOES;

Farinias, Margaret@CCC; Naguit, Maria@DCA; Warren, Marianne@Energy; Yi, Mariko@DCA; Sancho,

Marissa@SCC; Nuval, Marita@SCC; Macrae, Mark@CalOES; Ehresman, Marlene@CalOES;

'[email protected]'; Schick, Marlene@CCC; Boswell, Martine@Wildlife; Hung, Mary@Energy;

Wiseman, Mary@CCC; Woo, Mary@DCA; Joseph, Matthew@DCA; Smith, Maurice@CalOES; Asghari,

Maurine@CalOES; Greaves, Mauryn; Schultz, Mechelle; [email protected]; Peacock,

Melinda@Wildlife; Ngo, Melinh@CalOES; Glau, Melissa@DOC; Kibbee, Melissa@CCC; Mechill,

Melissa@Parks; Chung, Merita; Ali Sastra, Mery@CalOES; Saechao, Meuy@DCA; Boll, Michael@Wildlife;

Cen, Michael@DMHC; Haupt, Michael@CCC; Poe, Michael@Energy; '[email protected]';

Smith, Michael@DCA; Chen, Michele@CDFA; '[email protected]'; Michele Nowakowski;

Brown, Michelle@CalOES; Chen, Michelle@CalOES; Jesperson, Michelle@Coastal; Leach, Michelle; Taylor,

Michelle@Waterboards; Hull, Mieka@CCC; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';

'[email protected]'; Flowers, Monica@OSHPD; Saputra, Monika@CalOES; Palomar,

Martin@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Au, Mui@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Chen,

Nan@DCSS; Renke, Nancy@OSHPD; Ward, Nancy@CalOES; Villanueva, Natalie@OSHPD; Sabbaghian,

Negin@CalOES; Gutierrez, Nichole@Wildlife; '[email protected]'; Nelson, Nicole@Wildlife;

Whitten, Nicole@CCC; Fung, Norma@Parks; Krueger, Nova@DCA; Omphua, Owen@Coastal; Hauschild,

Pam@DCA; Watkins, Pam@DCA; Lim, Pamela@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Wu,

Pamela@Coastal; Kwong, Pansy@DOF; Sahota, Pardeep@Parks; Pinkham, Patti@Parks; Miles,

Paul@CCC; '[email protected]'; Ung, Phi@DCA; Campbell, Phillip@OSHPD; Luong, Phung@CalOES;

Tupa'i, Potoa'e@DCA; Hairston, Priscilla@CalOES; LaFlam, Rachael@DCSS; Rectenwald,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 35: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

Rachael@Energy; Bingham, Rachel@Waterboards; Grant-Kiley, Rachel@Energy; Indvik,

Randy@Waterboards; Ayer, Ravi@OSHPD; Garibaldi, Rebecca@Wildlife; Laoyan, Renee@Wildlife; Tantoy,

Renee@CalOES; King, Rhonda@CalOES; Pea, Richard@DCA; Reyes, Richard@Wildlife; Stolz,

Rick@CalOES; Kryuchkov, Rimma@Wildlife; Pearson, Rita@DMHC; '[email protected]'; Cook,

Rob@Energy; Yoachum, Robert@DCSS; Adam, Robin@OSHPD; Dolan, Robin@Waterboards; Ruiz,

Rodolfo@SCC; Desrosiers, Roger@DCSS; Williams, Ron@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Nguyen,

Rose@CalOES; '[email protected]'; Serrano, Regine@SCC; Shintani, Ruby@DMHC; Suarez,

Ruben@Parks; Kaur, Rubindar@DMHC; '[email protected]'; Hernandez, Russell@Waterboards;

Pressley, Ryan@DOC; Blank, Sabrina@DMHC; Fong, Sam@CalOES; Wong, Sammy@Parks; Haslett,

Sandi@CCC; Raymos, Sandra@Energy; Calderon, Sara@DCA; Stillwell, Sara@CalOES; Chandavong,

Savyvanh@Wildlife; Collier, Scott@Coastal; Hart, Scott@Parks; Wallace, Scott@CalOES; Williamson,

Sean@SCC; Alameda, Cynthia@Wildlife; Featherstone, Laura@Wildlife; Chan, Chace@DGS; Silverman,

Lisa@DGS; Watanabe, Michael@DGS; Felseghi, Paula@DGS; Singh, Seema@DCA; Potter,

Selica@Waterboards; McKillop, Shane@CalOES; Similai, Shannon@Waterboards; Hansch,

Susan@Coastal; Liu, Shaoxia@DCA; Sen, Sheenam@Waterboards; Mauleon, Shemar@SCC; Myers,

Sherry@DCA; Hancock, Sherryl@Energy; Willis, Sheryl@Parks; '[email protected]'; Banales,

Sonia@CalOES; Moua, Sornmayura@DCA; Basques, Steven@Wildlife; Del Rio, Steven@DCA;

'[email protected]'; Pellascio, Sue@CCC; Asmus, Susan@CCC; '[email protected]';

Meade, Susan@CalOES; Montoya, Susan@Waterboards; '[email protected]'; Epps,

Tamiko@DOC; '[email protected]'; Nguyen, Tammy@Coastal; Kendricks,

Tanya@Waterboards; Peterson, Tanya@Waterboards; Van, Tara@Waterboards; Yakshina,

Tatyana@Energy; Schick, Taylor@DCA; Jones, Tenille@DCA; Keller, Teresa@POST; Pino,

Teresa@Energy; Gonzales, Teresa@DMHC; '[email protected]'; Hoig, Todd@cccco; Carter,

Thomas@BSCC; '[email protected]'; Glandt, Thomas@Wildlife; Monas, Thomas@Wildlife;

Dang, Thuy@CalOES; Dui, Tiffany@OSHPD; Carr-Lovato, Tim@DCSS; Montrose, Tim@Waterboards;

Moore, Tina@CCC; Ramirez, Tina@DOC; Futassa, Tirunesh@Waterboards; Tagawa, Tommy@DCA;

Hogan, Tonia@DCA; Straw, Tony@Wildlife; Bagwill, Tonya@CalOES; Trinh, Tran@Parks; Beam,

Trisha@CDFA; Dawson, Troy@CalOES; Williams, Tyrone@Wildlife; Chung-Ng, Veronica@DOF; Camp,

Vicki@Waterboards; Gutierrez, Victor@CCC; Ultra, Victoria@CCC; Lin, Vincent@CalOES;

Wei.Tong@CalOES; Chen, WenChen@Wildlife; Bright, Wendy@DCSS; Westerman, Wendy@Waterboards;

Voss, Wendy@CHRB; Xu, Wenyi@CDFA; Chan, Wilson@Parks; '[email protected]'; Neverov,

Yelena@OSHPD; Ortega, Yolanda@SCC; Hahn, Yoon@CCC; Adams, Yvonne@DCA; Her,

Zia@Waterboards; Razawi, Zia@CCC

Subject: For Your Action - Complete Task TECH742: Submit Conversion Files for Dry Run Conversion

Activities, Due May 4, 2017

Dear 2017 Release Department Liaisons, Business Liaisons, Project Managers,

Technical Liaisons, Procurement Super Users and Accounting Super Users,

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.

Page 36: Test edits - California · 2017-09-29 · Test edits To: FISCAL CMO; Christopher, Adriana@CNRA; Lum, Alan (CDPH-ADM); Jimenez, Alfonso (CDPH-ADM- PSBPH); Garfinkle, Allen@BOPC; 'Amanda.Esquivias@CalSTA.ca.gov

This file was generated using an evaluation version of Muhimbi'sDocument Converter. Visit www.muhimbi.com for more information.