Fanny Martel DIRECTRICE ARTISTIQUE [email protected] STUDIO JERIKO 99 RUE DE JAVEL 75015 PARIS +33 6 58 88 71 71 CHEF DE PROJET [email protected] STUDIO JERIKO 99 RUE DE JAVEL 75015 PARIS +33 6 58 88 71 71 Charlotte Le Quellec STRATÉGIE MARKETING [email protected] STUDIO JERIKO 99 RUE DE JAVEL 75015 PARIS +33 6 58 88 71 71 SAUVER CELLE DES AUTRES C’EST FAIRE RECULER LA PANDÉMIE C’EST SAUVER SA PEAU Antidote C e message vous es t a dress é par le collectif THE H1N1 FLU "Wash your hands several time a day. Cover your mouth and your nose when you cough or sneeze. If you feel the least symptom, contact your doctor. If you are sick, wear a mask. Healthy people, avoid contact with sick people..." (Here are a few sanitary messages from the governe- ment during the H1N1 flu period) We notice a real fear from healthy people towards unhealthy people. Who is contaminated ? who is not ? To see the limits, we dealt with this psychosis by amplifying it. We resumed World War 2 history : de- nunciation ; with the slogan : « to fail is to save», we encouraged people to denounce someone with the least symptom. The action took place on a market, where people know each other . « H1N1 flu won’t come to you even if your neighbour throught it. If he sneezes, coughs, complains about any pain... denounce him, whitout hesitation ! » : an extract from what you can read on the flyer we dealt there ; on it was a website address with our real ma- nifesto : « we stand against a politics which contents itself with technical and childish measures to fight the risks of flu pandemic. We act practically to im- pede paranoiac reactions provoked by this overdose of advice which is useful as well as ridiculous. Our ambition is to encourage citizens to a mutual aran- gement of the crisis.» ........................................................................................................ posters, flyers and website TOOTHPASTE Smoking regulations are changing the way we smoke. Sugar, fats, cigarettes and alcohol have become our enemies. Since the appearance of behavioral cam- paigns, a new authority has had great influence on all levels in our lives. The hygienist speech is inciting to a behavioral ideal. Which has two consequences : a demonization of unhealthy behaviors as well as a modification in habits and the substitution of an individual choice for the norm, also a cultural life for a biological one. The campaigns reject an essential point in the defi- nition of health: the well-being of the mind. If we do care about five fruit and vegetables a day, without alcohol or /and cigarettes, how could we possibly enjoy it ? That's why we would like to use toothpaste as an in- terface. Toothpaste is an intimate product, to clean the teeth and give a good breath, getting rid of si- gns of wine, food and tobacco consumption. So we express the promise : Using toothpaste allows peo- ple to feel free to consume tobacco, alcohol, savory and sweet food, by treating appearances such as bad breath and stains. Through a humdrum object, consumers have access to a way of cheating on the world. This is the 4th year diploma subject developed by three students with complementary profiles and me. Here is a part of our work : the dissertation. Next step will be a toothpaste campaign. .......................................................................................................... square back, 176 pages, silkscreen print front and back cover. ArtsAttack! présente WWW.NORDIK.ORG WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NORDIKIMPAKT ArtsAttack! pré- WWW.NORDIK.ORG WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NORDIKIMPAKT 10 ÈME RENCONTRE DES CULTURES ÉLECTRONIQUES ArtsAttack! pré- WWW.NORDIK.ORG WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NORDIKIMPAKT 10 ÈME RENCONTRE DES CULTURES ÉLECTRONIQUES WWW.NORDIK.ORG WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NORDIKIMPAKT ArtsAttack! présente WWW.NORDIK.ORG WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NORDIKIMPAKT VENDREDI 16 NOVEMBRE CHRISTIAN FENNESZ MUSIQUE ET IMAGE MUSÉE DES BEAUXARTS / 21H00 / GRATUIT THE DAY BEFORE : HOCUS POCUS, ZENZILE, BUNNY RABBIT... LE CARGÖ / 21H00 / GRATUIT ABONNÉS CARGÖ / 13 €* / 15 €* / 17 €* OU NÖRDIK PASS SAMEDI 17 NOVEMBRE AXEL TASSEL CONCERT FOYER DUTHÉÂTRE DE CAEN/ 17H00 / GRATUIT SOIRÉE DE CLÔTURE PARCEXPOS CAEN/ 21H00 > 09H00 / 19 €* / 23 €* / 30 €* OUNÖRDIK PASS 3 DANCEFLOORS / 1 JARDIN / VISUELS, DÉCO, INSTALLATIONS MARDI 13 NOVEMBRE RAVER 2.0 DOCUMENTAIRE FORUMFNAC/ 18H00 / GRATUIT COSMIK CONNECTION CONCERT CAFÉ CÔTÉ COUR / 21H00 / GRATUIT SOIRÉE JULIEN TEMPLE IMAGE CINÉMALUX/ 20H00 / 7,50 € / 5 € OUNÖRDIK PASS MERCREDI 14 NOVEMBRE SOUND MIRRORS IMAGE MAISONDE LÉTUDIANT / 18H00 / GRATUIT REQUIEM EX MACHINA OPÉRAÉLECTRONIQUE CRÉATIONNÖRDIK IMPAKT - LE CARGÖ LE CARGÖ / 21H00 / 10 €* / 12 €* / 14 €* OUNÖRDIK PASS JEUDI 15 NOVEMBRE HAKO : HOME CONCEPT N°8 PERFORMANCE ÉGLISE DUVIEUXST SAUVEUR / 18H00 / GRATUIT MAION & WENN RENCONTRE FORUMFNAC/ 18H00 / GRATUIT KWAL VS EZRA SLAMVS BEAT BOX PUZZLE / 21H00 / 6 €* / 8 €* / 10 €* OUNÖRDIK PASS BORÉALES DIGITALES MUSIQUE ET IMAGE LE CARGÖ / 21H00 / GRATUIT BEFORE BARS CONCERT / GRATUIT 4/40 MERCREDI 14 NOVEMBRE SOUND MIRRORS 2006 a vu le retour si attendu du duo Coldcut, véritable et authentique groupe audiovi- suel, quasi-inventeur du Vjing (et du logiciel Vjam) et auteur d’un album qui fait autorité de- puis 1988. Coldcut revient donc avec Sound Mirrors, aux accents moins surprenants que jadis mais à nouveau accompagné d’une série de vidéos (une par chanson) dignes de leur répu- tation. Parmi les douze clips qui forment cet ensemble, on trouve de nombreux styles : du graphic design, de la culture VJ, de la 3D, de l’animation traditionnelle et même une poignante fiction. Et un petit chef-d’oeuvre avec la chanson titre, aux images aussi raffinées que la mélodie.. LUNAKHOD Après avoir commencé par filmer les répéts et concerts des Sex Pistols, Julien Temple voue sa carrière de réalisateur à la musique. Après un mythique premier film « la grande escroquerie du Rock’n’Roll » et une biographie atypique des Sex Pistols saluée par la critique : « l’obscénité et la fureur », il nous livre ici deux monuments du cinéma musical à travers un fabuleux portrait de Joe Strummer et une plongée au coeur de Glastonbury, le plus grand festi- val de rock au monde. CINéMALUX MARDI 13 NOVEMBRE2007 | 20H00 TARIFS 7,50/5 € OUTARIFS HABITUELS OU MARDI 13 NOVEMBRE SOIRÉE JULIEN TEMPLE GLASTONBURY JOE STRUMMER : THE FUTURE IS UNWRITTEN GLASTONBURY Genre : Documentaire. 2h18 (USA, Angleterre). 2007. Avec : Björk, David Bowie, Billy Bragg, James Brown,... En 1970, Michael Eavis, un jeune fermier, ouvre sa ferme de 150 hectares à 1 500 personnes. Toutes ont payé la modique somme d’une livre pour assister aux concerts proposés, durant deux jours, par une poignée de stars folk et pop. C’est ainsi que naît le Festival de Glastonbury (au sud-ouest de l’Angleterre). Au fil du temps, le Festival de Glastonbury s’imposera comme l’événement incontournable des fans de rock. Glastonbury fait habilement la chronique de JOE STRUMMER : THE FU- TURE IS UNWRITTEN Genre : documentaire, 2h03, (Gb/ Irl). 2007. avec Joe Strummer, Bono En tant que leader du groupe punk The Clash à partir de 1977, Joe Strummer a profon- dément marqué l’existence de ses contemporains. Cinq ans après sa mort, cette influence perdure à travers le monde entier. Joe Strummer : The Future is Unwritten est un por- trait sans complaisance de Joe Strummer, décrit non seulement comme musicien et légende du rock, mais aussi comme un véritable LES FILMS COURTS (Durée 50 mn) True Skool (Clay Lipsky) 3‘34 Just For The Kick (Smuggling Peanuts) 4‘06 Walk A Mile In My Shoes (Clay Lipsky) 3‘16 Mr Nichols (Andreas Riiser) 5‘57 A Whistle & A Prayer (Woof Wan-Bau) 4’04 Everything Is Under Control (Oscar Wright) 3’49 Aid Dealer (Ocean Monsters) 4’18 This Island Earth (Joel Trussell) 4’23 Colours The Soul (Dianne Harris) 4’08 Sound Mirrors (Up The Resolution) 5’55 The State We’re In(Ne-O) 3’30 MDE CAMPUS 1 - 02 31 56 60 50 18H00 / GRATUIT Oscillant entre nappes atmos- phérique et rythmiques et rythmiques industrielles, les Lunakhod vous invitent à les sui- vre dans des contrées étranges et sombres. Vidéos narratives et engagées, larsens contrôlés, col- lages audio et sons électro font corps pour créer un univers musical MDECAMPUS 1 - 02 31 56 60 50 20H00 / GRATUIT 13/40 10/40 Nordik impakt is an electronic music festival in Caen which went into partnership by another event about the Nordic arts called «Northern Hemisphere», which takes place at the same time . So, during one week, all the town revolves around the Nordic culture. For my 2nd year diploma, I created a communication campaign for this electronic music festival. The concept consisted in enabling people to play with stereotypes about Nordic people : Scandinavians are all blonde, tall and naked, to people ignorant of this culture. ................................................................................................................ visual identity, poster, 4x3, flyers, programme... NÖRDIK IMPAKT FEW PICS STUDIO JERIKO For our diploma, we had to create a fake communi- cation agency to resolve our issue in real conditions : it’s called Studio jeriko. It’s a promoting and designing agency, sensitive to social attitudes. It matters for each member to be aware of the different consumption modes, neuro- ses, desires, needs or addictions. Causticity, nonconformism, ambition and pugnacity are the values we share. Motivated by a desire for transgression, our work aims at jostling communi- cation standards. Actually, we propose a creative approach to marketing issues. ....................................................................................................... naming, visual identity PRESSE CITRON Presse Citron is an annual presscartoon contest for students and professionals. For the 17th edition, in teams of two, we had to crea- te its communication with one constraint : to use real presscartoons without harming artist’s rights. Our project about the role of presscartoons in the press was chosen. ......................................................................................................... poster, invitation card, bag, communication card concerning last year’s current news, for example : - «my husband is an honest man» quotation from Jac- ques Chirac’s wife. - «to be French is to eat salami in a 2cv and sing the Marseillaise» a joke about the current National Iden- tity Debate. publication about Estienne College’s cultural week whose topic was fantasy. In a team, I dealt with the concept, the 3 booklet co- vers (wordplay : transition from «mots dits» which means «words said» to «maudit» which means «blas- ted»), and a few layout pages. ......................................................................................................... 3 booklets saddle stitched, within a plastic folder LES MOTS DITS (words said) Communication for an event called "spectacular" which show during two days short extracts of activities to take place in Paris over the year such as opera, thea- ter, music, dance... ................................................................................................................ visual identity and poster SPECTACULAR MEN AND WOMEN "MEN AND WOMEN" was the chaumont festival contest subject in 2008. My work was about tranves- tite. .......................................................................................................... poster HAVE A LOOK

Fanny Martel's portfolio

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Here is my portfolio, please feel free to contact me !

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[email protected]

STUDIO JERIKO99 RUE DE JAVEL 75015 PARIS+33 6 58 88 71 71


[email protected]

STUDIO JERIKO99 RUE DE JAVEL 75015 PARIS+33 6 58 88 71 71


[email protected]

STUDIO JERIKO99 RUE DE JAVEL 75015 PARIS+33 6 58 88 71 71




Ant idoteC e m e s s a g e v o u s e s tadressé par le co l lect i f




Ant idoteC e m e s s a g e v o u s e s tadressé par le co l lect i f

THE H1N1 FLU"Wash your hands several time a day.

Cover your mouth and your nose when you cough

or sneeze.

If you feel the least symptom, contact your doctor.

If you are sick, wear a mask.

Healthy people, avoid contact with sick people..."

(Here are a few sanitary messages from the governe-

ment during the H1N1 flu period)

We notice a real fear from healthy people towards

unhealthy people. Who is contaminated ? who is not

? To see the limits, we dealt with this psychosis by

amplifying it. We resumed World War 2 history : de-

nunciation ; with the slogan : « to fail is to save», we

encouraged people to denounce someone with the

least symptom. The action took place on a market,

where people know each other .

« H1N1 flu won’t come to you even if your neighbour

throught it. If he sneezes, coughs, complains about

any pain... denounce him, whitout hesitation ! » : an

extract from what you can read on the flyer we dealt

there ; on it was a website address with our real ma-

nifesto : « we stand against a politics which contents

itself with technical and childish measures to fight

the risks of flu pandemic. We act practically to im-

pede paranoiac reactions provoked by this overdose

of advice which is useful as well as ridiculous. Our

ambition is to encourage citizens to a mutual aran-

gement of the crisis.»


posters, flyers and website


Smoking regulations are changing the way we smoke.

Sugar, fats, cigarettes and alcohol have become our

enemies. Since the appearance of behavioral cam-

paigns, a new authority has had great influence on

all levels in our lives.

The hygienist speech is inciting to a behavioral ideal.

Which has two consequences : a demonization of

unhealthy behaviors as well as a modification in

habits and the substitution of an individual choice

for the norm, also a cultural life for a biological one.

The campaigns reject an essential point in the defi-

nition of health: the well-being of the mind. If we do

care about five fruit and vegetables a day, without

alcohol or /and cigarettes, how could we possibly

enjoy it ?

That's why we would like to use toothpaste as an in-

terface. Toothpaste is an intimate product, to clean

the teeth and give a good breath, getting rid of si-

gns of wine, food and tobacco consumption. So we

express the promise : Using toothpaste allows peo-

ple to feel free to consume tobacco, alcohol, savory

and sweet food, by treating appearances such as

bad breath and stains. Through a humdrum object,

consumers have access to a way of cheating on the


This is the 4th year diploma subject developed by

three students with complementary profiles and


Here is a part of our work : the dissertation.

Next step will be a toothpaste campaign.


square back, 176 pages, silkscreen print front and

back cover.

ArtsAttack! présente



ArtsAttack! pré-




ArtsAttack! pré-






ArtsAttack! présente

www.nordik.org www.myspace.com/nordikimpakt


CHRISTIAN FENNESZ musique et image

musée des beaux arts / 21h00 / gratuit

THE DAY BEFORE : hocus pocus, ZenZiLe, bunny rabbit...Le cargÖ / 21h00 / gratuit abonnés cargÖ / 13 €* / 15 €* / 17

€* ou nÖrdik pass



foyer du théâtre de caen / 17h00 / gratuit

SOIRÉE DE CLÔTUREparc expos caen / 21h00 > 09h00 / 19 €* / 23 €* / 30 €*

ou nÖrdik pass

3 dancefLoors / 1 jardin / visueLs, déco, instaLLations


RAVER 2.0 documentaire

forum fnac / 18h00 / gratuit


café côté cour / 21h00 / gratuit


cinéma Lux / 20h00 / 7,50 € / 5 € ou nÖrdik pass



maison de L’étudiant / 18h00 / gratuit

REQUIEM EX MACHINA opéra éLectronique

création nÖrdik impakt - Le cargÖ

Le cargÖ / 21h00 / 10 €* / 12 €* / 14 €* ou NÖRDIK PASS


HAKO : HOME CONCEPT N°8 performance

égLise du vieux st sauveur / 18h00 / gratuit

MAION & WENN rencontre

forum fnac / 18h00 / gratuit

KWAL VS EZRA sLam vs beat box

puZZLe / 21h00 / 6 €* / 8 €* / 10 €* ou nÖrdik pass

BORÉALES DIGITALES musique et image

Le cargÖ / 21h00 / gratuit

BEFORE BARS concert / gratuit




2006 a vu le retour si attendu du duo Coldcut, véritable et authentique groupe audiovi-suel, quasi-inventeur du Vjing (et du logiciel Vjam) et auteur d’un album qui fait autorité de-puis 1988. Coldcut revient donc avec Sound Mirrors, aux accents moins surprenants que jadis mais à nouveau accompagné d’une série de vidéos (une par chanson) dignes de leur répu-tation. Parmi les douze clips qui forment cet ensemble, on trouve de nombreux styles : du graphic design, de la culture VJ, de la 3D, de l’animation traditionnelle et même une poignante fiction. Et un petit chef-d’oeuvre avec la chanson titre, aux images aussi raffinées que la mélodie..


Après avoir commencé par filmer les répéts et concerts des Sex Pistols, Julien Temple voue sa carrière de réalisateur à la musique. Après un mythique premier film « la grande escroquerie du Rock’n’Roll » et une biographie atypique des Sex Pistols saluée par la critique : « l’obscénité et la fureur », il nous livre ici deux monuments du cinéma musical à travers un fabuleux portrait de Joe Strummer et une plongée au coeur de Glastonbury, le plus grand festi-val de rock au monde.

Cinéma LUX

mardi 13 novembre 2007 | 20H00

Tarifs 7,50/5 € oU Tarifs HabiTUeLs oU





Glastonbury Genre : Documentaire. 2h18 (USA, Angleterre). 2007. Avec : Björk, David Bowie, Billy Bragg, James Brown,...

En 1970, Michael Eavis, un jeune fermier, ouvre sa ferme de 150 hectares à 1 500 personnes. Toutes ont payé la modique somme d’une livre pour assister aux concerts proposés, durant deux jours, par une poignée de stars folk et pop. C’est ainsi que naît le Festival de Glastonbury (au sud-ouest de l’Angleterre). Au fil du temps, le Festival de Glastonbury s’imposera comme l’événement incontournable des fans de rock. Glastonbury fait habilement la chronique de

Joe strummer : the fu-ture is unwritten Genre : documentaire, 2h03, (Gb/ Irl). 2007. avec Joe Strummer, Bono

En tant que leader du groupe punk The Clash à partir de 1977, Joe Strummer a profon-dément marqué l’existence de ses contemporains. Cinq ans après sa mort, cette influence perdure à travers le monde entier. Joe Strummer : The Future is Unwritten est un por-trait sans complaisance de Joe Strummer, décrit non seulement comme musicien et légende du rock, mais aussi comme un véritable

LES FILMS COURTS (Durée 50 mn)

True Skool (Clay Lipsky) 3‘34 Just For The Kick (Smuggling Peanuts) 4‘06 Walk A Mile In My Shoes (Clay Lipsky) 3‘16 Mr Nichols (Andreas Riiser) 5‘57 A Whistle & A Prayer (Woof Wan-Bau) 4’04 Everything Is Under Control (Oscar Wright) 3’49

Aid Dealer (Ocean Monsters) 4’18 T h i s I s l a n d E a r t h ( J o e l Trussell) 4’23 Colours The Soul (Dianne Harris) 4’08 S o u n d M i r r o r s ( U p T h e Resolution) 5’55 The State We’re In (Ne-O) 3’30

mde campus 1 - 02 31 56 60 5018h00 / gratuit

Oscillant entre nappes atmos-phérique et rythmiques et rythmiques industrielles, les Lunakhod vous invitent à les sui-vre dans des contrées étranges et sombres. Vidéos narratives et engagées, larsens contrôlés, col-lages audio et sons électro font corps pour créer un univers musical

mde CampUs 1 - 02 31 56 60 50

20H00 / graTUiT


Nordik impakt is an electronic music festival in Caen

which went into partnership by another event about

the Nordic arts called «Northern Hemisphere», which

takes place at the same time . So, during one week, all

the town revolves around the Nordic culture.

For my 2nd year diploma, I created a communication

campaign for this electronic music festival. The concept

consisted in enabling people to play with stereotypes

about Nordic people : Scandinavians are all blonde, tall

and naked, to people ignorant of this culture.


visual identity, poster, 4x3, flyers, programme...




For our diploma, we had to create a fake communi-

cation agency to resolve our issue in real conditions

: it’s called Studio jeriko.

It’s a promoting and designing agency, sensitive to

social attitudes. It matters for each member to be

aware of the different consumption modes, neuro-

ses, desires, needs or addictions.

Causticity, nonconformism, ambition and pugnacity

are the values we share. Motivated by a desire for

transgression, our work aims at jostling communi-

cation standards. Actually, we propose a creative

approach to marketing issues.


naming, visual identity

C : 20M : 100 J : 99 N : 11




a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , ; : ? !

C : 90M : 4 J : 100 N : 0




a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , ; : ? !


Presse Citron is an annual presscartoon contest for

students and professionals.

For the 17th edition, in teams of two, we had to crea-

te its communication with one constraint : to use real

presscartoons without harming artist’s rights.

Our project about the role of presscartoons in the

press was chosen.


poster, invitation card, bag, communication card

concerning last year’s current news, for example :

- «my husband is an honest man» quotation from Jac-

ques Chirac’s wife.

- «to be French is to eat salami in a 2cv and sing the

Marseillaise» a joke about the current National Iden-

tity Debate.

publication about Estienne College’s cultural week

whose topic was fantasy.

In a team, I dealt with the concept, the 3 booklet co-

vers (wordplay : transition from «mots dits» which

means «words said» to «maudit» which means «blas-

ted»), and a few layout pages.


3 booklets saddle stitched, within a plastic folder

LES MOTS DITS (words said)

Communication for an event called "spectacular" which

show during two days short extracts of activities to

take place in Paris over the year such as opera, thea-

ter, music, dance...


visual identity and poster



"MEN AND WOMEN" was the chaumont festival

contest subject in 2008. My work was about tranves-


